12 Tka News-Review, Heteburj. Bruce Herrick Dental Dr. Bruce Hrlrirk i th nwly elected president of the L'mpqua District Dentil Society, , Other offireri re Dr. Richrd McDonald, vice preident; Dr. Rob ert Holloway. aecretary; Dr. Jeff Currier, councilor, and Dr. Ver ner Anderaon, editor. Gueat apeakera for the evening. Tfc UlUwtHf rmdi mni toUvitiM area rem. ere printtti ei if public wrvie if Nw.Rvi reeri. All prifm Bht mf -Wir.. mt receive, if tka reactive !". Tkt Na Rviw 4 M KMf MtM"ikiliy vritM irm trie, mm etktdulea rvrniffcee! tfcia mtwtpmpt. KBES-TV Ch. 5 Ftmiinuie Houn Todir 4.nn tJtieia mil Cartoon 4. 1& Devotion . 10 Woody Woortperker II 00 Your TV Wealharmaai t.ftft Nawa 1 IS Doug Rowarrla e Th Newa 10 7 SporU Club Oft Ttm McCoy 1ft Ctvlt Datona FULLER YOUR CLOSE OUTS ALL WALLPAPER IN STOCK Valutt up to $1.95 par single roll MORGAN DECORATORS ROSEBURG KOIN-TV Ch. 6 Remaining Hour Today 41 Mr Moon 4 4ft Bed Dunning 00 Cartoon Tim 1.101 Love l-urv 0O Mr. Weatherman OA ftportecene 10 Newa Parana 1ft KalMooacope lO The Big Re rot-el T OO The Millionaire MEXICAN FOOD Aad Papular Amaru Diihaa Ordara I taka ant. THE VILLA 0m S r.M. (Cloud Suadoyi) 1 Mi. S. auta EVEN THI DAN SMOOT REPORT Won't Worry Yau Naw BEAUTY REST from CARSTENS KP1C-TV Ch. 4 Riminin Hours Today 4 00 The Big" Roundup BIO My LiUla Margie 00 New. SporU. Weathet Olft NBC Newa MBC A .TO Tex Bitter 1 00 Men of Annapolia MOVING SALE Rvtrrtaiaff Wklilll lr COLORCRAFT PAINT t WALLPAPER 1 I. Caa OR 2-3252 4 tlk. Watt l Part OKica KRNR 1490 KC Ramiining Hmin Todiy Aft Godfrey Ford Show ft OO r.dward B. Murrnw ft 1ft Public Strvlce Show S2ft Bunneaa New ft .TO Teaaeo Kpnru ft 4ft Frank (3osa Aft Weather 00 Muiir of the WM a I ft Lowell Thomaa 10 Strange Bui Trua Jl-Amoi 'n Andy 1 no Newa 1 Oft SporU I 10 Wax Work a BOO Sound Off t. IS Variety Time II Y Ttmbertrall Newt anoraa.v Llatentng Claaatcal .10 Rohert Q. Lew la Commercial Tires t 5oi r.sotir All MM"!' ' "ra Nationwidt Guarantee 111 N. E. VA 0rdt V.ll.v llvd. OR 1-5141 X ffllHlHBantTCJSwirr' KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hour Tn1ar 00-Fiiltoti UH MRS 4 I Frank Hemingway MBS Newa MB9 4 3ft America a Tea) Tunea MBA no Newa MBS ft Oft Cooing Mv Way ft .to New MBS A W .otng My Way I .VV-FHmg A Snor'e ravNewa- MBS (VV Bflti Grant Newa a tft Mnair tO Bill Jtieartl - MB. 0 ift F.kploring Tomorrow MB. no New MBA 7 01 Farm Bureau Vrhanga 7 10 Rhvthm at Random 1 1ft lie Market Newa 7 tO Newa MB 1ft Family Theaira OO Newa MB ft OA Fabulous Frequencies JO Newa MBS FRESH PRODUCE Wuhington Applet Drfva Out Far lawar Pricaa HARRIS FRUIT STAND 1 Ilk. N. ef Grain. VllT. Rat. N. Sttahtni KYES 950 KC MOM OAT THRU FRIDAY nfl ftifn on B.t Happy O Dar Shew 13 Nw .10 Happe O'Dav fthow 33 Weather Rummary f 00 Newa Hfhlifh T Ot Happy OUi the t 14 Newa f .HV Happy O Dae lhw t 00 Newa OJ Happy O'Oap Knew ts Newa t WV Happy Otar the 00 Newa l.urae Ltfari V. 23 Community Calendar Ore. Wea, May 14, 195 Society Prexy were Dr. Richard Kellar, prraidenl of the Oregon State Dental Asm . and Dr. Frank K. Everett, head of periodontia, I niversity of Ore gon Dental School. The May meeting was the lat regular meeting until fall. A picnic for memhera and their familiea u being planned for mid-aummer. 1ft Big ReroreJ 7 to Th Millionaire T 10 I've Got a Secret no Circle Theatre OO Big Story .10 Rirhard Diamon4 10 on M irk ay SpiUane 10 ;t0 Newa 10 it Chicago WreatUnf 11:3ft Sign Off THI RXnAT. MAT IS. ItM It 00 -Walter Cr on kite and the N PAINT DEALER 25c per single roll 7 .10 I've Cot a Secret II Oft Circle Theatre 0 (MV Hlurlio &7 (0 l-eave It to Beaver 10 OO CUv D--k 10 Oft Newa Wire 10.10 ' Her Kind of Man" THI IMIAf, MAT It, lM R V- CJarry Moore Shnw .10 How Do You Rale oO Arthur Godfrey Time lO Iotlo 10 00- Love of Life PHONE OR 3-4123 FOR COMPLETE RADIO AND TV Guaranteed service All rnakag & modalt Wa uta only tint ajual- ity aictura tuba ra- t alactmanti. KLUVER RADIO & TV Ntw 1 Ul Radia t TV Sl Old Hiwar Garda Val. Jet. I TO Sea Hunt R OO- Kraft TV Theatre NBC too-Thn la Your Life -NBC tO 20 Men o OO Imparl 10 ,tli Jac k Paar NBC II : The Newa 1 HI B1 DAT. MAT M. I 10 00 Prlee l Bighl iNBC. WE NOW GIVt UNITED V" V caib Cttri tifn HONN S CLEANERS 101 I. E. Daualai OR 1-1291 10 00-Rlchflelrl Bennrler 10 l.-Ketv Liatening 10 ;tO- Hmla 100-Sign Off THI RXTIAT, MAT 1ft, ItM 00 -Nrwa W Dawn Patrol 2V -New 10 Dawn Patrol 7 OO-Muairel Variety 7 Oft -Timhertrail Newi 7 loPillowpounrfer Paradi 7 2-New 7 10-Frank Hnn 7 4V-Harrv Bahtxtt R OO Newa a.ti!V-Titt n Ttinee H 2,WNrwi- N W. Hililea K .10 - Toeai "N Tunea OO- NeM n-Pelrr and Mary 1ft- Rarkatage Hife mi New Mufflers 088 low cn FIRESTONE STORES 1107 N. t. Diamond Laka Blvd. II t.1 -Fahulout Frequencies B 'X- New - MBS 01 Mn.ir I 111 IO MtiaiC II ' T.Miiotr.tw a Headltnee II Oft- iin Off THt RntT, M4T li. 1M Sim ft,1(.ier Revill A nn Daw nrtnater 20 4-.tv Maiket New 21-rivir.g SportA a to-Nt,a MBS 11 -Rll Stem a 40 i.unu Ktrnt ).V Mur.n rinrk fh.h a M - rai mei Weathe TUKidk He ay-MRS 7 Il-nreakfa! (iong i ni-mi mhi 7 it eienate m g Sleei 7 41 Ux-ai NfWi 7 V. Ui.,(i tA Mmi t 0Of. lt If Fngle MB t 11-Meiodr MiU I tO-Newt MBS S VI -Potl.u k Let ui eU tha Useidrv pa yaur hauiecteeftine,! Flewer freH 'n tweet . , , The Laundromat CMr Miir and Caurt St. o I rh I .of. an Rhnw ft -New i l umv Luteal fthow New t I ut kv tnn ho -litikv latl show 11 a II 18 iM Ne H igi (li I. in he Lgan Show - rvew - linhy tgan ne -N'MI l (Miftil -Hpir O H fthow - I 'eei uriroi-a -Happy O lltr Show -Newa H fhn -Happ O Dav Whnw -CommunU Calendar lippi O Hat hnw 1 v 1 n. 1 nt 8 W I 0-J GUARANTEED JIMItSON MINCISS PORTI.AND A Jetferaon High School girl Tuesday became the latett candidate for queen of this year'i Portland Rose Feiti val. She is Nadine Louise Trudell, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mri. R. C. Trudell. A brunette, he has brown eye, weighf 11.1 pounds, and is 5 feet 3 inches tall. The Jefferson aenior ia an honor 1 roll student 11 O Cartoon 11 IS Garrv Mnn't II to At The World Turn I3 0O-Beat the doc It 10 Hnje Party l.TO Verdid Ymjre 10O Brighter Day 3 IS Secret Storm 2 MKrlie of Night a ftO-rVminlne Fenriee 1 HMfrh FW Tomorrow HOSPITAL SUPPLIES Fer the sickreom A to Z RENTALS 717 W. Harvard Free Delivery Roiebura Area ORchard 2-3472 RALPH L. RUSSELL Hom Loont 'Imurone Bonds Loan Representative Equitoblt Sovmgs & Loan Ajs'n Mildred Horntchuch, Associate 725 S. C. Ron St. OR 3-4311 10 .10 10 4A- Search for Tomorrow (iuiding Light C.'ronkiie Newa 1 1 IKI- it uv 11 .10- 12 OO Hi Neighbor A World Turna Heal the Clock 12 .in House Partv The Bif Pavoff Verdict la You'i J 00 1 .TO- 2 OO Brighter Dav 3.1ft Secret Storm Mf of Night 3 00 ft .TO KOIN Kitchen Armchair Theatre LATI TO MODEL 57 CHIVROLCT BEL-AIR Hardtop ladan, V-8, radio, heot. mt, pawaroJida, apacial 2-tant. Lika naw throughout. '55 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR 2 door tadan, V-8, radio, haetar, powaralida, whita avar blua. Ik cedent condition, LADIES! Pick up your FREE tick ati to the Pina Oriva-ln at ATEN b PHILLIPS QUALITY USED CARS 1328 S. E. Staphani OR 2-3421 lOTO-Ktltjf royle 1NBC1 It OO-Matinee Theatre 1NBC1 12 OO Queen for a Day 'NBO 12 aft-Modern Romance NBCi I 'M - Truth or Connequencee 1 OO-Varlety film Talr 3 :M Bev'a Coffee Break APPLIANCE REPAIR Majar r tmall all makai nd modtlt BARGAIN APPLIANCE CENTER 431 S. E. Rom OR 1-5521 10- 10 00-1011ft-H 10 10 l - 10 10 10 to to 11 0O II 0- 1 1 I ft- II .10- 11 4- 12 ( Toant 'n Tunea Man Ahout Town Man Namri Ma nee Sander Nhe Time Ma Perkin F av Vallev Weather Song of Yeteryear Mirlmorntng Melodiea Newa Highl ia Tlappinea Serond Mri Rurtnn Voting Dr. Malone Road of l ife Newa at Noon Meet the Artiat Helen Trent Our Gal Sundae 1 2 12 .10 12 n 1 1 -Newa 1:0.1 1 III 2 10 .1 IH- Whmnerlng Street! Arthur Cudfrey mou party Fooltn An nd with Reenrda Garden Club OUR NEW ADDRESS 326 N. E. WINCHESTER lioy 1 TV Stoliom en th cabl. Umpqui Radio & TV Phona OR 1-6290 Tanti Slopinf Rai SALE PRICED All Campin Equipment IASY TERMS J. C. SPORTING GOODS JO J. E. Jackion Ph. OR 1-41 5J f oo 0.1- 10 11 a :o -a : 9 tl- lo t 10 II- 10 o 1 1 oo 1 1 01 11 IO II wi New a M BS Farm Bureau K change Take ,,m -Chapel the S4 ef the Rod New - MHS (arden tip V Tn nee Are You 'New tpaper nf tn Teilo Tet MR Vornini Melotliee. New- MM Stork Our N.ria of ! New - MRU ll 1.1 -Wueen for A ra -Mid Dav Ni - f' ine. A Sipor'a -;rei Y Mir Neifh Vire( Reporia 1J HO- ia ii II tv u v- 1J IV Mti I OO Snt,v ! i-1 - Kate ft Sde 1 i.uh mi 8 a S 1 m Sunn. Side l P answer Man - MRI umi .i.te I p New - MHS Sunnf Side t'p 1 tO- WANT TO LIVI IITTIIt AND SAVI MONIYff AMANA FOOD PLAN At Uw SI 3 2J par Kler-Crooch Plumb. & Appli. S3! S. I. Si.ckt-i OR 1)144 Haiiv O Da Rhew -New, 3 4 NWt lt:llli(hl New Lui New t.-gan H.ah hi l-.irkv l- (o inow ftlMif la Xim I ii. k l.(an hftW Newa Hifhi rt'i I irk Ugan ew Newa I nrky 1 caei HKne New Heather R gn Off artj . j ao T 00- f Weaheevan at e artm 1 Aour. a ere R'w.r I'ea pa I ttia HERE'S A at KIER-CROOCH Plbg. & Appli. 528 S. E. STEPHENS, ROSEBURG EASY CLOSE-CUTS EASY" AUTOMATIC Re,. ,2MS. 95 And your old machine ANOTHER EASY Rc9. 199.95, 169.95 only EASY COMBOMATIC Deluxe Washer & Dryer Combination, only 27" ft 529 "d399.95 And your old washer EASY DRYER 3 Temp. Reg. J QQ ftC 239.95, only I 07. 7 J For Spring AMANA DEEP FREEZE capacity. Reg. 314.95, FREE PARKING SOUTH If Your Paper Has 6:15 P.M. Dial PRICE SALE size . ; now '. " X so- 1 . ; j : r"lr OEOOORANT STICK ' . missy y DEODORANTS 'ariA conlroUcd' to $afe$uard skin and dothts! ..tht ptrfeet family deodorants. Sava SOXI Tussy Cream Dodor awit 2-oz. rcmilarly l.iK)...now 50. A fragrant, gentle cream chrvks perspiration, stops Oil or rottml tlie clock. ..is absoltitrlysafe. Olaruly fi-patk, rt-g. W. ..noiv 3.) Sava 50! Tutty Rote-Magic De odorant rrgularly $ 1 .1)0. . .now 3tV. Ntwrt TtiNsy Drxxiorant rollt on nti-perspiraiit protection . . , stopi i ffcrf oi 635 S. E. Jackson e-j tj- 1 V'N W. T. (BILL) EVANS, Jr. Served 4 Years Navy County Commissioner City Councilman 2i s W. a-A rr-r REAL SALE ADMIRAL TV SPECIALS! 21" CONSOLE 1QA95 Reg. 239.95, now I 07 17" PORTABLE 1 ylft'S Reg. 169.95, now I I7 14" PORTABLE 1 Oj95 Reg. 149.95,'now I OH ADMIRAL RANGE Deluxe Double Oven Reg. 479.95, wq qc Now only ... 007.7 J Freezing... CHEST, 550 lb. O709S only Lll SIDE OF BUILDING Not Arrived By OR 2-3321 NEW ANTt-PERSPIttANT ROLL-ON oJor all tlay. Won't "exSd-clarrrace" ; Skin or clothes. Comes in exclusive ' iinbrcakaMt case. For teens, for you and dad too. Sava 50x! Tnay Stick Deodor ant regularly $1.00... now &Uf. For those w ho prefer th? clean, refresh inc way of the "stick." h i eairy to me. can't spill or leak. Stop odor 2 hours. And men really like it. 1' fvl) .tv''': i 2)7 f q 5 ORchord 3-7415 J ; W. V aaMaeML T. EVANS, JR., COMMISSIONER A., . C"J'i It Ori.on ( W T. tvon, Jr., Mi,, L'H on Evon,, irt , Rniabo'j. Oifavi Den Mothers Of Suthcrlin Scouts Plan May Meeting By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Den Mothers of Sutherlin Cub Scout packs met at the home of Mrs. Kin Holder for a business and social meeting recently. It was decided not to hold a meeting in June, but to meet May 16. There will be a den mother meeting July 10 at the home of Benetia Lane, and a pack meeting July 23. There will be no pack meeting in June and August. WSCS MmIi Women's Society of Christian Service met at the Icel Clark home for a study meeting with .Mrs. In land Lynn leading the discussion. After the study hour refresh ments were served. The next meeting will b May 21 with a pot luck at noon at the Sutherlin Methodist Church follow ed by joint installation of the WSCS and the Jennie Com stock Circle. Vernie I.iesineer. young son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern l.iesinger re cently scalded his lezs when he ac- Sutherlin Council Accepts Low Bid Of Portland Firm The Sutherlin City Council ac-, eppted the hid of a Portland firm Monday night for materials for the citv water works. The low bid ef S1.R81 92 submitted hy John Mansville of Portland was, J accepted. In other business before v the council, an amendment to the city Water ordinance was passed. Th? ordinance specifies that all private water sources shall be kept separate from the city lines. J hi means that a citizen could not be connected to both his own anil city lines at the name time,: Mrs. Herb Usaki, fsews-Kview cor respondent, reports. 1 Asks Council's Aid Larry Armstrong and Don Bar low, representatives of the Suther lin Junior Chamber of Commerce, asked the council for aid in fixintz the Scout Hall which has been con demned by the city. The council told the representatives that finan cial help could not be extended but the city would not set a time limit on repairing the building. Two representatives of a citi zens' committee on oral hygiene asked the council for financial sup port for a dental survey. The two were Frank Moss and Herb Osaki. The council told the committee that the request was received too late to be included in the budget. (Com mit tee members Sandy McBride and Dr. Warren Kadas were also present A Sutherlin resident, through her attorneys, said she would not ac cept the $100 the city offered for a water line easement through her property. The resident is asking for $,'iftO and the council decided to offer $200, Mrs. Osaki said. MC Scouts Set Carnival May 23 By RUTH EVANS Myrtle Creek Cuh Seoul Park 326 will hold a carnival May 23. from 7:30 10 10 p.m. at the school gymnasium. The carnival will be open to the public and will feature games of skill for adults as well as children. Kach of eight dens will sponsor a booth and sell home-made candy and popcorn. Funds raised will be used for scout activities. Rcivs Award Wayne Hartley of Myrtle Creek was awarded the Myrtle Creek PTA teaching scholarship for the coming year. He graduated from Myrtle Creek in 1957 and is now finishing his freshman year at 1. in field College at McMinnville. Convention reports were given hy Mrs. Sam Crawford and Mrs. William I'arhmayr of the recent PTA convention at Bend. A musical program featuring solo and ensemble groilps was pre sented hy I. illts Peterson. The fol lowing students were accompanied hy Mrs. Kenneth Winston; l.arry Johnson. Kd Cadman and Ross Barkhurst. Barhara Roberts. Vic tor Teal. Tom Bryant. Jovce Og den. (Jury White. Susan McKnlire. David Beedle, Rill Leonard and Ruth Ann Winston. RETURN T. EVAMS, JR. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE COMMISSIONER DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON O EXPERIENCED AND PROVEN REVALUATION OF TAX STRUCTURE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WATER AND SOIL CONSERVATION ridenlly upset a perculator of hot coffee lat week. Jack Buchanan of White Sulphur Springs, Mont., flew into Sutherlin last week for a few days where he transacted buMness. Mrs. l-ochie Thompson and two grandchildren accompanied Mrs. Kthelyne Vaale to Cottage Grove Thursday where they visited with Mrs. Thompson s sister and family. The ladies left the grandchildren with Mrs. De Voung and drove into Kugene where they transacted busi-1 ness. Mr. and Mrs. La vern Ramher of Portland spent the weekend in Suth erlin at the Brittain Slack home. I Bamber is a brother of Mrs. Slack. , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson Sr. and son, Stephen, spent Moth er's Day in Kugene with Mr. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holdredge. Porter Proposes Aid Funds Direct To Movie Stars WASHINGTON UT A suggestion was voiced in the House Tuesday that mutual aid funds for the Do minican Republic could go direct ly from the taxpayers to the mo vie stars "instead of going through two Truullos." Rep. Charles O. Porter (DOre) tossed this into debate on the IV 6o:t.00O.0OO mutual aid hill. I Porter called the attention of the House to a newspaper article saying "if all 'the women in the I niled Slates had the charms of Zsa '.si Gabor and Kim Novak, j mavbe they'd get hack all of the j $l.:tOi).000 the United Stales gives! the Dominican Republicannually for military aid." The article continued that as it is. It. Gen. Rafael Trujillo Jr., son of the republic's ruler, "only spends about one million dollars a year here." It said also Miss Gabor got a $17,000 fur coat and a So,600 auto- ! mobile from the general and Miss Novak got an $8,400 automobile. j "Under the present plan, con sider all the indirect and non-tax- able transactions involved in giv ing these movie stars fur coats i and expensive automobiles,' Por ter said Study To Check Family Counseling Service Need A study to determine the feasi bility of a Family Counseling Serv ice is currently being conducted by a Rosehurg Y.MCA committee, Wayne Schulz, YMCA secretary, said. The YMCA in initiating the ac tion in response to many citizens and groups expressing their opin ions that a service of this type be made available, Harry Sanislo, pro gram council chairman, said. The tentative plan being studied involves a volunteer panel of four members representing law. busi ness, church and medical profes sions. Couples and parents having difficulties and problems of per sonal nature or wanting help with parent child .elationhips could re quest the help of the panel. Similar plans are now being oper ated id Salem, Portland, Oklahoma City and other communities, Schulz said Oklahoma City has 'been operating the program for eight years with some 400 cases boasting 90 per cent effectiveness with rehabiliation of marriages and home life, he added. Individuals and groups wanting to assist with the project should contact Schulz at OR 3 Movie Showtime WKDNKSnAT. MAT II, ISA INDIAN THEATRE 5perll Matinee door open 1110 One complete thow ini of 'The Ten CnmmanrlmenW I .10 I Evening door open .' One complete ahowin of The Ten Commandment " at 7 .10 onlv STARL1TE DRIVE IN Gale open 7 00 Showi itart 7 4.1. "The Lnnf Hot Summer" 7.38, 11 34. "Apache War rior ' 10 11 PINE DRIVE-Tn Now open full time rhertule Gates open 7 00 Show etarti 7 40 l.a-t of the Radmert ' 7 7. 1107. ' aO.OOO.ftOO Mile to Earth1' t 33. Thursday thru Saturday "LOVl IN THI AFTERNOON" Iter r.n a Gary Cooper, Audrey Ha urn artrf Maurict ChavaiUr, plyi Georg MaMejomary ia "LAST OP TH( IADMEN" frtdl Tanithr "LOVI Ml OR LEAVE Ml" m4 "A LAWLESS STREET" Hurry! MUST Hurry! i'-fl END Hurry! .IP ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY at 7:30 only DOORS OPEN 6 30 Spacial Mai. Tedor t Tliur. at 1:30 . . . Doom Opta 12:30 ADULTS 1.2S Studtnr-90c Kiddin-SOt NOW OPEN EVERY NIGHT! Now thru Saturday GATES OPEN 7:00 Niflitniarct I rom Space Invade (lit HIUWHi Ml US X W HOPPER TAYLOR F OF THt fejBadtnen iVii unyTcnurov NOW thru SAT! OPEN 7:00 Sot 1 Sun S The stronger came to town on a summer I night . . . and nothing wot tv?r the tame! A SEARING LOOK AT A SOUTHERN TOWN... THE H0IIG.IK0T iUMMER V -4 ClNM5eoe JOANNE WQOOWaRB PAUL NEWMAN A NT MONT HANCKHA OUON WftUtS 2a lejit Ttrrwf N tn Wil.ernttl Trail! :Atche Warrior tiiTN lima J i a) a 1 1 "1 ' SAT! ml PLUS 3-d Hit .. It N