o o o o G C3 O O0 0 o o Quiet Living FQund In Douglas nvitation Is Extended To Retired e To Make Homes Here o -0 Spud Price Boost Explained At QSC lThu,ft f.b. 20, im-Th. N.wR.yiew, ...br,. Ore. 7 CORVALMS '.I" Cold weather; 66 rents on April ind M on May, in the East, reduced storage tocki contracts. and the prospect of a small winter Karlv this week Idaho Fall harvest in Florida have combined cents. to boost potato prices, Stephen C. I Central Oregon's market was Marks, extension agricultural unsettled, but the undertone was stronger, aians saiu Conveyances Answer to Previous Puiile IS economist at Oregon State College, Idaho's inventory on Feb. 1 was down J per cent from a year ago In Chicago, carlot sales of Rus- and Oregon had three million sets went up as much as 4.S cents sack for No. 1. New York potato futures jumped 52 cents from the previous week on March contracts. sacks, a drop of t per cent. In the Eastern states the Feb. 1 de cline was 13 per cent and in the Midwest it was 35 per cent. Peool ITji" FROM NINE TO FIVE By Jo Fitxher J, 4 V . f Vt , t MHWiyllT " f MUD ALL OVEfO V. AT ITZ ' MY TEMPERS Pastoral Scent Near Camas Valley Is Typical Of Douglas County's Serenity (Jenkins) " 1 "V 'AfJH rJOLF leisure time and the desire to DODulated valley of Douglas Conn- W .A I M-fi -t SiES IB ACROSS 1 Pleasure canlsae S.sconvevenre 12 Unaspirated 1J Bustle 14 Range 15 Pertaining to an age 16 Varnish ingredient IT Bruin II Small wheeled truck (var.) 10 Classify 22 Former Russian rulers 24 Rugged mountain spur zsucean conveyance SS Rant 34 Painful 35 Indigo 38 Eternities 17 Soaring conveyance 41 West Pointer 42 Smell 44 Requite 48 Dress 53 Verbal 54 Goddess of the dawn 58 Assam silkworm 37 Fork prong 58 Social insect 39 Bows slightly (0 Hardens. as cement 61 Masculine nickname 2 Dirk DOWN I Snow conveyance nemigod I Analysis (sb 4 Shout 5 River valleys 6 Harem room 7 Baby carriage I Taxis Martian (comb. form) 10 Krect " II Small pastry 11 Follower 21 Mariner'a direction 23 While 24 Nomad 25 Genus of leaping amphibiana 26 Wicked 27 Relate 29 Nautical term 30 Disposition ' J n ft-nil gp" It fe wptA sty Rj Enjl I It Sea eagle 32 Pause 38 Rowing implement 39 Trying experience 40 Negative reply 41 Feline 43 Used on sailing conveyances 44 Decays 45 Iroquoiail Indian 46 Dearth 47 Drinks made with malt 49 Number (pi.) M Press 31 Be borne In a conveyance 52 Comfort 53 Individual rrrr rnn i p i i r 3 n r- j j, r r T5a !i V Ift H -th lit lil pi I 3 rrrrj ' r ii 1111 H Ito i 111 ?T ii l;i lil r rii x i! :i 15 By BRUCE ELMGREN County Plorvning Coordinotor Every resident vill contribute immeasurably to the de- Semitropie Vegetation to populated valley of Douglas Conn- I ty receives le.ss snow than any val ley north of the Sacramento. i Sunshine records are not exten- relopmevt of Dov,la County by mailing this article to . En , few semitr0Dical tl.eeJ 3' friend. The only prerequisite should be that the recipient is can ne foun( j lne valley areas ! Roseburg indicate that Kosehurg retired and interested in settling doirn in a localitii that ! throughout the county. Fig trees1 gets 10 per cent more sunshine vill male retirement a pleasure. We all have such friends,' Krow vCy " ' he in- than Portland, though there are' j -ii i j r i r i . i,.... .,; !.., tenor valleys, and palm trees can many areas in ou: as Countv and ire mil be doing Douglas (ounti. ourselves and these M oumJ - ,uct) un"llk(.ly spo,s ,,, ygel even lnore snn5hine ,hah friends a special favor by sending the following xnforma- Kosehurg and (iardincr. It is. true Roseburg, and it is necessary to Hon to them. that fig trees of smaller size can drive only a few miles from the j be found in the Willamette Valley, i center of the city to be free of ' t1 , , , . . . . . ... ., 'nut winter freezes damage the the valley fogs that usually vani-h Doutrlas C ounty is the largest county in Western Oregon, trees and the ,rilil wi only par.lby ,nid.morn7ng. and is larger than the state of Connecticut. It is reportedly tially mature before cool weather! Another important consideration the only countv in the United States having an entire river:'" the fall prevents ripening. These in evaluating weather data is to. drainage within . its borders and this river, the Umpqua ; rDo M Vm I is no ordinary river, since it is unsurpassed in beauty and indicate the winter mildness more , C.lendale. a small town in I)oug- Known throughout the country lor lis Iisning. 1 his spat'Kling , clearly than incomplete wealherjlas County, receives approximate ly the same rainfall as hugene. WUEM THEY'RE GROWN 1 1 DONT WORRY, 1 aj"1 AND MARRIED. ILL 1 POP! WE'LL Kt SL t 'fH ii MAiMM. m. TJt vkfuW. I fcJaWiirty 'S r I stream flows swiftly through the Cascade Mountains, then records. meanders past sleepy valley farms until it cuts through the Coast Range to the sea for a total distance of nearly 200 miles. According to the U.S. Forest Service, Douglas County contains more standing timber than any county in the na-i tion, and more than half of the county s area is under gov ernment ownership. 1 his means we are surrounded by a vast public park of more than a million acres. Only yet this rain is distributed over 93 1 dav in (llendale, while it is dis- i trinutrd over 148 days in hugene. Astoria and t.nrdiner on the Or- Pleasant weather, friendly neigh bors and "elbow room are per haps the prime essentials to senior ritiens who are interested in' breaking away from their familiar eson toast each have the same , haunts. Leaving anv location that'J"y raimaii, uiouxn Asiuna nasi ! has been home for half a century i '7 rainy days per year, while lis difficult, to sav the least. Gardiner, in Doujjlas County, has p.nni. i .,,. oniy us. tlieeilio u-ill nain all nt Vhtfua. hn.ij.. I ..... hunter and fisherman must invest a small fee for the use fits, while those leaving their small A,r "Ollution Nil I of this wonderland. towns and farms will gain only the i nleasnnt . uvnthur sine thev at. Crater Lake, one of the seven rlv ,;,,w ,.ihhor. Prevalent to Koseburg and many and sufficient space in which IJfaTJaVMflgV iHkv ve OOKt 1 1 puve CRDnsM ks thb I pMgfewssmM smsuTi i I S . rZuTT 0lUlllMN7At JOS. SMeLLITS WILL It DV " Iiimi I I m j J mimSSi I IWCLL.WcKeE.m MtiC. IT W!U. IN A WEEK, (ks)0 WE CUO I ftLau tfA. .L.K, Jt W SS 6t WLL t IgeACH MfUVEML. FLf IT DOWN IM TIWE1. J ' tTPOO LSR6B TJ 4L N" C0KT I I -"rnr-r ' ?ivr6r ?3Sigr XT1 I y I la CS: ' THt m55iie i,--,ifLiHtfl I jg I . n (Ty!, k Lewes- for ffYmir jji i - 'i 4 t 'S. :f s. --hjr puller. i Small Town Convenient wonders of the world, adjoins Douglas County, and this lake is one of the highlights of a beautiful weekend trip which is commonly taken by the local residents. The trip begins at Roseburg, fol-1 Another very important factor, lows the Norlh Cmpqua River to unknown to the average city dwell- its headwaters, then to Diamond er. is the convenience of a small Lake, down the famous Rogue town. An elderly person in New River, over the divide to the South York or Chicago is virtually a Impqua River and back to Rose- prisoner, since he is unable to burg. Since most of the towns are cone with the traffic and crowded located very near to the North or businesses. So he becomes useless South Umpq.ua River, this trip can long before he becomes immobile The very low wind velocities prevalent to Roseburg and n WIHU III ,1113 III llllK'lk "I M1" -." i pv."1" air pollution. Yet. the Oregon1 Slate Air Pollution Authority in its 1956 study found that Roseburg has less air pollution than any large town in the stale. This means the air is very pure when one considers that air pollution in Oregon has not ycl become a real problem, such as it has become in many other stales. Alter reading this short de- r -- TUMc&Y1 r TerYStXJfce A P5AL CW.TOJ MAKE M Ft EL I LIKE 1 COULD DAMCtT A i i night , iTTM ri i . m &2 xt-vi, iv rTx n I 9 r4 Bruc Elmgren, author of th accompanying articlt, it om ployed at planning coordinator for tho Douglas County Plan ning Commission. A nativo of Portland, ho grod uatod from tho School of Otn oral Scitnco at Oregon Stato Colltqo, than took graduate work in planning at University of Washington. After leaving school he was employed in Seattle's Munic ipal Planning Department and with the Snohomish County Plan ning Commission at Everett, Wash., prior to moving to Doug las County. DE AOLINE SET DAM Af'CLS, Syria, f Syria gave foreign emba..ei and le Rations here luo months Tuesday lo terminate their function after the mcrser with Kspt i ratified by the Feb. 21 plebiscite REDUCE TIRE WEAR Have A Wheel Alignment Completed Today. WHEELS ALIGNED WHEELS BALANCED TOE-IN CHECKED Each ef rhete mrm corrected re reduce tire wear and meka yeur drivinf I. nnich mere eniyb-l, Ciiar end ekresee'- scnption of Douglas County, the be taken as easily from any of and Imust depend on others for fa-' iTrL lr.i?.vTT7 i . these towns. , vors. This is intolerable to anv per- V J 5.''hc; Another scenic attraction is the son with an ounce of independence. XL VUve. Z I"'" V"" .'"""""' Z i . cant one classify California sim- Iconsidered the most beautiful Here in Douglas County, no one Harlv'' coastal highway in the country. , reac hes an ae where he needs i iMhis is true why do we have This coastal area can be reached 1 assistance pf this kind, since even so niariv former Californians liv-1 within two or three hours from all j the major highways are uncliitler-1 mg m Douglas County' Employ-j towns in the county, and the city led and all business can be trans-' m(.nt opportunities are as good or of Heedsport, on I mpqua River acted wilhin a "stone s throw" of belter in California and evervone I tidewater, is located amid this your car. is aware of the well - known Call- l0fau'.' Perhaps the above picture ap- fornia climate. : For Ihe out-of-state readers, it pears a little too good to he true. The above statement concerning should be mentioned that what is so it micht he well to add a few a number of Californians coming said about any coastal town would facts concerning the cost of living, lo this area for other than work ' apply to all coastal towns, jul as Lpon inquiry into food prices, it opportunities is undoubtedly a rev- appears that they are generally elation to easterners, though it is a comparable to those found in the well known fact to the people of larger cities along tne coast, ann :souinwesiern Oregon this i aid to be brought ahiut through considerable competition in the area. a description of any particular val ley town would apply to other val ley towns. The climate and appear ance of all Douglas Counlv coast al areas are similar, and the in terior valley areas are a!o simi lar in this respect. s . -GO DON'T VO' WORRY. ) f -T SUPPORT THET A MbvS J THAR HAINT TH' v YOU FAT, ELDfcRLV YVtOLE MOB.EFAH I M AM AM V, 1 L ( FAINTEST CHANCE O' I LI L HAID BOUT VOkE J ( IS KILT.'.' NOT THET v EUTREMELY J T !" 'oHOREfOOTED ME KIN 1 PROMISE i Vcr"-YD' COULDN'T AFFORD ) .WEALTHY f VV Tranquil Landscapes Vpon readimc the foregoing, it would appear that Douglas Counly is an untamed wilderness, which is far from Ihe truth. The valleys are well populated and have been settled for several generations. Sew residents from the hilly eastern states can feel at home, since have a settled . about them, and the deciduous trees bordering the streams and coering the low hills surrounding the alleys are similar to those trees so common to their natie ! slates, sheep grazing the oak-covered hillsides add to the tranquil- , ity of the landscape. There is more than ample hiifh i quality farm land for tho.e people wno are interested in obtaining Rental Prices Normal (lne must first consider th.it Cal- . ifornia ha about every conceiv-i able climate known to man and that only Ihe coastal area south of San Francisco is considered ideal. Thin blooded easlerncrs Lluriiu Ihe "timber boom." rent- have filled these once pleasant als were hi'h. hut only because coastal cities to capacity so that of a temporary housing shortage i they are no longer pleasant but caused by Ihe opening up of larue hue become teeming cities wilh tracts of timber. This is unlikely nothing more to offer than a nice lo occur in the future since the climale. timber cut has surpassed the tim- If people are only interested in ber growth and the possibility of i climate and are not concerned another boom based on timber is with aileoiiate snare. Ihev wnulH the valley farms highlv unlikely Willi conditions do iust as well la remain uhere look of maturity hark lo normal, prices also are they are and include a sunlamp bark lo normal with their central heating Much has been said concerning From the foregoing, it must be Ihe weaiher of Douglas Counly. j concluded that climate is not but nothing is more reassuring to: enough to sell people on Ihe merits the wary than to quote a few I of an area. The pleasant climate weather statistics that can he ver-jmust he aupplemenied with suffi-i ified easily by contacting theicient "elbow room" lo make Ihe 1 T L .." O . v .a io sO goal of relaxed living a reality Main Potato Futures Trading Tops In Years ! 1 XKW YORK 'IT - Trading in Maine potato futures hit a 17 ear- AS LOW , VUK $2.00 en oeerevee' cretttt fa' Mftnl Matv Ca. lls-M.at SalV Stmca t. E JkIix OR ! Weather Bureau The following information was taken from a climatic summary of Western Ore-jnn beginning at small acreages. Some of the bet-Uhe time the various stations were ter lands will raise anything that established and ending in IftiO. jean be raised on eastern farms. From this summary and similar together with a few tender crops information from Washington and mat cannot withstand the rigorous California, one can conclude that high on the New York Merranlre eastern winters. the interior vallcs of Western 1 F.sehange Tuesday with sales ol The interior vallev section of Oregon. Douglas Countv are mild-!J.51l contracts. Douglas County is Ifnown as the er than all interior valleys to the The previous record turnover area mat nas a greater variety of north of the Sacramento Valley, was 2.7s contracts on March I trees than any other aca of the state, which would seem to indi- Wistar SeMM Milder i cate that the climate is zree- i h to the growing habits of I The tverage winter tempera greater variety of plants. This, of tures are higher and the wind ve. . course, makes this areaoa gar!i- loriios are lower. The growing m. nmin !niruni w 01 seasov is similar to many wuiam. dn'"r8 10 lnn" P"?1 h9 h,v "le Valley stations, though theiis 19)5. The new total is the highest since trading opened in 1941. Contracts for March. April and May were up .15 to 2" of a rent a pound, while contracts for next November and January were un changed. The it a)traliriL limit ( coupon out or A TMB MAGAZINE )-. I lMRENGjy-"' jei On th OThl SiDE Cf t dSl "V. NOJDOlT, 1s. VOuOELF'IfA Wl IT 5 STILL I ;tA'.;f?iV ta-et!- 0O S-sOOuDNT LET ME 00 A Thing LIKE THAT' -r 1 1 .30 or a cent 1 po.nd. ?s o , 0 0 a a)