o Koseburg Lions In raw k vf'-' tffr r Si WES JACKSON of the Roseburg Indians lets loose with o two-pointer in action seen Fri day in the Roseburg gym. Roseburg went on to down the Cottage Grove Lions 41-15 in a District 5-A-l basketball tilt. Tom Wicks (10) of the Lions is shown almost helping Jackson off the floor, while Tom Barrong (20) of the Indians and several other players look upword in hopes of toking the rebound (Poul Jenkins). DISTRICT 5-A-l w Springfield T Roseburg 5 South Eugene i North Bend 3 Marshfield 3 Cottage Gr. 0 L Pet PF PA .875 339 3.15 .825 361 328 .825 414 342 .429 324 327 .429 3.19 338 .000 287 450 By BOB MONROE Naws-Raviaw Sports Writer Slow, slower and slower yet. That was the tempo of the Dis trict 5-A-l basketball game play ed on the Indians maples Friday night between the Koseburg In dians and the Cottage Grove Lions. The final score favored the In dians by a 41-15 count in one of Ihe dullest games seen on the Indian floor in several years. Collage Grove elected to take only 22 shots from Ihe floor for the game, hilling on four of them for a .182 average, as they control led the ball for the greater por tion of the game. Roseburg on Ihe olher hand was able Io get off only 37 shots, but connected on 17 of them for a 4R0 average. An average first quarter ended with Roseburg out In front 11-7, hul here the game turned into a walk as the Lions were able tn hit Ihe nets for only eight points the rest of the game. ; After collecting two field goals in the first quarter Cottage Grove1 failed to connect from the field until late in Ihe third quarter, when Gary Kronherger and Clark Peier aon added the final two. Dribble Around In between field goals, Ihe Lions I elected to slall Ihe ball by doing : almost nothing except ririhhling ! outside of Ihe Indian defense. The Indians potted four field goals in the first quarler alone, with W4a Jackson hilling two of them along with a free throw, to lead the Tribesmen In their first period advantage. In Ihe second period Roseburg added eight more points to its to tal, while the Lions were content ' Two Local Mat men Make Only two wrestler from Iuji- , las County maile the champion-1 ship bracket after the ftrt riay i action of the stale wrestlint! tour nament being held in Corvallis. Felix Haitdaii- of Rnseburn and Jerry Pcrer of Sutherlin made the semi final round of the meet by rolling over two first day oppo nents. Three wrestlers. Don Green and Frank Walter;, of Rosehurc and I.aylon Ferguson of Sutherlin, of, 13 "county entrant, were eliminal-i ed in the first day's action. Still in the running for consola lion honors are Rirss Pinard, and i-.B- Simons of Roseburg; Gordon Avery. Alan Barnes, Durrell t'.i- f:ear and Tom liilman of Suiher m; Ed Cearlev of Myrtle Creek and Dan Densley of Glendale. Each one of these wrestler drop-, ped his first round matrh, but ha' a chance to com up through the lower brackets for either third or fourth place. CORVAI.IJS ,r The Oregon' hijih nchool wrestling tournament continued here Saturday with New berg and Sweet Home favored after the opening round of IM matches. , The Saturday schedule calls fori 104 more matches with champion-1 hip bouts scheduled for night i Sweet Home had eight men left for further iion. including nnt J9.S7 champion. Newberg, drfeod-i inf tithst. qualified five men. lames Weird 41-15 Tilt 11 with single free Ihrows by Tom Wicks and Jim Perkins, Jackson, with four points and Larry Sloan with three were lop Roseburg scor ers for the period, which ended 19-9 for the Indians. Playing a light lone defense in Ihe third quarter, Roseburg hit for another eight points, while Cot tage Grove opened up somewhat and nabbed its other two field goals. The quarter ended with the Indians out in front 27-13. With Indian reserves playing most of the fourth quarter, the Lions still circled to slall the hall and were cut olf wilh only single free Ihrows by Perkins and Skip McCoy. Sloan dropped five points through the hoop to get the In dians off Io a fast start in the fi nal period and Rod Hoenisch camej in In drop four quick points through the hoop to end the game. In the fourth quarter alone. Rose-1 burg scored 14 points, one less 1 than the Lions were able to gar ner for the entire game. j All 11 of the Indians on lhe bench entered inln Ihe contest, while Cottage Grove used only six men. Few Fouls Fouls in the slow moving game were at a minimum, with both teams being called down only sev en times Out of their II chances at the basket, Collage Grove drop ped thimich seven, while Rose burg cashed in on seven out of eight. Sloan with 13 points led all scorers, with Jackson also adding 11. Kronherger and Perkins each had five points to pace the Lions attack. Cottage Grove and Roseburg will both he idle until next week end, when Ihe two cluhs will meet Norlh Bend and Marshfield. Hose burg will he at home to Norlh Bend on Friday and will travel In meet Marshfieid in the season's final on Saturday Cottage Orovt IS: Srhmitl, Kron herger 5, Wicks 2, Roe, Perkins 5, McCoy 1, Peterson 2. Redmond enlered the largest contingent, wrestlers, hut nine of them lot I in the opening round Rill Keller. Sweet Home. 1al year 18 - pound title winner. ; mocd into Ihe t0 pound cla with a decision oxer Fred English, MoMla Harry Schneider , I'anhv, began defense of hi 157-pound litle with a decision oer Larry Hoover of Lincoln High of Portland. Friday's results included' j JM Pounds Dave Payne. Sweet Home, pinned Rill Barber. On j tral Point, ;t 16. 2. Larry Walcsin.j Tillamook, fi t decision over Sam Ware. Willametie (Eunenet; Mike Holmes. Gietham. 64 decision nrr G ni don Awry. Sutherlin; Boh I.acome. Grants Pas. 7-2 de cision oxer Rill Price. HiUshorn; Ru (aha. Samh, .11 decision over Tom F.r i kson, Lebanon. KM Pounds-l.yle McFarland.1 Klamath Falls, 6 2 decision over Jack Worley, Grant (Portland-; ! Rov Bessey. Redmond, 7 2 deci sion over Frank Waller. Rose but g; Joe McFat land, Scappoose, 1 pinned Tom HHvnes, North Sa-1 lem, 5 00. 1 ; Bill' Keller, Sweet Home. 6 2 derision over Fred' Fnglih. Molalla; Fein Raddati,, Roteburg. 7 2 decision over Jerry lcitr. Beaverton. 11S Pound Larry Bender. ; Klamath Falls. M decision over b,.k vii.. ki..tii-. d . . . . bum- a, mi, ii'iniii, mill r 7 7 'ft Redmnnd. It 4 riiriinn CUn lnselman. Sweet Home; Tren Alii-1 rt visiu Roseburg 41: Sloan 13, Jackson 11, Barrong 5, Steele 1, Cripps i, Hoenisch 4, Bradley 2, Beamer, Meredith, Flury, Myers. Halftime; Roseburg 19, Cottage Grove 9. Officials: Zarosinski and Essil slyn. Indian Jayvce Posts Victory The Roseburg jayvee basketball team nabbed an easy 56-34 victory over Ihe Cottage Grove Lions, Fri day night in Ihe Koseburg gvm, racing out to an early lead and nev er in serious trouble. Rill Mundt was the Ihnrn in the Collage Grove side in Ihe first quarter as he cnllecled 11 points in leaning tne Indians to a 15-6 lead. Mundt added eight more in the second quarter" as Rosehurg left Ihe floor at Ihe intermission break wilh a 2916 advantage With Lynn Baxter and Pele Pe Irrson hitting the nets for li points each in the thud quarter, Uoscliuig moved to a 42 24 bulge and then played nut the rest of the game with reserves. Mundt. alter his hot first half, was held to only one point for the rest of Ihe game, but still finished as high point man for both learns with 20 points. Baxter also chipped in with 14 for the Indians Brands ness was high for Cottage Grove with 10, eight of them in Ihe first half The Indians hit on 10 out of 16 from Ihe free throw line, while Ihe Linns collected on eight out of 13. Cottage Grove 34: Carr 4, Bramlsness 10. Hansen 5, Lee 3, Zuvish. Manewal 2. Shepard 7, Syein 3. Miller, Dailey, Wiscarson. Rotobueg So: Roberts 5, Peter son 7. Mundt 20. BaMer 14. 1 nrrn 7cn 2. Davis 1. Kndicnlt 4 Miller 3. Srott, Tomashrk, Withnell, Mont gomery. Halftlme: Roseburg 29. Cottage Grove 16 Officials: Monroe and F.cklund. son, Greham. 3 2 decision over Al Barnes. Sutherlin; Rod An drews. Sweet Home. 4 3 decision over Dan Oenslev. Glendale; Jer ry Perez. Sutherlin, pinned lbniiy Rankin. Yamhill, 1 ..V 2. 12.1 oinds Vein Humble. Hills horn, pinned Larry Neet, Spring field. 1 4. 2; Jack Payne, Sweet Home, pinned Jim Sehullz, Klam ath Fall. 1 .S9. 1; Gilbert Rob erts, Klamath Falls, 92 decision over Mike Heenan. Sherwood; lurrell Gigear, Sutherlin, 4 1 de rision over Dave Kuhish. Sweet Home. t:tn Pounds I.eroy Swart o u t, Molalla. pinned Ron Valle, Grants Pa. r.V), 2. Boh Jones,, Benson (Portland', SO decision over Le roy Williams. Springfield ; Lee i'onwav, Newberg. 21 decision over Richard Johnson. O r a n t s Pass; Terry Kawamoto. Eta eada. 7 .1 decision over Ray Dennv. South Eugene; Jack Mai ick. Lebanon. 7 decision over Ralph Wdson, Franklin (Port land). LWt Pounds Dan Adams, North Salem, S-3 decision aer Bruce Glenn. South Eugene; 1' a r r o I Moore, Hillshoro. 2 0 decision over Jerrv Hull. Grants Pass; Richard Bvrd. Grants Pass, referee s deci sion e$er I ay ton Ferguson, Suth erlin Ml Pounds George Brown. Jefferon (Portland1. 6 3 dec i inn over i ee Franklin. South Salem; Scott Gibson, Springfield. I I deci sion over 1-arry Alexander. Klam tt. 1 o o 12 The News-Review, Roieburg, Elkton, Days Creek Squads Nab Final B League Contests DOUGLAS B LEAGUE W L Pet. PF PA 2 .818 567 447 .667 629 559 .5110 6119 647 .364 488 526 .167 579 683 Second place Klkton and fourth place Days Creek each walked olf( with Douglas B league victories Friday night, but both of them came the hard way. Elkton vis forced into two over times before downing third place Camas Valley, 54-52, while Days Creek edged Canyonville, 44-41, in the final minule of play. ! League leading Yoncalla was idle, but will wind up in league play Saturday night by hosting the Days Creek Wolves in the final league i game of the season. All three oth-' er teams have finished regular league play. Elkton 54, Hornets 52 A short jump shot by Ralph Beal in the second over time pe riod, gave the Elklon Elks a close I 54-52 viclory over the Camas Val i ley Hornets in a Douglas B. League basketball game played on Ihe Elkton floor Friday. Both clubs had finished regular play all knotted up at 50-50. A field goal hy Joe Whitlow in the: final minute of the first over-1 I time period gave the Elks a 52-52. : draw to set the stage for the win-! nin bucket by Beal in the next ' I three-minute period. The Elks had to come from be- i hind in Ihe final quarter of the; ! regulation time to tie Ihe score I as Camas Valley still held a 41-33 i advan'age at the end of three quar ters of play. Elkton started off with an 118 first quarter lead, but the Hornets i moved out in front 24-22 at half-! time behind the sharp shooting of Mac McClellan and Ray Looney. Still down by eight points at the end of Ihree quarters, Elklon ral lied in the fourth period, behind Ihe six points, of Beal, to send the game into overtime. Camas Valley missed several chances to win the game from the free throw line, but missed on 10 out of 20 tries, while Elkton was making good on U out of 29. MCleallan led all scorers with I 18 points, hut Beal wilh 15 points and Dave Cnmpton with 10 points led Ihe well-balanced fclklon scor ing attack. The Hornets look the jayvee game to split for the evening. Fi nal score favored Camas Valley 35-17. with Jim Irwin hitting for a : game high total of 13 points. Bud Bishop was tops for Elkton with six points. Camas Valley SI: Baker 9.1 Thrush 3, McClellan 18. Kiser 4, : I Wheeler 8. Looney 8. Brown 2. I Elkton 54: Adams. House 8. Kel ! lison 4. Beal 15, Bishop 2. Comp- ton 10. Whitlow 4, lienderer 4 i Loveless 2. Ring Record By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COTEBOIHi. Sweden Inge mar Johansson. 1971. Sweden stopped Joe Erskine. I93'. Wales. 13. (Johansson retained European heavs weight tillel. NEW YORK Alex Mileff. 2113. Argentina, outpointed Nino Valdes. 2H9'-i. Cuba. 10. SAN DIEGO. Calif. Kid Ira puato, 12t. Tiiuana. Mexico, knocked nut Calvin Leigh, 123li. l.os Angeles, 8. Ynncalla 9 ; Klklon 8 4 Camas V'ly. 8 8 i Days Creek 4 7 Cnvil. 2 10 The State 'Semis' ath FalU: Milfoid Bi-h-.p. Sweet Home, Y0 decision oer Arnold Kurt. Panose. Richard Gondiav. Gianls Pass, 4 0 decision over Henry Brown. Jefferson (Port land i 148 Pounds-Ed Merenish. Leb anon, 7 1 decision over Gary Hill, Redmond; Norm Fones. G r a n t ( Portland V 6-2 decision over Dan , Guthrie, South Eugene; Russell ,Gihon. Grams Pass, pinned Gale M a rt i n son . Ti 1 1 a mook . 1 4 , 1 ; Harold Dav. Klamalh Falls, ft 4 decision over lister Rrown.. Gresham; Art Krueger, South Sa lem. 42 decision over Ken Schrork, Franklin y Portland 1A7 Pound lerry Weathers. Sweet Home. 52 decision over Larry Baroiek. Klamath Falls. Doug Ram no. Fstacada, 41 deci sion nver Russ Pinard. Roseburg; lee Werdall. West f.inn. 6 1 deci sion over Larry Payne, South i Salem ; Wendell w intcrhottnm. Grants Pass. .VI decision over Guy Paxton, Bend; Tom Gillman. Sutherlin. 7-5 decision over Ron Pohtte, Tillamook 1KM Pounds Maurice Banmg. Albany, 3 1 decision over G a r y 1 Spence. Grant Pas; Jerrv Fen- ton. MilwaiAie. 4 0 decision over (Torn Brvatr South Eugene; Gene Baxter. Klamath Falls. 9 4 deci sion over Garv Ballew. South Salem; Farrell Mirer. Pnneville. 91 decision over Ed Oarly. Mvr tle i'reek V Pound Dwishl Edward. Sweet Home, P 7 decision over Takes UL as Or. Sot. Feb. 22, 1958 Halhimo: Camas Valley 24, Elk ton 22. Officirls: Jackson and Thronton. Wolves 447Tigers 41 i The Days Creek Wolves finished strong fn the second half to take a close 44-41 decision over the Can yonville Tigers in a Douglas B. League basketball game played on the winner's court Friday. Days Creek outscored the Tigers, 20-7 in the fmal quarler to take Ihe win, after Canyonville had led for Ihe entire game. With big 6-2 John Patterson Bit ting for six points in the first pe riod. Canyonville moved out Io a 9-6 lead and then increased it to 22-16 at halftime, with Patterson nilting f'ir another six tallies. With the Tigers still on top. 34 24. going into the final quarter, Patterson left Ihe game on five personals Io lead to the down fall. Without their -lop scoring and rebounding ace in the game, Can yonville was unable to connect and Days Creek slowly pulled away for the win. George Williams with eight points and sam Young wilh six led the final period rally for the winners. Williams finished with 17 points, high for both teams, but Patterson was close behind with 16. Jarard Richardson of Days Creek and Boh Burns of Canyonville each added 11 points to help in the scor ing column. Canyonville shot a .350 clip from the field, against the .216 for Days Creek, hut the winners man aged to collar two more field goals to take the close win. Canyonville gained a split for the evening by nabbing the jayvee win. 33-26. behind the 10 points of Leon Wilhanks. Richard Tibbets of Days Creek nabbed scoring hon ors for the game with 13 points, in cluding 9-9 from the free throw line. Canyonville led 18 4 at half time. Canyonville 41: Anderson 4, Oe leis 4. Patterson 16, Burns 11, Wil liams 6. Wilhanks, Roberts. Days Creok 44: Richardson 11, Young 6. Williams 17, Nimsic 4, Michaels 2, Conner, Gaulke 2, Newman 2. Halftime: Canyonville 22, Days Creek 16. Officials: Sikslrom and Angel!. Reedsport Out Of Title Contention After Losing DISTRICT 1-A-J W L Pet. Coquille 9 1 .900 Mvrlle Point 7 3 .700 Reedsport 6 4 .6110 Bandon 8 6 .333 Gold Beach 3 7 .300 Pacific 1 8 .111 A final period Reedsport rally fell four points short Friday night at Bandon. as the Braves went down to a 52 48 defeat and end all hopes of a plavoff berth in district play. Reedsport was the defending champ. Jerry Abbott of Reedsport and Gordon Ray of Bandon tied for high point honors with 16 each, with Gary Olson of Ihe Braves also adding 15. WINS SKATE TITLE SKVm.E James Short of l.os Angeles, wilh a sparkling ex hibition of free skating, won Ihe senior men's crown of the Parifjc Coast Figure Skating Champion ships Friday night. Dwtght Reinwald. North Salem, pinned Dick Supak, Tillamook. 1.0.V 2 M Pounds John Hancock. Klamath Falls. 32 decision over Karl Barrett Douulas I Portland ); Doug Austin. Dallas, won by de fault over Nick Lamprose, Reaver ton. Mile Stout. Springfield, pinned Ed Westland. The Dalles, rot), 3; George Held, Wilson (Portland i, pinned Steve Willhite. South Eugene. 1 02. I; Pat Cock, Newberg 9-2 decision over Claude Layton, North Salem I nhmited Class lim Funsion. Medford. 3-1 decision over Don Green. Rosehurg; Vein Miller, 1 ebanon, 6-0 decision over Ed Rlackshrr:: -lend. Bill Richards. Sweet Home. 4 0 decision over Harvey Reeder. Tillamook; C. B. Simon. Rosebur g. 6 7 decision over Rill Cole. Grant Pas. '56 CHEV. PICKUP '4 "" tUm49f, 4 trntmiit0ft. Htr, C . Frr rft. Ont lMr, vied Only 1 595. Si Dillard Motor Co. A G4w4 P1a Ts D luin IINCOIN-MIRCUKY SALES & SfRViCt Stht et D4Mfjl Vikings Whip Irish; Glide UMPOUA VALLEY LEAGUE W L Pet. PF P Douglas Myrtle Crk Riddle Glide Sutherlin Oakland 9 1 .900 508 3M 8 2 1 3 3 7 2k 8 1 9 800 S21 3SJ 700 378 399 300 4M 516 .2(10 .100 420 414 445 591 The Douglas Trojans grabbed lop i spot in the final Umpqua Valley League basketball standings Fri day niaht. by trimming the Suther hn Bulldogs 36-33, and gain a play off berth against the winner of the southern half of the district and a 1 possible state tournament entry. MyrtleiCreek pulled down second place in the standings by taking Riddle. 54-21, at Myrtle Creek in the other crucial league game of the evening. Riddle held down a first place tie with Douglas before taking it on the chin from the Tro - jans and tne vikings mis weeK.isnd witn F d Earwood and Dud. In the only other league game played Friday, the Glide Wildcats hit the hoops for 90 points, top score of the season in Douglas County, in trimming Ihe Oakland Oakers, 90-.10, at Glide. This winds up league play for all six teams, with Douglas slated tn start intra-dislrict playoffs next weekend. Douglas 36, Bulldogs 33 Down bv a 19-14 count at half- time, the Douglas Trojans finished strong to lake a close 36-33 win over the Sutherlin Bulldogs Friday Keith Ogborn each added four Glide total, while Gordon Fergu at Sutherlin and nab the Cmpqua points in the fourth fir the Vikings, son was high for the Oakers with valley 1-eague DasneiDaii title. Sutherlin had dominated play in the opening half as they raced to a 12-7 first quarter lead behind ten six points of Orin Gulselh. With Rav Hill collecting five points in Ihe second quarter. Sutherlin held the five-point halftime .bulge. Terry Counts of the Trojans start - ed to find the range in Ihe third quarter and Douglas moved ahead in the final minute of Ihe period I to hold its first lead of the game.i at 26-23. going into the final eight minutes of action. The tight lone defense of the Trojans held the Bulldogs to only four points in the fatal third, while rolling up 12 points. Counts had six points in the period to lead the come-from-behind rally. Sutherlin narrowed the score to 3 VII late in the final quarter, but1 las. For the game the Trojans hit jnn six out of 10 tries from thei chanty stripe, while Sutherlin con- necieo on seven out ot u. The win for the Trojans gives Ihem the playoff berth for the sub-l district tournament that will open next weekend against the t o p, team from the southern half of the district The Sutherlin jayvee squad I trimmed the Trojan juniors, 50 I32. in the first eame of the eve ning, as Joe Wrinht hit for 20 I points to lead all scorers. Bud How To Get More Miles For Your Gasoline Dollars Drivt in of your neighborhood EAGLE Service Station. The Eagle family of dealert hot Grown, to you'll now find one neor you. He't ready fo help you with friendly service and qualify Eagle petroleum products which give you more mi let for your gasoline dollars. And More Convenience, Too! Your Eagle Dealer now hat a hondy CREDIT CARD PLAN Juit aik him for an application! SEE YOUR Dallas Bennett Unites Service 2625 N. E. Diamond Lake Uvd., Roieburg Cliff's Tire & Gas Service 2235 N. E. D'omond Lae Blvd., Roseburg Barcus Sales Cr Service N. Stephens at Garden Valley Jet. ( Larry's Pit Stop . 1531 S. E. Stephens, Roteburg WESTWAY 2645 CM&Croum Brnok us high for th loneri HaKtime: Myrtle Creek 27, Rid with 13 die 11. Oeuolat 14: Carlson 6. Mrin- nan. Bissonnette t, Taylor 6. Counts io. Erbe 3, Grass 3. Sutherlin 33: kenwisher 5, May., ton 4. Gulselh 10. Hill 9, Sconce 4, Atierhury. L. Tucker 1. J. Tucker. Halftimt: Sutherlin 19. Douglas 14. Officials: Cole and coney. Vikings 54, Riddle 21 t .u u ,ii i in J" lKtlleTttaCL 11 Friday night at Myrtle Creek, the lYVu. .. rv.i, .k. h0t Vikincs took an easv 51-21 win over the Riddle squad in the final league lilt of the season for the two teams Hil.,. ... hooD . lver. ;.r.. ; Crcek (ook a 9.4 fjrst auarler jra(1 lor tne game. Myrtle ley Klimback nabbing most of the points, held a 27-11 halftime bulge. Riddle was hM , onlv 5evni pils , ,ne ,nird quarter as the , vikings took a 44-18 third quarter ;lead. The Irish were handicapped I j in the third period by the loss of ! guard Fred Wilcox with an ankle injury. Wild had dropped six ! points through the 'hoop up until that time and turned out lo be Oakland hit on 18 out ot 26. high for the losers. Three players from each team With most of Ihe reserves nlav- hit in the double figures, but only ing the final quarter. Myrtle Creek five Oakers were able lo score, still outscored the Irish 10-3 in the John Livingston and Curtis Char final chanter. Wes Davidson and on each added 10 points to Ihe . innni all ,--r.r iih 18 points, followed by Klimback with 11 and Gregg I.indquist with ia iruiiiia. iuiiuwcu iv mini ua, iv 10. Bruce Bordeaux followed Wil- "" . i""- 1 cox in the Riddle scoring with five """ Hatfield. Dee Lopeland was I points. I h'5h ,f?r 1!".'ST w'!5 T P01"'?- Mvrtle Creek also won the iav-l-,0,k . ,,: , , i " i vee game j bw" Ferguson 13. l Riddle 21: Grooms, Keele 2. Cas- Glide W: Eswine 26. Kinne 9, idv a. i.nuisennni 2 Wilenx l.in..i..-t.i. in n.r- in niiw.-,. Frahm 2. Bordeaux 5, Shepard Myrtle Creek 54: Murray 2. Ear-i5. Kennaday 6. Cellars 2. Quimby, wood 18. Klimback 11. Lindquistl Jones. R. Reed 4. 10, Tiask 5. Davidson 4, Oghorn Halftime: Glide 48, Oakland 24. 4, Bell, Naas. Jones. 1 Officials: Hennebeck and Keady. Glendale Whips IVHS In Finals The Glendale Pirates finished District 6-A-2 basketball action Friday nisht by trimming the II- linois Valley cagers, 61-30, on the After taking a 16 5 first quarler (h(1 Pjralei rned to the easv : Th : . Glendalp gave ,hem , second p)a(.e (jnish jn ica(,Ue pay. but still a chance for ieasue laurels, as the league lour- nament will get under way next weekend, the winner lo meet Doug- a, for the right to enter the state meet next month. Paced bv the efforts of Tom Munyon and Bill Hale. Glendale held a 27-12 halftime hulee as all 11 of the Pirate players saw first half action. NEAREST DEALER TODAY! PETROLEUM 0., District Office N. t. Diamond Lake lld., Roteburg O Tallies 90 Officials: Anderson ana Leicnt. Wildcats 90, Oakers 50 .u- - " 1 P.laye" entered in the game, the 7 'T,.'" hicui of Oakland. 90-50. in the final Ump qua Valley League basketball game of the season for both teams, Friday on the Glide maples. Led hV the 26 -point effort of Bil- : v r.swine, me nuucais naa miir 'trouble in disposing of the game Oakers. as almost every sho every shot trit was thrown up by the winners hit Ihe nets. The Wildcats rushed off to a 23 15 first quarter lead, and with mostly sophomores playing the see onH norinri helrl a 48-74 halftirk I bulge. Five Glide players managed " . " to collect at least seven points in whoe 5not a, a fcetter than .500 avaw Eswlnf po,,, ,0iher 11 points in the third quarter to lead the Wildcats to a 66-37 bulge, and then sat out the rest of Ihe game, hut still they continued to roll up the points. From the free throw line, Glide managed only 14 out of 29. while The Wildcats also nabbed the 1 ... n , , , - ' ly' ". 'ain "h,"na. Jun: 1.1 son 3, Franks 7, Wagner 8, F. Reed Hale added eight points in the third quarter lo lead the Pirates to a 44-14 third period advantage as Ihe losers were able to coanect 1 lor only two tree tnrows in me third period I score somewhat in the fourth quarter against Glendale reserves. hlll lhe sanle wa, t00 far out of reach. Illinois Valley 30: Slanaker 2, Lewis 7. Whillev 1. Hamby, Dicky 3. Dili 10. England 2, Love 5. Glendale 41: R. Munyon 7, T. ! Munyon 12. Worley 8. Hale 16, , Revnolds 4. Smart 3, Humphries 4. Mullarkey 2. Mchl 3, Young 4, Standlcy. i Halftime: Glendale 27. IVHS 1Z. Officials: Nye and Duffy. WW Don's Gas For Less Wintton The Gasery 1 Mile South of Myrtle Creek Lynn Bros. Golden Eagle Canyonville Pitt's Golden Service Riddle 0 (y Q