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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1958)
PEOPLE READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING . ; . IT MAY BE YOUR OLD STOVE, BABY CRIB OR OTHER GOOD, BUT UNUSED ITEM. IS YOUR AD HERE? PHONE ORchard 2-3321 10 Apartments Choice Apartments Oakhill Vista Hornet Winchester Court Wetvu Court Ternce ApU. jtJRMSHED and unfurnished Sam have heat, hot watar provided All hiva mlr, gar bag and yard rv ire furnuhad Rents from WO up fust ba laan to appreciate Call OB 3-4340. OR 3-3631 or OR 2-1303. Kohlhagen Apts. f jtN'K JACKSON STS MODERN, REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR 3-44 -A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" Chadwick Manor Apti r44T IB. Chadwick Street Adulta. Stove, refrigerator, wishing facilities- For appointment, call OR 2-4MT or OR J A ! RH AVEN APTMllNTa4jrW. Harvard Desirable newly furnished and unfurnished apartments, on city bus lines, cloe to all shopping and post office. Electrie appliance fur nished. OR $-6022 hKT. BEDROOM unfurnuhed aoartment. Ample storage apace. Wired for wisher and dryer Hot, cold water and garbage service furnished. Near louri nou. 1157 S. E. Douglas. ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished apart ment Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next U Kohlhageo Apt. Call OR 3-8244. .rLLY furnished lare modern 1-room apartment Heat and water furnished: tub inci ahower. Large yard; shad trees 3004 NX Douglas Avenue. Phon evening or morntnga, OR 3- .ti'l MOTEL UNITS All electric. W I t h kitchens, $18 and $22 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Win chapter Motel (Old Highway M N at Winchester Bridget. ...Tt i ....nt O.rt nf fin he worked out bv doing odd Jobs around the apartment. 330 II Henry. 830 month. Call ORJ-fliaibetween 8-5 p.m DUPLEX." unfurnished apartments. Cor nr 42 Highway and Civil Bend Road tn Winston. See or phon Grace Klent, OS 9-a6y. ment, 3 blocks from downtown. Utili ties furnished, un ji a. Wataon Street. 11 Houses rnit SALE OR LEASE. $120 per month. Beautiful, modern :i bedroom home on 1 acre ground. Desirable neighbor hood on north Umpqua river. Present occupants being transferred. Owner is Willi fig to accept low down pay ment from responsible buyer. This tpe home is seldom otierea wtm iow down payment, rn. ywj-ww FURNISHED" Modern 2 room cabin. r.iwt bed. Nearly new refrigerator. Gas range and heating. Water and irhiw diatMual furnished. 240 month. Itartr Cabins. 24B5 Diamond Lake Blvd.. behind Dale's caie. UK ;i-.f.i. TWO "unfurnished 2-bedroom duplex, one with electric range, garage. One with electric range, Friglaaire ana garner. Two blocks from Umpqua Hotel. Call OR 2-2829 or OR 3-m. VERY DESIRABLE one bedroom house. rood loeat on. Availabl very aoon Adults. Phon OR 3-6165 or inquire at 374 S E. Ella Street. Honeburg NEWLY DECORATED unfurnished 2 bedroom house. Hardwood floors, fire place. Venetian blinds. Located on N.E. Jackson. OR 3-4782. $23 3-rm unfurnished house: wired: hower; chemical toilet: garden spare: som fruit; garbage service. 17 a,aay OR 3-5321 evenings, weekends IN DR. LARD nice modern duplex, furnished. Living room, kitchen, bed room, bath and utility room. Large pic lure window. 38..V). Phone OS 9-3669 J. 2, 3. and 4 bedroom homes Income limits. Families. aln single elderly 05 or over accepted. 002 W Stanton St OR 3-6.148. FURNISHED duplex apartment In Row burg. Washing facilities available, gar age, water and garbage service fur nished. OS0-8flafter 3P m. FURNISHED duplex, 7 "blocks from post office. Hot and cold water, garbage disposal furnished 45 mo. Inquire 124 OR 3-8S14 WTSTSIDE duplex. I bedroom,, hath. Large living room. Separate utilitv, range and floor heater in Water paid. OR 2-2322 days: OS 9-8B2P evenings. FT-RNISHED 2-room spt. and bath. Furnished cabin; furnished trailer. 1216 SE Mill. CLEAN, 1-bedroom unfurnished house. Tom see what you can get for less. 411 N. E. Stephens SMALLHb"lTSErappliances furnished or ran furnish. Com to 728 N. E. Win chester. SMALL2bVdroorn unfurnished hou near VS. Ph wood. Adults. No drink er OR 2-7flB1 ONE BEDROOM dupla. stove and re frigerator furnished OR 2-3042 after CLEAN. 4-room hous, partly furnished, semi-modern. 123. r"Hl Broad St. OF 3-3724afterIPM FURNISH ED 3 room duplex. Fairhaven district Also apartments In S. Rose hurg. OR3-SO.V)1243 SE. Mill. ONE BEDROOM nearly new houe. stoves and refrigerator furnished. On hua line. OR 3-7434. lt31N. E.Oswego. flTRNfSITED CABINS by week. FT and up. all utilities furnished Old t9. 3 miles north Pacific Motel. ONE BEDROOM modern cottage on wetslde. near Marks grocerv Unfur nished. 30 pr month. Phone OR3-4.S02. TWO-REDRO"OM unfurnished, newly decorated hou. 1129 N E. Crescent. CaIlOR rt-724f TWO BEDROOM hou on Roehurg Soeedwav road, cast of Umpqua Pl wood.OR 3-3101 SMALL cabin, completely furnished. 11 month. Walking distance of downtown. OR MW MODERN 2-bedroom hous In Winston. OS9-84.W. ONF-BFDRObM rrilahed hous. 143 monh. OR 3-.T74. FOUR R"bOM duplex on pavement. 4 miles South. ta3. Phone OR 3-4000 v cutt moderrl unfurnished 3-room house. Adults. OR 3-7332 NICE-2 bedroom horn, hot and cold water, carport . OR -"21 TWO bedroom modern hous In Wui ton CallOR 2-B02 Wf!STSIDE. 2 bdroom duplex, OR--n THREE'bedlwoni home, t73 month Mag- nea Real Estate. SKI S E Wahlngton. V NFVRN I iHED 2 - bed r oom duplex," heat- and range 23. OR 3-3500 ftN'E bedroom, furnished house, B33 Sheridan, no. SOR 3-2870 NICE 2 bedroom hous south of town U3. Roseburg Realty. OR 2-314 1 2 Trlr. Parks & Rentals WrVCHfcSTER TRAIliR PARK. Mod ern epste. Paved grounds Shade trees IIS month Rirhway ft N at Wmrheiter Bridge A I . A M T. D ATA ILF RC O LTR T has paved streeta and cement porches Reao- bte ratea Ml N E Alameda OR tR A ILF R n A VO TR ATTE R PACE ineral flcmc Center, 015 N E Cheil- nut Anu. VODFRN iS'berom trailr t. OR l;M14or OR 3-X2O0 TVTONTrs:lr Court. modm: In pnf,r 1l business distnctos a-g11 .NTED. trailer house by month. So Roseburg Mo: el. 3 Misc. Rentals For Rent or Lease UmB'sur quTpped office wih lafg -kint int at i:ST w. Kana.-d. Call rR i.;ns T'tl.DPfO TOR HENt S3" S t'Lan. Phon OR S-4117 14 Help Wanted EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY: You do not need selling experience to be come a Wstkins Dealer. Excellent prof its. Car or truck needed but no capital Investment in stock. W can start ou now. Writ tha J. R. Watklns Company 3901 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, , Wash TwoitioVTto"bVwii4rMu 21. neat and aggreta.v. Full training ington, program, guaranteed monthly bonus in aoaiuon io commissions and ire life Insurance. Thes positions offer prom ising careers for. those selected. Inter views 10-12 AM. 2040 N I Stephens. AUTOMOBILE lubrication specialist, preferably with major oil company ex perience Must be able to sell needed services. Salary and commission; good working conditions. Our employees know of this advertisement Writ Box 73, Newt-Review. TWO MEN needed for this area and western Oregon, Year around employ ment. You will prefer commission and oonus arrangement. Thorough train ing given. See R. C. Neumann thla week after 7 P.M., at Rose Hotel. WANTED Health and accident agents to train for office manager. Top com missions and over writes. Salary and all expenses. See Jack Wright, 910 SE Stephens, between fl a.m. and 12 noon. WANTED"Heavyduty" truck mechante. Must know transmissione and differen tials. Phone Powers, Oregon, HEmlock 9-25HorHEmlock $-2323; WANTED Truck Mechanic PERMANENT job with good compensa tion. Inquire Don Bell. Lock wood Mo tors. WOMAN to assist with housework in country, middle-aged preferred. Live in orout. WrttNews Review Box 878. APPLICATIONS for morning waitress wanted. Beverage Shop. 731 S. E. Stephens. LADY, experienced in lumber offir urnrlr Prmaunt nv iit K'-.. . viw. ' ! WOODS pe.I.r mirkV. PhT f.lla TU J-J3H. day,. "Klimi'thl 15 Work Wanted EFFICIENT, experienced. Christian girl age 17, wishes full time baby sitting job for summer Will help with house work. Beat of references. OR 3-7849 evenings except Wednesday or Sunday. MOTHER GOOSE NURSERY-914 S E Kane. Care by the hour dav. Special tnif for children under 2 vears of age State Jnspected. OR .1-8.101. SEWING and alterations" of "all-kinds Mrs W E Curtis. 732 N E. En Phone OR 3-1454 PLANER MA N7 28 y earV?x p7 fi en ce hav held foreman tob. References. P'ne or fir OR 3-8073 evenings. NORTH ROSEBURG Kindergarten. "lM3 N E Vine St Excellent or ichool training OR 3-7849 mr OR 3-5234 BABY SITTmn7"myhom"e AUo'ironing. reasonable rates. Newton Creek dis trict. Phone OR 2-1359. CABINET WORK. carpentryorshin glmg. Composition or wood. No Job too small. PhonOR 2-3423 ROTOTILLING. Merry- Tiller-24". Ph OR 3-8629. CHILD care, dayi ReferencesTORI- 2312 SHORT log and' lumre7hauUng Franco Trucking. OR 3-0987. CARPENTER remodeling and paint- lngOR 2-9140. YOUNG man 18 desires work-of-any type. OR 3-5848 WASHING rough drv: alio ironing; stretching curtains. OR 2-3691. WANTED job for short log truck. Die'elqupment:OR1-7B7g. SEWING - All tyoes Guaranteed! OR 2-2766 MIDDLE-AGED ladv wants housekeep ing job, live in. OR 3-6104. INTERIOR painting OR"370O9. ALTERATION'S OR 2-12T5. HOUSEWORK by tha hour. 6R2-34fS 18 Instruction ENROLL ANY MONDAY - Robertson School of Business. 6:i0 S E lack ion St.. Roeburg.OR 2-7356 GUITAR lessons. ages6 to6 small guiUra for tots. OR 3-6X2.1. 20 Services Hospital i COMPLETE service for wicjeic ana irirycies. FranrhUed dealer for Schwuin bicycles. Al'i Bike Shop ",UJ w"m Bureau. -TnD- .UH-3402, . - i MOTOR rewinJing. repairing. All makes and sires Experienced, competent. I cl " r',elrlc Motor ' a. mi, warden vauey divq. 3-R624 Rototilling Service FERGUSON TRACTOR WITH BLADE BEE BE 8c BOWMAN OR 3-37;ig FOR SEWER hookup call Howard New ton All work guaranteed. Cement or translte pipe FHA Title I terms Dead line for hooking to fewer in Winston, August 15. lft.-iH. OS 0-8792 ELECTRIC A PPLJA Nf T. een.i f hand iron and razors to ranaes and! nrvers. aii make Bargain Appliance Center :tl S.E Rose OR 3-332.1. EXPERT RADIO. TELEVISION HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARDOR 3-33M ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs' from hand irons and razors to ranges and dryers All Make. Bargain Appllanc Center. 331 S E Rose OR3-SS2.V PtMP REPAIRS 24 hours service. MM ler K Cox Salea and Service. OR 2-.13S1: night calls. OR 1-1 J89 or OR 1-rt7S9 REFRIGERATION SERV!CEdomYitlc and commercial Available nn en an tint dav or night Phon OR 3-3312 or I MOWER SIIARPE N IN Gt fall r - hi tehee, welding, woodwork and feneral repair. Green Ontrict JJ52 S W Castl St Ph OR 3-4687 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANEDr7o mile age; free estimates. Roseburg Sani tation Service. 2.130 N Stephens Ph. ORjl.Ttt CERAMIC TIL.E. ahowers. tuhbacks. drainboardi. patio Free stimates Kel!e TO. OR 3-3031 WELDING " Evenings "and-week -nds General Service Center, 013 N E. Chettnut A eniie ROOFING FisherThorsVnPaint- Co Portland W E. Dsum Local Agent, Ph ORL"L SHALE rock for roads" "andrTvewevs Immediate delivery Ph. C. P Tallon OR 3-4040 CARPENTER, any tVpa constructions We help arrange financing Ere esti mates. KoKalewskl. OR 3-8020 DOZING. levellngralsfTshal rockTriver loam and road materials. Chaa Keeley OSO-3117 WELL DRILLING-Licned"eontrsct. or Phone OR S-304J. Myrtle Creek i.'N j-.'.ii). SMALLE STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Duplicating, statistical typing. ader tising Pick up and deliver OR 2-1444 ( if YOU HAVE a nice" clock that doem t run. call OR 3-7947 PALVTER, carpenter, roofing. OR j- 1747 DRESSMAKING and alterations Phone OR 2-U29 ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LVns'lng- Oliver OR.1- tfl Cleaning septic tank Reason a 01 W J Lan OR tit CARPENTRY Reasonable Small jobs oreferred SmithOR .1-411 PLOWtNG ""River lram. ahal. 0rdr now Phon OR 3-4119 PAI.N'TTN'G. lienor and Interior. OR 2-3710 CPHOLStFRING - urnitur. cars or OR .VMOg P K INTfSG "andpaper mg-OR3'.T W ROTOTTLLlNG b th hour. OR 2-4205. 121 Building Material Doing Some Building This Spring? SEE I S FOR THE REST LUMBER AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling OR-,L Cnr Vflur BuildinO Needs Studs green dimensions boards an it ahtnlan 1 KD siding finished lumber mold- LUMBER SALES CO OR 1-7320. Garden Valley near R R track SEE l'S FOR 'special in miscellaneous items boards, dimension, small square and lunbeis. Coon Creek Lum ber Company, Airport Road. OR I 1801. SAWDUST Blower and dump MILL ENDS, dry or gren peeler cor. GUY AND FRANCES GILL. FUEL MU NI Douglas OR 2-1324 S AW DUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Green llh Dry Oak Kim ury pianer Ends Gr or Dry Peeler Cora Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 0-074 J RED DIAMOND FUELC6. KILN DRIED planer ends; oak wood. OR 3-3082 IB AND hardwood for heater and fir- Dlace. Don Colwell. OR UAM PLANER ends and ihavin.t. RtvTrTld ! P'n". OR J-33M. Sove On Plastic Pipe New, Low Price. Price Per Hundred Ft i" M Sf i v t2i mi V S9M) li," 124 00 1" $115 2" $J6 00 riitings Roseburg Supply Co. 401 N.I Winchester St. OR 3-4481 GARDEN TRACTOR andeqijipment.or will trade for young livestock. OR 3- :W40. 2tjg AirportRoad. MILKING machine, singleuniteom- plet. OS 9-8678. SCHRICKER & INDA LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sutherlln Phon Sutherlln 2146 Oregon Oakland 1834 Saturday, May 3, 1 p.m. 4 truck toads of good white face cows and calves. 1 extra good papered whiteface bull. 1 truck load of dairy butcher cows. 2 truck loads of stock er and feeder cattle. Veal, baby calves, bulls, milk cows, cows and calves, hogs, sheep. A good Palomino, man's riding horse. 18 head good whiteface steers. Bring in your livestock Commission 3 over $."0O 4 under SCHRICKER it INDA. Managcra SCHRICKER & SON. Auctioneer O. TRIPP. Ringman O A. BROWN, Weighmaster Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon Early Consignments For Thursday, May 1st 20 Head feeder steers and heifers 1 Load canner cows 1 Good Hereford bull 2 Good milk cows You will also find day old nlvoi, wean r and feeder pigs and fat hogs. Note W are now buying wool and mohair Sale Every Thursday 1 p m. Ph. OR J-4071 or Sutherlln 3380 Cattle Wanted invm urir rnMPivv Rout. 1. Bo, 332B" Bus. OR 3-0323 Eva's OR I-S23S ... . FOUR experienced sheep shearers. Large or small jobs accepted. Felix Mmarron, 2t E. Central. Sutherlln. Ph 3364 FOR SALE: Child's Shetland pony, gen tle. 40" high. C. W. Smith, Milo. Ore gon. Phone Canyonville, JEfferson 3- AT STUD Black and white Welch stallion, at ranch. D. B. Boone Route 1. Box 153 FOUR year old black andw-hitesadd, mare and saddle. Contact Jim Cosner, Elkton. Oregon. Ph. 4-3745. 133 REGISTERED Herefords. cows, bull ana younger ones Best blood Imei. A Schafer, Camas Valley. Ph WANTED Sheep and cattle, all kinds W A. Blackcrt. Ph. Myrtl Creek UN. 3-4315. WEANER pi'gi. mVrked'and-re"ad'H.A. Denn. Camas Valley, Phone 092. NEW and u.ed saddles bridles and harness. 2Ht4 N.E Douglas WOOLand mor7airreretved "daily" Nf- chols Store, phone OS 9-0007 WANTED - Gentle hors for"l0year Old girl. OR 3-3477 MILKCOW. OR 2-2009 " The First Lesson To Learn In Selling Is To Use Clossified Ads 23 Fuel I 25 Farm Equipment I They'll Do It Every Time LOTS OF BULLISH UsDEI?U(?176NTS kt-lWET M4S A VEI?V HE4LTHy TOUE-PLEMTy 0 RESISTANCE AT THIS LEVEL SPEJKIN& M45VE1VMSE, ITS THE PW3FESSON4LSWHO AWE TRAOtHZ, BUT THE IN- Siner?s AQE op one mind 1H4T THE W4E 0 OX'ER- SELLINiS H4S BEEfi TEETMIN4TED" to 55 27 Hay & Grain BALED hay, oat mixed with email per centage alfalfa, aoc bale, avctage weight gO lbs. OR 3-4800 FINE, clean alfalfa. SI par bale. R. Conn. OR 2-4A2J i28 Poultry & Rabbits ' Willi. Pheasants Eggs, day and week aid pheasant chick. GY 6-3402 or GY 6-3408 ) Orders taken - a m. and - p m. daily. Baby Chicks PLACE YOUR ORDERS early to avoid oeiay ronton Hatchery. 974 W Harv- runosaourg. pti. OR 3-352d. Heisdorf & Nelson Chicks American profit champions. For personal deliveries and service. L. L Uouck. LIVE poultry buyer. Highest prices paid at ranch. L. W. Foreman, 12030 S. E, Holgate. Portland. Prospect 1-2131. POULTRYrcived Tuesdays. For ranch pickup, phon OR 3-4331 or OR 3-4014. Roseburg Poultry Company. 33. 10 week oldNew Ha mpshlrsT pu 1 lets. OR 2-3977 evenings RABBIT FERTILIZER. IXMsttngglaas Road. Box 1300 OR 3-2710 WANTED Fryer rahblu, 4 to 44 pound .. Phon OR 2-3710. 29 Pets REGISTERED German Shepherd pup pies Reasonable. M9 NE Willow. OR 3-3778. FEMAlt? BUETICK hound, months old. OR 3-3630. COYOTE puppies for sal. UN ion 3-3384 Mrtle Creek. PEKINGESE puppiesRou Ve L" Box" SO YoncaUa. Phon Victor 9-22.11. BABY Parakeets 3mUesaouthBur- ton's OR3-8122 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Sheltr. OR 2-3907 CANARIES, cheap. 672 NE Alameda. OR 2-3220 TOY Fox Terriers, Pugs-and canar tea. Putman's. OR 3-8f04. GLKNGARY Jgeagle JnnVis.OR"3"-3793. CHIHUAHUA pups. Phone OR 3-3694. 31 Sporting Equipment SKAGIT GLASS BOATS Mercury Motors Aluminum boats Becl.iner plywood boats Tee-Nee trailers Unfinished boats Boat Hardware & Accessories Marine paint Umpqua Val ley , Hardware Marina 658 S ERose ' Rod & Reel Trailer & Boat Sales Evinrude Motors P-U. Larson. Clippcrrmft, Rurrhrrart I. ham, Surcraft boats. Accessories, Paint. ,tc J!iSWHirvm roR SALE ! aluminum vacation u.uyi i. .mi. cir ooat, lapslrakej construction with oak rib, complete with lights, oars and trailer. Call GY -:tiR3. ARCHERY SUPPLIES-Shift n-parallel, tapered. Special roving and extra length Hunter s Arrow Shop, Rt. 4, Box 328 Happy Valley Road. 14 FT Dav cabin cruiser. Call OR 2-.1flfl before 3 p.m., or all day Saturday and Sunday. NEW if -un-about pfvwnod boat, reason abl Phone OR 3-.1000. SPIN RODS ndpfnreeUpa!sofiy tier supplies. Po wall's. 32 Produce & Plants Bedding Plants 50c Doz. LESS by the flat: also tomato, pepper ma ciddi g piams: gcraniumi cnna ana begonia sNAVry! strawberry plants. Moore ' mil E. of Court hous on Douglas Av. FUCHSIA and geVanium-baskets," tCfs and up. Brautiful plants. Also bedding plants, pansle. perennialn. tomatoes, cabbage, etc. Mar Donna Garden Cen ter, next to Dairy Queen on City Drive In Lot HARRIS FRU1TSTAND 1 btockN. Garden Valley Road on north Stephens. Bananas, 10c lb. Everyday low prices. 34 Misc. For Sale GE GAS DRIVEN portable elertnc weld er, good jrondition. g..B3. OR 3-7:Mi4. 1 8HATTUCK upright piano, darkok finish. S17S. OR 2-1077 I ADDING machln for aal. Call OR1 3-3082. ! STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Vivian Travels OR 3-:M92 SEARS chainaaw. runs goodl35 OR 3-8J12fl CHROME dinette Kt: electric-sewing machine. Call OR 2-2S12 L'SED Holpotnt refrigerator, good condi tion, 70. OR 3-7.170 JATR0Ni2I NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS I I WH4T'D HBS4V? I I4T ESPEI74NT Of? IS IT V4LLST. FOR 'DON'T 8L4ME PE4WN6 BULLIiH UN0EI7- cause yoos CUCI7ENTS, INFLATED B4LLOON THE 6LtVVNMOC4N THI?CW IT.' IF HE WF NT rv-Kuu A PUT TH4T TO MUSC.HE'D H4VE 4 SWELL FUNEQ4L M4f?CH- u4r 1J 4 30 , 34 Misc. For Sale Big Harry's Trading Post Winston Weekend Speciolj Ud Coronado clothes drer. Guaran teed perfect ... $50 00 $3 Cel. electric water heater, used m . $3Q uu Maytag waiher $73 00 'tn lawn mower. demonstrator $4300 New Bunk sway beds with Innersprmg mattresses .... ti2.ui New year crib with Innersprmg mat tress $2350 Mahogany tea cart .... t3 00 9 Pc. twin bedroom set, French st le A beauty , .... I ISO 00 Lots or cut erys'al and china SS re duction. See V Before You Buy Everything Marked Down Big Harry's Trading Post Winston Vacuum Cleaners $5 & $10 Over ISO to choose from All makes and models Manv rebuilt and guaranteed 1 year by Kirby Co. of Roseburg. One new floor model left, substantial reduction. Parts, paper bags, fillers and service, all makes. Vacuum cleaners are our business, not juU a side line. Your cleaning needs ar our concern. Open until 9 p.m. during sale For fre horn demonstrations, call KIRBY CO. Of Roseburg 2101 NE Stephem-OR 3-6:tM or OR 2-2214 WHITE rearend transmission. Brownie. axles, water pump., radiator. 2 Model i ford radiators. 1 Industrial radiator for V motor, 1 Ford 2 speed rearend. OR:i-(.wn ONE SWEDEN air cooied2gaHonca- Darity toft lea cream machine. Dm Ba-itial-Blessing, 8-flavora soda foun tain complete with compressor. Can he seen at Long Rock Market. Glide. USED appliances ranges, refrigerators, etc Taken in on trades Come out and make a deal. Rainbow Trailer Sales. N Highway &P at Winchester Bridge. WE ALWAYS HAVE a fine selection of meat available for your locker or deep freer at wholesale prices. Winston Lockers, OS B-MU 1 FOR the bast lob ofciistom-cuttlni wrapping and quick freezing, brine your meat to Winston Lockers. OS -3133 ASK ns about the A man a freezer and the Amana food plan. All foods of your choice supplied from local firms Kier Croorh Plumbing & Appliance, 328 SE SlephrnsOR 2-31164. TREVAS CERAMICS Free lessons. Large assortment green ware, paints, glares. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3I3J. RENT an automatic washer-from-Horn's Appliance. Rent may apply on pur chase price. gS month and up. OR 3-3318. IS' ROW BOAT and 'SfBulck" radio, good shape. 1217 Cobb days or week end TWO piece modern red"Bectional"lH3 Matching and tables, coffee table KiO. UN Z-14SU COUCH "Vndmatching-chair- II 5 Table ana a cnairs no. rloui 1, Box 1.12 PORTLAND antenna artrl telescoping S20. Ph. CERAMICS green ware. gls7ei, fin ished pieces. Fre lesson OR 3-4372. 1200 S E Mill WINSTON Sand and Gravel, "crushed rock, reject gravel, bar run and top BniLOSB.fUft3. TOP SOIL fromnew location Thebest you have ever seen, no roots or weeds. Ralph Fisher, Winston. OS -4!.:i APT range, new rod-typeburners Good condition to 4 45 Bargain Aoplianre Center. JH1S E. Rose. Ph. OR 3-332.1. TOP SOIL Genuine heavy river loam No rocks. Easy to handle. For the best. callCha. Keely. OS 9-3117 FOR SALE; 4 lots In Memorial Garden "Garden of Meditation". Reasonable. Phone OR 2-1B23 RIVER LOAM shale and gravel Lind- ey White. OS 9-BU4 USED GUNS, bought aoldand traded Umpqua Gun Store NICE Singlet bed, roll spring and mat tress, t20. OK 2-1413. SADDLE. Superior Hirc-nsTtooled" leath er, nearly new. 275 OH 3-4H04 evenings ANYONE wanting Watkins Products. call OR2-:W7 FASHION FROCKS" OR3-74n9 UPRIGHTPIANO OR 2-l9:" RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-40S4 FULLER BRUSH OR2-1391 WATKINS PRODUCTSOR 3-3431 FRESH DOUGHNUTS OR3-43t. By Jimmy Hatlo UUST SELLING A CUSTOMER N ISN'T THE H4I7D P4rT-IT' KEEP1N' 'EM BEWILOECEO SO 0F V ,ntT WON'T bMOOT IM- HE'S IT'S LIKE VMJITlNo SCIENCE FICTION -THAT LINGO BOW SNATCHEPS GOT A L4N004f E ALL HiS OWN- LlaTErJlhJG TO THE W4LL ST. .VE4THE.r; M4M DOUBLE-TALK THE UPS AHD DOWNS TV BCH LAL OD, 34 Misc. For Sale Used Furniture DAVENPORTS ard chair sets. 82 50i" GOOD SELECTION of used furnhcr. I Easy terms, be ud furnitur depL at : Judd's Furniture I Notice To Candidates Seeking Office SFK US for campaign printing, car bum per sign. ic- M Cr M Printers 242 X Jackson. OR 2 8ai For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Cl V Munlon. Wa buy, sell and Lade. It pas to buy and sell the auction way Auction very Fri day. 7 PM. t Roseburg Auction 1 Ph. OR 3-3026 WANT TO Increase th value of your horn? Contact us for an estimate on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap pliance. S28 S.E. Stephens. OR 2-XI04 BABY basinett $37 OR 3-805 35 Wanted Misc. WE PAY HIGHEST caih price (or used furniture. ROSEBURG FURNITURE EXCHANGE 245 SE Jackson Ph.OR.V5104 BEST PRICES for junk of all kinds. Scrap iron, batteries, radiators, cop per and brass. Will pick up. 2040 W ShrwoodOR 2-4533. WANTED Used furniture, top prices paid Harry's. 1343 N I- Stephens. Ph. OR 2-1411. WANTED TO BUY - Old china, glass ware, furniture. Jewelry Prtscilla's Antiques 247 S EJackon. OR 2-1421. WANTED TO BUY - Good unedMrnl ture ROSEBURG AUCTION OR 2- WE BUY or self-oldcoinlstr' Toy aV Hobby Shop. 36 For Trade TRADE equity in 2 bedroom horn In Winston for modern 2 bedroom trailer. OS 8-3101, or inquir at Wag e Furni ture EQ U IT YlnI9Mr40fT2"1 bed wmtrTl ler and '37 GMC pickup, for furniture, travel trailer andjor cash. OR U-3710. FOR SALE or trade, equity In 2-bedroom horn for .1-bedroom house, car etc. Call OS B-3A10 G E. electric stove trade for bed aaveno. Call OH or GY 0-3823. TRADE - Ured 2x12 sforbulldoir work. OR 2-2710. WILL' TRADE '4! Bulrk and-100for smaller car. OR 3-8040 after 3 P.M. 37 Machinery BU 7 YARDER with triple drum Lorain loader on rubber. J yard fcai heel boom mounted, comoleielv nvar. hauled, excellent condition, ready to go io won. , TO 1948, with blade and drum 1952 DODGE truck, cab and chassis, with Brownie and big Chrysler angina, Tugalong trailer. 1951 FORD tractor with blade. In xcl- ieni snape, aouoie trans. 1B52 FORD tractor with blade and birk hb. and extension for 10 ft. depth, double trans. 1 F-7 Ford truck, 3-yard dump box 2 F- Fords 5-yard dump 1931 Dodge dump truck. 3-6 ard box 071 Diesel engine on sled, complete with pulle.a and bearings, for small mill. NEW AMIS Chalmers 3 HP motor and pump, combined 2" X IV 440 volt, 3 phase, f 183. Doyle's Used Equipment Center 4A1 Garden Valley Road 01 B-17M Wanted Cats, loaderi, all kinds of machinery for resale Carte Machinery Mirtl Creek Ph. UN J-3902 38 Logging Iquipment ONE Blf 123 Skagit yarder, powered with 130 Cummins motor, complete with rigging. 1 Washington yarder, 150 Cummins motor, complet with rig ging 1 McKenrie King yarder or loader, powered with either 2-V8 Ford motors or 1-4 cylinder Cummins motor. 1 Caterpillar 11 grader. Other miscel laneous equipment OR 3-7770 1947 rORD lumber and "log truck combination with job New motor, 03' a 00x23 rubber, 3 speed Brownie. 4 speed transmiislon. 2 speed rearend I and tag axle. Pric $1000 cash. OR I t COMBlNATIONloaderandardrwith I free-swing boorn Mounted on KB12 International truck. Call OR 2-2733 e- FOR HIRE - 3 short log trucks and trai!era. iMul trains. Also contract ( logging; Good equipment. Ph. OR I 3-7162 i 19.V1 D-4 rat In top mechanical"condtii"on I with angle blade, winch, electn tar-- ing and almost new 20" tracks. C33O0 Ph OR 3-4000 I FOR ALE " b-8 iaetnlU series with Johnson bar. Good condition PhoneOK 2-2K.i . YD Lorain shovef! it-attachments and extra engine. 012.300. 1B41 N. E Stephen. OR 3-4040 DO CAT and 13yard Carryall-D7cat with angle doner Tor rent, by hour or contract. OR 3-4705 39 Timber & Sawmills Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and s'umpsie in laiie or small tracts Dava Ph Riddle or Mjrtl Crk I'N 3-4:;20 evenings A TTENTKN all loggers187Vcrestlm ber in Camas Vailev. TO 14 ral. Dia mond T short logger, both ready to work All rigging, power saws, fle equipment to go with Must bur cat or trurk to gel timber. A good deal in right partv Hurrv' Contact R. L. Rirhter Ph OR 3-5204 WANTED - CORDWOOD Eight foot. 118 er cord. L Preston Lumber Co Riddle fan W A NTED : aa wrrrlll logs, a Iso am a 1 1 pstche of timber CLEVELAND LUMHKR CO. Tenmil. OS -52.i4 WILL BUY logs, itumpagor rough lumber Hub Lumber Company. Box 207 Phon OR 2-3J8S WANTED - Man with Skragg mill" tn aw 1 ( 000 2n d gr ow th . OS -B0W2 after 5pm WANTED lagged over""!and-and tim ber land. Writ Boa 8.17 News-Review 40 House Trailers -"-.r'""..'.""'..?.." Tn' N. Tiailer fui 1 27 rT Walro trailer. Modern Very good snap OR 3-3798 I 27' TRAILER houe t J Knott. Greg gorv St , Winston 194v21 FT Fleetwood trailer, modern1 on nui. Wtd. April 30, 1958 Th. Ntwi-R.yi.w, Koxburf, Ort. 11 i40 House Trailers Just Arrived PARAMOUNT f By Pan American 4T Ten wide, 2-bedroom, front kitchen. REX t, 3. and S bedrooms. Built In Oregon for Oregon weather LEISUREHOME Tnwld. colorful Inttnor, oun4 con- iruclton. Good MlocUon of lisfd Triilfti Trailrr Supplici Eirl F. Smith Trilfr llome Co. ltM N, OR 1 MM American Fleetwood Kit Golden State IS ft to M ft and 10 ft. wtd Call us if you need mir trailer moved anwhar Rainbow Trailer Sales S Miles north on old highway I At Winchester Bridge Open Eve s it Sundajs OR 1-7272 TERRY KENSKII.L UNIVERSAL NASHUA FRONTIER TERRA CRUISER AEE Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1102 N t Stephana OR 2-4221 Rod & Reel Trailer Sales Siesta & Aljb Rentals. 1143 W Harvard FOR SALE or trade - M' 10.V1 National 2 - bedroom trailer New awning Included $3,000 Take up tn 1X00 worth of furniture. Inquire Winston Barber Shop. 31' MODERN trailer house, 2PO0 Will take good car, furnitur or appliances as part payment. Sec Martin Suksdorf at Cottage Court. Winston. EXPERT repairing, trailer repairing of an a in as service work on rail. Do vies Mobil Homes. 491 N E. Garden Valley Blyd OR 2-375g I ANGELUS. lik new. Modern 11' Columbia, sell on rental basis. Also smaller trailer, Kada Trailer Court. TWO BEDROOM trailer, like new. Bent eah offer. Nebo Trailer Park, after 4. 42 Trucks 1M7 WHITE isrd damp trurk. 9 soeert transmission, 3 speed Brownie, 9:00x90 rtiDDer, V.IX cash. UR 3-biht. CHKVROLET pirkup. Very lood shape. S108S UN 3-:lM4 Mvrtla Creek. SACRiriCr. 4 wheel drive. 19M Ford - ton pickup. Terms. OH S-45.13. 43 Autos & Motorcycles MUST SACRIFICE FOLLOWING CARS '95 PLYMOUTH Belvedere sport roup Ilk new. R&H automatic transmis sion. One owner. 39,000 actual miles. 51 ONE OWNER Olds Super gg. H automatic transmission. '32 FORD VICTORIA. Ilk new New tires, paint, upholstery, motor etc. A real beaut). Will Consider Trade THESE CARS CAN BE SEEN AT - HARRY'S FURNITURE" 1345 N K. STEPHENS PHONE OR 2-1411 lff3T BUICK Cabs Hero station wagon, loaded Sparkling garnt-red. Pom er steering, power brakes. Chrome lug gage rack; other extras. Mud sell equity. To Inspect, call Malletl. OS 1-3294. 1930 D SOTO con vertlbl, fu 1 1 eq u i i p ment including Hi-Fi record pla er, big motor; 1 owner, wonderful condi tion; only 19,000 miles. 12093. OR I 7:t04. 19M PONTIAC sedan. RaVH. new seat covers and tires. Complete motor over haul. Will accept trade. 1209 S. E. Main St., Phon OR 3-403T. '30 FORD Country sedan. Blue and while. Thunderbird motor, power steering and Fordomatic. 3 seats. Radio and heat er. CallOR 2-2733 evenings. JO FORD Fairlane. 500. 300 H P Sell my equity or will tak older model rar GY 0-3X17 FOR SALE or trad, mv quity '30 Chev rolet Biscayn. Call Sutherlin 4318 after 5 . . OR SALE or "trade 33Ford 4-door. Radio, heater and overdrive, $000. OS Ml 3. 1947 FORD 2-donr deluxe sedan, reason able, ee at 4M Fair CLEAN "St" Chevrolet 3-dnor Delux. RAH; good tire. $493. OR 2-2333 43 Autos & '56 DODCE $1750 Hardtop Like new Cold and white, RAH, Automatic. Former pure. IIM5 1958 EDSEL DEMONSTRATOR Make "Dnrt In A l.ifftimf" deal on th world's new.l most mod-rn nr. Every conceivable acceory. Ila been handled wilh bahv care. Save up la 1600. Act now. Pacer tudor hardtop with 303 HP. New guarantee 55 PONT. $1495 gition. 12.0(10 miles SI.H. Hydrematie 1957 JAGUAR TUDOR COUPE 100IK) miles One of Ihe finest Foreign car huilt. RtH. Hvdramalic. Sport wheels, and racing tire.".. Spotlem. Thu car coat over H500 new. Buy it now for )Ut HIM L0CKW00D MOTORS ' Oek RnM. PflllM OR 1-4'. 43 Autos & Motorcycles BARCUS M STI'DEBAKEII Power Hawk Auto transmission. Jet black wita red and Ivory Inttnor . 10M Ja Hru.MAN Station Waion, Driv en only 12.000 miles. U.a new 1111 M roNTIAC 4 door Hardtop. Hy- dramatic, 1 a H 1M H PLYMOUTH Vi club eodan. Pushbutton driv. 14M DODCE Vi Unr.r Hardtop Powerflyte. PH. Jot black with whltewall tiros liot 35 roRO VI ftatlon Wan. with OD 14M 34 DODGE sedsn, Powerflyto, RsVH iaa 34 BIMCK Century Hardtop. Doa- How, IMiH M U ITUDEBAKER V I Commander sedan. Hydramatle, R4VH, com. pletely recondltlonad ea 33 BUICK Super eedan. Dvna flow RsVH. Completely rebuilt motor top 33 CHEVROLET Club Coup. Very clean TM 33 PLYMOUTH Suburban. R It H Extra food . .. tod '33 PACKARD club sodan. Autnmat- le transmission R&H. Sharp 404 '31 OLDS M sedan. Hydramatle. RatH. Special m '31 DODGE sedan, RiiH , IN '31 FORD VS convertible. Over drive, A It H M 31 HUDSON hardtop, Hydramatle, RAH KM SO MERCURY sedan. Overdrive .... 1U 48 DODGE sedan. motor IttrH. IIS 1M 1U It PLYMOUTH club coupe .. 'a FORD VI club coup. Trucks & Pickups 37 DODGE V8 S ton pickup. Dem onstrator. New truck guarantee ltM 4 Wft.LYS 4-whel driv Station wagon, xtra good eontLtlon. . 1300 51 INTERNATIONAL LtOO short logger. Also has lumber rolls. Dual drive. Brownie. Good 900 SO Uras. Ready to hauL Terms. CHEVROLET lt ton flatbed farm truck. Good motor an Uras. 20 T STU DEBATER plekup 190 BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Stephana at Garden Vally Road Ph. OR 3-3300 Easy Bank Terms Used Cars At Wholesale II PONTIAC 4-door. R&H Hydra matle, good Urea. . 31 HUDSON 4-door sedan R&H, run good. 3 to chooa from 40 STUDERAKER Champion 2 door. Lot of cheap transporta tion Better Buy Bargain Lot "At Th Clock" 1183 N E Stephens Call Charlie at OR 2-28a '55 OLDS 2-door hardtop. Trades on sidered.OR 2-1388 after 5 pm 'Si JEEP 4 wheel' driv station-wagon. Reasonable. OR 2-4533. MOTORCYCLES - New u sed Beck with Cjcle OR 3-8120 '30 DODGE coup. 820 OS -3304 Motorcycles 0M frWm shoofif) '57 CHEV $1695 Economy plus Slick as a hut ton. Smooth running 8 Don t wait on this one Guaranteed In writing '54DeSOTO $795 Automatic. Power steeri best bua. Dec id toda lomatic. Power steerina On af aur I. itephen. fhone OR I-1UI