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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1958)
o o 0 o (S3 2 The N.w.-R.itw, Reitburg, Gov. Smylie Points Out Specialized Problems Of West In Economy Picture i)L:.LK ur - Business con- wlT',rr?mpro? ny8'nGov 'Robert E SmvL of IdThJ. new chain man of the Western Governors1 Conference, Thursday. . . yr-y---- i.- i.nrf .-a ,oh,.v. inouncement soon but said it did i u. . n...: : working at clearing away another I assistant manager , should', by" Sutoho- w.T Commended for , et know whether charge. , uK'.. Bernardino j ' f't?, 1907 ., 1 .n foT. "jZ. ' . ... ' . H.w.a.n.1 Alaska an- lJ!!? ,Lm County. Calif,. ... an example of M?'tJA";3 i?' ?! 1' old FBI "It is posMDIe some 01 tnese oiner resoiuuun. r ---i. K"- what might be done in Dougla. ., milarH h.n h. u7. had concocted a economic d.fficultie. have been . A "reasonable" deprecation al-i the bo m Ihe bpit and flj-ing Count e id , nal j p.renut to D.llard when he w., had concocted . ntn.ritfH" said bwance was urged for the .yn-'""" 25 mile, by helicopter. ,..' u hi.. .ZIa ti,.. ' 7 01 Me- " ""Tied gamoiing scneme Smvlie "and I think things are theuc fuels industry, including oil orrec,mg,them.elve. r.lhe'r ".tL u. lni.i.rf th.t h. . the interstati t Commerce Coram? In-nlhVJSn' 'rat SoVted .. .tore confidence of consumers. 1 Even alter the upturn comes, however, the Idaho.n said, theri .. .it iu i v.i i mil lT OL, F.UV.v.,.a I., the West. One of these. plained, is the re-tooling of the aircraft industry. mining in imuoii . . ... . "The metal mining indus.ry will oe in irouoie unui we gei. a long ; I k. -.1.1 1 .irciuni nH fr r.liff fnr lead, tine and copper producers, Smylie expressed hope that if a public work, program is under-1 taken it will include development of reclamation project, and higl)-' way. through forest area. Smylie, . native of Marcus. 1 Iowa, was elected chairman of the Western governors Wednesday at the conclusion of their four day annual convention in Colorado McNichol, of Colorado. . ' Demo-1 S"V ..T." r,..m..Lher.e.b.y..,,,;!; ......... ...a...,, .U...CU .iiiiu.i. ! nTi.n.2r.T CriUh. itri n?i' v.. i ,.,.,. - Holm.. Vic. Chairman k.a"' Creen 'i00 ,, nur.... . !be reduced to one cook and one Gov. Robert D. Holme, of Ore- heIper full time, gon. . Democrat, was elected. Th, head cook', wages at Ben vice chairman. . ,,u k. fr i . M'JZZJ.X.ZHr.' month. The helper', time 1959 convention probably will bejwll reduced to , m,KxjmulT1 o( held at Sun Valley. Idaho, al though there was some talk of . meeting at Honolulu. The governors, in a series resolution., asked "tariff relief r.. I I - .1 i . ,m "HP". " .i.u i"i. ii.iFu.v rnntrnl leff alinn tn aiur Hn. .r. - 1 mesne metal, producer, half the J"1" '?L"1" eiiunnen win transport mncnes 10 .nei-ion tn ntirrhasps nf ,,huh" enit fnr. I n.. U'.,... ..ill h. r...n. ahn..t , - -- --- eign uranium ore while domestic production I. limited. I The governor, alvo asked for, more money for reclamation proj-l ecLs and cited defense aspect, of .uch developments. They recom-1 mended that all highway user tax-! es be placed into the fund f 0 r j building the federal interstate 1 highway .yslcm .0 it can be com-1 pleted by 1972. , During the convention speakers estimated thi. would add . billion . 1 Three Bay Area Auto Plants Shutting Down SA.V FRANCISCO 1 Three San Francisco Bay are. into plant, are shutting down briefly because production exceed, deal ers' order.. r.n.,.l i.,...r.- ri,...Aui a-, i sernhlv nl.nt and Fi.her B n rt i v.. .it. mi .iiuwib v ui.miri - u-nrk. u 7i.iru.rf -V. h . it i. ." u'STA..r ."a t-T ' -'"a "- tlilnitl,' will b.""clo.edV ."iTnext Milpita. U1 be closed all next Th nn . h ,. . , The production halt, affect 4.000 al Fuher and 2 200 at Fni-d 1 at nsner and 2.200 at hord. , LISTEN ART LINKLETTER'S "HOUSE PARTY" 2:30 PM Monday thru Friday KRNR CBS 1490 KC j 'shrunken Coif 12.95 ' Vicuno Black j j Arrived llii? week: one ot t!ie s Tjrict inlrj trom our cxini'C (nllectisri "I bca..tii..l spiing tchion. 7 with that wonilciiiil lit that nukes Red Cro-s Shoes so Uino.u. Conic see them, .'ou'll be del jhtf.L !a prmiMd tm n ta-rHHi-aa Or. Thun. Ftb. 27. 1958, ooiar. year io " I Ww . ' A separate resolution asked that .1 least SU million dollar, a year, . quiring that state law shall be the exclusive mean, oi estaonsning water right,. The resolution fur-. ih.r ..l.h tht th. i'nitrf stale, v.. -; - water controversies. At present states cannot .ue the federal gov- i . .. . ... ernmeni in waier or oiner usus witnout tne latter consent. . A resolmion oneduc.,ion said inai ui!iirui;iiuii uryuuu uic iiijen )...! .!,,, M h. n.n in all stuHpnts to the verv limits nf their ability." It .tressed junior college, and technical-vocational schools, as well as college and university program., Board Orders Cutback . - , , , , D In SChOOl Luncn rrogrjm (Continued from Page 1) W0Ud prepiir.d Riverside 1 scn001- . M"f I- . prnr p.rsonne at Central Junior i Hin Scho1 wi" ht to one ' cook ana one neiper two nour. a I three hour. . day. This will bring 1 cook i. resigning, ana me asms-1 will umrl. in th. c.ll.r. I ..... vwn ... n.n ... . ton kitchen until about 11 a m. She i.s. ...h. "... .vuuvtM - $75 a month. I R'""'n " The Winchester kitchen will be , closed. Lunchc. will be prepared t Riverside. The Wilbur cook will woi at Riverside until about, 5 She will transport the food to Wilbur, clean up and return ; the container, to Riverside. Wages will be reduced about $75 a month., . Peller al1 lhe federal aid to ',,ul w,ra' n" eeu Kul ' from 9 cents to about JV cent. Iu... j.i. 1. 11 u.aoiv.1, ...lung urn- er in the nation, now isn t receiv-; ing .. many .urplu. commodities I as in the past, and the commodity ! cut. generally hav. been in tile ar, I meats. In only four week. tin. yea stnrf-nt nartininat.nn in th. d,.l irirf liinVh r.7.r.m ... a - . . .. nearly .uuu mean a weea. in ni 7 i.- ii.T, ..", ' " .. .j . . , j . .' . ' W" P , l.ter. th. unai wis b.joo. ine ncxi ween u I t1"", in'fth " 'f 7'04t' "h f'Tl 1 to 7 207 the next week, but last k ""'y M Jn wr rved. I I )n Munjd , cour, trj. Wednf,. ! dav. two men were found guilty of di.orderly conduct and were as sessed fine UnVurt UartuKf Xloraa..- 1 ICC CL1 Mill St.. was fined $10, "and Earl ! i neal, w. niger St., was lined $.15. RCSIGNS CLERK JOB ... ; 7 , -..n uviiaivu un llie gruuna near nere char nf Dniio as f'nnntv e h n n I 1 a"u ai"u. " "cu ."...a o..n ' month. ,by Joseph E. Boatwr g it, olf cial early Thursdav 5 i ? uoiijiu u n; ittool . innrehended without of The lunches at Melrose will be of New Lrv.r. I .nHrU , h i !..: i y ly' . ..u funds to the Yoncalla school dis- UP " apprenenaea ' at Fullerton. The head lr, . h L..",..' '"u l , tnct than in the previous year. !- . A K. .,. Mrs. Krv Gubser, clerk of (he dancers from Ralph Pattersons William. Sutherlin; Mrs Carl Win Dillard School District. Wednesday I Roseburg School of Dancing enter-1 senberg and baby. Mary Lee, night presented her resignation to tamed the audience as did . quar-' Azalea, the School Board. ' tel composed of Irv Pugh. Herb She had been in the office the l-eonnis, Darrel Langrvin and Ted AoDrooriations Bill "". ,n ...... ...... ......-. ...u that her husband need, her help in ni. Dusines. SHOES MAIN FLOOR la 4rr.a i--al treat I DL!i-M hi iii V riuwiuy 'Confinement Of Korean Boy SEOUL, Korea U. S. Army investigator. Thurdiy que.Uoned K"" wh" ""''nT'"1 ?. n'1.!1', i K . . ' " S. .uS, Korea The Army promised an an Korean police refused to et , Sw" Kim CtL? lfcffi& i 'Jim ta i U S Arm, WnS ! " imnn Glimpsed at the police station, h. innkH K.oit.rH ..j ...n.n .i,u n,,i, ped hair showing beneath his wool' cap. The newspaper Hankook llbo reoonea mil oeior niicine mm " . . . r " in tne Dox last Tuesday. U. S. troop, a, the Ascom City Army . niiirrnu mamienance center out- k... u.. .....l. ' hands and fruit Icnif. n.,n.rf nt 1 'some of his hair with pliers and! tarred hi. head The Army declined comment on ' this until its investigation is com-1 pleted. However! a spokesman : 01 industrial plants to be leased to said the inside dimensions of the 1 various businessmen on . lease box were 39' j by 16'. by 13 inches, I purchase type of aareement. Dim considerably .mailer than the 2 by j ick said this would not cost the 2 by 4 feet originally reported by taxpayer because the businesses th. Apmu k'im i ahnii. A (..' ! I.aaina th. nlsni u-nnll nsu fnr tall. j il'" "ere i :jdrUie?e were ar "ole. He Id" I mum,! th.t wi w n.ii. ( traded inside the box. I United Fund'i Year Reviewed At Dinner (Continued from Page 1) ask you to let labor do that work,' he declared. The Central Dougla. United uon alter his name was offered by .1 :., . . ' WJr Hum i na uiig coin in nice . New director, elected to serve the 30-member board are Rex i i i.i.--. .. n num rm, nuuen iianson, lea oer- nard, Ray Hampton. Don Hage-1 aor Do Ree Arthur jdV George Tripp. Mrs. Mabel Lewis and jarl Felkcr. Cr.dit. Payroll Plan ! Llfferty credited much of the ,uccess of this year's drive to the i increased participation in pavroll 1 deduction plans which he .aid had b.en increased from 87 participa- ting firms and organiialions to 1 1W. As goals for President Boat- wr,ht in 1958. Lafforty suggested lunner increase in pavroll plans ,nd Uie finding and training of more fund .olicitors. 11. kn ,n,.,.,inH 11,. 1 n.. ganizalion should take a look at the sue of (he recommended con- i Unbutton by individuals '4 per icent of (he annual income. He ""T.-V ."..f. . f7 '" "moun 5 t"-1 w nvv-n III". aim. h.. un. A.i.n. ,. " '."" commun itie. wnicn seek one hour . p,y pcf month the contribution would be $30 L,"",y hjd hih Pr"se tor ,h chairmen of the various commit-. t, lnd for Don H. Reed, cam-, paign chairman, and Don O'Neill, "Sj "!lr . or u, . . Reed cited the publicity received aTnl,ne campaign as a lacior "mriiiuimg gi-eauy io success, .un. ami uvuuti, ifuuuiii, Vila ii- , man. presented certificiiM and "cord "plaques' to reuicsenta- lives of news media. r . During the dinner, organ music: I was played by Mrs. Geddes. Six , .... - . T. ....- , !,ijUKl-3Illnll 8dlU llie ailMllU Came R.xlunt hnarn riiuMnr. nnint n., .11 HPS was ca(il v - j r- f weniy employe groups in the Central Douglas L'nited Fund area won citizenship awards for the sec- ond time. Twenty others won for lor in si lime. Thee were the Fullerton Beverase. Douslas Coun- ly Slale Bank. Lock wood Motors, nureau o Iam .Management, I mpqua Plywood office and super-; visnry staff and I'mpqua Savings and Ixian Assn. First award: Industrial Supply ( n I VI .lurml .'a S ... I s. .... .... .'i ...un S.U., is.ri- sen's Market, Oregon Game Com- mission. Douglas County Land De- n.rlm.nt rw.i.irl.a I'm.nlu P.rb Department, Douglas County Tax irrparimeni, liougias v ouniy ireas urer's office. Douslas Countv Pub- ! he Welfare Commission. Douglas County Court. Douclas County 1.1 brarv. lt and Zenser. Sig Fett I Implements. Shell Oil Co.. KPIC- TV. Douglas Distributing Co.. Mil !ler''s Mercanlile Co, ttreson Wa- 1 ler Corp . Bill Stock Motor. nd i I mpqua Insurance Agency. BERGH'S South Cify Limit! FULL LINE APPLIANCES PARTS SALES-SERVICt W. Service All Moke. Phon 0 3-8348 "s'., i r p.. , i"8 ed fullv 'the funds provided participated, or even by teacher. i,n to curriculum .hould be Standard Oil Co Hotel I mum!.- , ,or ,h" Pl,r'" "r l"d d" "''nl' ! "P"1 10 ,h Publlc 'ree ' ch,rfie' I mooua I), rv Pni uri, ?S " mP'-oved the entire 325', mil- 1 So, p"l' . ,. , Accepted four non-resident pu- L ut 1 in dollars requested to finance However, both men .greed that pii into the school .ystem for the , r t J P Irl1. s'h- the Internal Revenue Service ; materials sent home with the remainder of the school year. im-. Tn-ij ct..iui. . . - f c lt noted that the Post Office tie- r"m"c" ",rr -..n ...r.. Accepted . I8a-a.v scnool caien- and leie.raph Co. Flegel Trans- operaling deficit of Sf.h 121 OuO pjA membership is available to o"d that "new burglary has !zjrz7? "co or;.d,u,,emr: '"' -iud- - Dimick Suggests Increased Use Of Plans Service : State Sen. Dan Dimick Wednes l day suggested at Drain that local i rhifnMn nf .nmm.r-e. malr. 0r.t.r .... nf th- Cittirm rJ Ar. ft". j" n. rnitd S?tet Spf Tcm1r .ndOon' Stae Dept. of Koonomic Pl.nmng and Development. He was the featured speaker at a noon meeting of the Drain Cham ber of Commerce th. last three vpan 2S new miinri d F w"lly renresenting capital asset. ; ..... I : said they should be submitted to the next session of the Legislature. ! 'J " " j could grant authority to counties ' L., ,,,, , . ,! , . OI ,ne ouogci 10 esiaousnmeni oi coun'y. board or trade. He .aid i th. rftlifnrnia ",c no. ... . n i: ... r"ieo " oernarumo v-ouniy ! power WJ- " "' w umtuuj nu rn, i njvrnll. h.v. K..n established. The second of Dimicks plans calls for the Legislature to give nd" " t uthority to raise bond issues for construction them. our P sen. bu i S,". biexS" ded .nd "2J ne " busisVs' be eta hi shed in nnuslas Cminiv." he concluded. Blimp Derelict Found Deflated LAKEHURST, N.J. ( A blimp that had broken loose from hurst Naval Air Stat; it. mooring mast at the Lake- down onlv u,n.. v. . !slalion in here. A helicoDter . "i-iitopicr PllOt, Lt. (j.g.)l Kooert K tially defl ire. aus, came upon the par- lly deflated blimp in a wooded Earlier there had been specula- tion that the runawav blimp es- senliallv hun i balloon without hght, or motor m'iht endanwr afr navigation naan8 The CAA. while not ordering anv flight cancellations had warned all aircraft in the area to be on the alert. Hospital News Community Hospital Admitted Medical: Robert While. M r .. Gerald Dodge, Roger Crumpacker. Martha holme., Mrs. Clifford Smith. Roseburg: Charyl Andrus. DnnK.. i'U-..l . .... . . ,-i . 11 us. ",nl: KolJert Surgeon, IIUIMUII. . rery: -Mrs James liensiey. M rs Thomas Lindhlooin. Hose- burg Diirhrari D"J Tyrer Chad', t' V er- nice Leacli. Roseburg: Curtis Stan- drulge. Winston; Mrs. Paul Hed- lund. Glide Mercy Hospital Admitted M.dic.i: .Mrs. .Mae Meper. will smiin. lioseniirg. 9UrgrT; i.fitiin viIIMHM)!. nf- burit; Mrs. Morns Mullins. Suth- erlin. Discharged Mrs. Walter Payne, Mrs. C'haries Doerner. Rosehurn: Mrs I. F. Coon. Dillard: Clifford Fellows Jr.. Mrs. Gilbert Maret and baby. Earl rteaaiea ror v.ongresi (Continued from Page 1) ,, (;,,.d ,,. njmn!! rcs,cted hud set for Coal Guard He- PV raises row pending in Con- -res. nd rostins from ISO mil- ons io j.n minions annually, i However, it noted, postal rate in- creases now under congressional; consideration mav wine out from 500 to 700 million dollars of the . . .,, ....... over - an urucu. Ann., Nnf 5uif A,A. To RtCOVir Damages An appeal for damage, acamst lhe city of Sutherlin has been niaur oy .urs naiei Scruggs, ram- er than a suit as as stated in tne original report of lhe storv appearing in Wednesday . News- "eview City Manager C. Dean Smilh re vealed today that the appeal was i ' ..1 i .. : ' le Dy .Mrs Scruggs miVn her pr" "v ,n 'on 1 ,n of. .ter liniatKiut seven ear, ago. Mr. Scruggs recently re vived attention on the matter and the Sutherlin City Council i. to take it into consideration at its next meeting, according to Smith ... - - ...u.iu iauf unir-n ui I nrinff three miles from the 1 ,-,. ..a .. ... i i in. 1.... t raisned Thursday before the U.S. area southwest of ih.r. ,...,a h,.. i . commissioner nere liii.U .s lliai Willi .,.,- ,.,,.,,.,,. ,nA fr n,,l ha. . Ot her CtllUlrCn Whose PaiVniS n.a nf .nhnnl .ntivili.. i-.. i Funeral Rites For Ex-Dillard Man Scheduled Graveside funeral .ervice. for 1 Reno, Nev., lost .gain Wedne. Walter Ray Prowell. Chiloquin. 1 day when he wa. captured tea. who was killed in an accident ' than four hour, after a suburban during Monday', wind and ram bank wa. robbed of $10,760. storm will be held Saturday at Lewi. Frederick Mile., 24, of Roseburg Memorial Gardens. i Graham (Pierce County), Wash., Prowell. a State Hiehwav De- orally admitted. King County artment employe, was killed when it by . falling tree while he wa. , j V J " .u S7T' unfu lM2wh2nh moved to Fort Klamalh. He moved to Chiloquin "-ere untiThi. Lg besides his wife are two sons, Allen, L". S. Navy, and Michael, Chiloquin: five sisters. J "' 2"" ' rliS, Mrs. Bonnie Miles, Glide. Mrs. Ir.n. rnrKin DnWUn lln. L" . . anaeline Baker. Olalla. and Mr., uevenv Doling. UMKinggiass; two brothers. Eugene and Ernest, both nf Rninhnro' . oranHmnth.r lr . t.-- "". ( " """a" "nc& "this i. . . . . . OfllCiating .t the Services to be i held at 10 a.m. will be the Rev. held at 10 a.m. will be the Rev. Jimn Jpnkins nf ihp First Moih. odist Church. Ward's Funeral Home of Klamath rail. i. in ! 'f 01 """t"1" Yoncalla Slates Hearing Date On School Budget Dates for publication and hear- of the Yoncalla Iligh School "VHS"""' " Trie first publication will be next Thursday and the second publica tion Thursday. March 13. The reg ular budget hearing will be held in the high school, Monday, March 24. at 8 p.m. About a 1.6 mill increase is noted in the budget. Mainly responsible for this, according to News-Review correspondent Mrs. George Edes, is the change in the rural school 1 1 Smaller fii.o mill ilnnm... In IK. U..At Rnth th. enhnnl nA h..Hnnt k.Ini Vni.i m ih. ....i saiarv ,chedule. wilh teachers tolP Af Bairn! Meeting i h. evlnr.mA .nlnn In Ih,. schedule for the 1958-59 school ' year. 1 School Board Asked For Policy On Solicitations (Continued from Page 1) nine PTAs had spent about $17,- 1 000 in the past five year, in im ; i provement. in schools. The .p amounts ranged to in excess of 1 u.wu ai mvuiaiue ainoui The PTA people asked whether PTA memberships and dues may school; whether the children may solicit money, food and other items for money-raising projects of the . fnr mnnnv.r a cn n nmiartl. nf Ik,. '"' . :. . i as ana oiner orgamzaiions, such as Boy Scouts; whether tick- eia 10 certain luncuons may oe sold bv the children Answers to some of the ques tions came fast from Chairman Harold Hoyt and board member Dudley Walton. Children Said 'Captive' Walton said that under no cir- cumstances would he as a par - ent participate in certain requests maue oi mm tnorougn nis cnu- dren. He .aid he Relieved children in school to be "captive to the projects of PTAs and other groups if a wide-open solicitation policy, was in effect. Many parents, he added, would be nresmined hv their rhildren tn oarticinate in activities of which; Uiey don't approve. llovts comment was similar. 53.530, the .salary at the 11-vear "Public schools are not a place ievfi to draw class distinctions." he In other action, the beard: said, "and that's what that sort Turned down a recommendation of thing does " He was referring ,v Deller that $600 in budgeted to what he termed a "child's con , fund, be made available to the ex clusions' about his parents if they mentarv activities fund. Board refuse participation in request, member, .aid that the fund, self sent home with the child. supporting in the past, should re He said that the attitude of such main so. Deller'. contention in the a child micnt ne iniiuencea oy Director Darlev ware said he believes manv of the solicitations , 80o(1 (or tht ch,idr,n ,nd (neir families ' i BOMBER EXPLODES LANCASTER. Ohio A six jet RB4? reconnaissance bomber, beginning its descent for . land ins at Lockbourne Air Force Base np.r I ollimhlis. Ohio. SUOClenlV plunged to earth and exploded six miles south of here Wednesdav. All four crew memoer. were .ill ed. APPOINTED NOTARIES Two Roseburg rrMdfnts. H. K. - O.en.tvii It- mnA V ni in I aih Handv. have bren appointed no- TT JZ'Z four-ye.r tenure, will end in Feb- ruary 1962. FREE! A NEW WATCH CRYSTAL WHt knn. this oa h) CARL'S WATCH REPAIR SERVICE 4) S. I. Mam. U.itaira. H- S (J OMrs N., Aaa.t t f.rV.a. L.D "Fine SarvK. Na Sales" Get-Rich-Quick Idea Twice Fails For Bank Examiner SEATTLE An ex-bank ex aminer who lost .1 the table, at Sheriff Tim McCullough .aid, that he robbed the bank and took iu as a nositgc. as an ex bank two agent, he ..t -inh-ni.inlr a i J.nt t "!?.. i.l lost and re- ki Cni,. T.,..,i.., ni-nt M des was arreJted by FBI agents and sheriff, deputie. a. . he attempted to reach a.r hid- He wasafrymg "paper fk containing J10.76O and wa. armed : with a loaded revolver, officer. The robber entered the Federal 1 The robber entered tne reaerai U-.,. Dn.h nf th. PmII ' in the tional Bank of Washington on seauie-i a c o m a niKiiwuy, io-- miles south of here, shortly before .ncinff limn 1 MlnCB V M. DUIieQ - , ."- v. ,t I nuiiea r .. holdup. Scoops Up Money After sc-ooDine money from Scoops Up Money three cage, into a paper bag, he then forced James Henwood. 29. I assistant bank manager, to ac- , rnmnanv mm to tienwooa . cat. rienwooa . car. an forced Hen- it to drive the I The holdup ma; , wood at eunrioint auto. Three blocks from the bank, oatn that tie is getting rid oi his A J,;, R .- 4 ru Henwood said, he asked to be re- interest in . Miami insurance ' r0 mil DUlgldry leased and he was let out of the 1 agency which wrote the insurance car. j on the successful applicant in the 1 PORTLAND Three Port- Hcnwood told officer, he then i contest for Miami'. TV Channel land city policemen were free on followed the robber in . friend'. 10. $1,500 bail Thursday after one of car but lost him in dense traffic Mark said that it was only last Ihem turned himself in for an ap on the Seattle-Tacoma highway, j Monday when he read the news-: pliance store burglary and impli- A State Patrolman found Hen- papers that he knew this agency, cated the other two. wood's car about an hour later j Stembler-Shelden Insurance- Police Chief William J. Hil in the woods near the bank. A Agency, Inc., had obtained the , bruner said the three told him search of the area turned up j business from Public Service Tele- , they got drunk Saturday night. Miles' automobile containing cloth-; vision. Inc. ; went out and broke into an East ing . Mack acknowledged borrowing, j Side appliance store and made off "It then became a waiting totaling $4,980 since 1950 from ; with radios, television sets and 8amf said Donald S. Hostetter, I . - .1 - I t k . . P' "'" " Some 30 FBI agents and sher - I . . . . .1 .. A ,Un nn. 1I1S OcUUlieS suiiuuimru .lie ... . l-t.nn llln. .hnu-.l LUStoaiini fK nizner ' (Continued from Pagt 1) were raised to permanent status had recommended that it go to i Fred Matthies, Jr.. 37, as his com with the school district in compli-i Radio Station WKAT, owned by A. panions. Both made oral confes ance with the teacher tenure law Frank Katzentine. sions early Thursday. Hilbruner passed in the 1957 Legislature. It Mack came before the House said, and all three posted S1.50O applies to persons with three years ; committee with a 4. 000-word. 13-, bail on a jail booking of burglary, satisfactory employment in first ' PRe statement which he received Roberts joined the force in 1951 nines ditrirt i permission to read. 1 and Matthies in 1947. Forty-one others were raised to 1 three-year probationary status, and I 51 won two-year probationary stat-1 us. ft th. t.aiho.- in th. district i i .. .r. 0ii-n nutricrht Hi. charge, effective at the end of the year, although nine other, were given notices of 1 Jechnical personal .- Thr tearhe non-election tor I and nlher rea- . . . .1 sons, l nree teacners past me re- tirnment age were accepted to another vear. A clarification on the policy cun- cerning salaries for new teacher, was written into the minutes. Salary Limits Set The board two weeks ago boost-1 ed the starting salaries for begin- j ners. but clarification set. limits i on persons with college degree. ' lnd previou. experience outside' district. A tracher with . b.chelor'. de- 01-. wni not be nlaced oast the ninc.vear level, which brings a iar'y 0f $5,100 . year, The limit for . person wilh a bachelor', degree and 45 hours of .niiaU n,iit at th lil.v-.r l-v .i h . ..i..u "-it Da...,n. ..ih ;.-.-' 'a.. in. ' itiallv can't be paid more than recommendation was that all dem- hurcl: ik,.. nr times a vear and lhe loot alway. i. food. Police are investigating Accepted a financial report of the industrial arts department at the high .chool. FAMED WHARF BURNS BOOTHBAY HARBOR. Maine. Fishermen s w harf. a fa- n.n..a la.n. .,mm.r landmark burned to the water', edge earlv Thursdav with . loss estimated by fire official, at half . million dollar A newly constructed 17-unit mo tel. . bar. . restaurant and . hardware store on the wharf were destroved hy the flames. PACKARD OWNERS SnrtH ft mr fr rirmn wK .mw Ptcliarti )) ! mtt 4KCAmicl mtih4 f cm.ttinf fpm tt. 0r trifitl ncKfiK ! ftnijii frr pmrft 94 n-tftttuJt ntaksttf ll rtirt. credit Unni. Si Dillard Motor Co. Lincate-Mtrtwry tela. B Sarvic. 404 I. I. Jawa Ot I t! Union Man Say He Joined In Face Of Beating Threats WASHINGTON un Herman Miesfeld bad given before the Wis Miesfeld .aid Thursday he joined c o n . i n Employment Relations the United Auto Worker, early in Board saying he did not join the its .truce against the Kohler Co. i union under coercion, under threat of t beating. But Even after this testimony was Sen. McClellan (D-Ark) said this read to him, Miesfeld told the was "quite in conflict" with Mies-1 committee that "if it hadn't been feld' previou. .worn .taVment.. : for .Serafino Marchiando (a CAW McClellan head, the Senate; friend of Miesfeld I, I would have Racket. Committee, before which , Uken quite i beating." Miesfeld testified in the commit-1 Kennedy called the two .tale tee', public inquiry into the 45-1 menu by Miesfeld "entirely con-month-old UAW .trike against I tradictory." but Miesfeld contend Kohler. Wisconsin manufacturer of ed he wasn't asked the "right bathroom fixtures. questions" at the Wisconsin hear- Joseph L. Rauh, attorney for the ing. t'AW, demanded the committee. An argument preceded a show- -i i ii:....up. . : . .luuii i inn nf mnlinn nintiit.. mart, kv CnCCK iUieSlCia It-SUIHUiiy awvu. : threau against previous state - i menu he made. Rauh said it I should be "serious considered lor Penury charge," Read. Testimony Robert F. Kennedy, the commit - Mack Says He I Not Resign Post, . WAflHc StfltPftlPIlt w w ' WASHINGTON - Richard A Mack said Thursday "of course" he will not resign from the red- eral Communications Commission He .wore he was not "influenced , or swayed" by appeals from friend, in . contested television ; ucense case, Mack further told . House i , vestigating subcommittee under license cae. Miami Atty. lhurman A. White - il. U. miA all K..t OUI k.. Knnn j; ,7, , ' ; "Mr. Whiteside has never in him I f a a M ..... ... ...I In . . . n . , (. ...o . 1 1 1 p .w mnj u- I nannial nhlio.tinn nf mia. tn in. fluence my actions, either private or official." Whiteside ha. testified he con-1 tacted Mack in behalf of the ap-l plication by Public Service Tele- vision, . subsidiary of National Airlines, for the coveted Miami1 channel. I On . 4 2 vote, the FCC reversed j an examiner's recommendation and gave the TV license last vear It Public Service. The examiner PLANT SHRUBS NOW! Set our lorgt .election of ornomentol ihrubt, ever greens, and dicidioui. Tree, and Flowering ihrub. at popular price.. 98c Selection Altheo, 3 color. Corolberry Forsyth io Spireo, White or Red Honeyiuckle Purple Lilac Raspberry Bu.hel, 3 kind. Grape, 2 kind. Gooseberry, 2 kind. And Many Other. VERMICULITE .- 85c ... 170 PEAT MOSS bu. whoi. 1 .59 2.98 WIRE HANGING BASKETS 45c .. 59c CANNAS Sfort Now Indooti PANSIES Banded, In lloom ... BEGONIA Hanging laskot Type, 5 color. PERENNIAL PLANTS DELPHINIUM, 4 colon LUPINE COLUMBINE ARABIS AUBRETIA CANDY TUFT SWEET WILLIAMS PAINTED DAISY I Complete Line- Fertilizers, Sprays, Sprayers G & 0 PARK-N-SHOP Across Parking Arta From Nielsens Mkr. a jOpen Daily 9-8 Sundays 9-7 Phone OR 3-8423 . K'-"'-- ! company photographer., showing mass picketing and some fist , swinging on me picei une ai me "SLSU Rauh protesled ! that picUire, w,re "cropped" 1 ind "d'onot tell an '.cerate 1., ordered the showing to proceed, however, after Law rence O'Neil, in charge of photo graphy for the company, swore that in his opinion they had not been doctored to "remove evidence unfavorable to the company," a. McClellan phrased it in . quf tion. McClellan .aid he would go "to any length, to expose" anyone "trying to doctor pictures" being placed in evidence. The committee is trying to de termine whether the UAW or the Wisconsin company is responsible for act. of strike violence. Tfiran Pnlirpmen uiifctmsn ; other appliances. The chief said I Ik. ........ nn..J - 1 1 " 1 ...L, nl. 1. I i-iln. nn it lnss " 1 Hilbruner said one of the patrol- , lV.-.n I Hum It annnm- inch. a., jj, .iv.- n.nial h hi. -if. p.nnrt.l tn hi. commanding officer at the East Side precinct Wednesday and con- fessed. "His conscience was just killing him." Hilbruner said, Most of th: loot was recovered. he added, except for some which Moore said he had thrown into the Tualatin River Monday to get rid of it. Moore, on the force since 19.".0. named Donald E. Roberts. 29. and aia- 10 Varieties of n qq Dwarf Apple Tree, itf O Clematis Vines 1.98 Roses No. 2 ... 59c Hydrangea ... 1.39 Primrose 35c Heather . . from 98c -h 49c 19c 19c Each GEUMS BASKET OF GOLD CANTERBURY BELLS LARGE CLUMP 49' PVR IT'S THE MOST! i 9 n o o e e e e