(SOS? 2 The Haws-Review, HoM-burg, Or.--)W.d. F. 24, 1951 Affk On Boy Pyle Assures Westerners Administration Will Not Encroach Upon Sovereignty McCulIough Fired Was i Spontaneous, iTo Add 'Vigor v,.v . . ,. .oummission i minister of i teen-age street gang !ha testif.ed that the attack last summer that cost li-year-oid Mi ' rhael Farmer his lie was pon- COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. meeting. The final session Wednes- uneoui. Western governor., who have day a devoted to a duciusion Farmer, a polio cripple. wa LAKEVIEW f John R. Mc CuLough was replaced as chief, counsel of the Oregon Public L'tii-1 it.e Commission to bring "vigor ; and a fresh approach" to Hi legal. been worrying abiut encroach- of use of institution by several Vaun and .taboed to death last ?'p"re'- H, ,,1' 'J 1 ment of the federal government states, to discussion ol resolution July 30 in the asnington ncignu ' . ; "' . : j i, " ; on their states, have been assured and to selection of a new chair- section of upper Manhattan. Sev- organ Kobert Hollis to by a spokesman for President El- man. n boys from IS to IS are on trial "P1". "f' , wh? fc?ld.e senhower that all of their author- The names of Govs. Robert E. for their lives in the slaying. ,ir5' announcement of ni re- ity will be restored if possible. Smvlie of Idano and George D., The state contends Farmer was Morgan, who was here on Howard Pyle. former Aruona Clyde of tub. both Republicans, an innocent bystander who cross- business, said hi. plan had been governor and an assistant to the were most prominently mentioned ed the path of a war party of Egyp- V nunce the change in releas- Presideot. touched on the ub)ecl in speculation over the new chair- tian Dragons m search of mem- m ,ur "1U01U1' Diograpm- dunng bnef remarks at the con- man. He will succeed Gov. Steve ber of the rival Jesters gang cal material on Hous ference banouet Tuesday nieht. i McNichol. of Colorado, a Demo- Farmer aDoarentlv belonged to oo . Me explained that mis was not Kidnaping Count lAcquitfdl feked VXZZZ For Bishop In Navy Remedies ' Fuel Shortage , j For Vanguard "1 can assure you the national crat. administration has as iu prime interest that states should recover lis f every degree of sovereignty." VYOmQII UQIIT.S Pyle declared. He injected one of the few serious notes into the Cl 1ir II J jne was .i.umeu ' MA REPLACES PERON Dr. Arturo Frondizi won the six- weighted dog chain. added Mr. Norman Stoll and Mr. i , Irving Allen some time ago al though I retained .Mr. McCulIough I as chief. j "I became convinced that Mr ! Hoihs was qualified to be chief of the legal staff and to have that , promotion on the basis of merit, and I acted accordinziy. -Unll.a Kc Pull k.r-vu-. ntmff SEOUL. Korea & A 13 year- ,h i was zlad of the chance to am xauus mi promote someone from eivu serv " Hi" m ice to that b. a very technic banquet, which preceded Wednes flaw's rttinliifi nl th. fftliriv . . Tremendous Future To Donald Farrell The Westerners were told by several governors that the region TROY. NY. Airman Don-' n..,n Dnu PMf has a tremendous future. aid Farrell. who made mans first SVUretin DUy llll Gov. Albert D. Rosellini. Wash- ' flight" into space, once was mar- n f" ington Democrat, said there must ricd and has a 4-year-old daugb- 111 DOX, MOWI"! be recognition "that the West ter. a Troy woman maintains. n . ,. jointly as a whole holds the Mrs. Norma J. Luraas. wife of DV AriDV P 1 1 FS future of the L'nited States and a slate trooper, confirmed Tues- ' ' the world. ' day night that she had sent a let-. J?XZ .i "? ll !T, "I'A Vo DlU' Xtw.'old Korean boy cau li. Nevada Republican. Sav. recently m . .isiuM rock- ?dea Pm5 001 and flown 2S on. Gov. Edmund S Muskie of et t, p,rt f aa Air Force Maine and Gov. John E. Davu experiment. of North Dakota were special The News said Farrell had ad guests. . muted the facta of the marriage. "The things we share in com-- ibis was Mrs. Luraas' account: mon among our M states are she and Farrell, who is now much more than our differences, i on , round of personal appear Muskie said. . . ancea in New York City, were TV. M.rfAM . i a mimliinMI i , M ' r sbiu iic KviTiituia . . .... marnm i . r, sn in I .irn. . a busy workday and sightseeing FlUli ta wtTt 17. hedule throughout their fouray maje .. ? April AT Army i iwi vu uic kk ki uuuu ujfli ure; m,A Daughter Bern Their daughter, Heidi, was born Aug. 2S. 1953. The terms of her parting with j Farrell provided that he pay $10 j ; j . a week for rreo Lauirop uw. u, o.ea .! He ld ,li0 nis nome ai ivun aecono v.. ,M n,hin. Mrs. Lura u., r. . . . v.. ber s illness and because Hollis gro youth, testified that he under- " out of uwn Monday on basi- f year presidential term in Ar- stood he and his feUow Egyptian Jf : He said "there was no intent ; gentinJ-s first free election prwiTtheJ! some since Juan Peron's dictator- Nevertheless, he recalled that va- tl.mt " M,or?an "ld- "tfc worit Ship. Frondizi's triumph vfai nous of the defendanu were arm- h gal department would be indjca,ed whe he took aB fa min iiui-s. lurii ana m - -.- - - - ' - eariy lead in the federal capitol and in Buenos Aire province. miles before being released ap parenUy unharmed, the Army said today. Funeral Thursday For Roy Cotton, i! Who Died Monday II I Bsiv f I UmaJ I1amimmIA M I U I IMfliVIl IjII"IIIIIIII I I LI 1 1 ! ...nr. i v i trrn it L'l. ,m EVERETT. Wash. - Charges "..w3v- ; ca r i t - V"L&gxtZrX FLORENCE, Italy The 'um VhW S."tStdV? m,?J hhSSfk .h. IV, given PubUe Prosecutor asked Wednes- ?usl Uunching of the Vanguard ?6 . nVVeaiuaDended ieS'3y ht the Catholic biahop oi ; ,ltelllU rocket. SncVfor fdne" ! P"to be acquitted of def.mmg an . -ifneuhiei ,lnor elec Mrs. MevIrV h"d been charged , "ajiia ath.ut and hi. wife te.Uiell trouble, and b.Uy valve. a. an aompUcc of -George E. clUul! i?',1! . ''..m' iiuSi nd other plumbu,g u"so Collins, convicted of second de-i "",. 01 .tnlr mimae ouUlde served to prevent a launching gree kidaapmg Friday night in the church ,, jd P'nned 'or elr'?r k-v abducuon of Lee Crary. S-year-! ,"a rh -grave- ' bMn eUminited. old Lynnwood youngster last Sept. B"hop Piedtro rwredelh grave jtm Uunch CoUin. also had been charged , "P.""? with first degree kidnaping. i honor of the couple former far w f()r Mrs. Meyer., expecting her tee-i " 'fi'11" BeUnm " ; Army to attempt to tend a .eeond ond child by Collins, pleaded, JL. Drfutor noted that in " Explorer satellite - in the nose of guilty to a charge of lewdness ; . .ut Pr"'5u5. 2 .! . . Juoiter-C rocket - into an orbit lZrsrZn0"". s,OCcorm7Vuber--:nxtVeek. I Jud fvoUmevVt theninced ! ately. He .aid the bishop acted in ' The Vanguard rocket awaiting Judge NoUmeer then "nifieooa fltn lna therefor could not launch day will carry a miniature lterutrtte"1L sateUite ,phe u, iu nose .1- !Mr. MeveRt mk b?ior Reject the prosecutor', recom-1 though the main purpose will be ' TV.'- .,Vi.7 ,h, , .k. mendition. to test the three Vanguard stages The nidge added that the se- "'b0 Fl0redeiu u the first in flight. The Navy', first m.r i fnT.nT'i hi rank to effort to Uunch a .atellit - a 20- ir nTe''-nTe be tried in Ik luliah mch sphere - U expected about !S? counted"" aPP"hended- V 'Si'i, Force checked iU d.la Pro. Attv Arnold Zemoel who ! ,WMn At ,tate lnd th Vatican. for explanations a. to the loss of moved' for the re d ue Uon of ' He dld not t,ld &t mi"; " the last of the'Navaho ramt in Ichargt, sain m" .r. prob:! "usUe. in iu test- , ablv would be freed before the ;--- r . uis Viw- io come lu emu ui rciiu "( I second defendant, the Rev. Dani-1 ' day was over. Morgan said, of McCulIough We parted amicably and the only -rv. d(.a.j, notice of Rov Lamar reason for the change was im- Cotton. S4. which appeared in Tues- House Prober Demands Mack Resign At Once The Navaho was destroyed by a ..lalu nffiMr I B. . hn a ii- i ; . nr..f .l.n r"S - - - "i ' ""'"" ' minute after in launcnmg snoniy wii u j .i. . i. after noon Tuesday. The missile Bellandi charged that he was , (hrust second, ,fter defamed in a letter read by the 'n(.g jt hld cUmbed i, .in,.?.-" Tf : ,h were ? feet: 11 D n ".p n?.ui public sinners married in a civil service. They ----- -- - - on v naa rerusea io go urougn a icu- , . i.,,rhini site w mvr.Tnv a rn.mh.i- from launching site. 100 feet above the Atlantic Ocean onlv a short distance off shore A Korean newspaper said he pr0vement of the legal depart- j,v , News-Review aooeared er- of 1 Hou5e committee investigat- Mrs. Bellandi complained was forcro to fltt after beui2 1 released "in feeble condition." Gen. Georse H. Decker, com mander of U.S. forces in Korea, i a id he "regretted the treat ment through vigor and approach. fresh roieously under the last name of j? Federf,LCSILmicaU0," ' marriage is legal in Italy p ... Onnnlntl Tolton Mr. Cotton, 745 West Alia- -"""' " m i cannoi loicraie oci;iS wuiiit a wtyt-i-;, Fred Lothrop Dow Dies At Sutherlin Sutherlm, Tuesday morning. Kim Chung Nyon was caught by i members of the th Army Aircraft : Maintenance Center at Ascom lighter, flashlight, two U. S. Could Send, Rocket To Moon, Experts Predict mnnt St died at a local hosnital immediate resignation of Com- mv husband', concubine." . . . n iMoSdav" missioner Richard A. Mack. -The case attracted widespread MvSterV PUZZU Funeral services will be held at ' .,5tat'me"'-. R'P Be,nnett attenuon. especiaUy in Italy's St. Joseph's Catholic Church with -"".., ...u " "'- ieiui pre.s. mere were iiaIr-uF . Q AIirnorrPS . -n fuses to resien. '"the President in Par h.m.nt nH th. fnminii. v nuiiiwniiK s rp? ar nas il a.m. lnur? . . . . . . .v... dav. The boov wiU be taken to Ta- snoum remove mm, o ne nas me nists are expected to make the coma for interment in Calvary autnonty to do so. If not. Con- ic,dent an issue in the spring r.metprv Arransemenu are in Sres5 should institute impeach- national election.. Kurvr. . . i.. care of'Lonz.ami Orr Mortuary. ment proceedings for that pur- Citv. He had a clock, cigarette can send a rocxet to tne moon " - "- Be Post Ex- 'U vr ana an unmannea space v." " . for membership on the FCC has P r.:.. H..n, Bennett said Mack's "unfitness Eisenhower Praises He was born April 10. 1884 al Fisher's Landing Minn., and mov- C ""' ... ... Th p , ..m , wooden veiopmeni. ioia a edTacom. i-iu?Tu,f,.m,.y il.".. ", """ for transrrting committee Tuesd; .k.nn. tvrwvL-. t in vehicle circime Mars oetween ' .mT.?. ' SSdtcT sir ofleS, House hearing. (CMUued from Pag. U . '. 1 flariterf nonrommis.mned officer. Lt Gen. Donald L. Putt. Air was married to Flora Ann Ward ',', ,he Frr h ;.-.,, , -r. n.,l , rnvirf. inh ai aia ui.i sne uiun i ,h , 0rce chict ol researcn ana at- in ii h. ..i . ,h.n. rf- . i., r,. coosressionai '"3"""; "';,,'; .... Thursday to reply before the expressed interest in tl SEAF0RD. N Y. Can a 12-vear-old boy cause bottles to pop their tops and plate, to fly? A psychologist from Duke Uni versity visits the James Hermann house in this New York City sub urb todav to try to find out. Since Feb. 3 all types of bottles have blown their screw-on top. and furniture has crashed to t h e Eisenhower floor. Yesterday a phonograph re- proposal portedly flew 15 feet, a clay statue induce aircraft parts." and Maj. Thomas ea io lacoma wiui oia i.iu.iy . ; mimage pubUc w t0 m i mi ii enna. ne was Eriuuitcu e- u n i . i from Pacific Lutheran College. Ta- "JSHSdi legal y She ? Jon"' Plymouth. P... flew the coma. ta. the earl, l.MO'. with ! bo, ,n a helicop ter to an a.rf.eld degree in civil engineering. He r , at uijongbu, the Army said. Haines. Paterson. whirled across a bedroom and hit r publisher, that an a mirror and an empty plate skid- "believe in Amen- ded off the dinner table a. the spent nve year, wun me soc.eiy Klru, ltler conferring with' . , of Minmg and Forestry m the Bel l hl to Heidi'. i P3 U ette Godda rd gian Congo and was employed for , ldoDJon . I 1 v 1 1 w mvuwbim many year. ty tne state oi laano, v i.r,-letter la Th. riailv i J KI....I.'.. wis attached to new. pic- . r v. i . . ; iqi inursuay io repiv oeiore Ule eXDresseo roCKCt COUld uiuvm, iu n., ... ,. ,v,H..tin .nmmilt In ( u,r B n."..T?.n.r' Vh. burg Lumber Co.: was a member the various charges made against N.J.. newspaper publisher, that an , mirror and an empty oUte .kid n.n f... u..k of St Joseph's Catholic Church " .. . , , . .nj i ..w .a Sawmill Work- -"'"IU narru iu-.vii oi ine ca campaign oe launcnea. Hermanns ate. The committee also was to! d d oft-umber a nd sawmill work jou5e subcommittee on DISABILITY - Eisenhower said Police and scientific investiga that the . Lnited States .hould ers uxai en . Ar conducting the probe said both he and Vice President Nixon have tions have turned up no clues ex move quickly to establish a space .Survivor, include tne ' '). Mack and others jnvolved , , understanding as to cent that voune Jimmv was .ome- way-station on tne moon aneaa oi " 0reon bM" r'?ht over Miami'. Channel what Nixon', role should be if where in sight when things began Ku,sta. - ' ,, . . . . 10 TV license anoear to have Tienhnu-.p chnuM n..nm. rli.. fn hsnnn violated the law and opened them- abled. Nobody has seen Jimmy put the .elves to prosecution. Eisenhower declined to go into objects in motion physically. For the third day. the House detail, saying if he did newsmen Whether he i. doing so mentally committee questioned Thurman A. would want the most minute in- is another matter, calling for an Whiteside. Miami attorney, about formation regarding the under- expert. A detective says he is con- fmancial favors he has done for standing. vinced Jimmy is not physically re- .YiacK. a rormer college mate ana The matter came up in a re- sponsible. : At a seminar sponsored by the state Louee ana a ua-jgmcr. r Air Force Assn.. George P. Sut- grel of Roseburg ton of the Rocketdyne division of ; North American Aviation Inc.. Varnnn Snarl irk said this country will have the longtime friend. retiring in 1W7. when he moved to : v. Sutherlin. He wa. married to Etta ,., , l-,.ii -...,, thr,h , Marie Hes. in MUw.ukee. captioned "Eyeing His BRANFORD Conn. 'f-Actres. March 21, 1911. They had no chil- Future" The letter said: Paulette Goddard and novelist orrn. , in. ,, noraM r. Farrell tricn .nana nemarque npiiu .... . -. ..j 3, , ;( MM11' hU rulure' why not WlSrmrtT.vI'.,,w?!,2Si rocket to orbit Mar, and relay QjlVen KrOOatlOn v. Vaikinl hZ; 0 i h,m g"e teleacope, turn . ""I Tu"d ,nd w" back information within the next Marvin Mankin St He lens. Ore , ft T N.Y., and take "lamed. . ; doien vears. Vernon J Shad.ck. 22. Rose ...3 1 H . VoAuani "oak ,tock of hi da"hte.'s future. " vem'"mn, He alio sa,d a man-carrying burg, was placed on parole Tues- .. , .... . SS5;uT Norm V sfx BIxzardsWh.p i -(me tormer) airs, uonaia u.,"" . for cremation. Farrell " ' Town Judge Cornelius T Dris- i When Heidi saw her father on coi officiated in his second-floor Rnu Crnnt Unnnrc rtii TV. Mr.. Luraas said, she said office. A few office workers and w; vvi ..v..w. ... know him , ht. t frleBd , dot. newsmen and pnotogra At Recognition Program of mine." r I r!- r?J.. Between and 30 Boy Scouts in rUiierHl RlleS rrlUUV the Douglas Fir District will be honored Friday. March 7. at a du- for Mr$. T. lUeWSOn lnct recognition program at Riv erside school. The boys are those who attain ed the star, life and eagle ranks in 1967 and thi. far in 19 oner, looked on "It wasn't so private afler all." . said the bride with a .mile. Youth Slays Girl Because Of 'Urge' PALO ALTO. Calif. Jt A Stan- shortly afler quest for Eisenhower's comment This brings Dr. J. G a j t h e r on lack of action by Congress so Pratt, assistant director of Duke's far on legislation to spell out parapsychology laboratory, Dur- what to do in the case of presi- ham. N. C. on the scene. Para- a ...I j...u.t:... U-l .:.u .u- ... Western Europe 1; ,h.t h. gE,".H5 ,T.. 11, f,u. ,,,,.., think, there should be a constitu- beings. Shadick was released on proba- LONDON .? - Bluzard.. gales Uonal amendment Pratt will try to find out if Jim- lion after Vrving 30 dav" of the and piled snow drift, put much of HEALTH - Told a weekly news my is making the objects move sentrnce. but was booked again Western Europe into the deep magazine iTime I says in its latest without touching them. his re eae on a ic,rc .w.j- nu uruugm cnaos uj 10 Jut i.u.miiu.ci u.9 w.h Remarque. whoe first popular lora Lmversity sopnomore snoi 10 -''"':LK.nfl T he was re- Conditions in most of Britain up to 25 per cent as a conse- A-KJy$ Showf Churchill I novel was "All Ouiet on The West-' death a 17-year-old Palo Alto high uoo was rev us ..m ern Front" was clad in a blue ool girl "to satisfy an un;e jauea last aepi. hin.I. Vui. lat night, he told police. Woodnch. in placing Shadick on ... , ., ,. Thf t0 were romanlicallv The victim was Deena Bonn, probation, ordered snadic to rV,c,w 'r Mr,-..Thom- Unked for several years T h e v only child of Mr. and Mrs. John E. make full restitution of monies ob as (Ethel May) Krewson. ..,klZT'J"J"IL ii v.i Bonn tamed under false pretenses. lie ice Sgt. Gilbert Chatterton 'aid Shadick will work on his sis- as i cmei .viayi ivrewson, w. wno , . . ., . - .. -. Rnn died at her home Monday will be "id they will honeymoon in New Bonn held in The chapel of Long it Orr ".I JJ. . .... , ... ' , i . mr...u..j Mortuary Friday at 2 p.m. adulu who in the past attained the Th. u. v.,..n i,,9.n .f ik. ranks. They have been asked to Firfl chn;an chu'rcn wlU o(. , forced to reduce his work load by were the worst in 10 years. quence of hi. three major illness- e..j;f;. aefnru A blmard described bv experts es, tisennower smiled and said ' as the worst since World War II he wished he could cut it by that MONTE CARLO Sir Win rased through Holland. much. But he added he doesn t rt" 'rhurchill's doctors .aid The 560-ton Dutch freighter Bettv . think it ha. been reduced to that ?2. v .,..? ..t-.J went aground in a 70-mile gale off extent . , , He former British Prime Minister M, r.tHrH who hft New said Thomas Wallace tordry III. York for Hollywood, was married a neighbor of the girl, acted as if formerly to Edgar James, come- ne were reporting a minor iranic ter's farm. south Sweden and radioed that ; MACK Eisenhower was asked were very satisfactory and that r..,.i.r -,'ih y.r I rid Hi,. "r" .V""?"?" nurcn win oiii- , rh,Pi rhanlm and actor accident when he walked into the crest School or 7g NE Willow St ; ... " inZhan Memorial Burgess Meredith. Palo Alto police station shortly be- B.t. o i.i .. rv I.. ik 'a' ' ln KOSetKirg Memorial , midniirht and .aid - I want to report a killing I shot a gill and she s out in the car Bob Beard.ley at Douglas Ab- (i,rdtn, The (,mily ,sk, ,h,t ,n .r ilieu of flowers friend, may make Surkjmer Baby Dies stract Co. or 273 W. Haiel St Rill Srarth fire. 71 SE The oldest receive special nonors. Beard.ley the program chair- h nu,D,nd. Thom. 0f Rose- Lookingglass Scouts Plan Banquet Friday water was pouring into her engine wneuier ne uiinxs reaerai irnn- n0 urther medl(.,i bulletins would room. ine s. 0-ton sweoisn passen-, J v."',., r n'cn-,be jMutd This w uken t0 m ger ship Gute grounded in the ard A. Mack should resign or be Churchill has almost completely Stockholm Archipelago but later fired. He said he had no judg- recov.r.d i i iiuueu oui. ult" vm uic iui.ici av una uiue. An estimated 35.000 miles of tisennower said the evidence i at the Boy Scout of- d , lh, P,rk s.nool for Inral Hncnifil F Main St. .. Exceptional Children. Donations ,n L0C" ""P'"1 .rnonor,P m,y ,l ,hf mortuar. t Dorothy Ellen Surk.mer man. said the program was ar- hurg; two sons, Donald Cruzan. ..n io pru..... -""" Willamina. and Harold Cruzan. Vouu in adv-ancement. particular- s , c Cllif ,wo ,pMn, ly from cubbing to .couting. (. Krew,on Roseburg. and The program wrill be open to the K Krfon, sutherlin: a broth- puu..c. v - ,r, Franci. Shmkle. Reedsport; speaker. He i. committeeman Narrator in the ceremony will be ; . . . .. , J V. Long, district vice chairman Amateur MOVIt-Mlkef Scarth said invitation, have Bck From Pacific lsl nrrn seni io an xnui unn in ine district. He i. district executive ter to determine travelers tossed tfc'ig more should be done. in connection with the same Th. .,! R!. and Gold din- ?""rn . "" were unpassaoie. "Muu. on u,e is .... - lliinrlrsri. nf .otnmnK.I.. . in in. nriV.CC HI Ulna ..n..n TV.- ...I', kwl.. .. .n k. .... ... 1... Ih. Rrtv k;nnlc nf I onkin". . u.umuuiicj w i c r - - vwov.u V- j .-- '., J. ' k" . j .7 i h . abandoned in snowdrifts and manv trated. rle noted that Atty. Gen . tordry 19o, convertible a s,n g a,s will be "herved at t b e vrrf fu, Tmj (rom Rogers, who ha. ordered an FBI Krewson i. survived by ,win. Monrtlv , .. lnd 'T-.. u-.n .n XV .k. ' u. ,rt nf honor for the Scouts London arrived at Glasgow up to invesugaiion. u watching the mat ln Robert H Surkam.r tn'.. K....... c.r. rl... i-n..ntL. ulH. fnr lh. Ttiht will he . . -.v..... ...v.ni mnj vu 'i a .. . u-.i hn.. . ' : , r-l Z' .j . .,. ..c .... . k. Hundreds of . .i -r ....-' . ,.h. sneruis on re. ucciarci ine m-,u aboard ferries which had crossed I.,.. . u. n. w nai ujiu us an ncrruiur. virnun wuiui... n .,nwn... Surviving, beside the parents, norv He said he houzht a 22- Community sinsing will be a fea are two brothers. Rusell Scott c,lher rifle Wednesday afternoon ture of the evening The dinner nl "n rugn 8,1 Shermai TAdarns ac ed imnroner' "W cours friend w'n"on and David Eugene Surkamer. for the express purpose of picking will be potluck and each family is .. I lv m writing a Dair of letter, dial won-t De at the dinner but I'm Rnuhnra- th. n.l.rnal rranHnar- ... . ...1 k.M... k. ..k.J .h,r nn urvi FOlm Uted TO Oucll m """ 1 Pair 01 letters deal- ,,j h :.,::,., K.ll.." .k . u.. t. VI.- A', ".".r-" .mui nvi , uvini; wri . ... . ... ...v.. -.. : . Mflff W1U1 matters hefnr. th. Iiv, v . Alton Baker Sr . publisher nf the "r,d' Kan ' Mm Oral SheoDard !nt' J,r- a"d Mrs. Russell H Sur- ,nd irivir; hfr k,. m ,hf foot. URoy Nel,0n international repre- fjj Fj CreOSOte Aeronautics Board. Maugham said. Eugene Register-Guard, will be Stii. Jiln " 'J" vi.? ..nIPfin1 I k,m"' Hb"'. the m.terna hill. in that order " sentative, will be in attendance s " I Eisenhower said it was the first national Scout ' and on. granddaughter Y,li .',n . Z J?-h 0" ItaT.-J ...JTi' ISIS", . PORTLAND - Asbestos-cl.d he had heard of that. Then he Eisenhower replied, that a. he the English Channel They could congressional inquiry Eisenhower d"' -(A, not land in the rough sea. "as asked whether hi. chief aide. The dailv communique has been routine since Sir Winston', illness was diagnosed a week ago as pneumonia and pleunsv. The 83 year-o 1 d Churchill friend. British writer Somerset Maugham, told reporters he has been invited to join Lady Churchill and her daughter Sarah at the ilia La Pausa for dinner Thurs- paternal greatgrandmother. Mrs. (he urge before. Salt said , nine urxamer. noseourg ' Graveide funeral services will r . . r I..J-. be held Fndav a! 11 a m. at Ro-e- '" "K""" u5 HONOLl'Lt' .f Three of the 10 nur8 Memorial Gardens, with the Dies In Pomeroy, Wash. I amateur movie-maker, who were Rev. Alfred S Ton. rector of St University Of Oregon Wins Town Meet Debate PORTLAND The Vniver- u,, lwaii South Sea isle ity of Oregon won first place -n, 1Tt Hollywood cameraman r; KJ I. r..- Tuesday in a town meeting debate B,u Fon, ,!, Edwin Jones of 1 '"" "" I'OMKRiiY f Koriner ' . i.j . u i..!. D . .. untrsr I r.pi-'CPDa vnorcn. uni- iM.. i.l.nrf ,ml l..t n,hi ciating. Funeral arrangement, art perior Judge E V. Kuykendall. 87. ' - . " j. A I I ... J ii.. VfnH... HiawH htr I naatiH 1 v ni tht .mU while' 'resei; i 'tron - Kuykendall. 'father 'of' Je time while awaiting rescue Irora ! K.n-k.n,iii h..rmn h. Mehin Thrasher. Scout master. ,.d, ni SJin. ni tn,m ,, hlaj. d.alino with th. rio ..h.v. u.. fn. .u . ik. ,..t John II Jones Cub master Earl m crcosote, ,uppiled the control quire White House action, such as time, when the matter last came Jacob, assistant Scout mater den Tufkday to a raging fire at the th. establishment of overseas air "P in Congress, while a Democrat-' mothers. Jcarloine tarlile. Jovce Portilnd (, 4 Coke c.-, by- routes. ic majority was against it Eisen- .viorcan. assistant, jiiake .nsun. products oiant. Eisenhower said he .m.. th. hnwer adril h. n,.M .noinvir. u ne was wrong. DISARMAMENT Eisenhower pieces of equipment, including PHYSICAL EXAMINATION expressed some doubt whether it assistant: Midge Nelson Maxine t'lis assistant: Jean trim- When tne b,Je w it ft. peak Adam, letter, dealt with some ...r. i.i.. ..,r.... ............. ..... mort lnJ IW nremen ana a tning 01 tsat nature rommiiiee rnM- ,. v...m .-.r.- pf of equipment, includtng PHYSIC.' sen. van r.nis. Alin vireer anu three fireboats. were on hand A Eisenhower wac r.mmH. th. u-mtM k. r...,ki. t ...1 int .f. ernmc, .limine l'ir'i k k .. .n k. .. k... 11 . ' K" Kuykendall. chairman of the Fed '-The nub c is invited, according " '".kl 7 .."k,L.l"M Z.l'"L """"a .m'1u'.m' c"k' '0'"r "'...'?" . vit ...t ...t vuoirii, M .wuiu uuueiku aooui tne ior iiiuiuk lesis 01 nuclear weaif Firemen poured cooling streams middle of January another phvsi- ons. without at the same time of water on threatened nearby cal check up, as a follow-uD- in haltins nroduciion nf fissionable Ian ri.n and romtot Harrv -v . ... 1 J. UI . "r a" Aufknp Of Psvtnn Place tanks which .nntainMS alkntit 100 .. his minor ctrnl-. A i-.nM.. n.t..,.u d.k.i.'a . . ' , L. r : . i oree applications lor assunieu ington ruolic SsTVlce Con7 mission ' - r " - , , . - - - .. iiiii .?.cu ....... i.i... ebate . a-r.ni-4 Rristnl Fnp and . -.- ..... .. . " ru 111 Ml llr V tit., mission , h.nn anH mntnr whv that kiikiiiI... k.. k Al. ik. I A.. j . i. OUS neSS names were I! CO .UesoaV 11. Iwram. a ann.rmr .nnrt hiHc I 1 w A f C H. nutniHfl ' - . .......u..,Wt. M.s ucvii ui uir ariiriai u..iui.- k,.7. ' k .1 !T v Vk f ortin said the party wa. forced m til county clerk . office ' in 19-4 and r-iired ,n fwu vehicle fuel. Other tanks, with still delayed. ment field. Eisenhower was re- Trnm lh.Tf. d""n " R,ratonga when one of Mlrv Bj,tmln. 91, sf: Kin, 4 ;, Jf f orthwe.t Indian. PIIFNIX CITY Ala .f - The mo? fufl- ere regarded a. safe. With a smile. Eisenhower said minded that in his latest letter to en.e ed thT meet n"t ",0 h' L?""' th!'r C.',i'lT. St ' ''M ' r,t' ""Tgrten and regional h.'siorv. K ivitendai author' of th. novel ' Peyton one. could he i been wondering about that Soviet Premier Bukan.n he men- F"rt nT.rrui th. individual niVU1 1,0,1 rnkflOUi 7,1 h! ,nH nur"y ,rhol ' h" hnm' the author of b,k and ar- Place." which hit the best seller he protected. . himself and will have to check loned the possibility of Russian rfivmon went to Lorn. Cockerhim p1,"!. ,f" ' "T dd"" un,i" ,h "m' Moth" tides on both subjects li.i. and wa. made into a motion J,"kJn, ,fLi?' PLtch, ,"k "',?,!, r ,c r . '"d,er' v,sllin hls -ountr t o Tl" rr, tv Oron Hs i1'm, '" J'"1 ' " ?. ' Nl'"'r c s and Carolyn Survivors include another n. picture, has divorced her husband Wanted for the fire by James NATI RAL GAS - Eisenhower The President was asked whelh- TI.LI,.,. rTI.,aL.0r!!?n.k.i flew, off and pierced the engines nfnnintf, both of Del Rio Road. Matthew 1 An.-I.. Tal.f .r, nn .round, of voluntary abandon- T "ell. Gasco executive vice aida letter recently written by er that could be considered an in- Wnnd H.A. ... L ' k! .k. erankce Ro.eburg. filed for the name Mac two daughters Mr. Ruth Eichert ment president. The material u com- ii. J. Jack) Porter. Republican vitation to Bulsamn and Soviet here Portland State, th. TU... C:l. T A ...... .... ...... .....,,,,....i..... a. .. l0 orresponaeni rtazei .viarsn. time also served as a state sena- tor and chairman of th. Wash, a . w in. . ni ssumed myton Public Service Commission . ..ui. w , ...... . in. Bnmm natkevi in. lime a in . ti j . i. ... - .. . . ... . . .... nnstini. nn ronta-! witn air naiinnai rammiiiMmiii frnm t . . i ..mm...... n . . .. .k:.i k'k....!.. Schon of li. Anr.l.. ctat. L ' r "I k. L namware. n anu vprnance vo. lomnton. tan. and Mr.. Kerdina Judge J lucks granted tn. , , - n cmn "' tl Caoener o " P.nfie fitheran fL'h,"-A: ,"l'mmJ"t ,nd "each par- , k, i,, ,;12 SK Stephen, Grew. Whitehous, Stale NJ. divorce Wednesday to Grace Meta- e J"ned to two as. seeking financial support to chev He replied no. that he d.d UTTZtinSiJZ r'r ' St. The other bus.ne,. name ... 1' , ,ous. 33. in Russell County Circuit "-gallon pitch tank. Los. push the natural gas bill has not not have in mind person, in offi- trophy coniDeMtioS ""eratw book uland The .0)0 Polynesian. ,umfd 0Y r.n Currv. Sutherlin. jorJ. .. n.l. -.: Court e-timates awaited a detailed .ur- changed his position with respect ci.l positions in the Soviet Union iropny competition. on the little island a r. completely j o a t a- ..i. JOrOan-lraq Ueleeation ' ..., ,k., k.. vev. to merit., of the egis ation TR1MAN iw was T AOI AGMtMENT unspoiled. Fortin .aid TOKYO - Advices from Pei ping said U Japanese industrial ist, and Red China sijned a five sear trade agreement V.edned.v under which 2o million dollar, predicted worth of Japanese steel material, 'he Senate will he bartered for Chinese iron ore and coal. Senate Continues Debate On Five Cent Pottage la St . who will co-operate Suther lin Tire Sale, and Service. Sutherlin Invites Saudi Arabia husband. George. 33. voluntarily AMMAN. Jordan - A joint abandoned her on i Oct it. is. ACCUSed Rapist Held American Foresters LISTEN FRANK C3SS and THE NEWS 8:30 AM & 5:45 PM Monday thru Friday q KRNR CBS 1490 KC ued it. debai. "' adie. night" will be observed mir Rifai. Jordanian deputy pre- -No mention wa. made of property oul-of town let b" '"e 1 mWu chapter of the So- mier and foreun m.r.i.ter:' Iraqi settlement, money or the thre b. raised to 4 eiety of American Fore.ter. S.tur- Foreign Minister B. rhan Baha- Melaliou. children Marshal. 14 raisea io djy mjM m (hf Hplpl y -mpqu ytn, hf chi(i( nf ,h( Jord,n.,n hri.topher Michael. 10. and Cn . .... President Ernest Black said din- rmal cahin.t Rahiai Taihnnni: lhia. . Washington .f - Both .ides Slate Ladies Nieht llll . .1.,.. ..I. l.wl.W ... 9 continued over whether the ter stamp should or 3 cents. Final Senate action on an over haul of postal rates is not expect ed until later in the week, in any case, since efforts are to be made to tie to it pay raise, for th. 3DO.0UO psw'al workers. Both side, have agres-S that r questio will be settled first The delegation, which left on special Saudi plane, included Sa The President has said repeat- told that Truman ".aM recently edly that in principle he favors he never did offer Eisenhower th such legislation, to ease federal presidency. Eisenhower in his contr2l,on as producers. book. Crusade In Europe." re- I rOREIGN AID Eisenhower ported thai Truman d.H m.k. .urh Watson. 3S. who has as asked for comment on former an offer. Asked Wednesday whether he Jordan-Iraq delation flew to Ki- "" e-.t, ,i . vadh todav to invite Sardi Arabia ''ous was listed as a resident of In Salt Lake l.lfy to win the new Arab federation .Massachusetts r,..t r . . .k A . i n be.. nrht hr the Dooffla. rium. President Truman's remark Tues- le of property iy snerui on cnarse oi rape upon v-k uis- i.ruuuiuana varru io ana anyming tnat woum ree a oau;nter. na Deen apprenenaea ""hvii ir iuie.n aia pro- near up the conflict. Kisenhower President Ernest Black said din ner al 7 30 will fo.low a social hour. After a short business meet ing, there will be a showing of the Pisnrv colored Eik. Pancing w rosal cabinet. Bahiat Taihoun; and roving Iraqi Ambassador Ab dullah Pamluu LUNCHES Served II A.M. to 2 P.M. Swetfisl. Dining Room 1n ,T"',h olmp,e Suit Against Sutherlin ill follow tk.e movie. . Lharges Tresoassinc Vuantity O Foodstutt Stolen At Melrose take, final action today on last- A suit against the Citv of Suiher- minute decision to add 2.H) million hn has been brought by Mr.. Hsrel dol'jy to the f'm .oil hank prv S.tucs for tresoassinc on her gram "to keep faith with the farm- a quag'.ity ol loottstuit w is tawii property in construction of a city er' in Salt Lake City Police in the t tah citv notified the sheriff, office Tuesday that j thev were holding Watson They i said he has indicated he will wai ! extradition 1 Watson, who formerly lived on W ASHINGTON .r - Tfie !!oue the North l mpqua Road, has been gram as well a. the Democrat... shot hack. no. not a word House To Take Final Action On Farm till sought for months I from the Meiruse School in a tti day (inht burglarv. .ta!. police wer informed Tuesday The report wa. madev R..b An derson who .aid earn meal, tin ned meat and eansf gravy were taken water line on the property The tv'.:r.v v. l-U d vrs She has filed suit for St.H'l !he terday to a genera! appropriations Sutherlin City Council was inform-'kill which come, up for passaje ed al it. special meeting Tuesda The chai.-e wold incase fro-4, night. The . will he dicuesl 5xi In T.vi million donar. tnj bv the council at us next mee'ing. amount farmer, mav be pa'd th-. TODAY AND TOMORROW March 19 ium Pae.aji. Pouglai H I I h year for ret;frf nurplus rropland Jcnnn I ; 1, s e o yur hlsh prttln tvourco o O o o C0 0 o o G3 J9 0 IS 0 3 a 3 S) 9 121