o O e o o 8 The News-ffre?, trg, Qe. THun. rV(gO, 1951 o o o e - o o. O q o o O 00 o u o Meat prices in effect Friday and Saturday, February 21 & 22. All other pricei effective through Sunday, February 23. We re terve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. CABBAGE NEW CROP CRISP-SOLID HEADS iv5 Texas Pink Grapefruit Red Emperor Ifo- g?Sg. ' GRAPES 6:35 2sff CARROTS Sweet & Juicy Bag! 25 RED YAMS U. S. No. 1 Extra Fancy APPLES Rome Beauty lb. box 1 .69 3U91 o) 3 QUflCGC Delrich DL ATS all purpose mix (limit 2), 40 oz pkg., Pure vegetable, all purpose, qt., 28 Triangle, quick or regular, 9 lb. bag, 7' ALMN Dvoiry Commerce No. 1 tall tin 9 SAP America favorite Jg bar, ZaZa Reg. 39c OVEN MITT Washable, fait color. Fit either hand. Asst. colon. 9 $5.95 Value TV RABBIT EARS Fit on the back of TV set. Adjustable cart. Bright gold finish. 1 98 TABLE CLOTH New, inexpensive vaccum embossed plastic. Waterproof, will not shrink. Cleans with damp cloth. Site 54" x 54". Shortening Cream Flake 31b. can 69c Comb Set 12 Pc, .11 p... . 25' Coffee White House, drip or reg Mb. can 79' Ice Cube Tray !hkc'.eilct.r,VooiH 89' Spaghetti-Macaroni Famiiy pak 2 ,b. b.9 35c Pinking Shears 99' Wax Paper 75 f. 15e Pot Holders SKEJ.1. .... 225 Pie Crust Mix Jiffy 9-oz. pkg. 10c "Pace" Reg., gentle or super, complete, plus tax 2.00 Marshmallow Creme Campfire 7-oz. jar 25' Cowboy Hats 100 hvy ut, m, i9 98' CandyBarsAssoM.d5c,each4e 6,.r23' EkcoloyPan S,-!"3'. 891 Butter Meadow Brook Lb. 59c Ice Cream Scoop Metai, ig size, chrome finish 89c DreSSing Catalma 8-oz. bottle 2 49c Chicken Salad Spread wis. 5. 389e Dog FOOd Walter Kendall Kibbled 5's . . 4-lb. box 63 InStant Milk Stark's, powdered . . 12 qt. pkg. 69C Cheese Slices phemx-processed ... s oz. pkg. 29c Salad Dressing saiad r. Qt. & 39c Sandwich Spread Soiad t at. jar 49c Gelatin Royal, asst. flavors 5pkgs.29C TR A W3ERRIES 4i59EGGS leaded SHKIMP 49c CATSUP POG FOOD...... 1 Crade A Small, doz., Snider's, (limit 6), 14 oz. bottle, 11 c '0 R i PEANUT BUTTER' i.29 Reg. 5.98 $5.98 value GARBAGE CAN WOOL BLANKET 24 gallon, gaNoniied metal. Will no C jjJ Jl 3' i lbs., 100S wool. Site 42" x stX MVl rutt. tnplete with lid. O ii Ml 2". ftlor red, nevy end green. s) Jf M ' w 9 . li T ? ffl V o