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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1958)
Pittsburgh Stops Redlens; Giants Regain Head Of NL Bowling Davis Cup Shift Due At Caracas Wed., May 14, 1958 The News-Review, Raieburg, Or. 9 s 6'4 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE . W L Ptt. CB New York 14 5 .737 Washinston 13 10 ..'5 Baltimore 11 10 Delroit 13 12 .520 Kansas City 11 .450 Cleveland U 14 .440 Boston 11 15 .423 Lhicaso 13 .381 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. GB 17 15 8 16 9 13 14 9 12 10 15 9 14 9 17 Innings. He's given up just (our hits, while striking out 16. Gross fanned four in three per- 3 i feet relief innings against his old 4 I mates last night, saving a 6-3 vie 4 ! tory for the Pirates, who have won 5'i five straight and 14 of their last 18. Yoncalla Clips Tigers By 18-1 DOUGLAS B LEAGUE San Francisco Milwaukee Pittsburgh Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia St. Louis Los Angeles .654 .652 .640 .481 .429 .400 .391 .346 it was tne lourlh defeat in a row for the Reds, who blew early leads in all of them. The third place Pirates now are a half-game behind San Francisco. 14, The Giants regained the National 1, League lead by rocking Los An 41, I gelcs 16-9 for their sixth straight juj I victory. Philadelphia dropped Mil gi, waukee to second, ending the gi, Braves streak at six 5 2. g 1 In the American, the Yankees' i Don Larsen pushed his shut-out Rv the ASSOCIATED PRESS t string to 29 innings with a four- By THE associated rK ess I hitter that beat the Baltimore Or- You might say the Cincinnati 1 es 3.0 Redlegs made a gross error last! Tn'at put New York three games December when they traded south- ahead of secon(i piace Washington, paw Don Gross to Pittsburgh. beaten 9-6 bv Boston. Detroit mov- The deal capped a five - day fd wlthin 004 percentage of the swapping spree that brought the ; tmrd pace orioles with an 11-1 Reds a half-dozen new pitchers , job on Cleveland, and the Chicago and gave them their No 1 starter , Whj,e 5,,, defeated Kansas City of the moment, Bob Purkcy (3-1). 9.2 Hut tne iraae gave me riraies what the Reds have needed most a tough relief man. The 26-year-old lefty has won one, saved three lor tne riraies 1 1 and hasn't allowed a run in 14 2-3! I lltTlh IllTfl Spfnnfl PULLMAN. Wash. 1 T h e Washington State Cougars kicked Oregon State out of second place in the Northern Division baseball race by defeating the Beavers 3-2 Tuesday. The Cougars, now 6-4, scored their runs in the fifth inning on four hits, all singles by Amie Pleasant, I.arry Aho, Dave Jones and Dick Montee, and two OSC errors. The Beavers, whose record now is 5-4, scored their tallies in the seventh and ninth innings. League-leading Oregon, sporting a 5-1 record, plays cellar-dwelling Idaho at Palouse Wednesday and WSC Friday and Saturday. The University of Washington is in fourth iplace with 3 victories and five losse Riddle Camas Valley Yoncalla Klkton Canyonville W Pet. IO00 WOMEN'S CLASSIC LEAGUE I Roseburg Lumber J, Timber Room ! NEW YORK Efforts may W L Pti. 1: Bloom's Chevron 4. City Clean- he made to chance the site of 41"i 26 41V ers 0; General Service 4, Cardinal, the U.S.-Venezuela Davis Cup ten- i n i lire u; rearson s Market 3, Jack-mis C3 j un Jills l; f owell Grocery 3, JO SO KiwaniansTold Of C Of C Effort To Get Industry Roy O. Young Ins. Robertson's serv. Gen. Serv. Center Bergh's App. Jones lhs. Umpqua Clnrs. Winston Five Sunset Auto. Music Team results: 36 32 36 35 33 35 23 44H 23. 20 48 20 General Service The Yoncalla Eagles moved into 67 cantor l Automatic Mil sic Co. 3; Bergh's Appliance 1, J" Robertson's Shell Service 3: Ump 143 qua Cleaner 2. Winston Five 2; Rov O. Young ins. 3, Jones ins. l. Westsido Church Youth Night Sun. There will he a youth night it Rust Carv. chairman of t h e the Westside Christian Church Sun- nis matches, scheduled this week-' Roseburg Chamber of Commerce day at 5 30 p m end in riot-swept Caracas. I Industrial Development Commit-1 ' ... . The three members of the U.S. Wee, gave a brief explanation of! Service wiU be opened with aongs squad. Ham Richardson, Barry the committee's work at the week-1 by the group, followed by panel Mackay and Bill Quillian, of Se- ly Kiwanis Club noon luncheon 1 discussion when will be monitored attle, already are in Caracas but) Tuesday. by Judy Hansen, advertising chair- the new Davis Cup captain. Perry There are approximately 40 per- man- The panel wiU consist of three Jones, was in New York a wait-1 .k- .,,. adults and three young people. The Other high scores: Mary Circle ing an afternoon plane flight to one capacity or another. Cary panel discussion will he titled, "Do to.' V . Teniuir B"uin jtnici vuj. i said. He pointed West Side Pharmacy 1: Fairhaven Cleaners J, South Stephens Mar ket 1. High series: Vi Aquiso (124-147-264 ) 535, Powell's Grocery. High game: Aquiso 264 184, Joan Cornutt 173. Sylvia And erson 186, Isabella Stewart 206. Doris Kees 181, Sue Sickman 180, ..j Parents Know Best." ... V . 1 iu. lie puuueu Qui me uuiicuuv i "This looks like a bad time tO R,ehuri! has in rnmnetine with I During the course of the evening start waving the American flag other areas for new industry. there will be special numbers by down there." Jones said. "I plant i ,ii:, singing groups from other youth a tie for second place in the Doug- 270-175 573 RoUon'rsheU van 18' ' im Jl, im h. Z. " d'n8 " " "l ad-irouP- ppeciai guesi speaKcr las Countv R Ieacue Tuesdiiv with ' f.1 " l00""00 hneU , i8; know what will be done. vertutni " he ..ri Hnsehnr. does lhe evening will be Bob Caudill, " ' .. service. KurrEi kluilmehs league llieh game: McDonald 220. Other high games: Lucille Shep herd 202, Florence Slack 176-170, Joan Cornutt 184, Sylvia Anderson 189, Ann Radigan 179-196, Helen Carter 190, Eunice Noel 180, Sally Moreno 180-183, Marcella Acomb 193. Cougars Tip OSC, a convincing win over Canyonville. The game which was played on the Eagles Diamond was a com plete rout, as the Yoncalla club won 18-1. Two homers were picked up in the fray as Leroy Nofisinger. Bob ' norm both hit one. I Noffsinger's came in the first in- ning with one man on and the ! round-tripper by Morin came along i in the third. The latter was a grand ; Fairhaven Clnrs. jslam job which added four more j Bloom's Chevron ! to the Eagles' grow ing total. Roseburg Lmbr. ! It was two runs in the first Gen. Ser. Center frame for the Eagles and they fol-'jacklin Jills lowed them with six in the third , Yvonne Daniels and three more in the fourth. S. Stephens Market ine linai toucn came in tne sixtn : Pearson s Market HIT AND MRS LEAGUE SKAGIT GLASS BOATS Mtrcury Motors Aluminum Boors BecLintr Plywood Boars Ttt-Nc Trailers Unfinished Boats Boat Hard war & Accessories Marina Point Umpqua Volley Hardware Marina 6SS S. I. Roit when seven more markers crossed the plate. The Tigers gained their one tally in the fifth as Scott Schull tripled and scored on a single New Serv. Laundry City Cleaners Timber Room Powell's Groc. Cardinal Tire Pts. 6 3 1 1 W wAit-Tni .in,r.n.h.m.vertising," he said. Roseburg does ; 'he evening will be Bob Caudill !y Jh "'i0".?1 ."."."".Tilnot have the facilities to provide ! "0 wiU speak about the place of no noiM uk. mm n mc . . . t Th. 1 youtn in tne cnurcn, ana tne piace I nited States against Venezuela. ded bv savini! thit anvone of Oie youth program in the entire rh.rvPlrmdnont sure it "u'fd ' welrome to w?rk the co"mU- church Refreshments will be serv ger-happy I m not sure It -Jld.tee 1 ed followmg the service. L Lilly's Market 36 20 Lester s 1 oy Shop 35 21 Cumming's Mobiigas 31 25 Richie's Drive In 27'i 28'i Necchi Sewing Cir. 26' 29W Warren's Studio 2.T 32" Ginder s Sig. Service Rickett'i Music Team results: Necchi Sewine Tuesday Circle 4. Rickett'a Music 0; Gind-i The matches are scheduled Fri er s Signal Service 4. Lilly a Mar-! day, Saturday and Sunday. They S'.VJSV iT'V' warfare pan 01 me mencn evfnt: Cnui.k Brundage. food youth in the church, and the place The next youth rally will be held Ka IVICfl ' . . . ..... .. . I Vin.l J... fvrn..1anJ nc,Cn:rSunn,rh.rSbeenlm'.h; "annual KuZUi Winston Christian Church 23'i 32' i Caracas since Friday. Mackay, 21 35 1 from Dayton, Ohio, flew there Camp Tyee. The clean up will get j June- underway at 7:30 Sunday morning I I With the win. Eagles now go into 1 West Side Pharm 1 an important date with Camas Val- i Team results: New Service ley Friday on the Yoncalla field Laundry 2, Yvonne Daniels 2; ' with records in league play of 4-2. rollowing this game both teams : still have one more counter and both games with Riddle. Linescore: Canyonville 000 010 0 1 4 6 Yoncalla 206 307 x 18 11 2 Batteries: Canyonville: Burns, Williams (4) Schull (6) and Oilars j Stan's Her Man, Says Mrs. Musial CHICAGO I To baseball Yoncalla: Bowman, Noffsinger (6) t fans, he's Stan (The Man) Musial. Reeve (7) and Revelle; WP: Bow man. Ll': Burns. J CASH TO GO-GO-GO ON YOUR: VACATION! Do what your friends and neighljors do...get going with a popular Pacific Finance "Cash For Summer Fun Plan. Visit your nearby Pacific Finance Loans office. I lore, you may borrow the cash vou need to assure a nlcasant vacation and a fun-filled summer for you and your family We're roiling out the red carpet at Vets Employes Rap Church In Twi Loop YMCA TWILIGHT LEAGUE 1 But his wife says, "He's my ' man." Stan's wife, Lillian was a with a breakfast at the camp The following persons were ap pointed committee chairmen for High series: Bettv Zuck (151- 196-198) 545, Cinder's. High game: Zuck 198. Other high scores: Juanita Min er 193. Helen Hebard 181. UMPQUA WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Pti. Independent Moter Don Coon s Patterson's Bak. Food Mart Modern Floor Drive In Clnrs. Douglas Bank Pastime Cafe Team results: 5n-4 17Mi SO'i 39'i 28 39' 39 ' 28'i 39' 1 3.T1 34"l 334 33 35 33 31 37 31 304 374 30'i 14'1 534 144 Pattersons' Bak- U.S. Plywood Vet's Employees Kiddle Lions Marks Market City Drive In Jaycces Christian Church Winston Drive In W 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prs. 1.000 ery 4, Douglas Bank 0; Drive In Cleaners 3, Independent Motors 1; Food Mart 3, Pastime Cafe 1; Don Coon's, Modern Floor. High series: Maxine Merk (152-131-185) 471, Food Mart. High game: Merk 188 180. Rnrv m. am 1 1 caaiie mong . the 5 9H2 fans who saw the star ; . . rT' St. Louis Cardinal first baseman 1 fi.r. nwe 1 get his 3.000lh major league hit: oLline Jewe"e? I in Tuesday, game with the Chi-1 cedJrhe,et" x, f , , , - Doug. County Bank Musial, after slapping a double pa( Motors in a pinch hitting role and then j Mont. Ward & Co taken out lor a pinch runner. 1 Suth. r.nlrten Rule 46 22 46 46 22 46 44 24 44 374 304 374 32 - 36 32 224 454 224 23 45 23 21 47 21 Team results: Potato Bread 3, walked to a front-row box and l.rjoo. ii preiiy Dionae. Cosline Jewelers 1. Cracked 000 . Ud,yo know that girl y 0 u wheat 3, Sutherlin Golden Rule 1; .000 kissed? one of the many pho- Dcl's Building Supply 4, Pal Mo .000 1 tographers on the scene asked I tors 0; Montgomery Ward & Co 1 .000 Musial , Douglas County Bank 3. .000 Meet Mrs Musial, smiled, Hih serics: Gen, uirkenfeld 000 .Man- 1(159-153 142 ) 454. Potato Bread :!in,i..ZX, m I a High .score: Sadie Lewellyn 164, The Vets Employes softball team ;"...:. v.... 1 sutnerlin liolden Rule C Of I Defeated In Final Contest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS College of Idaho, which already had clinched (be Northwest Con ference baseball title, closed out its regular season Tuesday by dropping a 6-5 decision to Lewis and Clark at Portland. The Idahoans, who wound up with an 11-4 conference record and 22-4 for the season, now await a chance to get into the NCAA playoffs. .Meanwhile. Linfield climbed into a second-place tie by downing Pacific 13-4. That gave Linfield and Pacific records of 7-7 while Lewis and Clark has a 6-6 mark. Whitman, which defeated Wil lamette, 5-2. Tuesday, comes next with a 6-9 record. Willamette trails at 4-8. Don Person, College of Idaho third baseman, accounted for all his team's scores by hitting a home run in the second inning and then smashing a bases-loaded homer in the third. Ron Parrish of Linfield also had a heavy hitting day. He cracked out a homer, a triple, and a single in Linfield s win. Chuck Krikendah and Glen Cos line, repair and maintenance; Stub F.sseUtrom and Harry Hill, log ging; Ad Zengcr and Frank Dixon, burning and clean up; Ray Case beer, bridge construction: Ray Sims and Sid Shaw, electricity and water; Lewis Fullerton and Jerry Feldkamp, refreshments. interview. "He's my man," she said. VPARFHTS PACIFIC FINANCE Gene McCoy, Manager 664 S. I. Slephent, Roieburg, ORthord 3-6668 won their season opener Tuesday , with a close win over the Chris-1 tian Church team 6-4. ; . . .. The Vets picked up six hits in Klamath FflllS COQC the seven-inning contest while' J their chucker, Frank Sobezak was giving up four. Linescore: Christian Church 201 001 04 4 2 Vets Employees 130 012 x 6 6 0 Klamath Falls to the state class Batteries: Moon and Yeske; So bezak and Arrasmilh. Star Chooses Oregon KLAMATH FALLS UB Glenn y?Ze:,ul?J ?!er "h0.,!eli EllisoVsU-DrTve PIN DUSTERS LEAGUE W L Pts. Mazarenes Triumph In Church League Yvonne Daniels Umpqua Dairy Peter Pan Beauty U.S. Natl. Bank Rsbg. Book Store Clark's Studio Women of Moos 1 A-4 high school basketball title, I said Wednesday he intends to en- Team results: 384 294 38' 38 30 38 364 314 384 36 32 36 334 344 334 31 37 31 294 384 294 29 39 29 Roseburg Book FOR THE NEWEST IN GARDEN EQUIPMENT 169.95 CHOREMASTER CONVERTIBLE A ntw concept in garden tquip ment, en power head powtri tiller or rotary mowtr. 2s 4 h.a. Bright Stratton motor, 4 cycle, racoil itorter. Complete with Tiller attach. 20" Soft-T-Guard Mowtr attach. $51.50 1 8" Saft-T-Guard Mowor attoch. $47.50 CHOREMASTER ROTARY TILLERS Tho perfect garden tilltr plows cultivate end weodi. Small Sizes Reg. 143.50 PLOW... FERTILIZE... WEED... CULTIVATE... j 129.15 STILL A FEW LEFT AT LOW. LOW PRICES HUFFY Power Mower 21" cut, Clinton motor, re coil starter, QQ QC Rtg. 101 95 07.7J COOPER LAWN MOWER 19" cut, Briggi I 1 AO' Stratton motor. ' WO REO LAWN MOWER 84 95 21" cut, Briggi ft Stratton moter. PENCOR ROTARY MOWER 21 inch 00$ cut width. OJ r xv 'A A all with r 1 VERSATILE, IOW-COST Springfield ROTARY TILLER Thcres almost no end of jobs you can do with Inn amazing gar den power tool. Add a few optional attachments and it's all set to take care of mot every jarj job you can dream up. Powerful 3 hp. 4 ccle engine mile tilling a hree.e. A choice of guaran teed unbreakable tine itvle slip on off ithout loolv Furnished ith O lick-Lok clutch and transport heel. SEE IT TRY IT BUY IT . 169" BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS fT-T-Ttri!? PHONE OR 2-2683 S.E. Washington at S P. Track Rotcburg, Oregon p 'a I . . M .... . . STOP PARK SHOP FARM BUREAU EXCHANCE Moore, a tournament all-star selection, had been sought by a number of colleges. Friends said he had more than 35 offers. Moore said his final choice was between Oregon and Oregon State. He will be the second tourna ment all-star from this vear's Klamath Kails team to pick Ore- Dodgers Option Hurler; Brother On Same Staff SPOKANE 11 Pitcher Larry Sherry was optioned to the Spo kane Indians of the Pacific Coast League Monday by the parent Los Angeles uongers and nis arrival l(!on. uave Robinson, -4 guard, will give the Tribe a brother bat-:earjer said he will go to Oregon, tery. Another Klamath Falts all-star His brother. Norm Sherry, is I n9vr Riii-h kimnlnn nf tho 19.17 one of three catchers on the Spo- j squad, alreadv is at Oregon. He kane roster. Larry is a right hand-1 was one 0f tne top scorers for er who is possessed of a good this year's Oregon Frosh team, fast ball. ! The Indians also announced the ! sale of 1 utility outfielder Gale! Wade to the Seattle Rainicrs for price in excess of the $5.000 ! waiver figure. Store 3, Oark'a Studio 1; Yvonne roll a. the University of Oregon reVTBesLpTvs. Na nexi iau. ;i i. cik it tw.. t Women of the Moose 0. High series: Rusty Nazarene. First Christian Winston Christian Presbyterian Green Community W 2 0 0 0 0 Pc. 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 The Nazarene Church team won its iccond softball came of the young 1958 season Tuesday by clowning tne Green community team 12-10. It was 12 hits for the winners while the Green nine racked up nine. Schmidt! Both teams were lax in their (183-199-136 ) 518. Yvonne Daniels. ! fielding, with the winners commit- High game: Schmidt 199. 'ting seven errors and the losers Other high scores: Bettv Suter 177, Bettv Elam 170. Marcella Acomb 186-184, Velda Ellison 174, Helen Bitner 178. Joyce Pardon 172, Betty Zuck 190. Sports In Brief Prep Scores College Scores Oregon Prtp Bastball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Molalla 5, Monmouth 0 Douglas (Portland) 7, Beaverton I Parkrose 11, Milwaukie 1 Gresham 14, Clackamas 7 Hillsboro 7, Central Catholic iPnrtlanrik A Washing-1 scrra (Salem) 7, Turner 1 Yamhill 2, Banks 0 Newport 8. Reedsport 7 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BASEBALL Seattle University 7-19, ton 5-4 Whitman 5. Willamette 2 Lewis and Clark 6, College of sherwnod 12 Davtnn 8 IdahO 5 CinHv 10 l'ctaaHa 1 ' Linfield .13. Pacific 4 Gaston 11 Amttv 7 Eugene. 6 2, and Yakima shutout junction Citv 20. Harrisburg 0 GOLF St IlKlon. 11 lliimrr ft Willamette 12'i. Linfield 5'4 v.mnni. a TrntH i ., , . TENNIS Portland Ltigu Pacific Lutheran 4, Seattle Pa- Grant 6. Wilson 5 CiflC 3 LVanUlm A Ul.nn A i acme a, i.ewis ana liaric l By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TENNIS ROME Mervyn Rose, Aus tralia, defeated Italy's Nicola five Lintscort: Green 003 ISO 1 10 I 5 Nazarene 302 241 x 12 10 7 Batteries: Lorentz and Cum mings; Stiener and Pardon. Columbia River To Remain Closed A Few More Days DnDTi Avn im r-i, Pietrangeli 5-7, 8-6. 6-4, 6-2 j lhe Commi Hlver commercial Ring Record (Jefferson 7, Cleveland 0 Lincoln 10. Washington 7 Roosevelt 4, Benson 3 for the singles championship in tne Home international. MILWAUKEE Pancho Gon zales beat Iw Hoad 6-3, 6 2 and gained a 42-34 edge in their pro series. RACING NEW YORK Ambehaving (120 101 closed fast in the stretch Pilots Receive Bid PORTLAND f Grant nosed .vass ouipoiniea out wnson o .i i uesaay ana main- f tne Nlljon,. Kootball Uague day than bottles of milk, loaves "' i ioiii'u nan "t niavr rirafl nf hrnarl nr nark nf rtoarolloa By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOSTON Barry Allison, 149 Springfield. Pete Adams 10 Portland hieh school baseball PHILADELPHIA Len Mat-1 race. Lincoln remained on the thews. 1294, Philadelphia, out- heels of Grant by defeating Wash pointed Henry (Pappy) Gault, 131, 1 ington 10 7. Spartanburg, S.C.. 8. RICHMOND. Calif. Hank Casey. 160, San Francisco, out-, Grant Still Ahead pointed Joe Brewer, 158, Fresno, i 8. i PORTLAND . Idaho Slate : College has invited Portland I ni- Cornell beat Syracuse twice in versily to play in the ISC invita basketball this season but the Or- tionaf basketball tournament Dec. anse, under Coach Marc Gulpy. 4-5 holds a 124 edse oser the Itha- Two other teams will be invited cans. later. salmon fishing season will be con tinned a lew more days at least. That was the decision of the Oregon Fish Commission and th Washington Department of Fish eries at a joint meeting here Monday. The Oregon commission said about 55,000 salmon have gone I . L. I .i -, II J It'BeTont'bvrer sS ' bV it noT 11 Rr,?h y dl"ly vM P""Ke recently INGLEWOOD. Calif. - Leisure , ""K;,, " . l..d. iti ih. cm 7s r-.nn.. Prob? 'ly ' he a few daya befora h.ri sill.; 7. ii, iTwi p.,i, lB 60,000-total is reached. Hop inhnnU i f.A..r. u.h h.j hn The two agencies imDosed tht fined S100 for thumbing his nose closure last week after commer- at hecklers at Golden Gate on Sat-j -'"' "". urr)av 1 salmon runs would be damaged BALTIMORE Grey Baby bV continuation of the heavy (S3.80) took the Free State Purse "trhes of the season a first days, at Pimlico by 3'- lengths over voiuniaruy quu nsning V.S O P. ' The salmon have remained in ' the lower river instead of moving west Virginia university led Lie upstream steadily aa usual, colleges in 1957 bv placing three players in the first three rounds More newspapers are sold every WOOD I SAWDUST BLOWER. SERVICE I ROSEBURG: LbR. CO. Ml 1 "1" ' E5i Summer Rates on Planer Ends Now Phone OS 9-8741 Peeler Cor Oak Green Slab Sawduit For Mulch JIMMIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Motor Rewinding and Repair -fituiPi Century Motors O Cutler Hammer Controls New end Used Motors Bought & Sold 24 Hours Service On Most Sizes Free Pickup & Delivery 350 N E Garden Volley Blvd. Ph. OR 3 8624 TH 010 SUNNY BROOK CO.. LOUISVILLE. KY DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO.. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 86 PROQf The Regular No Trodc-ln Prices For Your Recoppable Tira CAPTIVE -ABU SAFETY TBHES no more tire changing on the road Carry the spare whcTS it belcmnj irwue the tires on the wheels of yoiir car. After a punc ture or blowout the "built-in spare" lets yon drive on safely at normal spools for 100 miles or more. Stop in now before our speeial tnxle-in offiT expire. 1 ym Mr for 100 milaa 0 Owfcf tfc air h Mm m Urn m4 Mar riianaar oHmmi iaet mr kr fil. or Mwrt -rt ! 14 Ik. im ntADE TODAY ... PAY AS UTTU AS $K25 A WEEK1 '.A l t TOT Carter Tire Co. 266 S. E. STEPHENS Phone OR 2-3393 Wte4ii;