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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
o o o Cidsiw2 Hoopmen End Regular fc By JIM VANCE, Sports Editor A JL ID -JlL ISJ 1(5) ! M & l 4 PCC Cage Teams Bill Crucial Weekend Tilfs y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Doug,, vj School now bids Coach Russ Hawk took nose couni Cilifornia, on top of the Pacific . wei t0 make it , 'triple crown" he had three of the five starters Coa.t Conference basketball heap! ecp tnr of the four m,Jor , ft1 mi,rk, on lhe seeks to improve its position Fri- sporU 0f tne L'mpqua Valley Besides starters and seniora Don day night against a UCLA len League during the school y r, , Grass, Larry Bissonnette and Bob tht is fiihtine to star in eon- ..... ........ .. i. ...... k..L.. Carlson, sub Neal Golgert, a jun- ...; !..,, j..i:.. Mi j.-. ' ior. was also on the honor list! eason Against Worth lend, Pirates , and a transferred Douglas athlete. ball erown. dunliraling (Hide's ine weit-DaianceQ ncars oniy ,cnlevemenl of a year ago. Walt Schroeder, was president of 2.4 pointa separates the scoring lit,, honor society before moving average of four starters - are I THE HOOP TITLE follows the ' ,h ,"" "c'fny 1 K fresh from three straight victories Troj,ns. wjnnjng the UVL and y last weekend. They hold an i earlier I nonhern ,ub.dislrjct 6-A-2 football' WHILE SPEAKING of Douglas 81-58 victory over the Bruins. :,U; i... ..n m,;. .k. and it a championship, there is a The Uclana travel to Stanford -"""i""""F " " ""-.question of an official'! call dur- Saturday night. Idaho, the atan FatilM Pni'prs Onpn Spries Dis,ric, Tit'8' s,a,e Tournnmeilt cagies, rowers upen jerieb, . . , . F , , N w w - - - - - ford Indians' opponents Friday night, move to Berkeley Saturday to wind up the cal weekend. L'CLA is in third place, two games behind Cal's Bears, who are t h e defending PCC champions. Idaho is fourth, out of contention. Cal triumphs Friday night and Saturday would wrap up at least a tie for first place. The Bears have an 11-2 record with three games to go. Second place Ore gon State is 9-3 and UCLA is J-4. SC At Oregon Other action Friday night finds Southern California at Oregon and Washington State at Washington. Saturday night, USC plays sec ond place Oregon State and Wash ington State journeys to the Ore ion campus at Eugene. It's WSC against Oregon State Monday night. . A victory for the UCLA Bruins over California would give coach John Wooden his 100th PCC tri umph and 200th since joining the Los Angeles school 10 years ago. Wooden, to get more(speed in to his lineup, is starting Rafer Johnson, the world decathlon rec-. ord holder, in place of sophomore Benny Crum. Johnson, who played most of the game last week in a losing effort against Oregon Stale, boasts speed, jumping abil ity aild sue 6-3, 200 pounds. Tap Defense Cal Coach Pete Newell, with lhe top defensive club in the PCC, will he counting on Don Mcintosh at 8-6. Al Buch, Bob Dalton. Earl Robinson, Jack Grout and George Sterling. The coach calls Mcin tosh, top Bear scorer with a 11.6 per game average, the steadiest player he's ever coached. I ini! the recent Douglas - Myrtle Creek game la game which prob ably decided the championship) that some Myrtle Creek people District 4-B Title At Stake For Teams The Yoncalla Eagles will open . Feb. By BOB MONROE Newt-Review Sports Wriltr 8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri 28, 1958 RUSS HAWK . odds cage title. ornbablv are still wondering about, i sub-district 4-B basketball play The incident revolves around an ; offs tonight against the always alleged "technical foul" on Doug-1 tough Powers Cruisers in a best las called by Referee Jake Leichllof three-game series to decide the that some Myrtle Creek people in-; team from the district to enter sisted was never enforced. A let- ; the state meet in Pendleton next ter-writer from the home Myrtle i month. Creek crowd at the close game i First game action will find the (won 44-42 by Douglas) brought Eagles traveling to meet the Cruis the matter to our attention, and ers, with the second game, slated others from there have since com- for next Tuesday, to be played on mented on it. the Yoncalla floor. We asked Leicht about it and he These same two teams met for explained that the call in question I the football playoffs earlier in the was never intended or meant to be i year, with Powers walking away a "technical foul" signal, but he with an easy victory, but Yoncalla. I confides that things surrounding which came out on top of the tight' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i ready has won a tourney spot, but th. -n rnnlH rertainlv have led Douglas B League with a 10-2 rec-' h.Gi..ik4ii tamB isi, ' will be out to defend its first-Dlace everyone out of hearing range lord, might find the going better Wookend can clinch trips to the ranking in a pair of games Friday i land in the crowded Viking gym Ion the basketball court. Oregon Class A-l high school i ana" Saturday nights at Central, that lets out quite a few) to mis !E, , wi ,4 basketball tournament. 1 Point- j understand the call. , wcl,.baanced KaeI have Three of the berths could i NoS,, H6.t, Sw..t Horn. THE SITUATION was that a Mrd . , .,, r,corri of 14 won friaay. line could De taicen s,.nnri.r.n,.,H Kr, Sai,m in personal foul on a Douglas player wlns ,Kajn,t only six losses, but wl'n sweep of two-game week- he hos, ((J Swee( Home rrjday in State Cage Tourney Berths On Line For Many Preppers i was disputed by that player, I four f tne losses have been -!a-2 schools, twice to both Drain wl". Pcn ,1!ierie? fur tourney same pattern followed by Glide's I whereupon Leicht verbally great 19.j6-57 teami on to add the baseball the Utleware to complete the tnree- rose from tne bench to call for a j high-flying Eagles. In league play fourth-ranked in the Associated sport sweep time out. according (o Leicht, i the Eagles were 10-2. Press Poll, at No. 6 Springfield. Actually Douglas stands a good . which Leicht ( holding the ball un-1 Coach Bill Spelgatli of the Ea-, A victory would scoot Spring- ns and they went e the hoy that any further pro-; and Sutherlin. Camas Valley and SDot lnat wl" end noxt week- ' Fifth-pl jj.rfpm , t test would bring on a "technical. I Days Creek have been the only One of the most crucial Friday 1 fa confer sr. .an ";At h point Douglas coach Hawk ; two B schools able to down the games will match South Eugene. mg parcr the only game of the weekend for both squads. ace Astoria will wind up conference season by entertain ing Parkrose rnday and traveling to Gresham Saturday. Pendleton. No. 8 in the poll, is idle this weekend, but ninth-rated 7Ae MARINE CORPS BUILDS MEN! Cka yaw fvtiw-., , Mariaei f Tr.v.1 Prating Mat '"' Motin Jul, , mt In ttt StI YOUR MARINE RECRUITIR Dauflat Caunty Cutt Heute Ratabure, Oragan Far 2, 3, ar 4 yaar anliitmants w Phatia OR 1-1314 A Public Mattaga f ram ED SINES Triangle Chavran Sarvica Statian 210 N. I. Winchattar chance of making it a four-sport i der both forearms) signalled with I ges has on only a few occasions field into the tourney and give the I North Bend travels to Roseburg sweep. Glide didn t field a track ! the customary (but unofficial) I i used the same starting lineup twoi Millers the District 5-A-l title. Friday night and then returns team, so couldn't take a crack wilh his hands. games in a row. as any one of 10 So...h Euuene has improved I home 'of Saturday game with that sport, but Douglas not only Jake admits that in the excite-1 players can, and have, broken into rpal in .he oast two weeks T Cottage Grove, fields a track team, but a defend-1 ment of the moment he copied the ! the starting lineup. however since hich-scoring Char 1 In the Class A-2 competition, ing sub-dislrict champion team at1 time-worn T signal used by play-j Big 6-3 Leroy Noffsinger at one lie Warren returned to for in after Dallas and Stavton already have that. , ers and coaches, rather than use f the forwards is the leading being ,ide-ltaed wHh In addition, lhe Troians figure the proper official's signal f o r i pointmaker for the Eagles so far u '"g I Only one other position can be to be well-ranked in the baseball I time - out wilh lhe outstretched this vear. with a total of 165 ooinls 1 J .; '.L t- .. ihl. u,winH st t'nnn, of chase which found them finishing , open hand in 20 -games and an 8 2 average, ,n ,hA pnHi.nrt ,....;,,h. ! Eugene can take a tourney spot J second to Glide last Spring. SO, all in all. things look mighty Afterwards, he says. asked about II Coach Bob Abrahi . ..... v.. ... . it , i u , in me roriiann L.eaKue. Reveiiui- ; ....n-. ...... - ...... . . he sas he w a s per game. In all. four players have r nked Roosevelt eoes ud aamst' t beats Oakr dge Fndav. his by Myrtle Creek , collected at least 100 points. 1 ,d , victory would put : No teams vet have qualified for .rahamson. who was, Following Noffsinger. i s 6-2 cen-; iTdie. into the tournament the state Class B tournament. looking to make up in basketball) what Ihf flu ppidcrnic cot them I Prep Scores choice in the Wmston-Dillard dis- . ".u" ."" '. ' - . roi" winK isoiisinRer is o-i cen- (hp Teddies into the tournament. trict right now for a "year of ; " "r K. Z. " . i, . Jefferson and Franklin must win champion," Kight now. Troy isl''' 1n'"' !T" 7Jh"'7 ,VZ: '2 their Friday game, to remain in ' !. tt ....Il 3 n. o.n. li running for the third tourney th i c eimiscrr nf nffe..iin . ?-56 'nd. Don Revel e at h a.o...d , .... dirirt. in football last fall - a chance I .u. l.,) ,h.i ...ii . !'" P01"'. ann. - The district', first tournev posi- to be district champions and get ; ,he conversation when everything's ,h "r " ,nre'on earlier was won by third-1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mlo the state-wide playoff level of (. a ood knockinc. It's nol ,J.,:. . ranked Grant, which meets Wash-! Klamath County B Tournament compelilion. , favor,te suhiect of most oeonlc 1 i " j : " . '.' ." il... u.. ..,i"i iriglon Friday. All Portland , Bly 58, Paisley 32 erage make up the other three high scorers. Dave Wiley, a 60 guard ha. It s an achievement to get there; .,. ,, . Pi ,,. Hon t see the " - m we nir in .si in luugi aiu- THE DOUGLAS CAGE b o y s I lllc ,h"1 call'd ,he gooi have done right well by themselves I ame- . ., . . , . in ih. i.nnV.r.rWino rf-n.ri t oines an official s bad day and up 91 points and an 8 3 average Jim I'roehstal C.v.m.n s..k B.rth AStJla i "V"'i Unranked Grant, Pas, League teams are idle Saturday. Merrill 59. Gilchrist 18 thi, ,chnnl vear also. Last time Women's Bowling Meet Draws Many Participants COLU.MBl'S. Ohio iiP The evervbodv talks like he is lhe of ficial's personal life-lime family physician knowing everything from how his eye, function to mi nute detail, of his family tree and doesn't mince the words say ing so. n..t .11 tl.;. ik... ........ Women's International Bowling .. , ....u.' Congres, Tournament will be held w,h Iios,.,tlr)! evidenllv satisfied l ( l r,M 17, 20 "" 'aln' v Coo, Bay, run from April 17 to May 20. ; Mlford and Kugenemen, al Us Why so long? conlests the A-2 schools getting Take I look at the niimoer of satisfactory service from local of- entrants. A W1BC official said 1Cias. and just last weekend we here there were 2.587 teams en-1 watched one Al Lighlner, conlro- tered in the tournament, a, well v,.m officiating figure, ref a a, 4,043 double, and 8.086 single, u.rTlllc Oregon California cage entrant,. They will come from :I6 malh at Eugvne stales, Canada, Alaska and Ha-, A 0f which is g(M)d action tor the striped-shirt crew, and gives a They will compete for $87.2,11 1 chance to pas, along a few good in prizes. words. ( hiloquin 51, Sacred Heart 35 Bonanza &!, Mann ez could i Ln County B Tournemint 60 to also place, high on the list. w..,nnj hllt .ri, . MeKenil 82 liwell 32 LI. ,J .V ty,.i "in1 ?1 , ir two-game series wilh Medford Lorane 53. Coburg 30 ?h vi.r t li 1.1! h i Friday and Saturday night to do Crow 56. Triangle Lake 47 lhe year in one of the hest bal- t Sub-District a-A l Tournament anced scoring teams in the dis-l Tcnth.rankcd Uermiston Friday Glend.le 36. Rogue River 28 opens a playoff series wilh The : Kagle Point 53. Henley 42 Mat Tough Teams i Dalle, that will decide one of the Brookings 47, Cave Junction 36 Powers on the olher hand is well- i 'lly. "iven ,0 ,he Blue - . versed in tough competition, hav-l th. i .7 .h. h... f.ihr OWgOtl MOOp flayer six. along with Gary Wallace, a 5-10 guard who has 43 points to his niwiii have done most of the scor- This is the weekend that will tell jng for the Bulldogs this season, the Roseburg basketball story for Marshfield also has a high-point the season with everything reeling man ,n 6-8 Mel Counts, who is on the outcome of the North Bend the Pirates leading reboundcr and and Marshfield games. The In- scorer tor the year. Counts will be dians will meet North Bend here teamed wilh 61 Larry Bick and tonight and will wind up the reg- 6-3 Hardy Spurgeon at the forwards ular season tomorrow night and 5.11 Poggie Baker and 6-0 against Marshfield in the coast jarv Rossi at the guards, city. 1 The Indians have five starters For the Indians it means either in the 100-point mark for the year, a trip to the state tournev next but any number of eight or nine month in Eugene or just another players could possibly hit the i it,, V v.n while came hiuh. L.eaulIIK llie lisi la w-t wiij Sloan, with 263 points in 19 games and a 13.8 average. In league play Sloan has collected 95 points and an 11.9 average. Wes Jackson moved into the number two spot in the Roseburg scoring the past week, with 176 points in 18 games and a 98 av erage. In league play Jackson has collected 73 points and an even nine-point average. Litllc Bob Steele, a 57 junior guard, has hit for 170 points in 20 I games and an 8.1 average, ear - rong has also hit for 61 points in : league play and a 7 6 average. Crippi, Steele Even Gary Cripps rounds out the top five Indians scorercs for the year, with 128 points in 20 games and a 6 4 average. Both Cripps and Steele have 48 points in league play and an even six-point aver age. Another probable starter for the Indians is 6-0 Rod Hoenisch, a junior guard. Hoenisch could step inio a starting spot in place of either Steele or Cripps. Barrong and Jackson continue to be head and shoulders above lhe rest of the team in rebounds, wilh Sloan also grabbing off a big share. Game times for the two tilts will be 8 p.m., with the jayvee games ! scheduled to start at 6:15 p.m. Roseburg scoring: Name G Pts. Avg. L. Sloan. F W. Jackson. F B. Sleele. G T. Barrong. C G. Cripps, G. R. Hoenisch. G X 8 1 V i I )M L0J j TOM BARRONG 1 ... goes high in oir. resting in the third place perch in league ttanHini's the lrual still have a chance for lop pot Dave Bradley. F in district laurels That would be brought about if R. Beamer, F F. McKecn. C C...L c e 1 i... u. r lury. . ;i.TJ '"1 '.,?; KV: D. Meredith. G league with a 7-2 mark, and Rose burg was to win both remaining games. B. Myers. G 19 263 13 8 18 176 9 8 20 170 8 5 2 182 8 1 20 128 6 4 17 31 18 15 26 1 7 11 17 15 6 7 11 8 6 .9 8 6 .8 4 2 .5 Can Take Second If the title situation doesn't work out. the Indians still have a shot at clear-cut second place and a tourney berth. providing in that Ihey win both games Springfield beats South Eu- Ele. KLr Tf.jS'.1,,? I u; "g7I. . k. J iL" . One South Eugne win and one ffkentf. Powers and Ophir are lhe onlv . r. ,, i j " "V ,1. . "., Zn .. j i.. T... lu.n u hn,lc ,n ih. nil..,., h.lf vorvauis cuuiu rcacn me iuui nev leceni Ullll HIIU Will IIC 1U31 1U of District 4-B. so Powers was Northwest Conference Basketball Title Staked mg nan only two game, against Suffers Broken Hand o opponent, and winning bothi . ,, V , j Z i i.ii,.rvi. 1. state timeS ophir furnished the opposi-,fcd ame will be played March j EUGENE. Ore - - ,Lhf agan lion in lhe playoff, last weekend 7' , ' third contest is needed, rt Steve 1 Belko of the t .i ' end At...H. ..... t . u wni ue ine luuuwinx niuiu. uiiriueiii iraiu s i u nr 111 in nunc was u uirci me By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The conference championship rides on the outcome of the North west Conference', final three bas ketball games of the season this forced lo compete against larger opponents and came through with a season's record of 14 wins against seven losses. Most of the scoring load for lhe Cruisers ha, been handled by 6-1 Punk Smith at one of the forward,. Smith leads the club in both points and rebounds. Jim Ademek also helped in the scoring load for lhe Cruisers dur ing the season and along with Smith gives Powers a sharp one two punch. Games time at Powers will be 8 p.m. by downing visiting Lebanon. : the Ducks for the rest of the sea Tournament position, already ; son. have been won bv seven teams ; Grant of Portland. Astoria. Bea-j BASEBALL verton. Klamath Falls, Pendleton, ST. PF.TERSBURGII, Fla. North Salem and Bend. Mickey Mantle signed his 1958 In all, 16 teams eventually will 1 contract, estimated at $72,000, qualify for the prep classic. land became the third-highest per- Klamath Falls, the No. 1 team former in New York Yankee his in lhe Associated Press poll, al- lory. Roseburg loss will eliminate the Indians, while a South Eugene loss, a Roseburg loss to North Bend and win over Marshfield would Linfield now is in first place with a 9-4 record. Second place Willamette 19-5) could win the title. And third-place Lewis and Glendale Wins Opening Playoff Game In Sub-District Tourney Sports Calendar I the year and 3-5 in league action Glendale. Eagle Point and Brook- from the field, while Rogue River i One of the main problem, of the ings advanced into the second ended with a .228 average.. The Pi- i Indians will be to find a way to round of the Rogue Vallev baskel- j rate, connected from the gift stripe I J!P D1 DnD Jacooson ot the hall plavoff Thursday with wins in 1 on eight of 13 attempts. Cor u ,nd B,llldoR't- Jacobson and the nnenme dav of the three-day' Tnm un.. .11 .rnr.r. u-iih i na hlt for 'total of 310 points in Major tourney. Glendale racked Rogue . )2 po,nls. followed bv Reynolds I ?l!?"'J"?oa, 'r '? Classic ' R.yer. 36 28. Eagle Point edged , wTio. Joe Kirklie was high for I u" V ".V'", ! points in the district in tne first game between mean a three-wav tie for second -larR " ' nas cnance 10 wina between Roseburg, South Eugene UD ,n a three-way tie for the and North Bend. .championship. Both the North Bend and Marsh-1 Linfield. a defending co-cba in field team, were edged bv the D10n' wl" mcet t" and t-'la,lc Indian, in the first half of league1 Frida' n,Knt in Portland. The play, but both clubs have shown 1 !0."d W'H P'ay Saturday night in definite improvement in their last I Mr-Mmnvillsr. few games and could give the' 'Hamette has only one remain Tribesmen more trouble thts lime ,n conference game, against last In the tilt against North Bend. Pla('f, Pacific (3-11) Friday night each club will go into the game;at k'e-m. That game also will he with a season's record of 14 wins ,ne last of ,he sson for Pacific, against six losses, but the Indians lne co-champion with Linfield last are 5-3 in league play, while North 1 season. Bend is 4-4. .Marshfield is 13-7 fori FRIDAY BOWLING: Classic Junior 1 mpqua leagues. 7 p m Classic and City u ' LVUu ,p m . . Henley, 53-42. and Brookings took ' the losers with 10. BANKET BALL: District 5-A-l : Illinois Vallev 47-36 in the first pm Non-league: tama, alley j round in games at Ashland. Meat Phoani See the NEW 195 8 Johnson Seahorses in Action lhe at Oakland. 8 pm. Glendale nabbed it, win over the! Th. Pirate, will now men Phne. , . "H?0 ?: "cooson hit for 20 Norlh Bend at Roseburg. 8 p m , Rogue River team mainly through nix in the semi final round tonight, j ?! Bul d0. 30 ,Pmt. 'heir District 5 A 2 Willamette at ih, inability of the loser, to hit startmc at 8 p m. Phoenix placed ! Mn",,',,10, the '"dl,ans' . . Drain. pm District IB Play (n,m lhe free throw line and from first in regular league plav and , DoV ' . , f?rward and of! Yoncalla at Powers. 8 the field in the first half. Rogue , drew a first round bve. "'r- 511 forward are .P"1 River hit on onlv three out of IS Th, wlnn,r of ihi, 'tournev will Ver v 10? P,nt n?ark 'or AHCIIKIIY Oak - Rose Archers, free throw altempt, for the game ! ..,,"'"?,",.' t' . th' """ Vounkers nabbing 179 v'rtiM.iiiu i.rvii'ii Mail, 1 .iu p m. SATURDAY BASKETBALL: District SA1: Roseburg al Marshfield, 8 p 111. Chile Inter class Tournament. Glide High School. 8 30 p m and tim in e mrow aitempis tor ine game , mrH thf Dugi Trojans for the oomts m 2o'same7for a even nine i managed lo collect only four i).,,rir, 2 .j.i. ,nj , lri . Ih. P01"' ln v games ior an een nine ics out of 26 tries from the field i. . T, ,1 l l u P0"" vfr nd Habel 104 point! ics 0111 in oi mts irom me iieia stale tournev that will be held in and , 52 average the first half. Salem next month. , Ring Record Pirattt Tikt Ltid Hhilf the iosr were hain their (rouble, ti lend ale look ad- i-.nlana nt Iham anil rsKui Ant In an 115 iirst quarter bulne. with Standby. lorn !unyon and Troy Reynolds, each chipping in with (our points, j Still unable to find the range in; Roeue River j How docs your whiskey drink? Kessler drinks smooth as silk IMAGINE! Never a trace of bite or burn in your whiskey. Try Kessler tonight and see. 00 $20 4 5 Qf . lWlUJ!!tlCOalI.llMICiMl Wltl l,tW(HH.tiH P!r 0 o 5.. ...... By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES Auburn lone- the second period land. Lfi'a. Los Ancelrs. stopped fell further behind as they man- rru icryanics, u'7j. Mexican, ; aged oniy iwo neid goals in me Mexico. 10 I peruxf, while Glendale was rolling ST PAl I. Al Sparks. 188. 1 to a 24- halftime advantage. Tom Winnipeg, outpointed Al Andrews. Munyon collected another six lbt 'i, St Paul. 10 j points in the second period for the REVERE. Mass Joe Devlin. i'lrales. lo gie him a total of 10 1 VI. Hotim. stopped Danny Jones, al the half. 148-,. New York. .S It was the Pirates' lurn to hit a NEW YORK iSunnvsule Garden I cold spell in the third period as Al ulone. 1 VI. Plainfield. N J , lhe Rogue River team held them outpointed Rene Ham. Hon. 181, lo only a single field goal by Wes New York. 8 ( Young, while picking up five point. of their own to be down by a 28-14. tally going into the final eight min utes of action Rogue jtner ouueored the Pi rates 14-10 in the final quarter, but the damage Oaa, already done and thev could come no closer than the eight-point spread. Gler.ile hit at a 270 avcge points Glendale 3: R. Munvon 2. T. , Guards Scare Munyon 12. Worley 3. Hale i. Rev-'. Both starting guard, are also nold, 10. Smart 2. Young 2. Al- hitting the hoop at a high clip. an. Humphries. Mullarkey, Mehl, with j9 .Norm Lillebo hitting for 14.i point, and a 7 2 average and Reeue River 21: Carter 2. White, 1 Arlis Akin 107 point, and a 5 3 Kirklie 10. J. Bigmon S. Johnsoe 1, average Irwin 2. Archer 7. Mike Thompson, a 8-2 forward is Halftime: Glendale 24. Rogue j also crowding the century mark River. I for the year, with 97 points in 20 Officials: Myers and Ricks. games and a 48 average. These LISTEN WESTERN MUSIC Lloyd "Whirey" White Mondy thru Friday 0 KRNR CBS, e 1490 KC America's loweit-rVi'ceeJ Full-SiiJ Cars I Ecenemkal '58 SCOTSMAN a Full sued, full Downed Euliwvt Tine Tractioa lvlit4 a 2-dooi 4 dm i statna aM a Hifitf imlfjjt on ff rular t a Pncei incfuitt ritr delrojtsi. dnectwruls . . r Trophy Shoot Roseburg Rod & Gun Club Sunday, March 2 awiaw il SHOW SUNDAY KPIC - Studebaker-Packard RIVERSIDE MOTORS 988 N, E. Stephens Roseburg, Oregon NIGHT 7 pm Then Come In And See Us! J. C. Sporting Goods Phone; OR 3-41S5 a S09 S. E. Jackson PI 0 0 0 9 r. o o