The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 05, 1958, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Th Newt-Review, Kosebura,, On Mow., Moy 5, 1958
Glcndale Businessmen Seekj
Aid For Baseball Uniforms
Pre-Schooler's Day May 13 Slated At Drain Elementary
Emergency Board Okiys Ventilation Of Building
SALEM I The tut Emer-i Boird'i St.23S.904 emergency
I B EDITH BUSH , i:a,-h f it,e ux d.
I A pre-schooler s day urn lie in-let -kit jilutraliny some
uraiie -sciiiKil .May i:i ihe thrim-. Smoky
rrospeinve nrst traders will , timed forest fire
By MRS. GERALD B. FOX will De employee wiin ms orotner ize themselves wiln the school
Eugene Losey, Bob Jones, and in a building and plumbing bun-! learners and school routine
T). R. llensley of (ilendale have i ness. Ihey will also he shown around
uie Dunaing, and visit the calelena
ine urn grade rooms lo familiar i oilier
is put on a
yanation of
the bear
prevention, and
Kn vmtins Glenda la business- lie liaser 01 dienaaie was
men. aoucitinf help to purchase I struck in tlia left eye by a limb
iir.iformi for the t.ienaaie
League baseball team
About half of the money neces
sary for purchase of 28 auits has
already been paid, and the rest
not be ordered until the entire
amount has been collected.
Serviceman Home
Arthur Stanfil. ton of Mr. and
Kirs. Jesse Stanfil of Glendale. re
cently visited his family, then re
turned to the hospital shin. L'SS
Haven, on which he is
in Long Beach, Calif.
Little recently while working in km nine
near Myrtle Point. He required
medical attention for the blood clot
which 'resulted.
Mrs. hill llalstead of Azalea re
turned Sunday morning from a
I two week visit with her aunt in
Los Angeles.
Kenny Irving, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Irvine of Glendale,
stationed returned early this week to Kort
Ord for further Army training. Irv-
A film will be shown in the iivm-
nasiuin to mothers of the pre
schoolers. Cubs Meet
'"Keep America Beautiful" was
the April theme of Cub Sroutinu,
and at the pack meeting of I'ack
groups condemned "litter-
pamit-d a trah barrel for
city park, recommended pro
tection of lorests and wild life, and
improvement of the city park.
.Several of the dens had displays,
and sang suitable songs. Den 6 won
Ihe award fo
plurer Scouts Gary Rundell
Kiih-rt sjweannKen.
t'uhs of Den 1 were guests of
Red Reynolds on "The Big Hound
up " in April Cubs who participated
were Dick Woolley, .Mark Thomas.
Jim Knutson, Theos Harmon, Lar
ry Sweanngen, Ronnie Hunt, Clif
ford Wilkie. Gary Main. Keith Seat
on. Mike 1'avlik. Skipper and Billy
Johnson and Jerry Simpson Mrs.
Johnson and -Mrs.
eenev Board approved rnday a
$15,000 project to ventilate the
stale Printing Department. The
project was demanded by the
parents in attendance. 'Johnson assisted den mother
i-.aoh Den will have a display oflWaitha Rundell in transporting the
its work at the May I'TA meeting. Tubs to Eugene.
Awards were: Silver arrows to 'Receives Award
378 the Cubs showed their interpre-1 Gene Tomlinson, Dirk Woolley, AI-1 Mrs. Wdliam Carlson as publi
lations of the slogan.
Kermit Johnson, son of Mr. and ing had finished his eight weeks
Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, stationed ! of basic training before his 12 day
at Long Beach, Calif., was home I leave. He will be transferred to
for five days recently. He was to
be shipped out on his return.
George Mill of Glendale left this
week for Oceano, Calif., where he
Local News
Mrs. LeRey Inman is reported to
be up and around following recent
surgery and period of convalescence.
another base for parachute troop
er training.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Clark of
Azalea are enjoying a visit from
their son, Gerald, of Sao Diego,
who is employed at the Ryan Air
craft plant, lie will return there
this weekend after visiting a couple
of weeks here.
Lee Mill, son of Mr. and Mm.
George Mill of Glendale, is at Kort
Ord, Calif., for Army training. Mill
who has had part of his business
t college training already, has been
John Caudill spent the weekend ! cleared for training in a business
at iewis and Clark College as the college in Missouri,
guest of Miss Evangeline Chap-
,. , ,, ... . Youth Back On Farm;
Mr, and Mrs. Roland Edie and B , , . ...
daughter. Tan, and grandson, Mike Better Than City Lit
RipIpp annt th mtV pnri on inv-1
ing places of interest at coastal ' ,OAKLAND- J1'1-, iT Wayne i
point,. Plumps was back on the farm
Saturday, familiarizing himself ,
Mr. and Mrs. David ParVhurst with chores he much prefers to
have moved back to Roseburg to lifo in the big city. :
reside and are living temporarily The 19 year-old youth arrived:
with the tatter's parents, Mr. and via horseback Knday night at the.
Mrs. Milton Schweppe. The Park-, rural home of his grandparents,
1.....I. A.m..l . ...J. 41.,.. .. knn..ln. I nr tn I.L..M I
iiuibv liMlilt-iiy iiidii. mrn in;. ill. mini nils, t, . T . III1III)S,
south of this western Maryland
town. j
He left Pittsburgh at a.m.
Tuesday aboard his gelding Ruck
and passed through here at 7 1
o'clock Friday night with only I
about 9 miles remaining in the
118 mile trip. (
Phillips had been living al 1
Sandy Creek, near Pittsburgh, but I
the lure of the wide open spaces
and unemployment in the city !
were too much. t
He'd been out of work about
five months, and the grandparents
promised him a job working
around the farm and in a store
and service station they operate,
Fifth Annual Rattlesnake
Hunt Slated For May 10
LONG BEACH. Calif.' The
fifth annual rattlesnake hunt of
the Grace Wiley Reptile Club of
Long Beach will he held May 10.
The ground rules include:
'Please wear boots.
"We highly recommend W'veth
serum and Cutters suction cups."
The club also said there will be
prizes in these categories:
Heaviest rattler: largest num
ber of rattlesnakes caught
: len Beck and Jimmy Montgomery,
wnu aiso receiven a one-year pin.
An impressive Bobcat ceremony
was put on by Cubmaster Ernie
Sealon, assisted by assistant Cub
master Verne Downes and den
chief Kenny Sweanngen and Ex-
and city chairman on the Roseburg
Symphony Board recently received
an award from the VAVS in recog- ,,. Board of Health
nition of volunteer service in be- jj,e job will be financed by
half of veteran patients through the ! $25,000 from the Emergency
Veterans' Administration Voluntary 1
Service program.
In cooperation with Robert Kid
der, chief of special service, the
symphony board has made it pos
sible for Veterans Hospital patients
to attend the concerts. An aver
age of 30 of them have been able
to attend concerts.
Fourteen Drain residents attend
ed the AprU concert.
fund, and tlO.OUO from Printing
uepartmeni lunas.
The board also granted 12.500
for payment to counties for preda
tory animal bounties, and $2 000
for expenses of temporary circuit
Man Stays For Another
Drink; Family All Killed
REGGIO CALABRIA, Italy 1 -Pasquale
Fedele stayed late at
Ihe bar Wednesday night in the
little village of Calanna. As he
drank, a landslide crashed down
the on his home and his next door
one with the most rattles, and the neighbor s.
best home-made snake stick. Twelve persons were buried.
The club disclaimed any respon- Rescue workers dug out four per-
sihihty for accidents. At Ihe hot- sons alive Thursday, but found
torn of the announcement was this Pasquale's wife, mother-in-law
credit- and fue children dead. One child
"Printed through Ihe courtesy of perished in the other house.
Sheeler -Mcfadyen .Mortuary, Long The slide was caused by recent
Beach." .heavy rains.
Oregon and Washington
Dismantling and Erection
FLEGEL Transfer & Storaqe Co.
414 N. E. Casper
Al Flegel
Roseburg, Oregon
Cliff sWiild
hene OR chard 1-4436
Will Soon Have A Heated Swim-
ming Pool For The Exclusive Use
if Of Todd Apartments Tenants.
tVv- Located Between Vista
-ijiV, Homes ond The Terraca
At $60.00 Per Month Phone OR 3-4340
in Corvallis where he attended Ore
gon State College.
New Many Wear
With Little Worry
Kl. talk, laugh or anrcxa without
faar at lnacura rLs teeth droppim:,
Jlpptaff or wobbling. FAHTEKTH
hoi da plat flmur and mora com-foru-bly.
llita plnaant powder ha no
Hum my, (noey, puty utt or frHlnit.
nonan't rauw nan. It a alkaline
, non-acid), (hack a "pint odor"
leVntiira braath). Oat FAS! 1CETH at
nj druff eountar
Mow tha V
the - I A
In tHo j j
$ aahion -new i ' V
...,trter'a ' t
Tnorootyou. ' , I '
to look ' V - A .
iOvller I
PT.WT Kl vm I WU
Va st.s ToeMitfoe
Ik for OM leg-am it
tht emnt Batiks of Jromr oniifl.
ens, bw ond UA.
No ms), no pull, no (train.
THai'e wtif thrf look eo lovelf
r tonstrev tool
Others 1.35 to 1.93
S7A ! Vic"' ZJMf
What's the Wests most powerful premium doing here?
WVvr put it In Uie pH-tntr situplT to romind yon llmt. wVrrvtr yrn pU-orore
tako' you. Kiv!l 76 p:vi!itM tin make drWirR thereTpRrt of tiie pK-tsw, too. It's
"Tln rinit" Yini p-t K nt tlie sfsm of the brg 76 wWe ctiMJviK'rs
U II ti iIk1 Minute M:n Srviif" ts ss pxxl a tltr Ra.sflrK.
.... ....
"The Beit Plo. e to Slvp . After All"