; ' . I 10 Ths Nswi-Rtvlaw, Roseburg, Of . Thun., Moy 8, 1958 McKay Says Patience Need In Columbia Negotiations By FRANK W. VAILLE 1 been completed. McKay said the WASHINGTON on A farmer I U.S. section of the IJC hai re Oregon governor jokingly offered , ceived "continued frank and dis Wednesday to resisn as chairman ! courasing statement! from the of the U.S. section of the Inter- j Canadian chairman to the effect national Joint Commission if he that the Lihby project is unlike- can't make a deal with Canada for development of the Upper Co lumbia Kiver waters. Douglas McKay made the offer after members of a Senate Inter ior subcommittee expressed dis satisfaction with delays in nego tiations over Libhy Dam and other water projects in the United States and Canada. McKay, also a former secre tary of the interior, said "patience is the important thing," that U.S. Canadian discussions are stalled until completion of reports now being drafted. This is expected early next year. Would Resign McKay said, with a smile, that when these reports are ready and negotiations get under way, "If 1 can't make a deal I'll resign. you won t have to lire me, "I don't want to fire you," put in Sen. Richard L. Neuberger (D Ore), subcommittee chairman and past critic of McKay. "You didn't want me appoint ed, remember?" came back Mc Kay. Canada's official position is that it will not discuss the Lihby proj ect until Canadian studies have Ordered Transfusion May Save Baby's Life ELGIN, 111. I An infant, given a blood transfusion ordered by the court over the religious objections of his narents. was reported in satisfactory condition in a hospital today The t-day-old son of Willard and Darleen Stems, members of Jeho vah's Witnesses, was given the transfusion Sunday. Doctors had said the infant was born with a blood condition which could cause death or permanent brain damage. Portland Markets Wednesday PORTLAND PRODUCI PORTLAND Butterfat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 58-61 cents per lb; first quality, 55-58; second quality, 50-53. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 58; A grade, 92 score, 57; B grade, 90 score, 55; C grade, 89 score, 53. Cheese To wholes'l'ers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43-53. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 48-50; A large, 45-47; A A medium, 42-46; A medium, 41-45; AA small, 33-36. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To producers AA large, 41-43; A large, 39-41!; AA medium, 37-39'?; AA small, 29 31 '1. Live poultry No. 1 fryers, 2"i-4 lb, 21 at farm; light hens, 14-16 at farm: heavy hens, 20-21 at farm; old roosters, 7-8. Rabbits Average to growers Live whites, 3'i-4l lb, 22-25; col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed frvers to retailers, 59-61; cut up, B2-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis Eastern Oregon produced v blood 75-78; blood, 8085; l blood, 90-95; fine. 1.00-1.05. Wholesale Dressed Meets Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 5110-700 lb, 46.00-48 50; good, 44.00 17.50; standard, 42 00-44 00; com mercial cows, 39.00-42 00; utility, 38.00 41 0; canners and cutters, 37 0-39 00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 5100-54.00; rounds 53 00 SROt); full loins, trimmed, 66 00 72 00: forrquarters, 42 M -44 00; chucks, 47.00-49 00; ribs, 54 00 59 00. Lambs Spring lambs, choice, 44-55 lb, 45 50-49 00; fad lambs, choice. 43.00-45.00; good, all wis, 38 00-42 00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 120-170 lb, 34 00 35 00. l'ork cuts Choice loins, 12 IS lb, 52 00-55.00; shoulders, 16 lb. down, .T8 0O-4OO0; spareribs, 51 00-54 00; fresh hams, 112-6 lb. 50 00-53 00. Slab bacon All wts, 47 00 57.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts, 44 00 55 00; standard 41.00 51.00. Produce Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets, 100 lb, 4 50-4.75, some higher; bakers, 100 lb. 6 oi mm, 5 (10 5.25, Calif. Ixng Whites. 5 00 5 25. Onions Ore. west district Dan- vers. 50 lb med, 5 25-5.50 : 3-in or larcer, 5 50 6 00. Hay New crop. No, 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland. 24 00 ton. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND or (I'SIMl Cattle salable 50; trade active, fully steady; load average to huh choice 1.100 lb choice steers 29 25; load average choice 28 50: one lot Choice ftd heifrTS 27.50: ROOtl i neiiers Zb w-zf.w; sumianl 1 24.50; utility and commercial , . . " , cows 18 50-22 00; canners and cut-let trr 16.00 18 00; Utility bulls 24 00- Calves salable 50; trade strailv: choice U.S. vcalera 30.00-32UO, food 28.00-30 00. Hogs salahle 300: moxloratt'ly active, steady; U S. No. 1-2 butch ers 23.75; mixed No. I-3s 22 50 23 00; sows 17 50 21 00. Sheep salable 50; sales steady: lot choice spring Iambs 23 50; few good and choice vealers 1500 16 50; cull to good slaughter ewes 3.50-9.00. PORTLAND GRAIN .Aw lam . rOHTLAND C0ST grains. I 35-day shipment, bulk, Hnliwrv' v .... OatS. JMO af, m wnne aiWK-H MrNo person mar withdraw has bad after Barley, NO.Z, 45-ID B W. 47.50 4H m torn. NO.Z, r-oY. npi ei.uue w ,,, nrai. l.u M malt nuns. Wetlnenday't Ar rrrripH: Mill food S; wheat 6; Barloy 1; fluur 19; corit 4. f ly to be favorably regarded bv Canada ..." Libby Dam, proposed for con struction on the Kootenai Kiver in Montana, would require Canadian approval becajse its reservoir would back water across the in ternational boundary. TIMBER FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OK LAND MANAGEMENT. ORAL AUCTION bids as hereinafter designated will be received by the District Mana ger, Bureau of Land Management, 2W3 W. Harvard Avenue, Rose burg, Oregon, beginning at 9:00 A.M.. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, on Friday, June 6, 1958 for all timber marked or designated for cutting. Before bids are sub mitted, full information concern ing the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the above Dis trict Manager. The right is hereby reserved to waive technical de fects in this advertisement and to reject any or all bids. The United States reserves the right to waive any informality in bids re ceived whenever such waiver is in the interest of the United States. The proportionate cost of advertis ing public domain timber shall he borne by the successful bidder. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: OREGON: PUBLIC DOMAIN LAND: ORAL BID: GREEN: All timber desig. nated for cutting on NWV.NEv., NViNWV4.Sec. 32. T. 25 S., R. 1 W. W.M, eatimated for the purpose of this sale to be 2.684 M bd. ft. Doug las fir. 213 M bd.ft. White Fir, 185 M bd.ft. Incense Cedar, 38 M bd. ft. Western Red Cedar, 4 M bd.ft. Western Hemlock. 10 M bd.ft. Sugar Pine. No bid for less than $25.35 per M bd.ft. for the Doug- las-fir. S10.05 per M bd.ft. for the White Fir, $9.75 per M bd.ft. for the Incense Cedar & Western Red Cedar, $7.75 per M bd.ft. for the Western Hemlock, $35.90 per M bd. ft. for the Sugar Pine or a total purchase price of $72,744.30 will he considered. Access to the tale area is available under the terms and conditions of (1) Easement No. RE-R-55 with Chauncey G. and Laura E. Hunt and (2) Agree ment No. R-90 with Empire Mill work Corp. Minimum deposit with bid $7,300.00. NOTICE OP UAf.E CANE NO. tn;H IV THE CIRCUIT ( 111 RT or Till STATE OF OK Mi ON FOR DOITOI.AN COUNTY HERMAN AYDELOTT and MARGA RET A YDELOTT, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. DON S. HILLS and JUAN IT A J HILLS, husband and wife, el al . Defendant. By virtue of an Execution Issued out of the above entitled Court in the above I enuura cause to me a tree tea and datei i this 2nd day of May. luvi, based upon ! a uwrrs rr-norreo ana eniereo in saia Court on the 21st day of April, 1U58. in favor of Umpqua Savings and Loan As sociation, a Mutual Savings and Loan Aaocia!lon, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wtt: All that part of the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section Xt, Township 21 South. Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Douglas County. Oregon, lying northerly of the present location of the Heyden County Road No 14. ALSO: All that part of the East half of tne Northeast quarter of Section 22. Towmhip 2 South, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Doug las County, Oregon, lying northerly of the preaent location of the Heyden County Road No. 14.1, excepting therefrom the following described property, to-wit: fieginning at the intersection of trie Northerly right of way Ui of the Heyiien County Road No. 143 with the Went line of the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section XI Township M South. Range 7 Weal or the Willamette Meridian. Doug las County, Oregon: thence Rant aing sjid County Road SOU feet: then re North ft0 feet: thence WmI to the West line of the Eat half of the Northeast quarter of Section 22: thence South along said Wet line to the place of beginning to satufy tire sum of 272fl M toiether with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from Mrrh 12, Itm. until paid, and for the further mm of 122 M for a title report and for the furl her sum of UlN for Insurance to iether with Interest on eaid latter two sums at the rate of six per rent per atinum and for the further turn of tin as a rmonhle attorne fee and for Plaintiff ctu and ditmre ments herein incurred in the sum of iw na and the cuts of and upon this w rn NOW THEREFORE. ."Virtue "id Execution and Decree and I n I With the command of said Wr on the 81h dav of June. at 10 in) a m at ihe Smith front d.ntr of the Douglas County Courthouse in Hi-ehur( Iktuitlas t'ountv, Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemption whre provided bv law and to the highest bid der for rh in hand all of the nshl. title and interest mhioh the stun nam-d Ion S Hills and Juanita J. Hills, hu h4nd and wife, had on the 12th dsv of December. I1.M5 and which all of the alnve named Defendants had on the 21st day of April. IflVl. the date of said uecree. arm i hereafter had m and to the above decritwd property part or portion Ihereor to satUfv -,d , F,ecu,.on and Iecree and ln.ere,t. ; co-ts and accruing eots , IK V BYRD, Sheriff of uglas Counlv, ri'n Nova Rates. Depui wntn it nr Pt hi w nrKia lF l'KOPOl ! 4NM si ION NOTICE IS HKHPtlV t;iI.N Ths burg. Oreeon will hold a public heanng vtw particuisnv mteret- ! d 'T'.-'If 'i.Tp,,r.u,n"!: to he heard in the t ty Ha I of said at i.m pm on m.v im ettTer I ,Mr or the following proposition Shalt that area known as a portion non hoiimied nv N E Dia lake BUd. the present ea cltv limits and the South neanter of Ieer free ! annexed to the City of RiMehurg. Oregon. ' Dated and first published the eighth day of M. lvt W II. I.M 4 D HILL City Recorler MTI( I 1i rONTN4 TOR Pl Rl HsR OF tM4l4ttt eiri Heaflsa Ceaalt, Orefoa RFALF.D bids w.ll be accepted bv the Count? Court of Douglas Counts, Oregon. at the Courthouse in Hoaebure.. Orrson i iw to a w . vnnay ine iMtd dav ol for tne purchase of drainae pipe tnsiruciMiras lo ninoera and Ktte'if ica- tiw. n,.r he from the mniy Engineer, Courthouse. RosetHirg. Oregon. Material Corrugated Metal Culvert r-Ute nour set for opening s reaaMved to retect inr or or to accept be Droposl deemed best for the t .hi DKI lil.AS CiH'M'V COt'RT V T Ji' kinn, t mint Jiu1e f rank Aslile. t mnttussioner Huron W. C tough, t'omnnwioi OUT OUR WAY LOOK AT THE HE LEAVES HE'S BE EM EVERY TIME I WANT TO USE 'EM I HAVE TO CLEAN UP TH MESS 1 HE MAKES ONE OP MY M WHY V . vtv mr own-uh-j Mean ; -""T 1 Vi Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1958 Advirtmng For Bunnell! Within ftottburf Iridi Alel 1 Doy, Per Word 3 Doyi, Per Word 6 Days, Per Word 9 Days, Per Word 12 Days, Per Word 18 Days. Per Word 1 Month, Per Word Minimum charge for ony one ad .75 Set But Not Published Charge ' .50 ; -ard Of Thanks 1.00 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED . , . Fsf insertion, per col. inch ..$1.60 Repeat Insertion, per col. inch .85 NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising For Bunnetiet Out. id t Roieburf T'3S Arts Per Line, Per Issue $ .25 Minimum charge for any one ad 1.00 Commniionable to farogiwed Agencies DEADLINES IVOt AM. Bssitm Day friar Ta Publicitiaa CMcellitt Up la 1)1 A.M. hihlicstia Dy Ths Htt Rrvie fftervei tht right to clsM'ty, edit or reject arty CHititied Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your advertnemint appears incorrectly, notify ui imrrterliitely. We will not be responnbla far mora than one incorrect miction. Such ro ipondbility it limited to refund of pneo stid or correct iniertion or advemiemenT. a.f.sj, w,i ( C He if Mara Tkaa M Pays 1 Lost & Found LOST Roughly clipped Wire-haired terrier. Answer to "Butch. " OR 2-.W1V LOST in Shady Point Trailer Court vi cinity HUrk and white torn cat. "Dennis." Keward. OR 2-3818 after 3. LEGAL .NOTICE OF For sale by sealed bid the following drecrihed property located in the City of Sulherlin. County of Doug t as. State of Oregon, to-wit: Lots Jl and .12, Block 33, Amended Plat of Townsite of Sutherlln, Doug las County, Oregon. Property conauts of 60' 100' lot and 10 year old 2 bedroom modern home, with attached garage. New roof and hot water heater City water and sewer li'.uve in excellent condition Located at East Everett Street, Sulherlin sle ill be bv sealed bid. Envelope containing bid must be plai'ity marked. ' Sealed Hid "' Please refer to L-1U19-F In all correspondence. A good and suf ficient bond or certified check for ten per cent tlO"St of bid must accompany bd Hight is reserved to reject any and alt bids Property wilt be sold "as j Minimum orice Is Five Thousand Fi.ur Hundred Fitly Dollars t$.40 oOi. Minimum acceptable terms ten oer cent ilO'Vi down, fourteen il4i years to pay balance on contract. Interest will he rharged al the rate of five per cent per annum on unpaid balance Subject to uuutamling nnht of redemp tion until Mam-h 20, l!l.Vt Rids will be oiened In the office of the Oat. of First P.'.hMcaY.on April 24 . iZ ' llblu",rn: May 13. lVM iMiiri inn VETER ans affairs State Finance Huildmg Salem, Oiegon NOllt'R OF Mil For sale h sealed bid the following described propei iy busied in the CH of Tri-Cii, Count of Douslas. Slate of Oregon, to-wil lots 111,1 34, March Plat "A", Doug! l omUt . Oregon approximately 27.V3i0' tn total sire ra, . h home Z?,. . V" $ VuV f M wtlj'rk " s-1- , , J L T - Uinmg bid mint he plainly marked I nid riease reler ni1 rT1''. rdn(1 ' of nut mui accompanv bid Hight i reerrved to reject anv and all b:,1 Pruiertv will he sold "as i " Minimum Price is N,ne Thousart Nine Hundred Fiftv IXvllsrs i'WMl0O Mini nnini acceputble terms ten per cent i en iv -one til' ears to pav ba.j tO?K-.0"nt', ,n,e"',t '"H'SIX ROOM ho le charsssl at the rale of fi er annum npmd u"fernrdOTMrI 'MWW.r'iV 1 M J nt of "irf Pih.,-iM i st I ,-ation Isv 1 1g 22. 1W4 Date of 1 D'Kn TOR OF Arr.tR. f . sm e Buiiding Oregon Salrn- OTIl F TO cnT ctoi iinniMiM. ( Kl siimi (, KWIL -sih u r raj KAI.KD h:ds will he accented he tK. 1 rtunty Court of Doug. as iVuntjr, Oregon i at the lourthouae in H.'seburg. Oregon r::'taT.,h '. on C4I.APinta striv-ifon. I Dover Vallev R. d No JJ I Instruction lo ftidders and loecfica. . av he nhtsined fro-n the Countt . Courthouse. Roseburg. Ore Eng,r l'rposl ennsMta of id oat ru id rrushed rst reject an or The right is r pri.ihvsais. to accept the proposal uVeirwsI N-l 1tv the o'vVokIT;,:;' mM OLAi Js-kor Fisnk Aabtev Hnm f . CU ttmnusioner gh, Comnissioner OIL AWP GREASE OW TH' TOOLS AFTER YOU WORKINS ON HIS JALOPY.' UP BEFORE I CAN MAKE OWN-UH-I MEAN' MOTHERS GET GRAY IMIfc, Notices CARD OP THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere ap preciation to the friends and neigh bors for thlf klnrliwu shown rlnr,.!. our recent bereavement. Thank for.GARDEP' VALLEY ROAD the beautiful cards of sympathy, also 1 1 sat uower. Mrs. Prank Cairns and family CARD OP THANKS OUR HEARTFELT thanks to aU who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the Deautifui service, floral offerlnn. and other kindnesses, we are deeply grate- lUi. Esther Shobert and family CARD" Or THANKS TO THOSE who expressed their sym pathy in so many beautiful and prac tical ways during our recent bereave ment, we extend our heartfelt thanks. The Lynn Families. Personals YOUNO WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advice may contact Cath olic Charities, 278 W Broadway, Eu gene. Oregon. DI 5-3642. STAUFFER home" reduclnglanAlice Reininger. Local Representative, will give free home demonstrations by ap- pointment. OR 3-7967, 104 N E. Club. ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUSr 243S E. Jackson. Tuesdays. Saturdays 8 PM HOUSE OF UNIFORMS 432 W. Umpqua. OR 3-41 87 Real Estate FLOWERS, shrubs, trees, nice lawn, strawberries excellent 2-bedroom home, oak floors, large kitchen and living room, very neat. Good uncrowd edJocallon.8.V). OS 9-3332 TOR SALE $1,350 equity jn2 bed room home for $300. Balance $3,330 at $3 per month. Fireplace, tile floors, carport, 's acre South of Kelleys Korner. OR 3-3730. WEST SIDE 2-bedroomsT flreplsce? wall-to-waU carpeting; lawn and shrubs. FHA appraised, will sell for $8,voo OR3-60.M TWO BEDHOOM"home" denTattached garage: excellent neighborhood, close to grade school; on city bus. Liberal terms to reliable party. OR2-42!i4. FOR SALE or trade." South" Salem.-12 acres, 3-bed room home. $13,300. or trade for 3-4 bedroom home in Rose burg OR 2-3674 CORNER LOT. 30x74. close in. with older house, rented, free. Paving paid Nice residential district, overlooking thecity. Reasonable. OR 3-3216. TWO BEDROOM homeTfireplaie-gar-ane. large lot. shop Near Hue rest School $tM) for equity or take good car OR 2-1094. FOR SALE or trade business "prop erty with house, on Harvard Avenue, for suburban property. Phone OR 2 H14R BY OWNER, duplex, rnodenandfur nished. On acre. Good well. Cnuia be converted Into home. $6000. Phone ' NEW 3-bedroom home: fireplace, cera- IC tile throughout. Fully olaatered hardwood floors. Liberal terms to reli able party. OR 2-42W4. TWO 100XBO ft. "lots. paveastreef and sewer. tMXt and take over auessinems. OR 3-,1.tt7 ORJ-tt40 evenings $.t0oo' Ecjl'ITY for $00 3 bedrooms, fire place, garden, fruit trees 1.U1 N E Alameda. OR 3-84:1.1. EUI'IPPED. Irrigated grade" A-dairv. $17,500 Consider home fh city to $10 OiK) Ilox 4W4. Che bal is, Wash imv FRONTAGE on N. ITmpqua-river. 7 miles from town. In heavily-wooded area. OH 3-4244. THRF.E BEDROOM houe "on i Botith St for sale, $,(000 with terms; or rent $40 mo OH 3-H8M8 before 2 PM HEPROOM. I'i baths. near court ue. Reasonable. Low down. 344 S E T1IKFE BEDROOM house in Winston $14tK full price. Small down payment OH 3-3K51. BEAUTIFUL excavated building site. 1 I acre Calkins Rosd. Cltv Water, elec-1 tncity Phone OR3-4U.5 THREE YEAR-OLD. 3 ' bedroom home I with fireplace in Newton Creek area - large fenced back ard OR .1-602 es lutings nationally. Free catalog." DUPLEX $4500. S20O0 down. Beaut'fnl I setting overlooking river. OK evenings. J-4B0K TWO LOTS. 100 xldO- each with 3-room ; houe. 3 miles north. $ia00 cash. OR 3-.17W Green D'rirt, etral large lot. Will talk Verms. OS -tt4.io THKrr. MmRDOM hmis. north R.e- ' burg. Mmall dowsi payment, rest bse rent OH J.W42 BY OWNER, very attra live ear 1 bedroom home, excellent local Ph OR -iau THREE bedroom. IS loU. nearRiver side srhiwl. lis rage finished for busi nes OH 2-34.V1 FllH 111 at rntnmarcnl lot UW.t. adl cker-1eaf and h.spitals Vximi '.. 1. . "JY . ' " " approa S12.7M. Hos News-Re1 DI P1.EX 1034 N E Nash. pamn pav ae rent $K9 per month OR 3-TOflO rom ROOM ftirn..hedhouse-l "lot. Inquire 1 Ften Lane TWO RFDRiXlM HOME on Lmnetl Ave OR J wt7 FOK HALS or trade. 4 bedroom h.i 1 acre. Winston section. OB e-i.UJ. P . 5tOp! You May Find Just WSot Y rVre Lookina For On This 'Page. By J. R. Williams I KNOW JUST WHAT IUllKl! MEAN.' HOW .'Mil:: ABOUT THE SlWKS 111 I HAVE TO CLEAN AFTER BOTH OF YOU? MM Ufi tot. TM tf VI ,,t 01 Real Estate Roseburg Realty FISHERMAN'S paradise the best North Umpqua salmon and trout fish ing u right at the door of this beau tiful home near the Country Club. The den and 26 ft. carpeted living room overlook the river and orchard!. 2 fireplace. 24 x36' shop. Irrigating sys tem, and fistiing boat included at $21. 500 on terms. See thia if you lov se elusion and natural beauty. Close In 3 bedroom home on acre. Nice lo cation, naa oak floors, ceramic kit chen counter, inside utility and shop. Needs some Interior decoration, which you can afford to do since it Is priced at, oniy uuu. ADOUl siouo OOWIL hcat z Dedroom home In nice block near Neilen's Market. Only $5000 at $5O0 to $1000 down . Roseburg Realty Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 1-3344 "OUR 1ERVICE DOESNT COST IT PAYS" $350 Down ONE ACRE two bedroom home, liv ing room, kitchen-dinette, bath and utility, carport, surfaced street $4050. $7950 TWO BEDROOM HOME with playroom, handy kitchen, living-dining room, bath, utility. Very neat and clean. Large lot. lawn, fruit, sewer and city water. Wesrside TWO BEDROOM HOME Plastered. Hardwood floors, bath and shower, fireplace, garage and storage house $11,730. Spacious THREE BEDROOM HOME Fireplace, dining room, kitchen-nook, bath and shower, garage, beautiful fenced yard. $14,500. Fullerton Realty Gr Insurance 723 N.E. Stephens Dial OR 9-3171 Byers Real Estate 40 Acres PART permanent pasture. 4 bedroom, ranch-type, modem house, barn, chick en and brooder house, creek, on a good road. Price $15,000. $1.5t down River Frontage ACRES, good soil, pasture will carrv aeveral head: hunting, fishing, swim ming: 1-bedroom. modern home, plen ty of shade trees, other hldgs. Beauti ful setting $12,500. 3.0U0 daws. Glide District J ACRES, neat and elen. two-bedroom house, can be three, large earaae new lawn; low taxes; good place for logging trucks. $8,750. Terms. 5 Acres MODERN, two-bedroom house, can be three: large front room, extra nice kitchen, large garage, shop; all seed ed to permanent pasture. Will carry several head, a beautiful place lay live. $11,300. $1,000 down. Byers Real Estate 423 W Rallf Ph. OR -76H Evenings Call Doug Warren OR S-40T8 OR 3-S77SI OR 3-74WJ I Rnv Barnhart tilenn Uers FOR SALE or trade for equal value! acre, 2 bedroKiin modern, comfortable now. u,Uui,oings ana electric pres- rs? system ior d oearoom minlrrn home on large lot- west or north r,.. burg. Total price $5,150. discount fr cah. Rl. 1. Box244. east of Sutherlm. TWO BEDROOM, modern "home. on e furniture Five nice acres. Fruit trees, berries, city w ater. wel ! with pressure system. Valo SU..VK1 wt owe MC0 want cash offer for our equitv. g miles south on o.d hifhwa t m j-.v.4 or v r a-o.t TRADE EWCITY in 3 bedrc,hmem Eugene for 2 bedroom home or acr- c around Sutherlin. Roseburg or DilUrd. State price, location and particulars in letter. 190 Hnsucs Eugene TWO or three bedroom home. romplete! up to date modern, lartje ard, Larn snruna rianters newr built. Hucrest district. 1 bUvrk from school. Irteret ed parties rail OR 2-l.M. If ne answer oa It OR 2 1SJ1 3 HEDROOM home, shrubberv and trees, live creek, about 1 acre T0..1 price $TV Home furnished or more land H d-stred Take Irsr tn trade pnone UK after i or ca.l at SE Jackson da times . - i- s ni'Ji nmise. i or sa.e or trade r'Tiiii:Q propa-Tl so isai Write E J. Sbienis. Oswego, Oregon or con-' tart Oeorg Luoma, 4l S E Oak i Roaeburg TWO bedroom home cU m Con:piete ly furnished Oc-xl drainage Near! schxil Nice vsrd and bernee Con sider good, clear car and-or trailer house on down payment OR 2 FOR SAl4t or' trade Weal Roseburg m.dern. 3-bedroom hou Retrnti-d area Will Use suburban hu Mh avmalt at-reagas. Phone OR J tflsg lac aptnntment MODERN Vrc-m' hon-e ' i acre " in eTfnbouse, lots of flowers snd shsde, ww.. ru aer, s.so well for irriga- , tion. $lPvsfj. lull Newton Creek R.ad. IF Yv't need a lot of room snd are looking for a hat gain. 1 am riooi ing a 4-bsMrocm house. Rath, itrheo bewer connection. Call OR 1-1M - '! m Real Estate MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Exquisite Family Home ON BEAUTIFUL creek Spacious living rm wnn massive fireplace, wall-to-wall carpet, dining rm, a perfect mod ern kitchen. 2 Bdrms and den could be 3rd bdrnv, utility, attached gar age. Lovely 1-3 acre lot. well land scaped and perfect for children. $12. 4uQ. Easy to Finance. Pony Boy WHAT BOY wouldn't love to have his own horse? Mom can enjoy the lovely modern 4 Bdrm home in a delightful e t ting of tail tree and lovely shrubs. Huge lovely living rm and dining rm. wa'l-to-wall carpet, fireplace, eating area in convenient kitchen. About 2 acres of free soil. Mnev acres avail able REAL. BUY 312, 5O0. SEE US FOR TERMS caU OR 3-3340. $6850 VERY NICE. 2-Bdrm. Car- Cod nlus lge choice lot. Hdwd floors, cheerful I Bite hen. inside utility, partly finished upstairs. Truly a Real Buy for a Vet eran or on FHA. SEE TODAY. Beauty In Living CONVENIENCE, charm and the best In Family living makes this home really outstanding. The sensational kitchen features, RANOE. OVEN, REFRIGER ATOR. DISHWASHER GARBAGE DISPOSAL and Breakfast area. 3 lge bedrms, modern bathrm, spacious liv ing rm, dining rm. fireplace, Hdwd floors, forced air oil heat, attached garage. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT $14,500. SEE US FOR TERMS. "WE CAN ALWAYS GOOD LISTING" USE ANOTHER ORCHARD 3-5340 16 S. E Washington Eve. Sundays ird or Marion Magnets OR 3-W17 Oerding's Real Estate GOOD, NEAT and modern, 1 -bed room home located on two large lot. A very desirable location. Sewer and paved street. Out-of-town owner savs SELL. Full price only $3330, $1750 equity, baL $50 mo. EUGENE TRADE for Roseburg Home. Owner has $3ttU0 equity in 3-bedroom, modem home in Eugene. On a Fed eral GI Loan. Will trade his equity on a good, 3 -bed room home here in $12,000 price range. CLOSE IN: Large comfortable home. Now has wonderful 3-room and bath apt up. Down has 3 rooms with bath. Double garage. Large lot. Very de sirable location. Walking distance to tores and church. If you have been waiting for close-in property, don't mi.s this. Full price only $14,000. Good terms. . DANDY, modern, 2-bed room home Good 1 'ocaiion. i-rg. lot. Sewer. Paved St Close to store and city bus Price oniy uw, aouo down, bal. $65 mo. GOOD, MODERN. J-bed room home. Lots oi room ana nice ana Clean. Lrg. lot. Paved street Good neighborhood. Lawn and flowers. Price only $5500. $5oo down. bal. $60 mo. NEW AND MODERN J-bedroom home Excellent condition inside and out. The rooms are all large. Large windows,' Drapes. Elec. heat. Price reduced to only $8250. Now on F H A. DANDY. CLOSE-IN, large home for room and board with parking lot Walking distance to P.O. and stores. Can show good steady income. Very desirable. All in excellent condition Price only $24,500. Will trade for acre age and good home. Oerding's Real Estate 818 S E Cass Avenue Phone OR 3-8326 Roseburg $00 DOWN NO MONEY DOWN except closing cost - a darling, 3-bedroom, plastered home. H. W. floors, fireplace, paved street, sewer, attached garage. We are offering you a home where you can enjoy living. $12,500. $00 Down MUST SEE to appreciate pav only closing cost and use your Federal GI loan to buy this neat, 2-bedroom home H W. floors, fireplace. Children can walk to school. $10,500, $1500 down to Non -veteran . Close In WE HAVE a older. 3-bedroom homes close tn to town, one priced at $4950 the other at $A30. Easy terms. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING ALWAYS SEE L'S. 937 NE Stephens L B. HICKS REALTY & INSURANCE OR 2-3731 Eve's and Sundays call L B Hicks OR 3.-7243 Elmer Hicks OR 2-Ml.t Tina Newport OR 3-3442 10 ACRES j 4 MILES from Roseburg with a 3 bed room, bath and ls. newv-demrated home, and all in the Glide district for taxes of only $.(4 lat vear $2od t down. WO month, or refinance $12- I 900 r p. 760 Acres iw Gravelled roads across and thru, for some good clean up logging Enough to pav for the ? iF1nty ot K"wl iw'ture now. I $10,900 cash. 3 miles from Tenmile 512 N. W Fairmont 1 BEDROOMS on sewer and paved at 1 BPt garages. T!oo. $t') down. Acc k, erp'i ODD N t ModlSOn Dr. A np.w HOME with a wonderful 2-bath arrangement to un-i . be,tn.m or the all sealed double -r. familv room Forced air oil hi ann nrrpiace Built-in kitchen anpli- nces. tncuding the freezer Mahog nv panelling. $l.0u0. $luo down pay- North River I TOTS MP feet of river with boat.n. and swimming 3 acres of wooded beauty on F:her road for only $.lXbj WINTER REAL ESTATE V W Harvard ACROSS FROM Hll.H SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 -.., Evenutg caila tnjw u' h, Mamby OR 1-117? OR 3-7J0J PrrexA Trs . 1 W LEVEL EFRTll-I ACRES, about 30 tn permanent pasture Fenced and "roa fenced 3 bedroom ru-mie ajt 1 ears o.d. neat and clean Small j bam. rh esen houses. About IS milea Niwh Price haa been catly reduced to rr vw psnk term This la an out-. atardi:.f bu j Umpqua Realty H r Bier. hens OR I M71 Home OR $-7711 WEST srDE 1-bedroom. possible 4: electric heat, wail-to-wall rsrpet, elec-1 trie dishwasher and gsrbsge disoosa!; flatone wait with fireplace, lota el builMn Fireplace and barbecue on patio $13,000 Mr ma. OR 3-atU4 or OH CLOAKEfl FTRRV Three hedro.m home, hardwood floors, dihwsher, redwrwl fenced, landscaped and flow ers, sarg tot, $15,300. OR 3-7071 Real Estate Valley Real Estate Much To Be Desired ITS, WOW. beautiful! Almost new na tural finish country home on a highly productive acre. Home was designed and built for whole-family convenience and comfort. A oout S mi lea out by pavement Romancy quality. $10,000, $luuo down. Already financed. Hunks Of Cold MABE million dollars. That's a heap o' money, ain't it But these 4 gold claims at only $10 0. could do that kind of money for you. Tried and proven but most uv its shells ami been shot. Unzip and buy, it's big op portunity. 3 Bedrcxms $6,500 TAXES LAST year $54. "don't tell the assessor'. A 6-room one story home on E. Douglas. 50X173 lot. Pretty nice inside. Needs paint outside. Dandy for children. Trade toward ranch con sidered. Timber Acres $20,000 ABOUT 340 acres joining paved road. out aooui miies. no improvements. You cruise. It s not all covered with peelers. Valley Real Estate 1117 SI. STEPHENS PHONE OR chard 3-M EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Elsk OR 3-87M Pocock OR 3-82."9 Newport OR 3-3tW7 Salesman at Broker Sconce OR 3-3U6J 1000 Acre Ranch APPROXIMATELY 400 tillable. Woven wire fences; large modern home: large stock barns; corrals; stock scales; dip vat. Lots of fruit. Only $.18,000 I.VXX) down to reliable par ty hurry! Lloyd A. Wilson Realtor 1887 SE Stephens Phone OR 3-8578 BY OWNER Laurel wood white dutch loionial 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms, 1 down. Lots of storage. Tile fireplace. Dining room with french doors to out side. Nook, run basement with laun dry and recreation area. Montaa fur nace. Sprinkling system. Choice shrubs ana perennials, beciuaeo backyard Walking distance to High School and! down town. Sacrifice. OR 2-3378, ' 5 Bus'ess Opportunities $225,000 00 Volume MARKET $6,000 for fixtures plus inventory on stock. Optional long term lease or purchase building. CRAIG I. SHORT REALTOR Douglas County Realty 111! SX Stephens St. Phone OR 3-4020 OR 3-3744, OR 2-2465 Shell Oil Co. Has Service Station For Lease LOCATED In Drain Oregon. Junction of oia Mignway w and Highway M. Only Inventory and equipment for sale. Con tact J. C. Boyington. Box 23, Eugene, Oregon or phone Roseburg OR U-&653, Eugene Diamond 5-8471. NICE BUSINESS for man and wife. On busy highway. Clean stock, long lease. Sacrifice for quick sate, Good reasons for selling. For Information phone OR 3-1WM CAFE FOR SALE One of Oregon's best fishing areas on Highway 101. Seats 28. With living quarters. Write P u Box 401, Winchester Bay, Oregon. UNION OIL CO. has service station for lease, .situated on main highway In town. For details call OR 3-9215. 6 Loans & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $ir0O On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington OR 3-3277 MONEY IN A HURRY $50 TO $2,000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION 81 S E Oak OR 3-4494 Pacific Finance Loans 6C4 S. E. Stephens OR 3-6668 CAN USE some smalt discounted con tracts. OR or OR 3-4MHI eves. 8 Wanted To Rent WANTED: 3 or 3 bedroom unfurnished home, close In. Adults only. OH 3-414. Rooms JO ANN'S BOARDING HOME. Delici ous home cocking. Private room and board S20 week or $75 month. Lots of parking space. 4200 SW Came Road. Green District OR 3-71)47. Centrally Located Low Weekly Rates All Comforts of Home Hotel Grand CLEAN furnished light housekeeping room Wslking distance to P O. All utilities paid, $30 month, 1451 S E. Short ROOM and board for elderly lady. Ex cellent food and care. Licenses. OR 3-S2M4. HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking. Reasonable rates. 513 S E. Lane. OB 2- nifia I Fl'RXISHED housekeeping rooms. H , snd $tt per week. Parking space. 5251 S E Lane Avenue. HOl'SEKEEPINO ROOMS. close In.' everything furnished SIS, 2S. and S-iO per month 4 1 6 N E Jackson j WARM rooms. cloe In. Private bath. I .wh Spruce. St fevot of Washington. I ROOM, close In. 80S S E, Ptne. OR ! j-8'.n. j LARGE, front sleeping room, close In. OR 3-K302 or OR 3-331. SLEFflNGroomar"fK5 "S. Mosher. OR 3- 72.17 SLEEPING rooms. 732 SE Jackson next! door to Ptnney'a. OR 3-3328. i S"t.FFP!NGrooma, private entrance? OR ; 3-I54 10 Apartments MOTEL UNITS All elec tne. With kitchens, 116 and $22 week Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel Old Highway 1W N at Winchester B-11gej LARtiE 1-bedroom unfurnished apart-. rnent. 3 blocks from downtown. I'tlli 1es furnished. OR 3-63D2- U7 I I! Wstson Street NICE, large. 1-bed room duple. cloe ' in. Range, refrigerator and heater: water and garbage service furnished Couple only. After 4 P M- inquire insn Cobb ) Jl'sT RKtHT for coupie. nice clean furnished I -bedroom apartment All u 1 1 1 1 1 es fur n is hed except g as. Wef k dats. call before 3p m . OR 3-421. NICELY FI RN1SHFD apartmemsr cloe i In LaUnJry facilities and cook:ng priv ileges. US and up Week It or monthly rates. - Rrockway St. OR 2-4.117 LA'it''E MODERN 1 bedroom 'furnished apartment. Ws.sing d stance to I s P. wood and sown. Chlitna paid. OR 3-lft4 NICE, clean, furnished 1-hedrocm ground flxr apt Leundrv f sc. lit les, water and garbage service $M pr month 2.1 West Harvard OR 3-3366 fl'HNISMID 1 bedroom d ipiex water and gartage pa d $ OR 3-.tV4 NEWLY decorated fumhed apt C:oe in. 1014 SE P;ne Apt. 4 LA'.IC.t. 3 fxtom furn.hed aptTNear i; S J iisnd OR f 12s 3 ROOM Fl RNIMlEDapl $iT Inquire Eden Laoe MODERN 3 room ,ot "with 'bath 'and carport. Adulta, Phone 3-VJM 10 Apartments Choice Apartments Oakhill Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. FURNISHED and unfurnished. Some have heat, hot water provided. All have water, garbage and yard serv ice furnuhed. Rents from $()0 up. Must be seen to appreciate Call OR 3-4340. OR 3-5o31 or OR S-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE JACKSON STS MODLKN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Chadwick Manor Apts 447 S E Chadwick Street Adults. Stove, refrigerator, washing facilities For appointment, call OR 3-4507 or OR 2-3644. FAIRHAVEN7 AARTMENTS. 1845 W. Harvard. Desirable newly furnished and unfurnished apartments, on city bus tines, clo to all shopping and post office. Electrle appliance fur nished. OR 3-ii3. LARGE. 1-roora furnished, modern apL. includes oil heat, tub, shower, hot and cold water, large shaded yard and garden area. $45. 30O4 N E. Douglas. Ph. eyes, OR 3-.1141or OR3-1577. NEWLY DECORATED 3-room. furab-h". ed apt. Private bath, washing facili ties. Hot water and garbage service paid. Close in. No dogs. 520 S.E. Flood. OR 2-4264. DUPLEX APARTMENT FrnTshecTor unfurnished, modern built-in kitchen, living room, bedroom, basement. Con veniently located. See to appreciate. By appoint men LOR3-7330evenings. ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Ample storage space. Wired for washer and dryer Hot, rold water and garbage service furnished. Near Court Holu. 1157 S. E Douglas. ONE BEDROOM. unfurnUhed apart ment. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pet. Nrxt to Kohlhagen Apt. Call OR 3-U244. FOUR-ROOM, furnished apMtmtmT" Au tomatic waaher and dryer Apartment very clean. Phone OR 3-8013. ONE BEDROOM, furnished apaTtment $55; all utilities paid. S53 SC. Sheri aanOR 2-2M70. ONE BEDROOM partly furishedOne child accepted- Separate from house; good location. OR 2-40.14. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex. DcsiVZ able location. Very reasonable. OR 3 atJU. RGE, 1-bedroom apt, picture win dows, partly furnished. Adults. 3460 W . Harvard OR 2-3UL FURNISHED apartments. $30 to $45. Water and garbage paid. 1303 S E. PineSt. THHEE ROOMS and bath, of Street parking Utilities furnished. 3 blocks estDairy (Jueen. OR 2-0113 TWO FURNISHED. 1-bedroom aparT- ments: some utilities paid. OR 3-7JH4 or OR3-71MU. LARGE, clean 2 bedroom apt. Down town. Water furnished. $50 month. OR 3-i578nrinquire Gimre's Shoe Store. FURNISHED 2 room apt On qutefwet- side street. Garden spot available. riS. Roseburgjiealty OR 2-3344. APARTMENT furnished orunfurnlh- ed. Close In. Off street parking. OR 3-3410 SMALL, furnished apartments, "$7 week and up South Roseburg Motel, 1034 S E. Stephens. 0NEB ED R OOM apartment partly fur nished. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished. 733 SE Pine. NEW, large 1 bedroom apt Electric stove and refrigerstor. OR 3-8445 or OR FURNISHED OR unfurnished apt, $50 and $'"' Inquire Garden Valley Mar ket. Phone OR 3-6202 or OR 2-3017. TWO, clean apts. Close tn, iirfuTnUhed". 1 1 1 unfurnished. OR 3-7018 or OR 3-84S1. CUTE. 37oofn apt "ndbathExce lie n t condition. $37.50. OR 2-3033 after 5 p.m. CLEAN. 5-room furnished "flat 1263. SE. Stephens. OR 2-3270. LARGE and small apartments. Close; attractive. Adults. Li32 S E. Douglas. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apt Utilities paid. WestHills Apt2ttl7W.Hsrvard. TWO ROOM furnished apt 730 Balif St 11 Houses $25 I BEDROOM house, partly fur nished: semi-modern; garden: fruit. Garbage service. lt47 S E. Eddy. OR 3-5321 after 8 or weekends. ONE BEDROOM house: picture window; tile shower. Fenced yard. Electric refrigerator and stove furnished. $48.50. OS 9-54.'0 1, 2. 3, and 4 bedroom homes Income limits. Families, also single elderly Hi or over accepted. W02 W Stanton St OR 3-6 via. WESTSIDE duplex. 1 bedroom, bath. Large living room. Separate utilitv, range and floor heater in. Water paid. OR2-Jj22days:OSJ-8929eveniniis. ONE bedroom duplex, range, refriger ator, washer Garage. Water and gar bage service furnished. $80. OR 3-8J40. 74!W. Fairhaven. TWO bedroom home with garage. Large garden: in Green district. Water and electricity only, $. month. Phone OR 2- 1371 or OR 3-7150 SIX ROOM, partly furnished house-tn Winston. Nice ard and flowers. Se M.irtin Suksdorf, Cottage Court, Win ston. NEWLY DECORATED. 1 -bedroomcot-tage, furnished or not flose in. Adults only. OR 3-6031. TWO BEDROOM husetlheatergar age wired for waher and dryer. OR 3- 3576 20 ACRES. 17 tillable; 5-bedroom house." 3 miles west of Metros Store. OR 3- 7BR1 CLEAN, 1-bedroom unfurnished house. Come see what you can get for less. 4K.H N. E Stephens. ONE BEDROOM duplex, stove andre- fngerator furnished. OR 2-3042 after Fl'RNlSHED 3 room duplex, Fairhaven district Also apartments in S Rose burg OR 3-.W0 1243 SJE MiH ONE BEDROOM nearly new Fiou-e. stoves and refrigerator furnished. On hus line OR 3-74-H. 19S3N. EOswtBO. Fl'RNlSHED CABINS bv week. $7and up, all utilities furnished Old 99, 3 miles north Pacific Motel. OSt BEDROOM modern cottage on west side, near M.irks grocery Unfur nished $30 pr month. Phone OR 3-4'lOi. THREE bedroom home, S73 month Magneu Real Estate. S16 S. E Wash ington. Ft'RNISHED f-bedroom housed delr- able r.e.ithborhood. very reasonable OR s-nou. ONE BEDROOM could be'partlv fur. niched 4 blocks from Court House 115 OS 9-V0H ONE BFDROOM HOf SE with watM I snd garbage disposal, $. mo. OR 3--720 ONE ROOM cottage, modern Close tn; utilities furnished Phone OR 3-eiOH 10.08 SE. Fuilerton UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom" hou-e Ht -er. range snd water furnished. $W. 4i7 N E Ward. OR 3-3306 SMALLER. 2-bedroom. furnishedboue in Fa rhaven Dirict. available no l0 OR 3-JS40 after 3 PM weekdava. WINSTON 2-bedrnom. modern, unfur nished house j r bage d ip-al and water ftirnisned. VV) OS .s FURNISHED 2 bedroomdupx Carport and uti.ity. $70 month. Call OR 2-3410 TWO BEDROOM house, wired for waah- er and drer. gas available OS -VU. LN FURNISH ED 2 bedr-xDm diplex. heal erand range $i. OR 3-j:j6 NICE 2 bedroom house sou'Ji of' town Si5 Roseburg Realty OR 3-3344 MODERN 3 bedroom bous in Winston OS 9-fHtl THREE bedroom." 3 acres! 2310F.eT St Vt or 3--t444 SMALL, partly furmsbed house. $40 In- quire 1 T-" S E Hamilton TWO BEDROOM" house, hot-sdcold running a?er Call OS 9-i S'-f MX V CJVPN unfurnished house OR 2-1-.4 FURNlHFD H01E. $ Austin Road, tiren 1818 t W tWO beir-xim rrotlerTi house in Wn ston. La.l OR i-90ta.