c3 0 Classified Is Your EASY Way to Quick-Action Results. OR 2-3321. Baby & Child Care 14 If OTHER GOOSE NURSERY 914 St Kane Car by Uie hour. day. Special unit (or children under 2 run of ee gtaiajnapecta d OR 2-9261 NORTH ROSE BURG Kinderfarteti. 1533 t Vine Si Excellent pre . school training OR S-7Ii er OR 3-Sa.i4. BV SITTING. DAYS OR evenings, y horn. OR 3-401T. Work Wanted 15 WORK AS CARETAKER am receiv ing Social See. pay. Can do repair tr painting- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King. 466 Fair St., Roseburg IF WING and alterations ot all kinds. Ura W t. Curua. 733 N E. CrM. Phone OR 3-754 CARPENTER Wew construction, re model or rtpatr. Tree estimate!. Will help arrange Jinancing. OR3-a61. tjVOULD-LIKE TO manage am all apt. house for apt. and utilities. Can fur nish reference. CallOR 3-&t47. WASHING and rough dry; alto Ironing. OR 2-3893. gJWING All typeT-Guaranteed. OR 2-2786 IRONING In my noma. 3356 N X. Hughea St. OR 3-3783. CVRPENTER. remodeling and painting- OR 2-210. FAINTING and sheet rock taping, rea sonable rates. OS g-35 1 0. HOUSEWORK, by day or hour. Exper ienced. Phone OR 3-3774, EXPERIENCED ranch hand wanta work. OR 3-68 11. ALTERATIONS. OR 3-1275 IRONING Reasonable- OR 3-3413. " HOUSEWORK by the hour. OR 3-3413. Instruction 1 6 ENROLL ANY MONDAY Robertson School of Business, 6:i0 SE. Jackson St.. Roseburg. OR 3-iZ.ie. GUITAR injunctions, standard or steeL OR 3-4i. Loans 17 Family Finance Corp. OppMit Junior Hlfh HOME OWNED AND OPERATED LOANS UP TO 11500 ON AUTOS. TRAILER HOMES. FURNITURE Up t J monthly paym.nL Lif. Inturanc on loan, at email eotl 13. S. K Waahington OR 3-5277 HONEY IN A HURRY SSO TO 12.000 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 1 FINANCE CORPORATION IS L Oak OR S-M Pacific Finance Loan j USE St.ph.n. OK 3W www...w. W, j Financial 19 CAN USE soma small discounted con-1 tracts. OR 3-6193 or OR 3-8091 eves, For Trade 21 FOR SALE OR TRADE; Reconditioned rham aawt. for guna, boats or out board motors. Winston Chain Saw 0t-384L.. TRADE, sell or rent for lot. newer 2-bedroom. Woven fence, attached gar age, panelled interior, nice. OR 3- 829 TRADE ABC auto, washing machine for big Ashley wood heater. P. O. Box 17, Glide WILL TRADE 1937 Ford deluxe 'i ton pickup for acreage with good building site. OR 3-3487. Fuel 22 SAWDUST Blower Service or Dump WOOD Dry Oak Green Slab Klin Dry planer Ends Gr or Dry Peeler C re Roseburg Lumber Co. OS 98741 SAWDUST Blow.r and dump MILL KNDS. dry or (raon p.l.r eor. GUY AND TRANCES GILL. FUEL Ult NC Douflai OR 1-13K RFD DIAMOND fUFL CO. In.N DRIED planer .nda; oak wood. OR J-MM AND hardwood for heater or fire-' -p!l?- Do," Colwell.OR 3-932. DRY OAK nd laurel wocd. OS ff-S3U. DRY laurel wood? Phone OS 9-8844 Seeds & Plants 23 FflUIT and shade trees, shrubs and Try plants Moore's Nursery, 'i miie ast of Courthouse on Douglas Street. Fruits & Vegetables 24 i APPLES polished and graded. Ort- 1 a. Winesap s and Newtown'a 61 1 ad up Bring cent a inert Marsh Ranch. 1 mile west Looktngglaie Store OR 1-6485 Livestock 26 Schricker & Inda Livestock Auction Sutherlin Oregon Phone Sutherlin 3146 Oakland 2834 Sat. Mar 1st, at 1 P.M. ' truck loads of dairr butcher cows. ".rrrV "' "-" I butch.r mm milk m.i hulla. v.l art and ttwra. butch.r rowf, milk cow,, bulla. v..l - ,vi or D.DV c.iv.i. "n.r piai and fal hof.. 'l kind, of ahMp. Bring In Your Hivntock Cdfnm 3-. ev.r t-VK) 4. und.r. CHRItKEII i, SON. Auct 0 TIIIPP. .,,, GJ'?0!. Wanhmaatar - Cottle vVantea SOYn MEAT COMPANY . Ro.t. L Boi sua Oll Mill Iva', O HP1 SALI " M 1 burk. 3! fnod lamb, p.w oihtr, 000 ca.h. ob Stauff.r at ana lavrn C.f. r J-ulLSiaufi,,, Bout. J.Bolt 11.10. TED - Sh.,D and catm ail kind. " A Blackart Pav Mrrtl. CrMk .nd u.d .addl.a. brtdl.a and . 'rnt. 214. N DoulU, ... BAL.E fm. riding P.lomtnn mart. Souid id.v.ry a.OH M770 J -mo Antua bulL0B SRSSnCSiC I Hay, Grain & Feed 27 1 ALTA fescue: Re grata with Lotus. 820 ton. Robert Strittko. OR 3-3812 BALED OAT and vetch ha v T I bun- can.Rt. Phone OJI 2-3880 FINE, clean alfalfaT II par baleTR. Conn. OR 3-6423. HAY - Oata and Vetch Reaaonable. LE Sw,rl. Rtl. Box 380. OR 3-3804. GRASS hay. $13 ton. Can deliver. OR STRAW Ph. OR XW0 Poultry 28 BABY CHICKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS early to avoid, delay Ponton Hatchery, 974 W Harv ard.Rocburg: Ph. OR 3-3336. j WILL RECEIVE live poultry oo Tueidav I only Roaeburg Poultry Co- 72S ft I j Sprue TOR SALE, duck eggs' forsatting. Phone I OR 3-1083 or OR 3-88:14. TURKEYS, oven read! Sanders" Farm J Ph. OR 3-4903. I Rabbits 29 WANTED: fryer rsbbiU. 4 to 4s pounds. Phone OR 2-2710. RABBIT FERTILIZER I-ookmg flass Road. Box 1380. OR 3-3710. Pets 30 GOLDEN Labrador pups. No papers. OR 3-763 I PUREBRED CoTife rSpaniel p u pi. Cheap. OR 3-3776 j REGISTERED Pekingese puppies. 361 N E. Fulton St BABY Parakeets 3 miles south Bur- ton S UK 3-3122 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN E Society Animal Shelter OR 3-3907 TOY Fox Terriers. Pugs and canaries. Put man's. OR 3-8204 RED FACTOR ranaries-1 173NE. Ala meda REG GERMAN SHEPHERD puppitY OR 3-3J7886BNWinow. GLENGARY Beagle Kennels OR 3-3793 TV Sales & Service 31 EXPFRT RADIO. TELUVISION. HI-FI REPAIR SERVICE MONTGOMERY WARD OR 3-5551 Building Material 32 BAR-GUN COUNTER These and many more Hems on sale until sold. Discontinu ed merchandise; Odds and ends: Slow Turn - over stock; Our Loss . . . Your Gain . . . All Sales Final. interior Kalsomine Rg. 3 97 Kale 1 95 ! Floor FinNh 7 30 4 45 ' Texture Paint T 30 2 99 Flat Oil Wall Paint S 6 3 00 Fulgloss Enamel 30 4 93 Underwmdow Air Ventilator 29 23 17 49 Cabinet Hinges .40 .23 Chrome Drawer Pulls .2.1 .13 Chrome Knobs .34) .16 Dexter Passage Latches 413 196 Side Car Lumber Carrier 4 30 3 33 Collapsible Steel Saw horse Legs 4 30 pr. 2 pr 4 19 Prefab Storage Shelves 8 73 3 99 i Roll-up Aluminum Screens 30 Off Double Run Wood Windows 1-3 Off; Nat'l Waste Disposal 89 93 44 49 13-pc Bath set. Am Sid. Grn. 314 35 223 99 i Steel Cab. and Cast Iron Sink. I 42" 135 20 99 93 Ak about our BAR-GUN COUNTER and many more listings including, Paints. Hdwre. Plumbing. Garage Doors, and Truscon Steel Win dows. GERRETSEN Building Supply Co. Oak lt.t at RR Track, Ph OR l ltll Doing Some Building This Spring? SEE t'S FOR THE BEST LUMBER AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANY AMOUNT Consolidated Milling Old Highwev 99 South OR 3-7411 SHEET ROCK 91 39. S toilet 24 W; Showers 949 30; 3 piece bath 4110; chip wood pl wood 12 30; 700 20 tires 910 to 920. Chain block, value 6130. M) Vtn I asbestos floor covering, pi wood, roofing ceiling tile and Kern tone. Paving 116 ton for scrap in trade t 17 pound copper, 61 23 hat tenes Free deliverv in munty Open Sunda s Robinson's Building Supply. 2182 Sutherhn. l i 4 and wider - green shlptap 634 up. LUMBER ALES CO OR 3-T.T62 GardenVa:w.near RRfsck FOR SALE, used 2vl2's Phone OR 2- 2710 "J"'JI" ljWU"u 1-n-n-r,jrurin AnAWW,Wtfm,w Sports Equipment 34 ' ' Mercury Motors Tee - Nee Trailer! Skagit glut boaia Skipper Craft bull Bee Liner boali Trailer boat Aluminum boat! L'ed molori Umpqua Valley Hardware ROSEBURG, OREGON FTRFRGLAM BOAT. 10 ft rartnp 429S !J ft Fisherman 1.23 12 ft De luxe Fisherman 9.K3 Boat test er Han K money down with approved credit. W'inaton Trailer Baiee OS 9-3101. Sports Equipment 34 IT'S HERE! evinri'de starflite v-4 so hp li s one of 11 new Evinrudes destined to put more fun in 3ft. , . ; Boats ,P-t4 4 Larson glass; Cllppercraft and , P at G in kits or finished, SUrcraft j aluminum FOUR kinds of boat trailers - Cartop camera - "Quick - N - Easy - Boat accessories and supplies. I ROD & REEL TRAILER SALES I1U W. H.rv.rd FISHING TACKLE and fly tying ma terials at Powell's Sporting Goods, Cass Street. Used 22 rifles. WiU pay cash Umpo.ua Gun Store. USED GUNS Sure we trade. Ump-' am Cun Stop. LIKE NEW. double barrel shotgun.' guage. 823. OR 3-8347. Appliances 35 SALE I l l A i: - Refrigerators 823 and up ' Electric and gas ranges 833 and Washers 83 and up. up. Horry's Furniture 1143 N E. STEPHENS PHONE OR 2-1411 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE repairs from hand irons and razors to ranees and drers. All Make. Bargain Appliance I Center. Ml S E. Rose OR 3-5J2J. For Sale Misc. 37 Vacuum Sale "$5 -$10 Large variety to choose from. Practically all makes and models These have all been reduced to approximately one-haff 2 REPOSSESSED Ktrbys, can be had for balance of contract to responsible All reconditioned and guaranled 1 year I " i KIRBY CO. Of Roseburg 2161 N E. Stephens OR 3-:iMt or OR 2-2214 Sale Ends March 1st. Open until 9PM dunn sal Sen-ice. parts, all makes. Free pickup and delivery service. Used Furniture DAVENPORTS and chair sets. 829 30 GOOD SELECTION of used furniture , Easy terms See ued furniture dept. at Judd's Furniture Exchange Rebuilt Engines For most all models Independent Motor Rebuilders. Jackson A Rico St OR 3-44;i4. APT range, new rod-type burners. Good condition i4 f5, Bargain Apphanct Center. 631 S E Rose. Ph. OR 3-332:1. WESTINGHOUSE dryers. 874.50 and up. Bargain Appliance Center. 631 S. E Rose. Phone OR 33323. GAS RANGE SPECIAL -- Caloric gas range. 844 93. Bargain Appliance On ter 8.11 S E. Rase. Phone OR :.-.Vi2.t. ALUMINUM CANOPY for 49 '33 Chev. or GMC halMon 4 windows. 1 door. 850 438 W. Umpqua St after 6 PM. CERAMICS greenware. glazes, fin ished piece- Free lessons. OR 3-4372. i 1206 SE.Mill FOR SALE OR TRADE " blue daveno. ! Kenmore wood heater and Km more ! dishwasher Like new. OR 3-3487. ( HEREFORD BEEF, 3flc lb South Steph-: ens Market Ph. OR 3-9164. evenings.! OR 2-1870 j NEW YELLDWn lonnef formaI.junior 1 size 10, 812 Navy blue faille suit dress size 14. 7.Call OR 2-2.t.;2 WINSTON Sand and Gravel, '-crushes rock, reject gravel bar run and top SOU OS 9-84B.. RANGES 113 "and up". Bargain Appli ance Center. UH S. E Rose. Phone OR .V332J. BERUH S" APPLIANCES "give the best deal In town Trade-ins or discounts. Ph OR 3-8348 NEW WESTINGHOUSE 21" T V 8139 91 Bargain Appliance Center. 6.11 S E Ro-e Phone OR 3-532:1 CUSTOM built radio ' withoutcabinet, like new, 8?3 DOrmeyer food mixer 20 OR 3-483 BRAND NEW $73 gold Gnien lad) 'a wrist-watch. $23 OR 2-:t733 WOOD BEDSTEAD, springs and mat- tress. 33. OR 2-2352 WANTED - Used 22 rifles. Will pay Cah t'pqua dun Store. RIVER LOAM shale and gravel Lirid- ev Whlte.OS 9-224 LA R ( i E 7 ft redar posts." detlverert 20 mile area of Rose bur , J.c. OR 3-AlW STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Betty Sheldon OR 3-3007 USED GUNS bought eold and traded. C mpo.ua Gun Store FULLER BRUSH Ot 2 !J9I lllllllll ads get result. Phone OR lHlHHlliniMiliinsagxjAiwttilllllllll If ed They'll Do It Every Time VOU'PE JUST 6RE4T,CUBB.' HEV.' PL AW THE SCORE FROM LONOOI i l-a r-. u t z For Sale Misc. 37 RefriaSeralorg Make Model G'"- I,,C " LB' Holpoint C3R18 Price Site I 54 U MM a Mont. Ward SNA Kelvmalor C7R Mont Ward Mi A Gen. Elec LC87KB z.nih - zhioca 38 88 r 47 64 88 r ' 33 134 88 8 lAuto. Defrost) 33 128 88 10 (Auto Defroall Ranges Monitor ELRA1 38 88 36" 46 86 38" 48 88 38" 4886 36" 34 88 38" 7488 38" 76 88 38" 168 81 36' I Kenmore 14731 M .... WOrg E437 il;UH- S8.U ' Ctn. Ilc. CD1 Hotpolnt RB-ll G.n. El.e CU Cn. Ilec JMTN Washers Makt Modal Frigidaire WK 60 Auto. Gen. Eltc AW Auto. Dexter 31 Auto. Yr. Price '48 48 88i 'SO 49 88 '52 76.88 '33 68 88 '33 114 88; '33 104 88 : '34 134 88 i '34 68 88 t '30 88 88 33 104 88 56 124 88 '40 114 88 '33 144 88 36 12488 3 124 88 Maytag Con v. Sq. Tub. Hotpoint LC3 Auto. Bendix WCG Auto. Kelvtnator 30 Auto. Coronado 7073A Semi-Auto '34 I j Dryers ! Speed Queen S300E j Coronado 1403A ' Norge AE6O0A Freezers Mont Ward Qjj Heat CIS Seigler U4247 7 rm. size "" . aeigier uauo a rm. sir Seigler U400 3 rm. size All the above appliances and oil heaters are completely in stalled and guaranteed. These are th hpt fit Ihp lot anrt manv nf 1 them cannut he told from new. Terms are available on all. 10 per cent down W ill deliver. Carter Tire Co. 2fW S. K. Stephens Phone OR 2-3393 For Auctioneering Services CONTACT Col V Munion. We buy. sell and trade. It pays to buy and sell the auction wa . Auction every Fri day. 7 PM. Roseburg Auction Ph. OR 3-3026 Repossessed Furniture Located Green's Sale Mart 1644 S. K. Stephens. 1-3 pier blonde bedroom set. spring and mattress - Davenos and chairs, good condition. 1- Orraaional chair. 1- Chrome table. 4 matching chairs, gray 1- Spark oil heater Ward's Riverside SPARK PLUGS GUARANTEED 10000 miles. 44 cents each. Equals performance nf original equipment Aluminum ovide insulator reduces hard starting due to leakage. Montgomery Ward OR 3-.M.13 THPAMER STEAM CLEANER Winston Chain Saw OS 9-3641 HAVE PURCHASED A NEW-Kenmore Turbomatic washer-dryer combination. for sale Kenmore electric drver. 1 ear old; reasonable, with terms. OR 2-277. WANT TO increase the value of our home" Contart us for an estimate on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom' today Kier-Crooch Plumbing and Ap- phanre 328 SE Stephens. OR 2-3(64. ; RENT an automatic washer from Horn's1 Appliance Rent may apply on chae price 93 month and up OR W.TKINS PRODUCTS Mrs C L Bib by. 34 Fowler St OR 2-1486 fl FT SERVEL refrigerator. Best offer over 930 OS 9-5170 UNCONSTRUC'TED 10x20 metal " utility building OR 9-5129 ZEIGLER ot heater: gas water healer; wood trash burner. OS9-3.it7 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS OR 3-4034. "N. CUEEB'S BEENV'- THA IS A V JUST V TlVYINU IU 1 IWU LLJJU-i ! PL4V4SV- V M4KE A LITTLE ! FCi PAQFS I I THi-45 1 TIME WITH THE, WHO TELL THE'C h f losvooU cine blonde-yicLucl 1 1 &zrl? I L"J-J?.Z "X,- " - HE GETS 4igvTHlMa TO For Sale. Misc. 37 1 GET THE BEST buya in tools, furni ture, plumbing, etc., at Wtn In Win ston, who has no rent to pay, so parses me savings on to you. OS 9-5101. ONE FERGl'SON 13" saddle, blanket , bridle, martingale, lariat and spurs, 8140 complete Wags Furniture Ex- j change. OS8-31G1 tuuv.iiun ur us rostage stamp Good for Investment or collectors, item 147 Oak St. Mrlle Creek. 1 block from Post Office. , ONE WAY TRAILERS. Coast to coast.' van and open models available. Open 7 days e week. Lansing V Oliver. OR 3-S6..8 j TR EVA'S CERAMICS Free lessons Large assortment green mare, paints, glazes. Next to Winston Lockers. OS 9-3KU CUSTOM cutting South Stephens Mar ket. Cutting and wrapping done hv experta. Ph OR 2-9184. evenings. OR 2-ism USED appliances, ranges, refrigerators, etc. Taken in on trades. Come out and make a deal Rainbow Trailer 3a lei N Highway 9 atWjnchaterRridte FOR the best job in custom cutting, wrapping and quick freenng. bring your meat to Winston Lockers. 03 9-5133 WE ALWAYS HAVE a line aelecliono! meat available for vour locker or deep freeze at wholesale prices Winston Lockers.OS 9-S1J3 FOLDING BABY buggy, grey plastic. Welsh brand, like new. 620. Ph. OR 2-2641 or OR 3-U2L SPARKS Oil heater with fan. Used 2 weeks. 884 93. Bargain Appliance Cen ter. 6J1S E. Roe Phone OR 3-3520. ADMIRAL refrnerator '37 model." 11 cu. ft . new condition. Best offer over $100 OR 3-6U;i7: FOR SALE: 2 Homelite" and 1 Diston chain -.ws. and tools OR 2-2H47 Farm Equipment 39 Save On Plastic Pipe New. Low Prices Price Per Hundred Ft 't1 6 40 IV 8 9 .10 li," 1" 814.75 2 ' 821 00 824 (HI 8.V6.U0 Fittings Roseburg Supply Co. 403 N E. Winchester St. OR 3. MONTGOMERY WARD deep well pump, jet and 33 ft. of pipe. OR 3-4017. Logging Equipment 41 PAPE' BROS., INC. "BUY and TRY" "BUY and TRY" Mat hlnes rrom your Caterpillar Dealer carry a Money Rack Guarantee: CAT D-7 Tractor, 1946. Serial 4T3759. Isaac .on Straight Blade Dozer. Ca ble Control, HMer Winch, Medford type t'anopv. En gine runs good. Trantnm fclon, Siecrlnc and Master Clutches, and final Drlvi-s all good. Rails 80'o, Pds 90. Rollers and Idlers rebuilt, sprockets ha e new rims. General appear ance of machine la good. Thoroughly overhauled and In good operating rendition. Located in Coquille SI 1430 "BUY and TRY" 1HC TD 9 Tractor, 1944. Iaac.on Straight Blade Doer. Cari-o K Winch, laacson Hydraulic power Unit t out rol and. Med ford Canopy. 0rrhauled and In good operating con dition. Located In Ro. burg 400 "BUY and TRY" PAPK' BROS , INC. Your ATKRPII.I.AR Deal er 1 Your Best Source for New and Used Kquln ment, EUGENE ROSEBURG COQUir.l V. CATt I ATKHPII.LARB DONKEY sleds and load Hie booms Elmer E Olsen. Iverson Mill, or call HI 6-4019 Springfield FOHSALElog truckTair srales' and sub frame. Phone OR 2-.tHr, after P m. Timber & Sawmills 42 Stomar Lumber Co. WE PAY TOP PRICES for gang logs and stumpage in large or small trans Davs Ph 24.11 Riddle or Myrtle Creek UN 3-4;i28 eveinings. WANTED CORDWOOD Eight foot, llg per cord. Lee Preston mber Co Riddle 22:il REJECT S4S lumber, all dimensions, 92 30 unit Appron. 2 WW board feet Ai'O. ia no a and zx i No. 4 avail able at a nargain. You haul, no deliv eries C A 13. Lumber Company, Kid dle. Oregon WANTED GANG LOGS T..p prices paid for loas MJ in dia and und'-r. 12 ft and longer. We also buy stand ing timber Write for price lit or tali Yonralla Vi 9-21M Ml. Baldy Lumber Co. Yoncalla. Oregon WILL BUY logs stum page or rough lumber Huh Lumber Company Box 2H7 PhoneOR 2-33B3 WANTED - lagged ovfrlsnd inrl tim ber land. Write Boa 3K9 News-Review By Jimmy Ilatlo HE M4V BE THE L'PE 0s TE WlUG-OlMO-BUT VA C4J'T NECK WITH 4 B4BV QQAKO! TWlNE03E4LVVMO H4i TO BAQK FO'Z, Hl3 RSM '! iiai "it no , Trailers 44 New Now! Your AIJO dealer has the het and i most complete line of travel irailrrt j made Sites IS', 16, 17'. 19'. 31'. 24' Modern - sturdy - reasonably priced. Unusual 13V SIESTA - Manv features: for our 8 or 10 wide Manila Home Rod ri. Supreme Victor and inera, see us for GREAT savings. Reserve Your RENTAL trailer 'nv..i AO" ' ROD & REKL TRAILER SALES 1145 W. Harvard 10 Wide -8 Wide Mobile Homes I, 1, and I oedionma, to 50 EL Spartan ABC Gecr Hicks Rpx I.murchome And Olhcri Good Mlvcllon ol Uwd Trallara Trailer Suppltea Earl E. Smith Trailer Homes Co. Bruce V Gtiley. Mgr 1980 NE Step he lis. OR American Fleetwood Kit Golden State 15 rt. to M ft and 10 It. Mid. Call u if ou your trailer moved anywhere Rainbow Trailer Sales S Miles mirth on old hijtttway 99 At Winchester Bridge Open-. Eves A Sundaya OR 3-7272 TERRY KENSKII.L : FRONTIER UNIVERSAL NASHUA TERRA CRUISER SER Jim McKee Trailer Sales 1162 N E Stephens OR 2-4221 i EXPERT repairing, trailer repairing of an Kinas ervice work an call, uot i Mobile Home.. 4H1 N E. Garden Valley ! Blvd OR 2-1736 ALL FIBERGIXSS Pleasure Craft. 'Alo ne. Kogue, anta re. is and n1 moi eni. Buy like rent. Winston Trailer sales. OS 9-3101. NEW TRAILER, tires, larp, 3000 lb rapacit. Tandem wheels. 337 Maple I Su I TWO TRAILERS. 18 and 22 ft. at'a bar-1 gain Call at office Kada Trailer Court. MY EQUITY in 33 ft house trailer, or. trade for car. Ph, OR 2-9176 Trucks 4S Drive Line Headquarters Splrer Universal. Steel Rearlie. Aberdeen atMkea All klntli nf .teel Expert welding and m.c-hin. worl Douglas Machine Cr Welding l'.ll N I Diamo id l..k. Rlvd. O.I lf"l GMC Ion pickup, 4 speed de luxe rah, radio, heater; good conrii tion. Amos Conrad. Tangent, Ore gon Ph WA 8-70.(.i 1W FORU VH pickup" "-"sell or trade. Sep 1 Maior's Tenacn St-rvire. Kel le s Motel 1W CHEVROLET pickup Verv giod shape. S10H3. li.N S-:i.04 Mvrlle Crwk 1ft'. FOI !R speed ' T Chevrolet pick up, like new RAH. OR 2-403. Automobiles 46 FREE EQUITY ir Mercurv , 1-wherl tali OS race engine, 21i traile, with nev tied 417. 9-3278 1933 HUDSON WASP, excellent condition Full equipment: eV' ill let i espon- sirie p.iri nave lor Da lance or cim tract. Make up 2 pav incuts OH ;i-7 ib4 3I FORD Custom 4 -door edan. R aV H, overdrive, windshield washers, good ruiilier. 1 owner Very food condition. KM rath OR 2-1 1. IK after 4 VO 1933 Chevrolet V8 He Air 2-dnnr hard top Hed and while. Clean, low mile- age tioing to Army. Inquue 1224 SE Reservoir Car Wanted 1912 or '3.1, low mileage. Must be good and clean OR .1-7 "ill 1911 FORD J. pirkup fullv eqti r.ted 1934 Lincoln 4-door full power. Terms.1 Wag a Furniture OS 9-3IOI PICKUP TRUCK. Itia Ford, good con-! dition, 9330 Trowbridge Elerlnc. OR 3-3321 47 FORD panel, good ronditmn New paint. "2 turd motor, Just oveihauled OK .1 477 MOTORCYCLES Cvrle OK IH120 w u-ed Berkwith '49 NASH HO OK 3-4117 ONE YEAR USED CAR GUARANTEE- 1 Una tad by NATIONAL rVe rKWaCl liJihATOtl 01 Tm 1-YlAt wattaNTT Now, more than ever, it's wise to buy a BILL STOCK Used Car! Every aut'mi'iljife 'qrrvn!j the NATIONAL ol has bef n in,pe'feri ir-.fr .j v -l certified hv f-AT iQ',AL j own outomotivt e;e't Your warranty com-ji m dudes. both poit. AJ lityr ffTJirerJ to re it ore mr or lO t Ongioil cnditt'in Guaranteed anywhere in the U. S. A. BILL STOCK YOUR D-V01O - - PLYMOUTH G M. C. DCALER Vstd Cor Lot 1353 S. E. Stephsn, OR 3-6391 Fri. Feb. 28, 1958 Tht Automobiles 4b '37 BUICK Century H'dtop local low mileage, like new throughout. ... $(M dn 57 CHEV 2 dr A new usrd ear for the econ omy minded. . I350 dn '33 PONTIAC Starchief 4 dr Good, clean. olid drnrndshl low mileage transportation. 8500 dn '35 CHEV 4 dr sedan . Buy Americas favorite car at a reduced prive. 8400 dn is PONTIAC 4 dr 8 Dix. UKal. low mileafe. loaded with accesivories. sharp. 73 dn 52 PONTIAC 4 dr 6 Dl The most for the let in this . very clean car. R At H. Hydra 6183 dn1 53 FORD Victoria H'dtop Far arM.te average rlean Ra dio, healer and Ford-o-mattr . 6230 6i 32 CHEV 2 dr DIk An ideal low cost family rar. Nice and clean 8185 dn 50 FORD 8 Custom 2 dr It will just fit your budget. For work or play. $100 dn '50 CHEV 4 dr Fit Dix Only Big Wheel can give so much for so little. U3 dn Easy Budget Terms At "BIG WHEEL" Phone OR 2-1041 Mi st Sulht"', Today's Special $298 1951 Dodge 4 DR Sedan 3 deep tread tires Exceptionally good and Clean. 1933 RUICK Special Hardtop Con. vert idle Power steei ing Pow er brakes, New white tires. 1A96 1 1B33 PONTIAC B70 Hardtop Cata- IIma i"ie Low miles N Ion while lues. A real nice car. $1699 1953 BUICK Special 2 dr. . .. 796 1931 CHEVROLET Styleline 4 dr. Sedan Very low miles Power- Ihde. While tires, radio, heal- S39R 193.1 OI.DSMORILE Suier M 2 dr. Hdramatic. power brakes. 99R lfM PLYMOl'TH Cran brook 4 dr. 9346 1936 VOLKSWAGEN dix sedan only 22.000 miles, top shape. 9141 1930 STI'DKHAKFR Champion With oveidme. Drive to appiecialc. 2U , tkttg 1931 DeSOTO Custom 4 dr. I930 FORD VH 4 dr. Sedan 924M 1H33 MF.KCI'RY 4 dr Newly re built engine. New tires, . WB We Trade Ilinh St-ll Low G M. A. C, Terms To Kit The family Budget i The Big Umbrella On The Corner J22 S r. Sleplien. Pli. UR 3 6W3 4 door ohall o a r si seal, a li 1 1 on ir eve. Si goal-Seek ing ra dio with front and ,.ar speaker. EZ juji CHEVROLET 3-door. RAH ev e g:as Ihrougtiout. power steering, Make 41X10 actual miles. no trade Ph. OR J 41M after 421 30 7PM 138 Ruick Special SAVE 47IH1 on new 4 door sedan Automatic transmission, povter le- r inf. power brakes, foam Deluxe trim, padded dah onlv 14UO mile Cot gl.HlKl. !! lor .t.l(i. 1 100 down Pun hated lo calk. Call OK J-31H4 afternoon. OR 3 417.3 evening NOW -- wherever you Drive -- as far as you drive -- your car's me chanical condition is completely warranted! kfpcj'f, will le mc-K .31 S"V QfiroQe o yoi choice jid p j , mfnf rrv) Je Hif l" t tO t-it qofcge hy NATIONAL Yr j pQf nothing' Vtlir 'u .Inve 5 300 mites or 50 000 mlev our r-;A TlONAL Warranty pro tec! ou. Newt - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 13 Automcbiles 46 BARCUS '37 DODGE V- aedan, PowerfUte. R A H. 1 owner, driven only 12.000 miles 2308 '37 FORD V-8 4-Dr Station wagon, Ford-O-Matlc. R as H. Power steering and power brakes. 2498 ' DODGE Club sedan. Power- I fltte Radio and heater D 300 engine. 19.000 actual miles. ... 1898 PLYMOl'TH Club sedan Pow- I erflne. One owner. Driven only j 21.000 miles. n ' i ' FORD Fair lane Club coupe, over- ISM '33 PLYMOUTH sedan PowerMHe.- Reconditioned motor. Special 1198 '34 DODGE VS Hardtop. Powarflite. R&H. Sharp. 1M '33 BUftK Super aedan. Dvna riow RAH. Completely rebuilt motor. tpaj '52 PACKARD Deluxe aedan. Ultra- maUc. RAH. Mechanically good 198 '32 CHEVROLET glide. Only 2 door Powar- '31 CMC Suburban 4 speed trans mission. RAH .... . '31 MERCURY club coupe Over drive. RAH . SI BUICK conv BH. M SI DODGE 4 door. 3M 'M OLDS u 4 door. Hydramatlc 3flg 50 CHEVKOLrT 1 door. Sp.el.1 . 1M ' CHRYSLER Mdan M 48 PONTIAC ledan. RH .. .. 41 PACKARD Mdan. RH. M 41 BUICK aedan. HH . II Trucks & Pickups '9T DODC.E a ton. pickup, lone wheel b.M. 4 apeed. Only OuiN) mllet. New car ffuarante. . . urm mechanically lops. HUM BARCUS Open Eves & Sun Stephens at Garden Valley Ph. OR 3-33G6 Eay Bank Terms I Used Cars At Wholesale Today's Specials i3i nonc;r 4-donr, ver nice RAH. I49 OLDS 4-door sedan. RAH. runs good 1941 CHEVROLET li ton pick up . Better Buy Bargain Lot -At Tt-e Clock 1182 N E Stephens ' Call Charlie at OR 2-2S52 BILL STOCK MOTORS This Weeks Specials 1933 CHEVOI.ET 3 - door, overhauled, blue and i htte ia.i ol n la R t A 1 43 323 29 393 1930 FORD V- Custom 2-door. 1930 CHEVROLET Deluxe 3-door. 1991 DODGE 4-door sedan. i rusiiAC 4-door, K as H. clean. 1930 DODGE " ton pickup. R at H. 4 speed, very clean, good rub- S4 IU FORD V I half ton pickup LARGE USED CAR SELECTION TERMS TO SUIT i lSoto - Plymouth iMC Dralrr Used Cor Lot I tig g C Stephens OR 3 A.lDt , WILL ASSUME contract on '37 or '311 model tar OR 3-,i.iJ3 after S p m. lft4R OLDS rnupe 9.13. New licenser 29 Personal 48 BUSHELS of .free fruit from ever? $aik Iree' New patented strains pro duce fsi heavv crops Low cost fam ily oi rhard assortments Wholesale ratei on (.old Mine commercial or chards Sprinc or fall delivery Free pianimf advue Local rep. OR 2-3.121 eenins or v rtktndi YOUNC, WOMEN ot any"faith""nedini rnnf ident ial advue niav contact Mis. D Linden Cstholte Charities. 27R W Rmiilwit Eugene Oreon Dl 3-.M42. R'MM HOARD rare" Crandvew Home for eldeil) people welfare or private. Cioie in OR .t-8t02 A1-COHOLICJ1 "ANONYMOUS 23" S f facasnn Tuesdays Saturdays I PM COMFORT A RLE home, irod" "rare fnr elderl peip;e Pine Guest Home. OR :i-4.t3 except Saturday HOUSE 'OF 'TN1EORMS- 432"WUmi qua OR 3-4187 ROOM AND ROARh tnpnvste home. Wnie B-) 82.1. News-Renew. Notices 51 Nrw OP FR A TOR al LaVara, Bail. tnrliuii Wilt tak. Batma.v and v. nilia appointrr -nl. Hhlrlv Dean. 120 Pa. ilir Buildi, j Phon. OR .1-417:1 IN MKM'IHY OF Ol'R ton. Jam., M. w.rd K.ll). hn a. aill.d on. .ar ago lod... P.hruarv 2Ah I..T Mr anal Mr. Oaara K.1IT A4 MM. VciioiBL-y 0 0 I o 00 0 I o BO G2 9 a9