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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1958)
o 12 Th Nwi-Rtview, RoMburg, Of. Wed. Feb. 26, 1958 3U , LONG TIME TIL CHRISTMAS Look' l'ke SanU will have to pack a special bag of front teeth when tx makes his deliveries up Winnipeg, Canada, way next Christmas. Turning on their best smiles are, front, from left, Cindy Falconer, Lorraine Koyal and Margaret Reid. Rear, from left, Jimmy Stevenson, Margaret Frampton and Georginia Hubert. Youngsters are second and third grade student (t Winnipeg's John M. Kuig school. I ff JCheyennel : v :: Dst Mointt ChicojAcitvelan .Pittsburgh rork tymtX . A , f6kiohorno City r?':-sl CSNF4IC ATTACK TARGETS'' The U.S. Navy, according to Rep. Clarence Cannon (D-Mo ) SVfe S ttat Russia eou.u missi.e "SSl to stage a "decisive" atomic attack on this country. Cannon, chairman of the House Appropr a. lions Committee, said such ships could rain devastation on any U.S. dty w. h.n 550 mile. (whit, areas on Newsmap) of either coast Forty-three of the nation's biggest cities and an 05 per cent of country's vital industry are located 1. than 500 mile, from tto AUintio rand Pacific coasts. Cannon said there normally were about 75 undientitled ships within 500 mil" of the U.S. coast at any given time. JI9 fc.ay.ja.,.-.. fnl fnl Ik HORSE OF A DIFFERENT C0L0R-A veteran cortege mount left. " recruiU as they're trained to pull a caisson at the Army's Third Infantry Caisson Section head quarters. Fort Meyer. Va. Black horses are slated to replace the traditional gray animals for some ceremonial duties at Arlington National Cemetery. Portland Markets Tuesday PORTLAND PRODUCE PORTLAND I Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 60-63 cents per lb: first quality. 57-60: second quality, 52-55. Butter Wholesale, i.o.D. Dun cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 scVe, 59V; A grade, 92 score. M'i; B grade, 90 score, 57; (J grade, 89 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-481b; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43VV53V4. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 43-44; A large, 38-40; AA medium, 37-38; A medium, 35-37 AA small, 29 33. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To producers AA large, 33-35'i; A large, 30-32".; A medi ums, 26-30' i: AA small. 22-28 '-i Live poultry No. 1 fryers, 234-4 lbs, 22 at farm; light hens, 11-12 at farm; heavy hens; 18-19 at the farm; old roosters, 7-8. Rabbits Average to growers Live whites, 3'i-4V lbs, 22-25; col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed fryers to retailers, 59-61 cut ud. 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis. '.' blood, 95-1.00; blood, 1.07-10; V4 diooii. l.iJ-is; line, Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice 500-700 lb, 44.00-46.00; good, 42 00- 45.00: standard, 38 50-42.00: com mercial cows. 37.00-39.00; utility. 36 00-38.; canners and cutters, 34.0O-37.0O. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind Quarters. 48.00-52.00: rounds 49 00- 52 00; full loins, trimmed. 63 00- 67.00; forequarters, 40.00 - 42 00; chucks, 44.00-46.00; ribs, 50.00- 56 00. Lambs Choice 49.00-51.00; good, all wts, 46.00-50.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 120-170 lb, 33.50-35.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lb. 54 00-57.00; shoulders, 16 lb, down, 35.00-37.00; sparerihs, 50 00-54 00; tresn nams, iz-16 lb, 52.00-55.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts, 42.00-58.00; standard 40.00 51.00. Produce Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets, 100 lb, 3.00-50; bakers, 100 lb, oz min, 3.75-4.00; 12-16 oz, 4.25 50: Idaho Russets, No. 1, 100 lb, 4.00-25. Onions Ore. west district Dan vers, 50 lb, med. 2.00-25; Ige, 2.75 3.75; Texas whites, lge, 6.00-25; med, 4 00-25. 1 , sftasw ... . ' .w artw. -iv - i SERGEANT'S TEST FLIGHT The Army i new "Sor geant" missile blasU off during a test flight at the Missila. proving Grounda in White Sands, W. M. The "Sergeant," 1 solid fuel auccessor to the "Corporal," is a ground to ground missile able to carry a nuclr warhead with a "high degree of reliability and accuracy," according to the Army, and lti guidance aystem "ia Invulnerable to any known means of enemy countermeasure." Former Gov. Lee Renews Attack On Income Tax OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams V ( MAW'S DRESIM'j . l IL OH.SHENEEPNT ) HAi i y UP AM1 SHE 4 C l3 ) HAVE GOtOE-TO V" n J ft,' V ! I ,j& I TOL' WE T'TELL , (i I ALL THAT TROUBLE ) .( Nift) ! L J , . 7VA VAT'SETDOWM " I JUST FOR us-- J vy"va ir tv A? BEAT ? V HOW'S fOUR -. 'V'". ' -v hM V; YtV HOME.' JT S' A MA BEEW? f fausm MOMEWT5 WE'P LIKE TO LIVE OVER THE SUMKEM &OFA WITH A SHAWL CAMOUFLAGE T M. Kt O k Pa. OH. 'P" oj ttf SeT-. Wv. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND (.ft ( USD A) Cattle 839; the Joint Council 28 of Team sters; the Western Conference of Teamsters; Local 370 of the In ternational Union of Operating salable 300: fullv steaitv- Inari inri I Enmneers. and the International several part loads choice fed , Union of Operating Engineers, steers 26.25; good steers 25.00-! The strike from April 5 to June 28 00: standard 23.00-24.50; load 6, 1956 involved employee demands mostly choice fed heifers 24.75; 1 for free bus transportation from good heifers 23.00-24.00: utility and '. the North Richland bus terminal commercial cows 17.00-20.00; can-! to the worksite inside the Plan ners and cutters 13 50-15.50, heavy Contractors Sue , Five Labor Units I For $638,500 SPOKANE Wi The Morrison Knudseu Co. started arguments this week to show it is entitled to damages irom live lauor urgamza- word tions for a 1956 strike on a con- 2 aays par word struction job at the Hanford atom- 3 ani ic works project. 4 days p,r wor(j Federal Judge Sam Driver, who 1 5 days per word is hearing the arguments, ruled 6 days per word last June 10 thai the tnree-montn strike was a breach of labor agree ments. The company has filed suit for $638,500 damages from the Inter national Brotherhood of Team-1 Firs, insertion per col Inch .. $160 sters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen ; RepeQt insertion, per col. Inch 80 and Helpers of America Local ; , ,nch 0 month $20 80 Real Estate 1 Classified Section MAGNESS REAL ESTATE KERE YOU could b Independent for life with fruit, hens and tardea. Clot to REAL FISHING. 10 acre of fre oil. Le 4 bdrro, home with bai ment. chicken he, barn. Can you af ford to,pa this by at lloo? Owner will conuder a car as part down pay ment. ANOTHER opportunity 3 bedrm ranch tyle. Plater. oak floor, all n I c Urge rooms. Inside utilny, attch. gar age, lie. lot. a bargain at 11,W30. Let's talk terms. HFRE It Is! 3U0 down on contract with 63 per month with 8'4 interest in cluded, will buy this real close In lge. 3 bdrm. view home, fireplace, bae ment. plaster, city sewer, paved st. Priced at -MW0. This is a real oppor tunity for the ambitious on. FULLERTON School District . nearly new and ip ruling with personality, elegant wall to wall carpeting in Urge living rm. and separate dining rm. Lovely fireplace with mahogany pan eling. Spacious kitchen with eating space, oversized utility, 3 bedrooms. Attached garage. This Is truly an op portunity at only $13,700. FHA terms. NICE to move into. Extra clean 3 bdrm. home. You will appreciate the attrac tive appearance both Inside and out. Hdwd. floors, extra lge lot. on sewer and paved st. PRICED RIGHT 1U. 500. (500 dn. to Federal Gl. NEW with a view, overlooking river. 3 bedrooms, family room, entrance hall, sunken living room, dining rm, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces Many advantages not listed. $1B,800. "We Can Always Use Another Good Listing" ORCHARD 3-5340 918 S. E. Washington (between Jackson & Main) Eve St Sundays Martha Min ton OR 3-1979 Millard or Marion Magness OR 3-3017 $200 D0Wty Modem 1 bedroom pl.stereb hum, on 100x200 It lot. Carport, fireplace, pav ed itreet froptage. S6430. Discount for cash. Dick Stevcnaon. OR 3-4020; eve ning. OK 3-U744. CLASSIFIED RATES 5c 7e 9c lie 12c 13c Line, ad, per line o day 18c Lint od, repeat insertion, per dav 9c Lint ad. per line, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING Real Estate 1 Valley Real Estate Business Opportunity 2 Richfield Oil Corp. West Coast Exclusive Marketer of Boron Gasoline No Unemployment Here vrt "Uinnir.uiv ,.v tt Hi' all profits Poultry selup at edee of Has service station available In the Roeebur Imt r.ght for driveln mark-' "ST8 For 'n'ormatlon. call et. Nice modern improvementa. Lay-! J-B344. ers. pullets and baby cmrks along. with all equipment, sio.oou. Think: Only S2.000 down and you hav, a home, I Nattopol Classified Advertising 25c per line, no repeat rate 5c per word, no repeot rate DEADLINE .s: tos 11:00 A. M. day previous to publication CANCELLATIONS L'P TO a:3t A. M. ADJUSTMENTS Holstein cutlers to 17.00 Calvei salable 50: fully steady: choice vealers 31.00-33.00; good vealers 27.00-30 00. Hogs salable 250; butchers steady to 25 lower; sorted No. 1-2 grades 22.75-23.00; mixed grade lots 22.00-50 ; 300-500 lb sows 16.00 20 00. Sheep salable 200; choice slaugh- ford barricade area, and for lSOla- If your advertisement appears Ineorreet- ry. nolity us immediately we win not tion pay. LEGAL CASE NO. S7t CITATION IN TIIK CIKCIIT COURT or THE K T ATE Or OKKCiON HR THE coi ntv of mu m. Aft ikohatb DEPAKTMfc.NT ter Iambs 23.00-M; deck of woole d j J5 J?'itaB,,Tuh Adoptkm sraticmer iambs late Monday, To hfnry harold smith: 24. 00; good slaughter lambs 22.50-1 in the name of the state of 23.00; good and choice feeders -Oregon, you are herrby cited and 19 50-22 00; cull to Rood slaughter JLiLJ! JL ewes 4.00-9.50. entitled proceedinss shall not be made: in the iaid proceedings It la proponed that Haby Girl Smith who was born September 21. 157. and who is the child of Hrnry Harold Smith and Ka- 5-day shipment, bulk, eoatt 0.n.7. d?.p.?!.an-?: delivery; required to appear and show caue as Oats, No. 2, 38-lb white 49 50 d within four 4 weeks of the Karlnv Kn 9 di U R U7 IT cn,ilBl of the first publication hereof; and 5, 'i. U V, .7 450 " you " to do the said Walter Lorn, ISO. 2, fc.Y. Sh p t 53.75-54.25 Dee Martin and Inesa Martin will apply U'hntit Kifl tn i. a I to the Court for the relief prayed for wncat (bid) to arrive market, ta , ,! on fn. herein 1 UU1K, aeiiverea Coast: WITNESS the Honrable Charles Soft White PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND Coarse grains. be responsible for more than ona tn correct insertion. Such responsibility Is limited to refund of price paid or cor rect Insertion of advertisement REFUNl.S WILL NOT HE HELD IIOBE TUAW M OXTI Real Estate 1 Soft White (excluding Rex) White Club Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 10 per cent 11 per cent 12 per cent Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2 25 ' Woodrlrh. JudRe of the above-entitled 2 25 fiXed this 27th day of January, 1W5JL. 2.25 ATTEST: 1 CHAKLES DOERNF.R. County ( Clerk, 2 33! BvlNA VPDECRAFT. Deputy 2 33 ! First published this 29th day of Jan 2 3j uary, 10S8. 2.35 SHORT REALTY $100 Down PLUS moderate clnsins costs to Feder al GI with Kood credit- 1 BR plus den and roomy living room with cir culating fireplace. Built-in range and oven. 2 car garage. On paved street. Only 3 yrs. old. Call for further in formation. Farms & Ranches WE HAVE several good ranches and from S to 15UO acres. Some good build ing lota also. Priced from 150. Cafe And Tavern EQUIPMENT, fixtures, business and lease all vourn for $4,000 total prica. Plenty parking. A good location Low down payment or contracts accept able. U Can Own This FOR LEASE Service Station Garage REASONABLE rental includes most equipment, living quarters for two, and space for potential coffee shop. Small investment necessary for storlt and accessories. Interested parties call. OR 3-5634; evenings OR 3-3177. $15,000 Business Building ALL TJ GOTTA do U flrure V can. ATTRACTIVE. 4-room office building. Like our grandson, Brucie. age 3, put, modern lighting, gas furnace, tile It: 'Let m fiBur how it to hard floors. Lare parking lot. On main to do. it s simple " 3 bedroomer in thoroughfare Out-of-state owner here Winston S4.500. On 48XJ15 oot lot Valley Real Estate 1117 SI STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-4055 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Pocock OK 3-6259 Salesman & Broker Scone OR 3-3tt62 this Keek only. OR 3-6204. NICE busineu for man and wife on busy highway. Clean stock, long leave. Sacrifice for quick sale. Good reasons for selling. For Information phone OR 2-1952. Rooms For Rent 3 NEED ROOM? JO ANN'S BOARDING HOME. Delic ious home cookina: Private room and board $22. week or n5. month. Lota of parking space. 4209 SW Carnes RrtaH nrun r.atrlrt OP ttaf SEE THIS 4-bedroom. den. handy kit- 5oTf-j RnsrnvncTVrim, chen. large dining room, living room. " Rlabl. ?It Jli ' i JST na bath. Inside utility. Attached garage. I aVa 9 "tet 513 fit OR Street, sewer and water. All for 10,-' Z-B1H'( 000. WARM rooms, close in. Private bath. Spruce. at foot of Washington. iM. c"" 864 s7spu"r . .... - - . . l-.c with barn. Very neat 2-bedroom nnf'M.! ',P'-roora- Cl ta" home. Also city water. Will i SLEEPING ROOMS. OK 3-6154. Private entrance. Family Room $12,600 NEW 3-bedroom. birch and tile kitchen. ' Rn v rS n r a r jVt r, .. . t k ., Tile bath; plastered: hardwood floors. , "mJJlJ, qH i?-Sto " water. SI .500 down. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 N E. Stephens Dial OR 2-3172 i Charm and Beauty PLUS 3 good sized bedrooms. Extra larg living - dining combination w brick fireplace Nice ard with Datio I 7, .i . , . , , ..." - . Isslii : THIS SPACIOUS Westslde. 3-bedroom noma emtdies all the desirable fea NOTIt'K Its. Luxury living at nominal cost. Full price 116.900 with terms open. See toaay 1 Notice If hereby given that the under 2 je Binned la the administratrix of the Ea rn . iai oi -ri . nnurrwn, Lmviara, a 1U pr Cent 2.25 pending probate proceeding in the Cir- 11 per Cent 2 25 cult Court ' State of Oregon for 12 oer cent Douglas County All creditors must pre ' sent claims to the administratrix or her Tuesday's Car rece.Dts: Wheat atUmeys. Johnson A Telfer. 220 S E 18: barley S- flour R- onrn i. .. . " Street. Grants Pasa. Oregon, within 1; mill feed 2. months from February 2tsth. 158 Mary Louise Anderson, Administratrix, Short Realty AOS 8.E. Cass Ave. Evenings call: Bob Dihman, salesman Jane Newport DlaJ OR S-SS34 OR OH 3-3442 Flash Extra NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT Notice hereby is Riven that the city Recorder, together with the committee on streets and sewers of the Common Council of the City of Koseburu. Oregon has made an apportionment of the total costs Of the ConstrtlCtion of what i Heiicnafprl si the I'mirt Slrppt ! Sanitary Sewer Improvement of ih I'nv of Rncphnra nnnulas Oi'ANT rfalty niids mora listiu SALT LAKE CITY - Former ' hl l1 J""tJ to or I Jj m.7r J XJL?,TZ. ' Utah (iov. J Bracken Lee the f '"e real property hereinafter and more particularly described,! . p- im and fom. buainesMs. . , ... . , . that said apportionment has been made and a proposed assess-' nation, most outspoken foe of the has , (m,d Mwen " , re,P.ctealotV .nd income tax, renewed his pitch parcels of land more particularly hereinafter described, in accord-l loi TiS kJ?P,, piin. ' on 2- Tuesday for outright repeal of the '"."' 'i'h the benefits to be derived by each of said lots and parcels' 1M 16th Amendment, which became !.'.'. 'aniV ..,. , , , . .. iveni.ngs or Sundays call: lav. in! 4 vnir a.v. "al ,he w,10,e co,t of 5ail Sewer Improvement is the sum of , , k law just 45 years ago. W.8t7 28 Th. share of said total cost apportioned to each lot or part L " H,ok r" OR Lee. national chairman of "for of lot or parcel of land benefited by said improvement, together I c""rl1 7 Mumby Phon. or j-tmb America, Inc ." an organization with the name of the owner or owners thereof, is set forth in exhibit i "iJ,,,',!,., "..d,ii f'tbl?: trying to ax the income tax. said attached hereto and hy said attachment and by this reference tnc di hjrasher and gnrhare disposal: sham fa pi.I aren't .,.IUIPrl made a part Of this notice j flat'tone wall with fireplace, lots of itiarp tax CUtS awn t enough. Any ohUrtlon. tn s.-.irl U t.- buHt-ins. r.replare and barbecue on fMtto $13,000 terms. OR 3-tUU4 or OR tures in Contemporary styling, over l-VM sq. ft. p4ui 26 x 26 separate 2-car garage, and plua 800 aq. tU separate hobby shop, rumpus room. etc. At tractive W6 X 115 corner The Informed buyer will want to see this exceptional value at tloO. Agreeable terms. LAITRELWDOD majestic older home, valued location; offers maximum in solid charm and dignity. Can be yours for 1.500 on suitable term HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. 446 NX. Jack son. CLEANrpiertileepingTooms." 6"n3-3940. ROOM. 1213 S E. Douglas. Apts. For Rent 4 OE BEDROOM. unfurnished apart ment. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next to Kohlhagen Apis. Call OR 3-,J44; MOTE LUNfTS All electric. With kitchens. $16 and $22 week. Ltnens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel 01d Highway 99 N. at Winchester Brldge - FULLY FURNISHED.- lrge. modern 1 room apL Heat and hot water fur ntihed Tub and shower. Large yard 4S .1004 NX Douglas Ava. Ph. OR 2-1377 BROCKWAY APARTMENTS Clean modern and close in Single and dou ble apartments at $23 and up. 846 SI Brockway Phona OR 2-3536 OR 3- 4.117. HUCREST home, 3 large bedrooms, spa cious and comfortable arrangement town owner uvs ll. S to anor-, NI.CE- 'r'- l-room duplex. cloU ciate. Fairly pneed at $18.3 Bank- "rr,B'ra,or' n.d able terms. NEAT AND COZY 1 -bedroom modem home Close to downtown. On river front lOOx ino lot. Separate garage Very appaling at just $4,300. $500 down to right party. Lee Jones Realty 433 w. Military Ave. OR: 2-2511 Harold Aickerson water and garhaee tervic furnihrt Couple only OR 3-4:iu5 after 4 P.M. or inquire 168 Cobb LOVELY LARGEl-bedinTapartment suitable for newly weda Completelr furnished: nice yard; paved street; sewrr $53 month. OR 2-3630 THRFE room furnmhed apt Water" and garbage paid Hat very economical. Garden Valley Blvd. at 1433 NW Fair-mont. Roseburg Realty made a part of this notice ir ).. :.i. . I.. . . ' .(ipn iiuiiiiirm ma w iiiouc u any imrr- rw riru wrsun 10 me lomnon touncil Of int? tltv of Knnhnri? and' i-mn cuiv. . .... n.... ... i.-mi .idiu iiy wiiiiiii ij uiys iituu tne aate ihkm bitdkuom modern contempor- A GOOD OPPORTUNITY If you want pndinK at the present level, it's of ttlc Pls,n o this notice. Said objections, if any. will be heard y home Long low. streamlined to live withm vour means and need my opinion that you will have fr'hhe n'JT"1 V " " 73 P'M Monday.) tfulwr.nd llZlrZ ...ri...- ,, March 10. 19m. or at urn tim thpmaftor tnav at that tim i j i D . -. , Dl carport, snop. rirep,ace. seer and iiiuir iiiiidiniii. wiiit (i rtriiiiiHiiY .... .. r ( tt-,.i,i ha, (,r n,A ,t...r. i . i-xeo: and CLEAN. 2 or 3 room furnished or unfuf. nihrd apt Close in. OR 3-8461 or OR 3-7016. t LARGE UPSTAIRS 1 -dr aorfPf TnT. rii-d part mei:. 3 blocks from city center. OR 3-7028 LAR(;E 2-bedroom apartment WsTer and garbage lervlce paid. Off-street parking OR 3-3410 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment'. Clean Tn ungle or couple $40. 8'i.t S E Sheridan. Apartment 4. OR 2-2870. NICELY furninhed 1 bedroomapt7 Llo d Apts. back of Star Tneatre, Inquire at Apt. 1 the American people." A longtime foe of the income tax. Let tried umtuccesfully to have it declared unconstitutional in his famous tax revolt. He didn't pay part of his l$S$ income tax. but (he government slapped a lien nn his a cents l.atar iTiruialt proved fruitli-M.' niADWIi'K The Ifilh Amomlmrnt. first pro-' i"n" Sl ,T-"si' M,'."er p,r.l in liHiS. was ratifie,! by all J.'T i'i , ' but live ..lair,. Utah anions tho " 'nVe;ln','nl in any event said objections will be heard before passage I ' OB 3-6m o( any ordinance assessing the eost of said improvement. uaiea ana urst posted this 30th day ot January. 19."8. Willma D. Hill City Recorder, Roseburg Douglas County, Oregon CITY OF ROSEBURG, OREGON COURT STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT dissenting, and was certified as Jeanette Sielert Milton 1. k l.uella M Sullivan The 31-word amendment prob- K 1L & Margaret Savage ably 11 the most expensive decree Kdward K. & Catherine Ruth in history and accounts for roughly j mitvll half tfce nation's 70-odd billion doi- Ctl KT STREET TRAITS lar budget this year, according to jhn K ;enevieve' Cox tees estimates. The former I tah Wi,.m R 4 u .M,c.'r governor blames the income tax N(.Tl Frances ft Ana Rose for everything from the present Morgan recession to government waste to Fdward N. Velma Richter feileral encroachment of states iWtTsr y A Jpnn,, y w,llon rlh"- PU KERSON S RKSI BI)I ISkiN "When we gave tha federal gov ' Albert E. k Mi'.Sred Joelai'n emiisjit the power, of unlimited, taxation, they then destroyed the right of' the stales to operates " themselves." he said. Jesa M A .irtha D. Hufxca LOT 1 IK 1 k 2 20 & pl. 21 22 k pt. 21 3 k pt. 2 , 1 pt. 2 ' M k B Vol. 117-309 BLOCK AMT. 2 404 82 404 R2 S14.74 4.S9 78 4;9 78 16 NICK 1 tM-droom hous. Garagr. patio. I laundrr room, hardwood floors, el.c. t trir hral On drad-?nd strrt in smm1 nnsnborhood nrsr lf S Plywood ! Rhd trrs and shniha. Good bur at 1 SS7W. SW0 down OR S.J078 ! TOR SALE or will Irase with option ' so Duy j-DMroom stucco noroc. nrw'ly rvdacorstcd; tare, living room, kitch.n and dining room, fiirnar hc.t. ntv watrr and svwairr. larc lot and locatrd on Civil tsrnd Road in Winston. Orfg-on Ph. OS 9-S4S8 t'PPFR Ol.Al.LA 105 acres. 5 tlll at,. large modern .l-bedroom home with tirrplaop. 1 good barna. 1 springs. Year round creels could irrigate Fam iU orchard. Must wrifiee. S12 0(10, iv rto n os a-54aT pTed street mcludtoV'sW lw , 0S?J2l '"X "Z down payment to part, ! S"1! JJ"V "'51. !!.! irb " Com In and se. ua personally. Roseburg Realty r- i cr insurance UMPQUA ROTE 1. LOBBY OR t . 1.144 OUR SERVICE DOfSNT COST IT PAYS" Near U. $. Plywood lot 1 Hi pl. lot 2. also a tirere litf' X 11' directly 15 t of sW Ixit 1 M k B Vol. 19S1M r u.' v r a a-ti t -rn a rr a 4.6 2h try ranch nattinf tl&n mo (or rn; 526 32 j ranch or diversified property. Writ for brochure or m Ph llp J. Norton. 41 n Philltp.Chino Calif FOR TRADE Torrance, California t 1 ' - furttiihed home, extra lot. t!4 N. f or Orron (vp ranch. Owner. IMl n?th St California poal furnished. 7.1J SE Pine. NEW. lam I bedroom apt Electrle itove and refrigerator. OR S-a-MS or OR 1-6130 HEATED, furniihrd apartmenti.- gmi'l and larire. Attractive. Adulta. IM S E Dougin Avenue TWO BFDROOM unfufnlahed arar. ment. EaiUlde. Call OR 3-JfHl after "RNISHEDptmentirfoTrent 10 to .V) Water and garbage furnished. I K).! S E. Pina St. ri'RMSHED or imfurnihed centrally located OR or OH THHFE ROOM-apt, near" achooPan4 tore OR J-30W2 r hn I5HFD, 3 - room apt Ul S. E. DI'E to illneM owner will aeU thia neat, Refrigerator, electric range, dining NICE. J room, Jurniahed apt. 730 BalU tat!e and 4 chair, muc furniture St- included Full price ST Should UKe M'HlERV 3 bdrooni furnthed apt" FHA or Federal GI J Liokingg:au OR a-TRi3 H.,,1, Dl. iDt PLEX APARTMENT-errilvli;. anoy Keaity Aduit can or 3-ie J W PUgy Phone J)RJ-54M CLEAN fumnhed 4-room apt Electle 52! rj PACE ROAD lot mXinO Th.rdW, WANTED l n..j naaj-suton. , TT, M Khool R R Sprmer . - , ... SM VU. furniahed apt, clt In. 11.19 OR 1-J d.. OR S-JU evenaiMa. "r - ecre-fe oT au iiea.' Main 1 WH.I. 5F1.L equity in 4 nedroom hue th reniaJ hour and 1 a-re iih L.w. , - " 1 TRr,S-u,.T-,n-old,rf,l "NISHtD .p.. im st SI bejmm home plaa- t Inaepenj,,,,.. Comrr k.t . ss - . ' Sered. hsnlwood Hoots : .r,r . fru ,nd ut trw, TWO bedroom furnished apartment Off ej.ej ' " 10.1MJ. nni0 I g.rnen , Trade for rat or I street p.rk mg Ph . OR 1.J4I0 1 11- -a '"l,TO'' HOM on I's acr. iSSnd j trstor Koseburg Bo not). Tipton Ci r.N 3 saam fuii.l s-tmen and river property Hoseburg Realtv vs ta-I v , ... 1 i J, Co. L mpuu. Ho,.,, ok TPL't C,T Road, or Phone OR 3-34M V a Po w.wvl phoi l'.s8 o 6,3 O G3 0