PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING . . . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchord 2-3321 23 Fuel SAWDUST ewer Service) ar Dump WOOD OaM. elab ins pttlir core Summer rates on planer ends Jill aawtfuet for mutch Roseburg Lumber Co. Summer Prices 1 Month Only Large r ami II core: mill end, eawduat Out-of-town deliveries made GUY AND FRANCES GILL FUEL M14 N.l Douglaa OR 1-1324 25 Farm Equipment Used Tractors And Implements INTERNATIONAL 1-11 tractor, verr good mechanic! condition, pull two plowi .... 3M JOHN Dorr L A. tractor. An excellent, light, one-plow tractor. With plow, mower end cultivator. Juat the equip ment for imell place .... 403 TORD tractor 9-tf, t:,2. Completely ov erhauled brakei. hydraulic aytlem. Mo tor haa new aleevea. piatona. vaivea, etc Rune like new. Have been Baking HPS - reduced to 999 ISO rord tractor, ISM modal. Nearly new Guoranleed in every reapeet. win pun 2-16" plowa- Same tractor new coata a 2900 - have been aaking 91995 -reduced t TORD tractor l-N. Hour of good eerv ice. Only 749 PLOW two - bottoma. It" 171 PLOW two - bottoma, 14", on rubber lis ( PLOW two - bottoma, 14" 99 1 SPBING tooth harrow 90' DEEP Ullage cover crop diac, extra I good 145 INDUSTRIAL loader, heavy duty 995 ' HERMAN digger, like new eoet new I 93200, now . .... 1995 . Umpqua Tractor Co 1 1.1. Pine St. OR 1-9597 Save On Plastic Pipe New, Low Prices Price Per Hundred FL ,' MM i" $h. n IV tai on 1'," 824 00 Fitting Roseburg Supply Co 403 Nt Winchester fit OR3-4481 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS designed prop erly. No telling pressure and no obli gation, estimates free. For new sys tems or expert help with problems in present system, phone or write Chet Smith, Jr.. New Highway 99, Glcndale. Phono VI 2-M43. 26 Livestock PUBLIC AUCTION E. K. PEARSON RANCH, 1 MILES NORTHEAST OF CANYON VILLE Sunday, May 18 11:30 A.M. 29 HEAD OF CATTLE 1 5 White-Face Cows, 12 White-Face Calves, 1 Guernsey Milk Cow, 1 Polled Hereford Bull LOGGING EQUIPMENT IBM TD-8 With blade. Winrh med ford cab In top shape, operated only bv owner. Custom-built arch. I 23x20 10-Ply dual tires. CMC Lumber truck, with rolls 125 20 tires, in good condition except cab. Portable bunks with itakes. American No. I saw mill, IS to M rap. 28" head block opening! powered bv 871 GMC dletel motor, recently re built: mill has powered log-lift ilde delivery. 3-14" saws, long-handle edger tables, head tail, with steel rolls, air-pressure Mandrel! oiler, 2 con veyors, steet 12' section over fire, shafta turning 250 rpm have roller hearings and V-be its. gmo-Watt light plant, powered by S-hp Wiscomfn motor. -Foot chain saw for pond. T-hp motor. Andres hand filer tleetrle filer. Cant hooks, peaviea, hard bit. dgr bits and S extra 32" Simmons IP IIWI. Wade fire pump. 200-ft., V" hose Edwards fire pump, fire tools, h gronv eter. Double drums wfth a Mercury motor. 800 to 10O0' 14 Skyline with 4 chive-.. Malory carriage, 14 assorted blocks, 2 line shot. 3 tree plates, line shackles. 2 l 2M' guyltne, 2 l'i 3-V guy line, IT chain blocks, 100 gat. cat barrel. 500 ft. water pipe, 3-20 ft. joint of 2" aluminum pipe. 3 lube dispensers, some parti for TD-14A tractor. 13 fnot boat, 2-wheeled trailer. Youngs tnwn electric sink dlshwaher, elec tric brooders, ironer. Ciger counter, movie camera Ji projector. 480 Acres Pasture To Lease TERMS: Cash or See Your Banker Before Sale E. F. PEARSON. Owner V W S'hrirker, Auctioneer Vstel Schrlcker, Clerk Cottle Wonted BOYFR MEAT COMPANY Route I. Box 3UB I ia. OR t-323 Eva a OR 2-IXU FOUR experienced ahee? shearers i Large or small jobs accepted Felix, ftamarmn. 209 E Central. Sutherlin. 1 Ph .-..M 1 WANTED Sheep and fembs. and rattle of all kinds. Also totvmg wool ard mohair Darrill Ray, Pb. OB J 4071, rSutherlm 3380 . WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds. I W A Blacken. Ph Myrtle Creek IN ! V4..1.V j WEANER'pIGs'lC'Sehafar. Camas Val" lav, phone 781 I KTW inr saddles, bridles and , harness. 2S44 Jit Douglas j WOOL and mihair received daily. Hi"-1 clols Store, phone OS 4T STUD -- Paltn walking Caii Oakland 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin, Oregon Ph. Sutherlin 1149 Oakland 1954 Saturday May 17 - 1 P.M. SEVERAL loads of stacker anil feeder cattle, milk cowi, rowi and caHei, butcher cowl and iiccn. bulla. veal, baby calves, horses, sheep, load of good, am a 11 feeder pigs. Bring in vour livestock. Commission i otr $200, 4 ander. Schrlcker Jt Inda. Man agar Schrlcker and Son, Auctioneers O Tripp, Rtngman C A. Brown. Welghmaster WE ARE buvlne wool In" Raw-ai vin Tuesday and Friday. Phono OR 3-1 or or 3-4014. Roseburg Poultry Co.,Jl39 Spruce Street. NICE, 4 year old mare, very gent la". Well broke. Good for children. With or without saddle and bridle. Call UN ion 3-3263. Myrtle Creek. HOT AND COLD hone hoeing, ex perience. Horse training. Quarter Horse etud service by Poco Kaeno. OR 3-7840 27 Hay & Grain BALED hay, oat mixed with imall per canlaga alfalfa. 80c bale, average weight80 tbs. OB 3-00 FINE, clean alfalfa, fl per bale. R. Conn, OR 3-8423. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Pheasants Eggs, dsv and week old pheasant chicks. GY 6-3402 or GY 6-3438 Orders taken 8-8 a m. and 4-4 p.m. daily. Baby Chicks PLACE YOUR ORDERS earl to avoid delay. Ponton Hatchery, 974 W Harv- ardRosebiirg.hjOR 3-3328. LIVE poultry buyer. Highest prices paid at ranch. L. W Foreman, 130.10 S. E. Holgato, Portland. Prospect j-2131. POULTRY received Tuesdays. For ranch pickup, phone OR 3-4X11 or OR 3-4014. Roieburg Poultry Company. RABBIT FERTILIZER lkinggfata Road, Box 1380 OR 3-1710 WANTED Fryer rabbits, 4 to 4X, oound-. Phone OR 2-2710 LIMITED amount of Brown' turkev poults or tfgi fqr sale. OR 2-:t9ei. 29 Pets BLACK REGISTERED Tnv PnnHIa White Toy Poodle. OR 3-8358 eve nings. REGISTERED German Shepherd pup pi Reasonable. 8W NE Willow. OR .1-3T78: FOR SALE: Border CoHiea. Cairn-Ter- riers, Skiperkes and Corker puppies. Lyle Hill, Drain. Phone Temple 88388. SEVERAL large chrome cages and stands Including Red Factor singers. Starting at $10. Phone Oakland 2374. REGISTERED BOXER PUPPIES. OR .T-7633, BABY Parakeets 1 miles south. Bur- ton,aOR3-812a. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society m Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907. TOY Fox terriers. Pug and canaries. Putman'a. OR 3-8804. FEMALE pups. Labrador Retriever and UQJlie; S3 each. On 3-8831. GLENGARY BeagleKennela OR 3-3793. CHIHUAHUA duds Phone OR3-3694. 31 Sporting Equipment Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrude Motors P-14. Larson Clfpperrraft, Bitrrhrrift. Isham, Star era ft boats. Accessories. Paint, ate 114.1 W. Harvard Boat Owners GET your boat Spatter Lacquered for a beautiful custom look. Bring it to our yard Saturday morning. May 17th. A painter with equipment will be avail able. Call for Information. West Coast Bldg. Supply OR 3-8514 SMALL wheel, 790 pound capacity boat trailer with signal lighta, (100 Want high Hodgeman waders, sise 10, with insulated inner-shoes, 815. 843 W. Chat ham Drive. 8 H. P. Wisconsin motor, used very little, 875. OR 3-7711. 32 Produce S Plants SPECIAL on Snap Dragon and Mart golds, efle down. Nice plants. Mar Donna Garden Center. City Drive In Marketlot. HARRIS' FRUIT STAND. 1 block N. Garden Valley Road on north Stephens. Bananas. 10c lb. Even day low oricen. GERANIUMS Close out sale. Sfor 8100 1011 Newton Creek Road. FOR NEW berry cratea. OR 3-8724. 34 Misc. For Sale COUCH and matching chair 819 Table and S chairs sio. Route 1, Box 132. Phone OR 2-1208 CERAMICS green ware, glares, fin lined piece free lea ton a OR 3-4972. izue s e Miu. WINSTON Sand and Gravel -crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top aoil. OS48:i. TOP SOIL from new location. The beat you haa aver aeen, no roots or weed. Rilph Fnher, Winston. OS 8-84Q.1. APT range, new rod-type burners Good condition 884 99 Bargain Appliance Center, 8T1S ERosePh.OR 3-9!23. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam No rocks. Easy to handle For the betcallCha. Keely. OS -in7 TWO OCCASIONAL CHAIRS. 7-gaJ aquarium, equipped OR 2-16(13 1 t-Z GLIDE- sliding door framet,S'-S" X 8-8". New, 839 OR M433 ANYONf wanting Watklas Producta, call OR1-3607 tfHROME dinette set. eleetfie sewing machine Call OR 2-2912 USED GUNS, bought told and traded. Umpqua Gun Store STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Vivian Trae-OR 3-78S2 aCMTHICK broiler unit. l-heel trailer, email gaa refrigerator. OR2-3118 FOR SALE cow fertllieer, bv the pickup load dellveredPhone OR 3-4418 LARGE WestInghou refrigerator. Very good condition. 879. Phone Riddle 2032. TWO car radioe, portable Skilw, cord It iron. Phone OR J-1081 S MA LL camping tr ai lar , ilea pa i. OR 3-488 after 9 BOY S 28"blke. 879 OR 2-8380 PORTA BlJAirimeradio. OH 3-331" ROTA HY mower, 2 HP tJOOR 3-98JTT !JtRf;EROTOTILLER" CMOR 1-3077 ROTARY mower. 1 HP, 840 OR 3-77, UPRIGHT PIANO OR 3-39.81 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR -4934. EULLER BRUSH OR 3-1381. W ATKINS PRODUCTS! "OR 3-U31 ERESH DOUGHaVUTS OR 3-H31 E 4 H I ON FROCKS OR 3-7409 P1ANQ, la good aoodJUoa. L88X OB 6-882i 34 Misc. For Sale STOP . . . 3 Seconds ond Read This! REPOSSESSED Westinghouse range, all deluxe features. New 8479 83 Now 9eUS-U. NEW Weatinghouao 15" Space-mate. .a.her. 9159 99. 51 Gal WESTINGHOI'SE water healer. alight dent, 9S9.99 with your old water heater. Used Refrigerator Bargains '51 PRIGIDAIRE. left door opening 9124.99. LIKE NEW Kelvinilor, 999 95. AUTOMATIC defroet Norge, 9109 99. FBIGIDAIBE. 999 99. LARGE Nor'ge. 974 99. . ZENITH, 950. KELVINATOR. 950. Terms Bargain Appliance Center 31 S E Row St. Phone OR 3-3323 Used Equipment 1 Delta 14" band saw with stand and motor 3 Delta 11" lathe with motors and stands 1 Porter Cable S" electric saw with saw table attachments S 10" Tilt arbor saw with motor and atand 1 Large mitre bow 1 Floor sander with 1HP motor 2 V Electric drills S Good used power mowers. Reel and rotary tj pa. Umpqua Valley Hardware Rote burg. Ore. 28 Ft. Extension Udder, reg. $27.85 Sale $21.97 24 Ft. Extension ladder, rig. $23.95 Sale $18.97 I i H. P. Oilless compressor, with gun and hose, 3.57 CKM material delivery, reg. $118.95, Sale $92,971 MONTGOMERY WARD For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col V Mumon. We buy. sell and trade. It pays to buy and tell the auction way Auction every Fri day. 7 P.M. Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-9028 Used Furniture DAVENPORTS ard chair sets. W GOOD SELECTION of used furniture. Easy terms. Sea used furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture Exchange Rebuilt Engines For moqt all models. Independent Motor Rebuildera. Jackson 8t Rica It OR 3-4434. FOR SALE J-modern (all steel ethn ographer desks, plate glasa top, like new. 1 reception counter, 2', X 10 ft. long. Formica top. cash drawers and storage space. Phone days, OR 3-83.12. ACROSONIC PIANO, walnut - finish, 84; children's chest rf drawers, 85; dntte set, 833; red laeno, -ood con dition, 8.3.V desk. 81); Ward's deluxe i oxer, very good condition, 140; OR ,1-4t. NOTHING ON EARTH iTke "MER RELS" SPECIAL PRESCRIPTION for sick. gasv, nervous stomachs. Neu tralizes gas in 10 minutes. It's guar anteed. Only at CHAPMAN'S PHAR MACY. your prescription speciaJUta. BEAUTIFUL large Fuchiia ba-kets and large starter plants. Htdrangras. flow ers and vegetable plant. Mar-Donna Garden Center. City Drive In Market lot. BEDROOM SET, 80S Mirror; "x48", 8JV Rocker with stool, 820. Chroma table: 8 chairs. S7S. Conventional wath er. 883 Dr er. 80S- Bookcase, 823. OS 9-8403. ALMOST NEW portable TV 8 cost 8138 M will sell for 878. Norge refriger ator In good condition. 883. Call UN Ion 3-328.1, Myrtle Creek COMPARE QUALITY and price on Horn's freezer and food plan before you buy. For free estimate eall OR .i-Hia WANT TO increase the value of your home? Contact us for an estimate on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom today Kler-Crooch Plumbing and Ap plianre. J.28 S E Stephens. OR 2-3.184. WHITE rearend transmlmion. Brownie, axles, water pumps, radiator. 2 Model T Ford radiators. 1 Industrial radiator for V8 motor, 1 Ford 2 apeed tearend. OR 3-8WT ASK us about the Amini freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kier uroocn riumning v Appuanre. saa as TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lessons. Large ewortment graenware. paints. glares. Next to Winston Lockers OS 8-:t,i. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance Rent may applv on piir- cnae prica. aa anontn and up. ua 3-Ml 8. USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc Taken tn on tradea. Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer Sales. N Hifhwav 09 at Winchester Rrldee meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices. Winston LockeraOS B-S11J TOR the bast job of custom cutting. 7 i w,n.o.r"7.r.."r oi."fn ",'c" .rj,;;,.1;?, -1 1 1-1 I and stumpage In large ar small trans 5 HP. Sea King nut boa rr) mnor 8100 1 "rr uw. a nr. Si 811 Laming Oliver Ph OR 2-6:t6 BLOWT. new twostsr treatment. Hair j and Scalp conditioner, restore color, i rf moved dandruff. 808 NE. Winches- THREK QUARTER drive socket aet. 820 T mm deer rifle, 82S Westlnghouse matching washer and doer. 8145. Old er refrigeratrvr. 841 OR 2-4194 TWO" POWER "XAWNMOWERS ReeT tvpe with Clinton motors. 6 t each. 6tS W Falrhaven St. OR 1-734S LAWNMOWER, 83 30 23x70 Sea Green earh 1868 S E Eddr ' GOOD TYPEWRITER. 87VPos'ag me ter, axcellent condition, 8200. OR 3- XiM Wilev. CA IX OR 9-M3 for appointment to sea Minnesota woolena. Far school elothi etc. TT1ASB BURNER, white enamel, like1 new 8-tS. gas hand pump. 81 S. OS lf ALUMINUM IT trailer house Eaat-8-3.148 . em make Fully equipped, sleeps 6 BROWN with-metallic thr.d rouch", 1 'ul1 ,,Id bunks plus double bed tt Rlark Hallicrsfter radiA aiOO Csll convertible dinette OS 9-51 .0 OR 9-1487 EC A Victor 21" TV, nndar 2 year r d. Sarnrice. 9i. m tat mate aon I OR 3-1180 WftX.EWOOD gua range end tank. 870 Call 32!t or aaa at 188 t. Cvaratl Rt . Sutherlin MONTGOMERY WARD conventions t wsher Extri good condition OJ 9 5719 4-SPEfD 194 Eard tr ansmistion. vn. 1 rrfmBh. Mi a new Maple TreUer 1 Cant, Mrte OaaM. 34 Misc. For Sale IS CL IT. DeeprrMaer. Uke new 199 99 S YEAR old M" Teopu Deluxe eloe krft ranee, very clean 9194.99 JAMES portable dtabwaaher. free trial 974 JO NIW Weatinghouaa 11' Uble model TV 159 9S a . " Appliance Center 931 SE Rote OR 3-3338 1832 FORD grtU with V-8 radiator. 81 OR S-4640. 35 Wanted Misc. BEST PRICES for junk of all kinds. Scrap iron, batteries, radiators, cop per and brass. Will pick up. 38U W Sherwood. OB 8-43.13 WANTED Used furniture. Top prtree paid Harry'a, 1345 NX Stephen. Pta OR 2-1411. WANTED TO BUY - Old china, glaae ware, furniture, jewelry Prtscllla's Antiques. 247 8 aJaeksoivjOR 8-1421 WE PAY HIGHEST cash pncea for uad furniture. Roseburg Furniture Ex cha n ge. 243 S E. Jack son OB 3-3104. WANTED TO BUY Good used fuml ture BOSEBURO AUCTION OR 3 5028 WE BUY or tell old coina Laatar1" Tov fcHobby Shop WANTED M Chevrolet body parte. Call OR3-3388 WANTED tenor Sax. Call OR S-4151 after 5. WANTED Late model camp trailer In good condition. OB 3-S304. WILL PAY $7 for used play pan OS P ISTON pump. OR S-280S. 36 For Trade TILLAMOOK 2- bed room homo electric heat, bath, utility and gar age. Sell on low down, take car, trailer or property la trade. P O. Box 0.11 OR 3-4349. WINSTON Equity in two 2 -bed room, modem houses with t-car garage, on acre for sale or trad for good car or pickup with clear title. Bal ance 86300. OS 9-3408. TRADE Winchester 3O-30 model 84. for pump shotgun of equal value. OR 2- 3088 THREE BEDROOM home, good road and view. Will Uke trailer. Call OS 8-3273 SELL OR TRADE Argm C-3 for 22 calibre pump prefer Winchester. OR 3- 3.64. SELL 10 H P. Mercury motor, or trade for good electric sewing machine. OR S-6912. POWER reel lawnmower for power ro tary mower. OR 3-8738. TRADE---- U7ed 2x12s for bulldorer work. OR 2-3710- 37 Machinery FOM MOUSTMU ENGINES AND POWER UNITS 4-, - and V t, 134- Inf. 332 ca. tack Asp, t kt iltOonary f moot la tqerpment MS01MI .iita.L cat un wrwu ui SAIH SB8VK8 far aiferasaifcje c4 Lockwood Motors Oak and Rose Sta. OR 3-44J5 38 Logging Equipment USED H. D. T tractor parts 1 late model tractor 1 truck mounted loading pot, with Cad' lilac motor and Hydramatie 1 set dual drive Tim kin rear end Also short logger and long log trucks international truck parte Will accept Aid tractor as trade-in OR 3-3783 days; eves OR 3-7188 Can see at Wilbur Truck Shop, Wilbur, Oregon 1947 FORD lumber and log truck combination with Job. New motor, 99 8:00x23 rubber, 3 speed Brownie, 4 apeed transmission, 2 speed rearend and tag axle. Price 81000 cash. OR 3-6987. 43 TON Northwest truck crane. Mounted on 4 axle carrier. Lomoieie with heel boom, A-l condition. Call Medford, KPnng 3-1422 eveninaa. 1930 D-4 cat in top mechanical condition with angle blade, winch, electric starr ing and almost new 20" tracks. 83300 Ph OR 3-4800 1031 INTERNATIONAL short logger. 4.V) motor, 314 Brownie. Slakes and cheese blocks, pressure scsles Rub ber good73 , 83O0O. OS 9-M48 D2 CAT. Medford canopy; hydraulic doser; rock guard, In good shape, 81931PhoneOR3-8844. f -fl CAT: TD 14. Cletrac. Alt equipped for logging. Carte Machinery. Myrtle Creek, ph. UN 3-3892 fOR SALE three 1833 gas-powered long loggers with or without job. PhoneOR 2-174.T TD CAT., for sale, complete with blade. drum, Medford canopy Call JUniper 4-.14R8 or, juniper 4-nao. rnn kat.e " n.a trarmr ti" r, with Johnson bar. Good condition. I Pirkup. Sell or trade. OR S-4838, Phone OR 2-2833. M . Sherwood Ave. D8 CAT and"l yaTd Carryall. D7 cat I WILLYS 4-wheel drive leap, soma mo with angle doier for rent, by hour or I tnr repairs. A real buy. OR 1-4533. contract. OR 3-478 W. Sherwood Ave i FOR SALE TD 14 rat new rolls.' excellent condition. Priced to sell. 83.- 500. OS 8-3313. . & . a mm all TlltlDPr & SflWltlllK I I IIIIWCI JUnllllll) Logs Wanted PEELABI.E milt togs Peelable culla delivered at Perkins Veneer pKind on North Umpqua Highway 3 miles east of Roseburg. Log Lengths: 8' 0"; 17' 8"; 28' 8 "; 35' 0". Diameter limits: Maximum 80 Inrhes, minimum IS Inrh e. for Information rail OR 2-4.VM. Sutherlin 22.11 or OR S-40W evening Stomar Lumber Co. UN 3-4338 evenings vtrlLPAr un In IM w W. itumMi. for good merchantable old growth second growth timber. Write Box 888, News-Rev lew LOG WANTED oar top price for Port Orford reda r. Call o ran on Lum- bar Company, Coos Bay. COngreea 7-2282 WANTED Cord wood, eight foot. 816, per cord Lea Preston Lumber Co. Riddle22Tll WILL" BUY logs, stumps f or rough lumber Hub Lumber Company Bex pnone un z-3Jai f WANfED Sawmill Ines: also small patrheji of timber, CLEVELAND LL M ' RER CO Tenmila OS 9-S2 14 i WANTED Logged over lend and tim ber land. Write Bo 637 News-Renew 40 House Trailers ' ANGELUS. uke camp trailer aa part payment 31' Columhia. best offer for equity, ihm a month. Keda Trail r Court fOR""SALE. 1 Terry Manor trailer house. 27'. Terma eaih. 81 M3. excel lent condition. TEmple S-963 30 FT MODERN MoblVehome. 11900 Will errept furniture. Mr. Shoemaker, Kada Trailer Park 1934 A I JO A 2rtretlerhotisa. 'Excellent cond'tirvn nn 2-8,88 1948 S3' Zl2A1tir.9Mrb-9lUrt.i 40 House Trailers Now On Display AT JIM McKEE Trailer Sales 1162 N. E. Stephens Ths All New ABC 46 ft. Tenwide America's finest mobile home, fea turing home-type wiring, plumb ing and construction. Genuine oak and walnut interiors, IS refriger ator, and many more added fea turee. House Trailer Non-Toxic Water Lines f.V length 81 SO' length 83.78 Umpqua Valley Hardware Roseburg. Ore. American Fleetwood Kit Golden State 1.1 ft to JO fl 9 and 10 rt. wide Call ua If you need your trailer moved arowhere Rainbow Trailer Sales 9 MUea north on old hlchwar 99 At Winchelter Bridie Open Eve's ir Sunday a OR 9-7311 Just Arrived PARAMOUNT Ry Pan American 4T' Tenwide. l-bedroom. front kitchen. REX 1, 2. and 3 bedrooms. Built In Oregon for Oregon weather LEISUREHOME Tenwide. colorful Interior, sound eon- i traction. Good selection of Used Trailers Trailer Supplies Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. 1880 NE Btephena OR S-X.A8 TERRY KENSKTT.L FRONTIER UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER SEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1193 N E Slephena OR 3-4: Rod & Reel Trailer Sales Siesta t A I jo Rrnlala 1115 W. Harvard EXPERT repairing, trailer repeirlng nfl ell kinda Service work on cell. Dovle'al Mobile Home,, 491 fii E. Garden Velley Rlvd OR 3-:i739 19 FT. trailer houae, furnlahed, 990. Phone OR 3-9949. Drive Line Headquarters ftpfror Parte Steel Reerhei Aberdeen or ( able Stakee Special on Kirt Tank9 Douglas Machine (V Welding 1911 N E. Diamond Lake Blvd OR 3-3444 O.M C. dlesel short log truck will haul 24 s. Will sell reasonable, or trade for livestock. Phone OR 3-980.1. lB48DODGE van l1 ton ljuckn:ruehauf body; '92 motor. Sea at 723 N. X, Stephens. Phone OR 2-3172. FOUR WHEKL DRIVE V-8 rord ton 1M GMC ton pickup. Long wheel bant. Good condition. Call UNIon 3- 32Q.1. Mvrlle Creek. LIGHT WF.IOHT Paie loe trailer, elr brekea and hydraulic acalea. Without. tlraa. 3450 OB 9M 19M ChF.VR0l.ET pirkup Very lond ahepe. 910R5 UNJ)-:i)4 Mvrtle Creek. 'ti FORD PICKIJP with '49 Merc motor. 91. OS 9-9410 j 1947 - l'i TON Ford flat-bed truck. Union 3-1733, Myrtle Creek 1947 l'i TON FORD flatbed truck. UN 3-.l7.t3. Myrtle Creek. 1931 FORD 6' j ton 3-snefd. good eon aitlon. 8400 Call OR J-HOM BILL STOCK TOP VALUE USED CARS No down payment "57 DeSoto $2995 TIRE DOME -door Sportsmen. RaVM, power steering, power, brakea, w w. tires, 7800 mi lee, like aew. '53 Chrysler KEW YOSKEB 4-4ooe $745 Very clean. WEEK END SPECIALS '53 Chevrolet $595 S DOOR, new WW tlree, motor aver hauled complete 1942 Chevrolet $155 Firkua, 4 loeed Irene '53 Plymouth $345 4-DOOR. Economy ear. BILL STOCK USED CARS YOU D'VDTO PLYMOUTH 6 M. C OtL! 1358 S. E. Stephen. OR 3-6391 43 Autos & Motorcycles 19M Bl'ICK Super Rlflera Spl cpe. run rower Hearing ana baaaee 3 19M BUICK Ipeeial t dr. lliok 183 OLDSMOBtLB 38 4 dr. 18 188 PONTIAC 878 Hardtop Cpa. N)tn Urea Real nice . 1888 18A8 CADHXAC a 4 sr. tadaa full power 3884 1831 FORD V8 Custom I dr. Thia ta a dandy rord M 1131 CHEVROLET Itylline Dlx 8 dr. Loaded aff on hood, now paint, Quality Urea .. 381 1131 OLDSMOBILE 4 dr eedaa. A real quality ear lor only 4M 130 CHEVROLET ton pickup 4 spaed tranamisaton real top quality, Dlx. Cab . . 841 183J CMC 4 ton pickup 4 ipaad Heay duty Urea 7M The Big Umbrella szi ss stepnena Pb. OR 8 8358 Full Price Down '88 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2-door Hardtop, equipped with radio, heater, dir. signals, Powerflyio trana V-8 2-tone. whita aide walls, tinted flaaa 1408 488) 51 HUDSON 2-door Rrom 8, one owner, equipped with radio, heater, dir. signals, Hydramatie 999 1M SS WILLYS 4-wheel drive pirkup, excellent eondl tion .... ... 1308 888 48 STUDEBAKER ton pickup. Champ , equip ped with overdrive and and heater, new rings, valva grind and bearings 38)8 IS Riverside Motors t O BOX 99 999 N I llephene OR 1-1434 Studebaker Willya 0RAHGE TRADING STICK DAYS llMitstl TIm Only . . . '56 Mercury Monterey 4-dr., R & H, Merco-matic; like new through and through Wos $1895 Now $1695 Lockwood Motors Fhone OR 1-8X14 er OR 1-1441 NEW 1958 PICKUPS $1795 Dghvarad HANSEN'S Used Cars At Wholesale '91 PONTIAC Claim, Hardtop R 4c H, Hydramatie '91 HUDSON Hornet 4-door, B t H 4 Bl'ICK 4-door luper, B a H food tlree Better Buy Bargain Lot -At The Clock" 1182 N E Stephens Call Charlie at OR 3-28J.8 E8TATE sale 1881 ton GMC pickup Geone Luoma. OR 3-6841 . TRADB 1980 Plymouth 2-door, Rail, up, OR 3-3643 - ' MOTORCYCLES - New. used Backwlth . I Cycle. OR 3-8180 j on approved credit '55 Plymouth $1245 VI Belvedere, 2-door, R 1 H. WW. lire, standard trans , ter drive, new eeat'eoeTs, dual exhaust. '53 Dodge $645 CORONET V I Vdotw. 8 8 H. w w. tlree, eream and black, A-l condition. '53 Chrysler $745 WINDSOR delUN 4-dr H, twe tone green, nee seat covers , 52 CMC Sub $595 NEW 8 -ply. General tlraa, Vspeed trana '50 Chevrolet DELUXE llxi $295 Fri., May 14, 1958 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 1 43 Autos & Motorcycles vVhere Your Money Talks IT CHEV I1 Hdtop Cpe One owner. Immaculate. Powarglide I'M MERCURY 4 dr Stawag Very desirable. In Sky blue flnUh, , One owner. Clean 1883 M FORD Pair lane 4 dr. Hdtop I Beautiful In solid black. Thunder- bird Eng. Sharp. 1893 M CHCV 119 V-9 4 dr dn The buy of your life. Lew mileaae I "r 155 '19 CHEV 919, dr. dn 9 eyl Iparkling elaen. Stand, uana. Iiw mtleaga 1199 U BUICK Century 4 dr Hit. Local mintater'a car, green and buff. lie nice 199 '94 PONT 9 dr. d. cyl Beautiful In new blue fintah. Itand Trana I 9 U 799 '99 FONT 9 dr d cv - Excptlonally clean. Itandard trana I H .... v 999 '94 CHEV Bel 1 dr Sdn v Powerglide .allck and elean. Powder Blue. 1099 Jt FORD ton P IT Big flis Kng. 4 apd. Trana. Radln, HeaUr ... 495 Ksy Budget Ternu 9t"Th "BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Ph OR 3-1041 III II Slephena TOP QUALITY USED CARS One Year Warranty On All Parts & Labor Easy Bank Terms No Down Payment On Approved Credit 19M FORD Cuitomltne 1 door. H e ft. A.T.. 9148 1937 CHEV Bel Air 4 door. IT., R ! H. A. T. P 9, 1 owner, low mileage . 934S 1939 CHEV. 910 4 door. 9 tone. VI. B t H, A. T , low mil eeee aim 1939 CHEV. I.k ton. U. W. 4 apeed, R H. 91399 1999 CHEV 119 VI 4 door. Sll. Wlf R 4. H. A T . Clean 913991 1939 OLDS 99 , 4 door. H T.. P B . H H, A. T , very clean .. . 93099 KEEL MOTORS USED CARS 838 E Stephens. Phone OR2-3008 '50 FORD convertible; fair shape. Good tires. 8148. Phone OR 3-44,14 8 a.m. to 8 p m PAL MOTORS fr-'arn ccr m mf--JJ-y III. Remember Our Location-Across From The Rose Hotel Chfck our prire9 Check our oal Check the ciinrlilionn of our rats 9nd you'll write U9 a check on one o f thcie oiitntandms SAFETY TEST- 9i9 ED U9ed cii Each car an outstanding buy! STATION "57 Chev $2095 210 I La i ion Wagon. 0er drive va One owner This ta Pal Motors "Ruy of Tha Weea" Fnr ad under book in top shape '56 Ford $1895 1 or Country Aedan. Clean si a pin -Automatic Transmission. Radio and beater All fancy Interior SEDANS '57 Chev. $2295 . one - full Sharp "56 Olds $2145 Hnltdav Coupe Full ' mileage Clean spEcial-special-special "55 Plymouth $895 fl dr. Plara 6 - Economy special -One owner Clean and nice Hur ry It won't last al this price CLEAN FAMILY CARS 5! Chrysler $395 Windsor 4 dr. aedan Sharp Excel lent rubber Clean throughout 52 Olds $645 -New cos era Bad. 4 dr Hvdramleue Good condition '53 Plymouth $695 8 Ae tartan One nwnar 90. ni Ion 4 dr sedan One owner 90B n ion ruHber Meohanicallr perfect -aaliant body SEE RUSS 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS M DODGE V8 4-door hardtop Push button drive RVH One owner, with low mileage. Charcoal and rote, with matchtng in tenor, A rar you will really be proud to drive. .... 1TM '38 DODGE 4-door Station Wagon. Push - button drive. RAH. j 'ja STUDERAKER Power Hawk Auto transmission. Jet black with red and Ivory Interior .. 1888 'J9 PONTIAC 4 dnor Hlrdtoo. Hy- dramatic, R 4, U. '99 PLYMOUTH V9 club Puahbutton drive 14M '94 OODCI aedan. Powerful. RliH 999 93 TITDIBAKER V 4 Commander aedan. Hvdramalie. ReiH. eom. pletely reconditioned 999 '93 BUICK Super aedan. Dyna. flow R&H. Completely rebuilt motor .. .999 '91 OLnR 44 aedan. Hydramatie. RiH. Special 904 '91 DODGE eedan. RJcH 199 '31 EORD V9 eonvertlble. Over drive, B ft H : 99 19 HUDSON clean .... aedan, B ft H. 41 OLDS 99 aedan, Hydra., I 9 It. - M '49 PLYMOUTH club coup. . 1U Trucks & Pickups '97 DODGE VI 1. Ion pickup Dent' onetrator. New truck aueranlee .... 1799 '99 FORD V I pickup. R H. factory, built Flbei gllaa canopy 14P9 '94 WILLYS 4-wheel drive Slatloo wagon, ixtri good condition 1499 91 INTERNATIONAL LI90 abort loner. Alao haa lumbar rolla. Dual drive. Brownie. Good 9O0.. 90 Urea. Ready to haul. Terma. CHEVROLET l' ton flalbed (arm truck. Good motor and Urea. 9D9 '47 STUDEBAKER pickup 149 BARCUS Ooen Eves & Sun 1 n. Slephena at Cardan Valley Ph. OR 3-3361 Eeiy Bank Terma eury. J.1H. 0v'full cam. k..deri Trlnl. earburetora. 444 rear end Price 4230. PhonaOS9-33!4. 1940 fORD coupe, new paint: trana , and rear end Juat overhauled. Dual Caroa. waw Urea, cuatom 9pholatiry. Call OR 3-9141. 1,19.19 HARLEY DAVIDSON 11 motorcycle. Wla. Tiller.' ' '93 OLDS 2door herdtop. Tradea ron aldered. OR 3-3349, 9 AM. to 9 P M. WAGONS '56 Ponriac 1895 dr ftlation Waton. Hydramatie One owner Two inns Leather ette interior A real bargain '55 Ford $1545 Rairh Wagon Automatic transmission - ( lean and sparkling Well equiD ped Good rubber Real snappy number & COUPES '53 Olds $945 88 Hohdav Coupe A sporty model at a low price '56 Ford $1395 fu lom 1 1 na 4 dr. Radio heater -This is Jepor at this prica Prtre goes up Monday '57 Chev $1945 l inn ptckup 4 epeed Deluxe cab Other axtraa Low mileage '51 Pontiac $395 4 dr sedan. Very gond condition Runs extra fine Haa had gond care '51 Ford $345 t dr sedan. Good condition 8 e I Inder (or economy .49 Ch ' V-IICV $195 2 dr Maka excellent aaoond ear Rune line AND DON 1111 jtViWeVV. iS9i9l