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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1958)
I Community News Briefs Ttiurt. May 1, 1958 Hi Nwi-Rviw, Roseburg, Or. S Mr. and Mn. E. A. Pott of this city spent Tuesday in Eugene on business. I Mr. and Mrs. Leilie Stark and , daughter, Maniy, drove to Eugene Saturday to attend to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horn and ! son. Dallas, and Philip WUdt. of Horn's Appliance store, spent Mon- day in Eugene on business. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Newport 1 of Seattle spent the weekend in! Roseburg visiting relatives aod friends. . Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Nawport of this city spent the weekend in Ca- telle, Calif, visiting their daugh-1 ter, Carole. I Tho Short Realty Co. is now lo- I rated in the Pacific Building. The j Stanley Short Insurance Co. was recently sold to L. B. Hicks, who I has combined the business with the I L. B. Hicks Realty Co. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks and , 20 months-old son and 2 months-old daughter have moved to Roseburg from LaPinto. Ark. and are re siding on Rt. 1 Box 918. Mr. Hicks is employed bv Roseburg Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. VonSchrilti, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bloom made a trip to the coast Sunday. They stopped over in the Hinsdale gar dens and then went on to the coast to take sunset pictures. H. A. Gtrflsh, General Commer cial Manager for the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co., Port land: and R. B. Bacon, district Commercial Manager, Eugene, spent Wednesday in Roseburg at tending the 40th anniversary cele hration honoring Mrs. E. R. Kenny at the Pacific Telephone Co. of fice here. Gary Watkins spent the last month home on leave from the Navy base on North Island, San Diego. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Watkins of Roseburg. He was graduated from Roseburg High School in 1955 and was em ployed by Trowbridge Electric pri or to entering the service. He also visited relatives in Lind. Spokane and Port Angeles. Wash, and with his grandfather, L. E. Slen nett. and aunt, Mrs. E. Townsend. in Ashland. He was accompanied on both trips by Bill Johnson of Roseburg, who has just returned from overseas duly with the Ma rines. The two left this week for San Diego, where they reported back to duty Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Bailey and daugh ter. Shirley, left Wednesday lor Portland to spend several days at tending to business. Lookincglats Grange will spon sor a pinochle, parly Friday, May 2. at 8 p.m. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Peyton Odorkirk of this city left Wednesday for San Fran cisco to spend a week visiting her daughter. Miss Betty Crocker. Molroso Grange will hold a public card party Friday at 8 p.m. at the grange hall. There will be prizes and refreshments. Every one is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Arm strong and 14 months-old ton are newcomers from Martin, Wash, and are residing at Rt. 2 Box 1509. Mr. Armstrong is employed by U. S. Plywood. Mr mnA Mrs Jimtl MeCall and 3 year-old daughter and twin daughter and son 20 months-old are newcomers to Douglas County trom Meaioro. nir. aiciau is em ployed by Roseburg Lumber Co. Mrs. Frod L. Porry, employee of the Commercial Abstract Co., spent Wednesdav in Eugene with her sister. Mrs. Charles V. Stanton, who is there to be near her hus band, who was rushed to Sacred Heart Hospital Tuesday night for further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Harding have returned to Roseburg to make ar rangements for disposing of prop erty interests prior to returning to Tucson, Ariz, to make their home. The Hardings have been spending the winter months in Tucson for the last several years. Mr. and Mrs. Othol L. Church man are making their home at 1126 NE Freemont. Mr. Churchman is a former Sutherlin resident and has recently completed his service in the U. S. Armed Forces. His wife is a former resident of Shreve port, La., where the International Paper Co. has the largest paper mill in the world. Mr. Churchman is working for the New Service Laundry. Mr. and mrs. Roger Rooco and j . children spent Sunday visiting at Winchester Bay and Teninile and ' Dorena lakes. j i Mr. and Mrs. Ortn C. Locks and daughter, 11. and son, 4, have moved here from Mapleton, Ore. , and are residing at Rt. 1 Box 859. Mr. Locks is a core layer for the i;. S. Plywood Co. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gould and 8 v ear-old son have moved from Manila, Ark. to Roseburg and are residing at Rt. 1 Box 918, Mr. Gould is employed by Roseburg Lumber Co. Mrs. Andy Fishor, chief operator at the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph office here, left Wednesday for Eugene, where she will spend Thursday and Friday attending the chief operators conference. Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Scholar have moved to Roseburg from Al bany and are residing at 1243 NE Malheur. Mr. Scheler .is em ployed by Roseburg Lumber Co. Mr.-and Mrs. Richard D. MeCall and daughters. 3'i. 2'i and 6 months-old, are newcomers from Medford and are residing in Little Valley at Rt. 4 Box 340 A. Mr. MeCall is a core layer for Rose burg Lumber Co. Mrs. Alfrod S. Tyson of this city went to Coquille today to assist on a program workshop of the St. James Episcopal Church. Mrs. Ty son is the wife of the rector of St. George's Episcopal Church in Rose burg. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joe Htnry and 2 year-old son and 6 months old daughter have moved from Mvrtle Creek to Roseburg and are residing at 1561 SW Green Ave. Mr. Henry is a section crew mem ber with the Southern Pacific Co. Mrs. S. V. Wright, assistant busi ness manager of the News-Review, arrived back in Roseburg Wednes day by plane from Klamath Falls, where she has been attending to company business. She was called back to Roseburg by the sudden ill ness of Charles V. Stanton, editor and general manager, who is in Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene receiving treatment. '1 Todt cJLtjfb CALENDAR OF EVENTS tomorrow $2195.00 '56 Ford V-8 4-DR. Stat Wagon Radio, Heater, Fordomatic, power steering. I Warranted by IIONAM Si Dillard Motor Co. A Good Ploco To Do 8uiin.ii Liocolfl-Mtrciiry-Simco-Borgword Solos & Service Stephens at Douglos THURSDAY, MAY 1 Army Rotorvo, 8 to 10 p.m., 1614 W. Harvard. Douglas County Inter Agency Council. . :30 a.m.. courthouse. Woman of Roseburg Country Club, 12 noon luncheon, clubhouse. Followed by weekly bridge play. Roseburg Rotary Club, noon, Umpqua Hotel. IOOF, 8 p.m., IOOF hall, Jack son St. Rostburg Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., Umpqua Hotel. Civil Air Patrol, 7:30 p.m., court house. Doan Porrirw Chapter , DAV and Auxiliary. Veterans Memorial Building, 8 p.m. Nickel Mountain Rock Club. 7:30 p.m., Myrtle Creek Grange hall. South ''mpqua Business and Pro fessional Woman's Club, 7:30 p.m., Canyonville School Sutherlin Rebekah Lodge. 7:30 p.m., IOOF hall. Tri-City PTA, regular monthly meeting. Tri-City School, 8 p.m. Riverside Homo Extension Unit, home of Mrs. Lawrence West, 367 SE Fowler. 10:30 a.m. Hayloft Square Dance Club be ginners pattern dance lessons. 7:30 p.m., Preschern Barn, Vi and Les Spencer instructors. OES, regular meeting, Masonic hall. & p.m., election of officers postponed until May IS. Republican Public Relations Committee for Douglas County noon luncheon. Members notified of meeting place. Glide pro-school children, regis tration. Gold Star Mothers, Roseburg Chapter, business meeting May 3. 1 p.m.. home of Iva VanNoys, 152 SE Miller Ae. No luncheon. Chapter CU, PEO Sisterhood. 12:30, p.m., home of Mrs. James Richmond, 540 W. Chatham Drive. FRIDAY, MAY J Douglas Court 18, Order of Am aranth, 8 p.m., Masonic Hall. In itiation. Visiting members wel come. Molroso Missionary Society pot lurk dinner. 6 p.m., public invited. Melrose Grange card party, 8 p.m., grange hall, public invited, j Prizes, refreshments. First Baptist Men's Fellowship, i 7:30 p.m. Local attorney to speak on making will. Entertainment, re freshments. DUV, Florence Nightengale Tent 15, pot luck dinner, 6:30 p.m., home of Ruth Plumer, 1785 Patricia Lane. Lokingglast Grange pinochle and card party, 8 p.m., public in vited. Refreshments. Elks Club duplicate bridge. 12:30. open to Elks and invited guests. Loyal Order of Moose game night. Moose Hall, 8 p.m. ! I Veterans of World War I, Doug-1 lias Barracks No. 176 and Auxil j j iarv, 8 p.m.. Veterans Memorial Building. I r l ft i' 1 v """ rav ."tr3"1 DRESSES Beautiful summer fabrics and style,, g wonderful selection to choose from. Sues 9 thru 24 1 2 j- 3.98 2... 700 Colorful cotton prmt Home dresses. Large selection, sizes 1 1 thru 44. L98 2. or 3.00 SLEEP WEAR Baby Doll style, WinHe crept assorted prints, S'les 32 to 40 1 2 98 HALF SLIPS With shadow ponels, small, mediunn ond large. White only PLAY CLOTHES 98' 98 Sifer's Department Store COTTON SLIPS OC GIRL'S DRESSES Beoutiful polished corton. Meal for ium- m " mf sort's, full slip, upper in ude, AT Asiort.d Nvloo printi, booufiful'v tnm- '" 32 " 44 rnd, Kin 2 to 14, only ... Lorge ossortment of Styles and colorj ,n all sizes from Douqloi County'. Lowttr Price Clothino Stort ,0 44 'J N. I. S.,do Valley INd. i llock let! of Old H,.y THE WEST'S GREATEST DIAMOND EVENT! lrrn -a a i vujfl . . . 4 . . L -41. 1 NULLIfT-VA LJlZliy -r-m 1 -frtTCTSWCS YOUR LAST CHANCE- SALE ENDS SATURDAY HURRY! FRI. NITE SPECIALS ON SALE 6 TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY ONLY G. E. AUTO. FRY PAN For Mother's Day REGULAR 12.95 Reg. 3.49 LID 2.39 8.88 NELSON DEEP FRY Ideal for Wedding or Mother's Day. REGULAR 14.95 8.88 sfSfc IRIS fafl mm Sur o Fortune" E 'Flame o fortune" $50 5 NOW IOTH rings CxfltiittU fcttrtthil MlitK't ith twa ud i a n't. p0 UttflKkiiit NO MONEY DOWN YEAR TO fAY i"" NOW lOTM RINGS BrMtiful fiamtnd ulitiirt Milh 2 tidr lUntt an thrit i4unni ban NO MONEY DOWN "Btiile o' Fortune" r's ?1 Inttrlochina. pair with 12 tartl liant tfiamanft il attatni 14k gr tittini. mdMmm mJMmm miMmM MKi, - ' jf TRIAL V ' " 'rC - Reg. J55- PORTABLE CHARCOAL BRAZIER BARBECUE Chrome Grid Adjusts to 4 Petitions SIT ON IT . . . LAY ON IT . . . STAND ON IT SPOT MASSAGE ANY PART OF YOUR BODY Reduces Unwanted Bulges On Arms, Hips, Thighs and Waist LEISURE-CUSHION SPOT RtDUCtR SUNDERIZEk FIGURE GLORIFIER UaC Hli UK.' , 'DltlJ Ail I I IME m Tones muscles and increases circulation Helps retain a firmer figure Relieves tightness in back and shoulders firmly padded and beautifully upholstered in wasnaDie, lonq-weanng Vinyl to g you years of relaxing use. 2a SPECIAL AMI Y for hom. W picnici. A l'ghfwiqM rf.lui qu.litv, ch.rco.1 br.ii.r tht 1 qwtcklr itmbld, t.iily tlor.d. 14-INCH COOKINO AIA ausr-amsTANr finish hiavy stiil nai ao CHIOMl-PLAriD TIIIPOD IISS NO MONEY DOWN ONLY 25c WEEK ONLY 50e WEEK WEISFIELD'S LOW EASY TERMS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 p. M; ! ATTaTm : COMPACT TABLE RADIO fc tv- PEAK PERFORMANCE AND TONE n mm ZgL eaja rowiafui vruat chawi t TF aatj -- lav HIGH IMPfOANCf LOO ANTINNA MfV'l MM Z ri-Tl. SWIIPMANO DIAL TUNING INDICATOI JT hi S Tyr no Mowr down . . . ONir35e wtiK U "ti lb"r - . I PACKARD BELL MODERN CLOCK R A n n J -S at toTi,,e muw t.. m jtm at 4p . af-a t I V V 4f41 JaV r V aW 4B m m m laimu aV w V X. - y . ."x. CENERA1 wM) ELECTRIC SWIVEL TOP Vacuum S WITH COMPUTE JIT OF ATTACHMENTS PAY 0NIY I IO;3 lentlM Jwl.-Tp,. KM.PrM Hot rrr Adiaall Apffwnatlcpllv t law ai jtf ' Ir-"e DlipowWe filter Seat ir ytt I , , . , .V' k ti 1 1 lit m 650 $. E. Jockion Street Rotcburg STORE HOURS: 9:30 o.m. to 5:30 p.m. FRIDAYS 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. o OPEN TIL . 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY NITE i