45 or 78 i RECORDS (ok ea. Limit 10 UKELELES 3 .98 RECORD CARRYING CASE RECORD RACK Holds 40 GRADUATION SPECIAL PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH 31.95 EDGE 2.95 Carrying case Q I l C t 5 Q0 Worth of records, your choice Premiere Showing Stereophonic High Fidelity by Maanavox Coma in and hear fl in recorded sound. only CJ ca cfl bti 1 Television you. get more witn a Magnavox Mgeacwr TV Ontssm foe best receptioa FH Teoniforme powerexj foe ireogimweai dten4otn'rry I areas 262 sq. in. Krexn wish optical filter Top controls for convenient tuning Smcsst com pod cobinet acoustically designed SEC seal Mil MACsUVOX Mere rsj kef Come ss today for a desnoettrro'ior) GRAVES MUSIC STORE Oregon' Largest Music Store Roiaburs's Only Mojiovos Dealer The Finut In H.jb-Fidelity Phonogropru S16S. t. Jackion ORchord 2-1621 RPM ,73 per customer 1.99 Value . oW, ,99' YOUR CHOICE this amazing new development " v ;- ''aal.:'.aail T -o--) . Fulton Lewis Jr. Surprise Witness In Libel Trial OKLAHOMA CITY I Na tional radio commentator Kulion Lewis Jr. appeared as a surprise defense witness Thursday in the L b. district court trial of a (450,- Ouo libel suit against three Okla homa radio stations. Lewis defended his disputed Jan. 6. 1956. newscast, which is the basis for the suit by M r s. f e a r 1 nanamaker. prominent Washington state educator and leader in the 1935 White House Conference on Education. Mrs. Wanamaker filed the libel action against stations KOCY in Oklahoma City, KGWA in Enid and KOME in Tulsa, all of which car ried Lewis' broadcast. In response to questions from his attorney, Dave Miisten of Tul sa. Lewis said he received a "hailstorm" of complaints from delegates who attended the 1955 education conference in Washing ton. D.C. "They claimed the conference, which was using the new group dynamics method of discussion, was subject to being rigged or stacked," Lewis said. "They asked me to give it my attention. Lewis said he spent many hours conferring with "dissatisfied" delegates to the convention. Lewis charged that the sessions were dominated by professional educators. Mrs. Wanamaker in suits filed here and in other cities through out the country, has charged that Lewis libeled her in his remarks in connection with criticism of the White House conference and also by mistakenly confusing her with another Washington slat woman whose brother had been linked with communism. Lewis flew here W ed n e s day night. Sutherlin Bakery Now Has New Management Hunt's Bakery in Sutherlin, for merly the Home Bakery, opened under new management last week. New owners are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Laur ence Emel. former Roseburg resi dents. Hunt previously worked as a baker at Patterson s Bakery in Roseburg and Emel operated a golden Eagle service station. The bakery serves all types of pastries except ornately dccorat ed cakes, which the owners hope to have available in the near fu ture. Coffee, ice cream, pastries and soft drinks are sold at the fountain, reports Herb Osaki, cor respondent. Mosquitoes and Flies Don't be chewed to bin bv thrie hi nod thirsty pcHi. Jus burn a little Bt HAt.H wherever you want peace and contort. BUHACK ftofe loty To Uia-conorrtcol-- Do what jdut friends and neighbors do.,.gol going with popular Pacific Finance 'Cash For Summer Fun Plan." Visit yonr nearby Pacific Finance Loans office. Hero, you may borrow the cash you need to assure a. pleasant vacation and a fun-fillod sununer for you and yonr family. Wa'rt) rolling out tft rod carpet at PACIFIC FINANCE Gen McCoy, Manager it t. I. Stephens, Rmburf, ORcharsI J-464I YOU HAVE NO Our Safe O No Down Payment With Trade In O No Payment for 90 Days on approved credit O 3 Months Grace Period In event of lost of Job. Lay off or unemployment duo to illness, injury, we will require no poyments for 3 months, provided at leost 3 poyments have been made. ALSO Sea our Selection of Guaranteed Used Appliance tiaiitil iiictiicJ V-' .. : DOROTHY DOLL , . to judge students Recitals, Public Adjudi ication Set By Mrs. Heinline The program for recitals and public adjudication for students of the Hemline Music School has been announced by Mrs. Charles Heinline, teacher of the piano. Mrs. Heinline says a music school festival will be Sunday in the educational unit of the first Methodist Church. Recitals by ele mentary and intermediate students will be at 2 p.m. Those for prepara tory and high school students will come at 4. They will be public. Mrs. Paul Dillon, violinist, will assist in the Sunday program, and Mrs. Heinline will be at the piano. Adjudicator Named Dorothy Doll, national dean of curriculum for the National Guild of Piano Teachers, will be adjudi cator in the public adjudications next month. They will be Monday, June 2. between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and June 3 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. At 8 p m. June 3. the music school's theory department will present ensembles directed by Mrs. Clyde Carstens. There will be an informal reception and awards will be given. On Tuesday, June 10, public re citals will be given by Alice Ham ilton, a high school junior, and Mvrna Marsters. sophomore. Cloyd Riffe Will be accompanist, and ! tn the specifications Alao, laying and in Mrs. H. J. Jenkins, Soprano, Will , talHng approximately 68 aewer pipe Y'a assist. The piano teachers' guild dean is from San Antonio, Texas. Now in her 27th year as an adjudicator for the guild, she is educational direc tor for the San Antonio Music Co. and was a member of the faculty of the Wichita College of Music for 13 years. TRAIL RID! SUNDAY The Sheriff's Posse will sponsor a trail ride this Sunday. Riders will meet at the Dillard Shell Station not later than 10:30 a.m. Anyone interested is invited, including 4-11 club members. Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch. CASH TO GO-GO-GO... ON YOUR VACATION! (pajttjrrsy WORRIES WITH Buying Plan Mm I:- AUTOMATIC DEFROST $00000 ,.,,, irnil Trade CARTER TIRE CO. LEGAL ADVaBTlKKMKKT FOB BIDS propueals marsed ' FrupOMl for bund! V w.a; Siuiai &mwr b rmivvd up to Lh hour of 1.UU Pit on the 2nd day ot June. 1VM, and then pubiicl opened and rrad FrupuMii thaUl tw addrekstrd and drLivtrrrd lo Uv Cil lUcordcr. Lily HaU. Kossr burg, Or er gon Th eontmpUtd work nrallv eon- m iD m to, oi varnt . of Mtri pipe uid r pip io b conatruciard ' aaia in iv uii auia inftiaiiuiM apuruxi- wiiruiera ctay or ronrri olhr malarial aptKifiad in Um apavifica- uon aim py laying and in tailing ap proaumauijT pipe Y and cun tructm approximately 1 nunhu.n with caal iron rinas and covwra and by in- laiUna uch umD pumut and overflow tin provided by the ptaiu and ipectiica- uom Flam. &pcuieationa. Propoaal Form and Instruction may be secured upon a dcposni of SI5.UO at tb olfu-e of the Re corder. Hoaeburg, Orrgon. All propotaU muil be accoiupanied by a certified check or bidder's bond, made payable to the City of Roeeburg, Oregon, tn an amount not leea than five t.V per pent of the amount bid. Bidders must be prequailfied la ae Cordance with the laws of Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregulontiea or to acfwpt the bid deemed ' in the best intereata of the City of Roeeburg. Dated this 18 day of May, liu. WILLMA D. HILL Recorder ADVKBTIHEMBNT FOB BIDS led proposals marked "Propoul for MlUer't Addition Sanitary Sewer will be received up to the hour of l uo PH. on the Snd day of June, 1MB. end then publicly opened and read. Proposal, shall be addressed and delivered to the City Recorder. City Hall, Roeeburf, Ore aon. The contemplated work generally con state of laying and installing approxi mately 11.456 feet of varying sites of sewer pipe, said sewer pipe to be con structed either of vitrified clay or con crete or other materials specified in said specifications. Also, laying snd In stalling approximately 38 sewer pipe Y's and constructing approximstety 4m manholes with cast iron rings and covers and by inelalltng such sump pumps and overflow lines as msy be required by the plane and specifications. Plans, Specifications. Proposal Form and Instructions msy be secured upon a deposit of SIS 00 at the office of the ! posau muat be accompanied by a cent- Recorder. Koseburg. Uregon All pro. fled check or bidder's bond, made pay able to the City of Roseburg, Oregon, tn and amount not less than five tSl per cent of the amount bid Bidders must be preuualifled tn ae cordanre with the laws of Orrgon. The right is reserved to reiect any or all bids, to waive any irregularities or lo accept the bid deemed .in the best interests of the City of Roeeburg. Doled this 10 day of May, 195B. V.I1.LMA D HUX Recorder ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDf! Sealed proposal marked " Proposal for Hucrest Sanitary Sewer" will be re wived up to the hour of 1:0U P M. on the Snd day of June, 1M, and then pub licly opened and read. Proposal shall be addrcued and delivered to the City Re corder, City Hall, Kofleburg, Ore ton. The contemplated work generally con iLiti of laying and In-tailing approxi mately feet of varying size, of ewer pip more or leas, said sewer pipe ! ":LrucJ. 5!lhtr ijr!?V'!!L holes with cast iron rings and covers and installing such sump pumps and struc tures and Installing overflow lines pro vided oy saio puns and specifications Plana. .Specifications, Proposal t orm and Instructions may he secured upon a deposit oi si. too at the office of the Recorder. Roseburg, Oregon. All propos als must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond, made payable to the City of Roseburg, Oregon. In an amount not leas than five 15) per cent of the amount bid. Bidders must be preauallfled In ac cordance With the laws of Oregon. The right is reserved to reiect any or all bids, to waive any Irregularities or to accept the bid deemed in the best' Interests Of the Ulty of KoseDurg. Dated this 16 dav of May, 1UU. WILLMA D. HILL Recorder ni'ARlllAN'S NOT1CB OP SALB NOTICE IS HKKEBY C1IVF.N that Jack W. Kerlesz. gusrdisn of the estate of Psul 1. Kerteix. a mentally diseased person, will st the front door of the County courthouse In HoeeDurf, Douglas County. Oregon, on snd aflrr June S low. at 1O0O o'clock In the forenoon of said day. ell at private sale tor caxh or upon such terms as the rourt may ap prove the Interest of the guardianship enisle of Paul L. Krrteoz In snd lo the following described real premises, to- wit: l.ot I, Block 4. Houselev Heights. Plat I. as the same Is plstted snd on record in the office of the County Clerk, Douglas County, Oregon. Said sale is lo be made pursuant to an order of the Honorenle Carl E Wimberly ludge of Hie Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Doaglss County, in pro ceedings pending therein entitled "In the Metier of the Gusrdisnship of the Estate of Psul L. Kertesz, a mentally diseased person." clerk's regutry No S.:hkj. Dated and first published this 2nd day of May IBM JACK W KERTESZ, gusrdisn of the guardianship estate of Psul L. Kertesz, a mentally diseased person RHOTEN. RHOTEN SPEERSTRA :ilo Pioneer Trust Bulldlna Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Guardian. MOTHER'S WEEKEND EUGENE on The 31st annual Mothers' Weekend will be held at the University of Oregon this weekend. Mothers of university students will attend the events of the tradi tional Junior Weekend as guests of their sons and daughters. LKX11R ill V. railroader Slain, Man POPLAR BLI FF, Mo. of A i railroad man was slain and a i service station attendant kidnaped wild crime spree Thursday i In which two of three persons , ... , wukiu uirt-narrt-a 41 iiarkMiaic, Miss., after eluding Arkansas troopers. Officers identified the two who surrendered as Linda Rollins, 18. and Archie Moore, IS. both of Desloge, Mo., where the slain vic tim, James Huskey, lived. The pair walked into the Clarksdale police station. They said their companion left them at Memphis, saying be had friends there. They identified him as Billy Newhouse. 27, already sought by state police for the crimes. The trio had escaped Arkansas stale patrolmen near Bald Knob, Ark., after a high-speed chase a few hours after the kidnaping of George Tubbs, 29. at Poplar Bluff. Tubbs escaped at a Newport, Ark., restaurant, where be was Roseburg Building Permits Increase; Trend Followed Roseburg had a building per mit increase of nearly 700 per cent in April, following a trend over the rest of the Pacific Northwest Equitable Savings and Loan Assn., Portland, said permits in the Northwest soared to a 17-year record during the month, with a permit for a Portland shopping center mainly responsible. But even without the $21,300,000 per mit Northwest construction ap parently was on the rise. The Douglas County Planning Commission permits followed the region-wide trend. Roseburg's total was $123,385 in April, representing a 692 per cent increase over April 1957, when per mits totalled only $15,574. In March this year, the total was $44,489. Most of the increase was in resi dential construction. During the month permits for $113,350 worth of new homes were issued, com pared to none in April 1957 and $17,700 in March of this year. The Planning' Commission fig ures showed $117,156 worth of per mits issued for all types of con struction in April, compared to $52,513 in the same month a year a co and $69,828 in March of this year. Of the April total. $30,086 was for In Oregon, construction permits year ago and $52,268 in March. gree from Reed College. Prior to increased by 271 per cent over March and 28 per cent over April 1957. lotal Oregon valuation was $58,683,748. compared to $35,916. 534 a year ago and $31,440,601 in March. Home construction totaled $.1 476.926 in April, as aginst $2,307,431 last year and $2,706,178 in March FORMER RESIDENT DIES Word has been received here the death of Dave Nywall. a for mer Koseburg resident. Nywall died in Portland May 6. He moved from Roseburg about three years auo after residing here lor apnrox imately one year. Mrs. Archie El liott reports. Nywall is survived by his wile and lour children. HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS FOR THE THRIFTY HOMEMAKER WHILE WE REDUCE OUR INVENTORY DURING THIS ANNUAL SALE. WHY PAY MORE? WHY GET LESS? 8.95 Carpet With Pad & Laying $6.95 139.50 2 pc. Bedroom Suite 99.95 79.50 5 pc Dinette Set 59.95 89.50 Tilt Back Loungers 69.95 2.69 Drapery Fabric 1.98 129.50 Bunk Beds 98.88 79.50 Studio Loungers 59.95 A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE HUNDREDS OF LOW PRICES YOU WILL FIND THROUGHOUT THE STORE DURING THIS SALE. Buy With Confidence, PARK WITH EASE Fri., Mar I. 1953 The Newt-Review, Roteburf, Or. 3 Kidnaped In Wild stabbed before he broke away, The body of Huskey, 68, was found in hij home at Desloge, a town of about 2.000 population 'jewcLs oc if SWEET BRIAR... spiced with white, flavored with bold criss-crossing lines of highland color... curving you toward summer with the firm, flexible grace of elasticized laton taffeta. 17.95 ROSEBURG !hi ,MT"vr,.".-' Br"? iH sTTTrrrTTTTTTrrrrTTlT 111 I m 4 ' : I ! Spring Clean Up A I 'HOME Crime Spree 60 miles south of St Louis. It was discovered after ownership of the ear had been traced to Huskey. THE SEA FURNISHINGS 266 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-3393. SMWi .. . W. -. 1 100 N. E. STEPHENS OR 3-5577