o o O 6 Th Ntwi-Ravicw, Rmcburg, On. Tfctrt. . V. Coffee Break Or Shorfcf Week Said Teachers' Need ST. LOt'JS :fi Mavbe what, trend in industry u toward a today's school teacher needs is a .shorter work week, coffee breaks, ! collie break or a shorter work and other methods of removing i week. stress and strain and nervous ten-1 What she is getting instead, an sion. i educator said Tuesday, is an over "In general, these benefits have; loaded schedule adversely affect not been extended to teachers ina effectiveness as teachers Kent told the American Assn. of School Administrators the work loads have built up over the years as school enrollments increased. The schools, either haven't had the money to hire new teachers or couldn't find them if they did. Efficitncy Experts Needed "In industry," Kent said, "there are efficiency experts to deter mine the work load of the work- Economist Blames Imbalances For Present Downturn Inwn ' ' j ram l.. . it m. . , rm A',';iHiKit: both her and her pupils. Kent listed these as some of j f -3'k Mi vav"i-j ."- " ''" Iv'- 11 -T5 t 1'rof. R. K. Kent of the Iniver- the thuiss that add to a teacher's ; i : xU B& f ijfi' Vs4 STV . ' U i 1 1 J 1 suy oi Aritansas saia tor yearsiworK: .More classes, more siu- ry -.f z 'n 4 - "ialei'i teachers have seen their work dents per class, extra activities! k '; i ri,r -f - ' 't loads gradually increased and such as journalism and drama, f 1 1 '-.P -'- ' 'JST- - ' ' ' "i. ' BP3& can't do anything about it. and community activities. - '$ y Vi' it-'? Tjt--m 'Some of them just shrug and School administrators should ' ' ''Jl't-!6 f1-;," 2 VJJ. JT V say: 'Well, we can't work more , try to establish an ideal work - jA.fV ." iA';- .,,.. 'li than 24 hours a day." And maybe I schedule of not more than 30 t 4 ; V Vft. ' ' $'' -t e they can't, but they can spread teaching units a week, Kent said, f ,Z,faSx t'jC: -rV f'V ''; their work so thin thev lose their He described a unit as teachine I f(:v(?i(,s;t,ii.' , . - .$'&(s ' ..--i.sJ. one class of 20 pupils for 45 mm- ' -V toJ M'T' i fwTHE LAW A PUBLIC SErfVlE OF THE COLLEGE OF LAW, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Trumin Challenges Administration CHICAGO A university ers. Most skilled workers set their i economist said Tuesriav the ores- own pace, placin? a premium on j ent business downturn results the quality of their work. The, from imbalances which may be worse at the end of 1958 and still worse next year. I V. Lewis Ba.sie, director of the i j University of Illinois Bureau of 1 Kconomics and Business Research, analyzed the economic picture in j an address to the Mortgage Bank . ers Assn. of America. i He said we have two kinds of I he KOV- i irnhftlitriM unrliinii tnoftr.fr mx. rMHULHi ..,u,ru cujij tu urau ccs capacity and an excessive1 Attempt Made To Head Off Airlines Strike CLEAN SWEEP-DOWN While a milk box starts to float away in the foreground, neighbors pitch in to keep flood waters from entering the home of Dick Wheeler in Mill Valley. The flood waters have since receded, but new storms are expected in the Northern California area. OWASHlNCiTON .Jf Kormer a slimmer of partisanship. President Truman challenged )e Then came Truman. In a pre- i Eisenhower administration Tui pared speech, he said the confer day to "come forward with some ence was "a good example of a new ideas" to combat Russia's bipartisan approach to a foreign economic offensive. policy" and that "partisan politics Truman was luncheon speaker ought to stop at the water's edge." at a day-long conference on for-, Truman then asked: Tom Fool owed his tailor 175. title to the check just as it wo!d 'n,,dT, f' x w',rh,,,1 tt i, Lel'Tf... ,t He had just received a 150 check cut off ha right to any $30 bill ""f'J"'1 n,ght bv Pr"'-' T Z iP p2 ? V,r th? pavable to his order; and be- he had lost. I tk E?. .M.Hrf hv ' m PJ.fi i.'.. , ?. nmna to ihe tailor's shnn to The conference, attended by Marshall Plan, the Atlantic seule his cecum Tom endorsed Endor"m,nl Mi,,'k ""e 120 "tatn ind d,sl,!ne1 Trealr ' the check and aiso drew a S T Protect himself. Tom should. to bolster support for the foreign "We live today in dearth of check payable to "Cash" to cover ' nve endorsed his pay check aid program, was billed as non- ideas. The clock has beeo turned the balance of the bill Enroute1"""' he was ready to give it to partisan Secretary of Stale Dul- back to the 1920s. Lets run the to nay his bill Tom lost both hl$ tailor. Had Tom not endorsed les and Adlai E. Stevenson urged hands of the clock up tor date with checks ltle check, he could compel Will support for the program without new ideas to meet today's prob- rhor-lr to return me cnecu oecause inei ivm. WASHINGTON Adenauer Begins Rebuilding Gutted German Reichstag C1...L L'. ,...nJ thA .'.i ,,,. ii.om in u.N n, , check was narable only to him. .mmu iiinrTinu Stevenson. Democratic pre si- payment for a shotgun Will knewTm could also have prevented the i dential nominee in 1952 and 1956. mothing of Tom s loss at the ls if he had written "Pay to Tail-j SAI.EM State Rep. John challenged Russia to join with the time he took the checks, although or Brown" obove the endorsement, l Kerbow (D-KIamath Falls) L'nitcd States in an effort to pro Tom soon discovered the transac- BX dol"8 so- the check could not f,ied his candidacy for re-election ' vide economic aid to underdevel lion. be negotiated without Tailor Tuesday. ' opd nations. ; Drown s signature. T.m Fool T.k.s L... ; payab,e ,o ..Cash Can Tom compel Will to return ike checks endorsed with the pav the checks? Much to Toms sur-!ees s,gnature, are almost equiva pnse his lawyer informs him;lent to cash. They can be ne- .L"' J?s 1 tlS-igotiated without endorsement. When Tom endorsed his $50 j Hence, Will became the legal own check he made it negotiable er of the $25 check when he took through delivery alone by anyone. I it in good (alth, for value: and as Thus when Slick de ivered this i a resull Tom cannot recover this check to Will, who .took .it for val- check from Will, ue. in good faith. Will became the. u ,u j.. v. legal owner of the check. As a! ,Tom sho" d ,h"' J JJ? eySlW- h""no rdorgr , . Checks should be drawn to "Cash The rule is the same as that,,,,, immediately before they are which would be applied if Tom t0 negotiated has lost a t0 bill and Slick, the. . .u. . uj . ii-.n .' . i The ourpose of this column is Illiuer. ndu i;ii-ii ik iu ui lor uie . . . . . fc . i of the law and not to give legal dvict. Facts may change the gun. The rule cuts off Tom's legal COFFEE PRICE DROPS outcome of a controversy. off a strike scheduled for early rate of Kew invesfmrnt. They'de- ULB,r, ,SJFY"R T,Pp,Nl on seven pr(s!( n(.w investment, he said March by mechanics major airlines The National Mediation Board , , sl.vrre and ung ,rawn out recommended to President Kisen-j jP a(ded' nnwer inai ne name an emergency panel to sift issues in dispute be tween the airlines and the Inter national Assn. of Machinists rep resenting the 25,000 workers. Naming such a hoard by the President has the effect under the Hallway Labor Act, governing air line labor disputes, of postponing any strike action for 60 davs. Evidence that 20 separate fires NEW YORK i Coffee prices be sure...J jf-J can sugar BERLIN Twenty-five years were kindled in the Reichstag are moving lower again. nd the decline will probably be Thursday Adolf Hitlers tended to bear out this theory. henchmen set fire to the Reich-1 I He added s,aR "unoing. me iumti ur- "l-ooking ahead, there can be royed Germany's parliamentury Inn ,!,. i n,ni hv ih mi.1,11. f - democracy. I ne iazi marcn 10 I thin ye'r. At the end of 19.58 ca-wrld War II began. ' ..,.ii i, u:..i,- o,i Now the gutted Reichstag, grim ' linn lower II will tend to force a ' symbol of delcated, divided Cer- still bigger decline in 1959." .many broods over the border Bassie said Americans cannot gateway to communist East Bee hope thai autos and housing will , (ny ln recf. m.0"th ,ha" come to the rescue as in 1949 fr ; work begun to reclaim the looted, nn l..r .r. lhr. .nv h,Ll. rl - 111 f CS C1 TUin Strikes already have been set for I f ,,.u..a a i Envisioning Berlin restored as March 2 on Eastern and United! () tnc contrarv " he said, capital of a unified Germany, Air Lines, and 30 day cooling off "both have been approaching the ' Chancellor Konrad Adenauer has rii iwV luniiiiiK um polnt () market saturation during! "F'V1 the last two vears.1 Northwest, Capital, National and Trans World Airlines. Over the weekend. General Foods Corp. trimmed the whole- am nine to oewnn- : t .... u n u beaten Van Der Lubbe. He " .J" u. """V All this meant little to bewild ered was tried and quickly executed company's Maxwell House division tines. i a Some of them serve Alaska, Ha- IUG2e LOllSluerS n,n K...H.. II,. " waii and Puerto Rico besides the ! contmental U.S. Communist Agent Held As Kidnap Conspirator Few Germans believe Adenauer, now 82. will ever see an all-Germany parliament reassemble in the Reichstag. But the dream has drawn enough support to win an initial reconsliuction grant of 2 5 million marks ($595,000) from the West German Parliament. About 1 150 workers are busy with first ' renovation steps. IIILI.SBOKU ' Circuit Judge Glen Hieher Tuesday look under Word Comas Of Blai advisement the case of a man who When word came that the Reich wants his daughter returned home . stu j was ablaze on the night of from a Roman Catholic Convent. ! Fell 27, 1933. Hitler drove to the Status Of Girl Now In Convent SEOUL. Korea South Ko rean national police today an nounced the arrest of a Commu- hind-the-scene worker in the high I ""'her said it might be several , scene from a dinner at the home jacking of a civil airliner to North 1 wep'(" before he reached a deci- i of his propaganda chief, Paul Jo Korea , sion on whether to grant the writ 1 senh Goebhels. i oi naneas corpus io ivan Miner; rolice had arrested Martnusan of .ililwaukie. i Per Lubbe. a mentally deranged nertinn with lh nlano ahdnelinn 1 '"" r nsncu uir cmiu iui mc : ii year-oio mucn vagauunu wno nectinn with th. plane induction. wfl to hlve hi, dallihu,r- Alice , once had belonged to a commit- Miller. 19. returned home from 1 nist organization in Holland. Now convent near Beaverton operated ! the Nazis branded him a respon- by the Sisters of St. Mary oflsihle Red agent. Oregon. Inc . It was enough for Hitler. This, he Miller's daughter earlier had I screeched, was a communist plot testified she had no wish to leave i against the stale Standing beside the convent, and would return if the burning Reichstag, Hitler or the court took her away . dered his storm troopers to take In his closing remarks In the , over the nation's public buildings court, defense attorney William 1 and key industrial points. Hare said Miss Miller is free to i The next day 1 week before leave (he convent at any time. crucial national elections the He denied Miller's contention coalition cabinet agreed as a tem that because the girl is a minor porary emergency measure to she thus needs permission from suspend constitutional liberty her parents (o enter a convent. No guarantees. Hitler swore in his such contract exists. Hare said j stnrmtroopers as police and his "Above ill." the attorney said. ' totalitarian grip closed on Ger "is the interest of this girl. And many and never relaxed until de It is a God given right to worship feat in World War II the Almighty according to the Impartial investigators later dictatvs of our conscience " i agreed the Nans themselves engi- Hare added (hat the girl had neered the Reichstag fire to justify attended a Catholic school 10 'their power grab, years and that her decision to, - embrace Catholocism was natural. Shortly before the case closed, the judge commented that Miss Miller s parents were no different from typical American parents. PORTLAND ii Rep Nnrhlad Hieher aUo said there was nonn.orei seekini; election in an evidence to show that (he nuns had eighth term, said this week he will exerted influence on Miss Miller i r,.y on friends to do much of his after worldwide protest demonstra-! the nation's largest distributor tions. of vacuum-packed coffee. P V Rlj IT'S THE BEST! 1h& pure cane sugar Police also said 'tour more per- nonn are hpinR questioned in con- tlBAUV GOGOf i i i MS V Rep. Norblad To Rely On Friends For Campaign i to remain at the convent. L'inited.nifl? I,'-. V P'tcl ry evory limtl whtlt quont.ly loits .,4 ...... . rampaininK (or the May primary i flection. j Former Slate Sen Phil Hitch i cock will oppose Norblad for the! I Hepiiblican nomination in the. Kirt Congressional District. "My place will be at my desk ' while t'oncres is in session.' ! Norblad saut "I will be home to campaign during the Knstcr re cess, but that will be all "I'll have to depend on my friends for the ret of it.' Norblad. 49. i a member of the Houe Armed .Services I'om I mittee He said he probably will file for renominalion Thursday, j and return to Washington. DC. I Satuidav. I Cay Nineties Festival Set At Forest Grove KOKKST (iKOVK The i annual tlav Nineties FestiMit will , open here Thursday night with a Mi'ialion on the harttershop quar-i ; tel theme The women s beauty shoppe quartets will perform and? 'the CuuhU Valley Sweet Adeline i 1 horus from l.onicview. W ash , j 'will he a sprci.il attraction j Men s quartet competition starts I Friday etemnii and finals for the 'barber shop sinsiiiti title will be Sjtunlav DefendintE champions late the Renton. Wash. For -Do-I Mat ics Traditionally' the otv'jt tesidrnts I dress in costumes of the 1M i Friday and Saturday UnipqmVol rirnff w l.ij LISTEN REAL ESTATE HOUR "Cood Music" 9:05 to 11:00 AM SUNDAYS KRNR CBS 1490 KC Copyright t9SS, Burton of Adi m-titing of tho Amnrico Xrwupapor Puhtidkort tioftutt'on, Ine. V -rr.iiiifs i i mulil i'i I i i -imiii Tin ! i mmii. 1 1 miM 111 m mi ii niiiii' ' , It takes a GIANT to quench, a 3 6 -billion-gallon thirst The man who .k, "Kill 'er up. sir?", is one of '.hotisaml of friendly operators ami attendants of the more than 182.000 service stations across the country. Together, they pumped over 3fi billion gallons of gas oline and poured almost a half billion gallons of motor oil into passenger cars in 1357. Processing, distributing and retailing petroleum products is a gigantic job requiring the services of men, machines and media. Highest on the list ef advertising media are newspapers -a giant that keeps the public informed of the quality of these products. Over 53.000,000 newspaper are bought daily by people who thirst for news and buy from newspaper advertising. That's one of the reasons why dealers, jobbers and manufacturers of petroleum, like so many other sellers of goods, place more money in news papers than in any other medium. If .you have a thirst for afr, you can quench it quicker and with much more satisfaction in the arfi'nn medium -the arfi'ow-packed daily newspaper. All builncaa I lol...ad r ill ncwspipira. C tMto'4 . ! ,.t,r ,1m.: tftrtv of ,rf it,., a, QtC DlCtUS'ltCVlCtU Corner Oak and Jackion Dial ORchord 3 6628 c-3 (j 9 0 o W 0 00 , l! 4-J Si 9 9 e "t