PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING : : . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchard 2-3321 10 Apartments Choice Apartments OakhiU Visti Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. FURNISHED and unfurnished t an e have heat, not water provided. All have water, garbage and yard aarv Ira furnished. Renta from 940 up. klust ba loan to appreciate. Cat! OB 9-4340. OR 3-5431 or OR 1-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. LAM 4V JACKSON STS MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR IBM "A GOOD PLACE TO UVE" fAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS, 1943 W. Harvard. Desirable newly furnished and unfurnished apartments, on city bua Unea, clo.e to all shopping and post office. Elactrle eppliancaa fur nished. OR J-oaiJ. ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment Am pi storage space- Wired lor washer and dryer Hot, cold water end garbage service furnished. Near Court Houa. 1157 S. E. Douglas. ONE BEDROOM. unfurnished apart Riant Htat. waUr and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next to Kohl ha gen Apia. Call OR -24. HOTEL UNITS AM electric. With kitchens, $14 end $22 week. Linens, utilities furnuhed. Winchester Motel (Old Highway SB N at Winchester Bridgei MODERN, ingle apartmente, walking distance to town. $30, $40, and $50 a month, utilitiea Included. Brockway Apartment a good place to live. OR 1-4317. V DUPLEX, unfurnished apartments. Cor ner 42 Highway and Civil Bend Road in Wtniton. See or phone, Grace K le i tOS8-M2S LARGE 1-bedroom unfurnished apart ment. 3 bloclte from downtown. Utili ties furnished. OR 3-4.392. 137 I. E. Watson Street. I VftlCE. Uric, 1-bedroom duplex, close in. Range, refrigerator and heater; mater and garbage service furnished. Couple only. After 4 P M. inquire 145$ Cobb. LARGE MODERN 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Walking distance to U S Plywood and town. Utilities paid. OR 3-1964. ATTRACTIVE 1 - bedroom apartment, furnished. ClOM In Carafe: heat; gar bage service. Adults. Private entrance, S63.OK 3-321$. TWO, large, 1-bedroom apartments. Pic ture windows. 1 nicely furnished. Adults. 2460 WHaryard. OR 2-3131. ONE BEDROOM, furnished apartment, $33; all uttltliei paid. 853 S E. Sheri dan. OR 2-1243. ONE BEDROOM partly furnished. One child accepted, separate worn .nwic, good location. OR 2-4034. THREE ROOMS and bath, off-street parking. Utilities furnished 2 blocks west DalryQueen.OR 3-8671. flTRNISHED apartments. $30 to 845 Water and garbage paid. 1303 S.E. Pine St. tw'O FURNISHED, 1-bedroom aparl menU: some utUltiei paid. OR 3-7384 or OR 3-7983. FURNISHED 2 1 room apt. On quiet west side street. Garden spot available $35. Roseburg Realty OR 2-3344. 11 Houses AN ATTRACTIVE two bedroom stucco home with fireplace, electric heat, garage and stotage building in ex cellent condition. Located at the cor ner of Meadow Lane aod LaMar Streets tn Tri-Clty. $60 per month. Department of Veterans' Affairs, Sa lem. egon-Jtefer to L-IS003-F. MODERN 1-2 bedroom cabins Good bed", nearly new refrigerators, gas range and heating. Tables, chairs, etc. Water and garbage disposal fur nished. $35 and $43 month. Hartt Ca bina 2485 Diamond Laa'-e Blvd., be hind Dales Cafe. OR 3-338. TWb BEDROOM ho; T on Highway in Winston. Furnished with electric stove, washer, dryer, couch, tables. No beds. Not modern. Has electric water heal er. $30 month. Phone OR 3-6633 WANTED, bachelor, career lady or couple, to rent real nice 1-bedroom house on west side- See this and make offer on rent you would like to pay. OR 2-2268. tWO BEDROOM, unfurnished house. wired for washer ana aryer. -io US PI v wood, bus line and stores. $30 mo. OR 2-3064 or OR 3-4873. PARTIALLY furnished 2 - bedroom house, on Sunshine Road. Double 8- raee. garden, patio, river view, vn 3-6493 TWO BEDROOM modern house, near Tenmile. Clean. Reliable people. Call OR 2-334$ before 8.30 a.m. or after p m. i ""a 3 and 4 bedroom homes Income limits. Families, also single elderly 65 or over accepted. 903 W Stanton St. OR Jl-8348. WESTSIDE duplex, 1 bedroom, bath. Large living room Separate utility, range and floor heater in Water paid. OR 2-2522 davs: OS 8-8929evening. HOUSJnDmard.Tlving room, bedroom, kitchen, shower, electric range and re frigerator. Good location. $:3 a month. OS 9-882S NICELY FURNISHED small 3 - room house. Close to hospitals and schools. Elderly couple preferred. OR 3-7183. NEWLY DECORATED. 1 - bedroom cot" tage, furnished or not Close in. Adulla only. Phone OR 3-6031 ONE BEDROOM modern house. 3 miles south of Roreburg on Landers Lane. $: OR 3-4714 LEASE 2-bedroom, modern home 348 W. Bsllf. Show after 3 p.m. Vacant .lune 13 TWO BEDROOM house, wired for wash er and drver. gas available. $v a month.OS$-382S PARTIALLY furnished or unfurnished two bedroom house, 6 miles south. ORl-41$4 . NICE CLEAN 2 bedroom house Hot and cold water, water free, feneed in yard. OR 2-2721 TWO-bedroom house 1 block from Citv bus and Riverside school. Phone OR 3-7 ria .ab.VR BEDROOM modern cottage Un . furnished except stove. Near Joseph Lane School $:tO a month. OR 3-4302. TWO'BFDROOM hnue. Hcater. gar age wired for washer and drer. OR 3-3378 ONE BEDROOM duplex stove and re frigerator furnished OR 3-3042 after 3 FVRNIFHED 3 room duplex. Fairheven district Also apartments in S Roae burg OR 3-3050 1243 S E Mill fit R N IfHE DC A B IN Sby week. $7 and up. all utilities furnished Old 99. 3 miles north Pacifie Motel UNFURNISHED- 3 bedroom houe Heat er. range end water furnished. $50. 467 N E Ward. OR 3-1W8 WrNSTON 2-bedroom. modem, unfur nished hou.e Garbage dispoal and water furnished.$V) OS S-54JW IP BEDROOM house. $3.1a month Wired for range, washer and dryer. 1328 S E Sanford Ave REDECORATED temj-modern I -bedroom. Green District, 145 month. Phone ORJl-77W TWO REDROOf unfurnished house, near I'l. Pljwoed in Green. OR I 7g TWO BEDROOM" furnished or unfur nished houae. Lovely location. OR 3 1130 TWO BTOROOMIe"anmfernhouseln Wtniton Fenced yard OS $-84 room furnished houe, $.iS month. OR 3-7733 NTE rn (ihin for" 1 "bachelor. 1356 SI MU1. RICE 2 bedroom house south of town Rose burg ReaUj OR 3-3.44 SvVlx MODERN furnished 1 bedroom OR3-817? TWO BEDROOM house, hot and"" gold running water Call OS 9-84TO MALL MODERN unfurnished house 40 OR 3-1964 0 ONE BEDROOM HOUSE 83S mo. OR 9-r nth 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals 1 VACANCY modern paved Nearest ' ru center. Adults Central Trailer Park. 1561 N E. Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 2-4106 WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern space. .Paved grounds Shade1 trees $18 month Hlchway M N at, WinchesterBridge ALAMEDA TRAILER C0 3RT has paved streets and cement porches. Reason able rate Wl H E Alameda. OR 2-2348 PRIVATE trailer space Dally mail, power, school bus, free water, privi lege of garden and chickens. 8 miles from Rose burg OR 2-3991. TRAILERS A ND TR A ILER SPACE. General Service Center, 1 N E Chest nut Avenue. MODERN 35 ' 1-bedroom trai leV $3J. OR .1-414 or OR 3-800 TRAILER SPACES. 81750 per month Baker's Motel, Winston. 13 Misc. Rentals WAREHOUSE space on trackage. OR 3-6628. 14 Help Wanted ATTENTION We have a few openings for men who want Spring and Summer work. We are also seeking men for perma nent employment with our Oregon Division in this area. You may qual ify if you own a car and are 31 to 48 years of age. Salary $73 per week plus weekly commission. School and all training given by Company on full salary. Write to Sales Supervi sor, Dept. E., Box 9041. Aloha, Ore gon, give your name and address and a personal interview will be ar ranged. Attention School Teachers We need men, part and full time, to represent us In this area We are a medium sized Life Insurance Com pany, offering a wonderful future to capable men. Many very successful Lire men have come from your pro fession. We offer training, very competitive In surance and top commissions, also chances to move into supervising posi tions For information, write Box flfll, News Review. Mill Workers Needed MILLWRIGHT helper EDGERMAN GENERAL mill workers for night shift in gang mill. APPLY at: Wilbur Lumber Co. 4 P. M. MONDAY EVENING May 19th Used Car Lot Salesman New Cor Salesmon Excellent compensation for qualified men. inquire Lock wood Motors. ! WANTED ladytohelpincare of tn valid girl, live in. Moderate wise. Rose burg vicinity. Write Box 602, News-Review. WANTED- One" Gerflnger fork lift driver. Phone Cawrse Lbr. Co.. Roae burg. Ore. WANTED 10 peopleto enloyGer"tie's i4 years at Moores Cafe! 79c luncheon special daily at Phyllis Cafe. HOUSEKEEPER for 2 In Winston. Musi live in, have drivers license. Call OS 9-8623. MAN or Woman to keep house for an elderly blind man. OR 3-3336 or OR 3-4004 ajler 6. SERVICE STATION attendant. Prefer experienced man. Victor 9-2166, Yon calla. EXPERIENCED nurses wanted. Contact Myrtle Creek Hospital. SEWING and alterations of all kinds. Mrs W E. Curtis. 732 N E Erie Phone OR 3-7434 I NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. 1553 N E Vine St Excellent pre - school trainingOR 3-7849 er OR 3-3234 ; IRONING picked-up anddelivered95c nour. rtererences. 640 w. Kenwood or call OR 2-3197. CHILD CA"RE,"hourordayHavehd formal education in child training. OR 2-3637. RELIABLE GIRL wants baby sitting. Will do light housework. References. Own transportation. OR 3-388 A FALLING and-bucking lob i"n"th"e woods. Call Camas Val)e, Oregon, 612. SHEEP shearing Manuel partner. Oakland 3693. Vara and SHORT log and lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR 3-8947. CARPENTER remodeling " and ' paint ing. OS fl-3870. WANTED Job for short log truck. Dieielequipment OR 3-7876. SEWING All types Guaranteed.-OR 2-2766 SHEEP SHEARING and tool sharpen ing. El vinrnbauruOR 3-38.12. INTERIOR painting. OJl 3-7609. CHILD care. Days. OR 3-3169. 18 Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY Robertson School of Business. 6.0 S E Jackson St. Roaeburg OH 3-7236 GUITAR lessons, ages 6 to 66, small guitars for tots. OR 3-6325. 20 Services CERAMIC TILE, showers. tuhbscks. dramboarda, patios Free estimates. Keller Tile, OR j-66 31 (fOOFING. Fisher Thorien Paint-Co. Portland W E Da urn. Local Agent. Ph OR 2-1371 SHALE rock for roa ds a nddr iveVavs. Immediate delivery Ph. C P Tallon. OR 3-4040 Carpenter" any t'pe coVstrucrions. We help srrange finanrtng Free osti- mates Kowalewski. OR 3-8020 DOZING, leveling; also shale rock-river loam end road materials. Chas Keeley OR$-3117 WELL DRILLTNG Licenied"cont'rat- or Phone OR 3-3043. Myrtle Creek UN 3-3343 CUSTOM MOWING-'raking-andballn Ph. Jack White OS9-5.3fl ROTOTILLING, 34'1 Merry tiller.- OR 3-8629 PAINTING, 3-3710 exterier and interior OR POWER and hand mowers, machines sharpeneiri7 S E Cobb, OR 3-80.12 A INTER, carpenter roofing OR " 3.. 8747 ! Phone tLFiCTRIC' CONTRACTORS Lansing at Oliver. OR 3-6636 fLEANING SEPTIC TANK 4 BMson able W J Lane. OR 3-TW48 CARPENTRY Reasonable Small Jobs preferred Smith OR 3-8411. PAINTING and"'papering OR 3-"3 , ROTOTILLING by the hour. OR 3-4260 115 Work Wanted ! 20 Services Hospital COMPLETE service for lawnmower, bicycle and moclee. Franehised dealer for Schwma bic dee. Al'i Bike Shop Between Dairy Queen end Farta Bureau. OR 3-4023 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery or j-ayi MOTOR rewinding, repairing. All make and sixes. Experienced, competent, motor man. Jimmte'a Electric Motor Shop. 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OH 3-8624. Rototilling Service FERGUSON TRACTOR WITH BLADE BEEHE 1 BOWMAN 9R3?;ta BULLDOZING, ditch or p o a t hole digging, plowing. Too aoU and gravel, dump truck. Large or small crawler available. Fred Goett. OR 2-1432. EXPERIENCED Linoleum and carpet mechanic. All work aua ran iced, com mercial or residential. By hour or contract. Free estimates. Heaaonaoie rates. Phone OR 3-424. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers. All Makes. Bargain Appliance Centei331 S E. Rose OR 3-5525 MOWER SHARPENING, trailer-hltchra. welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District 2332 S W Castle St Ph OR 3-4687 PUMP REP AntS 24 hour service. Mil ler & Cox Sales and Service. OR 2-3."81; night calls. OR 1-7389 or OR 3-3739 REFRIGERATION SERVICE, domestic and commercial. Available on call any time day or night Phone OR 3-3518 or OR J4632- m SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile aae: free estimates Rose burg San). tation Service. 2356 N Stephens Po or 3-3336. DO YOU have a nice, big clock in your home that doesn't run. or that might need oiling? Call Lester Woods at Joanne's Boarding House, OR 3-7847, 21 Building Material Doing Some Building This Spring? SEE I ! FOR THE BEST LUMBER AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling Old Hiihway 99 South OR S-Yall For Your Building Needs Studs - green dimension - boarda and ahiplap. K D aiding - finished lumber - mold ings. LUMBER SALES CO. OR 3-7363, Garden Valley near R. R. track. 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oak, slab and peeler core Summer rates on planer ends and sawdust for mulch Roseburg Lumber Co. Summer Prices 1 Month Only Large or small core: mill ends, sawdust Out-of-town deliveries made GUY AND FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE. Douglas OR 2-rT24 RED DIAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends; oak wood. OR3-5082. PLANER ends and shavings. Riverside Planing. OR 2-3386. 25 Farm Equipment Used Tractors And Implements INTERNATIONAL 1-12 tractor, very good mechanical condition, pull two plows .... $.)H5 JOHN Deere L A. tractor. An excellent, light, one-plow tractor. With plow, mower and cultivator Just the equip ment for small place . .. 405 FORD tractor B-N, 1932 Completely ov erhauled brakes. hdraulic system. Mo tor has new sleeves, putnn. valves, etc. Runs like new. Have been asking $1195 - reduced to 995 850 Ford tractor, 1933 model. Nearlv new Guaranteed in every reitpect. Will pull 2-18" plows. Same tractor new costs $2900 - have been asking $1993 -re-duced to .... 1693 itTORD tractor 8-N. Hours of eood ser Only .... 745 PLOW two - bottoms. 14" PLOW two - bottoms. 14 ', I PLOW two . bottoms, 14" on rubber 145 I I SPRING tooth harrow 00 DEEP tillage cover crop disc, extra good ... - 143 INDUSTRIAL loader, heavy duty $95 SHERMAN digger, like new coat new $3200, now . . 199$ Umpqua Tractor Co. 72.1 R Pine St. OR 3 6367 Save On Plastic Pipe New. Low Pncpf Price Per Hundred Fl I." $4 30 I1." 82100 ta vi 1 a $24 no V $14 13 2 ' $.t6 00 -Fittings- Roseburg Supply Co 403 N R Wircheiter 6t OR 3-4481 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS designed prop erlv. No selling pre. sure and no ohli- aation. estimates free. For new s s- lems or expert help with problems in present stem. phone or write Chet Smith. Jr . Nw Highway $9, Glendale. Phone VE 2-5448. 26 Livestock Cattle Wonted BOYTR MEAT COMPANY Rout L, Box 128 Bug. OR 1-4,23 Sve'S OR t MZS FOUR experienced sheep shearers l.erfe or small job accepted Felix Samarron, 2u E Central. Sutherlin. Ph .1344 WANTED Sheep and lambs; and cat tie of ell kinds Also bumg wool and mohair Darrltl Ray, Ph. OR 2 4ii71. or Sutherlin 3180 HORSESHOEING." 10 exprienr-e trained bv the month Phone Joe You g, OS $ 5448 WANTED Sheep and cattle, alt kind's W A i acker l. Ph. M rtle Creek UN 3-4 NEW and used saddles bridles and hrrt .J4 MEDoug:as W ' Mil, and mohair received datl Ni- Hols Store, phone OS $-4P07 AT STUD' Palomio walking bortev Call Oakland 2t 26 Livestock WE ARK buying wool again Receiving Tuesday and Friday. Phone OR 3 4.131 or OR 3-4014. Roaeburg Poultry Co .72 Spruce Street NICK. 4 year old mare, very gentle. Well broke. Good for children. With or without saddle and bridle. Call UN ion 3-3263. M rtle Creek HOT AND COLD hone shoeing. 13 ex- j perience. nortt training w u r t r Horsa stud ssrviM b Poeo Keeno. OR 3-7840. 27 Hay & Grain BALED hay. oat mixed with imel) per centage anaiia. aue rtaie, average weight 80 iba- OR 3-4800 FINE, clean alfalfa, fl per bale- R Conn, OR 3-0423. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Pheasants Eggs, day and week eld pheasant chicks. GY 6 -3402 or GY 6-34.1S Orders taken 8-9 a m. and 4-6 p.m. daily. Baby Chicks PLACE YOUR ORDERS early to avoid ruiiiun natuni 7 . wi-m n uaii - ard. Rosebura. Ph. OR 3-3536, LIVE poultry buyer. Highest prices paid' at ranch. L W Toreman, 120W S E I Holgate. Portland. ProsDect 1-2131 POULTRY received Tuesdays. Eor ranch pickup, phone OR 3-4331 or OR 3-4014 Hoscourg poultry company PAIR of peafoulafor sate. Camas Val ley Route, Box 333 Winston. Phone OS 9-5382. RABBIT FERTILIZER Lookingglasa Road. Box 1380 OR 3-S7 1 0 WANTED - fryer rabbita, 4 to 4a pound-. Phone OR 3-2710 LIMITED amount of Brown's turkey poults or eggs for sale. OR 3-3902. 29 Pets BLACK REGISTERED Tor Poodle White Toy Poodle. OR 3-8358 eve nings. REGISTERED " German Shepherd pup pies Reasonable. 869 NE Willow. OR 3-3778. FOR SALE: Border Collies, Cairn Tor rlers, Sklperkes and Cocker puppies. LyleH(lL Drain. Phone Temple 6-9348. SEVERAL targe chrome cages and stands Including Red Factor singers. Starting at$10 . Phone Oakland 2374. REGISTERED BOXER PUPPIES. OR 3-7633. BABY Parakeets 3 miles south. Bur ton's. OR 3-8122. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society ftnimn aneiter. un a-jsw TOY Fox Tef"riersPuandanarlea. Putman'a. OR 3-8804. rTMALE-psrTdahrado7R"eWeverind loi lie. s.i eacn. UH 3-BOl. . SIAMESE kittens for sale OR 3-78X3 GLEN GARY Beagle Kennels. OR 3-3793 CHIHUAHUA pups. Phone OR 3-3694 31 Sporting Equipment Rod Gr Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrude Motors P-14. Larson. Clfppercraft, Burchcraft, Hham, h tare raft boats. Accessories, Paint, etc 1143 W Harvard CMtl.l. avhal TVs nnnnrl fanarllv hrtat r..i.r ur.ih'.i.n.i ii.h.. twin w-,.,. high Hodgeman waders." size 10. with Insulated inner-shoes. $13. 643 W. Chat - ham Drive. 1 12' HYDRAPLANE speed boat for sale. ; ?u,h1rHn. 4098 j 6 H. P. Wisconsin motor, used very I little. $73. OR 3-7711. 32 Produce & Plants FUCHSIAS. GERANIUMS, bedding and vegetable plants. Perenniala and oth ers Ada's Flower Mart. Sutherlin, Ph. 2726 S.Comstock near Airport. HARRIS' FRUIT STAND. 1 block N. Garden Valley Road on north Stephens. Bananas. 10c lb. Everyday low prices. GERANIUMS Close-outsaleS for tl 00 1011 Newton Creek Road ' FOR NEW berry crates, OR 3-6724. 34 Misc. For Sale THREE QUARTER drive socket set. 430 7 mm deer rifle. $25. Westinghouse matching washer and dryer, S123. Old er refrigerator. 84. OR 2-4194. SHORT block for F8Ford trurk75 l'j HP electric motor $33. 2842 West Sherwood OR 3-3740 SINGER Sewing machine.treadle Good condition. $23 Ray L nee, 1082 NE Malheur Avenue. LAWNMOWER. S3.3o722x70' Sea Green Venetian blinds with valance, $2 00 i earn 1668 S E Eddv. I GOOD TYPEWRITER. $73. Postage me- Keel Ian I rnniillmn S9fl fiB 9. I 3386 Wllev CALL OS 9-3633 "for appointment to see Minnesota woolens. For school clothes etc I TRASH BURNER, white enamel, like , new. $35. gas hand pump, $13. OS 1 9-3348. j BROWN with metallic thread eourh. $73. Black Halilcrafter radio $100. Call OS 8-5467. I RCA Victor 31" TV, under-2 years old. Sacrifice, $150. Mul move so n OR 3-5160. WPDGEWOOb gas" range" and tank T $70 Tall 3293 or ice at 128 E T-verett Si . Sutherlin MONTGOMERY wst-her Extra I OS 9-3739 WARD conventional I'KkJ condition $.!0 I 1 COUCH' and matching chair $11 Table I and S chairs $10 Route 1, Box 132 Phone OR 2-12U6 CERAMICS " greenwareT glazes' nhed pieces. Free tossona. OR 3-4572 ! 1204 S.E Mill WINSTON Sand and Gravel -crushed rock, re)ect gravel, bar rut and top soil OS8-$49:i TOP SOIL from new location. The best ou have ever seen, no roots or weeds. Rph FiBher.Wlnston.OS $-8493 APT range, new rod-tvpe burners Good condition $64 93 Bargain Aopllanr I Center. 671 S E. Rose. Ph. OR 3-5."..U. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy fiver loam No rocks. Easy to handle For the bestcail Chas. Keely. O $-1117 TWO OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 1 gal. armarium, equipped. OR 2-3192 t E-Z GLIDE alidirg door frames, 3 -4" X 6 -8"New,$25 OR 2-1433 A.N YON E wanting Watkina Productg, call OR3-.107. CHROME dinette set. electric sewing i n riivu 'n-K'i .m.-mi..m. USED GU.NS. bought sold and traded. Lmpqua Gun Store mar nine till UK 2-111. aO-CHICK broiler unit; 1-wheel trailer, smell gas refrigerator. OR $-31 16 FOR SALE row fert titter, bv the pickup load delivered Phone OR $-4419 SMAI.I. rsmping trailer, sleeps I OR t-saaa afi.r 9 BOV 8 2"hlke.' 92y OH J1-9W) P-JRTABI Airline radio. OK 3-1919 ' l.'PRICHT PIANO OR J-:9. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-454. n;l.lJ-R BRUSH OR J-1391 4TKIN. PRODUCTS OR J-HJ! TRrH DOUfiHNt!TS ORJ.4ai PASHION TROCKS OR J-14r PtA.NO. laffftod aOBdJlim II 90 09 I iX 34 Misc. For Sale STOP 5 Seconds and Read This! ' RrpossESsrn wiiniintiU .u deluxe fee I urea. Nw $479 9$ Now 62595. NEW Westinghouse 25" Space-mate nmr, eiav vs. 53 Gal WESTINGHOI'SE water heater. ' Used Refrigerator Bargains '31 FRIGIDAIRE, left door opening 111, J LIKE NEW Kelvinator, tat is. AUTOMATIC defrost Nor,,. 1W J." FRICIOAIRE. (M 99 LARGE Norie, 974 98. ZENITH, 990. KELVINATOR. 930. Terms Bargain Appliance Center i u " " Phono OR 3-5525 I JCpH rTII linmPnt OtSJ l-UIJI I 1CI II 1 Delta 14" band saw with stand and molar 1 Delta stands lathes with motors and 1 Porter Cable 8" electric saw with saw table attachments 1 10" Tilt arbor saw with motor and stand 1 Large mllre bov 1 Floor sander with 1HP motor 2 " Electric drills S Good used power mowers. Reel and rotary t pe. Umpqua Valley Hardware Roaeburg. Ore. 12 CU. FT. Deepfreeier. like new $1MS i 3 YEAR old 30" Tappan Deluxe eler trie range, very clean $134 50 1 JAMES portable dishwasher, tree trial, $74 30 1 NEW Westinghouse 31" table model TV Bargain Appliance Center 631 SE Rose OR 3-3525; I ( J C ' 1 USeCJ rumiture DAVENPORTS ard chair aeu. $29 50 ! G"OD SELECTION of used luraltura. ' .... - .Judd's Furniture Exchange Rebuilt Engines For most all models. Independent Motor Kimiiiaen, jaexson nice bt- uh 3-4434 FOR SALE 3-modern tall steel I iten ogr ap her desks, plate glass top, like I new. 1 reception counter, 3W X 10 ft. long Formica top. cash drawers and storage space. Phone days, OR 3-8332 ACROSONIC PIANO, walnut - finish. H.'1; children's chest rt drawers, $3; d'nette act, $35; red taeno, stood con dition. $35: desk. $13; Ward s deluxe mower, vary good condition, $40; OR 3-4393. I NOTHING ON EARTH like "MER BLS" SPECIAL PRESCRIPTION for 1 fa'V. nervous stomachs. Neu- tr allies gas In 10 minutes. It's guar anteed. Only at CHAPMAN'S PHAR MACY, your prescription specialists. BEDROOM- SEf $93 Mirror: 30 "x48". $23 Rocker with stool. $20. Chrome tame: a chairs. 873 conventional wasn I er. $83 Dryer, $95. Bookcase, $25. OS 9-8403 ALMOST NEW portable TV 8 cost $139 -50 will sell for $73. Norge refriger ator tn good condition. $63. Call UN Ion 3-3283, Mvrtle Creek. COMPARE QUALITY and price on Horn's freezer and food plan before you buy. For free estimate call OR 3-3318. WANT TO Increase the value of your home Contact us for an estimate on remodeling your kltrhen or bathroom today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance 328 S.E Stephens-J)R 2-.T..64 WHITE rearend transmission. Brownie, axles, water pumps, radiator. 2 Model T Ford radiators. 1 Industrial radiator for VB motor. 1 Ford 2 speed rearend. OR3-6967 ASK us about the Amana freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kier Crooch Plumbing A Appliance. 328 SI StephensOR 2-3364. TREVA'S CERAMICS Tree lessons Large asvor.ment greenwara. paints, glares. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-.H33. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance Rent miv apply on pur chase price. 85 month and up. OR 3-5318 USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc Taken in on trades. Come out and make a deal Rainbow Trailer Sales. N Highway 99 at Wlnchester Bridge. WE ALWAYS-HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston lackers. OS 9-5133 FOR the best Job of custom euMI wrtpping and quick freezing, t I your meat lo Winston Lockers. 9-5133 ring OS 3 H P Sea King outboard motor $100 NEW Merry Tillers, 3 HP, $13$ and $140 Lansing Oliver Ph OR 2-666 TWO POWER LAWNMOWER Reel t vpe with Clinton motors, $1.1 each. 613 W. Falrhaven St. OR 3-7143 35 Wanted Misc. BEST PRICES for Junk of all kinds - u crap iron, Batteries, radiators cop per and brass. Will pick Up. 284 W SherwoodOR 3-4333 WANTED Used furniture Top prices paid Harry's. 1343 N E. Stephens Ph- OR 2-1411 WANTED f O-BUY - 0!d"ch7nVg1au - ware, furniture. Jewelry Prlscills'e Antiques. 247 S E. Jarkson OR 2-1421. WE PAY HIGH EST cash prices for ued uriinuiv niiai-tjjrl rurniiun r change,243 S E JacksonOR 3-1lfr4. WANTED TO BUY Good u-ed furni ture ROSEBURO AUCTION OR 2 3026 WANTED "' 'Bo') 'a lO'inch bicycle OR . WE BUY or sell old coin Lester Tor Hobby Shop WANTED - '39 Chevrolet body'perti.. LSII JTt .I-.l.lfM WANTED-tenor Sax after I Cell OR 1-4131 i I WANTED late model rsmp trailer In gowl eonaiUnn 0R 3-5.MM ... u WILL PAY $7 ror used piay pen un 9-3312 P'STOMpump. OR S-3805." 36 For Trade - THRF.E RKDROOM home, good road stid view. Will take treiler. Cell OS sr.l.l. OR TRADE A g," C I for 1 relinre pump-prefer Winchester. OR 1-M4 SELL IS ftp iierrurr motor, ortreHe good electric a. wire machina OR .t-411 POWER reel le-nmn er for power ro- lery mower OR 3-47211 TRADE t.ed bl arorailldoi ork. OH 9-r19 36 For Trade - TILLAMOOK 3 bedroom home electric heat, bath, utility and gar age Sell on low down, take car, irailer or property us trade, f 0. 1 Box 8.11. OR 3-4343 , WINSTON Equity In two J-bedroom, modern house with 3-ear garage, on i acre for sale or trade for good car or pickup with clear title. Bal ance $6300 Ols -3409. WILLTRADE equity in 1953 Chevrolet BelAir 6 cylinder with overdrive, lor t best car offered- OR 3-4519. TRADE Winchester 30-TO model 44. for pump shotgun of equal value. OR l-30"4 37 Machinery One yard Lorain loader yith heel boom, en rubber Completely overhauled and ready to go to work. MODEL MC40 John Deere crawler with blade and drums. A real bu. Doyle's Used Equipment Center 491 Garden Valley Rd. OR 1-3756. 38 Logging Equipment USED H. D. 7 tractor parts 1 late model tractor 1 truck mounted loading pol. with Cad illac motor and M dramatic 1 set dual drive Timkm rear end Alto short logger and long log trucks , International truck parla Will accept old tractor as trade-in OR 3-37H3 days; eves OR 3-7188 Can see at Wilbur Truck Shop, Wilbur, Oregon 1847 FORD lumber and log truck combination with job New motor. 93 8 00x25 rubber, 3 speed Brownie. 4 speed transmission, 3 speed rearend and tag axle Price $1000 cash. OR 3-6MT. 4$ TON Northwest truck crane. Mounted en 4 axle carrier Complete with heel boom. A-l condition. Call Mcdford, SPring 3-1423 evenings. 1930 D-4 cat in top mechanical condition with angle blade, winrh, electrie start Ing and almost new 20'' tracks. $5500 Ph. OR 3-4800 INTERNATIONA., short logger. 430 motor. 314 Brownie. Stakes and cheese blocks, pressure scales Rub- ber good 7$ $.KX)0. 08 8348. 02 CAT. Madford canopy: hdraulic dorer, rock guards In good shape. im.-t. rnone un ..-iwisa foR SALE- three 1953 gas-powered long loners with or without Job. Phone OR 2-1743 FOR SALE - D-8 tractor. 2U series with Johnson bar. Good condition Phone OR 2-2333. D6 CAT and 13 yardarryalfb7 cat with angle dozer For rent, by hour or contract. OR 3-4763 FOR SALE TD 14 cat. new rolls, excellent condition. Priced to sell, $3,- 300. OS 9-3313. 39 Timber & Sawmills Logs' Wanted PEELABLE mill logs Peelable culls delivered at Perk ins veneer pond on North Umpqua Highway 3 miles east of Roseburg. Log Lengths; 9' 0"; 17' 8": 38' 8"; 33' 0". Dtemeier limits: Minimum 80 inches, minimum 18 Inrh es. For information call OR 2-4331. Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-4069 evenings. Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs ana siumpaie in large or small tracts. Days Ph 2411 Riddle or Myrtle Creek UN3-4I28 evenings WILL PAY up to $23. or 30 stum page for good merchantable old growth or second growth limber. Write Box 688, News-Review LOGS WANTED " -"pavtnpprice for Port Orford cedar Call Snrenaon Lum ber Lompany. Coos Bay. congress 7-2282 WANTED Cord wood, eight foot, $16 per cord Lee Preston Lumber Co. Riddle 2231 WILL BUY logs, stumpage or rough lumber Hub Lumber Lompany Box 287 PhoneOR 2-3381 WANTED - Sawmill logs: also smalt patches of timber. CLEVELAND LUM BER CO Tenmile OS-32.J4 WANTED Lngged""bver land and llm ber land- Write Box $3T Nwt-Review 40 typuse Trailers House Trailer Non-Toxic Water Lines 23' length $1 $3 30' length $3 7$ Umpqua Valley Hardware Roseburg. Ore American Fleetwood Kit Golden Stote 13 ft to 30 ft $ end 10 ft wide Call us If ymi need vnur trailer moved anywhere Rainbow Trailer Sales $ Miles north on old highway t$ At Winchester Rridce Open Eve's A lundan OR 3-727$ Just Arrived PARAMOUNT Ry Pen American . j. i ! REX 2 and 3 bedrooms Built In Ore goo for Oregon weather LEISUREHOME 1 Tenwde colorful tntenor, truction Good selection of IsffJ Tl'lllpri sou nd eon- Trj.lcr Supplies Karl F. Smith Trailer lfoma Co 1980 N E Stephens OR 3-V.M UNIVERSAL TFRRY KFNSK1I L rnwTr TERRA CRUISER1 srg Jim McKee Trailer Sales N I Stephens OR 1-4231 lis, i'a Rod & Reel Trailer Sales Siesta 4 Aljo a R.h'siS 1149 W Harvsra EXPERT repairing, trailer repairlna Mnoile Homes W HI Cardan Vallar BK'1 nK S-.11M is' ANtlEI.US. take camp trailer aa part psvmenl 11' Columbia, best offer '" ""'H. 4H 44 a month. Hade Trail- " c"u" 30 rt MODERta Mohllahom. ti w,'h "f1". 'ur"'""- r. Shoamakari 1994 AIJOA Jf Irsll.r houie. tlreM..! rondiiion OR .1-4M9 ,14 rr treiler houaa," funi lahad." 9.1S9 Pnona OR 1U49 ' ,v 1449 it ixcas traiftr. mrvrvm Sot., May 17, 19S8 The Ntwi-Rtvitw, Kaieburg, Or. 13 40 House Trailers 183T ALUMINUM IT' trailer house. East ern make. Fully equipped, sleeps 6 4 full sited bunks plus double bed convertible dtneUe OS 9-3170 FOR SALE. 195$" Terry-Manor trailer house. 37. Terms rash $1 39$, excel lent condition. TEmple $-$563. Drive Line Headquarters Bpirer farts Steel Reaches Aberdeen or Cable Stakes Special on Fire Tanks Dougln Machine at Welding 1911 N E. Diamond Lake llvd OR 3-1444 CMC. dtesel abort log truck, will haul 24 s. Will sell reasonable, or trade for -livestock. Phone OR 3-5605 1948 DODGE van l'ston truck Truehauf ' body; '32 motor. See at 723 Stephens. Phone OR 3-3172. rOUR WHEEL DRIVE V-$ Ford ton '5$ STUDEBAKER Power Hawk. KU& I?" !adi 0R ,-5J3-l Au'o transmission. Jet black 2940 W Sherwood Ave . Wllh d and lvorj. interior 169$ WILLYS 4-w net I drive Jeep, some mo tor repairs. A real buy. OR 3-4333. 1 PONT1 AC 4 door Hardtop. Hy 2946 W Sherwood Ave 1 dramatic, R a H 179$ 1934 GMC ton pickup. Long wheel- -M , VMn,,.u , bae. Good condition. Call UNion 3-! M puTh b? ,1 " Club Mdan- , ;uiS3. Myrtle Creek i i""hbUtton drive 149$ LIGHT WEIGHT Page log trailer, air brakes and hydraulic scales. Without tires. $450. OR 2-2330 1936 CHEVROLET pickup Very good shape. $1085 UNJ-3 Mvrtle Creek. '41 TORD PICKUP with 'tt Marc "mo tor. $150:OS0-a410. 1947 - ! TON Tord flat-bed truck. Union3.3733. Myrtie Treek 1947 l't TON FORD flatbed truck. UN 3-37:13, MrtleCreek. 195 1 FORD $' ton' 3-speed, good Con dition. $400 Call OR 3-3006. Miere Your Money Talks 57 CHEV 910 Hdtop Cue One owner. Immaculate. Powergllde. v-a Eng. . '59 MKRCURY 4 dr Slawag Very desirable. In Sky blue llnlsh. One owner. Clean 1998 '99 FORD Fatrlane dr. Hdtop Beautiful in solid blark. Thunder- bird Eng. Sharp. 1899 I '99 CHK.V 110 V4 i dr Sdn The buy of your life. Low mileaae Sharp 1393 33 CHEV 310, 3 dr. Sdn. 6 cyl Sparkling clean. Siand. trans. Iow mileage .... 1295 53 RUICK Century 4 dr. Sdn Local mini star's car, green buff. Its nice , and' 1605 u pomt s At Kdn a evl Reautiful in new blue finish. Henri Trans. RAH 79$ '33 PONT dr Sdn 8 eyl Exceptionally clean. Standard trans RAH 405 54 CHEV Bel I dr Sdn Powergllde ,sllck and clean. Powder Blue. 1095 '$1 FORD S ton P.U Big Six Eng. 4 spd. Trans. Radin, Heater 496 Easy Budget 1'erniK at The- "BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Pb OR 9-1941 949 I I Stephens 1999 BUICK Super Riviere Spt Cpe. Full Power steering and 43 Autos & Motorcycles , brakes 2098 11954 BUICK Specie) 4 dr. Slisk - 119$ I 19.14 OLDSMOBfl.E $$ 4 dr ... 189$ I I 1934 PONTIAC $70 Hardiop Cpe. Nylon Urea Real nice 140$ j 1$M CADILLAC 4$ 4 dr. Sedan I j rult power 3294 1881 FORD V8 Custom t dr. This j la a dandy Ford 496 1931 CHEVROLET ttylllne Dlx t dr Leaded off on hood, new paint, Quality Urea 1$31 OLDSMOBILE 4 dr. aedan. A real quality ear for only 1$ CHEVROLET S ton pickup 4 speed transmission real top quality, Dix. Cab 1$3$ GMC s Ion pickup 4 speed Heavy duty tires The Big Umbrella 312- RE Stephens PR. OR $-633 Eull Prtca Down ' PLYMOUTH Belvedere a-nmir neraiop, equipped with radio, heater, dir. signals. Power fly la trans V-a. S-tnne, whtt aide walls, tinted glass .. .. . 14 M HUDSON S-door Brom 4. one owner, equipped with radio, heater, dir. eigne Is, H drama i i wn.l.T 4-wha.l drive Plrkua. aacellenl eandl- lion IJ '4 STUDEBAKER V, toe Pickup. Champ, aquie-P- 1 with ovardrlva red and heeler, new rlns -at alva grind and turrjaP RivoreW-Motors Studtba.' ' 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS '54 DODGE V$ 4dnor hardtop Push button drive RAH One owner , with low mileaae Charcoal and rose, with matching interior. A car you will really be proud to V4. .... iTSfj I DODGE 4-dnor station Wagon. Push button drive. Be.H . let 4 DODGE sedan. Powertllla. FtliH aS 9J STUDESMKM V-S Crnnmander sedan. H dramatic. RJiH. com. plate); reconditioned 90S M BUICK Super ndsn. Dna flow RaVH. Completely rebuilt el Ot.ns 9a sedan. Hydramatle. ReiH. Special .. fas 91 DODGE sedan. RaVH t IPS 81 FORD V9 convertible. Over drive, a a a .. tat it HUDSON aedan, R a H, vrrv "' .....IPS '19 OLDS 99 sedan. Hjdra.. K J H 99 9 PLYMOUTH club aoupa 1U Trucks Cr Pickups 97 DODGE V I, ( pickup. Dam. onaireior. -new truck guarantee 1799 99 TORD V-9 pickup. R a, H. laetnrv bum f iberlasa eanopy lejig M WILLYS t-wneel drive Station wagon, extra good condition . .. lt9 '91 INTERNATIONAL 1.199 a Barf logger. Also has lumber rolls. Dual drive. Brownie Good SO0 SO tires. Ra-d la haul. Terms. CHEVROLET I ton flatbed farm truck. ODod aaater and Urea. 399 4T STUDEBATrn pickup Ill BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Itephens at Garden Valley Ph. OR 3-3364 Easy Bank Terms TRADING STICK DAYS -m. UmhtJ Timt Only . . . '56 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, Auto. Trans, and heat er; new paint. The most terrific buy in Roseburg, For o limited time only $1195 Lockwood Motors Phone OR 3-9.134 or OR 9-1441 Used Cars At Wholesale PONTIAC Catallna Hardtop R Js H, Hydramatle. ... HUDSON Hornet 4-door, R as H BUICK 4-door Super. R 4, H good tlrea Better Buy Bargain Lot -M Tha Clork" 119J N. E Stephen' Call Charlie at OR f- NEW 195a? HANSEN Wf t,li(etora 444 rear Beer paint: trsns . ZifO" 1 nisi overlieuled Duel . Iri. 4al 4pl.oUl.ri-. fiS"- - ---LgTDAVmOrl 91 motn'rarle. tries. fillar. '"?,r,;Vr." OR "9-44.4" 4 am. --.,,CK Super convertible Power end ..eVrinf VerJ- 9-d Condi- I ara " . i -aoaVt l.on. 9M " Z- ..-art sale 14JI . "m r" OR 14941. ceore T.ADg 1499 Plymouth, l-door, H. for pica (w)