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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
San Francisco Residents Visit At Riversdale By BEVERLY CHRISTIAN Visitors last week at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. William Bromps at Riversdale were the Utter s hrother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Stone and Jack of San Francisco. The Stones are interested in making their home in this area. Also at the Bromps home for the weekend was their son. Robert, who attends Oregon State College. They made the trip to Corvallis to take him back to his studies. Visit Parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alley left for their home in Moro last week after visiting for several days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bucll. Mrs. Buell accompanied them as far as Corvallis to visit her daughter, Mrs. Asa Robley who is recovering from recent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Peterson pent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Peter son attend Cascade College in Port land. They came to attend the wed ding of Betty Brydges and Jack Johnson. Mrs. F A Holley and daughter. Karen, of Mcdford visited last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ott Jr. and daughter, Trudy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Trussell returned Monday from several days in Portland where they visit ed relatives. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kruse were her sisters. They included Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mast and two sons and Mrs. Vern Shields and Chris tine, all of Myrtle Point. Pauline Nash, who makes her home here with her sister, Mrs. Lesta Kollett, has returned after a vacation at Dayville visiting her parents. Frl. Feb. 28. 1958 The Newi-Raview, Roseburg, Or. 7 Storm Inflicts Damage On Two Melrose Homes By NETTIE WOODRUFF (last week to Mr. and Mrs. Jack During the recent wind and rain! Manning of Crescent City, storm considerable damage was Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown of noted at the Busenbark ranch at j Coos Bay visited during the week Melrose when two trees toppled end with Mrs. Nora Haines, onto the milking barn, blocking; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lutman were the entry way and smashing the In Junction City one day recently roof. Shingles. were blown off the Wal ter Kruse home causing water damage to a wall and bedding. The Kruses were away from home. Mrs. Kruse was visiting friends in Portland and Mr. Kruse was visit ing bis daughter, Mrs. Lloyd John son, south of Roseburg. New Granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Manning report a new granddaughter horn from Hollywood. Bob Tuomsland and Sibley Niel- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cheek and sen. employees of REA, spent daughter, Selene, were in Portland some time at coastal points recent- recently, where the latter received ly. medical attention. i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kaiser Mrs. Robert Frasier and baby of and children were in Applegate Chemault spent last week here Saturday to visit his uncle. Bill to visit a cousin. Mrs. Bob Padgett, with her mother. Mrs. Fred Beck-1 Kaiser The Ted Thomsland family of er. The Frasiers are making ar-! Visit Friends Eugene spent the weekend here I rangements to move here. He has' Jack Balhrirk and children and with his parents and other rela tives. Mrs. Clarson Chitwood is report ed to be improved following sev eral days illness at her home. Houstguest A houscguest at the Frank Smith home for the past week is Perry been transferred by Standard Oil , Mrs. Edith Hill drove to Albany Mrs. C. E. Reece attended the state grange lecturer's school in Corvallis Monday and Tuesday. She was accompanied by her sis ter, Mrs. T. H. Pargetcr, who visit ed her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. anc Mrs. Myron Phillips, and also visited at the Dick Pargeter home in Woodburn. Carroll Sensabaugh spent last week at Bellingham, where he was Working as inspector for Douglas Fir Plywood Assn. Evans, a retired movie director I Dale Busenbark Co Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stapleford have recently purchased the Har ry Morrell place on Docrner Road. JoAnn Busenbark, an OSC stu dent, spent a recent weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbes and children of Seattle will spend the coming weekend here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abeel. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Haines and three children of Alsea visited re cently with Mrs. Nora Haines. A REAL TREAT! SWEDISH PANCAKES For Your Breakfast Swedish Dining Room Pomona Fair Booth Committees Appointed A special meeting of the Doug las County Pomona fair booth com mittee was held in the Sutherlin Community Grange Sunday after noon. A discussion on the cooperative work of the subordinate granges in making their displays at the fair topped the agenda for the day. The general committee made up of fair booth chairmen from the sub ordinate granges James Clack of the NORTHERN BANANAS Ronald F. Lauer, -of North Olm stead, Ohio, examines the fruits of his home-grown banana tree. Lauer, an amateur grower of orchids, picked up a banana bulb while in Florida several years ago and now the tree has just about crowded everything else out of his greenhouse. Once each year the tree bears a stalk of bananas like the one above. This year Lauer, his family and friends will enjoy 156 northern variety banana splits. Winston Kiwanis Hears Juvenile Council Talk By BRUNETTE Wilson Winston Kiwanis Club held its regular meeting Monday evening. Following the business meeting. been meeting on Thursdays and Fridays at the home of Bertie Black at Dillard. The class is un der the supervision of Mrs. Black Robert Davis of Roseburg. past I and Gwen W ard. chairman of the Juvenile Advisory Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cracroft Council, spoke on the problems and j and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson re progress of the council for the past ; cently drove to Eugene, and later year. j to Crow Grange west of Eugene, Ben Sheele, president, announced : and visited the Lane County Po the club ha." had good distribution i mona Grange, for both the after of the clothing collected for needy i noon and evening meetings, persons, and they are now short j Among those who made the trip on children's clothing, and shoes, i to Seaside last weekend to bowl irom ine sun- anyone haVuiR such items to do-1 in the state tournament were the T.,.iu rv J!nate please call OS 9-5561, or OS Winston five bowling team. Mak Myrtle Creek ; - ah.:- Grange as chairman of a sub com-j Nl.sonp jlrs. Donald sh(.p)ardi mittee of five members. Take Sewing Lessons Mrs. Norman Slack of Winston, f.r, mnZ ni, t L"!IerL ! Eleven members of the Winston-, and Mrs. Howard Brusseau. and T. LLH lf . l f:1 Dillard Home Extension unit are Mrs. Laurence Fredhmd of Rose cuss the locations of the grange ( ,.k: .. j uaurt hum Mis. Lily (.aidiu ot Winston booths and other pertinent infor mation that would be of help to the main committee in making its decisions. Others selected were Virgil Woodruff. Melrose; Howard Cra croft, Fair Oaks; John Landers, Evergreen, and Eugene Atwood, Riversdale. Nine granges were represented at the meeting, and Pomona chair man Wilson asked that there Fullerton PTA Plans Unusual Display Monday who underwent major surgery in a local hospital in Roseburg recently, is now home and reported to be doing well. Carl Brady, son of Mrs. Cardiff, has accepted a position at Canyonville, barbering. Portland Visitor Fullerton PTA will meet Mon-I Mrs. Zelda Puckett of Portland dav at 7:30 p.m. in the school was in Winston on business rccent- .:ll: Till t l. .,1 a i,..-t n tk U ( v.- , , ,. , auujioriuiu. miuain minimi iiuiii .' " , uic umc ui ril."" ?0S,a. '"c". Portland and one of his business Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. McGuire, The associates will present a demon-, tormer is now affiliated with the slration on packing and planning Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, for a familv camping trip. Mrs. Puckett is national commit- Lists of essential equipment for 1 tec woman and state manager, all tvpes of outdoor recreation will June, daughter of the McGuires, be distributed to the group. A ! accompanied .Mrs. Puckett back to "camp" will he set up in the au-1 1 'orlland for a combined business ditorium and then taken down and ' and pleasure trip, packed to demonstrate correct; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albertus. techmoues in utilizing the least and the former s parents visited the amount of space. coast last weekend. The Fullerton grade school hand '. Cracroft, whose home is under the direction of Robert Len-inar Winston, has just returned neville will complete the evenings from Corvallis where she attend entertainment. I e, ,ne Srange lecturers school at Following the meeting, parents 1 the- college. Mrs. Cracroft is lec of second grade pupils will visit ; turr-r at the Fair Oaks Grange, the classroom for a resume of a ! Accompanying her on the trip was tvpical dav in school. M- William Pethcram. Looking- "All outdoor recreation leaders in! Slass; Mrs Norman Wicks, Riv the Roseburg area are invited lo i rrsdale. and Mrs. Henry Frotscher, attend this meeting to see the Sutherlin. demonstration on packing and plan ning for outdoor living. the next meeting March 9 at Suth erlin Grange at 2 p.m. Wilson also expressed apprecia-1 tion to the Sutherlin grange for its hospitality in having all the meet-! ings there. Also for the refresh- j ments served hy the ladies of the host grange following fhe meetings reports correspondent Brunette Wilson. NEW 1958 MERCURY "V-8" CLUB SEDAN Hat heater and de fro star. Pod ded dash, eirfoam cuihioni, turn signalt, oil filter. DELIVERED IN ROSEBURG $268300 Si Dillard Motor Co. Price A Good Place to Do Buiinsil MERCURY-LINCOLN SALES I SERVICE Stephens ot Douglas Sis. State Director Instructs Farm Bureau Officers Zonta Elects Board Members Roseburg Zonta Club recently elected the following three new board members, Mary Jane Rone, Verna Denton, and Billie Tauscher. These three, with carry over members Dr. Mary Soules." Sophia Stone and Esther Morherg, will comprise the board for the follow- Mm mm We'll help you bring up baby the fresh, sanitary, healthful way ... for we have a complete stock of infants' needs. Prescriptions for infants and children ore prepored with infinite care here! We look forward to servir.j you. WE GIVE S Cr H GREEK STAMPS Cliff Wright, state organiza tion director for the Oregon Farm Bureau, was featured speaker at this week's annual county farm bu reau workshop conference at the fairgrounds. He discussed the works of dif- fnrfint nm m lttoo Present for the meeting were 21 . " officers and committee members! Arlene Myers, program chair from Roseburg, Canyonville, Davs I mn. presented a program in Creek. Elkton. Oakland and Dix-; which various members took part, onville Farm Bureau Centers. ! A report was also given about nean .m on m. Members voted to accept the in vitation of the Central Douglas County Safety Council to sponsor a booth at the safety fair at the fairgrounds May 17. F.rma Plett, Sophia Stone and Billie Tauscher will be in charge of the project. The second meeting in April was set for the annual inter-city meet ing when invitations will be sent to members of the following clubs to send representatives. Invited will be Eugene, Coos Bay, Medford, Grants Pass, Corvallis, Albany and Salem. Sophia Stone is general chairman and her com mittee includes Arlene Myers, pro gram; Mary Jane Rone, decora tions; Billie Tauscher. flowers; Marian Yoeller. invitations; Fsther Mnrlierg. guest book and Klma Schell and Paula Gorton dinner chairmen. The next meeting will be March 12 at the home of Mildred Horn, 1043 S. Jackson. 3i i (hrlon 2) y i 9s Some 200.000 acres of virgin tim ber are in the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park in North Carolina. LISTEN REAL ESTATE HOUR "Good Music" 9:05 to 11:00 AM SUNDAYS KRNR CS 1490 KC Penney'sI' ' '-ipj,, ' ,': ;:t ill L: A y p J j & V a V f I ; - Jf; f " l j fiW i s Come by bus, by bike, by car-pool I But come, nine o'clock tomorrow when Pennes ladies go to bat to give prices the biggest wallop since Casey fanned the air! Find exciting fashions, handsome husband's shirts. See ironing gadgets, toen-age whim geyseverything you could possibly want, priced low, low, low. Of course, bring the children. You'll need eery able-bodied arm available to carry out these buys! Kf Starts At 9:30 A.M.! Be Early and Be Sure! vai m i iwr BrTTre vmim eiutl anur rtnnti J.Miwuu live dciieiv, i ww s.b win COLD-LIT EVERLON NET PANELS $1 40 by II inches long You con't beat Penney's rayon nets for sheer beauty, for value, for easy care! Suds them, drip dry, touch up iron ond that's it! Ivory. Penney's Downstairs Store NEW SOFT SLIPS AND SO CAREFREE! $2 SIim 32 to 40 Penney's does it again, scoops the seoson's newest docron-nylon cotton blend slips . . . soft-as-talcum, cling-free, shadow-panelled ond prices em at a spec iol budget low! Penney's Main Floor DARK SEAM DRESS SHEERS 2 Pr. 88c Sizes 8'i to 11. Even Santa couldn't pack awoy nylon buys like these. All first quality, full-fashioned 60-guage, 15-denier sheers. They'll go fast ot Penney's low price! Penney's Moin Floor UNDERWEAR BUY! MEN! STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE 2 for 88c T-shirts, sixes 38 to 44 Briefs, sises 30 to 31 Perfect fit and full cut com fort for men ot special Pen ney savings! T-shirts have long-wear nylon reinforced necks, extra long tails. Snug, proportion - fit briefs have special heot-resistant elastics. Penney's Main Floor BARCAIN PRICE BROADCLOTHS $2 Sises A, (, C, D The same top Penney qua lity, now at a special low price! Sanforized, action free pull-overs ond button ups in stripes and other patterns. Machine wash. Penney's Main Floor PERCALE PRINTS 80-squore percale 4 "g Prints ond solids 36 inches wide htf) Penney's Downstairs Store Fiberglass Drapes r99 J yd. Beautifully tailored Wash, never iron Rehang in 7 minutes Penney's Downifoirs Store JJ" pr. Wide Long Electric Blankets Floral prints, with color 1 P99 matched controls Single I J 25 o 2-Yr, Rayon Guarantee 99 in Dual 17 Penney's Downstairs Store PLASTIC PANTIES -51 Elastic woist t legs Pink, blue, yel., whi Sizes 5 M L WOMEN'S COATS 4 nice styles t A JF Button or tuxedo fronts Regular or petite, J sizes 8 to 18 Penney's Fashion Balcony WOMEN'S SHORT SLACKS . 50 X Plain colors or stripes Zipper back, self-belt Machine wash, sizes 8-18 Penney's Fashion Balcony Women's Dress Flats V Block, smooth leather Composition soles Sanitized, sizes 5 to 9 Penney's Main Floor Women's Moccasins 1 98 Bssige, white, grey Suede upper, crepe sole Sizes 5 to 9 Girls' Short Slacks 1 44 Plain color or stripe Elastic back for perfect fit Sizes 7 to 14 Penney's Fashion Balcony GIRLS' OXFORDS Brown, smooth leather Crepe soles Sizes 12'l to 3 Sizes 8', to 12 Penney's Main Floor 3 98 3.79 BOYS' SHIRTS University style Short sleeves Broken sizes 4 to 18 Penney's Main Floor 1 00 MEN'S ROBES Rayon gabardine Maroon color only Sizes small, medium 4 oo MEN'S SWEATERS 100 Orion Shrink, stretch resistant Sizes S-M-L Penney's Main Floor Men's Wool Shirts yoo 8S wool, 15o nylon Mochin washable Sizes small, mcd., Ig. Penney's Main Floor MEN'S JEANS denim Sanforized 10-oz Full cut Sizes 30, 32, 34, 38 Penney's Main Floor 1 50 Chambray Shirts 1 Santoriitd blu chombroy A QQ w wii lur, ivng Tans Sizes 14' i to 17 (VJ5 S. E Jackson St. ORchard 3-7415 Plsnney's Main Floor Penney's Main Floor Penney's Main Floor Penney's Main Floor Q G . 0 D 0