o o 10 Th Ntwiriw, lftburj. tmm Will CV TOASTMISTR ESSES INSTALL AT DINNER The Camas Valley Toastmistress Club met at the Camas Valley (.ranee hall (or a dinner meeting and the final speech contest. The meeting was open to the public and approximately SO members and guests were present. The address of welcome was giv- nnn ffiven bv I.eslie Catchnole. i master of the grange. Grace was! given by Hazel Peltier. Following a dinner prepared and served by members of the Camas Valley Grange Home Economics Club, past president Hazel Deffcr ding installed Lucile Catchpole, newly-elected president, and Enid Weist newly-elected vice president. Mrs. Defferding also inducted Wel come Combs as a oew Toastmist ress member. Topic mistress Enid Weist pre sented Tersea Ashton, Margaret Crouch, Ella Bartley and Blanche Copley, who spoke on "Great Amer ican Men of History." Toastmistress Crystal McMas ters presented the featured speak ers of the evening, Blanche Copley and Ella Bartley. Mm. Copley's prepared speech was entitled "America is to Love" Mrs. Bartley spoke on "Reason for the Sea sons." Both women had the word "Time" for the three to five min ute impromptu. Ella Bartley was declared winner and will represent Camas Valley at the Council 8 speech contest to be held March at Coos Bay. Impromptus were given by Rub- ye Moore, llene McClellan, Camel Pope and Teresa Ashton. Marian Moody and Margaret Crouch were in charge of the ta ble decorations which were carried out in the club colors of blue and gold. Floral arrangements were of daffodils and heather. Judges were Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mrs. Lee Banks, Orley Weist and Guy Moore; timekeepers, Esther Pryor and Hazel Petlzer; tellers Marian Moody, Margaret Crouch and Hazel Defferding. Marion Moody was general chair man of the speech contest. The evening's program was con cluded with the inspiration given by Esther Pryor. CANDIDATES INITIATED BY WOMEN OF MOOSE The Women of the Moose were entertained at a recent meeting by the Tumblins, an all-Girl tumbling learn from Roscburg Senior School. Members of the team were intro duced by Miss Carol Aiken, girls advisor. Seventeen candidates were ini tiated into membership during the formal meeting. The ritual chair- man. Mrs. Clarence Morton, and her committee were in charge of I he program and served refresh ments during the social hour. Events planned for March for the group are a candy sale March 1: Mooseheart Music Day which will be held in Medford with the itnseburg Chapter exemplifying the initiation; a St. Patrick's Day dance March l.S and a rummage sale at the Episcopal Parish Hall March 22. LARRY BOYD HONORED ON FIRST BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Boyd en tertained recently at their home east of Sutherlin honoring their son, Larry, on his first birthday. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tnm Harris of Sutherlin and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris of Washing-1 ton. Dinner guests later in the day in eluded Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camp- hell, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hollnpe- ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don j Curry and family, Mr. and Mrs. l.sn Hunt and Mrs. Llela Phelps. MRS. CHILLSON HOSTESS ON THURSDAY EVENING The Hi Lo Bridge Club of Suther lin was graciously entertained Thursday evening by Mrs. LeVelle ( hillson at her home on East Sec-1 ond Avenue. For the evening's contract bridge. Mrs. Osaki won high score and 1 Mrs Sikstrom. low After the bridge play refresh ments were served by Mrs. Chill son to Pat Moss. Nadine Bennett. Sue Sikstrom. Lilly Hellis. Barbara Liesinger, l,ousie Shepard. Etsa Osaki and Marion Armstrong. j GLENDALE EASTERN STAR INITIATES NEW MEMBERS Four new members were initiat ed at the regular meeting of the Glendale Eastern Star at the Ma sonic Temple Tuesday night. They were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Webber. Mrs. Alice Webber and Roy Wil liamson. Afler the meeting. rrlrehmrnls were scred. BERTHA R E BE K AH LODGE HAS SOCIAL MEETING Mrs. Claude I.ong presided as noble grand protem at the first reg ular meeting of the year of Bertha Itchckah Lodke in Canyonville held Tuesday at the 1(K)F hall. Mrs. John Aarnnson and Ilelene Allree served refreshments to the , group following a routine business meeting. Mrs. Grace Bates of Hid die was a guest. RIVERSDALE CLUB HOLDS RECENT VALENTINE PARTY Mrs W. C. Bailey was hostess for the recent Rtversdale Happy Hour Club valentine party at her home following a brief mceling. a clever valentine game was played, Mrs. Bailey served delirious re- freshments to the four guests and nine memoers wno were present LINDSTROMS ENTERTAIN AT SUNDAY DINNER PARTY .Mr. and Mrs Ivar Lindstrom. Melrose, had a Sunday dinner urday at Ihe home of Mrs. Jame ?:uest at their home on Doerner J Johnson. A very beautiful red and load Mr. and M. Jark l.ind-' white centerpiece graced the ta Strom and Deanna Lea, Curvallis; hie. A social hour followed Ihe Mr. and Mrs Vernal Horn. Mr. luncheon. and Mrs. E. F. Minor and three The group derided to hold its children of Shamhaugh. Iowa, and Alias Charlotte Luidttiom. Or.. So. F.b. 22, 1958 Miss Gertrude Rasto Gives Family Dinner Miss Gertrude Rast entertained at a lovely family dinner party at hur home nn Stenhens Street Tues her home on Stephens Street Tues-, day evenine in honor of her neoh- u, Mainr Jack Kidder, who was en route from Washington, D.C. to ; Viet Nam, Saigon. Covers were placed for Major Kidder, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kidder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kidder and children, Phyllis, .Nancy and Robin; Mr. and Mrs. Del Rast, Mr. Jackson and the hostess. Miss Rast. cuower given Mrs. Wayne Close of Glendale was honored at a surprise pink and blue shower given Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Major. Mrs. Martin Yoder was assistant hostess. Mrs. Close was presented with a lovely corsage of yellow and white carnations before she open ed her many lovely gifts. The gifts were piled in a bassinet dec orated in yellow and white. The color scheme of yellow and white was repeated in the decorations m the room which was gay with spring flowers. Yellow and white tapers on the serving table flank ed a flower arrangement of large i jonquils and heather. A baby tree on the sideboard emphasized the theme of the party. Guests played games before the gifts were opened. Afterward, the hostesses served delicious refresh ments. Those present were Mrs. Ceroid Williams, Miss Elaine Anderson. Mrs. Arvill Miller, Mrs. Walter Kinkaid. Mrs Wayne Wattman, Mrs. William Wunsch. Mrs. Rod ney Swanson. Mrs. Albert Vaughn, Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mrs. Louis Price. Mrs. Gordon Mehl. Mrs. Jim Cox, Mrs Doug Dollar, the hostesses and the honoree Those unable to be present who sent gifts were Mrs. Robert L. Fisher. Mrs. Blaine Johnsen and Mrs. Howard Edson. HOFMAN TWINS HONORED AT PARTY ON THURSDAY Terry and Gary Hufman, Mel rose, celebrated their fifth birth j... tu i... ,k, k - i .u.:- L r ':;T,r'S!h. of Mrs. After .he twin, opened lheirth" UmJl" jZ ,L'" f?, lovely gifts, a social hour was en- " v i , i ?hZj joyed and delicious refreshments ,ne Year ,or ,hls chap'cr were served by Mrs. Hofman. I Mrs. Ted Ranlett received con Present were Terry Reece, Steve I graduations for being chosen Cornell. Linda. Tressa. Steve and Janet Conn, I'lnllys, Barbara, John and James llarrah, Clauda Perman, the honored twins, Gary and Terry; Mrs. C. Perman, Mrs. Pat Lynch, Mrs. Calvin Harrah, Mrs. Keith Conn. Mrs. Alvin Cor nell and Mrs. Hofman and son, Karl. LLOYD HARVEY HOME ! SCENE OF LOVELY PARTY Shirley Harvey and Maria Bros- Uja entertained a group of young ?eopie at a lovely valentine party riday, at the Lloyd Harvey home in Wilbur. The evening was spent playing game and dancing. Re freshments featuring the valentine motif and appropriate favors were enjoyed by Die group. Among the guests were Jimmy i Welly, Stephanie Thomas, Jerry I Congrove, Charlene Jenkins, Klden I Trento, Roberta Hebard, Curtis Wilson, Leane Gahle. Jackie Gal-1 laway, Lynnctte Crittendon. Alan : Coxey, Charlotte Coxey, Dale Pit 'ner, Larty Harvey, Donald Crosier and Bill Moore. ENJOYABLE PARTY HELD AT MELVIN BAKER HOME Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker were host and hostess at pinochle par ty at their home on Linnell Ave- ", Saturday evening After the evening of cards, Mrs. Baker served delicious refresh ments to the following guests; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. , Mr, vrrd Aamot, Mr. and Mrs. Andv Schlick, Mr. and Mrs Kennelh Kittlesnn, Mr. and Mrs. Don Simpson, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin flak ier GLENDALE NILE CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Glendale Nile Club elected lhe following new officers: Presi- dent. Mrs. George Major; vice nrendenl Mrs Hiv Cox: secre- tary-treastirer, Mrs. Gordon Mehl. The tables were decorated with valentines and red candles. Host esses, Mrs. D. R. Densley and Mrs. Gordon Mehl, served deli cious refreshments. BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON HELD AT SHALIMAR The birthday of Mrs Gene Parr was celebrated Tuesday at a luncheon party at the Shalunar. A gift was presented to the hon oree by Mrs. Jim llriggs. Mrs. William West, Mrs Bob Sconce. Mrs Dirk Heath and Mrs. Jack Phillips. OAKLAND BLUE BIRDS HAVE VALENTINE PARTY '1-1. II I I) 1 T .. I . J a... a. lit- unit- noil 1 1 isiii in iij .ill Darrill Ray of Oakland held a val entine party recently. Games were plased and refreshments were served to 26 members and five guests. lne girls are presently working on beads made from comic hooks JENNIE COMSTOCK CIRCLE HOLDS VALENTINE PARTY Jennie Comstock Circle met ed 25 of her friends gien Thurs Tuesday evening at the home of day evening at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Norman Wilsm in Sutherlin Paul Halsor in Canyonullc for a valentine nartv. The valen-1 Suitable sanies and caket deror- tine motif was carried out in the decorations A social hour was enjoyed after which refreshment were served to the Mesdames John Ginter. Jack Flint. Marvin Boyd. Lee Wilson, Jav Palmer and Allen llollopeter. GOLD STAR MOTHERS ENJOY LUNCHEON The Gold Slar Mothers enjoyed a salentine potluck luncheon Sat- next meeting at the Swedish Din-! ing Room March 8. Taylor-Nute Wedding Event Of February 14 Miss Alta Carol Nute became i the bride of Robert Taylor in a 1 beautiful ceremony at the home of I the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs 'Fred Nute. at 7:30 p.m. Keb. 14 The Rev. Elvis Goss of the First Baptist Church of Drain officiated. ZULEIMA DESSERT SUPPER HAS VALENTINE THEME Decorations at the charming des-1 rt .. ik. Fni,,..,! p.. : Ft ! Episcopal Pa r- iu cUu,s ,vi u.. - leima ciud, uaugntera oi in nue, were cleverly carried out in the St. Valentine'i Day motif. Hostess es for the occasion were Mrs. C. W. Carstens, Mrs. M. M. Beery, Mrs. Keith Bryant and Mrs. L. C. Knudson who presented the club with a lovely birthday cake with 12 candles to commemorate the club's 12th birthday. Past presidents Mrs. W. C. Holmes, Mrs. H. K. Halvorsen, Mrs. Rudolph Ritzman and Mrs. D. B. Kesner were presented with beautiful camellia corsages by the president, Mrs. A. C. Soencer. New officers elected were Mrs. Sit Fett. president: Mrs. M. D. Steinbach, vice president; and Mrs. L. C. Latham, secretary- treasurer. During the social hour, there was an exchange of valentines and visiting. Present to enjoy the affair were Mrs. Ernest Wentjar, Mrs." Otto Lange, Mrs. William Roughcore, Mrs. John Joelson, Mrs. Albert Joelson, Mrs. William T. Evans Jr., Mrs. Theo H. Mark, Mrs. P. W. Laird. Mrs. Bert J. Gilbert, Mrs. Fred M. Darby. Mrs. A. C. Spencer, Mrs. W. C. Holmes, Mrs. H. K. Halvorsen, Mrs. R. D. Wil liams. Mrs. D. B. Kesner, Mrs. Sig Fett, Mrs. L. E. Henninger, Mrs. L. C. Latham, Mrs. Oscar Hevell, Mrs. Rudolph Ritzman, Mrs. W. J. Olmscheid, .Mrs. L. D. Knudson, Mrs. C. W. Carstens and Mrs. M. M. Beery. , MEMBERS OF SORORITY GIVEN LOVELY SHOWER Mu Chapter. Beta Sigma met Wednesday evening at Phi. the mei neu home of Mrs. Dick Ogden. with Mrs. Cecil Naas as co-hostess. At queen of the recentiy-neia sweet- heart Ball of Beta Sigma Phi. The cultural program, "People." was given by Mrs. William Pritchett. Five of the sorority's members were honored at a pink and blue shower. The Mesdames George Strand, James Gregory, Bob Rev erman, Dick Hollenbeck and Don ald GcrreUsen received lovely gifts. Cake, appropriately decorated in pink and blue and the traditional ; stork and bootees, was served Attending were the Mesdames Clair Allen, Neal Kaser jr., Wil liam Carstens, Dick Ogden, Archie Rutter, George Geertsen, William Pritchett, Leslie We?t. Russell Cary. Dean Hostetter, Cecil Naas, Michael Coen. James Gregory, Ted Ranlett and Bob Rcverman. LES FORNEYS HOSTS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mr. and Mrs. Les Forney of Roseburg were host and hostess for the Young Adult Sunday School class of the Green Community Church Friday evening. After the delicious dinner had been served, the group played i games and visited. Al (.ummingsl led the devotions. The evening closed with group singing Those attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Elliott, Mr. i ana Mrs. ues rorney. .nr. ana , '" M t'uinniings, Mr. and Mrs. , fcd iniuiers. Mr. ana Mrs. Hon- . n i aid Poteet Mr. and Mrs. Robert j nr inu uir nrv. lbuicih c r 1 v ! ing each Side VALENTINE MOTIF USED j C.uests present were Mrs. D L. AT HELPING HAND PARTY Crowley Mrs. Harry Elwnod, Mrs. Km ma Wagner, Mrs. Jenny Py Mrs. Marilyn Dodge entertained man. A large number of mem the Helping Hand Club Tuesday 'ers also attended, afternoon at her home. The valen- j LaVon Long and Mary Holmes line motif was carried out in the decorations and refreshments Games and visiting were enjoyed and a valentine exchange was held. Present were Isobel Caley, l.il - lie Guilhams, Jean Ludwig and Diane. Norma Mangas and fhil - dren. Delia Schnore and Rita Sue. Helen Stone and children. Mabel Wallbrecht, Catherine Welch and the hostess, Marilyn Dodge The next meeting will be Tues day, March II. at the home of Helen Slone, Ut NW Eden Lane. ! JEWELED PINS PRESENTED latu ft . . . k m na,.,.-..,.. . The Glendale Rehekah Lodge presented a 40-year lewel to Mrs. ililma Stranne Thirty-five-year ; jewels were presented to Mrs. Ida : Base. Mrs Matin Heller a n d 1 Mis Alice Nebel. Each lady honored was present- ed with a corsage made of gum - ! drop hearts. During the brief pres- eniaunn service. Mrs. .Nadine Kev I at a. -1 nolds and Mrs. Esther Kafer sang tvvo dut, Refreshments were served" bv! i... iw.. i..i,. si.. Mrs. Dons Johns. Mrs Genesieve' JMrh,nh,or, nnlr brn"'h Mrs. Gladys Resnolds SURPRISE SHOWER HONORS MRS. NIX Mrs. Richard Nix wts honored at a surprise shower which includ- ated in the pink and blue theme carried out the purpose of the oc casion al which Mrs William Mar slers, Mrs. Frank Pockrus, Mrs John Hakanson and Mrs. Paul llartman were also hostesses. BUFFET SUPPER HOSTED BY ALLEN HOLLOPETERS Mr and Mrs. Allen Hollooeteri enlerlained al a buffet suioer Sat - urday evening al Iheir home on r.ast rirst ntenue. lards were in play later Those enioying the evening with Mr. and Mr, llollopeter were Mr. ana ,vir. jars s . miser, Mr. and and and Mrs. Mickey Thompson. Mr. Mrs '.Mrs Marvin Boyd and Mr. I Wilson. The bride wore pink afternoon dress and carried pink rosebuds on a Bible. She was Riven in mar- riage by her father, Fred Nute. Dorothy Swearingen of Eugene, aunt of the bride, was bridesmaid. She was dressed in a blue after noon dress and carried .white car nations. The best man was Donald Brown. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. "d Mrs. Robert W. Taylor, Drain. Since he was graduated from Drim Union Hi n lchoo , ,957 r nt nas Been employed at tne iv i ails i Plvtvruwl Mill Th N.'tit hnmp rirnrattiH with ' bouquets of pink and white car-' a iL. "hi recepiior iThi"h followed the ! ceremonv The newlyweds drove south along the coast for a short wed ding trip, after which they will be at home at Drain. GREEN YOUNG PEOPLE ENJOY DINNER, PARTY A valentine dinner and party were greatly enjoyed by the young people of the Green Community Church Thursday evening. Invited guests were young people of the Missionary Alliance Church of Roseburg. . The theme of the affair was "Hearts and Flowers," and the) ART AND EMBROIDERY room and tables were appropri- CLUB MEfTS WEDNESDAY atelv decs-rated in this motif. I . . After the banquet, Janet Weikum The Roseburg Art and Embrot introduced the secretlyf - elected ! dery Club was entertained Wednes valentine king and queen. Buddy (day afternoon by Mrs. Ed Deal Smith and Dennise Myers, who at her attractive home oo Flint were duly crowned and throned. Street. Daffodils and Japanese The evening was spent playing ! quince formed the lovely decora games and enjoying skits. The ! tions. .... Rev. Laurence Pine read a beauti- Sewing and visiting were enjoy- ful devotional, and the young folks closed their evening of fun with group singing. Those attending the affair were Jack Winters. Rosemary McCar dia, Alec McDowell, Betty Fee, Diane Jacobs. Lorena McCright, Carol Suver, Loren Pine, George Ives, Margaret McCardia, Beryl Currier, Nance Barker, Loren Eil ers. Carol Stewart, Mary Lou Eng dahl, Patty Thompson, Keith Wei kum, Doyle Bell, Kenneth Tucker, Billv Coster, Janet Weikum. Gerry Burgess, Bob Sumpter, Margie McClaraen. Paul Bair, Dennise Myers. Judy Patton. Patty Patton, John Richardson, Imajean Keeney. Maria Galios, Bud Smith, Richard Wilson. Eldon Wilson, Patsy Wil son, Helen Wilson, Marietta Mun son, Pat Terrel, the Rev. Mr. Pine and youth leader, Frank stringer. GRAND GUARDIAN MAKES INSPECTION AT GLENDALE The Glendale Bethel of Job's Daughters met Tuesday evening of this week at the Glendale Masonic Temple for its annual inspection visit from the grand guardian, Mrs. Evelvn Magill of Beaverton. Dis tinguished guests included Mrs. Corl Youn)! o Roseburg. past grand guardian and mother of the Glendale Bethel; and- Herbert Reed, worshipful master of the Azalea Lodge, 119. AF&AM. A program was presented by Kay Edson. Included were two dances by Candice Cox; two pi ano solos by Georgia Mill; and a song by Patricia Jones. Birthdays of the month were celebrated by the serving of a heart - shaped birthday cake. honoring Linda Humphries, Candice Cox and Nine Walker. Refreshments were served to the 4H members and guests by Georgia 1 Mill. Lynn Vaughn and Rowena I Miller, assisted by Mrs. Joyce Mill. : BLUE STAfi MOTHERS ENJY POTLUCK DINNER Chapter 4 of (he Blue Star Moth- ' ers met recentlv for a valentine ntl.i. ln.P ,j mtino Tn , b, covered with a ,. Ih ,:,h , v,i,ntin, Pak. in HIT tlUlll Willi vai-iiMi- vane mi ,ne cene,r ,nd red came, flank were presented with birthday gifts i'. I The next meeting which was to, hare been Feb. 26 has been can-l celed to allow Chapter 4 members 1 to meet with the Riddle Chapter at Riddle. ( ..,.. ! w'NSTON BETHEL S3 HAS RECENT SLUMBER PARTY Bethel 53. Job's Daughters. Win ston, enjoyed a slumlier party at Dougljs High School Friday night. I The girls furnished their own i sleeping bags and had breakfast ! ln lne cafeteria. Chaperones for Ilhat DPIIlin ,n ll !,,4 l -. Tan Dai. i iA.unn si,.. i.-inM Tu.aiu fn... girls attended i Entertainment for the evening i was a trip to Glide for the Glule- ! Douglas hasketball game Mrs. Howard Bird. Mrs. Marvin DeVore. Mrs. (Iran l.edgerwood, Mr and Mrs. Ed Thiele and Mr. and Mrs 1 Allan McLennan transported the group SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD AT CAMAS VALLEY , w-i.av,if.,i ...... K..,h.u A delightful surprise birthday i -dr,"gTn m'ST f Can.' U vMeY , hmaT of hfir daU,hl ; Shernll s. l.th birthday Game and dancing were the evening's entertainment. A delic ious repast was served to the fol lowing guests Sherry Ixxinev, Rrvon Baker. Bob Thrush. Doro - thy Looney, Jim Irwin. Phyllis Wi- lc. Linda Parrett. Ray lxwney, Maxitic Dancer. Dwain Brown. Judv Dclferdmg. Wvoma Pasco, Ernie Bilger. John Wheeler. Mac MarClellan. IrAnn Moodv and Ihe guest of honor, Sherill Moody. MONTHLY POTLUCK DINNER ENJOYED BY WILBUR CLUB The Stitch and Chatter Club, wilh Mary Fox a hostess for the day. held its monthly notluck din. 1 ner at the recreation hall in Wil- ; bur. After the dinner they adjourn- ed to tne rnx home and spent the afternoon piecing a quilt The next meeting. March 12. will be a combination birthday par ty for all those whose birthday occur during the rest of the club year. Mr. Margaret Veal and Mrs. i Pmgley will be hostesses q ?AN DIEGO VISITOR HONORED AT SHOWER Mrs. Carl Falcone of San Diego, ! who has been visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bone. Glendale, was honored at entertained ner Dridgc ciuD at ner a pink and blue shower given at lovely home on SE Lane Avenue the home of Mrs. Ralph Blaser at a 12 o'clock luncheon. Spring Friday afternoon. Hostesses were bouquets formed the attractive .Mrs. Blaser and her daughter, decorations. Mrs Ralph Wood. Covers were placed for Mrs. Ed- The room was decorated in the : win Nolle and Mrs Glenn Gibbons, umbrella motif. Gifts were piled ! ues,u. nd JckDD"l- Mr' under a yellow umbreUa tied with ' L BeJSv.M,r'' - R:, Petersen, pink and blue streamers ex-1 Mrs. OR. Fritz, Mrs. Vance -Shu-lending from the ceiling. A vase of gart, Mrs B. A. Young and the yellow daffodills aod greenery on coffee table was eiiri-niinrioH i bv miniature vari-colored Japan-1 ese umbrellas. A baby tree decor- i . . , - . . i 4i j . :iru uiv ri ui tuw iu uib - ette- Came were played, in which , 4Tic.it npiiaa ujanl In lira RrtnilH Porte? and Mrs. Jack Kilmer. Low ! prices Weill iu .u. a. uiiu ouuc luu Mrs. Porter's daughter, Lynn. ! After the games, the hostesses served refreshments. Those present were Mrs. Carl Falcone, Mrs. John Bone, Mrs. Jack Kilmer, Mrs. Ronald Porter and children; Mrs. Ralph Wood, Mrs. Ralph Blaser, Mrs. Andy Owens and children; Mrs. Les Neal, Mrs. G if ford Curry, and Mrs. Gerald Fox. I Those unable to be present were ! Mrs. George Mill. Mrs. Sam Phil 1 hps. Mrs. C. W. Vincent and Miss i Merry Fox.,, Deal served lovely refreshments to Mrs. Laverna Lark, a guest, and Mrs. F. I. Belts, Mrs. J. W. Bow man, Mrs. Argie Reels, Mrs. George Cluck. Mrs. Earl Decker, Mrs. Henry Erskine, Mrs. C. F. France, Mrs. J. A. Long, Mrs. Clarence Miller. Mrs. Alfred Neal, Mrs. C. M. Page, Mrs. H. F. Sny der, Mrs. J. G. Stephenson and Mrs. rrank Bersh. The next meeting will be March S at a 12 noon potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. France at'Dunnihoo in March. 836 SE Brockway. MRS. RAYMOND DUNNING IS HOSTESS AT LOVELY PARTY Mrs. Raymond Dunning, junior past noble grand of Sutherlin Re bekah Lodge, entertained her offi cers of 1957 at a charming valen tine party at her home in Little Valley Friday night. Games and visiting were enjoy ed. The lace-covered serving table carried out the valentine theme with a beautiful centerpiece of large red camellias and daphne. Mrs. Ernie Cox of Roseburg was a guest. Also present were the Mesdames Dee Atterbury, Jake Francis. Maude Church. El mer Plueard. Harrv Bird. Mrs. Marvin Steinbach, Cue Bielman. Flovd Engle. Harold Austin, Paul Thompson, Orville Smith. Vern Holgate and the hostess, Mrs. Dun ning. DESSERT SUPPER ENJOYED BY PAST NOBLE GRANDS The Past Noble Grands Club met Thursday at the lovely home of Mrs. William Mills. A delicious dessert-supper was served to 24 members. The tables were beauti fully decorated with pretty covers i flowers and candles. Edith Brock, junior past noble ' grand, was initiated into the club, I Alice Goff acting as the conductor. Susan Bowman entertained the I club with several interesting valen tine games. The next meeting will be March . hm 'aK'e PenJ - ' w,,n R,lhie Bloom. Lydia Road- man. ivian Logsaen ana tann Bond assisting hostesses. Lydia Gil- letle will furnish entertainment. DUV MEMBERS ENJOY INTERESTING MEETINGS Susan Bowman entertained t h e Daughters of the I nion Veterans. Florence Nightingale Tent 15, at breakfast Tuesday morning. Those enjoying the breakfast and hour of visiting were Wilma Ronke, it"J mwwiji abulia iauyirv, nuill Reese, Anna Peterson. Jeannette mary Mowry, Edna Langley, Ruth Meigs and the hostess At the regular meeting of the : nrganiza tion recently. Wilma Kooke was installed as senior vice president and Anna Peterson, treasurer and historian. Edna Langley conducted the installation held at the home of Anna Peter son. After the meeting, the hostess served refreshments FOURTEENTH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED AT PARTY Miss Nina Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Rudolf Walker of Glendale. celebrated her 14th birth day at a party at her home Mon dav. After games, the young people enjoyed refreshments The host-! ess was assisted by Mrs Flo Cox., Mr. Maliel Staake and Miss Bev erlv Cox. Present beside Ihe honoree and the hostesses were Don Fisher. 1 Bohhy Allen. A C. Bowden. Mike Holmgren. Carl Burke. Steve John-1 son. Diane Pratt. Sue Long. Bev-; erly Johns. Candy Cox. Diane Cleveland and Rene' Young. j BETA ETA CHAPTER, ESA ENTERTAINED WEDNESDAY Beta Eta Chapter of V.psilon Sigma Alpha was graciously en tertained at a social evening at ' the Sutherlin home of Mrs. V era Holm Wednesday The ladies spent ' the evening stuffing Easter Seal 1 envelopes and also discussed plans on their annual fashion show. i A the close of the evening, freshments were served by the tiosless to Laura Lee Culver. Mar garet Mann. Ann Thompson. Don na Dean Bleakely. Audrey Brim. Janet Mtillins. Doris Kenwisher, Yede Hollopeter and Eleanor Hun toon LOVELY LUNCHEON PARTY GIVEN AT BOWMAN HOME Mrs George Bowman of Elklon was hostess Thutejuay at her home at a luncheon and demonstration party. Bessie Lakev of Dram was demonstrator Luncheon was served at 12 30 to J,' adults and four children. Mrs Laurence Smith won the door pnre. Wednej!ay Bridge 'Club Is Entertained U A n U.r- . a . mm on cious hostess Wednesday, when sne ' High scores for the afternoon's . eonitact bridge i play were won by j Mrs. isolte and Mrs. 1-ritz. NEWLYWEDS HONORED AT LOVELY SHOWER PARTY Mrs. C. E. Hull of Dillard hosted , a wedding shower Saturday eve- B. ,,uv,a ia, ta n uatua,,,- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ; Hull. ; The theme and lovelv decora- tions were in the valentine motif. The table was covered with a lace cloth d was lovely with spring daffodils, candelabra and red can- do, TKa aift tab a hmA h II a dies. The gift table had a blue cloth with dainty valentine hearts, and hearts cascading from ceiling to table. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. Games were the entertainment of the evening, with prizes given for highest score. Enjoying the affair were Julia Whitehead. Frances DuQuetle, Pauline Withers and daughter, Marilyn: Peggy Myers and daugh ters, Dianthia and Sharon; Mary Jones, Mary Smith, Svlvia Gray, Wanda Hill, Alice Hill. Edith Bratch. Mrs. Kenneth Hall. Mrs. Paul Brooks. Mrs. Louis DuQuette, Mrs. Roy Myers. Mrs. Paul Mo' - ns Mrs. Brian Counts. Mrs. Cecil Calahan and Mrs. Leroy Shuck and daughter. Cindy. Refreshments of valentine tered ice cream and cake cen were served by the hostess. BRIDE-ELECT IS HONORED AT CHARMING SHOWER Mrs. John D. Hess and Mrs. Lloyd Mays were co-hostesses on a recent Tuesday "evening at a charming bridal shower honoring i Miss Shirley Blixseth. The latter i will become the bride of Roger The gifts were placed on a ta- ble decorated in the valentine mo - tif with red streamers going to the ceiling. A number of interesting games were played with prizes awarueu ine winners. Delicious refreshements ware served to the guest of honor and to Mrs. Ray Blixseth, Mrs. Anna B. Dunnihoo. Mrs. Gordon Gerretsen Mrs. Don Gerretsen, Mrs. W. H. Gerretsen, Mrs. Bill Bailey. Mrs. John Nelson. Mrs. Earl Ullrich, Mrs. Bruce Mellis and Mrs. John F. Hess by the two hostesses. MRS. TURNER HOSTESS TO CLUB WEDNESDAY Mrs. Glen Turner was hostess to members of her pinochle club i Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Richard Stevenson in Little Valley. i Following the delicious potluck luncheon, cards were in play. Mrs. Norman Lewellyn received Tickets and reservations are high score; Mrs. Ed Dwighl, the j available at the Jewelry depart floating prize, and Mrs. Steven-1 ment of Miller's or by calling Mrs. son. low score. Bert Griffin, OR 2-1533, or Mrs. Present to enjoy the dav were Dan Dimick, R 3-6053. two guests. Mrs. Bill Emberlin of Portland and Mrs. Rodney Alter-' ,PAFLN5f ,R.S'ui S . bury. Members attending were LOVELY VALENTINE DINNER Mrs. Ed Dwight. Mrs. Raymond Dunning, Mrs. Norman Lewellyn, ! Mrs. Laurence Lock wood. Mrs. Keith Atterbury. Mrs. Richard Stevenson and the hostess, Mrs. Turner. I R. E. CASSIDYS OBSERVE 1 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Fifty-five neichbors and friends 1 flm.;fn"i.v''le- R.idile ,and T''- ler signed the guest book at the "vm iiuuse ceieuraung me wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs 1 cassidy at their home east ot canyonville Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Cassidy, the former Annie Worthington, wore a blue lace for mal with a red camellia corsage. Mrs. Ralph Weaver. Mrs. Gordon Clark, Mrs. Ermel Briees and Mrs 11. B. Green helped serve refresh-i ments to the guests. Later in the! evening, Mr. lassidy showed some i .. '. , ms fol'ection 0 moving pic tures. : . , . l0.wn guests included Mrs. ,.y " oaugnier and family, the --" - vvuuibj, ui uidlllS riM GLENDALE FL CLUB HAS SUCCESSFUL PARTY The Glendale FL Club met at the IOOF Hall Wednesday mohi , iwemy two members were pres ent. After the meeting, a valentine party with an exchanse of o.fis was held. The hostess gift was re-' " of Roseburg. and Mrs. Dor ceived by Mrs. Zorada Ford. ' othy Rose of Sulherlin. Hostesses. Mrs. Jackie Weather-! 1'0r "e afternoon's pinochle play all. Mrs. Dollie Van ValVenburg Caley won high score. Mrs. and Mrs. Marila Masill served re- Helvey low and Mrs. Young the freshments Mrs. Billie Sue Nace. Mrs Leila Smith and Mrs. Nadine Reynolds will be hostesses for the next meet ing. WILBUR-WINCH ESTER PTA HOLDS SUCCESSFUL DINNER The Wilbur-Winchester PTA held a valentine turkey dinner Satur - day evening al the Winchester gymnasium. Room mothers and their committees and members of the executive board were in charge of arrangements. Members of two local Camp Fire groups! decorated the tables and helped serve ainner. Mrs. Etta Orr gave the invo cation and Ron Brown acted as master of ceremonies. Entertain ment was provided by Vicki Ding and Eddie Denny, who gave vocal olos. and by Otlo Finnell and Kalhenne Weckerle who present ed a vocal and instrumental duet. CAMP FIRE GROUP ELECTS NEW OFFICERS New officers were recently elect ed for the Mah-kah-wee Camp t ire group n ney are Leona Pow- president; Judy Warren, vice president; I armen Garton. secre lary; Claudette Garton. treasurer; Karen Wagner, hostess: Claudia Knapp. co-hostess; Jo Anne Vtes ley, scribe, and Linda Dunning. merry bookkeeper Mrs. Wilson Garton is leader of the group, the Indian name or which means Earth Maidens. This club wa organized last October. I "SPACE" THB1E Of ! PARTY AT OCENDALE Otto E"kin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bufkin of Glendale, ceicur.icu m ...... .... urday at a party given by Mrs. i County Courthouse, was honored Bufkin at their home. She was as-1 Thursday by the employees of the sisted by Mrs. Carl Smoot. ! courthouse. In the morning at the "Space" was used as the theme coffee hour, a lovely farewell gift of the iarty. The birthday cake presented to Mrs. Ploss. Dur centerpiece was frosted in white ing the afternoon, open-house was and blue and was decorated with a : held in the coffee room and the miniature rocket, "sputnik," flying employees spent their coffee-break saucer, planet and stars, all done time there in honor of Mrs. Ploss. in silver. Silver planets and a Mrs. Ploss, who has made her large flying saucer hung overhead, j home' here for a number of years, and tinv "spacemen," complete . plans to retire and will go to with antennae, were used as place , markers at' the party taDie. t The guest of honor, who been receiving home instruction i this winter because of illness. was, the recipient of many gifts. Games ! were played, with Mrs. Carl bmoot in charge of the entertainment pro-. Adults present included M r s. I Alice Webber, grandmother of the 1 honor guest. Mrs. Jack Cleveland,; Floyd Bufkin, Carl Smoot and the hostesses. . . I , Besides the honoree and his i brother and sister. Ernie land I Joan, Ganlu PlouAlfinH InH RrthllV Smnnt Sandy Cleveland and Bobby Smoot, the following teenage guests were present: Mike u neu, cart Burne, i Don Munyon, Joe , Fisher, Mike I Vaughn, Jimmy Mohr, Lee Dixon, i Pub Cleveland, Renee Young, ttev- j erly Johns. Ronnie McDonald and I Marilyn Mehl. Johnny and Rog er Foster and Diane Cleveland were unable to be present but sent gifts. The hostesses served ice cream, cake and punch. ROSEBURG JOB'S DAUGHTERS HOLD INITIATION TUESDAY, t.,.,i,nn r inh'i n a ii uhi ,. r i i Bethel 8 was conducted bv honor-1 ed en Cnerie Havens Tuesday . Masonlc Temple. A dessert . ,,, , v, ,,!,;- I r.'r Lts.h- m..i.-. Initiated were Kathy Burkhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burkhart; Carol Colbrunn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Col brunn; Gay Dimick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Dimick: Sherry Engle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland A. fcngie; Marilyn Frazier, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn L. Frazier; Sharon Freese, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ! Freese: Judy Kline, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Harlon F. Kline; 'Carol Markham. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Markham; Grace Ruhn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Ruhn. and Linda vtare. uaugnier ui -mis. uuiuuii Ware. SORORITY BENEFIT SHOW SLATED FOR MARCH 7 Reservations are now being taken for the annual benefit fash- ! ion show and card party present-j ed bv Xi Tau Chapter, Beta Sig-1 ma Phi, which will be held Fri- ri.iv, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. i the! Elics Ballroom. The Park School for Retarded Children will benefit this year i from the proceeds. The Elks Club is sponsoring the show. Special fashions for the "Breath 1 of Sprins" show have been order- ed by Miller's Department Store. The home of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Hutson was the scene Tuesday night of a delightful dinner party given by a group of Pathfinder girls who cooked and served the delicious dinner. Honored guests were the girls' mothers: their counselor, Mrs. H. A. Doyle: and their leader, Mrs. Clayton konzack. The valentine theme was used for the table decorations. A charm inff centeraiece of driftwood and I sea shells carried out the valen I tine motif. Those attending included Mrs. J. E. Balentine and daughter, Da lene; Mrs. Rose White and daugh ter. Sheryl; Mrs. Flecher and daughter, Mary Kay: Mrs Elvin Hanson and daughter. Theresa; Mrs. J. M. Hutson and daughter. Sheryl: Mrs. Fred Cornforth and daughter. Bernice: Mrs. H. A Doyle and Mrs. Clayton Konzack. DESSERT LUNCHEON GIVEN BY MRS. CLAUDE HARVEY Thursday Mrs Claude Harvey entertained her pinochle club at one o'clock dessert luncheon at her i Cyphers of Springfield and Sue home on South Side Road in Suth-IRaney of Drain asshted Howard erlin. Beautiful arrangements of Carnes in calling, early spring flowers were used A short meeting was held during about the rooms. the evening and plans were made Those enjoying the luncheon and : for the graduation and initiation of , afternoon with Mrs. Harvev were the beginners' square dance mem the Mesdames George Scott, Pearl ; bers set for Feb. 28 at the Kellogg Young. Isabel Caley. Grace Hel-i Grange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. How vey, Mabel Lange and Mary Deck traveling prizes. DOUG-ETTES ENTERTAIN AT DINNER WEDNESDAY Wednesday evening the Doug - ettes entertained Ihe Sheritf's Pos- se at a delightful potluck dinner at the fairgrounds. Gertrude Sher - lock. Lee Albert., Kathenne Rich-(Ruth Ann Roberts. Dessert wa iman and Allena Farnehaugh had served at the home of Doralee and charge of the dinner. The George i Sudie Mae Allen, Washington's motif was beautifully! -TTV ,.D, ' earned out in the decorations. :; ,,,... ;5 JlSTi" ! Covers were placed for 35 mem- j TUESDAY COFFEE ; bers and guests. , . ,, . , . Cnm,, .Members of the high school girls tumbling tea -h'SVr.1.1" which games on tne group, after which g horseback were enjoyed. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN MEET AT LUNCHEON Women of the Roseburg Country Mrs. Carlisle were Mesdames Lib Club met Thursday at Ihe club- by Ginter. Edna Campbell. Alia house for a noon luncheon, follow- Jean Boyd. Ved llollopeter and ed ha four tables of bridge being Jerry Wilson. '"sirs' Emily Judd won the hi GLIDE ELEMENTARY GRADES score for Ihe afternoon's bridge HOLD VALENTINE PARTIES play with Mrs. James Hughes, sec- f...j,... -,, ,.. ...i n.i.i ....... tv.,.j ronxeive room mothers were ond, and Mrs. Paul Barcus third. ,.,. ,, .......i-. ,,.. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HONORS DRAIN RESIDENTS q Mr. and Mrs Robert Cellers and children. Bobby and Linda, visited Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cellers in DrainJ The occasion was the joint birth day celebration of Robert Cellers and his mother, Mrs. William Cel ' ler I Farewell Affair 'Honors Mrs. Ploss . Mrs. Victoria Ploss, who is re tiring from work at the Douglas Southern California to be near her daughter. 4Nn . ,. ,..Ty event of Thursday EVENT Or THURSDAY Mr, Rernie Ball of Glendale w honored at , pinl and blu. shower give)) Thursday evening it uutuc ui ubu 1,.CM.. . 1C IHIIMH was assisted by Esther Kafer and Doll Tavlor. tu.. ...... . i,.k bassinet The serving table was decorated with colored cindles. Pussvwinows in , iarge vase on h b the fi , ... T festive spring atmosphere. The hostesses served dessert refreshments. One sheet cake was decorated by Mrs. Taylor to rep resent a short pink oany saqu with flowers in variegated colors, Those present were Laura John son, Olesia Swanson, Irene Fur long, Ina Lee Densley and Nele Wells, a of Glendale; Sally Ken nedy, Ethel Kennedy, and Gladys Ball, all of Grants Pass; and Mrs. Madeline Kennedy of Medford. Those unable to attend who sent gifts were Polly Wright, Hazel Na Dier. t av Pate. NeUv Hillman. Mary Ann French, Luella Johnson, Clara Close, and Jean Major. VSLCH INC MUlir US C U ; AT CHARMING SHOWER Miss Cecile Chambers of Azalea was honored at a lovely bridal shower given at the Azalea Grange Hall Wednesday afternoon. The serving table was decorated with a vase of pussywillow, red huckleberry and ferns, flanked by red tapers and hearts and cupids. Red and white favors marked place settings for the following: The honor guest. Miss Cecile Cham bers; Mrs. Douglas Chambers, ir ivniani Rwh i , t Smith. Mrs Lovd ' France Mrs ' Halveil Booth .Mrs Irving Quale j, Colmo ' MrElmurrv Mrs' I James Lyons Mr Gerald McCas- i n frc I nronrn Panknv frc George Wenderoth, Mrs. Charlotte Thompson, Mrs. Gordon Foster, Mrs. Willard Ponsonbv. Mrs. Ar thur Oaedecke. Mrs. Robert Con- ley, Mrs. Robert Gaedecke. Miss Ann Harry. Miss Mary Pankey. Mrs. Clinton Halstead, Mrs. Orval Halstead. Mrs. Gordon Foster and the hostess. Mrs. Robert Head, Several interesting games were enjoyed. Refreshments of beauti fully decorated angel cakes and i red and white ices were served 1 at the clase of the afternoon MRS. WAER HOSTESS TO NORTHSIDE SUNSHINE CLUB The Northside Sunshine Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Agnes Waer. Lovelv daffodils decorated the room. Val entines were exchanged and games were played during the rest of the afternoon. Mrs. William Stiewig won the high prize and extra prize. The second high prize went to Mrs. Gladys Cooper.. Lovely birthday gifts were pre sented to Mrs. William Stiewig, Mrs. R. D. Parsons and Mrs. E. E. Emmitt. A delicious birthday cake which carried out the valen tine motif was cut by Mrs. Stiewig and Mrs. Parsons. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Gladvs Cooper, Mrs. R. D. Parsons, Mrs. William Stiewig, Mrs. George Frew, Mis Bernardine Princen and Mrs. M Sory. ' The next meeting will be March 13 at the home of Mrs. M. Sorv, 826 N.E. Garden Valley Road. Plants will be exchanged at this meeting. UMPQUA DANCE CLUB HAS VALENTINE PARTY The Cmpqua Hillbilly Dance Club's valentine party at the Kel logg Grange Hall was attended bv about 50 dancers. The WhirlawaV Club of Drain and the Boats and i Sandals and Stardusters clubs of Cottage Grove were guests. Bill ard Carnes and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billick were on the serving committee for the evening. AZALEA YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD PROGRESSIVE DINNER The young people of the Azalea Community Church held a pro gressive dinner party Saturday the home of Larry and Clifford ,Worley .From there the group went on to the home of Evelvn and Beverly Bradley. The main idish was served at the home of P.. I. l ,L. tl.aU l..a Cnurch o Smherlin held a money !,,. ,. ..; T . the home of Betty Carlisle, with Helen Curry acting as baby sitter for the mothers attending. Those eniovine the coffee with the students of the first through ' the sixth grade in the eleven iuuiii- ti tiiue r.iemrniary acnuui. All students made their individual mail boxes to receive their many valentines from classmatees. The mothers served gaily decorated - cup cakes and other valentine re- freshments Mrs. Eugene Fox it - i chairman of the PTA room moth 'ers O 0 0 5 & e 6? 0 0' ffl 0 0 c,.9 o ra