U. of C. Library Eucns, Oregon Comp oseinilhioweir Probes IhHixoim Staond Established 1873 16 Paget XOSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 109-58 PRICE 5c Wage And Price j KP Drum And Bugle Logging Trucks ,i.orps io iaKe rarilM. LtHmi inn hr r .. iiiuiii iiuwiiiiu JC Convention 3 r . The Knights of Pythias Drum b(M I 0 D6 LltlCCl and Bugle Corps from Roseburg I By STERLING F. GREEN wm ,ahe P" in t rKMt of PORTLAND i-Logging trucks HOT SPRINGS, Va. un A J Slates next month at tin annual will be able to roll on Oregon special anti-recession committee convention of the V. S. Junior "'Khways around the clock In the of the Business Ad visor v Council Chamber of Commerce .future, except for weekends, proposed Friday that President j Tne Roseburg javr(.f , announced The sUte Highway Commission tisenhower call for . voluntary Thursda ,.,,.,; in,cnllcm o( (kl ng' Thursday lifted the long-standing one-year moratorium on wag. and th, lo ,hf conventlon, ban against night hauling Hauling fiic '""-" . . SDOkesman Bob Raffensoereer said tne purpose of the trip action Moratorium Is Proposed The report was presented to Sec- RALLY SPEAKERS Prominent ot the Republican roily held Thursday night ot the Fair grounds were Warren Gill, shown speaking at left, ond one of his opponents, Mark Hot field, for right. Seated with Hatfield is Mrs. Arthur Lamko, a leader in the Douglas County Hatfield campaign. Standing is former district attorney Robert Stults, a friend of Hatfield who spoke briefly on behalf of the candidacy of Morris Bowker, incumbent county assessor who is seeking another term. (Paul Jenkins) Douglas County Republicans Hear Candidates On Issues reiary 01 commerce weens ana 10 is . nuhlrl,, iwhini. .nrf imams, siaie mgnwj more than 100 top U.S. industrial-, lh t ,., v,oii. fr ih. engineer, recommended the mov uncu s ciu.ru mino nnn still will be banned on Saturday and Sunday. W. C. Williams, state highway ..l. llaHi4id tha flAiinnil'i ,-ltaest n ' ' . . ,u"u v.iv romine Oreeon lentenmal. sessions here. 1 he council is am advisory body to the Commerce I state Fame Noted Department. , , To date, the drum corps has saving log haulers argued they often must haul logs more than luo miles these days, and the night-lime ban makes their truck- The committee recommended never .ppe,,- oulslde tne 8Ule iing operations costly against any general tax reduction at this time. It said such action may be proper if general con sumption continues to decline. The group strongly opposed federal It has, however, gained slate-wide fame for its marching and play ing. Among their many trophies are three first-place awards from the Portland Hose Festival. "We projects of the type called "make j fee, ,he Kl).u wll c(,rtainly' be work The I ne special cumnmiee "" make their appearance in Los An forrned at Weeks request It was , .. Kaffenspprg,,r sald headed by T. V. Houser, chairman . . . . of Sears. Roebuck and Co.. who Now effort, will be launched to "'.., .k. f.nrf.m.. ia the raise the money for the trip. Bill council. credit to our community when they By BOB CLARK News-Review Staff Writer Reporters Barred Reporters ate barred from coun cil sessions, but copies of the re port were distributed to members in advance of the meeting, and . "j ,u ,nVTr estimated aiiiiuiiiii-t-u tne KM lit Hill I1UUI men 1 post annua. t.g uay oituiltilty. May it, to secure money for the trip. Raffensperger said the Jaycees intend to make the fund-raising effort a community-wide project. They will contact all local civic and fraternal organizations for as- The commission awarded 17 contracts on bids opened at Salem April 17 and accepted for award Thursday bids on projects total ing more than 3'i million dollars. Approves Protects The commission also approved 22 projects for the federal gov ernment's ami - recession road- building program. The state will put up about two million of the eight million aouar I '. I V-"- -"v TED SOHN . . . siuaenr prexy i ... - m commissioner aspiranls William T. Kvans Jr.. Jack Trustv. Leo J Soarks. Harrv G. RaDD ana Klmer ! newsmen learned the contents. Some 4110 nerson. listened Thurs-I R Metzeer. The ermiD agreed unanimously day night as three governor candi-1 Ceddes, a Roseburg attorney and I that inflation remains the No. l sistance in the endeavor, dates and numerous other aspir-! a former state senator, threw some I long-term problem of the econ-l r ., w. . . ants for county, state and national obvious political barbs at his in- omy. It urged that an emergency v ottices presented their views at a ; cumbcnt Democratic opponent, Kepubican rally in the countv Fair-: Charles O. Porter. grounds Community Building. "If 1 am elected," said Geddes Commissioners said they hope to call bids next month on the proj ects, which include: Division I ( Multnomah. Clacka mas. Washington and parts of Hood River and Columbia coun ties) $1.6116.000. Division II (Marion. Linn, Lin coln. Polk. Yamhill. Benton. Tilla- mnnlf 'latnn and nart of Colum- anti-recession measures bel itanensperger said a jayceeihia County) $1,259,800; including weighed in the light ot inflation- committee is presently at worn to $1W .000 for State Street in Salem arv risks. maxe pians lor auuuionai promo- To avoid further lowering ot lion worn in us Angeles. Many GEORGE W. LIVINGSTON . . . unexpected condidote Trapped Miners Find Way Out ii;nui;nV.t. Af tu. t...t . "I will not nnnnint mvself a rnv. lUSllllKlltlt VI tn-J I.VNUU1 ,n. - -- --- -rr- - "J"-- - ;- . 7; Tt .; - t Ul Ik. i,l ..k ..,.11 k. . ion were the announcement of the i mg amoassaaor 10 L4iiin American ; pumic purcnasmg puwer nu . .n v- names of Arthur M Selhv and 1 and o'her countries and leave theisihly to encourage price reduction. sented to manufacturers for their John Amarher u KOP wnia . ,n impression there that 1 speak for, the committee said Eisenhower I ain in the promotion . i candidates for the nosts of stale the State Department. should issue a call for a mora- Raffc-nsperger asked that all in representatives and some vocal "And I will not address revolu- torium on "further wage rale in- quints and donations of funds be fireworks by V. S. congressional uonary exiles from Latin Amen-1 creases by labor and on corres- SPnt to the Roseburg Jaycees asnirant Paul GedHvi can countries and openly advocate ' ponding price increases by busi- po Box 681 or to Bill Black James G Richmond countv ROP ' revolution by force if absolutely I ness." j the Douglas Hotel in Roseburg. .1 r,n..iitn .u n . ucctrssary 111 uroer tu overiuruw vwmtii Division III (Lane. Douglas and (Continued on Page 2 Col. S) Ted Sohn Elected Student President At Roseburg High Roseburg High School students have elected Ted Sohn, a junior student body president for the 1958 59 school year. He won a majority of votes from the 1,300 members of the student body in elections held this week. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sohn. 1116 SB Terrace, he is presi dent of his class this year, a mem Says Students Should Feel Sense Of Guilt WASHINGTON i President Eisenhower said Friday Peruvian students who stoned and spat upon Vice President Nixon will come lo feel a sense of guilt and em barrassment." In a personal message to Nixon at Quito. Ecuador, the President praised the Vice President for courage, patience and calmness in dealing with a mob of demon strators at San Marcos University in Lima, Peru, Thursday. Eisenhower, in a message ad dressed to "Dear Dick," said Nix on's handling of the episode has Drought mm "new respect and ad miration in our country." The message said: "Your courage, patience and calmness in the demonstration di rected against you by radical agitators have brought you new respect and admiration in our country. Deplore Incident "I am certain the vast major ity of citizens both in Peru and in the United States deplore the in cident caused by a few. 1 note with satisfaction that the Peruvian government has al ready expressed to you its regret. "Indeed, 1 feel that every par ticipant in the mob will finally come to feel a sense of guilt and embarrassment because of his failure to show toward a friendly visitor the ordinary measure of courtesy and hospitality. "Give my love to Pat (Nixon's wife) and warm regard to your self. "Ai ever." Eisenhower signed the note with his initials D.E. , Earlier, Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) called the Lima incident essentially an attack on the pen- Central Committee chairman, urg ed Republicans to write in the names of Selby, county Civil De fense director, and Amacher, a for mer state representative. No Re publicans filed to oppose Demo crats Al Flegrl and W. O. Kelsay prior to the March T deadline for ballot placement. Not Pack Pistol Continuing in a lighter vein, he said. "And I will not pack a pistol in the halls of Congress on even when I return home." Geddes also slammed awar at Democratic labelling of the reces sion as a "Republican recession." "It should be called a Democrat ic recession if any label is given it n tt u- i 1 i.: . SIIARPLES. W. Va. Twenty- gon governor, spoke briefly in sup- I u 1". four wearr, dirty miners trudged port of Sig Unander. She is Unan- i .,"Z."A li,. V h. through ' ta wmdingaban-ider-, campaign manage, ! t kl rioned mine shaft to freec om to- others who spoke during the ses-1 main by Democratic-controlled bod day after spending more than 16 ,10n ven district attorney candi-,,.. .a n, h, th. .H.tr,i oate uonaia s. Jkeney and county, Soung that the Democrats hold Governor Candidates Two GOP governor candidates, Mark Hatfield and Warren Gill, de livered talks as slated and a third, George W. Livingston, made an un expected appearance. Mrs. Paul Patterson, wife of the former Ore- necessary in order to overthrow Latin American governments which are friendly to the United States and which permit us to maintain defense installations in their coun tries," he added. hours trapped underground. Thev came out through abandoned air shaft of the Boone members heard reports that the administration is consid ering another anti-recession meas ure a request to Congress to liberalize tax write-offs for all in dustry. Telephone Co. Service Project Nearly Finished Western Electric Co. installers are putting the finishing touches to a $63,000 service improvement pro ject at Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Co.'s central office in Rose burg, exchange manager Duane E. Lafferty said today Laren Reeves, Local Painter, Apparent Suicide Victim Young Holdup Pair SS '- Eludes Roadblock; Station Robbed - ber of the student council and is pie of the United States more than serving as assistant editor of thel0n Nixon as an individual. scJiool newspaper this year. I Yet it may have a net result of In a runoff election held Thurs- strengthening ties of friendship day. Jeremy Halliday won the vice- between the United Statea and presidency over Miaron Lyons. A 59 year-old Roseburg painter, I.aren E. Reeves, apparently took his own life early today by firing a .22 caliber bullet into his head. Ills body was found at 6 a.m. in front of his residence on Roberts Slate police roadblocks in South ern Douglas County failed to collar two young holdup men who made olf with $315 early this morning from a Myrtle Creek gas station. Myrtle ' Creek police said the stickup occurred at the Swing In service station on mgnway s in South Myrtle Creek. Time of the incident was set at 2:15 a.m. Officers said the pair, both de scribed as in their early 20 s, en tttred the station through a side ritmr and asked Mrs. George Biss. Creek Rd. near Kelly's Corner by proprietor of the station, if she Ernest Bilger. his landlord. was alone. Airs. Biss told police lounty loroner L. L. rowers that she answered affirmatively and that thev became belligerent when thav spotted her husband James McGhehey won the race for junior vice president. The of fices of secretary and treasurer are to be filled by juniors Nancy Stew art and Sally Meyers respectively. Wavne Hutchinson was named business manager for the Associat ed Student Body, and Richard Pe terson elected sergeant-at-arms. The office of chaplain during the coming school year will be filled oy carol fray. Elected yell leaders were Bar bara Brown, JoAnn Freeman, An nette Lehman, Sue Meredith. Mary Ralston, Sandy Ulam, David For rest. Bob Scott and Gary Sanders. Sanders wai named yell king. Al ternates are uaroi f ray and Pat Fromdahl. said Reeves' death was "obviously The work is one of four projects f ana occurea sometime to $171,000 on the com- " """ ,m- amounting lounty i oat corp. .m. mine ; u..- ei.i.J i and carried -w 1 im iiv the maiori rtv in ConVresV Cedrie, ' P' construction schedule fr eeyes was muna anout 5 eel Una j .fi y Congress. ,e, 1 the Rosehure area in the first six from "" fronl 'P' ' ,he Bilger cd her said, "For a year. Democrat lead- nfhs o, "'w home. The bullet, fired from a sin- the it. ers have heon pritinrinff the aH. "looms "l in.io. . , ;r. . j , ... Trunks mrked them UD them to the mine bathhouse. For Governor A$oirant A four-man rescue party reached the trapped miners by I The coffee hour for Mark Hat threading their wav through the field. Republican candidate for gov honeycomhed passages of a sec-,ernor, will be held in the Indian tmn which had not been worked 'Room of the Umpqua Hotel from since the 1920s. Contact was made ,10a.m. until noon Saturday. h ,hirh ,..,.. !,.(.. ... h.. 'ard and the other in the Dixonville about 2:15 a.m. but it was not un- .Originally, the affair was sched- tl;rmjn.H" i hv the envernnr. ni'"' r-- ers have been criticizing the ad ministration for its tight money policy, particularly as it concerns the timber industry. But the Demo crats didn't change the policy as it pertains to housing credits and int erest rates until April He said the nl. . u.t ft-.... - 11 .in. i The central office work. Lafferty , ,h. vl(.,lnV, forohead. according to said, involves installation of new powers uiiii swiLi'iiiug trqui Liiu piil aim an aonitional service order desk iwo caoit? cons nicuon joos nayei Despondency may have caused been completed this year, one in R0i,,oa u.- i,f u; ly other respect i Jhe.Loo.k,.r!gKla"s are".Wnt f .Hlord said the painter had been dis couraged recently about work. I hey don t want to hire per s.jvwi ...... ...... - --- j . . in milieu is uy me governors or; " ,. ... , ,, til two nours later mat a runner Tjthe board of the Federal Reserve!, 'nis rnomn a inira came pro-1 sonj mv a(ie any ne had hoiKtit. .... because of the evnectert . nH. .D,nK: "aaln.l! nat "ve 01 ,ne ?ven "'.';. Z , u 1 t01" "'r n.erii.1 tlmes. recently, sleeping in a back room. Kinallv. however, the iwo oruer- icr to go to the island in ironi ot station and turn out the lights. She did so, and the pair rifled the cash box. They took only paper money, leaving about $20 in change. change. Mrs. Biss said the taller of the Iwo, who was about six feet in height, brandished a long-barreled, sma -caliber automatic revolver, The other man was described as about five feet, seven inches in thai the men were safe because of the expected attend-IT" tinm.1 ..rial cable in th. Metros. anee Robert Stt.lt. Hatfitilri'.l .. . "'eiiioers were appmniea lor " , "- u.. , The first man up th. a,r shafL 1 f.-Mi the first time by Orville Kitchen emergen at 4 -; id t,' president. fl III. I'l auotv a...... Aftoi- h,. nc.K,.rrt ...... . ij from the place where the "'.", ,, ,"n "l.:::' - ' , P" n.V iT ' V Hatfield, co favorite along with !vS,tV hTE,rr,,,,pe;l'n"d" - " ,h G0P pie home. I (Continued on Page 2 Col. 1) Democratic ; area norlnwe5t 01 Roseburg. feet from the place yen were found. FURNITURE DAMAGED ; according to the landlord Reeves had worked off and on in I recent years for the Douglas Paint 1 ing Co. here, and last week found I work painting a local service sla (Continued on Page 1 Col. 5) In The Day's News By FRANK JENKINS This modern world note: The two spacemen who went up eight miles in a balloon the other day to see what they could see ran into a NEW space mystery. They report they heard unexplained voic es One of the mvsterious voices SID SOMETHING ABOUT GO ING IN" FOR HOT COFFEE. llmmmm. So it's going on up there eight miles above terra ftrma! More about modern life: Proposal For Youth Driver Training Presented Here At Safety Leaders Meeting An original proposal for suiting schools, but not necessarily so. It youths of the community on the could be put on a student "volun-1 right road to driver safely practic- teer basis." and undertaken aside' es was launched Thursday noon from school hours. j before a group of Roseburg busi-l , thlnk, th. cj,. p,,,,,., ieptri. ness and professional men al a met should be brought into the T,?. "Th' ?'' lnM'' program and issue .pecial permits : Ln tied The Roseburg Plan." for youngster, to use the driving u can. i..r selling asioe a pioi oi pr,ciice area under qualified guid- Mrs. Kiss told officeri that she attemDted to Dhone the police lm mediately after the pair left, but that they re-entered, struck her and shoved her into a rear room. 'She said she did not get a look at Mrs. Wallace tox. Rt. 2 Box 607, ' tion. He had been living with Bil-ltheir vehicle, told deputies Thursday that a dav-:ger since last December. Police received a report that a enport and a chair in the Cox resi-1 The victim is survived by his brown and white. 1957 sedan was dence were slashed by unknown wife, a Tenino, Wash., beauty shop driving al excessive speed and in housebreakers Thursday morning. 1 operator, three grown daughters j a reckless manner while travelling Mrs. Cox. said the vandalism oc- and a son in the Navy. He has j south on Highway 99 a few min rurred during a 45-minute period been a resident of Roseburg for 1 utes after the gunmen left the sta when she was away from the several years, and came to Oregon Hon. However, state police were house. from l.ouisiana. ' unable to track down the vehicle. Deadline For Rodeo Queen Contestants Set Up To May 15 The deadline for prospective Ro deo Queens to enter the 19,'ig Doug las County Rodeo contest has been extended from Alay 1 to May 15, contest chairman Dick F'rey an nounced Thursday. Frey said the age limit for con testants is 16 to 21. Other require ments include ability to ride, ac cess to a riding horse, single mar ital status and pleasing personality and appearance. Girls entering the contest ,.must be available to participate in rodeo activities the weekend of June 21 22 and in civic functions throughout the county in the weeks preceding rodeo time, added Frey. Candidate! will be required to submit a portfolio and a full length photograph, preferably in riding costume, to the Douglas County Ro deo Assn., Box 109, Roseburg. F rey said tne portfolio should contain a brief biography, complete measure ments and clothing sizes, name, ad dress and telephone number. The queen will be chosen strictly on the basts of ticket sales by con testants, with the three top sellers W. .. mm IT a 4 . ' r len uninvueo gues.s spent .n. ground near the city for a student ,nre Tn, ririvrr. m-,M h .rf nuni in niuoMc . u..,- ariver s practice grounds wnere the legal age for seeking a regular m,..,,in he.Hnn.ner. at lirrmin. v,.d.i.,. ..,m k. ,..,.k. il. e ir "" a regular i town, Maryland. The ten are mem- chanics of csr operation and be in- ' lerr"r PFrmi1- j hers of the National Committee for troduced to the basic rules of safe Special Permit i Non-Violent Action against Nuclear driving. -The citv's special permit will Testing. The proposal ws authored by ,hen , ,,n,Pr!,rlen fori Thev have voed to camp in the Leonard J (. . Hedine. local L. V learner's nermit drivers" th.1 minding Until ma commissioners ' "earner Durr.u nrainrrman. lie' hear their plea. What to say about it Well, one could go into a long- inded discussion about the unwis- (Continued on Page t Col. 6 The Weather AIRPORT RECORDS told hi audience. "I have enter tained this idea for a Ion? time . . it concerns the problem of intro ducing new drivers to the hazards of motoring " Public Road Wrmf Place Explaining the project. Hedine i aid he believe the public road I "is the wrong plact for a ltudent to first take control of $ motor- Fair today with morninf cloudt Saturday. Hrghost ttmp. la it 74 hours Lowest ttmp. la it 24 hours Highttt ttmp. any May .... Lowttt ttmp. any May ... Prtcip. latt 24 hour Procip. from May 1 Prtcip. from Sept. 1 Eictst from Stpt. 1 Sunttt tonight, 7.23 p.m. Sunn it tomorrow, 4. St a.m. 70 .. 24 . 0 T 31.27 1013 plan i author explained Suggested possible mte for tht driver practice ground wi an iin med portion of the municipal air port, ilrdine said he thought the Ions arc of the oal should be about three-eighth of a mite in length. Thursday's meehn wai chair manned hv (,Wn Wellman, head of the Koeburg Life Saver Commit te Among thrte attending wert Mike Iplcr. city choo nipprin tpndent; Slate Police Sijt. Robert Keefe. police department safpty di- D0UCLB5 CDUHTV RODEO junc Trails or roads within two circu lar right-of-ways would be estab lished where student drivers could eierute curves. Ioods. stous and recior: insuranceman Horace nerg other maneuvers, as well as prac- local motel operator F. S S tire narkine. backina and inter- Vtilkey. change of traffic at crossings "VSe are soliciting suggestions Hedine suggested presenting from the general public and from "harmless haiards" which would state highway and police of penahze learners who make mis- rials." Wellman said "Other meet lakes incs tn introdur. 'The Roseburg The plan, he said, eou'd be ev Plan" will be held in the near In er uted in conninction with the ture " pisisAi 1 i a y i-n , . .,r,... I . (J.iiaVs Sw.i '...ft.- --r o '- . !"' . " ' ' '"I $ Geddes Hits Stand Of Porter Against Nuclear Bomb Tests Paul K. Geddes, Roseburg attor ney and Republican candidate for congress trom tne sin District, Thursday blasted Rep. Charles O. Porter's stand against nuclear weapons tests. Geddes charged lhat Porter's "propaganda campaign" aimed at stopping atomic defense tests was a tragic combination of "ignorance and irresponsibility" which could only give "aid and comfort to our enemies." The Republican candidate took particular exception to the Con gressman'! statement that this country was playing what Porter said might be called "American roulette" with the tests and "en dangering the composure of the world." "This same kind of propaganda, which has been coming from the Kremlin for some time, has an gered hut not surprised most Amer icans." Geddes said. "It it incon ceivable, however, that an Ameri can Congressman could be ignor ant enough, or care little enough for the welfare of his country, to spout such nonsense. Doesn't Speak For Party Geddes continued, "I am certain Porter does not speak for the great majority of his party in America. Certainly, he doesn't speak for Democrats in the 4th Congressional District of Oregon. This ia not a partisan issue. Republicans and Democrats have their differences in philosophy, principles and pol icy, but when the welfare and de fense of America is at stake, the great majority of both parties are Americans first." The COP candidate said it was his understanding that one pur pose of the tests which Porter crit icizes was to perfect a defense against Russian intercontinental c0..,pr.s.n tne queen mm, nrr mis "Atomic Weapons, how- court, said Jrey. : ,. j.r,w. mrm . .. Prizes to the winners, related c.vAAr i,l "Inst a. it is . t.ri the chairman, will include riding 0f life that Russian weapons are a ensembles, wardrobes of sport on constant threat to our safety, and dress wear and a trip to an as-that we must be prepared .'to de- yei unnamea event sum as !ne;r(.nd ourselves against them. To Portland Rose Festival or the Pen- advocate that we alone lav down dleton Roundup. our arms and stop our defense ef- Frey said Bill Tipton, pretident forts is to advocate national sui of the association, will be avail-! ride." able for assemblies or meeting j regarding the queen contest or any 1 eg tJII.J Manv Hurt of the other rodeo events. J 'IL80; 1"l3nJ. V I In Rio Train Collisions NEW SIGN Trovelers on Highway 99 will tundoubtedly know the 1 4th annual Doug lot County Rodeo i scheduled for June 21 ond 22. Members of rhe Umpqua Lions, Club hove ottoched huge letters, which con be seen from the highwoy, to the Foirgrounds grondsfond Eoch letter is made of marine plywood ond it four feet wide and eight feet high. The entire sign is approximately 150 feet long. The Lions undertook th pro ject in conjunction with the county Rodeo Astn. (News-Review photol I ' Petty Larceny Charged To Tenmile Youth, 15 A I.Vyear-old Tenmile boy was booked at county jail Thursday on a charge of petty larceny. The youth is accused in a com plaint signed by Ted Benedict, pro prietor of the Brockway Store near Tenmile. He is charged with taking an article from the store. The hoy was in custody about RIO DE JANEIRO ijfi Presi dent Juscelino Kubitschek today ordered an investigation into the crash of two commuter trams in which an estimated 150 persons were killed. It was the second dis aster in as many months on the government'! Central do Brasil line and the worst train wreck in Brazil's history. Some 300 more passenger! were injured last night when one elec- two weeks ago, charged with theft I ,rie commuter train plowed inte of a pistol from a Tenmile rnan.ule rrar vl anoiner. He wai released hy the juvenile court Ui custody of an uncle. GOOD DISHWASHING Levity Fact Rant By L F. Relzenstein In preparing that vacation FORT I.Al'DF.RDAI.E, Fla. i.fl A good dishwashing perform ance has its rewards. By turning in a good one. Mrs. Irene Kunkle 3 mpJ,.:.i" itinerary which call, for brav- night in the preliminary contests' i"9 the haiardt of highway of the Mrs. America pageant. (peed monioct, best Include The contestants had a ilsy "0.owoy pon for , po,,!. off rndav. Mrs America of 19. S, i . , . . . . . will be crowned Saturday night. U""eduled trip to the hot She wilt et JlS.Or is prlzet. I pitol oe beyond.