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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1958)
r vivrr? i M0r a. 1958 The Newt-Review, Reteburf, Ore. ilia. : : rww.-' ' "" '' w4 !i umiiiii'i . - - FV7v w' A -' a - w : 1 i V SISTER SUPERIOR MARY NOREEN of Mercy Hospital, obove left, presents o 100-hour pin to Pink Lady Kay Word ot th Mercy Auxiliary meeting Monday evening at the hospital. Receiving 50-hour awards ond pictured above were Mrs. Howard Pattison and Mrs. Paulus McKee. Others receiving 100-hour awards and not in the picture were Mrs. James Richmond, Mrs. Leland K. Wimberly and Mrs. Ed Radigan. Mrs. Paul K. Ryan is irt charge of the Pink Lady service of the auxiliary. (Picture by Clark's Studio). J, S" e . - r , MATILDA S. RAPPUE, president of the Roseburg Business and Professional Women's Club, is attending the 37th an nual Oregon State Federation convention in Gearhort and Seaside May 2-4. A pre-convention board luncheon was held at The Sands, Gearhart, Friday ot 1 p.m. followed by a Mardi Gras dinner at 7 p.m. at the Hotel Gearhart. Saturday the incoming presi- ... . dent's breakfast at The Sands wis 1 TONLIGHT BAYTHEME altendrd bv Arta Fowler, president- OF GLENDALE PROM, DINNER elect. Business session started at , The GIcndaIe Junior . Senjor 9 a m in he Klks Temple, Sea-,prom and dmner were hpd Satur. side, for all delegates and alter- u, , lh hi,,., rhi . tITne gymnasium was decorated . .'7 . , 1 J V if, ir. MRS. E. R. (KATHERINE) KENNY, above, was honored Tuesday by the employees of the Pacific Telephone ond Telegraph Company on her 40th anniversary with the com pany. Open house was held from 2 to 4 p.m. at the com pany lounge. A dinner honored her in the evening. Mrs. Kenny is pictured above cutting the first piece of the beau tifully decorated anniversary cake. The tea table was centered with an arrongement of calla lilies tulips and spirea and flanked by tall candles in crystal holders. A very lovely cutwork linen cloth was used. Below, Mrs. Ken ny is shown receiving her 40-year pin from H. A. Gerrish, general commercial manager, Portland, at far right. At the left is Duane Lafferty, manager of the Roseburg office, ond R. B. Bacon, district commercial manager, Eugene. Mrs. Andrew Fisher had charge of the open-house, which was attended by more than 100 employees. Mrs. Kenny began her work with the company 40 years ago as cashier and clerk ond has been in continuous service since that time with the company. In 1953 she was promoted to the posi tion of supervisor of the business office. (Top picture by Jay of Photo Lob ond lower picture by Chris of Photo Lab). rates. Tonisht and installation of state officers at the Hotel Gearhart will be held, followed by a reception for Miss (irace Daniels, first vice president of the National Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women's clubs. Sunday morning a past state president's breakfast is sched uled at the Hotel Gearhart. Dele- A WEDDING OF INTEREST to many friends in Roseburg took place the evening of April 22 at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris D. Longfellow Sr. at Kirk land, Wash., when Mildred Freshour became the bride of John J. Longfellow Sr., both of Roseburg. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Long of this city. (Picture by Chris of Photo Lab). The double ring ceremony was , the reception was lovely with ap- performed by the Rev. Charles E. pie blossoms and malcning can-j .Nelson of Kirkland. dies. i For her wedding the bride chose ; Those attending the wedding a pale green afternoon dress. Her : were Sharon and Patty Bruce, cor.sage was of tiny pink roses and granddaughters of the bridesroom; carnations. Matron of honor was , Mrs. Harris I,ongfelJow Sr., Mr. way appropriate to the theme of Mrs. LaVerne Bruce, daughter of and Mrs. John Reynolds and chil- I . ''-ill f "'' tin ? ' i v f f- , yr f, vN"K. wry ....... A 1$.- . - , f ' ' ? , It I S , , s k ;:u ,i v M g , ,v!. :- : v -"4 1 i :?Ty j m '3 :7. U Jr the prom, "Moonlight Bay. The dining room was decorated with baskets of flowers placed alMHit the room. Bands of flowers trailed down the centers of the ta bles. The head table was accented bv a centerpiece of driftwood on gates in addition to the above 17 7"7'v , . . FC j . ...ed. A chenille boat topped by a Kdvthe Gilmour. V. Vivian Iflgs-1 -lapanese umbrella -was placed at Hon nd .lternatt-v Lillian Strat- Mch PiaU -Napkins were engraved ton and Golda Nickell. the bridegroom who wore a navy ; dren. Terry. Tobi and Greg. blue suit with white carnations, j Mr. and Mrs. Longfellow spent Harris D. Longfellow sr., twin several days around Hoods Lanal brother ot the bridegroom, was i .Marvsville. I aroma. best man. Bremerton visiting relatives and The rooms were decorated with , friends before returning to Rose bouquets of apple blossoms and burg, where they will mak their white lilacs. The bride's table at home. MRS. FOR E E HOSTESS AT FRIDAY DINNER PARTY ELGAROSE MOUNTAINEERS HAVE RECENT MEETING CAMP FIRE GROUP HAS RECENT CEREMONIAL "HARD TIME" DANCE IS Ekjitvcn QV tAJII DIIDITCC lin silver. Each couple was given, The Wlbur Recreation Club met iJiui-m.. Saturday evening for a "Hard stock club met inenuncins room was uecoraiea Time" dance. Garv Nichols, (iary home of G enn Mrs. Laurence Pine and the eirls of her Sundav school class Seatlle and 0f the Green Community Church enjoyed a dinner party Friday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koree of Roseburg. The table was beautifully ar ranged and centered with a bowl of spring flowers. The dinner was served by candlelight. Invited guests were Mrs. Calvin recently at the ! Harrah. wife of the pastor of the and Stevie Sand, i Melrose Community Church, who Helen Gorrell Bride Of Frank Milton Kirchoss The Klgarose Mountaineers 4-H Mrs. Oscar (Lulu) (iorrell hast of the Pouglas County Welfare with silver moons and stars hang-;Bault and Jerry Spinas furnished (leorge Sanders, local leader, was spoke to the girls on the subject of Th on v Wi f,.,n Fire fiirls i, . lr"'" tne music, air. ana .irs. rrea ivoe- in charge. , Lite, ana Mrs. (.an weiKuin anu p r"B.l," hies arranged around the dance hler were host and hostess for the r..i f.i,mf. r. ' daughter. Janet. Janet Dlaved a floor were covered by vari-colored evening. The guests appeared in H t0 I)onnje, Ronnie and Elaine ' flute solo, accompanied by her tablecloths with frogs and fish as many clever costumes. (loertien. (Jeorganna and Douglas ' mother at the piano. After the pro- centerpieces. ; At the meeting preceding the seders, Lee and Gary Sand. Ron-1 gram the girls played games and The Lions Club Band from Can- dance, the club authorized pur- nje an(j ;ary Johnson, Dennis enjoyed group singing, yonville played for the dance. A chase of material for a new floor Sjogren and Joe Russell Sand. j Those attending the affair were buffet supper was served at the in the recreation hall kitchen. Olga J-ne n(,xt meeting will be an- Margie Met.'laren, Hubbard, close of the evening. Harvey, Cecil Jameson and Dick nn,,nred later ! Diane Jacobs, Rosc.Marie Trotter. announced the marriage of her dautihler. Miss Helen M. (iorrell, to Frank Milton Kirchoss Satur day. April 19. at St. Andrews Chap el, Sugar Kslage, Charolctte Ami lie. St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, L'SA. Mrs. Gorrell was formerly Doug las County School Superintendent. Her daughter is a former member Dept. staff. During World War II she servrd with the Red Cross in the Far Eastern and South Pacific areas. Since moving to St. Thomas, she has owned and operated a gift shop. Her mother joined her there to was a delegate from the Virgin Islands to the United Nations in San Francisco MRS. VIRGIL BROADWATER COMPLIMENTED AT SHOWER of Sutherlin held a ceremonial and bead-awarding ceremony recently followed by a wiener and marsh' mallow roast. Present were Beverly and Bar bara Curry, Barbara Treman, Bar hara Webber, Karen Harris, Karen Charming Pink And Blue Shower Given Waugh, Janice Johnson, A see and Sharon Rapp. Both the dinner and the buffet Hanson were appointed to serve Benice were prepared by a group of the on. the ways and means commit- CHARMINO SHOWER PARTY Junior class mothers. tee for this year. HONORS MRS. PAUL TOLANO i Mrs. Paul Toland of Drain was i pucst of honor at a pink and blue I shower Thursday evening at the ( home of Mrs. liay Stratton. Win ners of the clever games were Mrs. Frank Doyel and Miss Ella Hilkemeier The beautiful pink cake was top Margaret McCardia. Sharon Palm er. Janet Weikum, Mrs. I aurenre Pine, Mrs. Calvin Harrah. Mrs. Carl Weikum and Mrs. Charles Force. GIFT SEWING CLUB MEETS A ELKHEAD Mrs. George Langdon of Elk head graciously entertained mem bers of the Elkjiead Gift Sewing The ladies of the Green Com munity Church were hostesses at a pink and blue shower Thursday afternoon given in hoor of Mr. Virgil Broadwater. Mrs. Laurence Pine and Mrs. Clyde VanAtta were acting hostesses. The rooms were beautifully dec orated with masses of snrinff flnu reside a year ago. The bride ers. The glft ub,e w ccnlered with a stork holding streamers and surrounded by flowers. The amall er gifts were presented in i decor ated buggy. Gamci were enjoyed and after the delicious refreshment! were served. Mrs. Broadwater opened her gifts. She was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Walter Smith, and by Mrs. Ronald Poteet. Those attending or aendine- cifts were Mrs. Leon a Woodall, Mrs. Al Cummings, Mrs. Noah Hatfield. A charming pink and blue show, Susan: Kimi Ann Hatfield, Mrs. er was held recently- at the (Wide (:0rge Neal. Mrs. Melvin McCord. ( hur h of ( hnst to honor the ar- Mr. Ma. Woods. Mrs. Bess Blake- rival of ha by Wendy Carol Hat-1 iv yrs. C. f. Moore. Mrs. George ! Mrs. Sam Suver, Mra. Russell NeU field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casebeer. Mrs. Roger Gillette, I son, Mrs. Casey Johnson, Mrs. Wil Lclie Hatfield. 1 he church nar-lv.nn.. l-h ti,.iun. f un. h Cnhlp Mn VHu,. rh.Mn.. lors were decorated with bouquets ry (;,i''e, Mrs. Dewey 'obenchain, j Mrs. Dean Rammage, Mrs. Cari nemum, jirs. Laurence Bair, Mrs. Clyde Van Atta, Mrs. Laurenca ot spring nowers. I Danny and Gregg; Mrs. Jim Hen- i.uncneon was serven ai noon Dy , nigan, Mrs. Tim Sunrstedt sr.. ped with a tiny clothesline hung Club at her home Wednesday all with miniature haby clothes. ernoon. A fried chicken dinner was Guests were I Guests were Mrs. Josenh Ben ninehoff. Mrs. Frank Dovel. .Mrs. the diversions of the afternoon Martin League. Mrs Theor Har- Present included Mrs. Winnie I mon. Mrs. Carl Knenig, Miss Ella Brink, Mrs. Edith Record. Mrs. Hilkemeier and Miss Kathenne Nelva Rust, Mrs. Ethel Reeves, Schreiber. Several guests who Mrs Thelma Brozio, Mrs. Gladys were unable to be present sent Jazek, Mrs. Ruby Jazek. Mrs. Eva ! gifts. Jazek and Mrs. George Langdon. the hostesses. Mrs. Bill Balcolm M f. Keith Smith. Mrs. R. P. Rlakeiy. V-.. Justin Eifcrt, Mrs. Tom Mullm and Nils. Mile Mullir. Following luncheon, Mrs. Hatfield ik a " r .h ,';,"",K opened the many gifts presented to her small daughter. Guests enjoying the Mrs. Carl Beaudry. Mrs. Lillie Van Horn, Mrs. Lydia Owen, Jennifer Smith, Daniel and Billie Balcolm Pine, Mrs. Dclmar Elliott, Mrs. Ronald I'olect, Mrs. Kenneth Ev ens, Mrs. Eugene Legg, Mrs. Wal- were Mrs. Ralph Sciple, afternoon Mike and Jr'.Vrr -; " J Mrs. George Ryan Is Complimented Saturday t-1 ! MRS. CLIFFORD PETERSON GIVES DINNER PARTY Mrs. Clifford Peterson of Oak land entertained at dinner Tues day evening for Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and lis and I.aur-aiu-e uf Sutherlin. Also present were Mr. Peterson and Diane. ATTEND CONVENTION Ars Ruwell Rummel, Mrs Walter Edmonds, secretory, ond Wrs. Don Aaton, president ct the Rcscbar-; Arrencan Ass,-c;otion cf University Women, o-e pictured obove. THe three, occompomed by Mrs. Hal Schiltr, cf the Myrtle Creek Mail, ottended the AAUV state convention in Grontj Pas last week. (Picture by Portia Schiltz of Myrtle Creek Moil). Mrs. Ed Nichols and Mrs. Henry bert, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Palanuk, ' Patterson were hostesses at a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faulkner, 'charming surprise party held in ' Lloyd Cox, Miss Mignon Mcf'or the dining room of the Red Barn miek. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nichols Saturday evening at d 30 in honor and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Palter of the birthday of Mrs. George son, all of (Hide; Mr. and Mrs Ryan. Lloyd Goodpastcr and Mr. and , P.uquets of spring flowers grac- Mrs. Elmer llurd of Roseburg and led the tables. After the guest of the honoree, Mrs. George Ryan, I honor had opened her many gifts, i and her husband, 'a buffet supper was lerwd with Those sending gifts but unable the traditional birthday cake. The to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn evening was spent in dancing. Img. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Ca Gue.ts celebrating the event sev, Mrs. Asa DcGroot, Mr and .were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pueh,jMrs. Gus Carlson, Brenda. Harry I Mr and Mrs Fred Blair, Mrs. and Eddia Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Bell Dunlap, Howard Casey, Mra. I Jimmy Evan and Mrs. Arthur hl r.laina Ash, Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Gil- by. and the honored guests, Mrs. Les- ter Smith, Mrs. Ernest McCardia, lie Hatfield and Wendy Carol. Mrs. Fred Winters, Mrs. Ray Mil Those sending gifts but unable chell, Mr. Frank Stringer, Mra. I to attend were Mrs. Ilamer Keen, Les Forney, Mrs. Charles Force, ! Mrs. Glenn Wright. Mrs Charles, Mrs. George Holm, Mrs. A. E. , Hen and Mrs. Tim Sughrstedt Broadwater and the honoree, Mrs. i Jr. I Virgil Broadwater. ft June Wedding? w l.iw 1 1 r-5r ci Beautiful Invitotionj & Announcement FOUR DAY SERVICE WEDDING BOOKS BRIDE BOOKS PHOTO CANDLES NAPKINS PLATES CUPS SPOONS FORKS HAVE THEM PERSONALIZED BOOKS Books on Wadding Etlqutttt GUEST BOOKS THANK YOU NOTES Get ALL Your Wedding Requirements At ROSEBURG BOOK STORE 5s? S. E. Jockion ORchard 3 5354