12 Ths Newa-Revitw, Rosaburtj, LEGAL National Forett Timber Foi iolaj Sunttt Sala Oral auction bid will b received by the forest supervisor, or his authorized representative at the of fice of the forest lupervuor, Post Office Building, Roseburg, Oregon beKinning at 2:00 p.m.. June 2. 195, tor all merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing about 2ul acrea located in a general tale area of 1,000 acrea, more or less, within sections 3, 10. 14, and IS, T. 28 S., R. 1 W., W.M., iurveyed, in the Black Creek Area, Umpqua National Forest, Oregon. The es timated volumes are 8,600 M board feet of DouKlas-fir and pine, and 1,000 M board feet of western Hem lock and other species. The mini mum accentahle bid oer M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir and pine $5.70, western hemlock and other species $1.35. This includes the following atumpage rates, per M board feet: Douglas-fir and pine $4.90, western hemlock and other species $0.55, plus $0.55 for sale area betterment and $0.25 for slash disposal for all species. The Forest Service shall before May 1, 1960, redetermine the stumpage rates and required deposits for the ensuing period. In no event, how ever, shall redetermined rates which are lower than those bid, become effective for a particular species until at least the following volume of that species has been scaled and paid for: Douglas-fir and pine 4,000 M board feet, west ern hemlock and other species 600 M board feet. The sum of rates for stumpage and aale area bet terment may not be reduced by rate redetermination below $5.45 per M board feet for Douglas-fir and pine, $1.10 per M board feet for western hemlock and other spe cies. As a qualification for oral bidding, all bidders must submit a sealed bid accompanied by the required payment to the forest su pervisor prior to 2:00 p.m., June 2, 1958. Sealed bids will be posted at the beginning of the auction for the information of all bidders. A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the sum of $3,000.00 must accompany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, ac cording to the conditions of sale. If requested by the purchaser, con tract terms will permit felling of timber in advance of payment up to the value of the performance bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auc tion, the bidder must immediately confirm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use in sub mitting sealed bids and full infor mation concerning the timber, the conditions of aale and the submis sion of bids should be obtained from the district ranger, Glide, Oregon, or the forest supervisor, Roseburg, Oregon, before bids are submitted. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4, DOI'CiLAH COUNTY, ORKOOW RUKEHI KU PUBLIC: SCHOOLS Restbtarg, Oregon Blot Ne. f MUM-MI RKQIIKNT rOR BIDS School D.alrtct No 4 will twelve sealed bid proposals marked "Hucrest Retain ing Wall" at the office of V. J. Mlcelll. clerk of said district. The blda will be received until 2 P M Wednesday My 38. 1958; at which time they will be opened, read and the reeulta presented 1o the Board of Education for d li posi tion Seope of the Work. To construct 8 Inch Retaining Wall, with bottom gutter ae per plana and specifications; which may be obtained from the office of Sup't. of rtulldfngt and Ground! . located In School Warehouse on Eden bower School Site, on Garden Vallev Hoad. Bidder wltl be required to deposit Five uoiiars finnm for each art or plana end specifications taken; which will be turned to unsuccessful bidders, who ". turn same In food condition within days after bids are opened. Cashier's check or bid bond In the amount of 5"V of the amount bid must !e submitted with bid; and auccessful bidder will be required to post perform ance bond In the amount of his bid. Said school district reserves the right naio srnooi aisirici reserves me nam to reject any and all bids and act In the best Interests of said school district. V J MICEI.LI. Clerk School District No 4 Douglaa County, Oregon. NOTICE Or SALE For sale by seeled bid the following described property located In the City of Trt-Clty, County of Douglas, State of Oregon, to-wit: U.is XI and M, March Plat "A", Douglaa County, Oregon. Property consists of 2 Irregular lota approximately 27Vx2O0' In total aire. Lare near new 2 bedroom and den ranch home, with attached garage Lo cated 21-. ml. south of Mrrtle Creek Nsle will he by sealed htd Envelope containing hid must be nlatnlv marked. Sealed Bid." Ptease refer to MWHT in an correeporMleni-e A good and suffi cient bond or certified check for ten per cent ilO"Vt of bid must acconmanv bid Right is reeerved to refect any and ail oids. property will be sold "as is Minimum price Is Nine Thousand Nine Munored Tiny Dollars ifuuviom. Mint- mum acceptable terms ten per cent 1 10 n down, twenty -one 121 year to pay ha 1 snce on contract Interest will he charged at the rate of five per cent l a -i per annum on unpaid hatance Rids wilt be opened in the office of the unrlersigned on May 2S, lDM at 3 00 P M Tste of Flret FitMicatlonr Mav I. II Date of Last Publication: Ma 22, IMS U1RFCTOH Or VETERANS AFFAIRS State Finance Building S,IV!- Oregon VOTttTO rONTIIM'Tnit TO KPII.1NO CR1 Hri (1 RAVEL Ossflsa Ceanty, nris HEALED bids witl be accepted by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, at the Courthouse in Kntmrg, Oregon at 10 ift AM, Friday the Sth dav of May, JSfW, for stockpiling crushed gravel on CALAPOOIA STOCKPn.E SITE Ms Driver Vallee Road No 22 Instructions, te Pidtters and Specifica tions may He obtained from the Countv Engineer, Courthouse, Roseburg, Or gon. proposal consists of- lO.Of) cu yd - l'i " - O" crushed gravel The right Is reserved to reierl any or all proposals, or to accept the proposal cot'NTY cot'RT of Douc.LAJ COUNTY. OHERON V T Jackson. County Judge Frank Ashlev, Commissioner Huron W. Clough, Commissioner. KINO DIVORCING WIFI CAIRO l Another Moslem king i reported divorcing a wife who failed to bear him a ton and jjeir I Kin IdrUi of Libya and his $fc " ..A at., k... .r..j . fk.' wverance. according to sources j J whrn h " M ' died in lSii. wert long time friends close to her family of wealthy , ' ( . I of .Mrs. Draper, widow of Charles KiiVDtian landowners. T it 68 year- Andrei Krntopher, M. is princi-1 UrmM m JUrmA v . oifimonarch married her in June Pl beneficiary of Mrs. fiertha Draper. reiired New Haven Mil 9j5 when aha was M. after years 1 1-mme Diaper, who died here last road executive. Krntopher had as of criildlesa marriaifa to his cousin April 5. ! sisted her m handling her business hitima. hristopher and h.s wife, who'affsin. Or. Thur. Moy 1, 1958 I mm m0m Mm " m 1 Uassmea Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EFFCCTIVI MAY 1, 151 Sovirtitinf For ButiAtim VfitSia Rouburl Iraoo Aral 1 Doy, Par Wofd $ .10 3 Doyi, Per Word .13 6 Days, Per Word .17 9 Days, Per Word .21 12 Days, Per Word .25 18 Days, Per Word .29 Per Month, Per Word .33 Minimum charge for ony one od .75 Set But Not Published Charge .50 Cord Of Thanks 1.00 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED First insertion, per eol. inch .$1.60 Repeat Insertion, per col. inch .85 NATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING JUvirtaini For Butifmm Ovtaido Soilburf TrMt Arts Per Line, Per Issue $ .25 Minimum charge for any one od 1.00 Comaauaionoblo to lacoinuoa Ancitl DEADLINES II OS M. Stl.Mll S rriM Tt PiMitltiM CMitiiitim vt ! in is. ruikitin sir TM Ntwi-Rtmw raMfvM tno riant tt clMiity. Mit mt "i cimii.M m con. ADJUSTMENTS If joof dartiaeront appoara incwroctla, notify ul imtnodiatoly. Wo will oot tt rttponnblo lor moro than ont incorrect initrtion. Such rt tponaibilitf it limited to refund of oriel said or correct iniertioo of advanneffient. areata r,ll Mat So Held Man net o Sail LEGAL NOTICE Or SAM For tale by sealed bid the following described nroDerly looated in the t-liy of Sutherhn, County of Douglas, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Lota 31 and 33, Block 3ft, Amended Plat of Townslte or butherlin, Doug la. Countv. Oreeon. Property consists of 60 X 100' lot and 10 year old 3 bedroom modern home, with attached garage. New roof and hot water haater. City water and sewer. House In excellent condition. Located at MM East Everett Street, butherlin Hale will be by sealed bid. Envelope containing bid must be plainly marked "Sealed Bid." Please refer to L-13U0-F In all correspondence. A good and suf ficient bond or certified check for ten Der cent i!0 of bid must accompany b.d. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Property will be sold "a Is." Minimum price Is Five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($5450 00 Minimum acceptable terms ten per cent HO'' down, fourteen lis) years to pay balance on contract. Interest will be charged at the rate of five per cent p". I per annum on unpaid Balance. Subject to outstanding right of redemp tion until March 30. Bids will be opened In the office of the undersigned on May 23, 1058 at 3 00 P M. Date of First Publication: A pry 34, 1938 Date of Last Publication: May 15, 1056 DIRECTOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS State Finance Building Salem, Oregon NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION 1'FON OIIRHTION OF IN CRE A SIN O TAX LSVY OVER AMOINT LIMITED BY SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION (Summary of Section 1 1 . Article XI, on reverse side) Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in So hoot District No. 116 of Douglaa County, Stale of Oregon, from 2 p m. to g p m. on May 5. 10.18, at Winston Fire Sta : Dlllard School, Ten mile School. Looklngglasa School in said school district, for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of Increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year 19M-1HA9 over the amount limited by section 11, article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon. The reason for increasing such levy la; ill Insufficient tav base to defray the cost of Teacher Salaries, Maintenance of Buildings, and normal operation of the District. The amount of tax. In excess of the grW limitation, proposed to he levied for said fiscal year is $278,W7. Dated this th day of April, ISM. Attest: Betty A. Gubser, District Clerk, Distrlol 11b, Winston. Fred G. Albertus, Chatrntaa Board of Directors. Stamp Collectors Seek Pony Express Ride Cancellations SPOKANE li Stamo collec- . . . . , , . tors hundred sent more airman letters irom all parts of the country Wednesday to have them forwarded 160 miles by mule in a pony express. "I'm swamped.' said C. C. Glover. "There were 450 letters in one delivery alone Tuesday and the postoffice called me to say more is comins on every plane." Glover, a livestock commission man, is originator and trail boss for Spokane's Gentlvmen o n Horseback", a group of men who rule in the saddle each year to the Washington Mate Cattlemen's Assn. convention. The met-tin if is in Walla Walla this year and U0 rulers will hit the trail May 10 for a five-day ride. The postoffiot department agreed last week to a special con tract with Glover for the 100 horsemen to carry souvenir mail on the trip. The letters will be stamped with a special cachet to show they were carried by pony express. An Associated Press news story told of the contract last week and it started a flood of mail from stamp collectors as far away as Indiana. "Some people just sent money and want me to buy the stamps, lick 'em and put them on letters," Glover said. "One man sent six Inters in an envelope, all address ed to himself " The riders have lined up three mulct to pack 200 pounds of mail each. Glover said three more mules may be neevled to handle the volume. The letters will be mailed here, forwarded hv mule to Walla Walla for cancellation and then sent oq to their destination. Singer To Get Million From Will Of Widow STAMFORD. Conn, i A orrv fusions, tinner will receive mrt man a mnnun aouars unner me Jf" f lhf Wl11 "'lh" Stamford widow who adopted him 1 Lost & Found LOST r am oil black , Un and whit, small Beagle with collar, on Happy Valley Rid . Saturday after nooi. Reward. OS $-5207. Personals YOUNO WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advice may contact Cath- otic CharitMa, 27 B W Broadway, Eu gene), Oregon. Ul 3-3M2. RIDERS to Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland area. About May 7th. OR 3- 4104. ALCOHOLIC'S ANONYMOUS. 145 8 E Jackson. Tuesdays. Saturdays PM HOUSE OF UNIFORMS 413 W Umpqua. OR 3-41 87 STAUFFER home reducing unit Is avail. able to Roseburg residents, by calling OR 3-7867. Alice Iteininger lu n. av Club Street Real Estate BUSINESS and Living Quarters Facing large school, near city center. Stock and equipment included. Health forces sale. Only $4,000 Terms. $350 DOWN ONE ACRE. 1-bedroom home, living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, utility, carport. Surfaced road and city wa ter. 94.050. Immediate possession. 1.75 ACRES NEAT t-bed room home, barn, pasture, garden, berries. City water, creek, Irrigation system. 5 minutes to town. 7,350, easy terms. TRADE FOR 3-bedroom home, large 3-bedroom westn de home. City sewer and water. Fireplace, oil heat. Picturesque set ting. 45 ACRES OLIDE district, near town. Large, older but handy home. l'i baths, nice kit chen. Utility wired for washer and dryer. Good water. Large garage shop. Wood shed snd barn l 4.500. Fullerton Realty Cr Insurance 113 NX St.ph.n. OKI OR S-31TJ BY OWNER Laurel wood white dutch Colonial 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms, 1 down. Lota of storage. Tile fireplace. Dining room with french doors to out side. Nook. Full basement with laundry and recreation area. Montag furnace. Sprinkling ay-item. Choice shrubs and perennials. Secluded backyard. Walk ing distance to High Srhool and down town. Reasonable. OR 3-3378. FOR SALE HOME ON the North Umpqua. 1 acre with river frontage. 2 bedrooms, fire place, garden soil, with two room apartment over garage Taxes 143 00 year. W.500 with H.lXiO down. Will carry contract. Phone OR 2-S3M Ext. 70. After P.M. OR 3-9073. WEST SIDE 2-bedroom, possible 4; electric heat, wall-to-walt carpet, elec tric dishwasher and garbage disposal; flagstone wall with fireplace. Iota of built-ins. Fireplace and barbecue on patio. $13,000 terms. OR $-11834 or OR 2-lOfll. FOR SALE or trade for equal value, acres, 2 bedroom modern, comfortable noma, uutnuiimngs and electric pres sure system. For 2 bedroom modern horn on large lot, west or north Rose burg. Total price SMSO, discount for cash. Rt. 1, Box 244. east of Sutherlin. TWO BEDROOM, modern home, some furniture, rive nice acres. fruit trees, berries, city water, well with pressure system. Value Sll.300; we owe S3U00 want cash offer for our equity, g miles south on old highway M. OR 3-Sfttt2 or OR 3.4023. GARDEN VALLEY 3 acres. 4 bed room modern home. WaU-to-wall car peting, fireplace. In view of Country Club, $1 2. Sou. More acreage if desired. Phone Myrtle Creek UN Ion 3-381 1 days, UN ion 3-3044 evenings. TRADE EQUITY in 3 bedroom home In fcugene for nedroom home or acre age around Hutherlin, Hosehurg or Dillard State price, location and particulars in letter. 1M Hon y suckle Lane, Eugene. BEDROOM home, shrubbery and trees, live creek, about I acre. Total price S7.V Home furnished or more land If desired Take trailer in trade Phone OR 2-1H22 after S 00 or call at 308 SE Jackson daytimes TWO or three bedroom home, completely up to dale modern, large yard. lawn, ahrtiha Planters newly built Hue rest district, 1 block from srhool. Interest ed portles call OR 2-1VU. If no answer ee.ll OR 3-1H21. YONCALLA SeU or trade equity in 3-bedroom hou snd lot; for acreage or house trailer Give or take differ ence F W. Rsinev 1T41 Market Street, Springfield, Oregon TWO BEDROOM home, north Rose burg l-:i aire on sewer and paved street Berries, gsr.len $7,V1 down, balance 4.jou at $ per month. Call OR 2-42.14 TWO BEDROOM house on bus llnernTar school. Large living room, tile kitchen and bath, steeping porch snd utility On sewer SSK), terms. OR 1-NU or OR 3-3131. WINSTON S-hedroom house, posslblv 4 Full basement, picture windows m front room and kitchen. Outdoor bar berue. 2 lot Sti OW rt,n or 17 qoo terms. Call OS A4MI TWO bedroom home. cloe in Complete ly funrnhed. Good drainage Near school. Nice srd and hemes. Con sider good, clear car and-or trsiler house on down payment. OR 3-12U. MYRTLE CRFTK R4.RGA1N - old house at 134 llroalvsv. S-l WO Jack Hawkins, S3 SI .Mh St Grants Pmm, Oregvn. EQUITY in 2-lVdroom modern home with garage and full site lot On paved street Completely hirnishst. WiU sell very reasonably. OR 3 S.UJ CORNER I.OT. Sno". close in. with older houie. rented free Paving pid Nice residential district, overlooking the city. Reasonable. OR 3 JJia TWO BEDROOM home, fireplace gar. age. .art lot. shop Near Hucreet ht hoo! Stop for equity or tske good car. OR S-likH. FOR SALE or tradt - business prop erty with hawse, on Harvard Avenue for suburban prprt. Phone OR 1- w nearlv new S- htipmfn plMtered house Fireplace; hardwood floors extra large forage. $,wu sVwn. $5 month OR J AIM OUT OUR WAY Ill, tSOSH, I WA9 JUST THINKING OF ( IPISTAVHERE ! 'I Nil YOU? WHVSHOULP I PiRTV UP A I REAL CLOSE, J I,; i : WHOLE "TABLE WITH SUCH A fS ' l VOL) ARE .' j-S "Si ';T LITTLE LUNCH f I'M SAVIWG ) - .... -rY " 1 '! i; VOU A LOT OF WORK.' y S r j , hm 'in! ' LIFE'S LONGEST MINUTE " l Real Estate PAVED STREET AND sewer in to this neat, clean, 3 bed room shake cottage with the attached garage and separate storage building. Oil furnace. Close to grocery and bus. S7U00 FP. 1512 N.W. Fairmont. 4 Acres FLOOD free river bottom, close in on pavement. New 3 bedrooms, l' baths. Built in appliances. W-W carpeting in living and separate dining room. Com pletely insulated with oil furnace. Heat and hot water service in double garage also. Fruit trees and berries. This is one that ts really worth the 122,300 asking price. Taxes only S216. By ap pointment only. 200 Acres 32X40 BARN only. City water. Pavement. Has run IV) head sheep, and some cattle. 1 12. f WO. $3500 down. Balance $1000 per yr. Rural 3 Bedroom ON EXTRA large free soil lot with fruit trees. Woven fenced backyard in lawn. AH metal kitchen. Fireplace. Good well. This Is a newer ranch type home, and conservatively priced at $13,300. Taxes $140. WINTER REAL ESTATE 539 W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIGH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 Evening calls Charles Pratt OR 1-3127 Charles Mum by OR 3-7303 Valley Real Estate This U'll VVanf AND V can own it. Out about 5 miles on an acre. Garden, berries, fruits and flowers. A quiet peaceful location, overlooking the river and a green blanketed valley. Near by homes are beautiful too. This rustic home is 2 years old and looks like new. Built for expansion. Step-saving arrange ment. Wonderful view. Bargain priced at 210,000. Si. 000 down. 600 Feet Hiway Frontin OVER 6 acres with a dandy spot for hiway business. Even If U don't want no business, it's de poly alpha home and acreage. Buy, and it can be yours all yours. Home Is being added to now Room for livestock. Overlooking stream. U should hear them country birds bust out in song. $4,200, or U buy 700 equity for S375. Terms. Wanta Own A Lot? 71x113 VIEW lot, S6M. S10 down, S20 per mo. Sure Investment. Course U won't know what Li're doin' while U're doin', but U will be doln' what I' should be doin' while U"re doin'. and they is profit in dptn' whatU should be doin'. Rest future investment ia Rose burg property. Valley Real Estate 1117 SE STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3.40.V1 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN' Ftsk OR 3-BTRg Pococlt OR 3-S2r.9 Newport OR 3-30(17 Salesman Js Broker Sconce OR 3-3M62 Byers Real Estate River Frontage ACRES good soil. If you want on the river see this, you'll buy it. Pas ture will carry several head Hunting. fUhtng, swimming. 2 bedroom modern home Laundry, and cooler room. smoke house, chicken house, corral biwiwh ay appointment. iai,.xv, n uuu down. Glide District 3 ACRES, neat, and clean 2 bedroom house, can be three, large front room, kitchen, and dining area. bath, utility, large garage. New lawn. Taxes $J6. $0,730 terms 19S Acres A BOUT 40 cult ivs ted . seeded to per manent pasture, balance native pas ture, creek, orchard. 2 Bedroom House, Barn, other building. Irrigation -1 tem Included at $lv).000, $3 500 down Byers Real Estate 423 W Ballf Ph OR 3-7ttg Evenings Call Roy Barnhait OR l-?7$ Doug Warren OR 3-40, Glenn Bers OR S-74tUJ $T!) DOWN to responsible people, 3 bed room house in Winston. 1 yr. old Hsrd wod floors, electric best, fireplace, tile bath In good neighborhood OH 3-J07S or OS l uy eve or week-ends. FOR SALS or trade Wt Roseburf. modern. S-hedroom house Restricted area Will take suburban house with mall acreage. Phone OR 2-014S for appointment FOR RALE or trade, ftouth Salem. 11 acres, J-bedroom home. $1J.M0. or trane for 3-4 bedroom home In Rose burg OR s-.m:4 at'MMER CABIN onTacreNorih"l?mp qua rtver below Winchester, end of Fisher Road, a miles from town, good! road, good fishing OR 3 7Jt THRKE HFDRCOM modern hofne7large lot rtOXXV Nice ianl. plenty water ' A bou l 1 mile South Fords MllL O ! -54l , 1$ ACRF$ - 4-brdroum modern hoine. garage. School in,, elrrlri.-itv tele phone. aleT $14 X) v ail UR l-.lsvu) BEAl'TIFVL eiravated building site. 1 acre Catkins Road Citv Waier. etec- iricny rnone vn 3-41 71 OUFR tpe fsnvlv home. S bedrooms. I I nii-e district I.Mge lot Uw d-n pst . i meg." t responsible part. OR S-.HS0 1 Real Estate MAGNESS REAL ESTATE MR. VETERAN, step lively, let us help you establish your eligibility for a State or Federal Home or Farm loan. Now Is the time to act. Did you know that you could buy some of the follow ing homes on a Fed. GI with about 2 per cent of the selling price for Closing costs? GET ON the Band Wagon and take ad vantage of the following "GOOD BUYS" I SflHW 2 Bdrm. Cape Cod, partly fin ished attic. Oversize lot. Oak floors, FHA or GI. Easy to buy. Sea for yourself today. S $8000. Furnished 2 Bdrm lge lot. river frontage. Close to Rsbg Hi school. Gar Jen soil Buy on contract. 3 S82.W. Close In to down town 2 Bdrm. A Rare Buy so act quick on this gen uine bargain. Call ua now. OR 3-5340. 4 S8500. 3 Bdrm. 1 Acre of garden soil, near Country Club, Family or chard, develope this into a choice home. Can buy on contract. 5 SI 2.500. 5 Acres with 5 Bdrm home on Calkins Rd. Barn and lge garage. Your chance to have a small farm. Let's talk terms or trade. 11, 500. A natural for GI. 3 Bdrm, fire place, elec heat, ceramic tile bath, plastered, oak floors. Let us show you how easy It is to buy or trade. 7 216 W0. worth S23.000. Owner has pressing business obligation. Lge 3 Bdrm and den, 2 complete ceramic tile baths, plaster, oak floors, family room or shop, dbl carport, flagstone fireplace, many other features you could be proud to own. Call us and make a date to inspect "WE CAN ALWAYS USE ANOTHER ORCHARD 3-5340 tit S. E. Washington Eve. oh Sundays Millard or Marion Magnets OR 3-3017 DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY ONE ACRE LARGE I bedroom home with attached garage, Inside utility, wall to wall carpet In living room. Beautiful kit chen, spacious family room. Total price on ly S771B.M. Down payment only ttrOO and you assume Federal G I. Loan or $200 down to qualified ; State or Federal G I. EIGHT ACRES LOOKINGGlASS District $2050, $250 down, balance S.W per month. Unfin ished house, good welt. No Down Payment ON THESE two houses situated on one large lot. Newly redecorated, pav ed street frontage, city water etc. Don't miss these for cheap living. Rent one and live In the other. $4300. Home & Duplex GOOD Roseburg property situated on S E. Pine St. Comfortable 2 bedroom home with garage. Separate duplex fullv furnished. Investment property StHOO cash. CRAIG t. SHORT - REALTOR 1118 S t. Stephens Phone OR 3-4020 evenings Dick Stevenson OR 3-S744 Craig L Short ' OR 2-2463 Choice Location ONE ACRE, hiway frontage, between Douglas Electric snd Drive-In Super Market, nice home and Urge com mercial Bldg. Priced to sell. LOVELY large Westside 3 bedroom home, fireplace, furnace. H W floors l's baths, extra large loL FHA. or G L $12,000 commitment. 2 ACRF.S on a creek, city water, modern 3 bedroom home, barn . hen house , and a rental under nice grove of shade trees only $7300. Will consider trailer house as part. ONE acre with modern home, hen houe and double garage. Only $3300, $3UU down. URGENTLY need listings oa ranches and acres (rt. Have a lot of prospec tive buer. Lloyd A. Wilson REALTOR 1M7 SE Stephens Phone OR J-S378 OLDER 1-bedroom houw Automatic hat: wired for washer and drer WeUide. Price $XX). terms. OR 3 U4 FOR SALE OR TRADE FuTty-In older home in Ruse burg take small trailer house or car for equity. OR J- WlNRfON 1-bedroom modern House Low down payment, first house on right, on Tokay Street off Grape Av enue TVRFJEi bedroom. fireplace! eiactri heal. Fruit trees, garden spot. $7 200 10 downOR 3-JU.tj. !tWO LOTS, W0 im- 4Whw"ith"Tiom I h.iie, J miles north. SIMS cash. UR I 3-JT.Vf. iSIX RiX"M home. Oreen District. atr. I larfe l.t Wu uik terms. Oil t-S4JU ees after 1 TWENTY a(-resarehuWrlthT g.-od buildings lljitno fun prtcs). gy. iss) down Call OS -M 0 Williams Real Estate CLOSE IN AND CHEAP BY FAR the beat value on today's' market: see this neat two bedroom home located close to church, you will 1 like it $8,250. Terms can be had on, State or Federal G-L or FHA. DON'T 1 HESITATE; IF YOIT work south of Roseburg; then this could be the 3 B R home you have been looking for. It's plastered, has H W. floors, fireplace, $12,500, $2,500 down or will consider taking In lot or home in Roseburg. RIVER FRONTAGE LOTS of elbow room: 4 acre river lot on the N. Umpqua river. Priced right at $1,500 Only $300 down, bal. at $25 per month. HOME AND OFFICE GOOD spot for Doctor's office: cabinet shop, store or etc. Total of 4400 sq. ft. Nice home all in this one bldg. in Roseburg $.21,000. Will take in as trade 2 or 3 BR, home. $400 Down FHA SEE us for your FHA and GI Loans: In the mean time we can offer you this 3 BR. home in west Roseburg for $12,000, for only $400 down. H.W. floors, fireplace, oil furnace, 1' baths. JUST GOT THIS ONE. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING ALWAYS SEE US. 957 NE Stephens L B. HICKS REALTY & INSURANCE OR 2-3731 Eve's and Sundays call l. ts. motes Elmer Hicks Tina Newport flH 379.11 OR 2-1H1J OR 3-3442 FIRST... BUY YOUR HOME SPACIOUS, modem, attractive, 1 -bedroom; large lot, on sewer; walk down town. Quick possession. $4500. $500 aown, sos monthly. 555 N E. Jackson St., Glad to show this fine 3-Bdrm. home. Has fireplace, bath and half, full basement, wood furnace A good value at $250. Only S50O down and $75 monthly, FAIRHAVEN AVENUE. Stately 3-Bed-room. on valuable corner. Ideal pro fessional location that should increase in value Excellent buy at $12,500. FHA., GI. or Contract terms. ARCHITECTS PRIDE In 2-Bedroom styl ing Complete and ready for occu pancy A most attractive property for $12,300. Terms open to offer. FOR BETTER HOMES . . . BETTER LIVING., FOR F H A . G 1 . ASSIST ANCE . . . LET US HELP YOU. Lee Jones Realty 433 W. Military Ave. OR: 2-2511 j Harold Hickenon Roseburg Realty j FISHERMAN'S paradise the best' North Umpqua salmon and trout fish- ing is right at the door of this beau-' tiful home near the Country Club. The j den and 29 ft carpeted living room overlook the river and orchards. 2 fireplaces, 24x;' shop, irrigating svs- tem. and fishing boat Included at $21. VlO on terms. See this if you love se clusion and natural beauty. GARDEN VALLEY ROAD close ml i bedroom home on ' acre Nice lo-1 cation. Has oak floors, ceramic kit-i chen counter, mude utility and shop. I Needs tome interior decoration, which you can sflWd to do im-e it it priced m on. xwu. aooui siJtsj aown. Roseburg Realty Insurance UMPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR I-n44 OUR SERVICE DOEdlfT COST IT PAYS- BY OWNER, duple, modem and fur nished On acre. Good weJL Could oe convenea into home. StHXX). Phone, OR 3 WESTSIDE ' lbedroomT-FifeplaeeTwali- 1 to-wall carpeting On paved street and sewer. Loveiv lawn and shrubs. Low don pavment. OR 3-1440 THREE-YEAR-OLD, 3 bedroom home I with fireplace in Newton Creek area --iargejenced hack ard OR 3-6H01 STROt'T REALTY OR 3 525 "advertis- es listings nationally. Free catalogs. ltVJ4i.E Hamilton St i LOTS and acreage adjoining Hucrest j SthooL Priced reasonably. Terms. OR I 3-47.U1 THREE bedroom, fireplace. ceramic tue Colored fixture. Panelled ceiling. Insulated. OR3-5004. DUPLEX S4.V. S00 down. Beautiful setting overlooking river. OR J-4J By J. R. Real Estate Williamson Real Estate ARE YOU Interested In g 2-bedroom home with den, located in beautiful Hue rest, near school. Priced right. S1.0U0 down. Owner will handle paper. WE HAVE a nearly new 3-bedroom home with fireplace. Nice yard and shrubs snd all new homes in the block. Sl.SUU down owner will handle pa per. GROCERY store within walking distance of several motels and trailer park. Good bu to couple. Sell on inventory. OR 3-4302. Evenings OR 2-1442 154 ACRE RANCH 5-MILES from Post Office. Stocked and equipped, including John Deere crawl er with attachments; lots of timber and wood. 40 acres in permanent grass. 3-bedroom home; 2 barns, other build ings. 416.S00 $6,000 down, or will trade for clear home. Phone OR 3 3WiO for appointment. WE ARE moving, balance $2,800 on 2 bedroom home Make an offer for our equity. OS 0-5640. 5 Bus'ess Opportunities SHELL OIL CO. Has Service Station FOR LEASE Located on new highway 99. t miles north of Oakland, foot of Rice HilL Inventory and equipment approx $2000. Contact J. C Boyington, Box 23, Eugene. Oregon, or phone Roseburg OR 3-6653, Eugene Diamond 5-8471. UNION OIL CO. has" servient a7mnf or lease. Situated on main highway in town. For detail call OR 3-6213. 6 Loans & Financial FAMILY FINANCE Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to S15U0 On motor vehicles and furniture T29 SE Washington OR 3-3277 MONEY IN A HURRY $50 TO $2,000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FINANCE CORPORATION BIS S E. Oak OR 3-4494 Pacific Finance Loans 664 S. E. Stephens OR 3-6668 CAN USE some small discounted con tracts, uk or ok 3-owi eves. Rooms JO ANN'S BOARDING HOME. Delici ous home cocking. Private room and board $20 week or $75 month. Lots of panting space. 421K) sw carnee Road. Green District OR 3-7947. Centrally Located Low Weekly Rates AH Comforts of Home Hotel Grand CLEAN furnished light housekeeping room. Walking distance to P.O. All utilities paid, $30 month, 1451 SE, Short. HOUSE KEEPING rooms close in . Everything furnished. $25 and $30. 416 N E. Jackson Street. ROOM and board for "elderly lady. Ex. ocllent food and care. Licenses. OR 3-52!l4. HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking. Reasonable rates. S13 S E. Lane. OR 2-9192 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, S7 and $8 per week. Parking space. 523 S. E Lane Avenue. HOUSElEEP.NGrooma. 446 N E. Jack- son. WARM rooms, clone In. Private bath. 508 Spruce, at foot of Washington. LARGE, front sleeping room, close la. OR 3-6302 or OR 3-3318. 609 S Moshex. OR SLEEPING rooms. 732 S E. Jackson next door to Penney's. OR 3-3328. 10 Apartments ONE BEDROOM unfumtihed apartment. Ample storage space. Wired for washer and dryer Hot, cold water and garbage service furnished. Near Court Houae. 1137 S E. Douglas. ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished apart ment Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next to Kohlhagen Apta. Call OR 3-8244. MOTEL UNITS All electric. With kitchens. $16 and $22 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway W N at Winchester Bridget. SMALL apartment. Part of rent can be worked out by doing odd Jobs around the apartment. 330 S E. Henry. $.10 month, tall OR 3-8591 between 8-3 p LARGE 1-bedroom unfurnished apart ment, j diocks irom downtown. Utili ties furnished. OR 3-6392. 837 S. E. Waton Street. THREE ROOM "nTrely furftlshYdaparU ment. Utilities furnished. Reasonable; close In. See to appreciate 1038 S. E. Fullerton Street, OR 3-6108. NICE, large. 1-bedroom dunlev ' dna In. Range, refrigerator and heater; aier ana gar Dane service furnished. Couple only. After 4 P.M. inquire in.m i. odd. JUST RIGHT for couple, nice clean furnished 1-bedroom apartment. All utilities furnUhed except gas. Week daya.caH before 3 p m.f OR 3-84.11. THREE ROOM, furnished anarimoni Water and garbage service paid. Gar den Valley Blvd. at 1433 N.W. Fair mont, NICELY FURNISHED apartments, close in. Laundry facilities and cooking priv ileges, $25 and up. Weekly or monthly rn-. rt urocKway at. un 2-4.117. NICE APT . furnished ."tile'" bat hT water, garbage and washing fanlities frtw $4t 2MW E Stephens. Phone after S M ,OR 2-4.V.4 KNOTTY pine apartment, completely furnished. Excellent location; utilities paid See after 5 p m.. 54 W. Chatham. THREE ROOMS and bath. off-treet parking. Ltilities furnished 2 blocks westDairy yueenOR 2-9I1S TWO FURNISHED. 1-bedroom apart ments; some utilities paid. OR 3-7384 or OR 3-7983. LARGE, clean 2 bedroom apt. Down town Water furnished. $50 month OR 3-tt578 or inquire Gimre t Shoe Store. FT'RNISHED 2 rtxm apt.Onquier west tide street. Garden spot available. $.15 Roseburg Realty OR 2-3344 APARTMENT "fiimished"or "unfurnisli ed Close in. Off street parking. OR MOTEL units with kitchen. " Week rates. Roseburg Pine Motel, 3821 NE Stephens. OR 2-4063 , . ' SMALL, furnished apartments ST week and up South Roseburg Motel, 1634 S E. Stephens i 0NEB ED R OOM ' apartment partly fur nished. Heat, water and garbage dit Pal furniahed 732 SE Pine. NEW, Urge 1 bedroom apt Electric stove and refrigerator. OR 3-6445 or OR 3-6130 FURNISHED OR unfurnished apt, $50 and Si5 Inquira Garden Valley Mar ket. PhoneOR 3-6202 ofOR2-3U17 ONE bedroom furnished apt Modern apt. building Utilities paid. 1774 N E. Klamath. OR2-lS64. TWO, clean aptt Close in. '1' furnished. 'H unfurnuheil OR $-701$ or OR 3-P461 ONE' BEDROOM, furnished aoartmert. $40 85,1 S E Sheridan OK 2 .WTO cl.rVN5.1wmfurr hed flat. 1263 SE Stephens OR 2-.UT0 LARGE and small apartmenU Close; attractive Adults.l.U2 SE Douglas TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apartrienl. Near tchoand st.re J)R J1-.UN2 ffR NISHED 1 ' bedroom apt. Utilities paid West Hills Apt 2dl7 W Har.ard f I'RNISHFD 1 bedroom d.ipit water snd grt4ge paid Si3 OH 3-3 we NEWLY decorated furnished' apt Clo in 1014 SE Pine Apt 4 LARGE 3 nwm furnshej apt Near US Plvwood OR S-I254) TWO ROOM furnished apL-T30 Bsl.t St 10 Apartments Choice Apartments Oak hill Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terr am Ante FURNISHED and unfurnished. Soma ...t neat, uui waioar pro viae a. All have water, garbage and yard serv ice furnished. Bents from $d0 up. Must be tn to appreciate. Call OR 3-4340, OR 3-5631 or OR 1-1503. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE AV JACKSON STS MODERN, REASONABLE KENT ADULTS OR 3-8244 "A GOOD PLACE TO UV Z Chadwick Manor ApU 44T S E. Chadwick Street. Adults. Stove. reirigerator, washing facilities. For appointment, call OR 3-45U7 or OR 3-3644 FAIKHAVEN APARTMENTS, 1645 W. Harvard. Desirable newly furnished and unfurnished apartments, on city bus lines, cloe to ail shopping and post office. Elec trie appliances fur nished. OR 3-6022. MODERN 3-room, completely furnished apartment with private bath. OK 3- 5298. 11 Houses FOR SALE OR LEASE, $120 per month. Beautilul, modern 3 bedroom home on 1 acre ground. Desirable neighbor hood on north Umpqua river. Present occupants being transferred. Owner is willing to accept low down pay ment from responsible buyer. This type borne Is seldom offered with low down payment. Ph. OR 3-4646. FURNISHED. Modern 2 room cTbln. Good bed. Nearly new refrigerator. Gas range and heating. Water and garbage disposal furnished. $40 month. Hartt Cabins. 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd . behind Dale'i Cafe. OR 3-3368. ONE BEDROOM house with bathTwater and garbage disposal, car shed and storage room. $40 mo. Across from wnehing station south on old 9S. OS 2-2987. TWO unfurnished 2-bedroom duplex, one with electric range, garage. One with electric range, Fngldaire and garage Two blocks from Umpqua Hotel. Call OR2-2f29 or OR 3-667L TWO BEDROOM home on pavedTtreet near U. S. Plywood, large lot, S.tO mo. Inquire at 2156 S W. Austin Road between 6 and 8 P M. VERY DESIRABLE one bedroom house, good location. Available very soon. Adults. Phone OR 3-61l5 or inquire at 374 S EEUa StrcetRoeburg. $25 3-rm unfurnished house; wired; shower; chemical toilet; garden spare; some fruit; garbage service. 917 Eddy. OR 3-5321 evenings, weekends, IN DILLARD nfcemodernduplex, furnished. Living room, kitchen, bed room, bath and utility room. Large pic- mre winqow. sa Ml. Phone OS 9-1669. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes.-Income limits. Families, also single elderly 63 or over accepted. 803 W Stanton St. OR 3-6,148. FURNISHED duplex apartment in Rose burg. Washing facilities available, gar age, water and garbage service fur- mshed. OS &-Hfi4a jifter 5 p.m. FURNISHED duplex, 7bfocks f rompost office. Hot and cold water, garbage disposal furnished. $43 mo. Inquire 124 Moaner. OR 3-8514 W ES TS ID E d u pfe xr" bedroom, bath. Large living room. Separate utilitv. range and floor heater in Water paid. OR 2-2522day; OS8-8929 evenings. FURNISHED 2-room apt. and bath. Furnished cabin; furnished trsiler. 1256 E Mill. CLEAN, 1-bedroom unfurnished hoi'se. Come see what you can get for less 4831 N. E. Stephens. SMALL HOUSE: appliances furnished-or can furnish. Come to 729 N. E. Win chester SMALL 2-bedroom unfurnished house near U.S. Plywood. Adults. No drink ersOR 3-79H5. ONE BEDROOM duplex, stove and re frigerator furnished. OR 2-3042 after CLEAN. 4-room house, partly furnished, semi-modern. $25. 3041 Broad St. OR 3-3724 after 1PM. FURNISHED 3 room duplex. Fairhaven district. Also apartments In S. Roae Jurg OR 3-5050 1245 SE. Mill. ONE BEDROOM nearly new house. stoves and refrigerator furnished. On bus line. OR .3-7454, 1935N. E.jOswego. FURNISHED CABINS by week. $7 and up. all utilities furnished. Old 99, 3 miI north. Pacific Motel. ONE BEDROOM modern cottage on westside, near Marks grocerv. Unfur nished. $30 pr monthPhoneOR 3-4302. TWO BEDROOM house" on Roseburg Speedway road, east of Umpqua Ply- woodOR 3-5191. SMALL cabin, completely furnished-! 1.1. month. Walking distance of downtown. OR 2-2494. ONE BEDROOM furnl'shedhouse: " elee- tric heat. $43 month. OR 3-8177, FURNISHED, l-bedrooni modern" house. Adults only. OR 2-2909. - MODERN ,2-bedroom house In Winston. OS 9-R456. FOUR ROOM duplex on pavement. 4 mil" Soh. S:i3.Phon OR3-46r(fl $40, cute modern unfurnished 3-roorn houscAdultv QR 3-7359. NICE 2 bedroom home, hot and cold water. car port. OR 2-2721. TWO bedroom modern house " in Win ston. Call OR 2-9029. WESTSIDE, 2 bedroom duplex. OR 3- 6.-i22 THREE bedroom home, $75 month. Mag nesa Real E!Uate.916S E. Washington. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, heat- er and rangeSi.V OR 3-XVW ONE bedroom, furnished house" 853 Sheridan. no3OR 2-2870. NICE 2 bedroom house south of "town $65. Roseburg Realty. OR 2-3344. 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals WINCHESTER TRAILER PARK. Mod ern spaces. Paved grounds. Shade trees. $16. month. Highway 99 N. at Winchester Bridge ALAMEDA TRAILFRCOUR1 has paved streets and cement porches. Reason able rates. 5U1 N E Alameda. OR 2-23 48. TRAILERS AND TRAILER SPACE. General Service Center, 615 N E Chest nut Avenue. WINSTON Trailer Court, modern; in center of business district OS 9-SH35. WANTED, trailer houses bymonthTsa Roseburg Motel. 13 Misc. Rentals For Rent or Lease Completely eoulpp office with laro I parking lot at 1257 W. Harvard. Call I OR 3-746S. 14 Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE lubrication specialist, preferablj with major oil company ex perience Mint be abie to sell neeo! sen-ices. Saitrv and commission, good working cnditions Our emplop. know of this advertisement. Writ Box 673. News-Review t TW O MEN needed for this rf( and western ureton Year around emplo ment You will prefer commission and binu arrsn cement. Thorough train ing given Se R. C. Neumann this week after 7 PM. st Roe Hotel WANTED Hea'th and accident agents I to trsin for office manager T..p cum. I missions and over write Salarv arn" 1 all expense-. See Jack Wright. 919 SE Sre pben. between Bam and 12 roon WOMAN to ant with'" hni,wrk in countrv. m irfd-ated preferrefl Li e in or out Wr,:e Newt Review Rr-x BTo APPLICATIONS for morning " ws,ires wanted Beverage Shop Ml s Sphe- LADY e w rk P Re. ( erru-ed m lumlr off,, e Tiareni. Write B" 477. ,t WOODS iieer maiker. Ph Knmr, Ea.U Tr 2 2' 18 dv WANTED f aller aid' h irser C , 1 Gienda.e VEnmn J-"-!.! a!--r H P .M BABY SITTER with own traino"'tio'i Write H"X :, NfwReiew eenmgs THREE BEDROOM, fireplace. 1". acres ! nice for kids $03.M OS l-MU o o o o i o