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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1958)
12 Th Newt-Review, Roseburg, Tha fallow.) r ae talanue araf ramg aa aril4 at fraa ft mch tfm tha r4iaatt4 4ttiaaa. Ttta Htwt-Ritw 4i aat ft w . KBES-TV Ch. 5 Rfmaining Houri Today 4 0VLibrar 4 yu. Wetis Frg 4 m ,atwa OO (iifv Jon a 10 Top Dollar T 00 L oo Treasure 1.10 Hat Gun Will Travel 00 Gunamolt inc Fietioei CTCCI YOUR J I CCL TIME Galvanixtd STEEL ROOFING Corrugated Now ttock, USS Sheet, in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12-foot Ungths. Immediate MOORE STEEL 416 N. E. Fulton, Roteburg KOIN-TV Ch. 6 Rem i in in g Houri Today 4-00piaT of the Weak A V Parry Maaon IO Top Dollar 7 00 Gala Storm I 10 Have Gun, Will Travel II 00 Gunamoke .10 Death Vallee Dave, OO Richard Diamond t V) Star Performance lfl 00 New Wire MAC'S HARDWARE TV & APPL. CO. 1212 S. I. Steanani OR J 3751 OPIM SUNDAYS AMU 1:30 PM General Paint SPRING SAL! hoiIIi1 4.98 PAINT al Sva Over S2.00 FRII PARKING KPIC-TV Ch. 4 Remaining Houri Today 4 15 Dianeyland-ARC 4 15 Farm Newer eel 4.10 People, are Funnv-NRC T 00 Perry Com o NBC O0 Target .10 Turning Point -NM t 00-Ted Mark NBC For Finott Undortoor Faihion4 BIGEL0W GULISTAN FIRTH ALDON W, Initoll What Wa Sail linnrDW Hoime ofcahf-kts COVKRING 111 r Oak OR 1-4374 KRNR 1490 KC Remaininf Hours Today 4 00- Nawa 4 OA Round A Round lociair 4 .41 Texar Sftorta 4 45 Frank Goea A VV-WeatrMr 00 Muale M IK Wee 5 15 CBS RporU A .10 ft porta 4 ,15 Johnny Dollar On Newa 4 05 FBI 1 Paaea) War 4 :n Dane OrrheatT 7 00 Variety Tim 7 .to World Tonight 1 M Newa Analyst T 55 Ttmbertrail Nw4 00 Wax Work 00 Newa 05 Eaav LUIenlng. Claaairal 4 0 Glvnn McCready 10 00 Nawa CONCRETE PIPE Caat 50 fa 100 USS that rha ktnefc a piaa LASTS in Joftnlttly! Com para . . . hrin yaur Swr, Culvart, Drataafa araaUma ta ua. KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today S OO Nawa MBS 3 o America Top Tune 2 .ttt- Newa MBS ,1 15 America To Txinea MRl OA News MBS 4 05 Hawaii t CH- MRl 4 10 Proud tv Wa Hail 4 OO- News MRS 4 05 Bandstand I'M MM 4 10 Kraft Newa MRS t, Bandstand I'SA -MBS 5V-Uii A Sport mt Newt- MBS a 0.5 Boh Grant Nawa a i' -Music -Newa MRS 4 15 Bandstand t'S A- MRS 7 0A Word of 1. if MBS M New a MRS T .15 arm Bureau Ekohanga 45 Rhthm Ai Random g 00 Newa MRS 4 0.5 Rarry Giav Show .45 News MR 15 Rarrv Ctsv Show t Oft News MRS 05 Rarrv Grav Show MRS t V-News-MRS 15 Rarrv (inv thaw MRS 10 OO Newa MBS APPLIANCE REPAIR ALL MAKES AND MODELS 24coMur OR 3-6246 JAY'S APPLIANCE REPAIR KYES 950 KC St' KB AT T Of! R'ff'ii On Tftl-Uax l t Muaia T 25 Newt T .10 Wi.t 1 a ta Mua ia t m Newa Highlighta t 00 Na v Hour S 13 Radw Ruth riaaa 4 3Thr telle Br4hei hrMd Hots - l OCwMt HigtiiictiM f Or. Sot. May 3, 1958 j arm Ri.hard Diamond ft People ara Funny inm Caveman Thetra It W News , 11 iJS-gn Off 1 I It MA1. MAT 4, 1454 10 Srt Cartoon 10 10 On Word Cnnrept 13 rr ma Nation 1 Oft- Dan Kmnnl Report I IS Country Mvla (J ft A I 10 Action In Ana 3 (X Ma m Tram , BUILDINGS ACAINST AND WEATHER! Delivery SERVICE CO.. INC. Phone OR 2-2658 10 05 "Jane Eyre" M NDAT. MAT 4, I 11 00 Thu la the Lia 11 ,'tft Faith for Tori a v Ijrio-The Chrlaiophera 12 tO Face the Nation I 00 Lamp Unto My Fee 1 .10 Cnmpaia J 00 Meet the Prea 2 to-Marriage Jk ramlly a OO Jaiee Difeat 3 IO-Concert Hal) 3 4S- Gov Hnlmea Report 4 00 To Be Announced 4 OO- Laal Word Complete Drapery Cuttom-Modo Draperies ierie Tordi Rods 1.69 Kirtch Rods SPECIAL NOW BELGIAN LINEN r I 60 Inches wide ROSEBURG VENETIANS & DRAP "Everything for The 214 S. E. Jockson St. 1 4 Ml Your Hit Parade NBC ! inOft I, Welh AHC 11 Oft Saturday Cinema rNIMT, MAT 4. Itl m 4 VO Frontlera of Faith -NBC 10 ftO -Churrh m the Homo 10 .(0 Comment- NBC 11 Oft American Forum NBC 11 Ui-link Here NBC 12 00 Faith for TfKlav 12.W-Thla la the Life Call WALT'S for TOWING AMBULANCE RADIATOR REPAIR Phone OR 2-2652 4(7 N. (. Winh..t.r St. 10 OA Glvnn MrCreadv 10.30 Haven of Feet 4t NIiT, MAT 4. 14 4 00 Sign On 4 00 Newa I 05 Keneallv Newa 4 15 P S Show 4 10 Salt Lake Choir OA-Newa 05 Real F.alala Hour 11 ftO Ford how 1 1 n N Y. Philhartnonte, 12 lO Ford Sty 12 :15 Dane Ore h eat r a 1 Oft Newa 1 05 Beat In Mum 2 00 Maaland Color Show 4 no Newa 4 0.V Aienia of Melody 4 .tft Sunday Desk 3 OA News 5 ft Frontier Gentleman 5 10 - Luke Slaughter 5 W Ford Show 4 Oft - New ELLIS CABS Needs driver or driving partner. Call OR 3-6655 SALES SERVICE TOWN COUNTRY REFRIGERATION 511. WORK til tRANTMl) v.r:;: or 2-4392 W III save yea maaey 10 05 Vut'C 10 (.- Nri -MHI in 15 Muiip 11 .rt-'tomorrow a Headltn 11 05 Sign off at nT. M4T t. i-i4 7 00 Wings of Healing MRS 7 ift Rat k To (,od Hour MHI l' K.l o H h e Cta VHi a of Tropheey-MHH 'Hi New MRS 0 15 How Chiiettan Science Heal - MRS al nk A Frt . 5tfS a i- iio Who sered - MBS Mo ,ood Ciilren "1 trig A Soor itiiiir I 17 Jft I 12 Ift- News MRS ehui g aletera Newa . vt I no . News MRS 1 05 -America Top Tre MRS 1 KV- MRS America Tn T-ines MRS ie. Hn MRS N 51 MS .Newt MR Si- IS fut News MH CLEAN ! A clean haatmf viteea ava twal! Call S & S Furnjca Cleaning OR 2-4091 4 nj t htitrh of t Uriel ' 1J 5A Nwt H'ghhghie 4 14 -A htiraj Tim i i -M is.lee At Mod i5-New i iv-t.tte! Stat 4 -Aih.a Tima j m-Atagiral World Of Mutt 10 110-New 134 st. Highlight 10 at- At bur Tima 300-Oid Fa-hioned Senai Motrr in 2 News 2 V- ReaerA ed for You 10 lO-Aihiirn Time 3 . forward March 11 nit- tWi Churrh Sr,re , t -v .Nrw !2 iaT-Nw a High: gh it .5 0.1-St. tvlay Cfi4rt In Jan Iioo-Sunrtar ftnowra4 f Musi 3 13New 115 N 1 atw1ae roe.e ra Jaa ,ljs- Sundae Showr-a arf MNiaaa I mjra R gh' g"a puM ric far Nawa-Ravuw rdr. AH aiaraaa uWiik4 sec ratajaaiiatlrty far variattaa Mm n4 4ct.aulaa tar una' tk4 3 0n Rotf miv Cloortejr 3 10 Shir lev Tempi 4 1ft M aver .1 sO-Thi ! TTia Utm 4 (jo News 1 To Be Announced 4 10 Jark Rennv 7 Oft- Ed Sullivan 4tO-C E Theatre W Alfred Hiichroeli 4 00 Loreiia Young H-Ray MiNand 10 lift World Pauport lO.ioPat Boon 11 00- --News TRUCKERS! CONTRACTORS! FOR OFF THE ROAD SERVICE SEIBERLING POWER LUG TRUCK TIRES GUARANTEED PARKER 2335 Diamond Lake Blvd. S 2S Robert Trout, Newt 5 io 20th Century A no ltue ' 4 .Ml -Jack Benny 7 0O-Kd Sullivan Show 4 on Ci f. Theatre 4 to Alfred Hitrhrork 9(H) tA4,onO Challenge tft-Whal a Mv Line 10 00 Too Late for Teare" MONDW-. MAT 4, ll4 4 00-Garrv Moore Show 4 W-Hiiw Do Vou Rale 5 Oft Arthur Godfrey Time Service Yordoge A Per hU Yd Well - Dressed Window" Phone ORchard 3-5491 -Thru the Porthole Chrlatian Science- Proaram Championahip Bowling 1 i: 1 H 2 to 3 0( 4 l - America on Farad -Omni hue NBC -Ja ce Meet the Preee NBC -Outlook NBC Mv Friend Fhoka NBC -Science Fictin Theatr Steve Allen NBC -Chew Show- NBC -Loretla Young NBC 5 'Ml S lO tt 00 4 Ml 7 00 4 IHl 4 Oft LAWNMOWER SHARPENING I REPAIR PICKUP t DELIVERY Western Saw & Marine 1771 N. I. Staahani OR J-7S6I 4 05 Sutpen.s 4 tft This la Radio 7 i- New 7 0.5- Mitch Miller g irA New 4 o.- Country Muate 4 tft Fact or Fantav 4 15- -World Tonight 4 45 Sport Time 4 ftft-Rirhfield Reporter 15 Sign Off MONDAY, MAT I, H54 4 OO - New 4 05 Dawn Patrol 4 25 New 4 in Dawn Patrol 7 oft Musical Variety 7 05 Timbertrail New 7 10- Pillowpoundera Par ad I 7 2 .V -Ne' 7 25- Frank Go 7 .V-JUnv Babbitt 4 no New 4 il5 Tnaat Tunea 4 25 Newa mm 7 DAYS A WIEK N titri larsica tltrft far ti, Stt , taut. I Hsatt Sartitt ftt I I aaty 54) 1 fit tats Ht Ms I D.ltiast M . W. Raalla 1 Sor)4 Jl 44 11)11 fcJ 3 05 -Youra for a Song J 1(1 ,aw -MBS .1 15 Spoils Beat MRS 4 lift Hfartheat Theatr 4 IO News MBS 4 15- Scr aphnk of MiMir- 5 iO-l.Liiha.ia-, H.tur- MRS ft- Nf w MHS 5-M.i.iC Henitid The - MBS ft 10 John T r :.nn MRS 45-Dan Smont 5tRS 7 - 51 ai lan Tueati - MRS 7 t New MRS 7 :5 Muic Rennd The Stata k lift New 45 Ban G'v Show MRS 4 :i New- MRS a m H.t.r of Vrta-or. rn o U ng of Healing MR lOOO-Sign Off MONDAY. MAT 4, Vg 4 Oft HiHiier Keveiila 4 iX Dawnouateia 4 20 it Mark rl New 4 :,uiu mg A porle g tft- Nrwt MRS 0 15 Hill Mem AIRS 4 o . ouolv Afent a 4.V A .ai m n.i. Ou 4 5 Weather Report 7 iW-F-ank Hemingwa- MRS 7 1 V ftraf.t (,ng 7 XI New MRS T 15- Serenade to a lep,head for t'w finest in WEDDING M&M PRINTERS ill ERIES Hi 1 10 14 Sign Off MONDAY. HAT 4. 141 11 AA nir Crook it A Tha Jtiewa 1 OS Cartoon II IS film Folio 11 A At the World Turn a 1JU0 Beat the Clock 12 10 Houf Parly I 00 Big Pavoff 1 -The Verdict la Youra 2 00 Bright- Day Z IS Secret Storm 2 to Rof of Night 2.00- -Feminin Fanne ALL POPULAR SIZES TIRE RECAPPING TIRECAP Phone OR 3-8301 4 .10 Dotto , to 00 Love of Life 10 to Srarch for Tomorrow 10 4S Guiding Lirht 11 OO Cronkite Newa II OS Hi Neighbor 11 .10 A World Turn 12 00 Beat the Clock 12 -to Houee Party 100 The Rig Pavoff 1 io Varrlirt la Youra 2 0ft Brighter Dav 2 15- fcecTet Storm 2 10-Fdge or Night .1 00-KOIN Khtrhen 2 10-Armchair Theatr SPECIAL! FLITE ONE COAT FLAT WALL PAINT $1.98ga.. 59C qr. ROSEBURC COLOR CENTER 41 S. . Main OR 3-5367 FREI PARKING ! TO Wagon Tram - NBC 10 .W Theatre Roal MOM1AT, MAT S. HM j WOO -Price a Right NBC 10 m Kittv Fo.vle-NBC J II OO-Matinee Theatr NBC w tKr-fjiieen for a Day NBC 12 41 -Modern Romance NBC 1 00 Comedy Time NBC 1 ift- Truth or ConxequencM Nl 2 oo-Variety Film Fair 3 Gueat Book IN A HURRY TRY OUR FAST SERVICE N Extra Charge) HONN'S CLEANERS 1019 S. I. Doufjei OR 3-8291 4 10 Toaat "n Tune goo New 05- Peter and Mary 9 15- Backstage Wif. 9 10 Toast n Tune 10 OO-Main Annul Town 10 05 -Man Named Mage 10 10 -Sanders Shoe Tim 10 15-Ma Perkina 10 IO Fav Valley Wearhee 10 .15- -Song of Yesteryear 10 AA- Midinorning Melodiea 11 no Nw, 1105--Right to Happiness 11 15 Second Mrs Rurtnei 11 :- Young Dr. Malon 11 45- Road of Life 17 0ft Nws at Noon 12 5 Meet the Artiet 12 :tO-Helen Trent 12 45 - Our Gal Sunday I 00 - Npvv 1 H5 Whupenng Street) 1 XV Arthur Godfrey 2 10 Hnutrpartv 3 00-Fonlin Around with Record Speciol Thii Week: SCREEN DOORS All Siiei at REDUCED PRICES AH Your Homo Improvamcntg, NO MONEY DOWN, Up Ta 60 Monthf. To Pay at fSit"4VaT 47 WTW Msunm IU1L0IN4 IUFFIY CO. ! 1 41- Local News 7 ft-Weiwrd to Mn 4 MBS ' 4 15 Melod 51;i g 10 New. MBS 4 15 Politick a on - n,.w - MR Bureau Enchan IO 1a ke Ft IV- lin Wuh Mni 4 . - New- 51BS 4 :v llln t-,,,r A tianien rr-n Tuoea 45 , , 5 i. ,,,,, JO oo NawPj,pr of -ha AT !ft i, Tt o 1.t MBS MRS Hi .0-ihriel Hoai-et-MRS - M , ,e r- 1 1 05- Sid 11 1ft- Muie 11 lO-New. MRS It 15 Queen For A Day MRS 12 on-Mid Dav Newt 12 IW Flving A Sp-wt 12 JO Mi.i,- 1J 15 (1 reel Your Neighbor 1 W-Matket Reports W Sunn S ,i I P 1 -V-Ka-e Sm-th Sinfa-MRS J Sunn Siri p 2 45 The Anwrr Man MR 1 fk Newt MR 55 ,t y9 .1 XI Naw MHS S 15 Sunn Sm I t If your News-Review hot not arrived by 6:15 p.m. Phone OR 2-3321 4vi (howdee Marehn tt rwhatm Socei 4 IV Newt 4 More 'rowor -S.t H ml nts 3 rtt- 5 15 N 3 tO 1 a Nf M 4 t- Far; a : nw 4 rn 1 Mpofl M a- Fvenii-.g Mnerli t.eninf Mooot 4 V- Ne 4j the t ov . rt gn off Local News Mr. and Mn. Karvwrh Kiss.1 i( Portland stopped briefly in Kose burg Friday en route to California on a Wo weeks vacation. Mr. Kis sel was formerly Kith the VA Hos pital staff here prior to being transferred to Portland. Th. Rav. and Mrt. B. L. Millard lift thu cck for Houston. Texas, and Panama City, Kla. They will attend a Southern Baptist conven- lion ai nnusiuu inu urn timi m im and family u Pan etna City. The Millard, expect le be g6n. for about Jive weeki. Mrs. Clyd. Fullarton and daugh- ler, U Ann; Mrs. Henry Darby and Uui.hter ilineer. and I.oretla (iladwell left Kriday nutht for As toria, where the three girls will take part in program. The three girls are dance students of J 0 y Powell, Mrs. Kanrwlh Frasiar and chil dren, George and Gene, have re turned to their home in Mountain Home. Idaho, following a ten-day visit here with the former's par- ents-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Krasier. Kenneth Krasier came for the weekend to take his family back jfc, Church, cooked food and plant with him. ale, front of J. C. Penney store, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Frasiar and 9 .10 a m. daughter. Mary Sue, and Mr. and South Oaar Crtak Grange, reg Mrs. Robert Krasier and son, Paul, ular meeting, potluck. supper, 7 plan to leave tomorrow for Med- p m. ford where they will be the guests Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m., of the former s uncle, Lewis Fras- 245 SK Jackson, for moro informa ier, and family. The group is mak-jtion call OR 2-27.V. ing the trip to attend the wedding Evergreen Old Time Dance Club, at 6 p.m. Saturday of K. R. Fras-i to 1 p.m., KP hall. Roseburg. ier'. rnuin Cen'roa Frasier. to Membership open to public, visit- Miss Betty llanlin. Evergreen Grange 'Dance Saturday The social committee of the F.vergrcen Grange will sponsor a dance Saturday for grangers and friends. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches and cookies. The committee plans to start another series of card parties May 17. Home Kconomics chairman Mrs. Gibson announced there would be a rummage sale May 7 at the Presbyterian Church. There will be a full course fried chicken dinner, with the public invitpd, Father's Day, June 15, at the grange hall. Viola White, chaplain, announc ed arrangements have been made for all members to attend church at the Green Community Church Mav 18 Robert G. Davis will speak on juvenile delinquency at the next meeting. May 9, before the meet ing at 8 p in Third and fourth degrees were conferred on Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCoy and Constance Warner of Evergreen, and Ellen Batman and Earl Siples of Melrose Grange. Tableaux were arranged by Mabel Burr and Isabella McDowell and Melvin Bohme sang a duel Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Dens more and daughter, Sandra, from Phoenix Grange; Mr. and Mrs. George Clements of l.ookingglass; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Siples. Paul Kreuger and Ellen Batman of Melrose: Mr and Mrs. Elwin King, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. James Byles. Mr and Mrs Chester Williams and Mrs. Maggie Francis, Fair Oaks Grange. MAKE BIG DEPOSIT YOKOSL'KA. Japan Agents for the Cunard Line deposited the equivalent of nearly SXI.noo with a Japanese district court Wednes- j Glida PTA, multi-purpose room day. Clearing the way for the lux-j of high school. 8 p.m. urv liner Caronia to sail for New I Umpqua Grovt SI, Supreme For York. The deposit of 12.308.600 est Woodman's Circle. Evergreen ven covers damages that may be Grange hall. assessed against the line for an abandoned. 60-year-old liehthouse knocked into the sea April when the Caronia rammed a seawall in Yokohama harbor. Movie Showtima SSTIROST M4.V s. itss INDIAN THEATRK - Children Ml- 100 Hop H.trrifn"- 107 ' LnhtB of Old Slj.Mii r 2 m F.vcnina door open s Two mmplrtt how S 4S. S 10 ' Witnvu for tha Prottfution" 7 n s "..".ra'Ar-r- -rVr'," the Rier Kwai" 4 15 only PINK DRIVE I.N - l.;e open 4 45 Show tarta 7 '0 "Ilei-taion at Sun down" 7.15. 11 oa "Let a Be Hpp 17. j SI N D AT. MAT 4lh INDIAN THFATRE MaUne door open 1 43 "The Brothers KaramaroV 3 ti Evening door open 4 4.5 Q n I complete ihow 7 tO The Brothers , Kjijiiuov H 10 only. 5TAHUTF. DRIVK-1N - Gates open1 4 4J Show .lart 7 13 "Ciah Itm1- i i' 11 12 ii "Navonsra" 4 J4 PINK MO FOR OH1VE-IN (.ale open i 4 5 Show start 7 W "Decision at Sundown ' 7 .17, 11 OJ "11 a Be Hap P IT LSS SHE WAS ON PINS AND NEEDLES . . . until the learned of the complete lotisfaction that owoits everyone right hitre at Bruce'i Radio and TV. N AK.L.t.d With GRAVES MUSIC CO. 1 vi'TTrTn 2 SATURDAY, MAY 3 George Starmer Camp It, Aux ilary 18. Iniled Spanish War Vet erans, Gold Room of L'mpqua Hotel. 11 a m. to 2:30 p m. State Department commander and state department auxiliary president to re present Bu(k,roo s 0ln c j u b d,nce o( mnnlh limrucllori ,:30 , g p m Buc,fr00 BsrIli square dancins. . All members bring sandwiches or cookies. Everyone welcome. Baiaar sponsored by Relief So ciety ol Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 9 30 a.m. Graves Music Store. Hayloft Squart Danca Club. p.m., Preschern Barn, ladies bring sandwiches, all square dancers in vited. Cooked food sale, Sutherlin Hotel Building. 10 a m., by St. Martha's Guild of Episcopal Church of Suth- erln i.u.HM riru nt virci ors welcome. Canyonvillo Baginnors Square Dance group. Youth Center. Trl N'Squart Dane Club. 8 p m., Eagles Hall, Myrtle Creek. SUNDAY, MAY 4 Recaption for high school and col lege graduates of First Baptist Church, 4:45 p.m. in lower audi torium of church. Mrs. A. G. Mc Lain. chairman. Bathany Choir of Grants Pass Presbyterian Church present con cert of sacred music at Glendale Olivet Presbyterian Church. MONDAY, MAY S Past Matrons Club of Roseburg Chapter No. 8, OES, 7:30 p m., dessert-supper at home of Mrs. John E. Runyan, SE Jackson. Public invited to see films on "Around South America' and "Wings to Haiti," 7:30 p.m., Doug las County Library. Shown by Lloyd Arant of Lewis Travel Service. No charge. Buckeroo Square Dance Club pat tern dancing, Buckeroo Barn, I to 10 p.m. Yoncalla Lions Club' evening meeting. Guest speaker. Elkton Aremo Club of Eastern Star, home of Mrs. Norman Comp ton. 8 p.m. Douglas Camera Club, 7:30 p.m., 8it0 SE Jackson St. clinic. Florida, Crater Lake pictures to be shown. Visitors invited. Glendale Job's Daughters, Glen dale Masonic temple. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers informal hearing on future protec tive works on liwer Vmpqua Riv er. 8 p.m.. Rcrdspnrt city hall. Benson School PTA, 8 p nr. school gvm. last meeting until fall. Knights of Pythias Pythias Hall, regular session. 8 p.m., refresh ments. Sutherlin Jaycaas, 7:30 p.m.. Scout hall. Canyonvillo Jaycaos, 7:30 p m., cith hall. Gltndala City Council, 7:30 p.m., citv hall Proposed New Columbia Bridge Said Feasible PORTLAND Multnomah County commissioners, after studying a preliminary engineer ing report, said Thursday a pro posed Columbia River bridge be tween Camas, Wah., and Trout- dale Ore., is feasible. The bridge is proposed as a toll span. It would connect Oregon with a proposed new highway on ! W..h.non side of the Colum bia. starts WED. May 7 KISTOS BSi NNER-BAXTtR ".nG now R03!N50N-DtCfRLO cm. PAGET joDRW I':.rd r-rocM-SCOTT j.ct AN DtRSON vct PRlCC .. iu. WilBm"WKVuV One Showing Nightly at 7:30 Only DOORS OPEN t 4 JO Motinao Sot t Sun ADULTS 1.25 Srudnrt-0 Kiddiat-SOa I I CALENDAR OP EVENTS tomorrow Umpqua K.nn.1 Club, olwdwnce classes. 7:30 p m . Douglas County fairgrounds. Hayloft Squara Dane Club be ginners class. 8 p m , Prehchern Barn. Dude Sibley instructor. Winston City Council, city hall Winston Dillard kiwanis Club, 6:30 p.m. Sundoy thru Tutiday "LES GIRLS" Itorrin, Gne Kel. ly, Mitii Gaynor, Kay Kendall and Tom. El,, plus "MAN ON HUE" with tinj Croiby Ends Tonight "APRIL LOVI" and "PURSUIT OF THE GRAF SPEE" Sunday "TEA AND SYMPATHY" iter ring Debre Ktrr and John Ktrr, plus Cartoon Carnival Ends Tonight "D-DAY, THE 6TH OF JUNE ' plus "THE VANISHING PRAIRIE" and "WILLY. THE SINGING WHALE" . . thru SUN! GATES OPEN 6 45 RANDOLPH I SCOTT JOHN CARROLL TWIN HITS ,et'sbei TONV MARTIN VERSEUEN CLOSED MON-TUE-WED NOW. Endi Tonite: BRIDCE ON THE starts SUNDAY! RIVER FOR ONE WEEK KWAI" ran L AC Gates Open 6:45 Worlds apart ...theirs as the daring love affair violating every rule, every ruslom, every tenluries-old A belief! :1 v. Am HIT FIIMFI) IN JVPtS feoturi toiRY M-RBIL N;NCY D4."S I rTostimtTTaiiight! WliNESS for the ctll PROSECUTION -""j" SUN-MON-TUE Complete Shows 7:30 Only MATINEE SUNDAY at 1:41 LOVE! ... HATE! VIOLENCE! FATHER and SON in clash vr tha soma beauty! MARIA SCHELL CLAIRE BLOOM lee j.cobb albert salmi ;,::,.hichard basehart In UCID0C010R 'ATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS and 2 Academy Award Winners: BEST Supporting Actress: TMA"KK BEST Supporting Actor: utVons J . V - . . v n:.-Al . .. ei. B a1- fc.-f TECHNICOLOR TECHNIRAMA C starn- Patricia OWENS . Red BUTTCtS R cardo MONTALBAM Martha SCOTT James GARNtR .r. MIIKO TA K A PRICES: THIS ATTRACTION ADULTS - 90c CHILDREN 10c