4 Th. NwvKritw, KoMbursj Or.. Wj., M.y 14, 1951 t - CHARLES V. STANTON, Editor and Manager ADDYI WRIGHT. $wm Mmnf CIOKGI CASTILLO. Awmrf Ue MaWf Hm Ateiatl 'rasa. Or t.esfr fMiitift iaKHtw, Ms Aadi. I area. - Cicsaletiaws - .rs.l.a ar IIMOLUttl CO, lC-. elfteaa ta Ink. , ftfta FrtBtMi. L .aftlea. .ealUa. .anlaa.. ftaaver raatiaks-. Baiir .aeaas .aaear ay a NEWS-REVIEW COMPANY. INC. r r-j r aasaaaTa-Vara i. iHrt - iraa-i 1mii I-- - -- 1 IN THE DAY'S NEWS t, FRANK JENKINS , SANITARIUM OPIN HOUSI Ruersda' Sanitarium will hold men's will he served I.s Fnlltt a public visitation day inn Sunday and James N.sh. owners and oper-ti-.tn 1 lo t p tn A tour of the sani- ators of Ih sanitarium, will be in lanum . panned and refresh ' enarge. This piece if written about mid- speak.r.g peopl on thu terrestrial . ... ...... ... . ... morn.r.g ot the l.iio nay oi aia. vi tumolei Given Ot Double f e.w oo.n Mr.we.imaB w Jr. ,n, .... Al the moment of somwiifi we ar inched to , P I C.a.J..,I. "rB r;' Uimirk (or be ,h ,mI , b noming th.ni mings ' wiiiivmi rfiiiiuiiwi canuioaie ior circuit judge De- si . , for f.nisn.ng b.-t term ai senator. I..5nu" ?,S"1: D" .D'mJcl,,ei?- In the same issu of The New,. heilliiy innuendo vhue Hiding be hind a purity curtain, recalling to i,u . ' . . T ' Diirnck .uoEMiften in arced oi me VW, VTwclPO 10 ie t . t on ice ana twin or nom now aDire Bavs." Thev were all cieao at a f8rtirrio bti w of pr ? I'm tfct. 1: m: hound s ttioth " remember' 'a7 T.7.?Si.ua,0M 'it OM" riJy dont have time t0 . hotnrr aoout answering these r ri.r-rr . ..r. - ,h(np, .... pan fOW. writing there eemi IO De noms m.n imop re dow. incy. Dirtie-iariT uniuai itwut the aa. er to-jjner WLCH tougher Theeommaaiiliippear a ornery at ter. IB cn.ei oi in -'-.-""- L' S. ecret rice ha juit r ceived dreci rrportt IhJi they try to hool Vice President ,mn ohen he reachea Caracal. in Wneiueia . . . Nnoa takei In We tame out of it then Well come out of a now. j It ii on Uay 13. 1W. that the IS Congreu declared mar on fxe i ecretarr of ta!e (Mark f5f,rI ,'tnde ind'tayt he I go- '", na:ed mg there, an; way. Tr aia rr aiagia car a Mui aui Aar oui cur uitc m aabMYiattM nut w rtia la latarti M ! aitlr Vav T. ! u pt rfu as aaiarg. Ot(a. aa4r a'i af Ma I. ard or dullardi or wore here by recall to mind a ii-t of paral 1 lela in recent Oregon hitury. Sn. ) Oimick is beint; criticired this ' time for abandoning his services The politician! are carrying on hout a. usual Democratic Na- ail of Latin America from us b-jt won for us the Great American Southwest, including California. In tr.e clear heht of hmd;ht. ' w know it wou.d hae been bet- tional Chairman Pa.il Butler, ltr t0 g0 ,;0rr aR( (rt lBe Sou;h- is-.t. SAFETY DEPENDS ON YOU By Ceorg Castillo Halfiid) and state treasurer iSig I nandr). Neither has resigned nor do they intend to resign. Indeed, we first knew Sen. Hat- . - D 1 . iiriu a nriiumicjni 1U. as s-o- . .... PriHnl aior with two vears to serve was P"'n -"" - west oy me process oi peaceiui a candiaate for Secretary of Stale. Krsenhower s anti recession pans ,ltion. We now know Secretary of State r "not on 'r impractical. D u I lsa , hindsight wonderful? Hitfild ..ih two m i. ..rv. CRUEL.- He adds that the reces- pV taSi .Thoi ren- -o candidate fo'r gosernor." - .ubl. , due to l.c c. One more eriuon ago. ' That figures Most There are many other interesting f"h That ti HZVr. ;.'-. , U.m. cnt.c. tmnk in terms of limiiar eiamples. Paul Patterson 'Jfrd POiTtICUN doctrine" 2 'i "nVj SIX ,1 'at least a generation .go. Pern.p. announced mat he wouid be . can- ' "Y e s!L vork " ithatt why tner left themseKea to didate for L. S senator while still 5"" i2S-P 2 kLl P7 mV.V and - ' '",?...i0..r'':. . IT'IL -V, 'S: everything will be hunkydory. Safety COnsciousneJ is becoming a Community byword and didn I fini.h the job. started cam failed to finn his job as d.s- On .fhi'llnus'uVl - Tuet ... , as secretary of the Interior and trict attornev but resigned and ported aometning unusual i this wes-k. j ..ur t. O'dVl '"" "rm- S0 -r'' ,n' Pnva-e law practice or morning was i the coldest May A nafety fair ll ncheduled Saturday at the Douglas Md (0 wret4ry o( ,u,f ow Robert Stults n Republican i failed 13 morning in 82 , yeari i which Countv Fair(rround, city and countv police are carrying on arcretary of state, he a-pires and to fmih h.s. job as district .'torney d0''D 1 m"n. , n',, Y a bicycle aafety program in the school. the Roburg and "-P'" Tlv trurr ' Kn?M W DnuitlM Tountr chapter, of Oregon Hirhwy L.fevri t,oritmu''T- Z ",Ztn Mr, Marsh and k0' " ,ht "vvtr ,lnl"- held traffic afetv (sessions all day Monday at KoeLiurg These are all fine examples of ,r r.H.r. '.ia High School and the Junior Chamber of Commerce i plan- the double standards which make amples of Republicans who have Com. to think of it. May IS b (Written for NEA Service) ning a car safety check lane Saturdav. In addition, many members of the Republican Party been candidates for office during quite . day in history. 1 Now that new life is sprouting. . ,0(.ti. statesmen and members of the their own term of office I can It was on May 13 1607 that leafing out or beginning to bloom. Uteres are setting up window displays strewing safetv. i,rmocr,ut Party subject! of scorn ,uppy lhfnl. th'U little ships hov'e to off "he e find that this new growth needs This is evidence enough that a lot of people are inter- and smear. It seems to me that certain Re- site of Jamestown in Virginia and refreshment. All piants need wa- ested in holding the line on needless injuries and death on 'or 'J 5 publicans in Douglas County are prepared to found the first per- " sun.n.ne and a,r The the hitrhwavs in the homes and in industry ,1 ai" f"?. h!?f. '"apmg the bottom of the barrel manent English settlement in the earth around them needs to be the tllgnwavs. in tne nomes ana in inoustrj. people lo.e him and truly believe . , ia d,sp,rJt, ,ffort , d ,w word The c0OnT , ,en, cultivated so that their roota are It should be a revelation to attend the safety fair to m his worth and dedication to any frKjlt Ujn Dlnllc e t , ou, bv th, Ii0mion Compsnv. ,nd not stifled. see whafa being done by communities and industries to en- nb h'u,h? 'V10n fn,ed,,uw ,en"or ,nd ,lne i'jd" il w" mP'i ' dl": ,rP?f: I"0; " refreshment i i- know witnout . question ot a auuot . . . . ...., ho were greedy for god "rorn Ilme to lime. This need mav gender safer living. the magnificent atatur. of a Dan , Srfnej Leiken 'and noped to mV, t Thinking It Over By Robert L. Diaffanbach.r, D.D. interest in guarding lives and limbs. Dick Boss, chairman "u" j,,',',,, Uorsey of the Central Douglas County Safety Council, which is 911 W. Kairkaven, staging the event, says the request for booths to show off Roseburg, Oregon, safety methods was overwhelming. He said requests had . to be turned down because of lack of space. The cnmmu- COr Wants Own Rules, nity building will house about 50 booths while requests ran Claims Dimick Backer to 65 or 70. Co., Sutherhn. Ore. n America bv the alwavi popu- 'oik require fresh air after a stif ar process of turning . quick ''"g or stuffy experience. Every- h.n-w one needs some relaxation to pre- They d.dn't find any gold. They E'Jl:7lJor Ihe "'P0'"'1"''"" ' j had a terrible time But they stuck . . -.-ki.. .. ... , ,. .,u ,. ,u- As we plan our refreshing ex I just heard Dan Dimick', radio discovered that socialism 'won t TU" '"5.!"?' '"I -'Jr They tried it Dimick's Petitions Use For Campaign Scored k,.j .k. u. ,. ...... i. .- -r. .. prunram jomi spiruuai reiren petitions to the International Paper out and nearly tarved to death m"' , .mJy."5.?d, 1? .gV" .b.y : i One of the reasons why the Re- Co to sprinsboard hime!f into a before changing over to the free r,' 7-" publican Parts- has become a mi- judgehip Seems peculiar he could enterprise svst,m of evervbody for ' , !'m0 , ',h,r, ,7, ill noritv partv in Oregon is because not have thought of those petitions himself, with hu own little patch J,,, our faith or our "pin fel , , , . , . .i ! n i wimr nepuoncans iri mere snouiu a i-i au iicn uir paur com- OI grouna. i..u. -.i.iw... Tk. The efforts being made to protect the population call .. ,r, , r,,i,. ,r R,Duh;:cans oanv first .howed interest here ,. low'.n,P our ne.;hbors The fnr nlanty nt mmmnntlnn Rut mnr imnnrtjnt i the in- .r,A .n .niir.lv H,((.r.nl c.t n st.a'rf nf th. nl tha .!.lir.n 1. t. .1... reading OI tne BIDle Olten adds to Commendations Due atillatinn in nannla. nf SU'innMI if rlantrprs .nrl A Conscious- rules fur IlemocratS ness of the steps necessary to avert them. In . recent issue of Th News- It is in this vein that the safety efforts this week are or most significance. True, even- sten should be taken to shield workmen from moving parts, keep cars mechanically safe and cover voltage outlets. But mechanical devices can only do part of the job. Time and again, it is a lapse in consciousness of the dangers that leads to death and injury, the so-called human element which goes uncontrolled. t One of the finest efforts iveing made now is the empha sis on defensive driving. It is being pushed by practically every traffic safety organization. It means, in effect. "dont trust the other driver." The human element may It was on May 13. 140. that an- one's exhiliration. Recession Shows Signs Of Leveling, Senators Informed , ,., .Mp..,r nr u.u ,.k, ,n. nlh re. f,prprie tnglishman- vs iU nte(1 ,p,r,tual refresh long to make . decision if he got Wmstnn Churchill made his for- . v ever-to-be-remembered "B 1 0 o d. Sweat and Tears" speech that will go thundering down through t h . ages as long as there are English- to be judye A M Ro-.se PO Box 45 Days Creek. Ore Bruce Biossat No one who knows President lose much of his popularity. Nixon Eisenhower s cast of mind has ever xould not easily detach himself really expected that he will at any from such links as he has. He time come out witn a personal en- owes the President too much, and WASHINGTON William M. Martin, federal Reserve Buard chairman, told senators Tuesday 'there aie some hopeful indicat- POn lip and both he and vou are threatened. Be ready to ors ' the recession is leveling off dorsement of Vice President Nixon has nrwratpd tnn nfi.n a. .n ad compensate for his possible negligence and vou will guard but !n'-v rf nut '' conclusive. for ln, presidency in I9oo. ministration spokesman, vour own safety ' There is this process of level- if Nixon strength as . GOP But the idea that a sharp decline , V ... , ij, ,u mg out. Martin aaid at another candidate were founded on the in the President a popularity would This tpe of consciousness can well be extended to other point "If we can consolidate our hope of such an endorsement, it imperil Nixon a 1960 chances for areas where safety is necessary. All types of mechanical ms it could lead to a substan- nueht be questionable the GOP nomination does not nec- S8feguards can be set tip. but there appears to be no wav pr'n, up" '-. DUI- "'a " .dvantage certainly stems esanly follow trt isolate the human element. A fellow workman may be would the best in the business, but his mind mav wander for a now BE Jwm. Shoes . . . Mam Floor J' j1 oc; r-...J ' Women in white love them everv husv minute And no wonoVr . . . wnf n sou enjoy such sott gentle fit, such smart stvlirig that natters vo ir loot as well as voiir unitorm! A wondertul wav to go from minute to b .sy m nute . . , beca .se )oj w ant to look p;et-y as well as pro:es;onal. Con in. See otir selection. Soon. . mmta'i La-lesl SrUitii iUdim Dutf Skoti tnal is as lar as fr,im his link with Mr Eisenhower. Anv nartv is in.scanahlv toward . forecast and all that means in prestite. posi- died with the defense of its record tinn and DilhliritV. Rut at this Stage in nffir. ll rinnnl nnhliflv irlnna.. moment while operating a dangerous piece of equipment Martin evpres,ed these views m does not seem necessarv that ledae that the performance of a and someone is hurt or killed. One's wife mav be most effi- 'r'""on' ,' lh' sna1', 'l5""! the bond between the two shall be President bearing its standard is cient but she mav thouirhflpaalv nine. VettV nf hot w !"'X'mniitlee at a public hear- .i- nght. anv kind of a handicap Therefore, cient. DUl sne t ma inougntlesslv place 1 1 Kettle or hot wa- ,ng on , d,)en different bill, deal- Nlxun ,ire,dv f.rmlv en- no alternative to Nivon even ter too close to the edge of the Stove where it can become mg with the governments annual trenched in manv professional COP though he might hate less identity a scalding weapon. multihillion dollar housing actiw- minds as the out-tanding party w,th Mr Eisenhower, could avoid This week's activities should go far toward helping '"il.. ,,, :tm. , , prospect for istiu Large numbers re-ponsibihty for he Presidents butlt" Z"? H th fh"?m- ';Hr; t- ":i c'Xfl.ndh;;;roei,evn.'ooV,: t0 d0 f.nf hut it s a campaign which must be continued the year whether .Martin sees a leveling off t,on u him , paIform from si;ng between now and i960 no around. o'. 'he business slump ,c he can command attention que.t.on of that But while he I don t think there are - anv con- tha, no onf else will match luggiing that old spotlight is on MOTHER OF THE YEAR 'rt' T'L'X -'"- th- is him ,:i the w.y. " replied declining to make flat 5hi considerable talk among con- I nlimited applause is due an attractive mother of three p ..fh,r. ... h.w.f,.i mi, rv1"' Repunubncans of sena in rviversoaie, wno nas neen named mother or the year cators that we are having i.j mwuiiiK misinpssmen. e.ing on piocess tne board And lh,r, lr, o other faces show- .Mrs. .Neil Lhnstian stands for the rugged individualism , r,m"n"a- mg prominentU on the horizon 'ev- cl-ned to delay his bid until 19H4 Construction Delays Listed For State Highway many people say has left the American scene. Instead of Z 1,: L ! u I in V hsM ,of I,utl0.n- " .. r. -v.. ir Dersonai Dai irom me rresi- dent is probably not required to sitting back and letting someone else care for her familv time after losing the breadwinner through polio, she took the bull . But h' ":cl Prt f this may Non , rlnd,dacv uppermost r.y tne norns and hecame breadwinner, mother and house- L " , vl """" na ' Nor is it vital that the vice Prei wife. -., . , ascrioing ukj mucn Ihe story of her wav of meetinir those hariUhim is nn readme such ir.nH. oi magniiiceni nean. n could serve as an example for all of us. We salute Mrs. Christian. have to he very cautious about dent hew closely to the presidential v ' . '"-s s-piitiu-iu iii lne on issues. lmill..lk. knu.v.r St. V, . . linn it- tTii iiiriui annul being over optimistic or over cau tious." he said -Hal Boyle- House Leader Believes Defense Measure To Pass SALEM If The Oregon High-' way Commission Tuesday listed the following sections of highwavi on which there are delays be-ca-ise of construction Cold River Highway Tide Creek to Goble ; Old Oregon Trad Highway Be- deltcate job in deciding just how tween 5 and I miles east of far and how often he may safely Hunt.ngtoo. ( depart from the Eisenhower po- I mpqua Highway Eight miles- sition. To do so at carefully select- eat of Reedsport. - ed times and piaces may in fact W asco-Heppner Hizhway From ' enhance his I960 stature To make 9 2 miles east of Wasco to John the gap too wide micnt be to set Dav River up conflicts and tensions tnat could Pe ndletoo-Jor.n Day Highway1 seriously impair Sixon s standing Between B and 12 miles north of Even if Mr Eisenhower should M;. Vernon. NEW YORK (.f One of America's top home-grown bar itones is as handy with a needle as he is an aria. He is Walter Cassel, the 6-foot, 200-pound Metropolitan Opera star. I sewed all the slip coveis and like . fullhack. urn mapi-a in imi room n said, and haa s nrs.r.f.A mnA it leaning hack comfort. hlv , .h. ,M lS "P" "d .5 musi- Ka.t .side apartment where he comfl roles in his lives with his wife. Gail Man-.toir' ners. the soprano. "I learned sewing as a hov. Vv mother was . fine milliner Mv father was an interior decorator. I alw.vt wanted . sewing ma chine vou ran do better work W SHINGTON e - lloj, Re publican leader Joseph W Mar Sin Jr i Mass i predicted Tuesday that President Eisenhower ' is vo- ing lo get pretty much wrat l-.e hard worker ants ' from t onuresv in tne way of I entagon reorianuation Mart.n maue the forecast to newsmen afier the reg ilar weekiv mee'..ng of tiiP congressional leaders with the Presi.tent a: tne Wh:'e House. lie House Armed Services Com mit'e is now encased m wrring defense reork-an.ratiun hi.i at'er ts reper r :ne .a- M.s , rers-rt- Most opera sura rarely will sing more than three performanc es in . week las.el made musi cal headlines early this vear when -on d n now mat i nnany iin mree ainerent and exacting dent s program ' 0.n'" ' 'nd ' m 100 Du' 10 ro" "hin :4 hours al tht Met Mart.n a. so ad led it is h.s f r-h-"'i'1-" . . ropolitan Opera It was a test er understand. n that t'e Ho-ie ina !( iiaiuone. wno nesigns oi stamina ami virtuosity uniq-e I'sr ! w.!l he prettv m ., i r many of his oiveratic costumes, in tne Met i h.storv c- S rovers al adm.n.sna- on a I , Knoiosiaiiri - rB, n,xt mornin he jed up r.m. and wi.l s-pp-r. .1 in . i T.k. k r "rlv ni1 '-,f rv hieaa'jst. be most of th bu i t in furniture in f,,, , s,,d , , , fhurfh - hi. .p.rtment. He is also . t.l- ,d ., ,,,,, ,,., ented cook. C.ssel, who comes from Conn- Perform Together cil Bluffs, low., believes ny skill Sn, ,nJ h,r h.,,h4m) e,:irA h, man can develop i. helpful He- one critic "the Lnt and ror.-anne for. winning his laurels tn opera. 0f (h, musical tnea-er I kf to he studied dentistry and worked perform together whenever poi at flour miller, sign painter, car- ble They iv a jo.nl n--i.ical ca penter .nd r.dio .nnouncer to pay re,r has been no handicap "If vou hae d.ffic-iit ro.es to rehearse, its nice to have a part tier." said M,s Vs-uen. who ronirs from Asron. i,t and is small, prettv. and hnne'ed Mild mannered and soft ro.en Tassel raretv n i.ni . .... . "Some of the American public "i.yia.. m n-ht amen-, irajition i. ao glible it c.n t appreciate " ."iwu'ed w.-n i.(era siars .nylhing unless it haa f-rst been ' You have to hae eno .h egi. hailed somewhere else," he c- to make jourse.f sen.ie as a h i knowledge! rheerfiilly. "Rut you man being or an artist " n aa nl can get just good train, ng here ' but 1 don t think ihat to be a 1. in Europe great artist an.m has to beravt The busk; ainger, vhe ii built - a jacaVass,' I 'V V ' Ut his Hinging ItMoni. Atthoujch he It on of th ffw iMdinj opra singrr ho hat marie -in -A me nca ouri Casl ftlt that hu inabilitv tn -md abroad aa no freat handicap 'a".iT Nn I err:t Sj'ir.s,'i ; dP '- sTia!e it r tn: I1 ifnfioifr aJarir-.t a evfr l'.;e.ii in . ir :ncr? m.i-t ro rf.rra; or rumpr nrr i vn the a : x :n;:ra I.on priurtT A: thr tp.'j! Rfp'..b:, can mr-Th- of rt Arrr.i Sn icr rpmmr.ft ti 1 thfv .h:nk it will prNjure a b., K.nftofr ran acc-i-i 1 -s) J HEARING SECRET !-i si.-l v.. FIRM BIOS LOW Pi'KIl.AM) -A H t, firm hi low of eiaiM bi'l-ifri f..r ,r .r k on h : life. p'i'ct on t'.e n-..-1't .9 f-.: f trie W. ji;mitr H -.fr nt onrr r'n' in the? S 1: 'jire-f H:n. -n tni. r,e?r lk.fijJi .'haw. iuhn k Aix-.a Inf. Si-t Home, hid ' is Vie f .r f r n.h r i .r t.ji : t j i;t.rt r a re'i.ar f ihr hv.r 1jt in '4 Jr aft Jfj 1. 0 0 o 0 0q0 o O o t :r t'r!" tl,-"i:.j S t,o',-i,f riarth d.K'n.rv. (t,' K w;;! Vnnw o'ir K. .uir jfx-rct o( tTan r hj'i: 1 a:a cvn pV'rlv ctm Healed in tlnh e jvwv n ti b-f h rar tv.t as normal petons I s ft 1 tn t-ii-'v Urt liT-anii) revnlntum rHm n -it.ii i' . . r Bii on Sonotone Kne-oxi-uiRiH'ii mfiitim. bvpimii in. ter earf. f ('-fj -tva ejt t! ( st m'-nm mm-m uM' 4V ss a" 1 v- 1 COA-f IN. PMONf 0 WIsiTI ts torn' SONOTONE THURSDAY, MAY IS, ROSl HOTEL f " - . - ' "Sil!1 sst aa- a.JifJajaaarrw ttt 1 11. -..jajaysaaaaaaaj . ' - f.nansrrrnX;" J " ' .71v M i C$-y- xk ' -..I ; . S ' -pi - - :p;H ' ' SrSalS t . . 1 .s.- V. -a,eV j-s ; For tne Sweetness you Rememberl WHITE'KING SOAP Remember the soft sweet fragrance of your mother', linen cupboard? Th heaping pile, of frawh-amelhng. downs soft towels. Th cool, crisp stacks of snowy whit sheet.. To produce such wonders your mother used reof soap Probably White King Ssp. Nothing Is. could make her wash ao deep-clew n...o light, bright and fragrant Real aoap can do th same for you- Even take clothe, dulled .nd stiffened by v ears tsf laundering in other products .nd real ore their freshneias. Next w.shday. try WTiit. King Soap. Mui that aweetnee. you remember-Jours! Even in hardest water You're Just 2 step away from a better washday I If THISta-a A BABY IN VOUR. HOUII s-'.V' l...k.'IJL.k..-. sssr) inings in vv nite Kin. So.p. A hit. King keeps every thing that touches his tender skin oft. safe, free from th. irritant that lead to diaper rash and chaf ing. Kind to drlu-.t. colon, too. Step ; WHITI KINO WATISI aortiNast condition. Siep2 WHITI KINO SOAP lO.pp t 9.00 P.M. o o X