6 Th Newt-Review, Roebig, Or. Fri. Feb. 28, W58 cJUflo CALENDAR OF EVENTS Local News of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiett of thii I John McNanaughle otnorrow SATURDAY MARCH I Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 30 p m. FRIDAY, FEB. 21 rrMb Farm Rureau mwt inn, granee hall. 7 p m. Potluck M5 SK Jackson, (or more informa A.r.'r.t.r InUwA hv mMtlinf. ; lion call Or 2-2755. ;uest sneaker. Wayne Mosher. ' Hayloft Square Dance Club. Cub Scout Pack 114, Blue and Cold dinner. S 30 p m., fairgrounds community building. Boots and Calicos, 7 JO p m , Winston Community Building, busi ness meeting. Daughters of the Union, Veter ans p m., Preschern Barn. All square dancers invited. Ladies bring sand wiches. Evergreen Old Time Dance Club. 9 lo 1 p.m., KP Hall. Mem bership open lo public, welcome. Canyonville Beginners Square 'ciiv went to Portland mursaay to i attend the Ballet Kusse. Mrs. Clarence Long and Mrs. i Clair Whelchel spent Thursday at tending to business in Eugene. I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Redmond of McMinnviile were business vis itors here this week. Harry Rapp spent last weekend in Kujene, Salem and Portland conferring with the Oregon State Tax Commission on Indian affairs. Eugene was a business visitor in mis city tnis week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diller and family have moved from the Oak Hill apartments to Rainbow Lane to reside. E. L. Knapp, who has been ill for the last couple of weeks, is much improved and is now able to be out again. Sunnydale Grange Benefit Dinner Set March 8 At Hall Former Greaf Man Leaves For England Service Duty Nine Persons Succumb To Vood Alcohol Drink The Sunnydale Grange Home Economics Club met at the home of Mrs. Mora Rydell. A year book was planned, and it was decided that the project for March would be a benefit dinner, proceeds of which would go to the Dram city street beautification project. Din ner will be March 8 at the Sunny dale Hall. officers elected and appointed NEW YORK i Nine persons have died here this week from drinking wood alcohol. The police department assigned 27 detectives to locate the source of supply before more lives are claimed. man inH livn u'nmpn rlitxl Mr. and Mrs. Bill McSpentt nae (er attending a f,unday night of the Civil W ar, Florence . "" ,. " Nightingale Tent 15, I p m., home of Susan Bowman, 925 SE Main. South Pacific, Douglas High School, 8 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 111, Hucrest School, 7:30 pm., at school. Award ceremony, skits. Town and Country Garden Club. workshop, 1:30 p m , home of Mrs. 1 ing at 9. Everyone welcome Ralph Herman, 1628 West Myrtle members bring sandwiches or Ave , cookies. Elks Club duplicate bridge, 12:30, 1 Douglas County Convention of open to Elks and invited guests. : Christian Churches, 10 a.m., Chrrs- Loyal Order of Moose game tian Church at Sutherlin. night. Moose Hall, 8 p.m. i Doug-etts, rummage sale, Epis- Umpqua Hillbillie Square Dance ; copal parish hall, 8 a.m. nh k-llm. Grance hall. 8 o m.. Sm Pmc, Douglas High , -. . . B n m all square dancers invited. and Winchester Community Center, 8 p m.. Winchester Community Hall on Club St. Daualaft County Retired teach- rnnntv lihrarv 1 n m ('ami al days Trimble. Muriel Mitrhell speakers. I visiting relatives. Buckero. Square Dance C I u b D mMtn of Mr, 8 M to 9 p m dance of he month chester Mor((.n of ths ctV- lf . ....... Un.u... ... ........ . nft-torf trt h- vprv ill at none as Community Hospital, where she is a medical patient. Mrs. Paul J. Ryan of Roseburg and her mother, Mrs. Buford Pol ley, of Glide, have returned to their homes, following a trip to Texas to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Douglas Tudor left by plane recently for Detroit. Mich., where .were, chairman, Mona Rydell: she was called by the death of her assistant chairmen, Hermine Block father. Mrs. Tudor is expected and Margaret Ramsey: secretary home Sunday. Maurine Levins, committee chair men, decoration, Marie Tanner; Mrs. John D. Hess and Mrs. i program, Susie Ramcy; relief, I Lloyd Mays and daughter, hnsti , Margaret Duncan; hospitality. Kin iivm iinnaaf in LUicuc I um. n. . k... n uor Mr Mr.. Ch.rl.i Lynch re- V .tV .-" " '!.. -j """"""r, " - , i t . . i wnere me laiarr mmcu mnmii turned this week from a trip to examination. transacting business Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stone left visitors Wednesday afternoon for Portland and Seattle where they will spend a few days attending to business and visiting friends. mine Block Two new members, Mr. and Mrs. By MARY WEIKUM lily Sunday. The Hayes family for A3c LeRoy McCardia, who re- merly lived in Green. cently visited his parents, Mr. and M-vo to California Mrs. Ernest McCardia of Glen-, Mr and Mrs. Bill gary. left this week for Portland moved to Eullerton. Calif., where to take a Diane to New Jersey. he has acceded employment in the From there he will fly to Eng- paper industry. Mrs. McSperitt land, where he will be stationed lt the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. for the next three years. LeRoy g. l. White of Glengary. recently completed his basic train-: Mrs. Russell Nelson spent Tues ing at Ffanics E. Warren Air Base jav in Eugene, where she visited in Cheyenne, Wyo. with Mrs. Ernest Fox. a former Visit Coast : resident of tnis community. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Amundson sir nd Mrs. A. E. Broadwa- spent the weekend at the coast. t,r have returned to their home ous even in small doses They report unusually warm .fier several davs spent in Klam-, - weather for thi time of year. j aIn Falls, where they went to as Mrs. Annie Cantrell, who hasi515t their daughter-in-law. Mrs. been making her home with her , Virgil Broadwater, in the care of son, Ray Cantrell of Linwood, her small son Dickie, who was Calif., has come to make an ex- i ..rinuslv ill tended visit at the home of Mr. I Newcomers in the area are Mr. party in Harlem. Three men, not known to hae attended the party, died Wednes day. The victims were Puerto Ri cans. Dr. Milton Helpern, medical ex aminer, described the alcohol as methyl and said it was poison- All: Evrrgreon Grange, 8 pm, grange hall. Croon Cub Scout Pack 436, Green School gym, 8 p.m. George Starmer Auxiliary IS, United Spanish War Veterans, home of Mrs. Kate Millikin, 1175 SE Douglas Ave., 1:30 p.m. Light refreshments. School. 8pm Crab food, Roseburg Country Club, 7 30 p m. Reservations must be made, call OR 2-4732. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Draper have returned to their home in Bat tle Ground, Wash., following a trip here to attend the wedding of Miss BIRTHS Douglas Community Hospital Pilgrim Congregational Fellow-! Betty Brydges and Jack Johnson. ship vesper service and meeting,! , 4:30 pm.. Woman's Club building,! Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Church Mosher St. "id son. Bllcl' ' harden. Wash. South Deer Creek Grange.1 were here this week attending to monthly potluck supper, at hall, 7 business. Mr. Church is a brother p.m. I of Dr. H. C. Church of this city. DeVINNEY To Mr. and Mrs. N. G. DeVinney, 1708 SE Jackson, Roseburg. Feb. 19, a son, Robert Neal; weight 8 pounds 5'i ounces. JANSE.N To Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jansen, 969 NE Grandview, Roseburg. Feb. 19, a daughter, Karen Lee; weight 7 pounds 9'j ounces. BRYCE To Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bryce, PO Box 225, Dillard. Feb. 19, a son, Dennis Lee; weight 6 pounds 5 ounces. GERRETSE.N To Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Gerretsen, 530 W. Khz-1 Brasses on Wilbur Residents Return From California Funeral By MRS. LEWIS BINTLIFF iCorvallis were housrgurats of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brown have nd Mrs' 'red Koehler, and Bea 5 ounces. LOWE To Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowe. 555 NE Jackson, Rose- Shan 4'i returned to Wilbur after spending last week in Mipuas, t alii., wnere they were called hy the death of their son-in-law, William L. Emery. He succumbed to a heart attack last week. Rites were held Friday at San Jose and interment was in the Saratoga Cemetery. Mrs. Emery and small daugh Westerman over the weekend. They also visited with their son. Hap O'Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis White and children of Happy Camp, Calif., spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Everett Blondell. Corrin Blondell, who is working at Happy (.amp since tne mill there reopen Ur km! Mr ClnlA UirmlM ... - , D..Kr v.r ih. bum. Feb. 19, a daughter weekend and will make their home non Kay; weight 7 pounds .. ll..rr..nn rt ThV fnrm,flv I OUnCCS. u i i u ii.rn.ann ! CIllRF FV Td Mr and Mrs ' is secretary for L'moaua Savings : J. L. Shirley, 1732 NW and Loan Assn. , Drive, Roseburg. Feb. 21. a son, John David; weight 7 pounds 3'i Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Lewis and ounces children, David and Kose. oi ron- Frank Hednck were' welcomed to nl Mrs. Ray Reiger. of Glen-' an(j Mrs. Beatty of Winston, who membership of the Sunnvdale 8aT- tantreu uvea in mis have rented the Walter smun nome Grange. Officers elected to fiil va- 'or mn,'r X"' . 1 m Glengary. Mrs. jonn cnanceuor .ias reiurn- -to her home in Green after spend-1 Daughter Returns ing a week at the home of her! Barbara Austin has returned to son, Cpl. John Chancellor Jr. of the home of her parents, Mr. and Olympia, Wash. While there she . Mrs. Merl Austin of Austin Road assisted in the care of her daugh after a month visiting friends and ter-in-law and the new babv, Deb-1 relatives in Santa Ana, Calif, ra Ann. i While there she made trips to Dis- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes and neyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and three sons of Eugene were dinner j the Riverside County Fair at In guests of the Dean Rammage fam- dio. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toi of Stella Street announce the birth of a grandson. Randall Scott Perkins Jr. The baby was born Feb. 19 to their son-in-iaw and daughter, Mr their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. land, Calif. A class in basic dressmaking, sponsored by the home extension service, has completed its series of lessons. Local leaders were Lois 1 Cox, and Mary Owens. Women ' completing the project were lone ' Rammage. Edith McDamel, Mrs. Knagg. Lucille Coble, Mrs. Ayers. , Mary Clark. Wilma Rhodes, and i Maxine Holbrook. cancies were Mina Celiers as Po mona, and Fred Swearingen as steward. Plans were discussed for the North Douglas Fair, and Al Ramey was appointed chairman of a com mittee. Other members are Ches ter Rydell and Eddie Tanner. A committee to plan a grange float is Mary Scott. Susie Ramey, and Mane Tanner. An invitation for Sunnydale mem bers to meet with the Kellog '55 Chev. V-8 4-dr. Radio, heater, powerglide, white wall tirei, two-tone fin ish. Two to choose trom. $1495M Si Dillard Motor Co. A Good Place to Do Business MfRCURY-LINCOLN SALES I SERVICE Stephens at Douglas Stt. Woman's Club Plans Grange for a potluck supper and program March 1 was read. j M,ao.L A- Mavir n The agricultural chairman led a jpcet" VI. HieXltQ discussion on seeding clover and hillsides, which, is a abeth. Roseburg, Feb. 19, a daugh- project of interest in this area. ter, Donda Jean; weight 6 pounds n , ,h , A , r,1,int, I inn nrl tka rofrachmiinf fanrl bakiiI i aiaa, aiiu mi v 1 1 i .-n ... v .is, situ uviai J period was held in candlelight, re ports correspondent tdith Bush. and will Dogwood Camera Club Plans Election Monday Night ters, Cinday and Brenda, returned ; accompanied them here to see with her parents to spend t w o ! his parents, Mr. and Mrs DlD17nn T Mr nA Mr rn..in. r 1.1J ",u 7", "'"''"K"1 ""' D. W. Parazoo, Rt. 1 Box 266, , regular business meeting Mon da 't Mr- antMrs- J,ohnn UB "l Sutherlin, Feb. 22. a daughter, ! dav in the downstairs hall of the and children Shcm, John, Rene Tamara v wej ht 9 pounds ' Medical Dental Clinic, 880 SE and Merri. The Lewises were en Jackson, at 7:30 p.m. route to California to vacation. ....,, - ... ,j i T. . ... HATHELD To Mr. and Mrs.! This will be an important meet- Mrs. Oladys H. Monger, senior Leslie Hatfield. Idleyld Rt. Box ing to all members, as it will be er important year-end business will high school librarian, attended the 396, Roseburg, Feb. 24, a daugh-1 election of officers. A program be presented. .'National tnucation Assn. s region-1 ler, wenuy larui; wrinm w uuunua nas oeen planned ior me evening. Mrs. K. D. Lytle of Salem former resident of Roseburg be featured speaker for the Rose burg Woman's Club March 4 at the clubhouse. The program theme will be. "Down Mexico Way." Mrs. Lytle will present a picture of life in Mexico, as she spent almost five months in Mexico City, and travel led from there to surrounding areas of the country. The shadowboxes and tea table will carry out the Mexican theme. Music chairman, Mrs. Horace Berg, is arranging special music. The executive board will meet at 12 noon and all members of the board are asked to be present as plans for the celebration meeting April 1 will be completed, and oth LISTEN "FOOLIN' AROUND WITH RECORDS" John Doyle 3:00 PM to 4:35 PM KRNR CBS 1490 KC weeks here before returning to her California home. Mr. and Mrs i William Edison of BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LOOK FOR THi HAPPY UTTLt DOG TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE dell Elbert Godfrey returned last week after spending a month visit ing his mother, Mrs. Hosie God frey, at Shelton, Neb. He made the trip by bus and was met in Eugene by Mrs. Godfrey. The last Sunday he spent in Nebraska he and his mother celebrated their birthdays together. It was her 87th. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bintliff and children drove to Grants Pass last weekend to visit former friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxwell and daughter. al conference in Portland last Ed Blon-1 weekend. Mrs. Monger was invited to represent the librarians view point on the theme, "Focus on Good Teaching for AH Children." Mr. and Mrs. George Crenshaw and children. Keith and Kathy, of Korluna. Calif., spent a recent weekend here attending to busi ness matters. They visited at .the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Belle Crenshaw, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green, par ents of Mrs. (ieorge Crenshaw 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Vaughn, j Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Draper and daughters. Sandra, Damlynn and j Susan, and son, Carl, Mrs. H. A.I Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Swan Hodges and daughter, Sheryl Ann. all of Eugene, were in Roseburg over the weekend having come for the wedding of Betty Brydges and Jack Johnson. 2li ounces. HERRIOTT To Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Herriott, 1891 SW Linnell, Roseburg, Feb. 24, a son, David Wayne: weight 7 pounds 9 ounces. GOOD To Mr. and Mrs. W AUTHORESS DIVORCED The group recently adopted a program whereby juveniles inter ested in pnotograpny may become SEW YORK - Grace Me-memN.-rs for half the annual mem-; talious. author of the novel. "Pey bership fee. Ae limit for this:ton place." will marry T. J. uuK ... .u ".r.n. I Martin, a former disc lockev. in C. Good, Rt. 1, Sutherlin, Feb. 24. ' terested may contact any member Baltimore Friday, her publishers . ,Hu,.c , v.a, gai(1 Bom lre 33, Mudl- Mrs. Metalious obtained a di- Guests and prospective amateur vorce Tuesday in Phenix Citv, photographers are welcome. The Ala., from her first husband, club meets the first and third Mon- George, a New Hampshire school day of each month at the above teacher to whom she had been address. , married IS years. Medford Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Sahala were hosts Sunday to friends from Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Tom I'nen and children. Mrs. Henry Willard accompanied her daughter. Mrs. Del Rainville of Melrose, and granddaughter l.u ane. to Coos Bay last week to stay at the home of another daughter, Mrs. William Anger and help care for her family. Mr. and Mm. Anger are the parents of a new daughter, Laura Lee, born Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Welty were hosts at the Wilbur Community Club recreation evening last Sat urday, (iary Nichols, Jerry Spinas, and Gary Bault furnished the mu-: Robert Burmoster has moved to sic. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baglev I Roseburg to act as assistant man- will he hosts for the next meeting, 1 ager of Gimre s Shoe Store on SE Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Thomas of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lyons of Portland returned to their homes recently following a week's trip in California They went to Carmel and San Francisco, visit ing in the latter place with Mrs. Thomas' former roommate at I'ni versity of Oregon, Miss Ann I.uk-son. daughter, Pamela Ann; weight 8 pounds 4Mi ounces. COBLE To Mr. and Mrs. O R. Coble. Camas Valley, Feb. 25. a daughter, Mary Ellen; weight 8 pounds l'i ounces. Mercy Hospital PACK To Mr. and Mrs Orval G. Pack. Box 177 Dillard. Feb. 21. a daughter, Janie Romel; weight 8 pounds 1 ounce. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson Jr., Sutherlin. Feb. 23, a son, Paul Reuben; weight 7 pounds 8 ounces. MARET To Mr. and Mrs Gil bert W. Maret, Rt. 1, Box 462 E. Sutherlin. Feb. 24 a son, William Earl; weight 7 pounds. AUTO INSURANCE POLICY GIVES MORE PROTECTION -SAVES UP TO 30 Bring your coverage up-to-date. Get adequate payments for the many new hazards you face in today's more dangerous driving. Farmers gives greatest coverage fastest, fairest claims payments in its history. And you still save up to 30. Investigate call... CLARENCE V. DeCAMP DISTRICT MANAGER 1602 S. E. Stephens OR 2-2618 Nautical Man Wanted His Will Left Shipshape siarcn a You KffMTil K" 35 .! 1 $1895 Hiies V SrSP vv;;;J PerDay-syij .quipped fTSj Si Dil,ard Motor Co' :fK'r'S'f Stephens Doyglai Srs. VvV ORchard l-ool PORTLAND i Chester A. MacNeill. who sold nautical in struments, charts and surveying equipment, said in the preamble of his will, filed for probate Wed nesday, he wanted his affairs shipshape. It noted that he had "sailed all the seas of the earth from Ber ing's to 6-S degrees south," and "hy reason thereof, have been taught to stow my cargo with J Rirh.rd Elmars. ehief nf the caretul regard to tne l'limsoii Associated Press bureau, Portland Jackson Street. He was formerly with Gimre's in St. Helens. Ills brother. Glenn Rurmester. is man-j ager of the Roseburg store. Mrs. Robert Burmester and 2 year-old daughter, Linda, will move here in a couple of weeks and the family, will reside in the Todd apartments on Alameda. accompanied by Glenn Cushman. Salem Capital Journal, and Bill Wasmann, Eugene Register-Guard, spent Wednesday m:nt in Rose burg. Cushman and nasmann are co-chairmen of the Oregon Asso ciated Press Continuing Study Committee, and with the bureau chief have been visiting Associated Press member newspapers in Ore gon. They conferred in Roseburg with Charles V. Stanton, edilor nianaKcr of The News-Review and chairman of the Oregon section of Associated Press Managing Edi tors, and with members of The News-Review news staff. mark and even beam, and on each passage to keep all rigging aloft j and alow (sir) sound, taut, strong to weather the roaring gales or rolling calms, am now adopting the same rules in the affairs of, life as learned by the card at i sea . . . log my desires for the dis- j position of all the gear and cargo : 1 have gathered and which my manifest may in the future I reveal. ..." MacNeill. 61, left an estate list-1 ed onlv at "in excess of $25 000" j when he died last week. After a rash bequest to an old-time em-1 plove it was divided in equal thirds to his three children. i BERGH'S for largest savings and lowest prices ALWAYS AUTOMATIC HOME LAUNDRY mm THE BEST a fTTT rMESjlSS. DEAL FOR YOU YOU CAN BUY NOW Make Regular Down Payment or Use Trade-in! No Monthly Payments Until June 1958 THIS APPLIES TO ALL WASHERS and DRYERS REFRICERATORS RANCES and FREEZERS Satisfaction Guaranteed On All Appliances. First XVf T Another MODERN Floor Covering -We'''- ntKtll Ij! bcAU I IrUL rKL LU 1 . rtfTZi vp-i; frri u OLY Vinyl Si ESIN CARPET TONE TILE Now a floor covering til with all of the wanted elements of both asphalt and vinyl plastic floor covering. PVR hat an asphalt tile back and with pure long-wearing, durable plastic. Easy to install! room or building! So wonderful to keep clean. So practical. the face is impregnated Inexpensive for any size ''r-Vi.'Tfi'. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL C PER JrtUAL NUJ tile W . t -v' ?,, Poy Vinyl Retin Carpet Tone Til it new type floor covering that combines .7 6 . btoutiful vinyl appearance with the durable long weoripj resilient qualitiet of V-Ti V -il asphalt. Poly Vinyl Retin Carpet Ton Tile createt a natural letting for any room in the horn . . . it'i quiet dignity alto adds interest and warm-at-eat feeling to re ception rooms, offices, schools and public buildings. The turfac it to tmooth and lustrout, grim will not weor into PVR Carpet Ton Til. A domp mop easily removes the most stubborn toil film and restore ftt "new-look" beauty. PVR hat toughness buift right into it. Reinforced with atbettot fibret and try ren pbstit. PVR it not difficult to initoll and "weekend remodelen" can follow th. easy tfep by ttep instruction or our trained competent installers can quickly do th job for you. i rffV'fvr2.'I -M it to new, so rcatonobl in cost, you tility, ta really appreciat iH fin quality. mutt tee itt natural beauty, verto- EASY TO INSTALL! DO IT YOURSELF! WE CAN INSTALL! -SPECIAL- New RCA Dryer NOW 0N4Y 138.00 Us Trode-in os Down foymenr we service what we Sell & all others, too; FLOOR COVERING House of Carpets BERGH'S APPLIANCES Sourh City Limits Phon. OR 3 45 Dl OCchard 3-4374 0 o 0 0 6? 2- " 0 o o S13 ( O 0 O G3 S,-S C. l e 4, e. S9 ID , a 0 o 71 S South East Oak