I Th News Review, Roseburg, Or. Thurs., Moy 8, 19S8 Holdout Of Labor Funds Bared At Senate Hearing WASHINGTON 'A Witnesses testified Wednesday that Be nja-. mm Lapensohn. etobe trotting I , former unionist, held out more:; than $167,000 from the New York I ' State f ederation of Labor in an . advertising sales icheme. The story came on a day of hearings by the Senate Backets Investigating Committee that be-j can with death. Sidney Lewis, 58, ! New York, who wai to have been; i witness, fell dead of a heart attack in the committee! head-1 quarters in the Senate Office Building. Leui was a partner in a New York City printing and publishing , firm. I Robert F. Kennedy, counsel to '; the committee, told reporters , s there was no link between Lapen-1 --. tohn and Lewis, but that some of )wis' employes had done work for Lapensohn. He declined to dis cuss what testimony be had ex- pected from Lewis. The testimony of Lapensohn'sl alleged holdout of money from I the advertising scheme came! from two staff accountant-inves-I fixators for the committee, and ' frurn Miss Eleanor Lefkowitz, for-1 mcr manager of Lapensohn'a New York City offices. 1 Investigators Robert K Dunne i ' and Charles E. Wolfe aaid it ap-1 peared Lapensnhn was entitled to 75 per cent of the sums they said he held out. They figured that what they called the "net theft" was something more than (39,- 000. ....... rr,. Washington Grown Tender Ail Green Spears ASPARAGU (o)f ,u nifft IU trl Ideal Now for Canning, Freezing BANANAS Family Favorites i OQ( Golden Ripe mi AVOCADOS FirmRipe Salad Treat Ea. 9 Porter Reveals Nuclear Test Made April 28 WASHINGTON F Rep Charles O. Porter (I) Ore I said Wednesday the Atomic Energy Commission launched the first of a series of 30 nuclear test explo ainns at Eniwetok April 28. 1'ortrr, who returned Tuesday from the Pacific atoll, said he did not witness tile test but his speech to the House had been cleared by the AEC. He said he was not at liberty to disclose the nature of the April 28 explosion. Porter said the original plan of the AEC was to announce the j dates of about one-half of an esti-j nited 30 test explosions to take place during May and June. Porter coupled his report with renewal of his demand for an end to such tests. Porter told the House all such tests should be halted and ar rangements should lie made for international inspection under tnited Nations auspices. Not to halt them, he said, will lead inevitably to an atomic arms rare. Inauthnrired or arcirirntul ex plosions, he said, "are inevitable,"! adding that "we are playing what i might be called American roulette with these tests, putting in dan ger our own troops and people in that vicinity and endangering the composure of the whole world." GREEN RED ONIONS RADISHES New Spring Crop j& 3 Bunches iff CUCUMBERS Large Crisp Green Slicers 3 19 Frodellis Frozen Dinners Veal Curltts Hjm Sreak Swiss Steak Your Choice Rarh'l Fresh Frozen Butter m STEAKS No Waste, A beef bargain, 8 oz. pkg. Contadina PEACHES Halves, 2'2 can CR 45 39" 9 Ex-Deputy Cets Prison Term In Money Transport HOUSTON. Tex. HI Jack Wayne l.yles. 32, former Harris Counly deputy shrrilf, is expected to bemn serving an eight year pn aon term Friday for transporting across a state line $22,000 stolen in an Oregon hank robbery. Federal court officials Tuesday received official notification that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans had rejected Lyles' appeal. Officials said l.yles' attorney aid he would surrender his client Friday. The former deputy sherilf has been free on SlO.Ono bond. Lyles was convicled last year ef liking S22.000 of the $j7.0ou stolen from a tmatilla, Ore., hank Aug. 22. J!).')5. and transporting it from New Orleans to Houston. Testimony was gien that l.yles took the I22.0O0 from one of two men who robbed the bank after following the man to New Orleans. Fresh Frozen SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS Loin Lunch Steaks, Butter Beef Steoks, Sandwich Steaks, Your Choice 8-oz. pkgs. Southern Maid, All Purpose SALAD OIL Pure vegetable oil Full Quart Gold Cup Good Coftee ot a Price! Inst. Coffee 2,, 39' 6., 99c Kraft's Salad PAY MOTES' FECIAL Crocery and Variety Prices In This Ad Effective Thru Sunday, May 11. Meat and Produce Prices Effective Thru Saturday, May 1 0. We Reserve The Right To Limit. No Sales To Dealers. Table Ready Irft l3..Aa-, OOc $1139 Automatic Washer Ad PetergentsaveTOdoibbol 79 Hershey's Instant Cocoa Mix Hot or cold, lb. can Duncan Hines Cake Mixes Dtvdi, Whir. Spies, Yellow. Morbl., Burnt Sugar 19 ox. 29 4.89' Kool Shaker Milk Shake Mi;; ,CiO' Meadowbrook ICE CREAAA A special treat price on bur delicious Flavors r for Mother at a very special 4 1 I finest quality Ice Cream. All JQi ..-'-' Snowdrift SHORTENING Columbia Dill Pickles 6 lb. pail Regular or Kosher 56 oz. jar Cortoqe Rath't Fresh Froien Defense Dept. Asks Reserve Training Fields 1 WASHINGTON The Te fmse hrpartmcnt Tuesday asked Congress for authority to con struct reserve training facilities rn-tina: 130140oo. The naal. Marine Corp. Air Force and Air National Guard construction project are at tifi location, in 34 Mutes and in Ha waii and Puerto Kiro. No additional authorization was sought (or the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard because projects presinuMv aioooriru aim , for which appropriations were urgcrDit voted are available, the depart ment (aid The list Include, the Air Na tional Guard at the Portland Inter national Airport, S233.noo. Meat Balls Reg. 69c pk3.cf 20 49c Morton Fresh Froien 8-oi. package Macaroni & Cheese 499 Kraft's Borden', Y-oz. jar 229' . . Box of 48 39 MILK Case of 48 5 89 Tall Can $1129 I 39' 8: 99' Baker Man Killed When Struck By Automobile BAKKB r - A ear struck City Drive-in Market's LIQUID . l II - 11. .11 llOWaiU I1MIII9VII nun - in: walked down a atreet here Tue tlav. The 69 year-old Baker man was hurled 70 leet and killed out- Polica said the car. driven by Meodowbrook Bill ("rawlord, "0. Baker, then veered out of control and struck two other vehicles. No one else was injured It was Oresnn'l 119th traffic fatality of liWl in Ihe Associated ' I'resi tabulation. Mayonnaise Qf. 52c Qt. 49c BurQcrbiti Dog Food s ib. box 49c White Houta Coffee Drip cr Regular 2 1,1.49 City Drive-in Market's LIQI Detergent Meadowbrook Sherbet QUart IQc Gt. 22-oz. can t i Gallon 49C 29e Mustard Servit, Deluxe Tea Bags Tasty Ript Yellow Cling Peaches Slices . No. 2 can 499 - Gerber't Sfroined Baby Food 3 25c1299c Green Bow All Green, Cuts and Tipl Asparagus; . 300 can 239c Dole's Juice Pineapple-Gpfruit 46oz. 29c Contadina, Fancy Tomato Juice 46.. can 25c Kraft's Grape Jelly Rcg. 3?c m,. 29c Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 19t;29 Welch's Mothers Day CHOCOLATE,.,, ,99' Appian Way PIZZA PIE MIX A rich tasty treat Pkg. 39 Reg. 1.59 box lb. box Finer Food OYSTERS Fancy Fine, Whole 8-oz. Can 31.00 in LONG BOAT TRIP iNOS ASTORIA i The Cla-kston to the-sea boat run ended at the Columbia; Hiver moutn iursna Kortv boatmen inrludmn women and rhildren-weie in the trip at the finish which saw Ihe boat! tied up at either llwaco, V.ash.. or here. The trip, which started down the Snake from l larkston. Wah , then continued in Ihe lolumhia. sa pleasure affair to demon strate river boating possibilities. MARKET IlimVAT II I. COMPLETE FAMILY SHOPPING CENTER UNDER ONE ROOF GROCERIES-HOUSEWARES-SPORTING GOODS-MEATS PRODUCE-SMALL APPLIAIMCES-TOYS-NOTIONS LOW SHELF PRICES-SEVEN DAYS A WEEK i e