10 The NewRevlew, Reseburg, Ort. Sot. Moy 3. 1958 I I U- ,4 f IE II.' I A DELIGHTFUL social event of Friday was the onnual Mothers Tea given by the Girls League of tha Riddle High School. The high school auditorium was converted into a bower of spring flowers interspersed with dancing girl jilhouettes on large white ponels flanked by miniature cherry trees. The tea tables were covered by pastel cloths Preceding the program, incidrn-; dresses m presented by the fol tal mipir was played by .Mrs. Don lowing girls : Maxine Huckel, Judy Wren, .Margaret Neal. S a 1 1 i e Dawson, Barbara Humphrey, Bev Smith and Suzanne Bordeaux icrly Cockrell. Tern Daniels, Judy Mrs. Margaret MrGee. Girls ! Anderson, Sylvia htremcha. Glad- centered with massed lilacs surrounded by apple blossoms. Incoming and outgoing officers are pictured above. The girls wore lovely frocks of soft spring colors for the occasion. Refreshments were served. (Picture by Warren Studio, Myrtle Creek). Participating in the style show rilyn Zifka, president; Edna New- of the home economics classes of comb, vice president; Cecilia Mrs. John Season Jr., with Nancy Weakley, secretary; Sylvia Sutton, McCov as emcee, were Patricia treasurer; Peggy Koerner, social Preston. Sharon Charton. Sandra chairman: Dcanne Harper and League advisor, and Judy Buckley, 1 ys Honstead, Noralou Preston, J Poole, .Marie Wilfong. Terry Jones , Barbara Williams, co-chairmen for president of the league, welcomed Barbara Frahm. Jerrilyn Zifka, j Mollie Barlow. Mae Wagoner, Shar- welfare; and Terry Jones, reporter. tha guests, Mrs. Bob Bordeaux giv-1 Janice McMillion, Patricia rrex-1 on I'oweu, mane aircuiian, i-nyi-ing the response for (he mothers. Ion and Jane Daniels. Sue Adsit lis Oshorn. Beverly Cockrell, Hose Mrs; William Thompson, accom-iwas narrator. Safank. Treva Lakin, Sylvia Sut- panicd at the piano by Mrs. Don Group singing included two num- ton. Linda Myers. Hnma McKay, Wren, sang "Mother Machree and , hers, "Whispering Hope and "The Cecilia Weakley and Janice .Mann Youg Peopla Hold progressive winner St. George's Episcopal You 1 1 People's fellowship held a delight ful progressive dinner party Fri day evening. Twenty-two young people en)oyed the occasion. Chap erones were Mr. and Mrs. John Pryor and Father Alfred S. Tyson. The various courses for the din ner were served at the following ; homes: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ja eoby, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenquist, Mr and Mrs. L. K. Cornwell. i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnhart and Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Montgomery. Southern Pacific Picnic To Be Event Of July 20 July 20 is the date for the fourth annual Southern Pacific picnic to be held at L mpqua Park as an all day a if air beginning at a.m. until evening. T. W. Bernard, trainmas ter, is in charge of arrangements for the affair. Between 8U0 and 900 are expected to attend this annual event. WINSTON. DILLARO BETHEL MEETS ON WEDNESDAY Winston - Dillard Bethel S3 met Wednesday evening at Douglas High School with junior bethel of ficers taking over the positions of I the appointive regular officers. As entertainment during t h t meeting one of the newer mem bers of the bethel. Wendy Hunt, played a flute solo. She was ac companied at the piano by Mrs. Lee Hunt. Honored Queen Jo Ann Thiele announced that charter past hon ored queen, Karen Amundson West, was presented an honorary membership certificate at the re cent Job's Daughters Grand Ses sion held in Metlford. Also at the session, Marcia G. Williams, past honored queen of Bethel 53, was awarded a Job's Daughters schol arship to further her education at Oregon State College. Marcia was one of eight Job's Daughters from the State of Oregon awarded a scholarshio throueh the Education 1 Committee of the Grand Guardian I Council. Janet Weikum and San i dra DeVore were delegates to the Grand Session from the Winston - Dillard Bethal and San dra De Vore was chosen as Grand Bethel third messenger. Sue Tro baugh, bethel daughter, was escort for Mrs. Zilpha McAllister, grand I I V Vei.' TT 1 vi t 5 1 1 Ml I 1 PRESENT OFFICERS of the Timber City Chapter Barbershop Chorus of Sweet Adelines pictured above include Bobby Fisher, treasurer; Gloria Malone, vice president; Ella Nutt, corresponding secretary; Patricia Boyle, president, and Bette Hiner, recording secretary. (Picture by Patricio Boyle). The girls then introduced their , messen'ger he opting mnthr and nrespAlpd their ad- . . .. .. . "K"'"S visor, Mrs. McGee. with a beauli- "M-O-T-H K-R" and Susan Navar ro gave an appropriate reading. Through the courtesy of the Myr tle Creek Golden Rule, a style show featuring sports wear, swim and lcr. with Mrs play suits and afternoon and street I panist End of a Perfect Day." by Kdna Newcomh. Gayle Owen, S a 1 1 i e Smith, Gloria Thompson, Ann Cas- sity, Carol Stuart and Sandra row- Mci.ce as accom- Ami v ' A piano and saxophone duet by Pat Teitsma and Peggy Koerner followed. Mnna Schofield announc ed the program numbers. Officers for the roming were introduced as follows ful potted plant. Teachers, .Mrs. Season and Miss Mary Lynn Holm, were given corsages. Noralou Preston. Rose Safank and Svlvia Sutton were named del- year egates to the Girls' League conven-Jef-'tion. A WEDDING of interest took ploce at the First Baptist Church in Canyonville April 18 at 9 p m. when Miss Brendo Sharon Charton, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Emmitt Charton of Riddle, become the bride of Gory John Coelyn, son of John H. Coelyn of Portland and Mrs. Art LeVasseur of Myrtle Creek. The Rev. Carl A. Walker -officiated Hinsdale Gardens Enjoyed By Many Hundreds Sunday One of the largest events to take areas overlook the gardens on ones Owens and Vicki Peterson place in Douglas County was en-1 side and spacious lawns and the joyed by several hundreds Sunday! l mpo.ua River on the other side, afternoon, when Mr. and Mis. . The tM taole was covered by a Howard Hinsdale opened their, f , wnj,e ,mn,.oidered lln beautiful five-acre garden and home on the I'mpqua River near clo,n nd nt"ed with an ar Reedsport as a benefit affair for j rangement of white Dutch iris. St. Mary's Church of Gardiner. white lilies and yellow tulips. Members of St. Mary's Guild ! Among those asked to pour were acted as hostesses for the occas- j Mrs. Wade Eaton (the former ion. This was the fourth annual Judy Morse, daughter of Senator garden tour and tea sponsored by; and Mrs. Wayne Morse) and who the Guild at the Hinsdale garden j is the wife of the rector of St. and to date was the largest. Even! Mary's Episcopal Church of Gar- ceremony held at Hedrick Junior High School in Medford. Twentv six adults and bethel daughters from Winston - Dillard attended the three-day session. 1 During the junior bethel meet-l ing, the birthdays of Lois Williams and Michele Mowrey were recog-i nized. ' I Honored Queen Jo Ann Thiele appointed Sandra DeVore and Sue I ironaugn co-chairmen of the Job s Daughter parly to be at Douglas High School Saturday evening. May 10. The committee in charge of invitations is: Diane Jackson. Mr. and MrS. Cooper ..., v.ua. .Niaiuii tun,, nairu f C fc , I' . f :l III ' ' mm: m m if ' k, " v mi mtt THE PAST OFFICERS of the Sweet Adelines pictured above include Crystal Rand, proxy for Eileen Carrigg, recording secretary and for Van Darling, corresponding secretary, who were not present, and Faye Campbell, vice president; Zelda Black, president, and Mag gie Cole, treasurer. (Picture by Patricia Boyle). ' i Entertain Camera Club the weather cooperated and those enjoying the afternoon roamed the i many paths lined with gorgeous 1 rhododendrons and ar.aleas in a setting of evergreen trees. Many ; other very fine shrubs including j camellias are included in the gar-i den plantings, however the rhodo-1 dendrons (with more than 100 spe-j cies in the collection) and azaleas predominate. Not only residents from all parts of Oregon were on hand to emoy the occasion, but a number of out-1 of-state residents seeing the mag-1 nificent color of the garden from the highway, stopped and joined the tour. The tea was served in the home, where both the dining and living Tha novt rna..ls. moat,n f 1,- bethel will be Mav 7. Election of Mr- nd Ra,Dh Cooper en new officers will be held. : tertained the Camera Club Tues lnstallation of the new guardian i dav evening at the attractive home council will be the latter part of 1 Mr- nd M- F- L. VonSchrilti. May. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Eeero 'Fifteen members enjoyed the eve of South Dillard have been appoint-' ning. Pointers on taking better pic ed the new guardian and associate tures of people made up the pro guardian. Bethel S3's retiring gram hour with Lyle Timm pre guardian and associate guardian senting the Eastman program, are Ruby Peterson and Bert Laur-1 Lovely refreshments were served ence. I later in the evening. diner, and Mrs. Alfred S. Tyson wife of the rector of St. George's Episcopal Church of Rosehurg. Background organ music was play ed throughout the afternoon. Those making the garden tour; found it to be even more beauti ful than they had imagined pos sible and those unable to make it this year are already making plans to attend the fifth garden tour and tea to he held in ID.",1) Both Mr. i and Mrs. Hinddle hae added much to the beauty of Douglas County and are most appreciated not only hy the members of St. Mary's Church, who benefits from these annual affairs, hut by all of those having the good fortune to be able to iit the gardens. Helen Casey Chairman Of Parade Of Parties Miss Helen Casey has been ap-! Milton Hard. The guests were in pointed chairman for the 1938 Par-! troduced bv the president, Mrs. ade of Parties to be sponsored hv dk... n i, the Mercv HosDital Auxiliary The Robert Dudley. The Sweet Adelines presented I delightful musical program for the evening. Mrs. Kred Hargis and her committee of M auxiliary mem bers served lovely refreshments following the social hour. Pink tu lips and other spring blossoms formed the attractive table decorations. the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary. The dates for the series of parties will be announced later. Seven guests were present for Monday's meeting of Mercy Hos pital Auxiliary and included Mrs. David Weisman. Mrs. Kenneth Har rison, Mrs. M. E. Ritter, Miss Bet ty Tauscher, Mrs. J. F. Dillard, Mrs. Robert Mahoney and Mrs. iMothers Tea Charming The bride, given in marriage by orchid linen with I pink carnation her father, wore a white chrom-1 corsage; the hndegntoin's mother spun semi-formal dress with while i wore navy blue with a similar cor satin jacket and elbow-length tulle, sage. rn. .mr m -lii.r Fia,., i ne w coo ing cake was orcui iiru w . mi TTT i book lopped with gardenias and in white with vellow roses on three ! Z ffa i y f )T I MO Wool' carnations. square tiers It was baked hv Mrs. I XXIICIH Vl 1 J.1C V V CTCIS. Maid of honor was Miss Rita Alfreil Nichols of Hiridl The miest Mae Nichols, wearing a frock of . , rharge of the bride's sellow.net over lalfeta with a yel-1 ,trr nine year-old Karen Char- low satin jacket and a carnauon (on corsane. Best man was Jun Musick of Myrtle Creek. I'shers were David Charton. brother of the bride, and Jack Burton uf Canvonville. The wedding music was played hv Miss Kuth Ann Thomason of Rosehurg Kollowing the ceremony, a recep linn was held at the home of the llev. and Mrs. Carl Walker in Can yonwllc. The bride's mother wore Mr. and Mrs. Finster Entertain At Dinner Mr and Mrs. Kred Kinster and son. Kred Jr. entertained as dinner guests Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weokwerth and daugh ter. Phllis. The evemnc hours weie pleasantly spent in visiting. Mrs. Wrrkwerth had iusl return ed here from Riverside. Calif., where he was called hv the se rious illncs ol her mother. COURT WHIST ENJOY C D BY BETA ETA CHAPTER Beta Kta Chapter of Kpsilon Sig ma Alpha of Sutherlin met Wed m day evening at the home of Audrey Brim, with Donna Dean Rt.ik'-lry a co hostess for t h e monthly party night. Beautiful ar rangements of spring flowers were used about the room Court whist was in play during the evening. Mrs. Spackman win ning high score and Mrs Holm low After the card plav refreshments Mother s Tea gien extended the entire length of the High Girls' League room. Models dip!aed sports- war, hathing suns, dressv after- For going away the bride wore a while princess linen dress with a gardenia corsage. Following a brief honeymoon spent in Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. CoeKn are now at home in the Fvans apart ments in Mrtle Creek. Out-of-town guests were Mr and Mrs. John II. Coelyn. Portland; Mr. and Mrs Allred LeVasseur, Rosehurg; Bill LeVasseur, Suther , 1 in ; Mrs. Karl Smith. Hums; and Mr. and Mrs. Roy A Thomason, i Rosehurg. Mr t'oeln is rmploed with the G G Trucking Co.. Myrtle Creek; Mrs. t'oelvn is finishing her sen ior year in Riddle High School MRS. AROLA IS HONORED GUEST AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Mis Carl Atola of Garden Val ley was pleasantly surprised Sa! uiday afternoon ai a birthday parl Visaing was enioyed alter , the birthday gilts were opened and the birthday cake was served. ! Those who shared the happ' -tc-j canon were Mr. and .Mrs l aKin Arola. Mrs Herman Hashargen, Mrs V ernon Teater. Dai id Teal er. Cindy Teater. Mrs Gary Nich ols. Curtis Nu-hols. Anita Hotlnuo. Donnie Hottman and the honored guest's husband and children. Mike, Peter. Geotge. Carlev and Helen The annual by the Glide Tuesday afternoon in the multi purpose room was the largest event of the tihde social season Guests were mothers of high school and eighth grade students The platform was a bower of flowers, large branches of apple blossoms and floor a-.es of lilacs. Mrs. l.snn Heckley played the or gan as the guests assembled The program opened with the presentation of the new cabinet for IS.'vtt .S9 hy this year's president. 1 inda Moore. New officers of the Girls league are Sandra Faton, girl students of the home econom ics class The serving table was centered Willi a large louurt of carnations and pink candles in candelabra. Trass were tilled with 19 varieties of beautifully driorated cookies, made by the home economics class. Mothers sening the punch were Mrs. C K. Moore. Mrs Rav Tal bert. Mrs l.ee Katun. Mrs.' Mert Weaier. Mrs Gilbert Magness, Mr.. I ..a U. ...... I, j -. ,. l- ' '" s- t-n-i- sh,. ton Ka,-h i ost siagness, secreiarv Country Club Guest Day Party Announced Thursday. May a, is the date of old Schmeer winning high score; the annual Roseburg Country Club Mrs. A. F. Micelli. second high' guest-day bridge-luncheon to be and Mrs. J. F. Dillard, third held at 12:30 noon at the clubhouse. I Foursome bridge onlv will be iBSURPRISE BRIDAL SHOWER play. Reservations for the party I HONORS MAXINE ABBOTT are to be made bv calling either I .- .kk ., ,. Mrs. John Jertson or Mrs. Harold h Ma.X1" bbo" '" ,h ot F.. Schmeer. , honor luesday evening at a sur- Decorations for the party will be : 5,'uwer 'v,n v n" in charge of .Mrs. 1.. r . Nielsen. V7 J yt' . r-. fx?r"' noon frocks and formals. Fifty of are to be made by calling either ine lasnions nao neen made nv the Madson at her home an Gar. Mrs. Virnil Lomii and Mrs. Keith'"'" mr im lame was Brvant are in charge of the door ,r,mr, w"n "mat party committee standing under a gay umbrella. Thursday members of the club I'mbrella favors were given dent I inda Hill, treasurer: Mary Dell Casebeer. sergeant at arms, and Kllen Turner, historian. Highlight of the afternoon was the style show staged hv 7.S mod els, memtvers of the league A long . ramp covered by mutation lawn tendance wore a lovelv cor. sace presented by league mem bers Mrs .leannint Boncbrake, hi';h srnool iinrarian. directed event. She was assisted hy Mrs. Milh Vleshew. home economics instructor. Thev estimated the at- met at a luncheon at the clubhouse, followed hv the bridge plav. Three tables were in play with Mrs. Har- MRS. BUELL ENTERTAINS CLUB AT RIVERSDALE HOME The Roseburg Woman's Club Fifty Plus Department enioyed eacn guest Appropriate games were played with prizes going to Rosie Jennings and Jackie Brown. The remainder of the time was spent opening the gifts. A bouquet was made of the ribbons. The cake, hand-decorated bv Ro sie Jennings, was ornamented' with an umhrella spilling roses and the one o'clock luncheon at the home inscription. "Best Wishes Mavine ' the of Mrs W. Frnest Buell in Rivers-j Attending were the guest of hon dale Monday afternoon Co-hostess- or nd her mother. Mis Curtis Ab- at :.: sponsored Wednesday hy the mem hers of the Parents I Inn of M. Joseph s t athohc Church at 11 a m at the Itosetiurg Woman s Club house Mrs John laingtcllow Jr. and Mrs. Harry I.. Harris were co chairmen of the party lhe decorations very beautifully The Fastern Star t hauler and i irned nut the Mav Dav theme were served by the hostesses to Masons ot Klkton enioved a politick. The lace covered bullet table was her guests, and members Vera family night Saturday at the lotke centered with a colorful mav pule Holm, Laura l.ee Culver. Betty hall. There were about iS guests topped by a nosegay of lilic-of- Benefit Card Party And Brunch Successful Affair A most siu-resful and enioyable the shadow boxes. Mrs Paul Jenk- iM-m-iu i-aiu pan? sou uiimin si ins anil sirs. Joseph I ailsna weie ELK TON LODGES ENJOY FAMILY NIGHT SATURDAY es with .Mrs. Buell were Mr. R. L. Whipple and Mrs. D A Kter The tables were beautifully ap pointed for the 21 members and guests who were: Mrs. Ksther Gil liland. Mrs. G. W Burt. Bess Whar ton. Mrs Arthur Jaeger. Mrs 1). A Kier. Mrs. Olho Gosncll. Mis C. W Dishtnan. .Mrs D II. l.enox, Mrs. I.. I. Stewart. Mrs. R I,. Whipple. Mrs. H. F Hatfield. Mrs. I ora Kester. Mrs Mabel Murray, Mrs C B Smith. Mrs. H B Cart er. M'S Kthel Bailey. lr 1. K Reirenstcin. Mrs H P Rca-nnc, Mrs. A ttoflord. Mis. Molly Mad dox and the hostess. Mrs Ruell Fnterlainment for the afternoon was provided bv Mrs Gilliland A gardens was PATRICIA BOYLE, above right, new president of the Sweet Adelines receives the history book of the chapter from, outgoing president, Zelda Black. The new officers were installed at a condelight ceremony at the home of Ella Nutt. Present were Zelda Black, Foye Campbell, Mag gie Cole, Crystal Rand, Patricia Boyle, director; Betty Hiner, Bobby Fisher, Gloria Malone, Aria Wood, Henrietta Spencer, Olive Pepple, Dorene Bratsch, Mortha Wishart and the hostess, Ella Nutt. Red ond white (the chorus colors) were carried out in the room decorations os well as for the corsages and the table. Refreshments were serv ed by Ella Nutt and Maggie Cole. The chorus is available for program entertainment. (Picture by Patricia Boyle). Mu Chapter Installs New Officers Wednesday Mu Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi., (by proxy). Mrs. Jairs Gregory, held initiation and installation oT Mrs. Robert llercher, Mrs Rich new officers at the attractive home ard Hollenhack. Mrs . Del Mohlev, of Mrs. Donald Gerretsen Wednes- Mrs. Ted Ranlett and Mrs. Robert day evening following the annual ; V. Reverman. Lovely refreshments were served nott. and lharlene Abbott. Kay llasktns. Caroline Schemer, la V'ern La Roque. Rosie Jennings, nonny ono Run, rt,. Gloria Bliss. Charlotte Davis Karl I Founder's Day banquet. rol Yount. Carroll Mcintosh. Jovcel New officers include president, later in the evening Aevon. Jackie Brown. TammyMrs. Russell Cary; vice president, Tauscher. Nellie Dewer, K a t h i e Mrs. Neil Kaser Jr.; recording sec Madson. Mrs. Sig Madson and the I retary. Mrs. Leslie West; corres """'" ponding sectary. Mrs. James Greg- Gifts were sent bv Darlene Lam-1 ory; treasurer. Mrs. George Quine: oureaux. Judy Strode and Marsha 1 director, Mrs. Clair K. Allen, and sponsor. Mrs. Neil Kaser Sr. Pledges initiated were Mrs. Thomas Carter. Mrs. Michael Coen Hern The honored guest is a member of this vear's graduating elass .if Rosehurg High School and will be the June bride of Dick Dow who is in the service. SILVER TEA IS 6IVEN RECENTLY AT SUTHERLIN MTH BIRTHDAY IS OCCASION FOR PARTY Spackman, Janet Mullin, Veda land members present. Holloneter, Jewell Happ and nayei tun of town guests were Moore. The next meeting Wednesday, Mar H. will be election of officers iSoria Kenwisher, Janet Mullin and Betty Spackman comprise the nom inating; committee. Judge and Mrs. Carl Wimberly and Mr and Mrs. Bill Fvans of Roseburg, .Mr and Mrs. Dee Rums of Col lage Grove and Mr and Vlrs Tim Kllis of Ynneallt. The evening was spent visiting co chairmen of the decoration Mis w ' Forrest was in rharge of the raid. Contract bridge, pi nochle and canasta were in plav Mrv A .1 Murrav had charge of the tickets and Mr. Paul Flood wa in charge of serving with Mrs. i tour of the Bueil h i Martin in rharge of food ;reatly enioyed I'tsur nrics were u,,n hv Mrs R V oung. Mr. Carl Duncan OAKLAND BLUE BIRDS and Mrs James lvle The prires HAVE PARTY ON MONDAY were in charge of Mrs Kred Sohn. The Oakland Blue Birds, led by Pnres for tne bridge play went Mrs Darrill Rav. held a parte to Mrs W f Korrest. first: Mrs 1 Monday with M Blue Birds anH ?i S J Cooper, second and Mrs I .1 coests attending The taller m,m ent hours Of 1 and 4 D m Ite.n. thTd IV'.xh'e high .core will he B!ne Bird, next -ear The afternoon was spent placing Pouring were .Mrs Ruth Man- pi, -e went to Mr. Robert Nivue T-e girls made hook marks fro various games after which Molly ning and Mrs Dora Hamilton with Mrs. Guv Hover winning sec- wooden sooon. by nimimi ai4 nnnrf h c,ft RirthHa .k Vlrs GtsHvs Ariams nlsvM (. I,.... .n,. isi nun imrp . mic a mgn score decorating tnem with birds J and ire mint wen served be Mra. al numbers ea the pn do dunni the blossoms deenraied prire went te Mna Ted Brinkman.' Refreshments wre teryed Berkley. social bonr. the-valley, roses and miniature ins Matching nosegays were placed at the end of each maypole streamer The small tables were centered with colonial no.rgav. of pan.ies while gorgeous anangeinen's of trench lilacs, other spring Beautiful arrangements of cam ellias, iris, early roses and tulips Miss Mollv Berkley, daughter of were used by Mrs. Ktnel Byles Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berkley of Wednesday at her home east of Klkton. celebrated her fifth birth-i Sutherlin when the Industrial Club day Saturday at a party at her 'of Fair Oaka held its silver tea. home. There were 1 guesta pres-iMany guests called between the MONTCLAIR Hardtop 2-Door 330 H. P. motor, radio, kcartr, owtr brahtl, Mtrcemttic powtr rrirt(, wh.tt wall firti, rtar it ipcaktr, tw.lon ptnt, thilJ wattirt, tinrod flan, bach- lifhrt, pm444 4mh, toom mi f Jtrslttt. FULL $ PRICE 3,924.00 Si Dillard Motor Co. A Good ! To D luint LinctAMrcijnr-SifliC-lorf rd So I ft SarviM pmphtm a Dawf!