Ceddes Tells Lane Rally ! Republicans Have Chance RIDDLE TEA FRIDAY A proiiram and tea will ha giv en for the second consecutive year ti Rn,,hi.. ,n .u. ' rridav, beginning at 11!:45 p.m. at ZZd Z 'f, r C hJ,u"h of chUdrea grades one to four. r f i 5 1 Grad" through four will that prospects were excellent for! u.A..i.ii i.i " sent ine program, ine ceTvi n;Fm7rlr,"r:," i"8 will honor grandmother. ...npr,!... - iWancta Wallace He maintained that many Ore gon Democrats resent what he " ' "iiu uuuiiiiaiiuu ui meir Danv bv a small rim,,. f hj.,i,r.iuj I trma Best, correspondent. politicians" ill or, f0.10 re- low- Mrs. and Mrs. Hazel Kendnck are in charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Virsil Knight is gen- "Hnminaimn ni iu. ; erai cnairman lor uie ic-, ii" a small clique of hard-shelled. centered whn h said, are dictating party policy! $3.3 billion was spent in newspa- auu "giving the back of their hands 1 per advertising in 1957 more to members of their own party than in TV. radio, magazines and who don't agree with them." outdoor combined. f 1 DAY IS I SPECIAL m Selected G SPECTATORS Two tone straw and white dress shoes by Hill & Dale, Troyling and Red Cross. roup ? t 1:...: :Lmm Hospital News Mercy Hospital Admitted Surgery: William Grenskey, ItoseDurg. Discharged Pat Ragan. Mrs. Virgil Munion. Koseburg; Mrs. Una Liles. Mrs. Prays Underwood. Winston: Mrs. Clyde Smith. Sutherlin; Mrs. E. M. Briner, Myrtle Creek. Douglas Community Hospital Admitted Medical: Mrs. A lie Wilkins, Mrs. Dee Fox. Roseburg; Mrs. Ralph Peterson. Winston. Discharged Mrs. Addison Talbot and baby, Helen Margaret; Mrs. James Da vis, Karen Finster, Sandra Cock rell, Roseburg; Laurence Canlwell, Riddle; Mrs. Al Lehman, Sutherlin. Former Values To $17.95 NOW JUST 7.98 CAMPAIGNING in Douglas County Wednesday was Samuel M. Bowe, Grants Pass lawyer running for the Oregon Supreme Court. He is shown calling upon one of the mem bers of his statewide committee, Jamas G. Richmond, on the right. (Paul Jenkins) Supreme Court Candidate Makes Visit To Roseburg Douglas High Groups Sponsor Rummage Sale Future Teachers of America anri the Douglas High Drama Club will sponsor a rummage sale Saturday to finance a scholarship for a Douglas High senior. The sale will be held in the Pa cific Building in Roseburg, the for mer location of Graves Music store, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contributions of clothing, toys and miscellaneous items, including canned food, may be left at Doug las High School. For pickup serv ice, call Douglas High, Friday, OS 9-8739. Yoncalla School Host To Pre-School Children Yoncalla Grade School will be host Friday to all pre school chil dren in that area who will enter school this fall. Lunch will be furnished the youngsters at noon In the school cafeteria. A mother's tea for moth ers of the pre school children will be held at 1:30 p.m. Another Yoncalla area club meet ing Friday is the Rice Valley Home Extension Unit, at the home of Mrs'. Pauline Allen. An outdoor meal will be served at noon. Those attending are requested to bring meat to be cooked over an open fire and their own table serv ice. In case of rain the meeting will be held at the Rod and Gun Club north of town, reports cor respondent Mrs. George Edes. Thurs.. Moy 8, 1958 The Ntwt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 Britain Has Concluded Pacjfic Nuclear Tests LONDON t Britain announced today she has concluded her lat est nuclear weapon tests in the Christmas Island area of the Pa cific. A Foreign Office spokesman said all interested countries had been notified that the area no longer is dangerous to shipping. Shipping was warned off the area April 25. Three days later a nu clear device was tested, the fifth nuclear weapon Britain has fired in the Pacific since test headquart ers were set up on Christmas Is land more than a year ago. The government (aid the fallout from the latest explosion was negli gible but it gave no details of the device. FOR MOTHER'S DAY OR ANY DAY... Church To Show Film, The Man Called Peter "The Man Called Peter," a film concerning the life of Peter Mar shall, chaplain to the Senate, will be shown at 7 p.m. Saturday in the First Baptist Church, 813 SE Lane Ave. The film is being shown under the sponsorship of the Nu Delta Club, a Roseburg High Christian or ganization. The public is invited to see the mm and there win be no admission charge, Mrs. Selmar Hutchins, parent sponsor of the club, said. MACABEES TO MEET Roseburg area Macabee Insur ance Group policy holders will be feted at a dinner meeting at 7 to night at Carl's Haven, 940 NW Garden Valley Blvd. The dinner is being sponsored by George Webber of Portland, the insurance group's state director. Approximately 20 persons are expected to attend. MEET ME AT The BROILER It's Opening Soon tfp those II tr thOSC i . r v ..ho 10 FINE LETTER PAPER Gifts ROSEBURG BOOK STORE 549 S. E. Jackson, OR 3-5356 Samuel M. Bowe, Grants Pass attorney who is running for Posi tion 3 of the Oregon Supreme Court carried his campaign to Douglas County Wednesday. The 48-year-old candidate visited communities in the southern part of the county and then made the rounds in Roseburg. His schedule calls for him to work his way north to Salem and then down the coast. Commenting on the heavy back log of cases in the high court, Bowe said, "I feel it is going to be necessary for every justice who is going to serve to really dedicate himself to increasing the individ ual work load until the backlog is caught up. One of the ways I be lieve it can be done is to shorten the length of the individual opin ions, particularly when a case does not involve any new points of law. Douglas County members of his state-wide committee are Spencer W. Yates and James G. Rich mond, Roseburg attorneys. The Continuing Study of News paper Reading shows that an aver age newspaper page with news and advertising on it, is read by 64 per cent of men readers and 73 per cent of the women. EL WHO'S HAVING A BIRTHDAY ! ! NO. 5 bo make her happy on IsAattiers Day For a Gay Summr Whirl ' A dress as pretty a a iraaMen party tn' Westminster printed eottcn iawn, rfatticaiaiy necklined with lace 19.95 mmrrn flook covering AS A SPECIAL FEATURE OF OUR 5TH ANNIVERSARY mQvm PAYS i h cleoner ttiot jjV "walks on air" 1 VWs It 'IliTf No,u99in9-',oPun;"9 , ' g Nonle g'idtt irnoothly I TL'T V on 3 wheels. ARE HERE MAY 9 & 10--FRI. and SAT. A Hoover factory representative will be in our store to answer any and all your vacuum cleaner questions. OM TUP- il Double stretch hoe lets you ileon full HgM oi Itdirv Buy Now at this BIG SAVING! HOOVER CONVERTIBLE SPECIAL $7095 Modtl 31 Beats, At It Sweeps, At It Cleont! Throw-away Bag. Powerful Suction 2 speed motor. AND, OF COURSE, SUPER ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ON CARPETING -LINOLEUM- TILE - RUGS - PADDING n FLOOR COVERING JlieJ4oa5eof Carpets Phono ORchard 3-4374 718 South East Oak Avenua S-l f 'J Wi t Rl I-VJ 4 VI ' III ( originals : J for ycxir first flame . . . fiery FLAMBEAU by Foberge fragrant flattery for any mother excitingly boxed in luscious reds ond such a welcome gift sliown here. Flambeau Fabergett Ensemble. of purse perfume, with matching Cologne Extraordinaire, together in a chorming foilie travel case lined with flaming red satin 3.7S the set Cosmetid Main Floor An orfrer'nrrf in M'CAI.LS and MADEMOISELLE 2nd Floor Fashions It's Fun And Wise To Shop Miller's Shop All Departments For Mother's Day Gifts Free Gift Wrapping SPECIAL GROUP Just Arrived In Time For Mother's Day DUSTERS AND BRUNCHIES 6.98 Cottons in attractive pos tal shades. Wash V wear, needs no ironing. Siies 10 to 20. iff mm LINGERIE 2nd Floor Fashions - -