I TK Newt-Review, Roeburf,, U. Of O. Mothers Club Meets At Watzig Home University of Oregon Molhera Club met Monday evening at a 7 30 o'clock dessert - supper at the beautiful home of Mrs. H. A. ..."- . L" c " "Z. Mrs. Carl Felker and Mrs. Frank Webster assisting hostesses. Othen preient were Mrs. H H. Turner, Mrs. M. L. Hallmark, Mrs. George Kuhn, Mra. Edyth Gilmour,,,,. cle sale to be held March 29 RIODLE BETHEL HOLDS RECENT INITIATION Mr. i. rnnHnrun.il ( .ii.i.n . - .. . . ., ne ouiri served car. .uu tuuco mane reservations Dy calling M rs . 1 i-eia repioi, aiyme mum, oonna xrlJttm SM 'A KmWtlng Apr.i l,er " " ""nn- , Paul K. Ryan. A small charge will Weaver. LaVerne Harrell. Merger sice grand uardian . ".""I0"1. "? "1 and will be a joint session withi Those present, in addition to thai ' ,et Moore. Betty Thornton. Norma noy ' v.o.ourn o. F ociate grand guardian of Oregon inspected Bethel J, Jod uaugn- EIL,'.'. e52Sy Q e n bSL?J Monday. Honored Queen Judy Buckley presided. Initiated into the bethel were: Susan Daniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Daniels: Judith Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Arland Dean; Clayetta Hall, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall; and Mary and Charlotte Fields, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fields. All initiates are from Rid dle. Preceding the meeting, a pot luck dinner was prepared and served by the guardian council and by various mothers under the di rection of Mrs. Clarence White. The St. Patrick's Day theme was cleverly carried out in the upstairs and dining-room decorations. During the meeting, MrsT A. J. Young of Roseburg, past grand guaiiiian of Oregon, waa honored when her life story was read by the bethel librarian, Cathy Aker. Her favorite song, "The Lord's Prayer, was played by junior princess, rlorette McGee. Later, a drill under the direction of Nancy McCoy was presented in honor of Mrs. Goodnough and Mr. Colburn. The bethel daughters formed a heart around the grand officers and the two princesses presented each with a gift. Musical entertainment was pro vided by Alice Walker who played her flute. Refreshments were serv ed in the dining room following the entertainment. Other guesta included Edell Bry ant, associate guardian of Bethel I, Roseburg; Chene Havens, hon ored queen of Bethel No. 8 and her junior princess, Sharon Lyons: Car ol F'ray of Roseburg, grand bethel representative to Wisconsin: Mrs. John Wilson of Myrtle Creek, past grand guardian of Oregon; Mar garet Stokes, past honored queen ot tne (.rants fass ueinei; Mrs. Delbert Trask, guardian of Bethel 18, Myrtle Creek: and Glenn Wil lis, district deputy of the Grand Masters of Oregon, A.F. ii A M. OAKLAND CHAPTER 1 INITIATES THURSDAY Oakland Chapter SI, OKS. met Thursday evening and held initia tion for six new candidates. Worthy Matron Betty Early and Worthy Patron Harry Smith presided. Degrees were conferred on Pa tricia Williams, Kenneth Williams, Violet Huhbell, Herbert Huhhell, Gerald Egnew and Sydney John ston. The worthy matron extended an invitation to attend the chap ter's 50th anniversary celebration tonight at the high school gymna ' aium. It is open to the public. Olga Bielman and Betty Early received proficiency certificates. The attractive spring flower ar rangements in the chapter room w-ere done by Madge Corhish and the following committee had charge nf the dining room decorationa and the delirious refreshments served following the meeting: Lucretia Ross, Flovd Ross, Thelma Trusty, Betty Hawkins and Lois Rehwalt. FORMER RESIDENT COMPLIMENTED FRIDAY Mrs. Vernon Wilkerson of Grants Pass and formerly of Glendale, was honored at a pink and blue shower given at the home of her mother, Mrs. Polly Cooper, in Glendale. Friday afternoon. siuib were pupa in a Dassinei, u-1 self one of the gifts, beside a ta-i Die on wnicn a stora was appron-1 rialely posed. After the gifts were oppned. the hostesses, Mrs. James IU1"' k Estes, "J" Those present were Mrs. Bill Rlomme. Mrs. (.lay ton Ford. Mrs., Joe Musta, Mrs. Herb Webber, I Mr Hill While Mr. ci.d. o .il . J 5'". lh.e:..lr"..y.l"3' ? 'I".1' I iiirs. rerri. Dumf. .uri. jaca Asn-. pr. Mrs. Charlps Jones. Mrs. Rudy Walker. Mrs. James Coooer. Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Kar Win., slow. Mrs. James Miller, Mm. Msrlin Rrnnks Mrs Osrar Daviil. : son. Mrs. Polly Cooper, the hon-1 oree ana tne nostesses. i -ry yinrs wmx won oy Others unable to he present who Mr- 1,,nl and Mrs. Norton, sent gifts includpd Mrs Bob Ellis, i At midnight a potluck supper Mrs 1.0UISP Millpr. Mrs. Vernal and a beautifully decorated birth Bigelow. Mrs lxila Askov. Mrs. , day cake were served to the follow John Burke. Mrs. Fred Williamson, ing: Air. and Mrs. Williams, the Mrs. Dave Williamson. Mrs. Har-1 land Overrash. Mrs. Norman Pal mer, Mrs Shellie I'eavyhouse, Mrs Richard Hayes and Mra. Henry Clark. CANYONVILLi LIBRARY HAS OPEN HOUSE AFFAIR Nearly jO guests registered at the l anyonville Library open house Plav. Miss Trimhle. enunlv li brarian, showed a mmi. 'after which refreshmenis were served hy the hostesses, the local librar ians and the library board. PHIL TELFORD HONOR EO AT lilRTHDAY DINNER Thp birthday of Phil Tol.'i.rd wasj rcieuriea nunoay ai a lamuv am- ner party given by Mrs Telfor 1. 1 Present to enjoy Ihe lestivp oc casion were Ihe guest of honor and the hostess and Mrs. and Mrs. I. F. Driggara of Red Bluff. Calif . Don Driggars of Vancouver. Wash., , . " ' ""ooreu on me occasion ol ner her home in honor of her mother- the afternoon was pnuned ii..nn nn "Kln trades completed the aft- l .rol Trimble Miss Muriel Mitch- birthday at a family dinner held in law. Mr, Sarah Trusty, who was and sewing Present wire t a Program ell and Mrs. O. J. Monger, all of at the home of Mr and Mrs. Bill celebrating her 70th birthd.v guest,. Mrs Agnes Carlson and WW r . ., .,,., ,ri:iKn.V're hn""d """" 01 Cn'i" hr"l"y "" 1 Knioying the affair were Mrs. Mrs b II Morgan T anil member, ElJjOY LUNCH pos" the evening The cake wa, iced in pink and Ed llelmholdl. Mrs l.,.l,e Koh- Marv Decker Be II ' " tenh enTon' LUNCH EON .nment to S MrV K'" V' V'.'.' l?' '"' A noon luncheon was eninved hv ...... ,ii , ri, , mi ny hi ami airs ai .M. imrr ! Abee , the guest of honor and en l ong Artie Heels A-lia Mill the members nf ih. viv i i.,k s.-.; Srs;:BH.-r :;z . n n.n. nc vi u.v mn vuirr inu ine r son. 1 inn. ami .Susan Mr in. Mr aisimsf mu r LIRR in tuviui. icuu.u .iiu vu.iirn. fi.i-. en. r Of. Sot. Mr. 11. 1951 j u.. i... Mn. Howard Patlison, UL' 14 C.rt.r Kirm ,H Mr. H.J;,, w uih.,' rSLZ'l ' ' Geddes. Mrs. Adah Know-land Booth. Mrs Up, iWii i ; liiirfnt t' Randall, Mrs. James Byron. Mrs. H. J. Winter, Mri Kenneth 'Kirk and Mrs. S. A. Warg. pi,n, w, m,d for a pre-East ,to raise money for the scholarship he'ld durini 'the " soiaT how"to 1 ""l. money fo 'thfund the Oregon State College Mother. Club, at which lime a number of forell(n exchange students will be, I ST. PATRICK'S THEME USED AT ZULEIMA MEET Zuleima Club, Daughters of the Nile, met Friday night for a de lightful dessert supper at the Epis copal Parish Hall. The St. Pat rick's Day theme was carried out in the table decorations, with while camellias and greenery and green candlea gracing the tables. Host' esses were Mrs. W. C. Holmes chairman . asnt.il h. Mr. Th.ii.iMrJ. Bill Lal'rath, Mr. and Mrs dore Mark Mrs Rudy Ritiman and Mrs A. C Spencer New officers, Mra. Sig Fett, pres ident; Mrs. M. D. Steinbach, vice president; and Mrs. L. C. Latham, secretary treasurer, took over their duties. Mrs. Fett named as her committees: Sewing, Mrs. O. A. Lange and Mrs. Albert Joelson; publicity, Mrs. Clyde Carstena: temple hostess, Mrs. M. Beery; calling, Mrs. Harold Eiaelstrom; sick and distress. Mrs. A. C. I Spencer; Thanksgiving and Christ mas boxes, Mr. M. u. MeinDacn. Mrs. Henry llalvorsen was appoint ed by the temple to serve as Princess Zuleika. Those present included a guest, Mrs. Marian W. Woods, and mem bers, the Mesdames Ernest Went jar, William T. Evans Jr.. W. G. Olmscheid. A. J. Stanley, E. T. Krewson, Sig Fett, H. K. llalvor sen, Bert Gilbert, A. C. Spencer, L. C. Latham, Fred M. Darby, lalo D. Stephens, Albert Joelson, Arthur Midland, Dale Wiliamson, Theo dore Mark, Rudy Ritzman. W. C. Holmea and Clyde Carstens. For the next meeting. April II. members will wear comic hats of their own making to carry out the Easter theme. INTERESTING PROGRAM SLATED BY U of O MOTHERS The OSC Mother's Club m t Monday at the beautiful home of Mrs. Leonard Riley, with Mrs. W. ('. Ilolbrook, Mrs. Foster Butner and Mrs. Waller Hercher assisting hostesses. Other members present war Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. Maurice Newland, Mrs. Hugh Ritchie. Mrs. Vernon Hosford, Mrs. Carl league, Mrs. Earl Bliele. Mrs. Cecil Sher wood and Mrs. John M. Ferguson. Miss Marilyn Martin and Miss 1 fat U Mara entertained the mem bera with interpretive readings New officers elected were Mrs. John Ferguson, president; Mrs. Edwin Myers, vice president; Mrs. Mary Doughton, social chairman. Plans were made to have the members' husband and a panel of foreign students attend the next meeting and to have as special guests members of the University of Oregon Mother's Club and their husbands. The club will give a full tuition scholarship, the selection to be made by the state scholarship com mute. The next meeting will be April 21 at 8 p.m. at St. George's Epis copal Parish Hall. The University of Oregon Mother's Club will meet at 7:30 pin. for a short business session, then will loin the OSC molhers for the program. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAMS r.VKM " SURPRISE PARTY a irouo met reremiv nine at the hum. nf u and Mis. Ted Toner at Sutherlin.'then went it0 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ches- '" Williams where thev surprised ,nem m,h , birthday party hirth.lav. nf h.',is ..r. h.n . .. .. of bo,h 're hon." mrtt- M r w I hams was presented with Plants and hulh. and Mr W.I-: . .. . : hams with personal gifts. Pinochle was In play during the evening with Mr. Lamoreaux win ninlt nien s high and Mrs. Austin ladles high. Low scores went to Mr- Williams and Mrs. Lamoreaux, ; honored guests. Mr and Mrs old Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Kdusrd Lamoreaux. Mr and Mrs. Allred Hand. Mr. and Mrs !iarrv Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Toner and Mrs. Henretta Beswick. BIRTHOAY CELEBRATED AT FAMILY DINNER airs, rranx noouiey ot Glendale MISS MAROIE HANSON IS nONOm D ON BIRTHDAY Miss Margie Hanson celebrated her birthday Sunday afternoon al a party given hy hpr mother. Mrs. Andrew Hanson, at the Hanson home on Fullerton Street Margie received manv Imrlv gilts Gaines and refi.. im.m. were enjoyed by the guest a honor ana the aussps rarrol Vount. Joan Brinkman. Judy Hansen. I arolvn i Wood. Dixie Wooton and Marilyn "ays. , .vir. and .Mrs riaripn l.ucss and v .i men s.uorr r.ura laier in ine evening : FRANK REEDS HONOR E 0 AT WEDDING SHOWER Mr. and Mri. Frank Reed of Glendale were honored at a wed 1 dinic shower given at the home of 1 Mrs. Ida Edwn Monday. The gift table on covered with an ecru lace cloth tpread over an- other cloth of blue. The table cen - . ..... - . -i .... WrUICCe Wit gUIIlUrUU ITtrtS Ore orated with pastel-colored plastic wedding bells and artificial flow- ers standing on a large mirror. On 'th 'd tree were double candelabra holding pink and blue the Emerald Club, has announced After the business meeting of the and Gail Dwight Gregory and Lori candles tied with ribbons in cor- that wives of tiki desiring to at-1 Fair Oaks Economic Club Tues-i Dwight and Mark PauF and Greg responding colors. In front of the tend only the dessert - supper and day a pink and blue shower was ory Standley ' ' tree was placed a wedding bell meeting and not stay for the eard held for Sherri Thornton. After I n. . .:n k. .. .u. n"' "'":, ' . veral game, were played be - L.re bri(1 ?"":d heI bnd,i coupie ,n() the hostess were , .Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. John Bigelow, Mrs. Pat Mize. Mrs. John -'her. Mr,. Loren Bartle. ,.. Ed Harris, Mrs. Earl Buenger. Mrs. Ralph Place, Mrs. Giaue o iseu, Mrs. Justin Tavlor. Mrs. Walter tr i .... .j. ii.. d;i... c.vinHn ; Wnght, Mrs. James Mile, Mr5. ! 'n. Mrs. Pete Smith on her birth Jerry Antich. Mrs. Jack Snelling, They presented her with a Mrs Florence Clayton. Mrs. Mahe I b', vernng bag with a rhine Heller, Miss Gloria Reed. Ml, I tone design. A green iced birthday Sandra Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. , "ke " " rvedc f "v"2 nonor: Herbert Reed. ? both Mrs. Smith and one of Thwe sending gifts were Mr. and Gordon Mehl, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rhoades. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy frestianni, Mr. ana Mrs. uoo as - kov, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dollar, Mr. 2and Mrs. Ralph Shoulders of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Life Edson and Mrs. Vernal Bigelow. OAKLAND GARDEN CLUB HOLDS RECENT CARD PARTY The Oakland Garden Club held n.n ,h. u,, nail Monday afternoon. A dessert lunch - eon was served at one o'clock fol - I lowed by bridge, pinochle, canasta and five hundred. Seventeen tables were in play. Tl inners were: Bridge. Mrs. Itoy Sedell, first, and Mrs. ern l.ie- singer, second: pinochle, Mrs. Har ry Norton, first, Mrs. Leo Sparks, second; five hundred, Mrs. Roy Medley, first, Mrs. Robert Mason, second; Mrs. Laurence Haines, traveling prize; canasta. Mrs. R. . .: .,; ri. league, nrsi, airs, iienry noi- ai-her .ernnrt Committees in charge of games were Mrs. R D. Bridges, Mrs. Kr - win Rice, Mrs. Laurance Haines and Mrs. L. F Stearns, with Mrs. Lerov Churchill general chairman. Decorations on the serving table were a large bowl of forsythia and greenery, flanked by green can dles and Irish harps. Small tables were decorated in chamrocks and Irish hats. A large wishing well was in the front of Ihe room. Guests irom out of town were Mrv Robert Mason of Palo Alto, Calif., Mrs. Roy Sedell and Mrs. James Hughes or Kosehurg. Mrs Rafiel Wise and Mrs. Ben Metz of Yoncalla and several from Sulher tin. BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN AT SORORITY MEETING Mrs. II. Curtis Finley. chapter president, was the hosless for the first March meeting of tne Beta Gamma Chapter. FiSA. Mrs. Joseph Taucher. chairman of the rummage sale held recently, reported the sale as being highiy successful. The Chapter is sending Sl.'ifl tn Ihe frinnlpft Chitiirens Hos pital in Eugene. The hospital is the stale philantropic project of Mr Flit, and Mr, Robert,6" F0R PEC-y BECKHAM Horn gave the educational pro-1 gram for the evening The topic of thp program was -Etiquette and Mr. aml'Mrs. Dale Beckham, was INTERESTING MEETING Ta,i, c . - . , . . celebrated at a party given at the .. Miss Soma II lelseth. who is mov-. Beckham home bv her mother Be,a Eta Chapter of Epsilon Al ing to Ponland. received a lovely I Jessie Kvidera and' Mary Welker Pna members enjoved a chili sup-, going away gdt from the members grandmothers of Peggy' assisted Per Wednesday evening at the of the chapter and a surprise brid- the hostess. Ilollopeter home with Veda Hollo- i al shower was held for Miss Joy; After games, refreshments were ,eer and Laura Lee Culver as Bishop served to Tommy Hill, Freddy hostesses. Members attending were Mrs II. M,.rk, Janet Kent. Steven (iadwav. Those enjoying the evening wi'h ' Curtis Finley Mrs. Robert l orn. Billy. Mary and Edward Bennett. Ilollopeter and Mrs. Culver Mrs. Joseph Taucher. Mrs. 1. J. RiUiri,.A iiniu. i l- uer. Mnciam... nnnn ii-... di..i. . Bean. Miss Sonja lljelseth. Mrs. tleorge Malslead. Mrs Harry Dun - ning. Mrs. lister A. Nelson. Mrs. Bill Schulti and Miss Joy Bishop. MUSICAL EVENING 'HELD AT SUTHERLIN The Roseburg Chapter of the Oie- Ron Slustc Teachers Assn. held its Vlarrh meeting in Sutherlin Frulav 'rcn mpeung in rtuinpriin r rii a !"".. ?' M" n,l" Magill and Mrs. Georgia Clarke. The meeting was held in the Ma- gill Building where Mrs. Magill conducts her musical kindergarten, After the business meeting, con ducted by thp president. R Cloyd Rlffp musical program was giv en hy Mrs. Magill and Mrs. Clarke. assisted bv several of their stu dents. Most of the selections were compositions by Schubert Several vocal numbers wprp pniopd as well as piano trios and duets and Har-'vl0m ,0los Mrs.' Clarke gave a biography of Srhuliert Lovelv refreshments in the Patrick's theme were sered the two hostesses LOVELY COFFEE PARTY HONORS MRS. TRUSTY Mrs ( .1 Triislv Melrose n. terlained Tuesday at a colfee at Paul Abeel and Miss JoAnn Trusty i BREAKFAST ENJOYED BY DAUGHTERS OF VETERANS Ruth Rppse and Elsie Mills en tertaineil the Daughtprs of the I nion Veterans. Florence Nightin gale Tent 15. al a breakfast in the beautiful Mills homp in W p t u,,.-!,,.. i , . ,r.,... ti. enjoving the hreakfal and an hour nf siaiim. w.r. vi.jn Hnmn W ilma Rooke, Anna Peterson Mary Mown. Edna I angler, Fhraheth Gardner. Ruth I'lumrr. Lillian Hall, Fdith Frislup. Jpan netto Meigs, Klltn Keeip. Kim Mills and sons and Glenda Beach Wives Of Elks Invited To Help With Convention All wivei of Elks are invited to attend the 7:30 p m. dessert - tup - i Pr ln tu" LIUD "may. Marcn a. at wnicn lime tne women u 1 1! . - , " " , 5kf?, to help lth P'n tr the t-lks convention to be held " "owourg June a-o-f. Mrs. Robert Dudley, president of iTbe ont " 1 All women planning to attend the d"5!lert uPPr to ' ,., m u,,. r. f .7" - r Th. r.lnHal nthi n tk'. ; DaU)!hters m,t ,t Masonic ; Temple Monday evening to make i final plans for Grand Session. , "' I Aiier ine meeting, me gins neia St. Patrick's Day party with in- vited date, present. After an eve- i'k "i uantiuis, uicy seivru ci, j sandwiches and punch. I At the next meeting, April 7, i Dad's Night will be celebrated, and I the fathers of the members will De nonoreo. guests. An initiation will also be held. FOURTH BIRTHDAY OCCASION FOR PARTY Ma'rion Mize, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Patrick Mize of Glendale celebrated her fourth hirthri.v at 1 party held at her home Monday ! afternoon. The youngsters played "Pin the iau on me uonncy ana enjoyea an early Easter Egg hunt. The iiosiess serveu uinnuay cane wnicn was inscribed, Happy Birthday, I Cowgirl." Paper hats, noise-making i favors, colored balloons and candy I cup favors gave the party a festive i atmosphere. I Children present were Betty! Tracy, Terry McDiarmid. Cornne I ii.ii n.., i a i. fn.. i . ia..i.n.uu i.ui iu r.in-n rcii.. ! Donna and Debbv Hiecins. the i honoree and her younger brother, ! Erankie. j Molhers present were Mrs. James Mine, grandmother of the honoree. Mrs. Don lliggins, Mrs Larry Hill and the hostess. MRS. LEE ALLEN GIVEN LOVELY WEDDING SHOWER A wedding shower was held at Ihe home of Mrs. Wallace Rondeau sis Miriiunir; i( TJVIIIUAU St J" IIUIIIII I 1 g .Mrs. Lee Allen, the former Betty Harris. Th h.ich...ni , I.d D I Rondeau and Mrs. Glenda Feagins. .Those present besides the honored guest, the hostesses and M r s, Rondeau, were Lucille McElrov, Carrie Lee lliggins, Lorraine Thomas, Pat Smart, Joyce Asher, Neverly Roundeau. Kin ma Jean I Jones and Joyce Bnckey. all of Glendale: and Mrs. .. .. Clara Allen and Dot Allen, both of Myrtle Creek. who sent I Johnson, Those unable to attend CiIIk unra lire ll.t,i.arl . .Mrs. Agnes Palmer, the Rev. and Mrs Turn llirmnn.'nn Mr. 'nr - neire Hunt. Miss Sandra Palmer "d Miss Nancy Bnckey L0VELV BIRTHDAY P The .seventh birthday anniversary of Peuev Hertha.,. ,i,.,,.i,...r .."r Stewart Dana Tne. i.-iv p.J Alan and David Beckham and the honoree. Those sending gifts bill unable to attend were I'attie and Gary l ope and Jerry Kent. LOVELY FAREWELL PARTY IS EVENT OF FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones honored Friday evening at a well partv bv members nf ih. Haw.. loft Square Dance Club Hostesses were Mrs Jim He. ,nj m,. ' lev Bailev. Games were played with all win ners receiving prizes Square danc ins was enjoyed during the eve ning Refreshment uer. vet-w.l ) lovely gilt was presented Joneses hy Ihe club The to the weip also gien a book containing snap- shots of members together with their addresses M)t btt ic un, , ImbRo.dIIv Tf, ,,. AN 'MBROIDERY CLUB The Roseburg Art and Emhroid- pry l inn met Vtednesdav n ihi home of Mrs Fannv Belts. 327 . Winchester St Narcissus and daffodils were ued in decoration. Ketrcshments were sered and OUT AT CLUB PARTY Daff.vlils and grpenerv wpre used Thursdav night when Mr. Barbara I iesnger entertained her Hi-lo Bridge Club at h.-r home on Fast First Avenue in sutherlin For the evening s contract bridge Mr Holm won high score and Mrs. Bennett, low supper Alter the hrulgp plav i dessert was served bv Mrs inger to Mesdames Ktu Mvenharil Nadine Bennett. Marion Anderson. I.aveile ChilUon. Sue Siktrom. Vera Holm and Ftsu O.aki The nest meeting will be reid Thurs day April ) at Ihe home of Sue Sit strom. ' he made for the deisert - mpper. , Bridge, pinochle and cansta will be in piay during me aociai hour and nnzet will he ivirriM win. ners ENT SHOWER PARTY - HONORS MRS THORNTON 'XXZZ 5 ..2. .TLS" -I the following: Mary Lang, Ann Hol-l land, Betty Colvin, Harriet Thomas,! Smith. Eva Richards. Maggie Fran- cis. Ruth Manning. Jennie H.rri. son. Viola Haslett, Tressa Wilson. Henretta Beswick. Lois Kins. Imi Jen McKenue, Wanda Trayler, nda Hoyle. Virginia Williams Deiores Trayler, Florence Langen- nerg, reart mormon and Rachel Newell. Several children were also Prent. LOVELY PIANO RECITAL GIVEN IN OAKLAND Mrs. Cynthia Magill presented two of her piano students, Joanne Manning and Joan Archer in re - ni,Mu,V: T'.i.J? " J"""' ' Jmes Archer of cital Sunday afternoon at the home Oakland Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee, Mr. and Mrs. I Do-A-Deed Club enjoyed a pot Harlan Haines and Sandra. Mr. I luck dinner Tuesday when Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Manning. Mr. and Leona Elliott entertained the group Mrs. William Hoppe aqd Joyce. I t her home south of Sutherlin. .Mrs. Ann Manning, Mrs. Leslie! Those enjoving the potluck din lleaton. Mrs. K. D. Lytle and Jill, I ner and afternoon with Mrs. El Dr. Homer M. Noble. Misses liott were Mesdames Edna Pow Sharvn and JtiHv TpHni-lr Mr ! Ars i.uan u..l L'i...k.k i!ia. and Mrs. Kenneth Mulkey, Yon - in, airs, uowara aiaglll a n a I . ! " '" -iae Man- j J' j'X.Archer' j!' In 1 f" Jame" Archer. Jimmy and MRS. CAMP3ELL HOSTESS 1 AT RECENT PINOCHLE PARTY i spring nower arrangements were used by Mrs. Henry Campbell Satuday evening when she enter - tamed her pinochle club at a 7 o'clock potluck supper at her home t of Sutherlin. Those eninvino. ih. nniim.ir ; ., ." . - k - per ana evening oi cards were Mr. and Mr. b,...,1 .i....... Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Ballentine Mr' land Mrs. Noah Rose Mr and 'Mrs' : Don Currv, Mr and Mrs Alfred Galla and the host and 'hostess For the evening's pinochle plya. Air. and Mrs. Harvey won high with low scores going to Mr. Gal la and Mrs. Curry. The next meptine will h. Cai... day. April 5. at the Noah Rose home in Cottage Grove" RICE VALLEY FOLK HAVE COMMUNITY PARTY I Tne Ri Valley community party i ne'd Saturday night at the w.M.i.ui.uv nan at nice Valley, Five hundred was in plav durini? the evening with Mr Tee having men's high and Mr,. Stokes ladie. VI d .. ... Huirs went 10 sir. linn. bar wnn th c.undn. I . .. .i. P ? .' . . Afte the card play, refresh- menls were served by the hoste - " ,0 and Mrs Leo Sparks. i J" ?,nd Mrs- Kennelh Mulkey. Mr. : "a Ms- urn Schnsso. Mr. and i - MrS. Jack Sewell. Mr anil Mrs. "" nacon. Jir. and Mrs Fred l Mr ,.j Mr. l- ti" . i Elta Wallace, Mrs Golden Kruse iMrs. Bertha Stocks. Mr Heiirv ; McDougall, Harry Dunbar and ""ouai'- fter. eti man-re., .... elv. Audrev Brim vr. Mnim i.nl: Mullm. Dons Krnwisher. Bettv Spackman. Eleanor Huntoon and one guest, Janice Owens. r anion show chairman Donna Dean Blakelv. announced that lc-ord nd Mesdames crn Hoi Dractiee for the .hnu, ,n,,w h. h.i.i i gate. Harry Barker, Lloyd tor- March 27 and that .11 nrt.,.. i . , r wouia oe notmed. A social hour '"Joyd. The next meeting will "ere bp held at the home of Mrs Jew ell Rapp Wednesday. March 26. JOINT AFFAIR PROVES OF MUCH INTEREST The Wilbur and Winchester schools held a joint spring festival at the Wilbur gymnasium last Wed nesday. Cloyd Riffe was in charge of the vocal numbers and Robert l enneville presented the school band in several numbers. All the teachers nf the two schools coached their students in songs and singing games and dances for the event. Tnr flr1 f""r grades sanz sev- ""al songs and participated m m. sical games. The second grade alo F"'"' two rhythm band num- " ....,. ti.v. ine i.ay "'. inetips' was featured hv the fifth grade and the sixth grade sang several numbers in harmony. Two square nance numbers hy the fifth Helen Curry. Grace Hatcher Eve. lyn Fostpr and Nancy Harris The afternoon was spent playing pinochle with prizes awarded to the two top winners. MRS. LEE ENTERTAINS FOR MRS. NEIL BURPEE Mrs Neil Burpee of Oakland was honored at a birthday party Tues dav afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jesse lee Other guesis werp Mm. Grace Carstenson. Mrs Ruth Bunch and Mrs Edith Dunn. A gift was pre- sen ted to Mrs Burpee by the group Delicious refreshmenis were sprvpd by the hostess. BALL AND CHAIN CLUE ' HAS ENJOYABLE POTLUCK ! The Tenmile Ball and Chain Club ! met at the Tenmile clubhouse Sun 1 day evening for delicious potluck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee ' were host and hostess for the eve ning. j Present were Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cen ters, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dwight, Mr. and Mm ! A U . . I hlil.. mA It - ' i r-t. i -'. clubhouse tonight at :30. MRS. DELMA MILLER IS ELECTED CLUB OFFICER Nonpariel Community ' Club met Wednesday evening at the School House. Jewell Pyles took the Sth grade children to the Roller Rink in Roseburg during the meet ing. A letter of resignation from Mrs. Ralph Emerson, president, was read and accepted as she is moving to Washington and Mrs. Delma Miller, vice president, was ! elected to take her place. j The 1st and 2nd grades had the program and Mrs. Ruby Holloway showed moving pictures after which the 3rd-4th grade mothers ervea refreshments. Next month, I APril l6- ,ne meeting will be tne 1 election of for the ensuing ye,r- DO A DEED CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE POTLUCK 1 son, Hallie Martin, Pat Liesineer, ' Marvbe e Morrison. Mane John ton ana two children; teres tl- ! ll0 djsh,rlinf fs.nger. The ladies worked on quilt blocks j for a quilt that they are making. a""011 receivea a gui irom n,r s'cret Pa nl Mrs. Brundage uum net uai vwiu now lives ! Maine. i The next meting will be a plant 1 exchange, 1 1 INSURANCE WOMEN GIVE BREAKFAST FOR EMPLOYERS ' . - i me noseourg Assn. oi insurance i u'.man hnnn.i I,-;.. - i "omen honored their emplo ers recently at a breakfast held at the Swedish Dining Room. Before breakfast a short pro gram was presented on "How to Get a Driver's License in Oregon." Door prizes were drawn by Tom Pargeler of Umpqua Insurance Agency and Neva Havens of Quine & Co. The following firms were repre sented: Ken Bailev Ins.: Dwavne Buell: C. L. Bowers & Co.; Ump qua Ins.; Emery-Foley Ins. Co.: Do'glas County Claims: Quine St CO.; Thompson Insurance: Rose. I burg Realty & Ins.; Tipton Insur- lance Co.; all of Roseburg and Gill i insurance Agency oi lanyonviue. MRS" R0TH ENTERTAINS ! AT PARTV F0R DAUGHTER ' i n t.i. -i .MIS. fiusiess wnen sne enienainea ai her home in Tenmile Tuesday at ! shirlev , I Games' w' rn" c party to honor her daughter. on her ninth birthday. ere played during the aft ernoon. Shirley received m a n v ovely gifts. A lovely decorated birthday cake was served with the mres v mtm s. 1 1 res"nt to enjoy the occasion i were: Bo,,.v Hughes. Clifford Bak- er. Karen and Kathy Hosteller, Marge Long. Linda Long. Jo Ann ! Edwards. Janet Burr, Lorna Hunt Ipv. Sharnn Allen and Deloris, Dav ! id and Ronnie Roth. SEW AND SO CLUB IS ENTERTAINED WEDNESDAY : The St. Patrick motif with white ' stocks and greenery and white ta ' pers were used as the table decor . ations Wednesday evening when Mrs. Richard Riggs entertained the Sew and So Club at ther home De,n Avenue in Sutherlin. The evening was spent in sew ing and visiting after which Mrs. Riggs served a dessert - supper to one new member Mrs. Frank rush. Howard Wahl, Lon Hunt and M. ,,.:. Cla.nha.h Tl. hav! n Marvin Steinbach. The next meet ing will be Wednesday April 9 at the home of Mrs. Millard Wood. ABEELS ENTERTAIN AT RECENT PINOCHLE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abecl enter tained their pinochle club Saturday evening at ther home in Melrose. Following the card play, lovely refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nickens Carl Beck er. Royce Busenbark. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Veenstra. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Siples. Mr. and Mrs D. N. Busen bark. Mr. and Mrs Otto Matthews. Mr and Mrs. V. S. Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Chitwood and the Abeels. DINNER AT CANYONVILLE SERVED BY METHODIST MEN Canyonville Methodist men serv ed a capacity crowd of 90. at their ham dinner Thursday evening at the Masonic Temple dining room. Chefs in charge were Gordon Clark and Jim Fuller, assisted bv Bart Nordhng. Elmer Stanley, Norman Hanson. Gene Cherwink. John Hakansnn. Bill Marsters. The Rev Cyril Dorsett and George Bnnkwnrth BARTLETTS ENTERTAIN AT BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs and Mrs. Clarence Bartlelt entertained at a lovely dinner nartv Wednesday in honor of their dauahter-in law Mr. Dean Ran. lett. on the occasion of the latter's birthday. Spring flowers formed a pretty centerpiece on the lace- covprpd tablp Atlpnding were Mr. and Mrs Dean Bartlett. Patty and Bruce, and the host and hostess. BIRTHDAY CLUB HAS MEETING ON TUESDAY The 12 Birthday Club of Canyon- ville met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Ed Musser with Mrs. Milton Herbert co-hostess, Mrs Guy Mussv nf Grants Pass and Mrs. Sam Albert on were guests of the group for the eve- ning Mr. And Mrs. L. Wilson Entertain Team Thursday Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. , Lewis G. Wilson, counselors for the St. Pauls Lutheran Young People, honured the church's bas ketball team at a delicious ham dinner at the parish house. The team won second place in the church YMCA league The long serving table was cov ered with a beautiful white linen .cloth and was centered with the attractive trophy, which the team had won. Low white bowls of col- : orful spring blossoms flanked the trophy. Favor baskets were clever STITCH AND CHATTER CLUB ENJOYS SOCIAL MEETING Twelve members of the Stitch ! and Chatter Club of Wilbur met , Wednesday for a combination meet ing and birthday celebration. Mar garet Veal and Edithe Bagley were hostesses for the day. A lovely cake, baked by Mrs : Veal, was cut in honor of four of i the members, Mrs. Emma Harvey, Olga Harvey, Estella Hart and Bea Long. Gifts were also presented to each of the honored guests. JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED TUESDAY The Melrose Jolly Circle Club members were entertained Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leonard Cooper. Following a short business meeting and a social hour of visiting, dainty refreshments were served. Present were Mrs. Karl llofman. Mrs M. M. Manning. Mrs. Auslin Lynch. Mrs. C. t Wulff and Linda; Mrs. Bill Cooper, Mrs. Harry Tro dell and Mrs. Cooper and Lor a Belle. SKATING PARTY HELD ! BY FRESHMAN CLASS - i The freshman class of Canyon ville Bible Academy sponsored a skating party to Roseburg Friday evening with a hamburger feed and a movie in the academy dinin? room. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox, freshman class advisers. Mr. and Mrs. Wd- lard Fenderson, L. C. Masters. I John Fenderson, Mrs. Robert Shaf- ifer. Mrs. Paul Malm, Gordon Rad ford and Dwight Stanton accom- panied the young people. LUNCHEON PARTY HONORS NEWBERG VISITOR ' Mrs. Bill Weatherly of Elkton. . was hostess Tueday at a luncheon given at her home in honor of Mrs. C. W. Johnson of Newberg who is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Jack Gorman. I Invited guests were Mrs. John ; Abraham. Mrs. Ted Hansen. Mrs. 1 Bill Hansen. Mrs. Wade Henderer, Mrs. Jerry Winterbotham and Mrs. Jack Gorman. CAMELLIA CLUB MEMBERS TO HOLD ANNUAL AFFAIR, 1 The sixth annual gathering of members of the Camellia Club will 1 be held Monday evening. March i 24. in the Roseburg Women's clnb : house. Husbands of members are invited to attend the affair. A potluck dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m., followed by entertain I ment. I Mrs. Helen Fenwick and Mrs. i Clara Stiewig are co-chairmen in charge of arrangements. SILVER LOCKS CLUB HAS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION j The Yoncalla Silver Ixicks Club met at the Church of Christ. Tues- day afternoon to celebrate the first : anniversary of the club. The birth days of Mrs. Opal Kelso. Mrs. Anna Kmgery, Mrs. Tom Wallace. Mrs. Ada Thompson. Mrs. Dicker Sr.. Mrs. Luce and Mrs. Bird Nel son were also celebrated. I Three large beautifully decorated ! birthday cakes were cut and serv ed to about .11 ladies Plans are being marie to have a Mother's Day Tea in May. BRIDGE PARTY GIVEN AT JOHNSON HOME Mrs. Philip Johnson entertained her bridge club in Drain recenlly. Mrs. Pete Martin won first prize. . Mrs. Jack Gorman won second prize. Mrs. William Cool won conso , lation prize and Mrs. Ann Hanson won traveling prize. Guests were . Mrs. Forest Johnson and Mrs. ' Ann Hanson. LOVELY BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS CYNTHIA ANDERSON A birthday party for Cynthia An derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anderson, was given by Mrs. Harold lliggins at Elkton Satur day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gavick and son and Herb Alldridce. FAMILY BIRTHDAY DINNER HONORS MRS. HENDERER A family birthday dinner was given at Elkton by Mrs. Wade Hen derer at her home Tuesday for Mrs. C. G, Henderer Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weather ly. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weath erly and Mr. C. G. Henderer. LARGE PARTY EVENT OF FRIDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. William Baim bndge of Elkton were host and hostess Friday evening for a par ty for the Wells Creek Church members. About 45 members were ; present. ore you all set for the new season? Plea t ke iSMey Ht seri.g with a eaw hair styling. Lat ewr 'wu .M'.'.t take cere ef y.ur e.err beevty n..d. Phone Ht en eppei.tm.nt, today. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FAIRHAVEN SALON OF BEAUTY FERN CRAIG, Owner I4S7 Wtsf Henard ORckerd 1-SHT basketball baskets under which was written the place cover for the guests. Colorful pennants lined the walls and i large basket of sprmg flowers graced one end of the room. Members of the team attending the delightful dinner were Bud Mc Ghehey, coach: Mrs. MrGhehey, Don and Jim McGhchey, Tom and Ted Kolberg. Jim Aten, Richard Sylwesler and Pastor and Mrs. W. A. Sylwesler. Members of the team unable to be present were Pat Wilson and Dave Fromdahl. After the dinner the group went . to the parsonage for an evening of games appropriately centered around the basketball the'me. Mrs. Wilson had charge of the games. At the parsonage the team was joined by Miss Pat Fromdahl. Miss l.avonne Hartman. Steve Kummert, Jay Stone and Milton Sylwester. Delicious refreshments were ; served by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson later in the evening. Assisting the host and hostess in arranging the delightful party were Mrs. Joseph Noyer, Mrs. William Goetz, Mrs. John Leonard, Mrs. Kenneth Si ! mon. Mrs. Russell Kaine. Mrs. Roy Hebard and Mrs. W. A. Sylwester. ! Jodau ! C7 And tomorrow SATURDAY, MARCH 22 Evtrgr.tn Grange card party. Prizes lor pinochle and canasta, 8 p.m. Public invited. Mu Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, i potluck and card party, 6:30 p.m., homes of Mrs. Jack Trusty. Bring 1 own table service Boots and Calicos Square Dance Club, Winston Community Bldg.. 9 , p.m.. F'rancis Walling, Marcola, caller. Everyone welcome. Buckeroo Square Dance Club, potluck supper and quarterly busi ness meeting. 6:30 p.m., at Barn. j Bring table service, main dish, sal- : ad or dessert. Dancing at 9 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 p.m., ; 245 SE Jackson, for more informa tion call OR 2-2755. i Belles and Beaus Square Dance Club, 8 p.m.. Washington School gym in Oakland. All square danc ers welcome. SUNDAY MARCH 23, 1 Roskrucian Order, 7:30 p. m. , Room 221, Umpqua Hotel. West Coast singing convention, ' Winston Baptist Church, 2 to 4 p. 1 m., open to public. I MONDAY, MARCH 24 1 Ladies Oriental Shrine, 8 p.m , home of Mrs. R. B. Curtis, 1135 NE Beulah Ave., election of offi cers. Navy Mothers, home of Viola Frye, Hazel St., 7:30 p.m., regular 1 meeting. Prospective members in vited. Zonta Club, no-host dinner meet : ing, Coral Room of Hotel Umpqua, i7 p.m., with Gladys Puckctt, dis i trict governor from Spokane. Town and Country Garden Club, herb tea for members and invited ; guests, home of Mrs. L. E. Ad ams, 2 to 5 p.m., 377 SE F'owlcr St. i Pilgrim Congregational Fellow ship potluck dinner and planning : meeting. 6:15 p.m., Seventh-day ' Adventist school. 655 W. Umpqua. i Oakland Garden Club, home of j Mrs. Guy Pealer. 1 p.m. Buckeroo Square Dance Club 1 pattern dancing at Barn. I to 10 p m. Women of Moose special initia tion, at lodge hall, 8 p.m. Sutherlin city budget coilittee . meeting. 7:30 p.m., city hall Business and Professional Wom en's Club. 8 p.m.. home of Golda Nichol, 454 S Spruce, health and safety committee in charge of program. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Thim ble Club home of Mrs Ruth France. 80S SE Brockway, noon pollock. 1 p m meeting. Glendale PTA, elementary : school, regular meeting, film or 'child guidance clinic. Nominating : committee to be selected. Lookingglass Community Church, special business meeting, at church. 7:30 p.m.. all members re quested to attend. Purpose to se lect new- minister. Camellia Club, sixth annual : gathering for members and hus bands. Woman's Club, potluck din ner. 6:30 p.m., followed by enter tainment. Knights of Pythias, Pythias 1 Hall, regular session, 8 p.m.. re , freshmcnts. Valentine Chapter S. OES. Mvr tle Creek Roseburg City Council, 7:30 p m., city hall. Roseburg Jaycees, 6:30 p m., Ho tel Umpqua. Umpqua Kennel Club, obedience classes. 7:30 p m., fairgrounds. . AAUW board of directors. Cham I ber of Commerce rooms. 7:45 p.m. Winston Community Club, I p.m., regular meeting. Hayloft Square Dance Club be ginners class. 8 p.m.. Preschern Barn. Dude Sibley, instructor. Winston. Dill.rd Kiwanis Club, '8:30 p in. OPEN Thuri. & Fri. EVENINGS