PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING . : . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchard 2-3321 h ouses FURNISHED Modern 3 room ribm Good bed. Nearly nr refrigerator Gas rang and heating Water and! garbage disposal furnished. 940 month Hart Cabin. 248.1 Diamond L i k i Blvd . behindpai'a Ci(OR 3-XtCI ONE-BEDROOM duplex lata built 7 fire place., auto waahr. electric range. cer snie tile kitchen. Wcsuide Reference required. Adult onlv $0 EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 42 SE Mala SMALL, modem, unfurnished I-bed room houae, wired for rang and automatic aher, utility room, carport. 1801 N S HuUer Un OH 1-3JM CLOSE IN 3-bedroom home, gaa fur nace, fireplace. Hardwood floors. Large utility and storage. 429 S. E Chad wick. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals VACANCY modern, paved Nearest city center. Adulta. Central Trailer Park. 1341 HI Diamond Lake Blvd. OR3-4106 WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod em apace. Paved grounds Shad tree fit- month Rlrhway M N at Winchester Bridge ALAMEDA TRAILRCO!JRT hai paved atreeta and cement porches. Reason able rktee 581 NI Alameda OR 2-3348 TRAILERS AND TRAILER SPACX General Service Center. 613 N I Chest nut Avenue. MODERN 35' l-bedroom trailer 133. OR .1-414 OR 3-8200 WANTED, trailer houaea by month. So. Rote burg MoteL 13 Misc. Rentals DISTRIBUTORS attention! For in Ideal pace let -up for handling merchandise, trucka and office, telephone OR 3-4182, or write P O. Box 728. WAREHOUSE SPACE on trackage. OR 3-6628 14 Help Wanted ASK YOURSELF A re ou a real salesman? Can jou tell what you have? Are you making money? Happy with your income? Looking for a better Job? looking for promotions and future? Salary, commission, bonus to qualified man? Are you the man I am looking for? LET'S FIND OUT PH OR 3-4153 10 TO 12 NOON 8 TO t P.M. WANTED: Man or woman bookkeeper.! experienced In journal, ledger, taxes ; and pay-roll. Must be able to take full; charge of booki. Bondable. answer In own hand writing, giving age, expert-j ence and salary expected. Write News1 Review Box 68.1. WANTED : Male secretary for general' office 3' days weekly. Typing and shorthand. Some salee ability helpful, under 40 year of age. Annwer In own hand writing giving experience and salary expected. MuM be bondable. Write News Review Box 684. WANTED Health and accident agents to train for office manager. Top com missions and over write. Salarv and all expensei. See Jack Wright, S19 SE Stephen. betweet9 a m. and 12 noon. ELDERLY MAN to do odd Jobs 'around motel for living quarters. No drinkers. Canvonvllle Hotel. EXPERIENCED nurse wanted. Contact Myrtle Creek Hospital. 15 Work Wanted SEWING and alterations of all binds. Mrs. W E. Curtis. 733 N E Erie PnonaOR 3-7434 NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. ISM N E. Vine St Excellent pre ichool training OR 3-7848 t OR 3-5234 SCHOOL teacher desires lummer rm- plov ment. Available after June 6th. Call OR 2-4174aitr S p m HOUSEWORK, laundry or child care. Full or part time. Excellent refer ence!. Callafter Sp.nv.OR J-2790. HOOK AND CLIMB, head load, run camp. 20 years experience Washing ton Nookie. OR 2-10S4 WANTED hauling frib. Have several log trucks ready to go. Phona C. H. George OR 3-6301. SHEEP shearing. Manuel Vara and partner. Oakland 3693. ROTOTILLING and garden work. OS 9-8463. IF YOU HAVE a nice clock that doeiri't run, call OR 3-7947. Clin.D care, days References. OR I- 2312 SHORT log ard lumber hauling. Franco Trucking. OR 3-6W67. CARPENTER remodeling and paint- ing. OS 9-38T0 WASHING rough dry-, alto ironing. stretching curtains. OR2-36fll WANTED Job for short log tiuek. Diesel equipment OR3-776 I SEWING - All t oes Guaranteed OR 2-2TM BABY SITTING wanted, by reliable Isdv. Your home or mine . OR .1-3048. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants houiekeep-! ing Job. live In. O RJS-6104. , FNTKRIOR painting. OR 3-7604 j HOUSEWORK b the hour. OR 2-1411.! 18 Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY Robertson School of Business, 6:io 9 E. Jackson ! E. Jackson St.. Roseburg OB 1-7356 GUITAR letson. agei 6 to 66. imall guitars for tots. OR 3-6525 20 Services Hospital COMPLETE service for lewitmower. biocles end trio c lea. Franr-hned dealer lor 1 Schwmn b.cjclet Al's Bike Shop , Between Dairy Queen end Farm Bureau. 1 OR 3-4023 MOTbRrewinJing7repainng All makes' end tires Experienced, competent, motor man Jimmie's Electric Motor "hop. 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd OR 3-8824 Rototillmg Service rrnr.rsoN tractor with blade nr-FBF A BOWMAN OR ut FOR SEWER hookup call Howard New-! ion A:i work guarinteed Cement or , transite pipe FHA Title I term Dead-1 line for hooking to ewer m Winston,; August 13 19.iS OS 9-8792 POWER and hand mowers, machines hsrpened Iit7 S ECobb OR i-on-.i P INTER, carpenter roofing OR S- B747 DRESSMAKING and alterations Phone i OR J-1429 I ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS Laming A Oliver OR 3-60,6 Cleaning septic tanks Res ion , able W J Lane OR 3-tag CARPENTRY Reasonable Small lobe referred Smith OR 3-8411 ROTOTlLLlNw. 34 ' Merry Tiller OR ' 3-829 PMSTTNG. exterior-and interior OR 2-17)0 LPHOLSTFRING Furniture, cars or hatORJ-56 RODEO and club shirts ms'le to O'der. ' AH Wlid of alterations OR 2-3136 P 1 -vf fN Ga nd paper . r a 0T"3-1956 1 ROTOTILlTnG by the hour OR 3 30 n 20 Services I carlsonIxcavating" Now Offering The Latest Auto Locdmg Equipment. Seer and Dram Field Installation Roods built and rocked. Base ment excava tions. Trucks tor hire. OS 538.1. PO Bos 654, Wtneton Oregon ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repatra from hand iron and razor to range and dryer. AM Make. Bargain Appliance Center5.ilS E. Rose OR 3-3323. MOWER SHARPENING. trailer-bitches, welding, woodwork and general repair. Green District. 132 SW Castle St Ph OR 3-4687 PUMP REPAIRS 24 hour service. Mil ler Cox Sale and Service OR 2- 3581; night celle. OR 2-7389 or OR 3- 37i9 REFRIGERATION SERVICE, dome the and commercial Avatlabla on call anv time dav or night Phone OR 3-5511 or OR .1-4612 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED no mile age: free estimates Roeburg Sani tation Service. 1356 N Stephens Ph. OR 3-3358. CERAMIC TILE. showers, lubbarke. drainboard. patios Free esUtnata. Kellcy Tile. ORJ1-3651 ROOFING. Ftiher Thorsen Paint Co. Portland W E Daum. Local Agent, Ph OR 2-1371 SHALE rock for roads and driveway. Immediate delivery Ph. C P TaUoo. OR 3-4040 CARPENTER, any tvpe conitruetlont. We help arrange financing Free eti matea.Kowalewikl.OR 3-8020. DOZING, leveling: also shale rock, river loam and road materials. Chas Keeley OS 9-3117 WELL-DRILLING Licensed contract or Phone OR 2-3043. Myrtle Creek UN 3-3343. SMALLE STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE. Duplicating, statistical typing, adver tising. Pick up and deliver. OR 2-3444. 21 Building Material For Your Building Needs Stud - gieen dimension - boards and ehiplap K D. aiding - finished lumber - mold- ""lumber SALES CO. OS 3-7362. Garden Valley near R. R track. Doing Some Building This Spring? SEE LS FOR THE BFST LI MBER AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling Old Highway M Sou lb OB 3-1411 23 Fuel SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Oilt, ilab and paclar cora Summer rates on planer ends and aawduit for mulch Roseburg Lumber Co. Summer Prices 1 Month Only Large or small core: mill ends, sawdust Out-of-town deliveries made GUY AND FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 N E. Douglas OR2-1524 RED"DlAMOND Fuel Co. Kiln dried planer ends, oak ood OR3-5082 PLANER ends-and shavings. Riverside 1 Planing. OR t-3.186 25 Farm Equipment Save On Plastic Pipe New, Low Price Price Per Hundred Ft. 96 50 IV 921 00 V 99.50 1'.' 924 ( 1" 914-15 . J" 139 00 rating Roseburg Supply Co 403 N I Winchester &t ' OR 3-4481 9-N Ford son tractor and attached mow er. 9800: 6-ft blade. 973: rordson buzz saw, 3-pt. 'hook up. 973; 2-blade Ferguson disc plow. 9130. Fordwn belt pulley, 440: power grass seeder, 940. John Deere hay-chopper with new So ft. belt. $2.50. 13 ft. grain drill, U3: lime spreader, 12 ft.. 920; 3-pt. hookup, springtooth. 9T5; 2-section har row, 940; 1-horse ipring tooth, 95; flat bed hay trailer, 9J3; 2-w heel trailer, 920; Stewart Shfar Maitcr wool, clip per. 940. I saddle. 920, 1 saddle. 9V): 1 Rope Wick rattler oiler, 913; call OR2-37B8 after 4 P M. week da s. JOHN DEERE 3 bottom plow 14" earh on rubber tires and hvdraultr control. ued very little. Bargain at 9225 Wm. Ziedrich. CamaaVallev . Phnne 706 OR SALE Complete Fairbanks Mori 30 HP centrifugal irrigation out fit Phone t'Nion 3-3:113. Bertha Black en. Mvrtle Creek. Ore , 26 Livestock Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Phone Sutherlin 2149 Oakland 2654 Soturdov rVtoy 10 1 P.M. I TRfCKLOAD of dairv bu'eher rni S truck loads of stork er and feeder rattle, milk cows, rowi and calve, , bulls, veal, babv calves, feeder calves.' hogi, horses and sheep Bring In jour livestock Commission 3'. ovr gVifl 4 under. Schncker A Inda, Mnagrs Schncker A Son. Auctioneer O. Tripp, Ringman G. A. Brown, Weighmatr A FARM SALE at the E F Ptinon ranch at Canvonvile. Sundav . Msv 19th. selling compleup sawmill and log ging equipment 30 head of white-fare cows and ca'vet. Papered White-fare hull Watch for complete listing next week 23 HEAD voung wooled Rom rev ewes with lambs. 2 Ro E Cos., Yoncalia. Oregon. Rt. 1, Bos 225 FOR 8 . LE - 1 1 .7 head ew with lam he On Hwy 99, at Azalea. Or Don C. Du'en) EXTRA GOOD-milk-C"W7fresh"in 10 days Glide, GY 6-3289 FOR SALE Hereford cattle OR 3-3918 WEANER pigs. maked'ndre"advHA. Denn Camas V el lev, Phona 692 NEW and ued adds. bridles end herrea, 144 ft t Doug. at WOOL a"d moha'r reretved daily. Nl- c"io, Store, phin OS 9-8907 WEANER PIGS After 3PM JohnWal- :n M.rtle Oe-ti. lTN .VT224 HOHSE Shoeing, hot or ro d OR 3-740 Bockhoe Jfsfir JSSL 26 Livestock Cattle Wanted 1 BOYER MEAT COMPANY Route i. Box 3VB Sue OR S-8U2J Eve a OR 3-3233 FOUR experienced eheep ahearera 1 Large or amall job accepted Felix Samarron. 2U9 K Central, Sutherlin. OUTSTANDING nine- ear-old Bay Ten nessee Walker gelding ideal for eh. I-1 dren or grownups. No vicea or blem- ishee 8200. Call OR 3-7840 WANTED Sheep and lambs: and cattle of ell kinds. Also buing wool; and mohair Da mil Ray, Ph. on 3-1 7i. orjKutherhn 3380 : Toro power mower WANTED 300 head gnats Ph Row bur. OR 3-3660. or write P O. Box I Cnt rotarv mower iu), nornorooi, iam WANTED- Sheepand cattle, all kinds. W A Blacken. Ph M rtle Creek UN 3-4513. v GOOD MILK row wmUd. OR 3-8872. 27 Hay & Grain BALED hay. oat mixed with tmall per centage alfalfa. Site bale, average weight 80 jbs OR 3-400 FINE, clon alfalfa. 81 per bale. R. Conn. OR 3-8423. 28 Poultry & Rabbits Pheasants F. day and week old pheasant chicks. GY 8-3402 or GY 6-3438 Orders taken 8-9 a m. and 4-8 p.m. daily. Baby Chicks PLACE YOUR ORDERS early to avoid delay Ponton Hatchery. 874 W Harv- aid. Roseburg. Ph. OR S-.ISia. Heisdorf & Nelson Chicks American profit champions. For personal deliveries and service I. I- Houck. Rt.l.BoxJ.27. OR3-78XI. LIVE poultry buver Highest prices paid at ranch. L. W Foreman. 12050 3. K- UnliiK Dnrll.n4 PrniMKt 1.911 f.,. . ' '. - . 1 ruUa,.. pickup, phone OR 3-4331 or OR 3-4014. RA BBIT FERTILIZER Lookihgf laee Road BoK 1380 OR 2-271 0 WANTED Fryer rabhitt, 4 to 4s pound'. Phone OR 3-2710 29 Pets ENGLISH BULLDOGS AKC reg . 3 .veers old. Male and female, 3 pup pies 9 months old. $35 - IV). John Cox, Winiton. REGISTERED German Shepherd pup pie -Reasonable. 869 NB Willow. OR 3-3778. REGISTERED male Boxer. 3 years. Ex cellent withhildrenOR J-1944. RFDBONE hound7 will tree, S20. OR 3 2778 BABY Parakeets 3 miles south. Bur ton's OR 3-8122 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Shelter. OR 2-3907 . TOY Fox Terriers. Pugs and eanaiies. Put man a. OR 3-8fl04. fiLENG AR Y BeaglKennelaOR 3-3793. CHIHUAHUA pups. Phone OR 3-3694. 31 Sporting Equipment Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrude Motors P-14. Larson. Cllppercraft, Burchcraft, Tshsm, siarcraft boats. Accesioriei, Paint, etc 114.1 W Harvard D-Line Boats SCOTT- A TW A TF R MOTORS MARINE SUPPLIES. STERLING BOAT TRAIL-1 ERS. Nick's Welding Works MILE SO. KELLY'S KORNER I OR 3-7664 Open Sundayaj WILL TRADE 1954 Sunbeam Alpine portcar in good running shape for i mall cruiser or runabout Contact ' Barney Root at Tri City Market or phone Union 3-3364 j ARCHERV'SUPPLIES Shafts, parallel. tapered. Special roving and extra length Hunter's Arrow Shop. Rt. 4. Box 28 Happy ValleRoad 14 FT Semi-V pi v wood boat: 17 ft. pi v wood boat, 7-ft. beam See at 371 N E Jackson St daytime. Ph. OR J1-75B8 orOR 3-3225 21 HP Elto outboard motor. Reasonable. wra" D,u .. I 17 FT boat with iteering wheel and. front seat controls. Mark 30 motor. Tee-Ne. heavy duty Ira.ler. GY 6-.I3M. BOAT 14 ft runabout 10 HP Johnson I motor, like new M. C. Ulienthal. l' m.les out Lookingglasa Road. Winston.) FOR SALE" 14 rt. Plywood fishing boat. OR 3-7586 I , 32 Produce & Plants bEDDING PLANTS, 50c dor leu bv j the flat. A No tomato, pepper, and cabbage plant-: geranium, fuchia and begonia; Everbearing strawberry plants. Moore's Nurtery. ' mile Z. I of Courthouse on Douglas Ave ' NICE large Fuchiai, all colors Large tuberous Begonia plants. Fine Glov- lniai. all colors. Jackson Flori-t. OR I 3-3994.2099 S W. Landers Avenue, j HARRIS' FRUIT "STAND. l " block N. Garden Valley Road on north Stephens. Bananas. 10c lb Everyday low prices. FOR NEWberrv "cratei, OR 3-6724." 33 Sewing Machines NECCHI-ELNA CLEARANCE SALE Hounrl Bobhin electric portable a low a SI 9 50. y machines to choose from. New Necchi Demonstrators. .V) per cent off. Liberal trade and terms. Necchi-Elna Sewing Circle Vacuum Cleaner Specialists 95 S E Jackson Phone OR 3-7325 Roeeburg. Oregon ZIG-ZAG portable eewir-g fechire, In erl lent coort it ion Com) let I' h a' tachmenta. Call OR 3-2A07 after S p m. 34 Misc. For Sale WHEEL TRAILER with 16' wheels and good rubber, 973 Kenmo'-e auto matic ather, ued 9 monine, 9150 OR 2-1407 or Oakland 4O0I MOVING -" MUT SELL Packard up right pteno, ll'tO, Fngdaire clothes drer. I'") redo phon "graph rnrr ri . nation. I5; e w rnb. 910 f)R 2-2478 MAYTAG upright freeer. IS', 13" til ler trartor, g.rl's 26 ' bike. All half price OR 3-37.16 RIFT.E5 22 Repeater, 30 Remington 943 OR KELVIN A. TOR table de1 mang e, eeed ver inile OR J SA41, 34 Misc. For Sale Used Equipment Sale 1 targe mitre boa; with BOW 1 Shopsmith demonstrator 2 DeltQ 11 loth with tord Ond " motor j I Reo power mower 1 Electric rotary mower with 100 it. cord I Electric reel mower with cord 1 U" Delta band taw 1 16 Ft. glow fishing boot I 20 HP Mercury motor 1 12 Ft. Aluminum boot I Used boat trailer 1 Used floor gander Umpqua Valley Hardware For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col ' Munlon. We bur. pays to buy and and trade II the auction way Auction every day. 7 PM Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-3028 Used Furniture DAVENPORTS ard chair sets. 828 GOOD SELECTION of used furniture, y Urm W(J toTmtilTm dipL ,t Judd's Furniture SEAT COVERS NIW (.10 Value 50 per cent off. WHERE? Walker Auto Supply 1231 81. Stephens Exchange Rebuilt Engines For most all models. Independent Motor Rebuilders. Jackson it Rice St OR 3-44:14 USED refrigerators In good operating condition. Choice selection of models traded in on new Tru-Colds. Prices start at 929. Sold with full money bark guarantee Montgomery Ward Appli ance Dept. BIRCH dining set, including buffet! efup hoUtered chairs. Made by Vealc. Al bany. 9100. Large upholstered chair and other miscellaneous items. Can be seen at 785 W. Rainbow, evenings. EASY WASHTER -dryer Combo-matic, just 27" wide Regular 8529 93, now Just 9399 95. and your old washer. Kier Crooch Plumbing and Appliance 328 S E Stephens. OR 2-3364. WHITE rearend transmission. Brownie, axles, water pumps, radiator. 2 Model T Ford radiators. 1 Industrial radiator for V8 motor, 1 Ford 2 speed rearend. OR 3-6W17. ALL OUR Youngstown cabinet ainka now penally priced. Save as much as tuO. Terms. Kier-Crm-wh Plumhmi and An. pliance. 328 S E. Stephens .OR 2-3364. WANT TO Increase in value of "your j home Contact ua for an estimate on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance 328 S E. Stepbena. OR 2-3.16 GOOD ITSED American chestfreezer. completely reconditioned Reasonable: terms. Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance 528 S E Jitephen. OR 2-3364. ASK us about the Amim freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kier Crooch Plumbing A Appliance. S28 SB Stephens OR 2-3J64. SEE THE all new portable Admiral dish washer All porcelain lined, just 9199 -93 at Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance 328 S E Stephens. OR 2-3364. TREVA'S CERAMICS Free lesaons. Large aortment green ware, palnti, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-5133. RENT an automatic washer from Horn's Appliance Kent may apply on pur. cnse price, as momn and up. 3-3318. OS USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators. etc Taken In on trades. Come out and maK a deal Rainbow Trailer Sales, W Highway 99 at Winchester Bridge. Qy ncf. ruRNITURE-2t , hogany denki; 9 fL mahogany counter; metal filing cabinet; 4 rhalrs. 9300. OR 3-&167 davs. OR 2-8408 evet WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selecttonof meat available for your locker or deep freeze at wholeale prices Winston I Iockera OS9-3133 I POP the best Job of custom cutting. , wrapping ana qutrK freezing, onn r1,,.- r'o v our meat 10 Winston 5 H P Sea NEW Metry Cing outboard motor Tillers, 3 HP, 9)59 Sin I Sim Oliver Ph OR 2-66.16 ARGL'S C-4 33 mm rsmera. flah i filters. Good condition. Ph. OR 3-6 S .M to 3 30 COUCH and matching chair SIS Tihle chairs 10. Route 1. Box 132 Phone OR 2-liHt ! CERAMICS greenwsre. g'aes. fin ished pieces Free lessona OR 3-4572. ' 1206 S E Mill WINSTON Sand and Gravel "-crushed rora, rect gravel, oar run ana lop I soil OS 9-841:; ' TOP SOIL from nw location The best j vou have ever seen, no ro"ti or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS 9 849.1 APT range, new rod-type burners Good rnndition 94 95 Bargain Aoplianre Center. 611 SC. Rose. PhOR 3-52.'i, TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam No rocks. Easy to handle Tor the ! beat, call Chas. Keely. OS 9-5117 f"ARMFRS. logger. Bowser elertrir I ga pump and 550 gallon tank. OR 2 2.'2 JOHNSON, 19 hore electne starling out board motor Never been in water, 1400 OS 9-8417 GAS RANGE and waterheatr. Square tub Mavtag washer Apex eiertnei mangle, very reasonable OR 3-8014 I ! 49 PACKARD and amall trailer houe.l rhesp OR 3-118 I GOOD HOUSEHOLD furniture. OIl- ) 940.1 i STANLEY HOME PR5bUCtr VLVian I Trave l OR .i-(602 t 2 E-Z GLIDE slidrg "door-frames, 2-6'' X 6 tt - New. 92 OR 3-14.15 MAPLE finished bedroom furniture. Pnc- ' i ed to sell Phone OR 2-9140 l FEDERAL en larger, like new. Phone ' OR 3-4M2 ' WING chair 15 table model heat lamp I tall OR 3-8321 FOR SALE or trade '54 set of Encvclo- pedia Hrhianire OR l iM ANYONE wsnting Watktns Product rait OR 2-tv" ( t CHROME d'ntte set eieclrtc sewing I marhine Call OR 3 -2512 L SFO GUNS, bought sold andtraded. 1 Umpqua Gun Store CUSTOM Bendis wather, real nice" OR 2-1700 ' FOR SAIJt fruit JarsOR J3-7'J46 LARGE ROTOTILLER jCall OR I-mrr Rf tTA R Y nower. J HP, 40 OR3-W7 I PH K.HT PIANO OR 2-39 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4954 , FULLER BRUSH OR3.1.Wl W iTK INS PRODI'CTSOR 3-U31 . mvH DOUGHNUTS OR 3-,451 f A VH ION F R f K ' K S OR 3-740 PIANO. ingod condition 1154 OS 9 "2e 34 Misc. For Sale NECCHI-ELNA CLEARANCE SALE Round Bobbin electric portable! i low s $1S0. 50 machines to choose from. New Necchi Demonilriiori. SO per cent off. Liberal trade and terms. Necchi-Elna Sewing Circle Vacuum Cleaner Specialists U3 8. E Phone OR 3-7323 Jackson Rose bui g. Oregon FOR SALE 2-modern tall steel' sten ographer desks, plate glass top, like new 1 reception counter. 3'i X 10 ft long Formica top. cash drawers and storage apace. Phone da a, OR 3-8332 UPRIGHT piano, refinuhed tn white with bruihed gold Velvet uphoUteied bench Muil see to appreciate. 783 W. Rainbow, eveningi. 35 Wanted Misc. BEST PRICES for Junk of all kinds. Scrap Iron, batteries, radtatora. cop per and brats. Will pick up. 2948 W Sherwood ORl-43:u WANTED Used furniture." Top prices paid. Harry's. 1343 N E- Stephens Pb OR 2-1 41 1 WANTED TO BUY Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry Prlicilla's Antiques. 247 St. Jackson. OR 2-1421 WE PAY HlGHSTcafth prices for ued furniture Roseburg Furniture Ex change. 243 S E Jackson. OR 3-SliH. WANTED TO BUY Good uiod furni ture ROSEBURG AUCTION OR 3 5026 WANTED TO BUY - One pair Bear paw snowshoes. Call OR 2-4267 after 4PM WE BUY or tell old coma Lester' Toy 8f Hobbv Shop. WANTFJ Girl's 24 inchTbio cle. OR 1-84.14 PISTON pump. OR 2-3805 37 Machinery 10 HORSE GE BB motor. 3-phase, 220 440, 1700 RPM, like new. 9200; Gaso line powered cement smoother, Screed. 12 , new, 1200, 4-vard dump box, good condition: Chryiler-powered 6" fire pump, new, surplus. 9650. OS 9-8493 after 6PM 36 For Trade TRADE 94200 EQUITY in 2 bedroom furnithed house for small houne trail er and 91500 rash Balance on contract 9i:iO0 5th house on right. Grape St., Winston. FOR SALE or trade, equity in 3-bedroom home for 3-bedroom houe. car eic. Call OS 9-5810 THKEEBEDROOM home, good road and view. Will lake trailer. Call OS, 9-5273 j LARGE LOT in Winston, footing poured for 3 bedroom home: for trailer house. or what have you. OH 2-1435 I TRADE - Uied 2x12 efor bulld'oier i work. OR 2-2710 for 38 Logging Equipment 1947 FORD lumber and log trurk combtnatinn with job. New motor. 93 8 00x23 rubber, 3 speed Brownie. 4 speed transmission. 2 ipeed rearend and tag axle Price 91000 cash. OR 3-6P67 DIAMOND t logging truck and Pierre trailer with stakes Excellent ronri tion. Guarantee summers work. 97.950. terms. Ph OR 2-33B3,evesOR 2-1209 FOR HIRE - 2 short log trucka and tracer. (Mule trains i Also contract logging. Good equipment Ph. OR 3-7162 1950 D-4 rat In top mechanical condition with angle blade, wmrh, electric Ing and almost new 20" tracks. 93.500 Ph OR 3-4800 1 FOR SALE, aelf loading short logger, Mack. Might trade for pickup or car. Rov Denny ,4207 SW Hanna i FOR "SALE D-9 "tractor." 2U eerie with Johnson bar. Good condition. PhoneOR 2-2833 D9 CAT and 15" ard Carryall D7 cat with angle dozer For rent, by hour or contract. OR 3-4765 1951 INTERNATIONAL short L-190. 450 motor, 314 Brownie, stakes and cheese blocks, pressure scales. OS 9-5.146 l"OR SALE TT) 14 cat new rolls, excellent condition. Priced to sell. SJ,- 3UU US - .1.1 1 J FOR SALE. 1952 Terry Manor trailer. house. 27. Terms cavh. 91.593, excel lent condition. TEmple 6-9561. FOR SALE three 1B55 gas-powered long loggers with or without job. Phone OR 2-1743 j I WANT to rent FIRE PUMP AND HOSE ; OS 9-5532. I 39 Timber & Sawmills WANTED - Sawmill logs; sKo small patrhee Of timier. CLEVELAND LUM BER CO. Ten mile OS 9-32:4 WANTED tagged ov hr a ' -- I : d Wrii Rot i 43 Autos & BILL STOCK TOP VALUE USED CARS riiiy Whnt you del '56DeSoto $2995 power steering, power brakes, w w. Ures, 79O0 mile, like new. r, , nr 55 Chrysler Mo NEW YORKF.R 4-door Ver r.ean Week End '53 Chevrolet $595 t DOOR, new w w. tiret. n.otor over hauled complete "51 Cad Coupe $895 DeVII.l.F RAH power window. new tires, very dean '53 Plymouth $345 4-DOOR. l-.ronnnu rar Icnnl BILL STOCK USED CARS YO'JH DVDT0 PLYMOUTH 6 M C Df ALII 135? S I. Stph)rw OR 3 6391 139 Timber 4 Sawmills Logs Wanted PEFLABLI mill logs Peelable eulle deliveivd at Perkins Veneer pond on North Umpqua Htghwa 3 mi lee eatt of Roaeburg Log Lengths: 9' 0". 17- 8"; M i": XV ". Diameter limita ' Maximum 80 inches, minimum 18 inch-! a For Information call OR 2-4551. Sutherlin 2232 or OR 3-4069 evenings Stomor Lumber Co t WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs i and etumpaga tn large er small tracts ; Da Ph 34JI Riddle or Myrtle Creek UN 3-4.128 evenings , WANTED Cordwood. c'lght foot7"li per com uee fret ton lAimoer Co Riddle 22.11. I .... I WILL BUY toga, stumpago lumber Hub Lumber Company. 387. Phono OR 1-301 os I 40 House Trailers American Fleetwood Kit Golden State 15 ft. to 90 ft. 9 and 10 ft wide Call ua if ou need your trailer moved an where Rainbow Trailer Sales Miles north en old highway 99 At Winchester Bridge Open Eve'B A Sunday a OR 3-7272 Step Into The Future! Ultro Modern ANGELUS 10' WIDE In StunninR Black and While HERE S A MOBILE HOME that modern as tomorrow A 45-foot. 10 wide Angelus. One bedroom with smart silver grey oak paneling contrasted with beautiful ash .a two-piece foam rubber tactions! sofa. . and all the fa mous features that make an Angelus uur beat dollar value for luxury, com fort and depends mltty. See it now: II I the only one of its kind in Oregon. DOYLE'S MOBILE HOMES 491 N E. Garden Valley Blvd. Just Arrived PARAMOUNT By Pan American ' 47 Tenwlde. 2-bedroom, front kitchen. REX 1. 1. and 3 bedrooms. Built In Oregon for Or e gon w ea the r LEISUREHOME Tenwlde. colorful Interior, sound c s true Hon. Good selection of I'spfJ Trailers Trailer Supplies Karl E. Smith 1980 N Trailpp Homes Co. Stephens OR 3-3356 NEW AND USED AMERICAN GOLDEN STATE SHASTA THKSK trailers afford ease of liv ing as a permanent home, or for those vacations. Call us if you need your trailer moved anywhere. RAINBOW Trailer Sales S Miles north on old highway 1 At Winchester Bridge Open Eve's A Sundays OR 3-7272 We Will Be Closed Sundays Storting May 1 1th DOYLE'S MOBILE HOMES ' .... ., tit, it ,mu- ham for our 925U0 equity, or car. pickup or station wagon of same value. caied behind Flying "A" Station in linj onville tXFEKT rcpairlrig raileriVpVirm(e4 all kinds Service work oa call. Doyte a Mobil Homes. 491 N E. Garden Valley Rlvd OR 2-1756 1936 KENRKILL 4' equity. OK 3-4593. trailer, 200 for 1945 Shuttr 26 ft. trailer huae,94flS OR 2-3356 19 IT. Uailerhouae, $133. OR 3-4106 Try Wont Ads? Low Cost and quick results Motorcycles 1 full yean guaranlr '55 Plymouth $1245 naw tMl covrs, dual cahauat '53 Dodge $645 coronet v-a 4 door, r a h w lire, rream end blark. A-l condition Specials '53 Chrysler $745 WINDSOR deluse 4-dr. RAH. two- tone green, new seat covers '52 CMC Sub $595 NEW eVply, General Urea. 4-saeed '50 Chevrolet $295 Dr.LL'Xg 1 door to Suit iThurt., Moy (, 1958 Th Nwt-Rviw. Ronburg, Oft. 11 40 House Trailers 43 Autos & Motorcycles TERRY KENSKtl.L FRONTIER UNIVERSAL I NASHUA I TERRA CRUISER SEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 182 N I Stephens OR 1-4221 Rod & Reel Trailer Sales Siesta k Aljo Rentals 1145 W Harvard 1 33' ANOEI.US. uke camp trailer as part pavment. 3U Columhia, best offer for muiiv S.M 44 a month Kada Trail. er court. 42 Trucks 1953 FORD s ton pickup. Excellent shape and running condition A bar gain at 91000 See at Jack Adair's Park ing Lot. FOR SALE 194.4 INTERNATIONAL pickup, good condition: with aluminum canopy. 927S caih. Call Sutherlin 4316 alter 3 pm. 1947 WHITE 6 7arddump truck. 5 ipeed transmission. 3 speed Brownie. 9.00x20 rubber. t cahOR3-e.67. 1951 DODGE truck with semi-stake bed. Cheap. Call Oakland 3532 l956"CHEVROLET pickup Very good shape. 610H3. UN 3-34 Mvrlle Creek. 43 Autos & Motorcycles Vhere Your Money Talks 56 FORD Falrlane 4 dr Hd top Thunderblrd eng. Ford-O-Matic. spotless. . 1893 56 MERCURY Custom 4 dr Klwag Clean. LoU of Extras, one own- '38 BUICK Century 4 dr Local, clean, minister a car. 94 BUICK Spec 9 dr Clean aa a new one. Local, mileage. 54 CHEV Bel Air 2 Hard -to-get model, clean. exceptionally 109 'S3 rORD V-a Custom 2 dr Overhauled eng New seat cov ers, new paint, nice. S3 PONTIAC Dlx 3 dr 1 Straight trans RAH. Local, new paint, sharp. . 993 33 BUICK Super 4 dr V-8 Above average clean, local, good rubber, a steal. .. . 899 '49 BUICK Super 4 dr Immaculate, tires like new, beau tiful and dependable. 250 Easy Budget Terms at The "BIG WHEEL" Used Cars Ph OR 2-1041 546 S E Stephene WILL TRADE 1954 Sunbeam Alpine sportcar In good running shape for mall house trailer Con I act Barnev Root at Tri City Market or phone UNion 3-3364 19.56 DeSOTO rirefTyte" convertible coupe. 1 owner, excellent condition, verv low mileage. To right psrtv will finance aa required. OR 3-4230 1952 FORD 4-door. Good ttreaJut 9-I99 -95. See It at Kier Crooch Plumbing. 528 SJE Ste phens OR J-3:164 . TRADE '48 Willy's Jeep, good condi tion, for 'S3 or later pickup, or equity, Call OR 2-3521. 1957 CADILLAC coupe. Full power. 1 000 miles. No trade. Book price. OR 1-3268 '87 FORD VS. tan. StaTlonWagon 6.500 miles. Luggage carrier and seat belts, 92.325 OH 3-5977 SELL '56 Olda or trade equity-for '54 model Balance 1034, 946 53 mo. Call OR 2-2325. 49 BUICK SupVr 4-door "will Uke Uade. Call Oakland 2668. MOTORCYCLES - New. usedBeVkwlth Cycle OR 3-9120 1950 CHEVROLET 9-8869 4-door, 1150. OS rOR SALE or trade. 1941 Chevrolet coupe Good shape. S45.)S 9-3225 37 VOLKSWAGEN delivery van "" ll my equity for S500. OS9-84fl after 6. '31 JEFP 4 wheel drlv station wagon, RA.onahl. OR 2-4333. 1949 CHEVROLET coupe. 9150: 1931 Hud son sedan, 9220. OR 3-3395 after I P M '47 FORD SEDAN, Dehiv 2 door Best offer buy. See el 466 Fair Street. '56 Ford F-100 $1245 V I pickup Radio heater Ford o- Mstle. CusLom rats Over si se tires Ptfi'tT aae thie ene now reduced 9156, 1957 FORD RANCHERO PIQKUP T'e mosf moifern utility ror in fti world Nicely equipped with ov,er drive, rod.o, ond hea'er. Two tone white ond MocHq. Was $1995 now $185 t 53 Pontiac $645 4 Door ud.ri Iuiiiih tha wliola lam- die and heater Guaranteed good. 1955 PONTIAC 6-PASS STATION WAGON $1495 Nvie rieoner in te sfo-e Little wovliehle leather inierifir. Podo, L0CKW00D MOTORS A. mt o.a Fhon. 0 14114 ItayliaM Phw.. r HI BARCUS '96 DODGE V-a aedan Push button drive, RAH. lustrous turquoise and black finish. Driven only ia.000 mt by one owner, h i in absolute top eonditioa 16e '36 DODGE 4-door Station Wagon. Push-button drive. R H. . anas 56 STUDEBAKER Power Hawk. A uto i ransmisslon Jet black with red and Ivory Interior 16M 56 PONTIAC door Hardtop. Hy- dramatie, a H ... ISO 56 PLYMOUTH VI flub eedaa. Pushbutton drive 14AS H FORD VI Station Wgn. with O D. 1489 '34 DODGI aedan. Powerflyte. BltH SM S3 STUDEBAKER V 8 Commander sedan. Hvdramatie. RetH, com plateiy reconditioned. ao6 S3 BUICK .uper sedan. Dyna fiow RAH. Completely rebuUt motor 99S 43 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. Very clean . TPS '32 PACKARD club sedan Automat ic transmission. RAiH. Sharp. 60S SI OLDS 98 sedan. RAH. Special Hy dramatic. HFNRY J. only Real economy fee 19S 191 206 148 , 148 199 51 DODGE aedan, RAH '31 FORD Vg convertible. Ov drive. RAH .. '50 FORD aedan. RAH a PLYMOUTH club coupe 49 FORD VI club coup Trucks & Pickups '37 DODGE VS ton pickup. Dem 1 enstrator. New truck guarantee 1906 '34 WILLYS 4-wheel drive Station wagon, extra good eontion. . 1309 '31 INTERNATIONAL L190 abort logger. Also has lumber rolls. Dual drive. Brownie Good 900: 90 urea Ready to hauL Term. CHEVROLET 1'. ton flatbed farm truck. Good motor and Urea. 399 141 STUDEBAKER pickup 1945 BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Stephen at Garden Valley Road Ph. OR 3-5366 Easy Bank Tar me Used Cars At Wholesale SI PONTIAC 4-door. RAH H dra matic, good lire. 196) '31 HUDSON 4-door aedan. RAH, runa good. 3 to choose from 168) '49 STUDEBAKER Champion 3 door. Lota of cheap transporta tion Ti Better Buy Bargain Lot "At The Clock" 1182 N C. Stephens Call Charlie el OR 3 282 1937 BUICK Caballero station wagon, loaded Sparkling garnet -red. Power steering, power brakes. Chrome lug gage rack; other extras Must sell equity. To Inspect, call M allelic. OS 9-5294 1940 FORD. bodyfair shapc7'48Mer. cu ry , bored 3-7 18 Ossey full rim, headers Triple carburetors, 444 rear end. Price 9250. Phooe OS t-5214 1954 MERCURY hard top II 005 &eeat Standard Station. Stephene and Oak, or phone OR 2-4263 eve run ga and week ends. 1951 BU!cTCSupVF" hardtop gaertftr 8150 this week. Flying A station Mark e Mai kel. N. w v Jie. rrWete shoofin' Pihe wotks...Qt mmm '54 Buick $1195 Four Door sedan Radio, heater, Dvna- flow, power windows, power seal. Tires like new. Clean via and out. Motor Jual overhauled. '55 Mercury $1695 Montr lair Hardloa roup. Wa can undmltntf whv Uilt baaullfut car h.a We ve reduced it 9-m0 t snake sell act now: over 30 000 octuol m'let. Complete heoter onr Hydromolic. Hurry! a 1 7-' v---v-s-erf f .v .1