0 p v m IT'S THt MOST! mars mugMM I muuv wtt inrooviei Aca demy of Sciences mapped out Fri day a prosram to spend 18.200, Ooo.OOO rubles (about 4 biUion dollars) allotted for scientific de velopment in 1938. The amount 10 per cent higher than the 1957 appropriation. LAST 4 DAYS SHOCK ABSORBER SPECIAL FEBRUARY SPECIAL REGULAR 10.35 95 L0CKW00D MOTORS Corner of Rose & Oak St. , "!.. i. ; . ", ---t . - i . -f I v.. W.--jr, ;-.-. Jy ?... -'I v.. - - f - ' .; " - . I Mon. Ftb. 24, 1958 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 JOSEPH LANE JUNIOR HIGH girl tumblers will be among participants Tuesday night in, a demonstration by students in physical education of their class work. The "gymkhana," to be held in the school gym, will include boys and girls in such activities os calisthenics, aerial' darts, rope jump ing, relays, rhythms, volleyball, marching and tumbling. ine girls above ore doing the "ongle pyramid" routine. rsj,Anno MaV Hoyt and James Freeman are instructors T j rge' The JosaPh Lon Bond. directed by Rolph Anderson, will furnish music for the demonstration The gymkhono" will start at 7:30 p.m. It is open to the public and free of chorge. (Jack Hausotter) ROSEBURG, ORE PH OR 3-5553 TV FREE test your radio and TV tubes on Wards automatic tube analyzer The simplest, fastest tube checker yet developed loborotory accuracy. And, save money with Ward replacement tubes. In Words Service Department. Clendale PO Announces New Street Collection Box By MRS. GERALD B. FOX private mausoleum at a cost of Howard Edson. Glendale post-less than ground burial, master, announced this week the i Spaces for two. in a mausoleum Post Office Department has in- such as this are not, in most cas stalled a street collection box for es, as high as the cost of an av automobile service at the corner era ge sized tombstone which is of Pacific Ave. and Third Street, 1 placed on a grave lot. Mausoleums by the Glendale Garage. Pickup are being built in ever - increasing uuiiiuera in mans sections of the uniiea stales and Canada. nours are 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m Plant Mausoleum Allen Kesinger of Glendale an nounced this week that he has taken options to purchase land in one section of the Glendale Ma sonic Cemetery and that final ar- further details on the project will be published when they are avaiiauje. Enters Hospital Woody Poole of Glendale entered the Josephine General Hospital in i - .C i. -i . '""'i'" uranis rass last weeK for surgery iui me ouuumg oi a community i'uole had been ill since he was mausoleum on the property. Kes- struck by a log which went to rnger. formerly employed in the, pieces at the Dollar Plywood Ven ?i Pfa,,erson offlee ln Clen-jeer Plant in December He is re- y... .manic mm uiaie me i ponea to ne doing well mausoleum. I Mrs. Clifford Miller nf r.lnnrfl Kesinger further stated that en- also underwent surgery at the Jo- luiiiuiuriu oi mis type nas Deen : sepnine general Hospital last week 100 expensive lor tne average person until recently; now, how ever, when operated upon a com munity basis, where many desire space, it gives the protection of a New Owners! New Location! BIBLE BOOK CENTER 41 S S. t. JACKSON "FOR ALL SPIRITUAL NEEDS" Church ond Sunday School Supplies, Bibles, Christian Books, Cords ond Gifts. J. I. Newberry I Violet Newberry Roseburg, Oregon OR 3-7010 Gavin Smith of Glendale under went a further check-up at a hos pital in Eugene recently, and lat er he and Mrs. Smith and their imam daughter went to Sweet Home where they visited for three days with her sister, Mrs. Claude Brown. K L KORET OF CALIFORNIA Timeless Beauty... No care fashion! BLOUSE White with turquoise trim and White "T AO with Rose Trim. Sizes 10 to 16 .70 SKIRT Beautiful turquoise or rose colored in AO skirts. Sizes 10 to 16 I Z.70 19 Cub Scouts Receive Awards Nineteen boys received varioui awards Friday as Wilbur-Winchester Cub Scouts held their Blue and Gold Dinner at Winchester School gymnasium. Ronald Leet received a lion badge, one gold arrow and three silver arrows. Stephen Tidwell received a wolf abdge, one gold arrow and two silver arrows. Wolf badges went to the follow ing boys: Larry Means, Clair Mor gan, Douglas McCorey, Willard Whitten, Shannon Davis, Tom Sos kit, Floyd Pasch, Lane Bartlett, Ronnie Johnson and Dennis John son. Mike Sullivan and Larry Ding received wolf badges and denner bars. A gold arrow went to Lar ry Forest,, while bobcat awards went to Philip Talburt, Jack Shoe maker. Stephen Croswaite and Clifford Cuse. I 1957 E3 16 'M'"" 38,500 EE2J i 1 "i . . ... c-rr I 1 ,0'uw jfin 16,000 'INCLUDES SOME ALSO SHOWN AS WORK AND HOME DEATHS TRACIC TABULATION Ac cidental deaths last year, paced by highway slaughter, totaled some 200 more than in 1956. reports the National Safety Council. But because of popu lation increase the rate was down to an all-time low of 55 8 per 100.000. Nevertheless, one out of every 18 persons in the U.S. suffered a disabling injury in 1957. The estimated economic loss from accflents, both fatal and non-fatal, was put at almost 12 billion dollars. Holmes Criticizes The Policies Of Administration SALEM I Gov. Robert D. Holmes Saturday criticized the policies of the Eisenhower admin istration m dealing with the re cession and unemployment. "The wait-and-see-if-it-gets-bet-ter policy . . is. I think, highly dangerous and offers very little to the man who is now without his weeKiy paycheck," Holmes said. Gov. Holmes made the state ment after receiving a reply from President Eisenhower to a tele gram which Holmes and a num ber of other governors sent him, urging a speedup in federal works projects. The President's telecram in Holmes said, in part: "1 believe that the underlying growth factors in the economy remain vigorous and every indication is that they will re-assert themselves later. Our history shows that economic recovery and growth is not a mat ter of Washington stop-gap pana ceas. It is as necessary to avoid doing the wrong things as to do the right one." DOC LICENSES Deadline March 1st Oakland Soldier Takes Part In Airborne Task Army Sp 3 C. John D. Snyder, 20, son of Mrs. Jesse Young, Oak land, recently participated in a tac tical training maneuver with the 11th Airborne Division in Germany. A military policeman in Head quarters Company of the division's Command and Control Battalion, Snyder parachuted into i mock en emy area and helped capture "ag gressor" targets under simulated combat conditions. A 1955 graduate of Oakland High School, he entered the Army in April of 1955 and ar rived in Europe in February of 1956. Bladder 'Weakness' I! orrwd by "Blftdder Weakneu" icict Uoc Up Night or Brd Wfftttnf. too fr- Surnl. burning or Itching urlnotlool or tronr fimrllinr. Oloudr Urlnt. duo r common Kidney and Bliddtr Irrluttono. irj OYSTKX lor quick hflD. JO cri uu prort tofrtr tor younf and old. Ajk drui flal for CYSTEX undir montr-bocs guar antoa. a tow laat you laprovt. GUNNER ASSIGNED Pvt. Jimmie L. Sellers, son of Walter T. Sellers, Winston, recent ly was assigned to the 11th Air borne Division in Germany. Sellers, a gunner in Comnanv A of the division's 76th Tank Battal ion, entered the Army in July of 1956. His mother Lives in Jackson, Miss. 1 Personalized Service "The Skinners" Bookkeeping AND Income Tax Service NOTARY PUBLIC 427 S. I. Main OR 2-1931 Eve. by Aoooiittment Phono OR 2-1943 Permanent Location f Hoara rrro Parking by froarnllng Tarklng Ticket tram Aaalr"a Lot Be Sure. ..Get the Quality Leader! Oualitv Leaderff 1 19- fa iaaAateanataMMaaiMsaafatg Look to Langandorf Broad for: A DEUCIOUS "OVEN FRESH" FLAVORI -pV WONDERFUL TOAST AND SANDWICHES) pV extra nutrition for entire familyi ic more proteins, milk solids, vitamins! NOW Langcndorf's special "Stay Fresh blue wrapper assures 5-dajr freshness. Get several loaves at your grocer's. LANGEND0RF BREAD the Quality leader Wilbur Soldier Active In Alaskan Maneuvers Army Pvt. David W. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hamilton, Wilbur, is participating in maneuvers with the 9th Infan try at Fort Greely, Alaska. Hamilton, 18. is a 19S7 graduate of Koseburg High School. The man euvers are taking place at what is described as one of the coldest spots on the North American con tinent. After entering the Armv in June of 1957, Hamilton completed bas ic training at Kort Ord, Calif., and now is a regular gunner at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska. ADD BEAUTY & COMFORT. Milled. Sportsweor 2nd Floor Fashions See "Wash 'N' Wear" Demonstration Models WS 51 ond DO 58 MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY March 3-4-5 from 2-3P.M. Miss Beverley Lyons Home Economist for COPCO will demonstrate the d.fferent WASH 'N' WEAR FABRICS in a matched set of Umpquo Valley Alliance's Frigidaire "Wosh'N' Wear Pair, in our Down air$ Store. 0 e) " - - - i - v.- - Officers Are Installed By Camp Fire Croup Officers were installed and anon- sors were honored at a meeting of the Ches-ka-may Camp Fire Girls held early this week. New officers include l.inda En gle, president; Christi Bean, vice president: Mareta Honn. secre tary; Karen Martin, treasurer; Janice Kiimmert, song leader and Carol Coomes, scribe. Membership cards were riistrih- uled to members who marie and brought cookies with them to the meeting. The left - over cookies were taken to the Roseburg Vet erans Hospital the following day. Sparkman Proposes Plan To 'Untainr' COP Fund WASHINGTON B Sen. Spark man (D-Ala said today the only way the Kcpuhiieans can "un taint" SI0O.0UO raised at a contro versial Texas GOP dinner "is to get it out of political channels en tirely." "They had better give it to some educational fund," Sparkman said in an interview. He was commenting on an an nouncement by the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee Friday that it had been mfurmed it will not be offered any part of the money raised at the dinner in Houston on Feb. 10. Mow At Suiters... EY DOWN Mp To 60 MOMS, TO MY M0N A FULL 5 YEARS! NO MORTGAGE REQUIRED! Present Mortgage No Hindrance! '51 CADILLAC "62" 4 door. IIH. Hydra. moHc Jot block finish. To. lor. od toot covon. Whifo woll tirof. ' W kovo f round tho vol voi ond roplocod rho volvo Itfttrs horo in our shop. Como nd try todof. NOW ... 1095. Si Dillard Motor Co. A Good Place Te Do lutineai UNCOLMMKICUar SALES ft SIRVKI Stephens at Dewlet St. These new, longer terms moke this the REALLY modern, EASY way to have those needed home im provements and repairs RIGHT NOW! Take longer to pay, up to 5 full years. No cosh needed, no mort gage required AND a present mortgage is no hind rance. You can enjoy any and all remodeling WITH OUT undue strain on your budget or future earnings. FOR COMPLETE IN FORMATION, AS SISTANCE, 60 MONTH FINANC AND NEEDED MAT ERIALS, COME IN OR CALL TODAY. NO OBLI GATION WHATSOEVER. Mm Do If Yourself - or w will contract entire job. All labor and materials can b financed. murms "SAV AT SUITERS" BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. rtwM os tun Complete Kitchen Remodeling our Specialty. Ask for a free estimate. 0 0 8o o 0 6S) e O