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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1958)
Community Nevs Items 14 Tho Newi-Rtview, Roseburg, Ore. Sat., May 17, 1958 Clcndale School Board Okays Tractor Purchase By MRS. G. B. FOX : (.lend a If Matonir Cemetery will b Three Cub Scout dens, sponsored ; May 26, 27 and 28 from 6 p en. un- liu thm Dr...K.'tMn. ' til Hark Travh nlarwH alnnc the an Church, recently presented the ' mam roam Deiore mesa aaies wiu"" ",u :., ...u iuiin,j Fmuis Clcndale Scouts Receive Awards, Present Program Mr. and Mrs. George Largey of ' C. O. Penwell of Spokane, credit Portland visited bera last weekend supervisor of the Diana Craig with friends and relatives., stores, was in Roseburg this week kA , . on company business. ,.i r . aiia mil, is. . . vnmmtn Mr. and Mrs. La Roy Jacobs and children, l.arry and Kobert. of Grants Pass, spent last weekend here visiting friends and relatives. h'l,irnA .liihntnn fltAnrial fhv n-iiiilH nrnvirie HrainaSfl In M.r. iJ?;JV!!j?u'''.?y'n0l l librarian, gave' a report at tow Creek for the high school orth Bend spent Sunday in Rose-... ,.ij.., c.u i . hm Minn area. i. id uiniuaic .jv mnii ..Mai u 1 1 1 r 1 1 ing on how the library has been I North Bend spent burg visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Annie Peterson. blinding area. Superintendent Marlen YodVr built up, its uses. 'and the various reported on the increased cost of fallowing awards. be picked up. Duane Morns, Bobcat rank; Glendale Job's Daughters, Beth Phillip Dollar, two silver arrows, lei 28, will hold a public installa one gold arrow for additional work I Hon of officers at tha Masonic tem heyond the rank of bear, and Don I pie Saturday evening, May 24. Troxel received his bear rank. I I-ouis Prevost of Azalea was Two dens presented skits. Mrs. ! taken to the forest ijien Hospital of this city, were recent business the .Mothers weekend in Eugene as Jean Yoder's den used material rom the diary of David Douglas, for whom Douglas County and Douglas fir are named. The diary was written between 1820 and 1830. The den led by Mrs. fclst gave a skit on "Smokey The Bear." Members of each den presented their molhrs with flowers in honor of Mother's Day. Miss Ardith My ers' den made miniature window boxes of flowers for their mothers; Mrs. Yoder's Eroup made a hang ing basket of flowers for the moth ers of its members, and boys in Mrs. Elst'i den made flower pots. Plcnie Planned The next pack meeting will be held the first Monday in June and will probably be held as a picnio in the park, using a circus day theme. More den mothers are badly needed for the large groups of boys who would like to become mem bers but for whom there is no room in present dens. Any mother interested may contact members of the Olivet Church lor further in formation. Cemetery Clean-Up Set Cemetery clean-up days at the in Canyonville this week following an accident at the Schmidt-Crews Mill near Azalea in which he cut off the big toe of his right foot. Prevost was carrying some ga'ng saws when the accident occurred. Mrs. Betty Brady of Azalea spent several days in Portland recently getting a medical check-up. Mrs. Bob Harris of Glendale en tered the Forest Glen Hospital in canyonville this week for diagnos tic studies. Mrs. Forest Piel and son of Ho- quiam. Wash., and her sister. Miss Jeannette Myers, also of Hoquiam spent a week visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Klwood Myers in Glendale. Merlin Church Pastor Attends Eugene Meeting Rev. and Mrs. Gerlad Fox of Glendale, representing the com- unity Baptist Church at Merlin, under the American Baptist Con vention, attended the day session of Baptist ministers at Lugene this week. Rev. Tom , Harmonson of the Glendale Southern Baptist Church and two of his members, Willis Cohb and Maurico McDowell, at tended the evening meeting connec ted wilh the convention, at which Dr. Robert G. Lee of Memphis, Tenn., gave his, "Pay Day Some Day," aerinon. Representatives of six different Raptist groups, attended the meet ings, which are preparatory to a simultaneous five - year evange listic emphasis among all the groups, culminating in 19i4, the ITiOth anniversary of the organiza tion of the first national Baptist organization. Rev. Leltoy Fraser of the Amer ican Baptist Church of Grants Pass was one of several speakers on a panel on evangelism during the morning session. Dr. R. K. Milam, executive serrelary of the Soulh- ern Oregon Baptist Convention was moderator for the meeting. Some 900 persons were reported to have attended the public eve ning meeting, reports Airs. G. B. rox., correspondent. Air Force Boosts Air Speed Record To 1404.19 MPH LOS ANGELES IA". The Air Force boosted the world air speed record for a measured course to 1404.19 miles per hour Friday, top ping the previous mark by more limn l in. p h. Capt. Walter Wayne Irwin. 34, of Hamilton Air Force Base, I Jlif., nade the dash in a lxck heed F1U4A Ktarfighter at about 40.000 feet over Edwards Ai r force Base, Calif. The former record of 1,2078 m.-.h. was set last Dec. 12 over Edwards Air Force Base by FHMA Voodoo fighter-bomber. rnnay s llmlit was made at ap proximately 8 a.m. and announced a few hours laler at a news con ference here by Gen. Thomas 1) While, Air Force chief of stalf. lie called It quite a fantastic ipeed for an in-scrvire aircraft." The uncle-jet F14A that at tained tlie new speed is the same type of plane whn-h nine days ago snatclii l llii' world altitude reeori: back lrom K. anee for the I nited Slates. II lilt SI .2 19 fret. Jiaj. nowarn L. John-on. M. op erations omcer of the 8Jrd right rr Interceptor Squadron at Ham ilton A HI. tlcw a Starfighler to that hojght, tupping a French mark of 80,190 feet set live days earlier ay mora man two miles. Military research planes have flown faster at extreme altitudes but not under the restricted con ditions nf an offinal record at tempt. The Bell A2 was reported ly flown 1,900 in. p h. at 7.000 feet alter being launched Inun a moth er plane. , On one practice run Thursday Irwin excei'ded 1,500 miles per hour, he said, but it was not certi fied because of technical difficulties. Glendale PTA Officers Plan New Activities New officers of the Glendale PTA held their first executive meeting at the high school this week. Mrs. Joan Mehl, the new president, presided. The group discussed the possi bility of holding a dinner for teach ers on Labor Day to be followed by a public reception. ' They also discussed the possibili ty of having a school fair in April at which time work done bv var- ous departments of the school and 4-11 clubs would be displayed. Other projects or special interest meetings discussed were: A Foun der's Day Tea in February; re port from the Girls' and Boys' State representatives at the Sep tember meeting and a back to school night for parents in Octo ber. The group also considered the possibility of sponsoring Girl Scout work in Glendale next year. 1 he president announced the ap pointment of the following mem bers as department chairmen or committee members: Hospitality chairman, Mrs. ina Lee Densley, high school, and Airs. Eve Ball. grade school: religious, Mrs. Doll Taylor; health, Mrs. Betty Vaughn publicity. Mrs. Jean Yoder; mag azine, Mrs. Charlene Burke; mem bership, Mrs. Velma Edson. ways and means committee. Mrs. Esther Kafer, Mrs. Berneice Cleveland, and Mrs, Mary Allen; budget, Mrs. Anne Bartle, Mrs. Irene Furlong, Wayne Close, and Rodney Swanson, reports corres ondent Mrs. G. B. Fox. visitors here. Mrs. Lucy Savage of Eugene has arrived to spend a week visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Bridges, on rowier street. Mrs. Emma Albin has gone to Portland to spend the summer, aft er making her home during the winter in Roseburg with her daugh ter, Mrs. Bruce Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ralston of Portland will be spending this com ing weekend here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Niel sen, and daughter, Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fingerlot spent last weekend in Albany where they were the houseguests of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fin gerlos. Mrs. O. E. Amundsen, Roseburg Camp Fire executive director, re turned home Monday night fol lowing a trip to Klamath Falls by plane to attend the American Camping Assn. annual meeting. the guest of her son, Ken Siprelle, who is a student at Iniversity of Oregon. Mrs. Fred Hamilton, who under went major surgery at Mercy Hus pital this week, is reported to be getting along satisfactorily. 1 types of reading material and au dio-visual aids included. student insurance, and the board instructed him to inquire as to the where the parents, pay the first small amount of medical care. Mrs. D e n a I d Stapleron and daughter, l.ynne. and son. Eric, are all ill of the mumps at their I The board approved the purchase home. of a second hand trattor for use. in school ground maintenance v u: ., v .1- u : -i- - u ;. -., .. :. . Ll uj D ...i. 1 , -., ... .. .. . . , , . i .am.r nirN i mri. iwrrnvm twm ui urn i ". " w alliums mainly ior me puuing oi a mower. r d , .i ... Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Christenten ' the guest of her daughter. Miss the weekend in Eugene attending ! ! Duane Payne, or Alsea, was and sons, Jeff and Brad, of this i Kennette. at the University of Ore- J the University of Oregon Mothers Athletic plan Proposed hired to serve as mathametics and city spent Wednesday alternoon in ; gon for the Mothers weekend fes-1 weekend festivities as the guest of; Lawrence Gibson gave a propos-j driver ti 'aining tecner na to art Eugene attending to business. uvitiei. her son, Brian, who is a senior, ed plan for a summer ithletic . r . . , . . - . ... .. ... ! .. .. ... . L .. , program for boys of the communi- uavKi ayiwester, senior at tni-i Mrs. a. as. Lisrer ana imam mrs. norma mnsonom oi tv jje explaint-d that the hiuh versitv of Oreuon. spent Thursday I Lister, both of Grants Pass spent Sacramento. Calif., has arrived in 'u.1 ,.i,i. .j ,k. . . ,,J in Roseburg as a speaker at the ! last weekend here as the guests oti Roseburg to man her home at the use(j Wlln (ne pr0Krara to be p op Gienoaie puone Rotary luncheon meeting. While I -Mr. and .Mrs. Neil Kaser Sr. Mrs. i Nebo Court. She was accompanied wori;ed out according to the sched-! scnouls ana" 's0 n athletic policy, here he visited his parents, the Lister i sthe mother of Mrs. Kaser on the trip here by her sister, Mrs. lue ln waterinE the fields Present n" ',Da" ,na" basketball games fth and Sixth Brad. wl" H'.eu u riiuo auu ni Sixlr gr?.a 'urdav next vear. and all other nr. ana mrs. L. v. i itus leu i I ant basketball coach for 1958-59. After some discussion, the board decided to write an educational Thursday for Brookings to attend to business matters. They expect to return tonight by way of Eugene where they will visit their daugh ter. Sharon, a student at Northwest Christian College. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Fisher of Seattle spent Wednesday and ia iiiram is her oromer. tverett (.anon ot Kosenurg, wno plans call for (j(th nd tath rad. r., m.ii i. -., , pi Alin !r'nl a"wn, U) aacramenio to neip ers to us(! tne (acUlties jn tne ' --r - - airs. iiiCKenDoiiom maNC me morn,na tw hAi.r. kArn i..k vain, rnuay iu viaii 1119 buu, nan move Seely Jr., who is a senior at Stan-1 ford. He will return here Sunday! Mitt Htltn Catay and Mrs. Ches evemng and will be back in his ter Morgan drove to Eugene Kn office in the Medical Arts building 1 day to spend the weekend attend Monday. , 1 ing the Mothers weekend festiv '. ities on the University of Oregon At tha racant boat show in fimmiC m,cb rflEAV w.ii ho th Roseburg, those receiving prizes ; 2Uest 0 M.hS Judv ReU and Mrs. athletic contests are to be played Thursday at the Hotel Umpqua in I from the' Rod and Reel Trailer j Morgan will be the guest of her PrSram and ,0? seventh and eighth students to use them tor a couple of hours after lunch. The plan, would apply to the students who are I in those grades this year. The pro- gram will be for all boys, and there will be no team sports as such. Gibson is to have charge of the1 Roseburg en route to San Fran cisco on business. Mrs. Fisher is the former Dorothy Orcutt and is a daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt of this city. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Todau ; tomorrow SATURDAY MAY 17, 1958 Starkweather Not Insane, His Father Testifies MUST Starkweather 18 LINCOLN. Neb. if The father of mass killer Charles Stark weather testified Friday he does not believe his son was or is in sane. Defense attorneys have staked on the insanity plea their efforts to save the 19-year-old murder de fendant from Nebraska's electric chair. The father, Guy Starkweather was called by the defense under subpoena. "Do yuu think your son is crazy?" asked defense attorney T. Gaughan. "He never done anything to act crazy to me. the stocky, mus- tached father replied. "Ha gave me no indication he was insane; no." Asked whether the son exer cised his knowledge of right and wrong during his murder tour, the father replied: "1 don't think he used good judgment. Hayloft Swuare Dance Club, 9 p.m., Preschern Barn, ladies bring sandwiches. All square dancers in vited. Buckerse Square Dance Club, dance of month instruction. 8:30 to 9 p.m., Buckeroo Bam. Birthday party, p.m., everyone welcome. New members bring refreshments. DAR, Swedish Dining Room, 12:30 noon luncheon, regular meet in u. aauw oruncn iu m ';6;30 p.m noon. Episcopal parish nail. Mrs. Harvey Kring chairman, Dr. Nels Lindell guest speaker. Wilbur Recreation Club, Dusiness , meeting, 7:30 p.m. Glide Shufflers Square Dance Club, 9 p.m.. Glide Grade School gym. All dancers welcome. Rummage sale, a a.m. to ic noon. First Presbyterian Church basement. Plant, cake, candy sale, front patio of Elks Club, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., sponsored by Emblem Club. Glendale High School freshman i class parly. Azalea Grange social meeting. Mother's Day dinner served by Town and Country Garden Club board meeting, home of Mrs. Ar thur Harper, Page Road, Winches ter, 1:30 p.m., Monday. All otneers and chairmen asked to attend. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m., 245 SK Jaekson. for more informa tion call OR 2-2755. Evergreen Old Time Dance Club, 9 to 1 p.m., KP hall, Roseburg. Membership open to public, visit ors welcome. Rice Valley Community card party. Canyonville Beginners Square Dance group. Youth Center. Tri N' Square Dance Club, 9 p.m.. Eagles hall. Myrtle Creek. Sutherlin Jaycees, 7:30 pm, Scout Hall. Canyonville Jaycees, 7:30 p.m. city hall. Douglas Camera Club, 7:30 p.m., 880 SE Jackson, social meeting. Ladies of Oriental Shrine, home of Mrs. W. O. Kelsay, 356 W. Hazel, 8 p.m. Emblem Club, 8 p m.. Elks Club. naies included Aureua ttrennen o . son David r.i&ion ana uavia c. jonnson, - Roseburg. both of whom won boat, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Root seat cushions; soe bimas, Rose-' daughters. Karen and Claudine, burg, water ski ropes; and a mini-; have left for their home in Midvale. ature Evinrude motor by Jack i iHahn follnuonB visit here with Briggs, Roseburg. not to be over two contests in any one sport in any given week. Baseball will be con lined to about 22 players, and the JV and varsity squads will be picked from these. Wrestling and track will continue to be included in the sports pro gram. I iwal hills u-ore naid Th u a. The board notified , the county or ament nsneri for Piemen. that the deed to the land for the ir, er-hnnl drainage ipm ih. va nd ' widening of W indy Creek Road Johnson property were approved would be made over to them if and signed by the board. The next meeting will be May The Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Svlwes-1 21. at which time the bids on the the former's mother, Mrs. Stella i tr and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorthy ! school-owned Willis Street property Root, and with bis brother andlnf this ritv drove in Fnpenp thic I will be opened. Bidders are cau- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-1 afternoon 'where thev will be din- i tioned to read the posted notices according to cor Gerald Fox. vine as well as calling on many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stocking moved from here to Santa Cruz, Calif, four years ago. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kesner drove will be a delegate to the National Federation of Garden Clubs con vention. May 18-23 at the Olympic Hotel. They will make their usual ' Club. David has been houseman- aaer of Canard Club this last year. The Sylwesters and Gorthys will attend the University of Oregon Mr. and Mrs. George Stocking Daniel in Garden Valley. They also! man. ni tam: The V,ja"'!e ! ner Ruests tnl "cning of the Syl- On this mailer, visited the Woodie Blank family at!?00' 'amllr """ded " M'"le I westers' son. David, at Canard respondent Mrs ldlevlH Park and Mr. Sloekino's , '"rvl1 "" ua..u n unci,, owl, ill woii.voii- ., , . Ur. pk.rt Dl...nk... and children, Craig and Eric, are . . - "v"" ""'""i Campus Sing this evening the Lnited States, following a few i days in New York City, they will Those from Roseburg who will fly to Oregon and will be met by attend the Rebekah Assembly and to Portland Thursday, where they I Mrs. Platenberg's mother, Mrs. j Grand Lodge in Corvallis Monday will attend to business and will go Ray Carrico, who will bring them I through Thursdav include Mrs. Ai on to Seattle today. Mrs. Kesner j hack to Roseburg for a visit. Mrs. ice Goff. Mrs. Mayme Pickens. ridicuueig is uie jurmer lfoiiiih , jirs. r rails, ruoie, .iirs. nailer Mears of this city. Mrs. Cameo Damn, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Busen will leare next Wednesday for Sa- bark, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howe. Lm In hoc oni,.m.l, anA, lr nA t 0lnt. D,,cfnl .nK ,..,. ...,,., vlu, uuenience visit wun incir son-in-law and oaugmer, ut. ana Airs. J. &. wold, ana Jirs. V. T. Jackson. .Mr. and classes 7:30 p m., fairgrounds. I daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. and will wait there until the Plat-Mrs. Fred Hermann. Mrs. J. B. Winston - Dlllard hlWanis C ub. Carter, and with other rplatk- enhenx nntifv her nf their arrival ' Railoir anri Mica V Viola 1 no.- while in that area. ' in Oregon. don. WOOD SUMMER RATES ON PLANER ENDS BUY NOW $$$ SAVE $$$ Roseburg Lumber Co. Phone OS 9-8741 Injured Officer Tells Of Fight OAKRIDGE. Ore. (A- A polic man lost his left leg under a train early Friday and he said a man a m. to 8 p m., city offices PRESCRILION JDRUG STORES j STORE HOURS Weekdays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. SALE DATES Sat., Sun., Mon..& Tues. MAY 17-18-19-20 SUNDAY, MAY II Roseburg ABL Unit regular mas ter play, 1:15 p.m., American Le gion Hall. -404 SE Oak. All hndge players interested Invited to join the group Pine Grove Church Sunday school picnic, 1 p.m., politick din ner. Coflee, punch furnished. Ev eryone in community invited. Winston-Dillard Bethel S3, Job's Daughters, official go to church Sunday, Winston Christian Church. Riversdale Sanitarium public vis itation day, 1 to 6 p.m., refresh ments, tour of sanitarium, MONDAY, MAY If University of Oregon Mothers Club, 6:30 potluck dinner, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. St. Onge. 2110 Foothill Drive. Husbands invited. Bring hot dish, salad or dessert and table service. Winston city budget election, 8 Keystone Circle of WSCS of Meth odist Church, home of Mrs. Omar Monger, 6.MS W. Harrison, 7:30 dessert-supper. Inst.-illalion. Lookingglass PTA, t p.m , pot lurk dinner, business meeting, S p.m. Glendale Job s Daughters, Glen- he was chasing suddenly turned and forced him bark onto the track. The victim was William U Rid dle, H, who had been on the force only a month and a half. lis leg was crushed under a car in the Southern PacuVs yards and it was amputated, below the dale Masonic Temple. knee, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Oregon State College Mother's Euiiene. Club. Chinese auction, pm. While still in shock, he told Po-home of Mrs. C. M. Beamer, 19110 lira Chief Tom Garcia that he had SW Linnrll Ave . Green, been following a suspect through Lllae Circle 49, MetL-hbori of the yard when the man turned Woodcraft, Woman's Club, and fought with him. I Knights of Pythias, I'ythiss Hall, Four shots were fired from I regular session, ( p m., refresh Riddle'i pistol, apparently in a ments. call for help after be had dragged I I WHY BE SICK? Ya't eot triad everything enhl yoe see DR. SC0FIEL0 X-RAY CHIROPRACTOR 1 aalnurse from town ea title Range Re4 Dial OR 3-3131 himself a block and a halt from the accident scene. Kiddle's hometown la Cauyoo-Ville. Stan Terry Regains 91 Confiscated Pinballs PORTLAND if Slan Terry. Portland, has regained SI pinhall machines taken from him in a raid lat summer, police said WrdneMtar. They j.t thfy n(j fc,en unable to gel a court order for destruc tion of the devices. Terry's attorneys contended that Portlands anti.pinhall ordinance does not rrovide for their dest ruc tion. A juilce agreed. Police said the machines were taken by truck to Vancouver, V.ah. COACH LOSES LEO BANNING. Calif, if - A school football roach has lost the leg that was shattered by the blast nf a shotgim in the hands of a student. Doctors amputated Arthur Lin den's left leg Friday, l inden. 31, was shot May 1 by James John son, 1), after he had reprimanded Johnson for fighting uh other students. The youth faces a juve nile court hearing June i on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. TH0R0UCH CLEAN Well fa Well regs eed aakelttery cleeeleg Mrvice. CALL J. I. Newberry, OR 3 7010 etOR JlJtl arte.. EVERYBODY LIKES Ceramic Tile 00 IT YOURSIIF! UN TO INSTALL. Many Colon Available. 65c .., j,. Tea Inelai.K, only J SO por montfe tor I year, COEN SUPPLY CO. Fhm1 1 Mill OR -64! Reg. 4.00 if TWO PLAYER m U BADMINTON SET I ALUMINUM YACHT CHAIR Durobl, Lightweight 25 FOOT PLASTIC Garden Hose 87c GROW FAST PLANT GROWTH STIMULANT I (hzo-fat H OTrUTMhfVlaJ I Cwnjiina1 I ""W'ajaioa-ioj; Contain! Gibberellie Acid 10 parti per million To produce mora ropi and erect growth. sproy on pionrs. plete with sprayer, NEW 1958 N0RELC0 ELECTRIC SHAVER Reg. 24.9S 33 LADIES GARDEN TOOLS Polished Hardwood Handles SPADE N0-ST00P WEEDER RAKE HOE BUY NOW SUPPLY LIMITED 66c Hog. 2. SO 2S FOOT PLASTIC LAWN SPRINKLER 1.99 THE SEASON'S GREATEST SPRINKLER VALUE "AQUAMARINE" WONDER-DIAL OSCILLATING SPRINKLER l ook 4 Way Setting By Simply TttiMiag llial As Illustrated Below re. S 7" SUJ nrr rtrvr Sprmhr ftmm X4 t q. ft. M no fjjjmjjf Itwi crt FABULAWN GRASS SEED .. 10 lbs. 1.88 PRESSED STEEL WHEELBARROW a. 11 9S RADIO CARDEN CARTS ... 10.1 5 jT Vv -r V4 price 1 AVJI BanaataBataBataBataataBataBaTaBtaaTaaTaaTaaTaaTaaTaaTaal W M m m r -IWatakfl FILM U: D. nn I MM I MM V A -' V S Jl I MOVIE MOVIE ---- , . A All GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS . mmfPm 69c BRIDGE MIX . 59c 75c SHREDDED PLASTIFOAM 49c 39c ROASTED PEANUTS Fr., Mb, 59c 1 .29 CAMP STOOL Ha,do,d fc. 87c 6.00 WADING POOL si 3.97 3.29 PICNIC JUG sctit 1, 2.33 88c QUICKETS CHARCOAL wb. b.9 67c 4.95 CHARCOAL BRAZIER -.., 2.99' 59c STRAW HATS Lad 29c NEW SCOTT PAPER SCOTTIE TISSUE 200 Count 223c ROTARY POWER MOWER Buy Now for Greatest Savings 1 8" 2 HP Clinton Powered 1. KODACHROME 35 MM 30 EXPOSURE 'Recoil starter Automatic Speed Control 'Unbreakable Steel Deck 'Big Wide Tires Easy Roll Nylon Bearing Wheels 88 SE J i-fT.l ! A r' ' i i'i i YA l Vii 1 J A I it 11 TrJ 9. j j aTi j V M tJX J J.VJ I -l