.'1 12 Th Newi-Rsvitw, Rotcburg, LEGAL I LEGAL f NO. IMftl i mmumv run rrni-irATiciN IN thk umi it i ov hi or the STATE OF OEM. ON FOB JIOIGLAR COLNTX MARVIN C. McLAHTY, Plaintiff, VI CARMEN A. McLARTY, Defendant. To: CARMEN A. McLARTY. defend ant above-named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Of OREGON: You ara hereby required to appear In anawar to the Complaint filed ag ainat you in the above-entitled Court and causa on or Detore the expiration ot lour m weeke from the date of first publication of thia Summone upon you: and If you fail to ao appear and answer, plaintiff will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff Complaint, a succinct statement of which la aa follows: L Awarding to plaintiff an absolute Deere of divorce of and from de fendant and dissolving the mar riaga contract which haa hereto fore existed between plaintiff and defendant. 3. Awarding to plaintiff an undivided one-half Interest In and to the household furniture and furnish ings of plaintiff and defendant, and awarding to plaintiff the 1990 Mercury Sedan of plaintiff and de fendant. t. Awarding to plaintiff all the right, title and Interest of plaintiff and defendant In and to the following described real property, to-wlt: A lot situated on Southwest Landers Avenue In Flak's Fruit Farm, the same fronting on sold Southwest Landers Avenue a distance of Seventy -Ft va feet and running a depth of Ono Hundred Fifty Feet the same being In the Southeast corner of Lot Mo. 5 of the said Flak's Fruit arm. This Summons Is published by order or the vii cuit Loun or ine ttiaio or urs gon for Douglas County, made and en tered on the 11 day of AdMI. IBM. di recting publication of this Summons once a wees tor four eonaecutivo weeas in the Rose burs' News Review, a newspa per of general circulation In Douglas County, Oregon. DATED for first publication this 19 ay ot Aprti, ivan. HORN SLOCUM By -- Randolph 8 locum Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 114 U S. National Bank Building noeeDurg, uregon. Review Of Tariff Authority Paves Way For Action WASHINGTON ( Congress ional review of presidential tariff authority wai approved inursaay by the Houst Wayi and Means Committee. Tba action appeared to smooth the way for quirk completion of a compromise reciprocal trade ex tension bill designed to satisfy both foes and supporters of the Eisenhower administration bill. The action was taken by a re ported 16 vote. The committee approved an amendment by Rep. Aime J. Forand (D-KI) which the administration did not oppose. The proposed revision would Rive Congresi authority to review and override any refusal by the President to impose quotas or higher tariff rates on imports found by ' the Tariff Commission to threaten economic injury to an American industry. Tin I-resident now may ignore fuch Tariff Commission recom mendations if he determines it is in the national interest to do so. Under tha proposed revision. Congress by a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate could en force the recommendations of the Tariff Commission. Co-op Says Bonneville Refuses To Sell It Power WASHINGTON tfl The man ager of ao Oregon electric co-op Thursday told the Senate Interior Committee the Bonneville Power Administration refuses to supply it with electrical service. As a result. Robert Cole said, the Harney Electric Cooperative of Bums ii forced to buy Idaho Power Co. power which is three times more expensive than that of the BPA. A BPA administrator told the committee that construction ot a line to the area is not feasible. Cole said, however, the BPA doesn't recognize as eligible the ro-op's potential customers in Northern Nevada. Assistant BPA administrator J. I, Morthland said that even with Nevada customers on proposed 115-kilovolt transmission line the BPA would have a $452,000 deficit a year on the service. 3 Venezuelans Accused Of Nixon Kidnap Plot CARACAS. Venezuela I Po lice arrested three men Thursday on charges of planning to kidnap Vice President Nixon. Exiled se curity police of former Dictator Marcos .'erei! Jimenez were linked to the alleKed plot. Diogenes Antonio Caballemt Martinet was the only one of the arrested three who was identified. He is known as "the little dic tator" because during the Jan. 23 revolution that overthrew Perez Jimenei he led a croup that seized a large housing development near Caracal. The project was held un til the new government moved in forcibly two days later. Dulles Gives Centennial Commission Pat On Back PORTLAND IT. The Oregon Centennial Commission has re ceived a pat on the back from Secretary ot State John Foster Dulles. In a letter to commission chair man Anthony Brandenthaler, the Cabinet official said the 1969 en position and trade fair will be 'an important asset to the world fam ily of nations. It will eerve as a reminder to peoples everywhere that Americans are constantly striving to improve economic con ditions throughout the world. Undertsktrs Would Civ Coroner Job To Police PORTLAND Law enforce merit ncncieg $htiuld lake over all riutim of the curonpr'g office in Oregon, (ha $tate Funeral Direc torji Axsn. said Wednnday The association a No recom mendra thai no coroner be per m it led to erv 11 funeral dirfrtnr lor a a person wlmne death ha hn! invriiKaicti oinriaiiy. The recommendation! will he lent to the Leislative Interim s'ommiltea on Coroner Qualifica tion . Or. Sat., May 17, 1953 AliVt RT1MCMKNT fOR BIHK Sealed vrnM'Mli mirud Propoaal for aundale Village Sanitary Sewer" will ' be received up to the hour of 1 U0 P M I on tha 2nd day of June. UH, and then I publicly opened and read. Proposals 1 MF.I.INA PEKHON: JOHN DOE PFR thall be addressed and delivered to RON. HUSBAND Or MKI INA PEK- City Recorder, Cuy Hall, Hose burg, Ore- gun. The contemplated work generally eon- I sista of laying and installing approxi-1 mately 0W feet of varying sites of sewer pipe, said sewer pipe to be constructed either of vitrified clay or eoncroW or other materials specified In the specifica tions. Also by laving and ins tailing ap proximately sewer pipe Y and con structing approximately 3 manholes with cast iron rings and covers and by in- tailing surh tump pump and overflow i linaa provldad bjr Um plana and apcclflca- FOKMKKLY WANDA KNt.'DTNON. A lion. SINGLE WOMAN I'Hll.F.TAKIAN Plana. Specifications. Proposal form I LODGE NO S. INDFPKNDK-NT OK. and Instruction may be secured upon a i DEH OF ODD FELLOWS. ANN POL deposu of I1SUO at the offlca of tha R-AND: ALSO. ALL OTI1K.R I'r.RSONS eorder, Roseburg. Oregon. All proposals i OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING mutt Da accompanied by a certified ANY HIOHT. TITLE, kstate, L!.N check or bidder'! bond, made peyabla to I OR rNTF.HEST IN THE HEAL ES tha City of Roeeburg. Oregon, in an I TATE DKSCHinEO IN THE COM- imounl not laea than five .5) par eent of the amount bid. Bidder must be proQuallfled In ac cordance with tha laws of Oregon. The right ta reserved to reject any or all bids, to waiv any Irregularities or to accept tha bid deemed In the best interests or the my of Koaeburg. Dalad this 18 day of May, WUXMA U. HILL Recorder ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID laaled proposals marked "Propoaal for Mi liart Addition Sanitary Sewer" will b received up to the hour of 1 00 PM. on tha and day of June, l&Sa. and then publicly opened and read. Proposal shall be. addressed and delivered to the Ciiy Recorder, City Hall, Roeeburg, Ore gon. Tha contemplated work generally con sists of laying and Metalling approxi mately 11,450 feat of varying sizes of sewer pipe, said sewer pipe to be con structed either of vitrified clay or con crete or other malt rials specified in said specifications. Also, laying and In stalling approximately 246 sewer pipe Y's and constructing approximately 4W manholes with cast iron rings and covers and by Ins tailing such sump pumps and overflow lines as may be required by the plana and specifications. - Plans, Specifications, Proposal Form and Instructions may be secured upon a deposit of glSOO at the office of the Recorder, Roseburg, Oregon. All pro posals must be accompanied by a certi fied check or bidder's bond, made pay able to the City of Hose burg. Oregon, in and amount not lass than five i5 per oent of the amount bid. Bidder must be prequallfied In ac cordance with the laws of Oregon. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any Irregularities or to accept the bid deemed in the best Interests of the City of Roseburg. Dated this 16 day of May, 11.3. WILLMA D. HILL Recorder ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS Sealed proposals marked "Proposal for llucreet sanitary Sewer ' will be re ceived up to the hour of 1:00 P M. on the 2nd day of June. ltfM. and then pub licly opened and read. Proposals shall be addressed and delivered to the City Re corder, City Hall. Roseburg. Oregon. The contemplated Work eenerally con sists of laying and Installing approxi mately 3.053 feet of varying sixes of sewer pipe more or less, said sewer pipe to be constructed either of vitrified clay or concrete or other materials specified in ine spec incat ions. Also, laying and In stalling approximately 6H sewer pipe Y'a and constructing approximately 17 man holes with cast Iron rings and covers and Installing such sump pumps and struc tures and installing overflow lines pro vided by said plana and specifications. nana, specifications, truposal jrorm i and instruction may be secured upon i a deposit of fl.lOo at the office of the Recorder, Roseburg, Oregon. All prnnos-1 als must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond, made payable I to the City of Roseburg, Oreaon. In an1 amount not less than five 5 per oent of ine amount Qia. Bidders must be prequallfied In ao eorduice with the laws of Oregon. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any Irregularities or to accept the bid deemed in the best interests of the City of Roseburg. Dated this Ifl day of May, IBM. WILLMA D. HILL Recorder HI'MMON. Cs NO. Hlli Til IT riKCDIT COl' It T OP THK STATIC OP OR Mi ON POK ltOtT.I,.K COl NTV WILLIAM M ANDERSON and GERT HUDK M. ANDERSON, his wife. Plaintiffs. vs. KDNA JONP-S and JOHN DOT KURTZ, heirs of Sam Kurta, Deceaoed, THK UNKNOWN HE1KS of Hiram Kurt a. Deceased, and AM. OTUKH PER SONS AND PARTIES UNKNOWN, if any, claiming an interest In the real property hereinafter described. Defendants TO: EDNA JONM and JOHN DOE Kl'KTZ. heirs of Sam Kurti, Deceased. THE UNKNOWN HEIHS of Hiram Kurta, Deceased, and AlA. OTHER PER SONS AND PARTIES UNKNOWN. If anv. claiming an Interest In the real DronerUr hereinafter described. Defendant IN THK NAME OP THK STATE OP OREGON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed! againat you tn the above entitled court and cause within four weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons, and for want thereof, Plaintiffs will ap ply tn th Court for the relief prayed for In their Complaint, a succinct state ment of which is aa follows: That Plaintiffs be declared to he the ole, exclusive owners of the real prop erty hereinafter described, to-wit: Commencing at a point, the said point being the Northeast corner of the Philip Peters Donation l.and Claim in Townahip 27 South, Ratine S Writ, Willamette Meridian, Doug lea Countv, Oregon, running thence South 32 40 Chains to corner; thenc Eat 43 73 chains to corner, throve North 10 IS chains; thence West 4.175 chains to the place of begin ning, being a part of Ponatlon tjind Claim No. 47 In Township 27 Houth, Range 4 West. Willamette Mr r nil an, escept that portion. If any, 1 uig north of the Countv Road That the Defendants and each and all of them be declared to have no naht. title. Interest, Hen or claim in, to or upon said 1 ine rigni and tine or ine I'laintlffs be tie- Lh .n, JtiZ.A I '?,mii'r her,g olect, therein; that Plaintiffs title in said real property ha forever tie hereafter barred, restrained and en Joined from claiming an inter! in said real property or any part thereof, and aenerai reiiei R 1. WHlPriE At tome v for I'ismtiffs Data of fust publication May 3. 1M NOTlt I TO ( RMMTOft! AH persons having cUirt.s sfsinst th csiaie of Everett Charles Ward, de ceased, now pending tn the Circuit Court of Itouglss Countv. Oreaon. are herehv notified to present the um, duly vert 'd aa required bv law. to the under sifned al tha law offices of George i.uo nia. t'mpqua Savings A Loan Utnldmg. ; " : ' ,., this notice. . which date is Apctl M, Hi Ml mnisirstor of tha Estata t Ferett CharWa Ward. Deceased Til l OF tl. siFTTI MI-XT 1 ..-'... n iiMiini ..ia.n mat Btste ot Jamrs A t.ai,ln-r. I V,-e..s,-,1 Brr M-mdav th h ,Uy of Msv, IWM. st now pending in ihe Cir.Mut tVurt of 1.mi nln . ui'lrtk AM, In litcuit Court Room las fount, Oreson. are hereh. -.tHi.-,t nK,. A in the t'ounlv Court House. Hwe- to present the saia dulj senfied re t"iTg Douajlai f,.uti1. tregun. has been quired bv law. lo the un.terstgnrd at ii eo as the time and plai-e for hearing obiei-ti.ms. if any there be. to th I itul , Account filed by the undersigned in tha Ctroi.t Court of tha .State of Orea-m. for lM.i( County, and for tha aeltla-1 ",r,i JOHNSTON Arlmmtttrsior of the Estata of (. axts Johmtitn, Ueessed NOTH-B OF FtsMi r TTI g MTST Notice i HritntY civkn ih.i is. Circuit IMugiss County. Ore son. lD5a. at tha hour of m ts o . i.h a i as tha tinva aia Urcml C.Hjf.r.Hm "A or ine Koaeburg. tregn tuurlhusisa tn the piae .tr hear-1 trig objections. If any. u tm fiiui aw. count of the a-twutor herein UATKO this .ltd da. (( Vay, la.VI. CHARLES B TVHNIH Fsacuior of tha li viU and Tea lament and Ei Joaeph rtna, Deveased. LEGAL HIMMONft CAfcK .SO. I ma THP flK I IT CO I KT OF THE STAIE Or OKM.ON IS AND IOK IIDI I.Uit ( (KM V VICTOR J. MILfcLLI and CHRISTINA MICELLI, Plaintiffs, vi RON. Ir bHE IS MAHH1KD; M B THOMAS: HOPE ! THOMAS, r A Y M POLAND, HAZEL M ANDREWS. FORMERLY HAZEL M POLAND JOHN DOE ANDhtlWS HUSBAND OF HAZEL M. ANDREWS, ir M(K IS MAHHir.D, LOUISE ANDERSON: JOHN DOE ANIJEHSON. HL'SHAND OF LOI'ISE ANDERSON. IF SHE IS MARRIKD. NORHIS O NETTLETON; JANE DOE NETTLETON. WIFE Or NORHIS O. NETTLETON. ir HE IS MAHKIRD; WANDA OI..MSrnKll, PLAINT HEREIN Defendants TO' JOHN DOB PERRON, husband of Mel ma Perron, if the Is married JOHN DOE ANDREWS, husband of Hazel M Andrew, if the is married, JOHN DOE ANDERSON, husband of luite Anderson, if she married. JANE DOE NETTLETON, wife of Norm O. Nettleton. if he is married. alo, all other prrsois or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein IN THE NAME OK THE STATE Or OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and amwer the complaint of plainlifls filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before four weeks from the Hata nf tha firm, nuhl iratlrin if this turn. mrni. And if you fail so to appeiir and answer said complaint plaint if f, for want theredf, will apply to the Court for the relief praved for in laid complaint, a succinct statement of which la as fol lows: That It be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners In fee and cntHU'd to the pos session of the following described real property, to-wit: Parcel 1: Beginning at a a Inrh Iron pin on the Went line of the tit even Donation Land Claim No 40 located S 0 de grees 2.V W. 102YM fret from the Northwest corner of said D LC. No. 4: thence N. R deifreea 07' W. 17tt6 :il feet to a J inrh iron pm on the Wr.t line of Han-ells Addition as platted and recorded: thence long the said West line of HasH)'s Addition N 0 degrees 3K' 2(15 8 feet to a 58 Inch iron pin at west end of the North line of Harrison Street (now Hope Streeti in said Hasnell's Addition; thence along said North line f Hone Street extended N H8 degrees 37' W. 45 feet to a ' a Inch Iron pin: t hence S 4ti degree Of W. HO feet to a 'i" iron pin: thence N. Mi degrees 2.T W 1KU75 f-et to a Iron pin; thence S 60 degrees 25' W 6U 4 feet to a 1 Inrh axle, thence S. 2 degrees' 55' K. 142.5 feet to a 5 8 inch iron pin; thence S. O degrees 42' W. IrW 5 feet to a 3S inch Iron pin; thenoe N. 63 degree 46' W. 1H feet to a 5 8 Inch iron pin at the Kaaterly corner of Lot No. 1 1 Second Addition to Overlook: thence along the South easterly line of said 1-ot 'No. II. S 56 degrees 15' W. 54 H'J feet to an Iron pin and 8 46 degrees 27' W HO'.a feet to a inch iron pm at the South corner of nd Lot No II; thence S 7:1 degrees 40' 3D" E 1.1 27 feet to i 'i inch Iron pin : thrm- S .lit degree OH' T. 640 .1 feet to a 3 Inch iron pin; thence S Alt degrees 37' .10" E 1UMH 1 fret to a a inch iron pin on the Went line of id Stevens DLC No. 40; thence along the aid We .I line of DLC No. 40, N. 0 degrees 25' K 859 55 feet to the point of beginning In Douglas County, Oregon. Parcel 2: Lot Eleven 1t. Second Addition to Overlook, Douglas County, Oregon Subject to the rights of George l.uomi and Frances M Luoma. rumba nd and wife, under a contract of sale made Ik" tween the plaintiffs and the .nd George Luoma and France. M. Luoma; and. snid Parcel 2 also being sultject to the rights of J Clifford B.ixter and Velorls laxter. husband and wile Flirt hr I hali thai Hntit rl nniaaialnn , and title to said premises be forever ' quieted In plaintiff, subject to the rights of George Ltinma, Frances M Luoma, J. Clifford Baxler and Veloris Baxter a fore noted; and that It be further decreed that any clutm of the defend ants, or any one or more of them, in or to said premises or any part thereof Is without found.it ion In taw or tn equitv. md tnat plaintiffs are the owners in fee of said premises and of the whole there- free from anv and all claim and Interests of said defendants, or any one or more of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever : and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, thrniiKh or under them, or any one or more of them. he forever restrained and enjoined from asserting anv right, title. etate. lien or Interest In or to Mtid premises or any part thereof : and for such other and further relief as to the Court may appear equitable This summons Is served upon you bv publication thereof once each week for Tour successive weem, making five pub hratinna in all. in the Kosehurg News- Revie- newvpaper of general circu- lation aa provided by statute, published " Iwied In Roseburg. Douglas Count), Oregon. Hv order of the Honors ble Cart E JtMltre of the shove entitled Court, made on the lift day of May. The flrt publication of this summons la of date the nrd riav of May, ltftt. (.F.OHt.P. l.rOM Attorney for Plaintiffs j I,-K,'!,-Sn,". Umn Bld . ' ! i NO I.1T in thit ( IHI'I IT I OI HT OF Tilt T ATF OF OKMiON t OR 1 II K ( in ntt of not I.I . FHOHtTR lll-'P KrM NT tn tha Matter of the Kitate of J. C STR AWN. deceased The undersigned Ao: mini Orator with the Will Anne ted having dulv filed his ounnng as Ailimmairstnr of the above!1'1 u ,n plaintiff an ahsnlut decree of estate, docs hereby j,ive notice thst on the M day of June, ltt.vi, at ttve ntur of ten o'cl.H-k A M of nald tlav. in the Circuit Court Hmini "A" of the Circuit Court of the Stste of Oregon fr Dougla. v uunij , in ine IMUdlsn l ou Court Xft ,ni,' (.0 Mouse. Roseburg, he will spp Ail mnu.trjitt said esl.ile. saut tune Iteina the tim the Court to the c- -r and to count u aid Adnu' resignaiii rstor II srtiM.l. Aitimr-t.tr iif.t.trsi.w with the WH irxe1 of the Ftate of L'. Mr awn. deceaned . . : N'tlTH'F TO CRriHTOH, , NOTICE 18 HEKMtV 1VI..N that the iwn appi-iniea a.,, , ...,r u, ,,,,s I'lvn. dece4ed. h or lrr of ihe Circuit Court ""7 yw" "r itoug.as A haa dul qu4hfied as su.-h Cou tu All persons hsving rlarm atairvst sa d heref required to present tia urn- with the pr..(er ouohers. in si itn months from ihe date of this notice, to the iinderired at the offices T l-tng. Neuner A Datia In Kosebuxa. count Oregon n.ted ami first puolnhrd tha It da f Alril w ine Morgan of the r.tata of n. Defeated Fecutr Dora Du NOTlfS TO Ht ItiniRs AM pers,Mis havmg , Is ms ss .mst the the law officea of t's.rge L aua bavmn. and l oan Ho, I n.p. burg. re,n within i im.nn f-,.m the data of tba first publication -f trus not lea. whs-h date Is 3. lia 1 FtR( .. 1 I l IV V AltiiMitrat.T Vtith tb Will Annexed of the fetal of Jsntes A fiaidnrr IVicsmsI Data of fir it publication Ms J, ia XtlTH I OF Flsl "I T Tl F Ml NT NttTICK l!t HKKIRV t;iF. that Mi'tuisv. tha 2nd da of Jtn. HMt at WOO orlivk AM. in Circuit d"irt H.min "A in (ha Conn' Court House. NVe burg. IfcHiKiaa Countv, isfinn. has t-rn fisrd as the tl'na aid pla.e for heKin olijfctKa. if any ll rs. le. to the Fmat Att-ounl filed bv the un.le(igived in ih t iront Court of the Mate ,.f Otr.-. for lKuUs Count), and foe tha settle nient lbrre.r t mnm U Ri-cera Fsei-utrs ot Uiv Botata M O ii. Haters. Ieceaaed Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 195t Adftrtiimi For butineiiH WitAia loteCurg Trt Aim 1 Doy, Ptr Word 3 Days, Per Word 6 Days, Per Word 9 Days, Per Word 12 Days, Per Word 18 Days, Per Word Per Month, Per Word .10 .13 .17 .21 .25 .29 .33 Minimum charge for any one ad .75 Set But Not Publuhed Chora 50 'Cord Of Thonki 1.00 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED r- . :,u l xn ,rst Cr COl. nch ..JI.JO Repeot Insertion, per col. inch ,85 NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advvrtiiini For ButififiiM OuUtdf Rosetru'i Trlt Aim Per Line, Per Issue $ .25 Minimum chargs for any one od 1.00 CommiitiOfliClt to Recotnirtfl Agencm DEADLINES I I1 IimiM!! Dlj fntf Ts ullicitill eiictllitiM. Ui to I 3i A M. FuklicitiH Dm The Hrmi B.e ffsfet tri ngnf to Clltt-ly, edit tv reject sny CtJinfied Ad cf. ADJUSTMENTS If your advert iic me nt ippiif incorrirtl. notify ui immerjiitely. Wt will not be reiponnbli tor mo'e than one incorrect irjfrtion. SucK re ipormbilitir ii limtted to refund of pries pi id or correct inte'tion of i-Jve-lusment. Mui Wilt Nit If Kill Mm Till M Bift 1 Lost & Found LOST Blue Tick female hound, be tween Camas Valley and Remote Lost Saturday. Call OR 3-KH07 collect. Notices LOOKINGGLASS Cemetery Association annual clean-up and basket dinner. May 24th. W. J. Meredith. Secretary. Personals Beautiful Free Booklet ON Encyclopedia Brltannlra. Rook a month payment plan .Wnut News - Re - view, bus sua. Vacation Hide-away RIGHT on the ocean -completely fur nished, special rates for J davs or more. For information. OR 3-U45. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing coniiaeniiai aavice may contact Cath olic Charities, 278 W Broadway, Eu gene. Oregon. Dl 5-3842. STAUFFER home redurinr dan. Alice neininger. ixcai Hepresentalive, will' give free home demonstrations by ap pointment. OR 3-7567, 104 N E. Club. ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS 245 S E. Jackson. Tuesdays. Saturdays 8PM HOUSE OF UNIFORMS 432 W Umpqua. un .i-sinf I WILL not be responsible for debt other than my own. Alfred E. Croe. Real Estate MODEHN 5-room home. acre, lx:i2 grrenhouse, lots of flowers and shade trees, city water, also well for lrrla tion. SI0..VH). 1011 Newton Creek Road. OR 2-35S FLOWERS, shrubs, tree's nice-lawn, strawberries excellent It-bedroom home, oak floors, large kitchen and living room, verv neat. kd uncrowd ed location. tGUSO. OS 9-53.12. WEST SIDE home-2-bedrooms-and den. near schools and shopping center Nice fenced yard. Excellent FHA terms on appraised value of 510,730. 37 a W Stvenandoah. OR 2-1322 TWO HEDKOOM house, nnly'a coupleo blocks from down town: a!o dote to schools. Little down or will con sider a sedan car OK 2-142 or see owner at 557 W Umpqua St NEW. 3-bedrnom home, built-in oven range, model kitchen l's baths; ex tra large lot. OR 2-1393. LEGAL Ns HI VMllVt THE riRCI IT CO! RT OF THK IN S r.4Tt OF OK Mi ON FOR HOt lil.tS l lll 1l RICHARD DEAN DRAKE, intirr I kathleen drake Plai Defendant TO KATHLEEN DRAKE IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF """'" u are nerrhy summoned and required to appear and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff filed herein aiiainst ou in the above entitled suit on or before four weeks from the fir.t publication of this summons, and if you fail to ao appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above -entitled court for a decree awani- rem frt.m the defend. This summon is puhluhed pursuant to an order by Hon Ch.-trles S W.xKlru-h. Judge of the above-entitled court, m.ile and entered on the 2Mh dav of April 1 wnion order directs th.l this nnnis oe pin-11-.lie.l ,mce a myk fo weeks in the Hiwlmri New-Rei four w pub- Ot-. pater of Krnei i''iHl in Koselniru, Douglas Cou ',,n' he date of the flt puhUc lhia sumt'ion i April 2ti n-, n of noNAl.D S KJM.lV A!torne for Plaintiff 1oiii;1.4 Clunt St Bldg . Koaeburg, Oreg.m m.the nr nvti hittmmint i iv t i IK.KM1Y I.IVKN 1 h a "tuV of iTTrl 'a t Turir"m ' "A !" of tle t ,rcu,t " ouV I tha Douglas County four I'urg. Oregon. h and i.lare for to the Mnil Account bv tr- u , ,k- , .r . ... " of Orecn. in stxl for n..,,., snd for the set u-mr,it t'-r-f JFNME M POTVIN, Kxec of the F.tsie of Joseph Potvin. l)tYjnJ NOTlt F TO CHI IMTOR4 Notioe is hereby given that the Circin1 Court f,.r Done: iunt. Oieg.n t, order appointed the undt'r:gried adrr n Mtrator of the ette of Rr vs L w ; "n. oeceaeo Ail (terins ha " asa.nst m:i e are to ore flfSl v law requ.rrd. i the Iji ..it,.- e under 1 A U :.n 2lff I S Nations; (Uos g. H.'sri'ius. 0;e--ti stuhin i frt'm V li l.W l AS IMt'Kt'NS A.1minitrat,ir cf the F-tate of Revis L Whsaxi IVs-eased NOTICi TO CKriHTOR All persons havire cUims s;. Estate of WiMiam Windhorst l. st thai now pendtnf in tha Circuit Court of Dm:, las Count. tVer-n. are hereh notified lo present hr sane dnv xertrird as required bv law. to the undersigned at the law offices of lsrge Luoma fmp ijua Savings A l,oan Huildini. R e!mr tVegon, ithin sis months fro-i the of the first puhlioauon of this nolu-e hs-ll date is Aivril 14 liKi'Hlir I Com 4. A.lminislritor o( tha Fsta'e of William WiiNlhaTst. lV-eaed Stop! You May Find Just W'riot Ydvj I Are Looking For On Thi$ 1 Pog. OUT OUR WAY K OWOOO.' we TAKE A HIKE IWTHE NOT AS LOW AS ;. -'i v COUNTRY TO ENJOY TH WONPERS I THE 3UY WHO O ; - AMP BEAUTY OF NATURE AMP YOU V DUMPEP IT J 4 v i V - ' HAFTA STOP AN APMlRE A PILE i THERE Jfi V Ul ty CF JUWK.' HAVE VOU NO CULTURE Osfc-rWl t tfel?i JJA.M.- ' THE WORRY WART X, t, I" m-M Real Estate Surburban ENJOY life, in this attractive 3-bedroom home, play room, large storage room, carport. Nice living dining room, fire place, bath with colored fixtures Large roofed patio, beautifully fenced yard, garden space and fruit. GI MAY BUY. 2"r down. Appraised $13, 000, selling 13, 000 $500 Down l'i ACRfcS. creek irrigation City Waiter, garden, fuit. barn, pantur. Neat 2 bedroom home. Just $7150. $7950 'i WO- bedroom and playroom. Llvtng nning roc m. liandy kitchen. b.ith. util ity wired for washer dryer. Concrete foundation. Lovely yard ani fruit, sewer and city water .Easy terms. Attractive : GOOD older .T-bedroom home Large liv- Utf I aunn r.j n Vtt nice kit trcn. Bath Shop and guest room, ':ge gar.i,;e. Boj'itilul grounds See 1m- nrat. tidy home in good condition, only $H.Z0O. Fullerton Realty Gr Insurance n s. stepnens Dial OR t-Sl.'J FOR SALE by State of Oregon, 4 year old J-bed room modern stucco house with attached carport and enclosed utility. Wall furnace with automatic controls, hardwood floors, full con crete foundation. Separate 8' X 12 stuc co pump and storage building. Lot size 100' X IIS 22'. $7950. 10'. down, balance on 3 contract. Located two miles East of Sutherltn on Central Avenue, one-fourth mile North on SouthMde Road. Department of Veter ans' Affairs, Salem, Oregon. Refer L, i:i72fl-F. MAKE OFFER for my equity 3-bedroom. close in. clean, modern, now vacant, then pay S57 mo. on $4200 balance. Located 846 Shambrook St. Drive bv and If Interested call OR 3-3M1 or OR 3-8102 if no answer, for appoint ment to see. TWO BEDROOM, modern home, sonje furniture Five nice acres. Fruit tree, berTies. city water, well with pre urr sstem. Value $11,500; we owe $.'1000 want cash offer for our equity 0 miles south on old highway MM OR3-XH2 or OR 3-402:1. 28 A . 1 mile from city limits. 280ft frontaee. on Diamond Lake Blvd 2 good houses, small but livable good rentals. Good well and pressure pump, other outbuildings. Good business location, or home sites A real buy at $10.i00rahCall OR 2-14H6 WEST SIDE 2-bedroom. possible 4; electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet, elec tric dishwasher and garbage disposal: flagstone wall with fireplace, lota of built-ins. Fireplace and barhecue on patio $15,000 terms. OR 2-81134 or OR 2-10K2. TWO or three bedroom home, completely up to dale modern, large yard. lawn, shrubs Planters newly built. Hucrest district. 1 block from school. Interest. ed parlies call OR 2-1555. If no answer nR 'salev bedroom home for $20 House located in aown town Hneeourg Would con sider trade on D-2 Cat or John Deere Crawler OR 3-3609 FOR SALE or trade West Roseburg. modern. 3-bedroom house. Restricted area Will take suburban hoime with small acreage. Phone OR 2-9148 for appointment. NEW 3-bedroom home, firr place, cera mic tile throughout Fully plastered, hardwood floors. Liberal terms to reli able party. OR 2-414 CLOAKES KERRY" thibed roTn home, hardwood floors, dishwasher, redwood fenced, landscaped and flow ers. Iare lot. $ IS .200 OH 3-7072 TWO HKDROOM " home."- den attached garagr. excellent neighborhood. cloe to fld achtM'' on c"' b"" I'heral! frm- to reliable partv OH 2-44 . T1IKKE HKORIMIM HOISE. wired for. w,i-ifier and drer; quiet neinhb-nhootl , down, 47X full pru-a Private owner tlS 9-.1 TWO RFDROOM furnished home Close! in. near school, nice vard. berries J l Consider car or trailer home part pay ment OR 2-12-iJ. ' f FOR SALE or trade. SmthRj'emI2 ' acres, 3-bedroom hnne. $1.1 .V0. or trude for .1-4 bedroom homa In Rose burg OR 2-.W74 WESTSIDE 2-hedro..ms. wall" wall carpet, fireplaoe Very nice Fx tra large ard uh tiowers and shniiM. : snnits. ww. low down pav ment OR FREE eqtiitv in 2-hedroom hou i' ?t pi wood to prtv who bu fun ffl'mt' u'ni Mu.iA.".-1 . i . BMmwM nomt, i:rep;ai-e. gar ate. larce lot. shoo Near Hucrest School fyt for aquite or tasa g.-Hd car OR 2 1 04 rin ;! r. ,r tr.i . hn-f... erty with houe on Harvard Avar -me. for suburban -propert Phone OR 2- 91 J REDMOND. Oregon", duplex - no rea i orub.e tra.le or cah offer refused PO Box il OR i-4245 cai r'ou Tsmr . . . SALE OR TRADE. best offer takes equttv in T rental units. Phone fcitlwr- hn 2707 sfter a TWO 10PXW ft lot, paved Hreet and ewer. t'0 and take over assessments tR ;t-.tih7 OR 3-Jtt evenings j 3 BFDROOM. I't barhs. nrr court' :U4 R r. Itm FHONTAt.l on N I'mpqua nw 7 miles fr.m ton. in heav i.) -wooded area OR 2-424 ST KOl'T REALTY OR 3 '2A advert is. e listings nationally. Free catalogs. IM SK Hamilton St ; TH REE he1rom. 1 's lets, near River- ( hi, an iit i.iiaa iiiiisiisra lor OUSI- nrss OH 2-14.vl FOR SAl.F or trade-4 bedriHim-hcisa. 1 a:e Winston sectina OS p-Mu 7 , ACHES, lAXkingsias am ped- I'tom houses l'lvme OR ,l r;t TH "FE iVl)HitiM house, lltt a M II xi down OR JM EsTMDE a ,.iedn.vs." h p. dark r.v,vfn W ill deal OK 2 4Mb j THREE RFPRtHlM bouaa. 9lomiA ' bargain. OR 2 42.17 Real Estate MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Make Her The Mother Of The Year In A Home Of Her Choice 1. FOR the email family who wants a large garden. 2-Bdrm Cape Cod bunga low, oak floors, good medium sized rooms with lots of storage. 100x180 lot. avea street, city water, neighbor- d of other good homes. $6850. About NJ down on FHA. THls won t last- ZOO down on FHA. THls wont last- call us at office or home to see. I ATTENTION Vet's' Now hear This ve have a 3-Bdrm modernistic with all best of materials and workman- up i nai me owner says sen tor U, - 5O0 The nice features are fireplace, pi 4 tier. American Kiicnen, full cera mic tile bath, oak floor. Call us to 1 FOR THE THRIFTY Extra large 3- narm noma on one floor, needs some finishing and decorating. On sewer and paved st If you can paint and car penter this Is your opportunity. At a SACRAPRICE of U.930. How can you go wrong? 'WE CAN ALWAYS USE ANOTHER GOOD LISTING" ORCHARD 3-5340 1 S E- Washington Eve. & Sundavs Millard or Marlon Magneas OR 2-3017 Honeymoon Special!!! NOTHING DOWN TO FEDERAL C.I. . it bedroom home clone enough for the wife to walk to town. Nice lot n aU rendy landscaped and property is on city sewer. Could be purchased by non veteran for low down payment on good credit. Purchase price $8,250. See This Today! We're In A Tizzy OVER THIS stunning 2 E R. and den nuiiie. r inesi cransmansnip and ma terials here, dream kitchen, spacious L R . large fireplace, large dining room. 2 bathrooms, beautiful land scaped yard, lartte swimming pool. All this for $21,000, Out-of-state owner tak ing a big loss but wants to sell quick: reasonable down payment. PS It has a forced air oil furnace in the base ment. WHEN Bt'YING OR SELLINO ALWAYS SEE US 957 NE Stephens L. B. HICKS REALTY m & INSURANCE OR 2-3731 Eve's and Sundays rail L B Hicks OR 3-7243 Elmer Hicks OR 2-181.1 Tina Newport OR 3-3442 BvGrsReol Estate 1 ' Close In CHOICE location, comfortable home. large rooms, 5 down, and a .1 room and bath apt up, with an excellent view. 3 blocks to town, church, and ' school, offered at $14,000 with good I 19S Acres AHUl T 40 acres cultivated, seeded to permanent pasture, creek, orchard. 2 bedroom house, barn, other buildings, irrigation sstem included, at $lfl.ooo! $ MX) down or take house, or trailer house. I J r- Ollue UlSTriCT 3 RFDROOM home on 3 acre. $Q 710 terms. HUDROOM horn on 8 acres. $1200 aa terms Byers Real Estate 421 w nnr 2 Ph. OR -74S r Evenings Call I - Doug Warren OR rsnrtif Rov Brnhart OR 3-S77H . Glenn Bra QR 3-74ftg , Penn's Real Estate1 HIGH on . b. ,,h a hesu,,,l , ! i,-"1 ""Jrsl finish throiagtioui. Se- nun nrep. ares up and down 23 familv rixm in full basement. 2 bath., built in rane. oien. diiwsher and disposal unit FHA terms See now. DRAMATIC indoors and out. spend those n'M umrrr evenmo enjo ing coot hreeres from the I mpqua river bv door.1 fomhinat.ons of . ""a "r""v , c",t,lf1 niake this lar 2 bedroom " l,,n home the utmtst in modern living Sea It todar CONVENIENCE at a maximum Raised hearth inset fireplace, family-dining rvrn. natural finih throughout. ii- arsta utilitv. 1 bedrooms, deep lot. ,ric4 ll.00. Let ua ahow you 1 rOI'R bedrooms on ona floor. This plast- the lane family .Nice yard for rhii-1 dren Only 1 0.700. H4O0 down FHA. i SFI " l.FAH a bedroom, newle ra-l detwated homa on s acra near Rosa- rnirg Lumber. gOMO. Penn's Real Estate SM N H Oarden T si ley Blvd. O I-SM7 Bv enintrs and urvitsvs Bob and Batty Vtm OR J-ug Chuck Jaroot OR t-444 TRiht snv.-itv s 4 " a- i. it n tor a neuroom n.tms oe acre- . around Suiherlin. Ro-buTg or li-lard State prica. Waiin ad parttesiiars in latter. 190 Honarmkl Di.Urd State prica. WaiiAn ad Lana. igena. By J. R. Williams Real Estate Valley Real Estate Beautiful and Inviting FULFILLMENT for your dreem heme. It takes a lot 'o love to really make a home a home this one is a lovely to love. Generously roomy throughout. Built by a master builder, using qual ity materials. 3 bedroom plus a large recreation, family, or .lobby room. Fireplace. Corner location In W Roe burg You'll be happy here. 118.500 Sluuld F H A. readily. Two 2 Bedroomers $3,800 i ruRNNurn k.. ,k.u .., . , , "1RN1SHED. but ln,ot no ti ng or kitchen utensil. One Is rented 1-ot 70X120. Tinted. Showers. 10'. down. 5 A a . , , . , , JUU Acres & 2 Homes 5 1 6 000 t IM ITATED 2 to 300 thousand feet of timber, bawmill. Cool spring water. Grauy! Out. range for cattle and more cattle. tShooO! wonder how them flies do get ln? Not too far out on g.-cd road. An ideal setup for a stockman who likes to work cattle horseback. Timber rtghtaway money, miht be forU1 coming. Valley Real Estate 1117 SB STEPHENS PHOVE ORchsrd 3-401.1 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: n OR 3-378S Porwr OR 3-B2.-.9 Newport OR 3-.WI7 Salesman AV Broker flcono OR 540 ACRES 200 ACRES of level, cultivated, good soil on Olalla Creek, 15 paved miles from Roseburg. Large barn on con crete. 2 bedroom modern home. Some fruit trees. $25,000. $5000 down, $1500 per year. 3. 4 Acres THE BEST river loam Brand new S bedroom. 2-bath. separate dining room, all-pla.tered home. Double garage plumbed. Small new barn. This Is the ideal set up only 4 miles out. Full price $21,500. Can be financed. Westside A NEAT, clean, well-built. Insulated. 3 bedroom home with attached garage. lawn. trees and flowers for only $7000 Nothing down to a G I. $W to others. 4 miles ACRES ot the best soil bedrooms Fireplace. All metal kitchen. Small chicken house and fruit trees. Fenced yard with lawn and flowers. Only $1J.500, $2300 down. WINTER REAL ESTATE SSS W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIt.H SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 Evan in eslls Charles Mumby (OR KJS0 ANN'S BOARDING HOME. Delicl- j Douglas County Realty WEST 1UC .1 herlnvnm Knm. .,, double attached garage, ceramic tile' umnroom. manoetany kitchen, seoar-' ate dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc One year old Priced at: $n oo $2900 down and balance FHA ' """'to CARnrw vat i rv un.r. GAhRE,or.L.L.?,re.hs,,i7o,r ol:rChTudrn.'c:,:"i.uth,,urVW.,r.,'0.n,i shrubs. Priced at only $8950. GI Ft - nancing available. HAPPY vittrv onm i r,m hmi l .h f. r1'" Sde utS iv T 11 k ?h frage. in- kitrhei Situated on large one acre I lot. City water etc. Prtced free at onl $7718 Vi Low down payment to reliable party. . WTNSTOM mcTarrT . ' . I aim.. V ! a. nK,rm I earn ana larger. -' jwo garaen groumi. Croig I. Short Realtor 1118 SI atephen. Phc OR J.,) avanhtga nick Steven soo OR S-T744 Craig L Snort OR 2-2445 47 FT NORTH I'MPQt'A RIVER FISHING. ABOVE WINCHISTER DAM AT Depression Price. Over $ acres ot beauty, parklike grounds. 1 deep river loam. 1 year old bouse, all hardwood floors. Heat- o-la toe fireplace and electric heat Tiled bathroom all electric birch kit - chen. s-.eel sash Plus guest cabin, both fu-rushad or unfumuhed. Owner OR 2-47(11. " . 500 AcreS ALL IX permanent pasture Should carr ,100 esves. good fences, creek. 2-rwm house is neat and clean, gar age, feeding shed small barn Re duced to tha amaiingiy low price ,-f $10 000 cash Compare this prtce with any other ranch carrying J00 ewes North of Rmeburg Umpqua Realty 0 N E i'ephani OH l-KTl H.snva. 1 TT1I BILAITlFriTa1.atdhMma - . , , , nain, -. - tr.ct T-rma OR 3-4171 FOl'R ROOM furnished house. 2 lot FOl'R ROOM furnished house 2 -ot 2"0 down gV month. Fuiprtea t3.00 Inquira 12 Eden Lana. Real Estate Roseburg Realty TRANSFERRED OWNTRS are offering an excellent buy on their new, large. 3-bedroom ranch-tle home. The house is of the very beat materials and work manship, and immaculate in every de tail, including the fully landscaped lot. The big living room has a picture window with a river and valley view scenery. Swedish fireplace with huge raised hearth. Extra big utility. Extra half bath and shower. Located In the fine, restricted Illinois Heights of Wett Winston, which is really a suburb of Roseburg: only 7 miles out. Priced way down at 913.0U0 on best ( FHA terms. NEAT 1 bedroom home In nice block near Neilsen s Market. Only tttMM al (juo to giooo down . Roseburg Realty Insurance UHPQOA HOTEL LOBBY OR t-3344 OUB SERVICE DOEiNT COSTw rr pvs- 5 Bus'ess Opportunities Shell Oil Co. Has Service Station For Lease LOCATED In Drain Oregon, junction of old Highway 99 and Highway 38. Only Inventory and equipment for sala. Con tact J. C. Boyington. Box 23. Eugene, -Oregon or phone Roseburg OR 3-6663, Eugene Diamond 5-1.471 FREE CATALOG. Contains hundreds-of businesses, farms and income prop erties throughout US., Canada Speci fy type and location deiired. D-al di rect with owners. U.I. Buyers Dlgeit lt08 Hillhurst. Dept. 1197, Lot Angelas 17. Calif. SMALL GROCERY that wife can run while husband works elsewhere, 2 oth er lots and unfinished bldg. Will sell all or any part. OR 2-4302. WANT ACTIVE partner wuh Vmt'mon., ey, for rest home. OR 3-7947. 6 Loans & Financial FARM LOANS IF YOl ARE INTERESTED In a small payment for any kind of present or future debts . . . discuss with us the possibility of using your farm land and buildings as security for a long term Federal Land Bank loan. See or write L. G. Perkins Sec'ty - Treas Roseburg National Farm Loan Association Medical Arts Building loseburg, Oregon. Ph. OK 3-4031 FAMILY FINANCE Home Owned and Operated Loan Up to $1.MK On motor vehicjei and furniture 72 SE Washington OR 3-M17 MONEY IN A HURRY S50 TO S2.000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 813 S E. Oak OR 1-U Pacific Finance Loans 664 S. E. Stephens ORjj CAN USE some small disrauMed'cotw tracts. OR MJ or OR l-0l eves. 8 Wanted To Rent WANTED room and board In privata home, with T. V.. for elderly, retired gentleman. Mint be walking distant to town. Call OR 3-5581 MEDICAL TECHNICIAN 'needs nice. 2 bedroom, unfurnished house prefer close inOR2-278 before 3 PM WANTED TO R E NT 3- bed roonv mod" ern home, west or northwest district. OR3-5l24. TWO BEDROOM ho u seT'n o rt h e a tTor west, prefer tlectric heal. Phona OR 3-40A3. Rooms rocs ing. r rivata room and board $20 week or $7 month. Lota of parking space. 4200 SW Carnas Road. Green District OR 3-7947. Centrally Located Low Weekly Rates All Comforts of Homa Hotel Grond CLEAN furnished light housekeeping room Walking distance to P O. All utilities paid, $30 month. 1451 8 E. i snort. ROOM and board for elderly lady. Er- - "r i i HOTELSIBORcr TfrirSSi. 1 Rnbl rates. $13 It Una. OR 2-91)2 HOl'SEKFEPING rooms close in" Everything furnished $15. $25 and . month416 NEJackon BI'p'A Vi-i kw m Wntin dlln - HU 1"i'6 MHI WARM rooms, close tn. Prlvat bath, .VM Spruce, at foot of Washington. "p- '1nt lPtnf room, cloi s in. 1 l" .1-O.H1J Of UR 3-3311. ! SLEEPING room. 05 S I 3-7217 SLFEPING rooms. 732 S E Jackson next door tn Pehnev's. OR 3-3.12$ HOISEKrEPINO Jackson. ROOMS. 4U N. f. in Annrtmentc ONE BEDROOM apartment parilT lr- nisned. Meat, water and garbaga dia posai furnished. 732 SE Pine. NEW laree 1 bedroom aot. Fiertrta stove snd refrigerator OR 2-84-45, or OR Ml to w FCRNISHED OR unfurnished apt, $M9 and P Inquira harden Valley Mar ! ket.Phons OR 1-CM2 or OR J-3017. TWO, clesn ap-s Close tnT ' ."furnished l unfurnished. OR 2-701t or OR 3-H4l LAR.E" clean 2 bedroom apt Don Hater furnikhed S40 month nm 3-STa or inquire Gimrea Shoe Store '. JS vJ""0"1 modern Prtrnent TWO room furnished, apartment. HuMs 12M S C M. l DOWNTOWN, furnished, ttfxltrvcy apartment Call OR 2-W47 innr.t room rum:hed AduJts 647 9 E Flint. apartment. CLEAN 5-room furr shed flat. 1263 St Stephens. O' 2-.I270 LARiC and msll apartments cfose' attractive Adults 1 .12S t Douglai. Fi'RNISHED "l bedroom apt Utilities paid Wt Hills Apt 217 W Harvard. El HNlSHKO 1 bedroom diolei water a:iu iiroavr pa a .J OK .1 1 tO f ROOM FURNISHED gpV Iftl InqBira 123 Eden Lane THRFf BFDRtXJM spartfnent. furnish- insi.su Phone OR 2-70.1. NICE. 3-room. fiirnTthed aoL Inauira ' ; TWO ROOM furnished aptTTDO Ballf Ih. i town. W star riimwhed. 940 rnonlh "ft