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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
0 Pilgria CugreMtiil At a meeting of the Pilsrim Con gregational Fellowship last Friday Dr. Paul Danes, superintendent of Jhe Congregational ChrLstian (,'on- Naw Owntn! N,w Location! BIBLE BOOK CENTER ' 41 J $. I. JACKSON "FOR ALL SPIRITUAL NEEDS" Church ond Sunday School SupdIios, Bibles, Chmtion Books, Cords ond Gfts. J. I. Niwb.rry t Violtt Nowborry Roioburf, Or090H OR 3-7010 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Csrnor of Lono and Jackson Tha .,. JoKn I. Adomi, Paitar MORNING SERVICES 11:00 A.M. "Into Every Place" EVENING SERVICE 7:31) P.M. "Great Decisions for Christians" "Awakening Afnco Threat or Promise?" Sunday School, 9:45 A.M. Sr. Westminster Fellowship Installation, 6:00 P.M. Jr. Westminster Fellowship Preview Party, 6:00 P.M. Nursery cere during morning 10 Miles West on Garden Valley FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 A. M. 7:30 P. M. "A Covenant of Wirneii" "An Unpopular Religion" ROSE AND LANE STREETS Dr. Eugene Gerliti, Pastor On The Lord's Day, March 2 MORNING SERVICE 10:50 A.M. "Christ AndOr Life" EVENING SERVICE 7:30 P.M. "God's Answer To Job" FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Douglas ond Kane ASSEMBLY OF GOD 518 NASH SUNDAY 11 AM THIS Pastor C. 0. SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes For YOUTH SERVICES JUN0AT 7 30 P.M. . Ctcil Grica "THE KEY to RICHES" Revival continues through nest week. Each Night Eicept Monday " "EVERYONE" IS WELCOME Slates Vesper Jrvice ference of Portland, suggested to the group that weekly services muht be held for members of Con jOcgational Churches in adjoining areas as well as those in Rose burg who are not members of a local church. This Sunday the fellowship plans to hold i vesper service at 4:30 p.m. in the Woman's Club build ing at 747 Mosher St. Chaplain M. C. Wallin will conduct the services. After the service there will be a meeting to discuss the possibili ties of starting a Congregational Church in Roseburg. The fellowship has been meeting monthly since September and it is hoped that all those who are interested will be able to come Sunday in order that the number of people interested can better be ascertained. For more complete details call Ruth Ganiere, OR 2-3778. Missionary To Speak March 12 Inez Olson, missionary in Tan ganyika, Last Africa, will be a guest March 12 at the Faith Luth eran Church. At 12:15 she will speak at a luncheon at the home nf Mrs. Steve Fowler, 117 W. Bodie. She will also be guest speaker at the Lent en service at 7:30 p.m. at the church, 1130 NE Malheur. Miss Olson, a first term mis sionary teacher, is helping teach and supervise 123 girls at the R li ra ma Girls School in Tanganyika. She was born in lnraan, Kan., and received her A.B. Degree from Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan., in 1945. She has served as field worker for the Board of American Mis sions: parish worker at the Im manuel Lutheran Church, Kansas City, Mo., and was called to serve in Africa in 1952. Reservations for the luncheon may be secured by calling Mrs. Louis Michalek, OR 3-4926 or Mrs. Steve Fowler. OR 3-7130 on or be fore March 10. The public is also invited to the evening service at the church. CHURCH CONVENTION Douglas County convention of Christian chruches will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Chris tian Church in Sutherlin. REVIVAL Rev. Mark Armstrong From Long .Beach, Calif. March 2 March 16 Every night except Mendayt, evening service 7:45 p.m. Morning and evening services en Sundays. Garden Valley Community Church Road From Hiway 99 Junction Newell Morgan, Pastor STREET Gospel" Rots preaching 9:45 A.M. All Ages 6:15 P.M. AZALEA A7.AI.EA CO MM UN ITT CHI' RC H MiM Nellie Woolery and Mis Terry Alle, Mim ton arte Mr. Leo Allen, upt., Sunday School Sands? Services: Sunday School, 10 00 am-, Asa lea G rah f Hall Mormnf Worship, 11:00 a m., Asalca Grange Hall Young Peoples Meeting, 7:00 p.m., at Missionaries' horn Mld-Week Services: Wednesday, 1:00 p.m., noma of mem bert Ladies' Bible Study Group, first Fri day in each month at home of Mn. Elizabeth foster. CALAPOOIA rme methodist 4't Miles tV af iatkerlla Harvey K. Timm, Pastor Phase s;a Sandav Servlres: Sunday School, 9:45 a Morning Worship. 11:00 a m. Y RM S.. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service. 8 00 p.m. Mld-Week Service: Praver Service. Wed., T:30 p m, CAMAS VALLEY METHODIKT CHURCH I REv. John Morange, Pastor Sanaa? services: Sunday School. 0:30 a m. Morning Worship. 9:30 a m. Worship Service. 11:00 am. Youth Fellowship, 0:30 pm Eva. Service and Bible Study. T p m. COMMUNITY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Geerge R. Tedd. raster Paean 444 Meeting at Coon's residence, at and of Wildcat Road Santa? Services: Sunday School 10:00 a a Church, 11:00 am. Mld-Week Service: Prayer Meeting. Thurs. 7 00 pa at tha home of J F Ralston CANYONVILLE PRESRTTKR1AN rHI'RCH-iri TH-Clty PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OP HOD Surprise Valley at Canyonvllle Rev. J D. Newton. Pastor Sands? Services! Sunday Schooi. 9:45 a m. Worship Services, 11:00 a.m. I P.YPA.. 6.10 pa Evangelist Service. 7:90 p.m. Mld-Week Services; Bible Study, Tues.. 7:30 pm Cottage Prayer Meeting. Frt,. 7:30 p.m. CANTONVILI.E CHURCH OP CHRIST Lard's Day Servlres: Bible Study. 945 am. Communion, to u a.m. Preaching. 11:00 a m Evening Worship, 7:30 pa Mid-Week Services : Devotional. Wed., 7:30 p m. - Ladles Class. Wed., 10 00 am. A Warm Christian Welcome Awaits You FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Canyonvllle Rev. Carl A Walker, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: Sunday School, 9:4.1 A M Morning Worship. 11:00 A M. Training Union 010 PM Evening Worship & Song 7.30 P M. MID-WEKK SERVICES: Teachers and Officers Wed 7 00 p M Praver Service Wed. 7:30 P M. The public is cordially Invited la att- tend. METHODIST CHI Rm Ray Poindexler, Pastor Sunday Services: Church School. 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship. 9:30 a m both services held simultaneously! DAYS CREEK COMMCNITT METHODIST CHURCH Dave Creek. Oregon Rev Ray Poindextcr, Minister Saadav Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a m Church Service. 1100 am Your Community Church Welcomes You DILLARD CHURCH OF OOD Rev. Alvln G Eaaoa. Paster Sands? Services: Sunday School, 10:00 a m. Morning Worship, 11.00 a nv Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p.aa. Mld-Week Services: Wed., Praver Meeting. 7:30 pa. Sat. Jubilee Service. 7:30 o m. nillsrd-Wlfistsn MFTHOUIST ( HI RCH Rev. William O. Walker. Pastor Sandav Services: Sunday Schoo. S 43 a m. Morning Worship. 11 00 am. Methodist Youth Fellowship. 7.00 p m. Mid-Week Servlrea: Choir Rehearsal. Thura., 7.30 p m. DIX0NVILLE PINE OROVR SUNDAY SCHOOL Mrs. Cora Collison, SupU Sands? Services: Sundav School, 10 00 a m Wosahip Serxica. 1100 am. Youth Meeting. 9 00 p m. DRAIN FIRST BAPTIST Rev Rivis E. Goss, Pastor Sandsv Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a m. Morning Worship, 11 00 a m. BTU 4 30 p m Fvenmg Worship. 7:30 p m, Mld-Week Services: Prater Meeting and Bible Study Wednesday. 9pm I SAINT DAVID'S FPISCOPAL CHI RCH Rev Lauren H MfRevnolds, Jr., Rector' Services held in tha Grade School music room at 9 00 am. Morning Praver and Holy Communion an alternate Sundavs. ELKT0N . ASEMRt.T tlF r.on Rev o D Channcr. Pastor Sandsv Services: Sunday School. 9 4 m. Morning Service. 1100 am Young People's Meeting 6 30 pm, Evenirg Service 7 43 p m. M'd-Teek Servlres: Prajer Meeting. Wed., 7 4S p m, CRRISTIAM Cm RCH Phil Ran. Pastor Sindsf Services: Bibie School 10 00 am Church Services. 11 oo am. Evening Worship, 7 .'(0 p m Mld-Beek Servlre. Prajer Meeting Wed. 7.30 p m. MTTHOniHT Saadav Services: Sundav School 10 00 am Worship Service, 11 oo am. Youth Fellowship. 9 00 p m. Evening Worship. 7 30 p m Mld-Heeh Servlresi Junior Chotr Tuee . TOO pti Praer Meeting. Tuee. 9 oo p m. CARDEN VALLEY Mltsleaerv Bspilrt 9ervlees V E W Hell Garden Valley Road Elder W P Griffio, Minister Ph OS 9-!te7S Saadsy Services! Sundav School 10 00 a a. Preaching 11 00 am. ATTEND COMMUNITY CHI HOB John Elhngson. Pastor California Evangelistic AuociaUo lands? Servlcee: Sunday School. 9:43 a nv Mormnf Worship. 103 a Evangelistic Service, 7:45 p.m. Mid-Week Services: Bible Studv. Tues . 7:43 p a Prayer Meeting, Wed.. 10.00 a.m. Evangelistic Services. Ttiurs., 1:4.1 pa Praer Meeting. Sat. 7:43 p-m. GLEN DALE GLEN DA LI MISSIONARY BAPTIST Cllbertson Ave Elder E T Larson, Pastor Sands? services: Sunday School 10:00 A M Meldon Rose berry. Superintendent Morning Worship. 11:00 AM. Evening Worship, 7:30 PM. Mid-week Service: Prayer Service. Thurs.. 7:30 P M. O LEND ALE BAPTIST CHURCH (Seathera feaveaUea) First Street Rev. T. H. Harmonaon. Pastor Sands Servlrea: Sunday School. 1000 A.M. Morning Worship. 11:00 A.M. Training Union. 0:30 P.M. Evening Worship, 7 30 P it Mid-week Service: Praver Meeting and Bible Study. Wad., 7 00 P M GLENDALF CHI RCH OF CHRIST ICHKISTIAXi Molly Street Sander Services Bible School. 9 44 A M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Youth Meeting. 6 30 PM CHURCH OP JEM'S CHRIST or latt;r dat saints. Glade O'Neil, Branch President Sands? Servlres: Priesthood Meeting. 9 00 A.M. Sunday School, 10 30 A M. CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY Sether Avenue Rev. Charles SulfrRlge, Pastor Sandav Services: Sunday School. 10 00 A M lnes Cosjey, Superintendent Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Service. 7:30 PM-Mld-wrrk Services: Praver Meeting. Wed.. 7:30 PM Youth People's Night. FrL, 7:30 PM BOLT FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Marshal Street Sands? Services: Mm. 12:00 Noon. Alternate Sundays Religious Instruction, Catechism Class es, ror cnildren ana aauiis. 1:00 to 3 00 P M . Sat Altar Society Third Wed. of each month JESl S NAME PEN'TACOSTAL CHURCH Locker Addition Rev. C C. Shepherd. Pastor Saadav Services: Sunday School. 10 00 A M Morning Worship. 1100 A M. Evening Wonhip. 7:00 P M. Mld-wrrk Centers: Praver Melting Tues.. Thurs.. Sat. 7 30 PM SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Molly Street Sstardsv Services: Sabbath School. 9:30 A M Morning Worship 11:00 A M. GLEN DALE OLIVET PRESBTTERIAN Pacific Avenue Rev. Wayne Wattman, Pastor Sandav Services! Sunday Church School. 94A A.M. Morning Worship. 11:00 A M. Senior High Westminister Fellowship. 4:00 PM. Bi-weekly Evening Wor-hip 7:30 P M. Mid-Week Services: 1st and 3rd Monday Bible. Praer, Fellowship. Azalea area. 7:30 p.m. 1st and 3rd Tuesriav Bible. Prav er. Fellowship, 1:30 p m. at the Church. 1st and 3rd Wednesday Bible. Prayer. Fellowship, :30 p.m., lune-7 dale homes 2nd Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. Congre gational Fellowship Dinner and meeting at the Church. 4th Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Teacher'l Round Table, at tha Church. Thursday, 7:00 p m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal, at tha Church. ASSEMBLY Or GOD CHURCH Fourth St Wilhs William A. Garner, Pastor Sandav Services: Snndav School. 9 45 A M Worship Service. 11 00 AM Christ's Ambassador Group, PM Evening Service. 7:00 P M. Mid-Berk Service: Wednesday. 7 00 PM GLIDE ASSFMRLT OF OOD Cor. South RMella West Est e 11a Sts. Glide. Oregon Dale Hofktni. Patnr Rt. 4. Box 2.17Z. Roeburg OH chard 3-M27 Sandsv Services: Sunday School 9:43 a m. Morning Worship. 1100 am Christ Ambassador Service. 0 30 p na. Evangelistic Services, 7:43 p m. Mld-Week Services: WMC. Wednesday. 10 00 a m. Bible Study. Praer Meeting, 7 30 p.m. CHt'RCH OF GOD OF PROPHFST 13 mi B. en N (Jmpnua Road D L. Welch. Pastor Sandav Services: Sundav School. 9 4.1 a m. Morning Sen-ice. 11 00 am. Evening Services. 7:30 p m. Mld-Week Services: Wednesday. 7:30 p m. Friday. 7:30 p m. BAPTIST K. ft Faulkner, Pastor Saadav Services: Sunday School 9:43 am. . Morning Worship. 11 00 am. Young People's Service. 110 pn. Evening Service, 7:30 p m. Mid-Week Services: Wedncsdav Praer Meeting 7 30 p m CHI RCH OF CHRUT Duane G Obenchaia Sandsy servicea: Bible School. 9 SO am. Morning Worship, 11 00 a in. Evening Worship, 7.30 p m. Mld-Week Servlre: Bible Study. 7 30 p m. CHIRCH OF THE OPKN Arrets frem Glide HI eh) Srhael Rev. K. R. Thompson. Pastor Saadsv Services: Sundav School, 10 00 am Cottage Meeting. 7 30 p m. Mld-Week Servlres: Bible Studv. Fi i.. S 00 p m. GREEN CO MM l Sll i CHt'RCH Mlittonarv Church Association Old Hw 99 Near Happy Vlv Rd. Rev Laurence Pine. Pastor Sandsy Servlres: Sundav School. 9:49 a m. Morning Wonhip, 1100 am. Fellowship Group, 9 o p m Evening Service, 7 30 p m, Mid-Week Servlre: Wednesday, 7 ; to p m. L00KINGGLASS TOMMI NITV i HI Rt H Denny Huffman. Pastor Route 4. Box 117S. OR 3-719. Sandsv Services; Sundav School, 9:43 a m. Morning Worship. 11 on a m. Youth Fellowship. 30 p.m. Evening Service. 7:30 p.m. Mld-Week Servlrea: Choir Practice, Wed, 7 00 pn, Youths' Hour ef Power. Wed., 7 SO m Adults Praver Meeting. Wed., 7 tO p m MELROSE MM. SOS ' OMMl NIT Y CHI SCH Rev Calvin Harrah Pastor Route 3. Box 7S1 Phone. OR I-901S I Saadav Services: Sundav Rcnool. 9 49 a fit. Morning Worship. 1100 a m. Junior Church, II 00 m I Fellowship Groups, 9 30 p m, Evening Service. T 30 p m. Mld-Beek Service: Praer Meeting and Bible Stur? P m MYRTLE CREEK PRtMRfTrfllSN IHI R( Hs Trf. I HI Bf H OF jyl S CRRtST OF LSTTtR OAT SAIMS Sandst Servlee . Prtethood IH im Runda.' School. 10 30 am. ararnt Meeting, 7 pm, i Mid-Week rvlce- Relief Society. Tuesday 1 p mo till PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY' THE NEWS-REVIEW AS A CHURCH SUNDAY ALL-SOl LH CATHOLIC CHURCH rather Dantal O Oouia Sands? Masses: Wednesday. 7 44 pa. 8 00. 10 00 Weekday Mass: 40 Ceafesslaas: 4-3. 7:30-6 39 p nx lists , avea of Holy Days tt 1st FrL, or ring cont oell. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF OOD of America Neal Lane and Forrest Road Rev. Kenneth U Arnold, Pastor Saadav Services: Sunday School. 9:45 a m. Horning Worship. 11:00 am. Evangelistic Service. 7:30 pm. Mld-Wsrk Servlct: PY P A. Young Peoplaa Rervtcea. Thurs., 7:30 p m. Special Services Announced Everyone Welcome CHRISTIAN aTlFNCE Above Veterans Hall, Trt-Ctty Armory Sands? Services: Sunday School 9 45 a m. Church Service 11 am. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Second at Hall Street Earl Sample. Minister Sandsy Services: Bible School. 9:43 a m Morning Worship Service. 1100 am. Christian Endeavor and Youth Meet ings 6:30 p m. Evening Services 7:39 p.m. Mid-Week Service: Wednesday. 7:30 p m. CHURCH OF THE NAEARENI Spruce Ac Dlvtaion Sts. Waller 1 Wit son. Paster Phona 3?44 Ssutdav Servlrea: Sunday School 9:43 a m. Morning Worship. 11:00 am. Junior Meeting. 6 45 p.m. Young Peoples. 6 43 p m. Evangelistic Service. 7.30 pm. Mid. Week Service: Wednesday. 7 JO pm Choir Practice following FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev C. Dorset t. Pastor Sandsy Services: Church School 9:43 a m Morning Worship Service. 11:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship. 6 00 p.m. Evening Fellowship. 7 30 p nt Mld-Wesk Servlres: Bible Study At Praver 7:30 p.m. Wed. Choir Rehearsal. Thurs . 7:30 p m. WSCS. tnd and 4ih Thursdava SEVENTH-PAT ADVFNTIST Donald Maclvor. Pastor Res Canvonvllle Sakbslh Services iSstardavti Sabbath School 9 30 a m. Worship our 1100 a m ST AVNF'S rricop.L Rex- Loren Bush Myrtle Creek. Ph MC 96t Sandsy Srrvlres: Family Worship. 11:00 a to. Holy Com m union on Third Sunday PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH l's miles So. of Mvrtle Creek. 3 blk, be hind John's Plumbing Rev Joe Richardson. Pastor Sands? Services: Sunday School 9:45 a m. Mnrntng Wnnhfp. 1100 am. Evening Service. 713 p nv Mid-Heek Kervices: Tuendav Praver Meeting, 7'1S pm Thursday. Young People's Sen'lcc, 7:13 p m JFHOVH'S WITNESSES 128 Oak St Myrtle Creek Sandsy Srrvlres: Grouo Witnesing. 910 a m. The Watrhtnwer Sludv. 7 30 pm. Mld-Werh Services: Area Bible Studv Wed 7:30 pm Service Meeting Theocrstic Minis try School. Fridav. 7:30 pm. Mararlne Day Croup Wttnesslni. Sat urday. 9-30 a m OAKLAND CHt'RCH OF CI7RIST Sandsv Services: Rible School, 10 00 a m. Worshlo and Communion. 1100 am, Bible Study, 9 45 p m Slngsplratlon Service 7:30 p nv COMMUNITY PRf SBTTFRIAN Hamer M Nabls. D D., Paster Sandsv Services: Sundav School 9 43 a m Worship Service 1100 a.m. OOSPFL T A BERN ACI.F Rev Wm E. Wood. Pastor Sandsv Services: Sunday Schoo) 9. 43 a m. Morning Worship. 11 00 a.m. Evangelistic Service. 7 30 p m. Mtd-Wesk Servlres: Bible Study Tues.. Thurs. 7 .TO p m. assfmblt of mm chitrch First At Cvpress Sts. Oakland Thermon A Scevera, Paster Sandsv Services: Sunday School. 9 43 a m. Morning Worship, 11 00 a.m. Evening Servlre, 7 43 p m. Midweek Servlre: Wednesday. 75 pm PENTECOSTAL ( HCRCH OF GOD A A. Helm, Pator 1 mile E. of Bank, Oakland. Ore. Sandsv Servlres: Sundav School, 9:43 a m. Morning Worship, 1100 am. Evening Worvhip, 7 30 p m. Mld-Week Servlre: Wednesdav, 7:.i0 pm Everyone Welcome FTP Meeting 730 p m. RIDDLE PREBTTKRI IN CHI RCH see Trl-CH? AaSEMRl.T OF GOD CHI RCH R Street Rev. Zelphia Fowler. Pastor Rn M7. Myrtle Creek, Ph. IN 3-4436 Sandsv Srrvlres: Sundav School. 9 43 A M Morning Worship. 1100 AM. Young People. 0:30 P M Evening Service. 7 30 P M. Mld-Weedk Services Tuedav. 7 .to PM Saturday. 7 30 P M CHI RCH OF THF ASCtNSIOM (Ealacepalt Rev Loren Bush Mvrtle Creek. Ph. MC 999 Sandsy aervlces; Holv Communion. S 00 am. Family Worship, 9 00 a m. Choral Evensong, 9 M p m 1st Sundav of every month CHI RCH OF OOD Net FeatlrestaM Marv Avenue at Park Street Frank C Wagoner, Minister Sandsv Servlres: Sundav School. 10 00 am Morning Worship. 1100 am. Evening Sert"e. 1:30 p m. Mld-Werh Servlres: Thiu-dsv T 10 o m. CHt'RCH OF THI OPEN BIRLI Smith Street Rev George W Shsfer. Paster Sandav Servlres: Sunday Scnool. 9 43 a m Morning Worship. 11 00 am Overrnmer's V P Service. 9 30 p m. evening rvaneilsti. 7 30 p m. Mid-Wek Servlres: Praver Meeting at Bible Study, Wed t w o m riS-T B4PTI-1T CHIRCH Main At Third Street Rev Conrad Rhodes, Pastor Sandsv Services: Sundav Srhool, 10 Oft am. Morning Worship. 11.00 am. Wednesday. 7 TO p m HINT. OF PRAYER CHAPM, Riddle-C'anyonvllle Road at Ash Creek Rev Alice r Riley. Pstor Joseph V Riley . Co-Pa1or Miracle Revival Fellowship Fellowship Services Saturday, 7 30 PM. RIVERSDALE RIVPRlOALP I MOM al'NDST SCHOOL Don Myers. SupL Sunday School. 9 43 am ROSEBURG SII.MHLV OF COD 119 N C. Nash, Phone OR 2-7231 Re and Mrs C O Rnsa. Psatora Residence 439 N. Nash. Ph OR 3-1101 Sandsv Services: S'tndav School, 9 43 am Morning Wor.htp 11 00 am Voung Peoples Meeting. 9 IS p m. Junior Church. I II p m Eenmg Servlre. 7 30 p m Mld-Beek Servleesi Tuesday, Per Meeting, IN p m Wednesday, WMC Led lea Missionary Meeting, 1' 00 am Thursday. Mtssionettea Meeting. 4 39 p m. Bibie Study, 7 30 p m. APOSTOLIC F UTS CHURCH 363 N E Channon St. ORrhard a-3a Rev James E. Seely Pastor Saada Services; Sunday School. S:30 am Devotional Services, 11 00 am. Evangelutie Service, 9 00 pm. Mld-Week Services: Tuesday. S OO p m. Thursday, SO0 p.m. BETHANY LfJTHLR AN CHURCH Missouri Synodl Riverside School. Garden Valley Road (temporarily C. Zagel, Pastor Residence: 313 N Kruse St., Sutherlin Morning Worship, 9:30 e.m. Sunday School 9 30 a-aa. CATHOLIC CHURCH. ST. JOSEPH'S Stanton SL at Harvard Ave Ft Edmund Hyland, OTH. Cap Pastor Rectory 330 R Oak ORchard 3-3117 Sandsy Masses: 7 00. 9 JO. 10 00, 11:30 am. Weak-day Masses: 7 am. and 9:13 a m. Cenresslees: Saturdays, 4-9 P m.. 7 "W-S:30 p m , Evea. of Holy Daa tt First Friday a. CHRISTIAN at MISSIONARY ALLIANCX ' Labor Temple Rev. Arthur Hoenuch. Pastor Sandsy Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a m. Morning Worship. 11.00 a m v angel ittie Services. 7:43 p m. CHURCH Or CHRIST 311 W Military Ave Glen W Lundy. Minister Phona 3-3349 Sandsy Servleesi Bible Clasaea, 9 S3 a m. Communion. 10 M Worship. I1W am. Training Service. 9 00 p m. Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. Mtd-Week Services! Bible Study Wednesday. 7:30 p Bw CHI'RCR OF GOD llfeadqiiarterv Cleveland. Tean.l 3333 N Stephens Street Roseburg. Oregon Sandsv Services: Sunday School. 10:00 A.M. Worship Service, 11:00 AM Evangelistic Service. 7:43 P M CHIRCH OF JESUS CHRIST OE LATTER DST SAINTS Corner Lane tt Main Streeta Bishop Fred S. Wauch Sutherlin. Oregon Phone 1431 Sanday Servlres: Priesthood 9 am Sunday School 10.10 int . S.icrament Meeting. 9 00 p.m. Mld-Week Services: Primary. Mon. 4-30 p nv V I A.. Wed,. 7:30 p m. CHURCH OF THE NAEARRNB 400 E Douglas St Rev Robert HempeL Pastor Res 900 E Doiglas Dial 9-7393 Sanaav Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a m. t Morning Worship. 11.00 am. Junior Sexvice, 930 pm Young People's Societv. 9 30 p aa. Evangellstlc Service: 7 30 p.m. Mld-Week Service: Wednetdav 7-30 a m CHURCH AF TBE OPKN R1BLS 1143 9E Jackson St. Rev. Lawrence A Smith. Jr. Pastor 1(U4 SE Hamilton Ph. OR 3.7448 Sandsv Services: Sundav School. 9:4.1 AM Morning Worship. 11:00 AM Evangellslir Service, 7 00 PM Mlrf-Wrrk Services: o'ercomers 'Youth), Tues.. 7:00 PM Bible Studv. Prayer. Thurt . 7:W P.M. Men's Fellowship. Sat., 7:00 P M. FIRST BAPTIST Rfw and l.ane Street Dr Eugene Gerlltr.. Pastor Sandav Services: Sunday School. 9'43 a m Morning Wnrshio. 11 00 a. as. Youth Groups, 91K p m Evening Service, 7 30 p m. Mld-Week Service: Wednesday, 7rt0 p m JEHOVSH'S WITNESSES H4 Willow at Sanday Services: The Watchtower Sludv. 7:00 p.m. Contact Polr.l for Group Witnessing, .10 a m Hld-Weeh Services Area Study, ".'ednesday. 7:10 pm Service Meeting St Theocratic Mints. Irv School. Fridav. 7-30 n m. Contact Point for Group Witnessing, aaturaav w .to am FSITH l.l'THER 4N fNatlonal Lutheran Council) 1 110 N E Malheur I blocks Eaxt nf Winchester St Lester G Olson, Pastor 144 W Berdlne Home Ph OR 3-9139 Office OR 9-3X31 Sandsv Services: Service ol Worship and Instruction, 9 .10 a m Church School. 9 TO am Festive Morning Worship. 11 00 am. Suther League. 2nd tt 4th Sundaa, M0 pm FIRST CHRISTIAN Douglas At Kane Sts NewHI Morgan. Pastor Saadav Servlres: Rihie School. 9:49 a m. Morning Worship, 10 SO am Christian Endeavor. 9 30 p.m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p m. Mld-Week Servlres: Rihle Studv. Wed. 7 13 p m. Choir Rehearsal. Wed., 9 pm. FIRST CHI RCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 1134 S E Douglas Sandsv Services: Sundav School. 9:30 a m Morning Service, 11.00 a na. Mld-Week Servlresi Wednesday, 9 00 p nv Reading Room. 714 S. R Roae St Open Weekdays 10 30 am. to 4:30 p m. Reading Room closed en Suo daye and Holiday a FIRST CHURCH OF OOD 34 N E. Chestnut St Rev. Howard E- Baker, Pastor Sandav Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a m. Morning Worship. 11 00 a m. Youth Fellowship. 9 :M p m Christian Fellowship Hour, 9 30 p na. Evening Worship, 7.30 p m. Mld-Week Service: Wed. Prayer Service. 7 30 pm FIRST CONSERVATIVR BAPTIST North End of Second Street Vlrgi) R. Savage. Pastor Sandsy Services: Bible School. 9 49 a m. Morning Service. 1100 am. Youth Service. 9 30 p m Evening Servlre, 7.30 p m. Mld-Week Servleesi Wednesday 7 30 p m. FIRST MfTHODIT Main and Lane Streets Rev. H James Jenkins. Pastor Sandav Servlres: Church School 9.43 a m. Morning Worship. 1100 am. Youth Fellowship, S to p m. Evening Worship. 7 JO p m. FIRST PRMRTTFRIAM Rev John E Adams Paster Lane Ji Jackson Stree'a Office. K23 S. E Lane Sandsv Services: Sutidav School, 9:43 a m. Mornmg Worship, 11 00 am. Jr Westmin-ter, 3 10 p m. Sr Westminster, 3 10 p m. Evening Service, 7:.0 p m. FIRST SOUTHER" BAPTIST North Vine Street, across the street from Joseph Unt Junior High Rev J T. Howard, Pastor Saadav Servleesi Sundav School. 9 43 a m Morning Worship. 1100 ant. Training Union. 130 pm Evening Worship, 7.(0 p m. 1 weaueaaaF ervlees! rraer meeting, i w am. FRES METHODIST 1347 Harvard Avenue Dal! 1-4171 Rev Valeria L Cleveland, Pastor Oeadsy Services: Sundav School. 10 00 am. Morning Worship, 1100 am. Young People 7 00 p m Evangelistic Servtcea SOO pm Mia-vteea Servlrea Praver and Studv. f 43 pa C-Y C , Frtdae) 7 OO p m. JESUS NAME FILL OOVFCL I allies nut on Diamond leka Blvd H E Kelso. Psstor Rt I Bos tS7 ORchard t-3990 aedsv 9ervieest Sunday School 10 09 a m Evangellatic Service, T.49 SB. Mld-Week Service: Thursday i p as- Fb. 28, 1958 Th NORTH ROSEBURO CHIRCH E angelical United Brethren l Rev Lvle H. Wtllard Pastor 3043 Vine Street ORchard 1-3134 Saaday Serritptsi Sunday School. 115 in. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Youth FellowshiD. 9.30 p m Sun. Evening Family Hour, 9.30 p.m. Mid-Wask Ssrvlce: Wednesday 7: JO p na. P1LORIM CHURCH Rev. Dorwln A. Keller, Pastor ORchard 37773 4823 N Stephens SL Sunday School. 10:00 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening Servtre, 9:30 p.m. Mld-Week Ssrvlce: Bible Study. Wed., 7 30 p.aa. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF OOD 1079 Hlcka Street Rev. M. A. Burslk. Pastor Sanday Strvlees: Sunday School. 9:43 a m. Morning Worship, 11-00 a m. Even in a Worshin. T:30 D m. Mid-Week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. RE.OROANt7.RD CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS L of P Hall 114 N. Roaa SL Louis H. Verbeck, Pastor Phone OR 3-3309 Sanday Services! Church School. 10:00 a.m. Worship, 11:00 a m. GLRNOARI MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Glengary Road, two milee East of Kelly i Korner ST GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL Main as Case Streets Rev. Alfred S. Tyson, Rector Rea: 9M S. E. Kane SL Saaday Services: Holy Communion. 9 00 a.m. Sunday School Family S e r 1 a e, 1 10 am Holy Communion and Moratng Pray er on Alternate Sundays, 1100 a m. ST- PAUL'S LUTHERAN 'Missouri Synod) West Corey If Military Streets Walt?- -??, P.stor Res: 924 West Military Avenue Phones: OR 3-7313 and OR 3-3131 Sandsy Services First Service. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Aduit Bible Class, : a m. Second Service. 11:00 a.m. Walther League (youth group) Snd and 4th Sundays. 7 00 p nv SRVENTH OAT AOVENTlST Aud- Cor Mill St . asd Ompoua Ave. Elder Wat tar R Rlston 1923 Estelle Street ORrhard 3-S91S Sabbath Services (Ssterday It Sabbath School, 9:10 a.m. Worship Hour. 1100 a m Youth's Meeting, 3 00 p m, Mld-Week Service: Wednesday, 9 00 p m. THE SOLVATION ARMT 'k NE Winchester Street Lt. and Mrs. Bruce Harvey Corps Officers Sandsv Servlres: Sunday School. 10:00 a nv Holiness Meeting, 11:00 am. Open-air service. 7:30 p.m. Evening Evangelistic, p.m. Mld-Week Servlres: Tuesday, 7:30. Bible Study Wednesday 1:30 p m. Ladles Home Least ar Thursdav 3:00 p.m Evangelistic meet. Fridav 7:00 p m Youth Activities Saturday 1:30 p.m. Youth Activities WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN Harvard at Broccoli George M. Knox. Pastor Phone OR 3-0201 Sandav Servlres: Sunday School. 9. 43 a m. Morning Worship, 10:33 a m Evening Service, 3:30 to 7 00 p m. SUTHERLIN ADVRNTIST Rider Walter R Rlstnn 17X1 N V Ettelle. Roseburg Sabbath Services (Sstardsv)i Sabbath School. 9 10 am. Worship Hour. 11:30 a m. Mid. Week Services: Wednetday. 9 00 pm.. ASSEMBLY OF OOD Rev D E Trimmer, Pastor Sandav Servlcest Sundav School. 9 43 a m Worship Service, 1 1 00 am. Children's Church 1100 am. Christ's Ambassadors. 11.1 p m. Evangelistic Service. 7-48 p m. Mld-Week Services: Blhle Studv and Prayer meeting. Wed nesday. 7 43 o m CHRISTIAN CHURCH Albert D Krlbs. Pastor Marv Krlbs, Youth Leader 9endsy wervlree: Rihle School, 9 49 s m Worship Service. 1 1 00 am. Junior Church. 1100 am. Singsplratlon. 7 00 p m Children's Story Hour. Intermediate St High School C E Adult Studv Group, 7:13 pm. fllustraled Sermonette. Closing Devotlona, 9 00 9 30 p m Mld-Week Oervlees: "Drop-In Time." at parsonage, for C E Group, Tues , 7 00 p m. Bible Study tt Prayer Meeting. Wed.. 7 no p m Choir Practice. Wed.. 9 00 p a CHURCH OF CHRIST Career ef Cent stack aad Raeersea 9andav Servlres: Sundav School. 10 Oft am. Morning Servtre, II 00 a m. Evening Service, 7 00 pa Mld-Week Ssrvlce: Wednesday. 7-30 p ffl. CHURCH OP TRR NAK4RFNR North Brantnn Rl Rev. George M Wilson, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICER- Sunday Bible School, 141 in Morning Worship Service 11 00 a nt, Evangelistic Service, 7 30 p m. Young People's Servlre. 9 43 p as. Mfd-Wesk Servlee: Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7.39 p m COMMUNITY METHODIST Rev John P. Glnter. Sr., Paster Pander Services: Sundav School. 9 43 at. Worship Service). 11 00 a m. F4IB OARR COMMUNITY Victoria Rtuempgea. Pastor Saadav Servleesi Sundav School, 10:00 a m Morning Worship. 1100 mm. Young People. 7 00 p m Fvangellstte Services, St SO pa Mld-Wesfc Services' Prayer Meeting Wtdneedsy, t 30 p m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sutherlin Affiliated with the General Association of Regular Baptists. John C Shefer. Pastor 9T Robinson St. Sutherlin Ph 1190 Services are held In the Scout Hall on East Central Avenue Sandsv Servleesi Sunday School. 10-00 a m Morning Worship. 11:00 a m. Evangelistic Servlee, 7 30 p m. Mld-Wek Service: Wednesday. Praver tt Praise, 7 30 pa R Finn ROR ROOD CH. OF CHRIST West Central, Sutherlin, Ore. Lloyd M Whltrord, Pastor Saadav Servleesi Sundav School. 10-00 a m. Morning Worship, II 00 a a Evening Service. 7 00 pa Mid-Week Service Bible Servlre. Wed . 7 39 p a cnt-Rrn of jesi 9 christ of LITTER DAY SAINTS Sutherltn lgton Hall P 3U4. Su'herlln aadsy Servlres: Pne-thood Meeting 9 00 A M Pundav School. 10 30 AM Sacrament Meeting. 9 00 P M Mid Week Service: M LA.. 7 30 P M , Wed p SI THE RUN CATHOLIC Saikerha Ore age fandsy Msssi 10 W A 11 all PUBLIC SERVICE Ntwt - Reviaw, RoMburf, Or. S 9T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN i Missouri Synod Sixth and Kruse Avenue Richard C. Zagel, Pastor Residence. Sutherlla, OregoR Sadav Ssrvlces: Sunday School 9 30 am. Worship Service, 10:30 a na. TBS EPISCOPAL CHI'RCH OP THH HOLT BMRIT The Rev. Alfred S- Tyson. Roseburg. ta charge. Services by tha Rev Albert E. Render Sunday Schoool, 9:30 am. Holy Communion and Morning Pray er on alternate Sundays Church acroaa street east of elty park. TENMILE METHODIST CHURCH Levi C. White. Pastor Saaday Servleesi Church School. 10:00 a.m. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHKRAM CHURCH Veteran's Memorial Hall Highway 99 Walter A. St I wester. Roseburg Pastot Services every Sunday at 7.00 p m. TILLER SOUTH UNPQUA COMMUNITY CHIRCH Rev. Homer Wolftngton. Pastor Sanday Services: American Sunday School Union Serv ice. 10:00 A M. Morning Worship II am. Young People's Service, 9.00 Ml Prayer Meeting. 9:30 PM Evening Service. 7:00 P.M. Mld-Week Service: Choir Practice and Bible Study. Wed., 9:43 P.M. TRI-CITY PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J Elbert Nash. Pastor Saaday Services: Sunday School. 9:43 a.m. Worship, 11:00 a m Westminster Fellowship, 9-30 p m. CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST CHURCH John D. Fenderson Pastor Sanday Services: k Sunday School. 9:43 a m. Mormng Worship. 11:00 a m. Young People's Service. 9:.T0 p.m. Evening Service. 7:30 p.m. Mid-Weak SerAes: Prayesj Megtlng, Wednaaday. 9.00 p n, SY. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Veteran's Memorial Building Walter A. Sylwetter, Pastor 824 West Military. Roseburg Sanday Service: Worship Service. 7:00 p m. UMPQUA UMPQUA SUNDAY 9CHOOL 9anday Services: Sun. School. Bible Study lO.oa a, as. UNION GAP CHURCH OF OOll lth Day Elder William Wallen. Pastor Sakbatk Services iSatardayVt Sabbath chooL 10:00 a m- MISSION Hs.kell BAPTIKT Dane, Pastor Sands Services: Sunday School. 9:43 am. Preaching Services, 11:00 a.m. Young Peoptea Meeting, 7:00 pa Preaching Services, 7:00 pa Mld-Week Services: Prayer Meeting. Wednesday 7.00 p.a UNION GAP BIBLE CHURCH 1 Mile North Of Sutherlin 1 Block East of Highway 23S Pallors: Jamie France. Ph OR 3-9379 Box 32, Roseburg Alvln Moyer, Ph Sutherlin 3984 1009 E 1st Ave., Sutherlin Bands? Servleesi Sunday School, 9:43 a a Worship. 1100 a a Mld-Week Services: Thursday Women a Bible Class 1 pa WILBUR METHODIST Rev. John P Glnter. Sr.. Sanday Services: Worship Service, 9 30 a m. Sunday School. 1043 a. a WINSTON ASSRMHLT OF COO South end of Darreil St Rev. S A. Dunn. Pastor Sanday HervfPes: Sunday school 9 4.1 a m Morning Worship, 11.00 a m.' Young People Service. 9:K) pa Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p m. Mld-Week Kerylre: e Wednesday 7.43 p.m CHRISTIAN CHI RCH B Ross Evans. Pastor Saaday Services: Bible school. 9 43 a m Worship Hour. 11 00 a m. Evening Service. 7.30 pa Wednesday. 7 .W p a HOUSE OF REFUOR S Gregory, Winston OShorne 9-9491 Rev Roscoe Perkins. Pastor Sunday School, 9:43 a a Morn in a Worshlo. 11.00 a a Mld-Week Services; Thurs , 7 .10 p m WINSTON B. PTI IT CHURCH Corey Avenue. Winston S W McDonald. Pastor Lillian Si.. Myrtle Creek Seadav Servlres: Sunday School. 10.09 a a Church, II 00 a a Church. 7 00 p a Mld-Week Service! Praver Meeting and Bible Study. Wed nesday, 7 00 p m FOUR-SQU ARt OOSPEI. CHURCal Baker tt DarreU Streets Sunday School 9:43 a a Morning Worship, 1100 a a Jr. and Sr Crusaders, 9 43 pa Evening Evangelistic. 7:43 pa Praver Meeting. Wednesday, 7:43 p m. Jubilee service. Sal.. 7 43 p.a CHURCH OF CHRIST Suksdorf St Winston. Oregon Sukad or f St . Winston. Oregon Bible Studv. 10 00 am Morning Worship. 11.00 a a Communion. II 30 a a Evening Worship. t:30 p.a Midweek Services: Prayer Service and Bible Study. Thura day, 7 30 pa A cordisl welcome to alt WINSTON MENNONITR CHURCH East end Suksdorf St. Roy E. Hosteller. Pastor Phone OS 9-3439 Sandsv Services: Sunday School. 10 00 a a Preaching Service, 1100 a a Evening Service. 7.00 p.a Midweek Servtre: Wednesday 7 tO p m. Everyone Welcome Y0NCALLA CHt'RCH OF CHS IS Rev M. Hoi lister. Minister Saadsv aervlces: Bible School, 10 OO a.m. Preaching Service, 11 00 a a Endeavor Meeting, 3 10 p m. Preaching Service, 7 30 p a Mld-Week Service: Bible Studv Thursday 7 10 p.a METHODIST CHURCH Rev R W Knight. Pastor Sandsv Services: Sundav School, 9 49 a a Preaching Service, 11 00 a a M Y F . 7 30 pm Mld-Week Services: Thoir Practice Wed., 7 10 pa Bible Studv rhitrs-, 7 30 p n ASSEMRI.T OF OOD CHURCH Saadsv Servleesi Sundav School, 9:4ft a nv Morning Worship. II 0 a a Christ Ambassadors. 9 30 p m Evangelistic Service, 7 43 pm. Mtd-Week Services: Wednaaday. 7.43 p m. 1 I 1; 69 e ,0 0 6? n . 1 ' - e e