O e 14 The News-Review, Roicbuig, Ore. Fri. Feb. 28, 1958 6 Woo , -. ... t-7'" "?'"- V ?S If .' " '. : -)S : i. . . . .'s Several Sirtherlirr Residents Attend Wrestlinq Tournament CHURCH FAMILY OF THE YEAR, selected by the First Christian Church, is Mr. ond Mrs. Harold Horn and sons, Larry ond Garry. Selection was based upon their contribu tion to the totol church program through leadership, in fluence ond service. Mr. ond Mrs. Horn ore Bible school teachers, ond sing in the choir. She is a deaconess. He is on elder ond olso serves as chairman of the evangelism committee of the church. Lorry ond Garry were recently adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Horn. PILOTS LAND PLANES MEXICO CITY Ml Ten pilots from Portland. Ore., landed their light planes here yesterday and aid they plan to visit other areas of Mexico before returning home. One of the pilots, Jack Bell, said they would visit Acapulco, Cuer navaca and Guadalajara. By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Mr. and Mrs. Cal Gilman and; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barnes of Suth-j erlin went to Corvallit last week-j end to attend the state wrestling tournament. Six boys from Suther-j lin competed. Jerry Perei was state champion in the lis pound class. 4-H Girls M i Stitch in Time 4-11 Club recently i worked on scarfs and some were ' completed After the meeting Mrs. ' Goldie McConnack, leader and as sistant. Mrs. Connel Davis served refreshments. Burt Avery and son, Gordon, at tended the tournament at Corvallis over the weekend. Gordon is a member of the Sutherlin team. The 4-H Cookettei held their meeting at the Loyd Harris home. The project for the girls was the entertainment of guests. Donna Weaver's Hinkle Creek 4 H Club held its meeting Monday with 10 members present. The girls talked about raising money for their share for the road signs in Sutherlin that will read, 4-H Clubs Welcome You. Kitchen Cooks 4-H Club under the leadership of Mrs. George; Unsay met with S girls present.! Each girl brought an ingredient and their project was the making! of brownies. The secretary wrote a letter to Jane Gates inviting her to visit the club and Cindy Taylor was reported ill. Robert Ralson is ill and Mrs. June Kirkpatrick is substituting in his sixth grade room during his absence. Kosemary Ramsey drove to Corvallis for the weekend. Mrs. Gen Murphys' mother has recover ed from her attack of pneumonia. Gene Gilson made a comparison of French and American schools, having taught in both, to the meet ing of classroom teachers Monday evening. Gilson is a teacher in the Seventh-day Adventtst School, Sulherlin Ralph Mitchell's small son is re ported improving as well as can be expected, in Portland, from his attack of rheumatic fever. Mrs. Ruth Rodgers reported that her mother is now convalescing in the Sunset Nursing Home in Eugene. BREAKFAST Served 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. Doily Except Sunday Swedish Dining Room ASPHALT TILE VINYL TILE CERAMIC TILE 0 AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY REASONABLE WEEKLY ROOM RATES HOTEL UMPQUA LISTEN ART LINKLETTER'S "HOUSE PARTY" 2:30 PM Mondiy thru Friday KRNR CBS 1490 KC Publicity-Shy Man Inherits $.12 Million OWENSBORO, Ky. i A publicity-shy former British soldier, chief beneficiary of a l'i million dollar estate, says he'll get a big kick out of helping his friends and charities Willi the money. Henry Edward Baker said "We just want to he left alone quietly with our friends," after the inheri tance was disclosed. Mrs. essie McCoy Nutty left a major share of her $1, 510,455 es tate to Baker. She was the widow of Gale R. Nutty, former presi dent of Gulf Refining Co. Mrs. Nut ty died last August. Baker, now 68. met Nutty in England in 1UI9 while working for an oil companv. "We hit it olf fine. I liked him and he liked me." Baker escorted the oilman around Europe and came to this country in 1926 as i Nulty's confidant and private sec retary. When Nutty died in 19:19, Baker continued as secretary to Mrs. Nutty. He became an American citizen in 1927 in Pittsburgh. He moved here in 1952. Plywood Workers To Be Laid Off In Three Plants GRANTS PASS Ufi A total of 430 plywood workers in three plants in Josephine and JacKson County and 80 at Crescent City will he laid off Thursday night and Friday as plants shut down because of the poor plywood mar ket. Custom Plywood Inc., Grants Pass, employing 80 men on three chiftu uill vhut Hnwn Thurtulav ! ni.il.t annnrlinfl in li.ii. Til flrt.ir manager. Medford Veneer and Plywood, employing 150 men in Medford and 50 at Crescent City, and Oregon Veneer, employing 80 men in Medford, will both close Kriday night, according to Glen Jones, manager for Medford Ve neer and Plywood. Plywood Sheathing Plant Set For Foster DALLAS, Ore. (if) A complete plywood sheathing plant costing one and three quarter million dol- : lars will be built at Foster, in Linn County, by Willamette Valley I Lumber Co. of Dallas. It will be built adjacent to the Willamette National sawmill, said William Swindells, president. The capacity will be five to six million square feet of sheathing munlhly. u Ov Un the spot" claim service Allstate claims men have the authority to write claim checks themselves.. . Your claim is settled "on the spot", in many cases, with no home office red tape. No matter where you drive, help from Allstate is always as near as the nearest telephone. Our claims experts are located throughout the United States, and in Canada, too. Allstate has the largest staff of full-time claims expediters in the auto insurance business. Help comes fast too. We give our claims experts the authority to settle your claim "on the spot" in many cases. Isn't this the kind of service you'd like to get from your auto insurance? You can . . . if the name on your policy is Allstate. Why not pet all (lie facts from your Allstate Agent today. Ask him about Allstate's quality protection for your family, home and car. Find out how much money you may save with Allstate's famous low rates. REEVE PAXSON S26 S. E. Jockion St. Roicburg, Oregon Ph: ORchord 3 6673 You're in good hands with JW-INDURANCI C O M I I I o Pmutl.. bv '. fiMM Co witf. lsnart ta i.d lian.ni How. O'rr IU?. S Bloomin' Beauties at Rock Bottom, Rock Garden Prices! WORK CARS-SECOND CARS PLAY CARS- FISHING CARS JUST PLAIN CARS - AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME ""ZZZXLZ bloomin' bargains in town, cultivated to please the most discriminating "autoculturist" (used ear buyer). Buy NOW and harvest next year's prices. Look at this garden variety of floral beauties that are yours for the picking! 46 PLYMOUTH, 4-Door In tha Spring tha "Sop" rises . . . and we'd like to, got our hands an tha Sap that took this ana in on trod. Wo'vo pruned tha prica ta tha trunk tor only 50 MERCURY, 4-Door Wa'va dona soma "Dandelion" to try and tall thit ona, but wa'ra not lying whan wo say this hi raal dandy buy for only $ 39 95 49 FORD COUPE This ana is a raal "Snapdragon." Snappy whan you pull it out of tha garaga, draggin' when you pull it back in. Take ft off tha lot for a snappy ..... .... 50 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door Dogwood is favorito flower . . . This ana may have lost tha bloom of tha first spring, but there are still a tew springs left in It. You con test tha springs for only $69 Mm 49 NASH, 4-Door Hera is "Morning Glory" on tha Morning Line, tha only trouble is that it gets tirad by noon. Coma aarly and saa this ana at it's bloomin' best 50 FORD This ona is reminiscent of a "Cyclamen", that's a plant that's at it's best when planted. If we don't sal) this ona soon the boss toys we'll ba sacked. 50 OLDSMOBILE 98, 4-Door Wa'va taken "Lupine" big cut on this ana. Hera rs you chanca to rida in style and comfort in a car that still shows tha bloom at youth. $99 145 165 50 BUICK, 4-Door This ana It no "Pansy" (Yokum, that is). Guaranteed to hove 4 tiros, (with air?) a motor (that runs?) and a man from tha wrecking yard that follows it continually 50 CHEVROLET, 4-Door Lika "Magnolias" from tha Old South this cor hoi certain chorm to it ... to tor wo havtn't boon ablo to fifuro what it ii though. You can try tor only OS 51 This must belong to the "Iris" family, but so far none of tha family hova coma to taka it. You con have this beauty to decorata you driveway tor only PONTIAC. 4-Door 51 PACKARD, 4-Door If wo "Alter" onco wo "Aster" a hundred times, but sha sti! wouldn't buy it . . , so, wa ere asking you to taka this annual favarita for only $i25 a i .JJ piE 50 CHEVROLET, 4 door Choosa from two of theie "Daffodils". You don't hova to ba daffy to drive ona of theie dilllys, but it might help. Blossom forth in ona of thasa for only 125 145 195 51 FORD V-8 A bunch of four "Carnations" to choosa from, picked in their prima and leH out of water too long. You con revive ana of thasa baauties for only 51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Don't "Dahlia" too long if you wont to taka horticultural beauty. Wo'vo nippad tha prica in yaa can hova it for only i look at tha bud $245 s$295 51 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP Ivan if you "Lilac" trooper, you still hove to agrea here is a real garden delight. Your neighbors will envy your floral display whan you driva this home for only . that 51 DODGE CORONET COUPE All tha baauty of "Peony", all tha charm of a "Col umbine". This floral ottering is from tha breeding stock at a famous nurseryman. Nursa it homo tor only . ..... 52 NASH STATESMAN, 2-Dr. Lik "SwMf Pm" thi car at Ira ail kaa ur Pick this blossom early and win bouquets from your friands. lasy pickin'e tar only 295 345 295 51 MERCURY, 2-Door :inr You don't hove to "Marigold" to ba ablo to afford this M U ona. With tender, loving cara this car will bloom for m 7 manv vaat ra cam. Rum Sm aarlw oni-iiia nlatio , , - ' --T r.... 51 BUICK HARDTOP This "Rhododendron" is real rood damon. A littta wild in its natural habitat, it can become thing of beauty with proper cultivation. 52 FORD MAINLINE V-8. 2-Dr. "Poppies" like this ana and so wilt tha Mommies, raal hardy perennial for any garden lover. We'd lava to saa someone driva ft away for only $345 gp 52 BUICK HARDTOP Another of our Bloomin' Bargains to make, you "Glad". Wa ba "Glad" to gat it off tha lot, and you II ba "Glad" to gat tt for only 3g 53 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE You won't hova to tip toa home with this "Tulip". Your open arms (and a rolling pin). If yeu'ra real buy only .... .. .... Tau wont hova to t yfpF will groat you with '-de bravo and want a r HI J 52 PONTIAC CATALINA Hara't dilly of m "Lily" that doasn't need gilding, just washing. Just to wa won't ba accused af dirty dealings wa'ra going to wash our hands of it far only 53 FORD CUSTOMLINE, 4-Dr. Tha tallow that traded this in compared it to a "Geranium" and wa thought ha said Uranium, ft may not bo atomic powered but tha prica is out of this world. 595 53 CHEVROLET 210. 2-Dr. This tonaly littla "Petunia" noads now anion patch to set In, how about parking it fa yours for only 53 FORD V-8. 2-Door t Car val iioa Itava aivti kaan ' ' M warin k" ! mm ah ' tho lot. A motor, 4 wheels complete wit, tires and a body all tar only M 595 545 595 53 FORD V-8 CONVERTIBLE Tha top opens like tha patois of a "Day Lily". Now it tha time to blossom forth in a convertible and at thit prica you couldn't blossom forth any choapar 53 FORD V-8 VICTORIA Hara's a raal "Gardenia", looks protty and smells sweet. And that's a (protty smelly combination it over wa haanf ana. But yea can't turn up your nasa at tha prica 595 795 53 DODCE V-8 DIPLOMAT COUPE t This "Begonia" should ba gona bafora this and wa can't understand why not, it's aartamly not tha woe begone prica of 53 OLDSMOBILE. Super 88. 4-Door Hero is tha "Orchid" af tha lot. It would hova told much sooner but Uncla "Ore" hid it somewhere and wa didn't find it until yostorday, taka it away today for only .... 645 mL 795 K See Price Pruning Monte or Sales Cultivating Russ at: . :WpAL' MOTORS .as njjr V c The garden pot of the used car USED CAR LOT lot. o Cki Stephens Across from the Rose Hotel Phone DRchare" 3-7196 e 0 o a e 0 0 e 9 o 4