a ' a - 0 o o o O o o 0 O 0 Real Estate 1 Apts. For Rent 4 10 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thurt. Feb. 20, 1958 ' OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Real Estate 1 LEGAL NO. Hint HI MMIlNIi IV THE f'IKITIT I'OI RT OK THE STATU Or" OKHill.N r'OK lllll.ULA COl NT Y MARGUERITE ZIfcUHICH. a slnale woman. WILLIAM H. T. ZIEDH1CII. single man. DAVID W ZIKUHIC'H, AND DELOHES ZIEDRICH. husband and wile. WALTER G. PLIKAT and HILDEGARD PLIKAT. husband and Vlfe. WM. F. S1EMANN and LILLY SIEMANN. husband and wife, and RUDOLF KRIEGER and WIL HELM1NE KR1EGEK, husband and wife. Plaintiffs. The Unknown Stockholders of the CAMAS COAL COMPANY, a dis solved Corporation; the unknown tockholder. of the POKT OHKOKD and JACKSONVILLE KAILHOAD COMPANY, a di-olved Corporation, alio known an the PORT OUFOHD KAILHOAD COMPANY: M A H Y COOPER and JOHN DOE COOPER, her husband: the unknown heirs of MARY COOPER. If deceased; M O. BUHCH and JANE DOE BUHCH, hi wife: JULIA ASHTON and JOHN DOE ASHTON, her husband: IHFNE EDWARDS and JOHN DOE ED WARDS, her hunband: ALTO AN DERSON and JOHN DOE ANDER SON, her husband: MILLIE ROB ERTS and JOHN DOE ROBERTS, her husband; EUNICE RUNNER and JOHN DOE RUNNER, her hus band; PEAHL WILEY and EDGAR WILEY, her huiband, the unknown hetra of PEAHL WILEY. If de ceased; CASS1E BRISBANE and JOHN DOE BRISBANE, her hus band; the unknown heirs of CASSIE BRISBANE, If deceased: LILLIAN FORREST and JOHN DOE FOR REST, her husband: the unknown heirs of LILLIAN FORREST. If de ceased: T. B. SHERIDAN and J P. SHERIDAN. Co-Partner do SHER IDAN BROS : the unknown hetra of T R SHERIDAN, if deceased: the unknown heirs of 3 P SHERIDAN. If deceased: the unknown heirs o? N. M. KIHKENDAHL; and also all other parties or persons unknown claiming any right, title estate. Hen or Interest in or to the real prop erty described In the complaint herein. Defendant!. TO: The unknown stockholder! of the Camas Coal Company, a dissolved cor poration; the unknown stockholders of the Port Orford and Jacksonville Rail road Company, a dissolved Corporation, also known as the Port Orford Hail road Company. Mary Cooper and John Doe Cooper, her husband: the unknown heirs of Mary Cooper, If deceased; Pearl Wiley and Edgar Wiley, her husband: the unknown heirs of Pearl Wiley, if deceased; Cassie Brisbane and John Doe Brisbane, her husband; the unknown heirs of Cassie Brisbane, if deceased: Lillian Forrest and John Doe Forrest, her husband; the unknown heirs of Lil lian Forrest, if deceased; T. R. Sheridun and J. P- Sheridan, co-partners dlw Sheridan Brothers; the unknown heirs of T. R. Sheridan, if deceased; the un known heirs f J. P. Sheridan, if de ceased: the unknown heirs of N. M. Kirkendahl, and also all other parties or persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In or to the real roperly described In the com plaint herein. IN TUB NAME OF THE STATE Or OREGON, you and each of you art hereby required to appear In answer to complaint of the Plaintiffs filed against you herein within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and U you fall to so appear in answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded therein, a suc cinct statement of which is as follows, to-wit: That tt be decreed that you and each of you, and all persona claiming by, through or under you. be required to appear and set form ine nature 01 your adverse claim, li any, Ml the following : described real proprty, Douglas County, to-wit: PARCEL 1. That part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section IS, Township 20 South, Range 8 West of the W.M.. lying easterly of the Roseburg-Coos Bay Highway No. 42; and that part of Lot e in Section 17. Township 2H South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, lying south and east and outheaoterly of the Roseburg-Coos Bay Highway No. 42, in Douglss County, Oregon, PAHCEL 3. Beginning at a point which Is MO feet north of the southwest corner or the Northwest qusrler of Section IB, Township 29 South, Hnntce 8 West of the Willamette Meridian along the line between Sections 16 and 17: thence North along said line I.mi feet; thence at right angles Kdst 310 feet, more or less, to the Coos Bay-Koseburg State Highway Number 42: thence southwesterly slong said Highway to a point which Is directly Kast of the point of t ginning; thence West 340 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, DoonIms County-, Oregon. PAKCKL 3. All or the Northwest quarter of the northwest quarter iNW'.NWi and that part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter SW'-,-NWM of Section 16. Tnwnthtp 2M South Of Range 8 West of the Wil lamette Meridian, described as fol lows: UKtilNNINd at a point 700 feet north or the southwest corner of the Northwest quarter iNW'ii of Sec tion 1, Towiistup 2D Smith or Range 8 West of the WilL.tirlte Meridian; thence North along the line between Sect tons 1 and 17 to the northwest corner of the southwest qusrler of the northwest Quarter i8W'NWi; thence eal along said line to the westerly line of Coot Bay-Hosebui g State Highway No 42; thence south westerly along the westerly line of said road to a point which IS direct ly eel or the point of beginning; thence Went ;tP0 (ret, more or less. In the point of beginning. Douglas County, Oregon. PAHCKL 4 Beginning at a point which Is 4O0 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter iNW'.i of Section Sixteen 16i Township twenty-nine i2Ui south. Reuse Eight ' Went along the line Itelween Sec tions Sixteen ltti ami Seventeen 17, thence north along said line 10 fret, thence at right angle east :H0 fret, more or lets, to the Coos ItMy-Kosehuig State Highway Num. It 42. thence Southwesterly along SHid Highway to a point which is directly rl to the point of begin ning, thence west 2tKI feet, more or Irm, to the point of beginning, all in Section 1. iSixteem. Townohip Twentv tune Smith 2f Range Kight K West. Willamette Meridian, DoiigUs Count) , Oregon. PARCEL 5 He inning at the southwest corner tif the northwest quarter of Section 1 T 2 S. Rne H W. thrnce 400 fret north along the line hvtween Sections la and 17. thence K 2W5 feet, more or less, to the Cons Bav H'Mrhurg State Highway No. 42: thrtn-e southwesterly along id HiKhway 42 4.W ft more or le; thence west 140 ft more or less to the place nf beginning, all in Section lb. Tp 2V S. Hange 8 W. W. M, Douglas County, Oi egnn. That uon the hearing thereof tt 1 decreed that Plaintiff lie the owners i said real prnpertv. and that none of ou throitfh. or under ou have any right! , title, esiate. lien or intrreat in nr to us i ft real pntpertv, or any part thereor and that the tide or the Plaintiffs to said irorty be forever quieted agamat any clei-n of vou snd each of you and any and all persons claiming hv, through or under ihi, and that ou be forever en-)i'!-d from aertmg or r (aiming any rishi, title, eM-tte, lien or interest in or V) the real property herein ri rr'd T'i s summons Is served upon you hv pub.H all-in ome earn week fc four cii-x utite wfvka in the rtosetHirf News Ktew. a rewpair or general cirru ia'Kwi puhlisrted in iHniflai County. Ore go'i. purausnt to the order nf Ihe above e'itled court made and entered on Ihe t'h day or Fetiruar. dated and ftrsl P'lMiatted this Hh day or February, ISM. cr nor rrt.Ktn. walton A RICHMOND Att.rnev rr Plsintirft Roseburg, Oregon SPORT ORGANIZER IS 91 PKINCE A Mi El Si. A ,', Howard, whu urnanned tht firtt bi4fhU and soccer teams tore whit) trachirw achwtl. riant ly celebrated hi aVnd bn lh'1a Mr came here in Jttw irom Wr iiiru - King Cobras Plan Fish Fry To Stay Out Of Jail SEATTLE i - The King Cobras, all much milder than their name, plan a fish and ham fry here Wednesday to keep nine of their number out of the atate training school at Chehalia. The nine confessed taxing part in a grocery store burglary re cently, and Juvenile Judge Wil liam G. Long gave them a month to make amends and pay the grocer $100 for his loss. Other wise, it s the training school tor them. The Cobras, an all-Negro social club sponsored by a community fund agency, took the money in their treasury and bought all the fixin's for a big blowout to . be held at a Seattle Housing Author ity gymnasium. The parents will help. The boys plan to charge 75 cents and $1 for the meal (regu lar and deluxe styles). Csse Ne. TUU'7 NOTICE OF It ALE IN THE CIRt l IT COl RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY HOLLAND J. GRATZ and Marie T. GRATZ. husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. LEAH KURTZ and ELMER D. ... HEATH, her husband, et al. Defendants. By virtue of an Execution Issued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 14th day of February, l5a. based upon a Decree rendered and entered in suJd Court on the Ulh day of February, liiM. in favor of Holland J. Gratz and Marie T. Grats, husband and wife. Plain tiffs, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: That portion of vacated Arundel 4c Nelson Subdivision In the town of Myrtle Creek. Douglas County, Ore gon, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the East side of a 4H foot street, which point is BOS 8 feet East and 70 feet North of the section corner common to Sec tions 31, 22, 27, and 2H. Townnhip 29 South, Range 9 West, thence running from said beginning point North 51 feet, East HJ J feet. South M feet and West 8A.5 feet to the place of beginning. to satisfy the sums found due Plaintiff in the sum of 40;,7 10 together with in terest thereon at six per rent per annum from March 1. 1937, until paid and for the further sum of i:U!i 00 as a reason able attorney's fee, 91164 72 for repairs, $;t03.3ll for taxes and for Plaintiff's costs and disbursements hrefn incurred In the sum of $27 33 together with the costs of and upon this Writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of said Exe cution and Decree and in compliance with the commands of said Writ, I will on the 21st day of March, NMW. at 10:00 a.m. at the south front door of the Doug las County Courthouse at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemption to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest which the above named Leah Kurtz had on the llth day of February, 1WI.H, the dale of said Decree and thereafter had snarl tn th ho Vat rt er I tui I rmml nrnn. erty or any part or portion thereof to Mtisfy said Execution and Decree and Interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 30th day of February, lfM. 1HA C. BYRD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon By: Nova Bates, Deputy NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice is hereby given that the under staned has been, hv the Circuit Courl of the State of Oregon, for Dougas Coun ty, appointed administrator of the es tate or Madeleine Lois Zoeter, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the under signed at Room 205, Douglas County Stale Bank Building. Rrwehurg, Oregon, within six 16) months from the date of this notice Dated February 20th, lf)5fl. Donald S Kelley, Administrator of the Estate of Madeleine Lois Zoeter, deceased. NOTICE OP SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the Rural School District of Douglas County, State of Oregon, that SCHOOL MEET ING of said district will be held at the office of the County School Superintendent, 209 Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon, on the 14th day of March, 1958 at 7:30 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958 and ending June 30, 1959 hereinafter set forth. BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 19S8-S9 Summary of Ettimatad Expnditura$, Rcipt$ and Available Cash Balancat, A Tax Lavits Estimation of Tax Lav. at (1) Total Estimated Expenditure!! nUIHICT (2) Tolal Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances None (3) Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget $46.220 00 (4) Total Estimated Tax Levy for Ensuing Fiscal Year $46.220 00 (5) Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: (a) Amount Inside t per cent Limitation $16,220.00 (h) Amount Outside 6 per cent Limitation None (c) Not affected by g per cent Limitation NONE INDEBTEDNESS Dateil Fob. 10, lr Signed: Kenneth V. BarnrburK Secretary-Kural School Board Guy Mctiee C'hairiuan-Rural School Board ESTIMATED Artsal Ktprndllsris i Hudirt cal Yrar Alio rift f l.r.l Yr I. rutins. 1 I tiding I 1 vrtrnt Jane . Itlt Jn M, m.7 Flral Year $1,60(1. QO $ 1,800 00 $ 1.800 00 6.401) 00 6,l;iy 91 929 83 1.2:6.75 1.200.00 5 41 SO 00 75 00 36 31 23 20 0 i-J 50 00 so 00 50 00 6 50 90 W 7, 00 109 M 363.12 200 00 37 00 42 00 42 00 578 73 GOO. 10 675 00 50.00 9000 $f,)43,t? $10,453.97 $1037 00 Column 5 inolmlr-f rxprniri in County Budget. The rx)rnri 3 of thr J)oiiil County Budiii-t itt-in wlilh h bwn formnt. , l" w" Q illlljli Y GETTING VOUR OWN BREAKFAST 'CAUSE Y DON'T WORRY ABOUT 1 aaOM'5 60TA HEADACHE, HUH? E3GS, J ME--BY THE TIME I J ' I ! J BACON, CORN MEAL MUSH, SAUSAGES 3ET ALLTHlS STUFF J ' l t'i ANP SOME SLICES OF HAM --ANP NOW COOKEP IT'LL BE S ! II , 1 V M3URE SLICING SOME POTATOES A. LUNCH TIME.TOO J i 17 ISN'T THAT A PRETTY Bl3 zmiWfor-r-- f VT3 THE WORRY WART J,.?, g gT'- 2 to Congress Croup Recommends U. S. Claim Antarctica WASHINGTON tin A group of congressmen who visited Antarc tica was reported to have recom mended that the United States claim sovereignty over part of the continent and discuss joint admin istration of other areas. The exact recommendation the six-man House Commerce sub-committee made to President Eisen hower by letter Jan. 17 was kept secret. In a formal report to the house, the subcommittee said only "we are of the opinion that the time has arrived for a re-evaluation" of the position on Antarctica the United Stales has maintained since 1924. This position was that the United States recognized no terri torial claims of other countries in the far southern continent and made none of its own, but re served all its rights. In 1924, the United States was well ahead of the rest of the world in antarctic exploration. Many other countries have entered the field since then. New Zealand, Australia. France, Norway, Argentina, Chile, Great Britain and the Union of South Africa have asserted territorial claims in Antarctica. The Soviet Union, Belgium. Japan and the United Stales have operated sci entific stations there in connection with the International geophysical Year but have asserted no claims. CITY ISOLATED BRISBANE. Australia tm Mackay, main city of central Queensland with a population of 18.500, was isolated Tuesday hy the worst floods in its history fol lowing 51 inches of rain in five days. Total All Funds $16.220 00 NONE Approved January 2A, 19.'8 Signed: Ray Doernor Secretary-Budget Committee ieori;e Wilcox Chair man-fluduet Committee EXPENDITURES KlimaUJ Ki prndtlarrs far ltlt-fti (Si ! $ 8.500 00 6.800 00 6,200.00 3,fi00.00 3.200 00 3.000.00 Superintendent Deputy Superintendent Curriculum Specialist E x ecu 1 1 ve Sec re t a ry Stenographer ' Clerk (Transportation-Board Mem hers. Attendance Officer and Einployee)i 5,360 00 Posi.ii e and Telephone WH) 00 Supplier and Printing 2,200 00 Test 1.5noort In lieu of lnatiiaite 500 00 Convention dues A expenses 250 00 Maintenance of Equipment 140 00 Elections and Publicity 500 00 1 euai (Audit. Bond, etc) 70 00 Retirement and SI AC. 2.400 00 Emcrgencr 500 00 Capital Outlay rtilitien & Janitor Service 900.00 (Paid to County) $44,?0.00 of County OHic-c furmorly orricl will h shown in Columns 1. 2 an.l whrn puhlnhrd. fxcrit f.ir ll can a, i urt of Counhounp Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advcrtuins placed trom wltnin Hoeburg trada area Minimum chawe to: any one o u 50o CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word - 5c 2 aay per word 7c 3 days per word 9c 4 days per word . lie 5 days per word . 1 2c 6 days per word 1 3c Line od, per line o day 18c Line ad, repeat insertion, per day 9c Line ad, per line, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per col. Inch .. $1.60 Repeat insertion, per col. Inch .80 1 col. Inch per month $20 80 National Classified Advertising . 25c per line, no repeat rate 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW ADS 11:00 A. M. day prevlotm to publication CANrGLLATIONft I LP TO S:.ia A. M. ADJUSTMENTS It rour advertlftement appear Incorrect ly, notify ut immediately We will not be reponiible for more than one In correct tnaertlon. Such responsibility li limited to refund of price paid or cor rect Insertion nf advertisement nr.FUNn will not be iikld HORI THAW a DATS Real Estate 1 Byers Real Estate Stock Ranch 48 S ACRES, 200 acres cultivated, aeeded to Lotus, Clover, and permanent grasavs, bat. Native pasture, AO acres can be irrigated from larife all year creek. Springs, two wells. Fenced and rroatt fenced. Modern house, large barn equipped for dairy, loafing shed, machine shed. shop. This ranch Is worth the money and la aoine to tell. S:iO.uO0 terms, or take income proper- I t- 30 Acres MOST a" rln cultivated, imall mod- pavement, a mile out, a52A0. Terma. 12 Acres YEAR round creek gxes thru this place Mm large three bedroom home nut completed. This ts really worth the money. $3,000. Terms. 15 Acres MOSTLY bottom ground, with a large I all year creek thru it. No Builduigs. I liood land. $:t500. Terms. I )3 Acres WITH a new two room cabin, easy to ! add on. Shop, wood shed, deep well, j Heautlful spot. On Bod rOsd. $3,000. Byers Real Estate 4X1 W. Ballf Ph. OR -746H Evenings Call Roy Rarnhart Doug Warren Ulrnn Byers OR 3-5778 OR 3-40.(111 OR 3-746H UPPER OLALLA 105 acres. 5 till atile. Urge modern 3-bedroom home with fireplace. 1 good barns, 2 spring. Year mitnd creek could irrigate fain- iU orchard Musi sacrifice. 112.000. .H down OS -S7 FOR SALE OR TRADE, .1 room hou, j garage, foundation for new home. Wa ter, lights, telephone. Approximately nne ii-rf Trade for camp trailer or? OR 3-1HH4 I EAST OF SVTHERLIN, .1 bedroom; htune with attached garage on half ; V,ZlaXZ9,,. J" ", '"t "mn as, apt. houses, and going b'islncsses. room. $4NW Will take trailer houe or i pi. hup in trade Ph 3510 SFC QUANT REALTY, 157 HARVARD TWO FOR ONE - I smalt hou-e. mod-1 AVE. the office with the largest park em. nire built-ins Paved street, dou-j tng lot Ut Roseburg. Phona OK 2 ble oVpth lot. Terms like rent to re- 3306 pontile party. Csll OK FOR SALE or tr.orhome in Mrtle' EVENINGS OR SUNDAYS CALL: rrek. Near schools. Cah. trailer L II Hicks Phone OR 3-7243 hm.. car or Howeburg property for Charles F Mumby Phono OR J-7.U6 our equity OR 2-3758. . - Wl'.l. TAKE car or pickup for mv Mr ExGCUtiV6 equity in hone vn Green district. Rut- lance of contract $5071. 4307 S W. Hsn - LN..-.W71t 1 FOR TRADE Torrance, California I furnished home, extra lot. $14 0. for Oregon sheep ranch Owner. 1367 W j Ji7th St Torrance. California NtftV 3-brrtroom home Fireplace, piss- j Td $10.100. terms. OR 1-3.15 FOR SALE or "trade for mobile home, $700 equity in nice- 1 bedroom home. OR .V).s1 WINSTON HOMl on I', acre, "$300. li.l w.ig. FOH RENT trade or sate. $0 acre tree farm OS $ 540 'S'Ji1! n'KJ ""Tj;''.m 1 EVERY WtEK IS THRIFT WEEK IN WANT ADS 0 Real Estate . 1 Roseburg Realty A LOOK AT THIS HOME "makes your first Imprestion last." Only 8 blocks from city center, the 2 bedroom house has a superb view from the living room, dining room, kitchen and bright corner dining nook. It has a rustic 24 x 37 building all In one room, big enough for a dance floor (and that is what it has been used for', and 24 x 24 garage and storage. Huge parking space with big Oak tree. $9000 at SliWO or less down. Consider trailer trade. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY If you want to live within your mean and need a 3 BR. home. We have one with dou ble carport, shop, fireplace, sewer and paved street included for $7900. Low down payment to responsioie party. Come in and see ua personally. Roseburg Realty Cr Insurance t'MPQUA HOTEL LOBBY OR 2-3.144 "OUR SERVICE DOESN'T COST IT PAYS" Wiley's For Real Estate NEAR TELEPHONE BLD S. Jackson St. Clone in, 3 B R. l'a baths, paved St. and sewer, elect, range and oil session. Price $tt0O0. Will take $1500 down, easy payments. WEST SIDE J BR fireplace, gat hat Close tn Mark's Market. Total price $7HfX) with $1000 down. Immediate pos session. A HOME with evi-vtriinff vr,u want west side 3 bedrooms all large, 2 baths, oil forced draft heat, sep arate dining room, wall to wall car peting in living room, fireplace; alxo family room, off of kitchen with fire place, built-in range and oven, very large utility room, garage attached used a shop and large covered patio or 2 car-carporL Corner lot. A real buy at $20,000. I forgot to tell you it also has an elect, dishwasher and sprinkler system for the yard and the drapes are Included. A quality home at an ordinary price. STOCK RANCH 563 acres. 63A tillable 4 live creeks, springs, REA electricity, 2 BR. home with room for expan sion, 4 barns, chicken house. Good fences. 10 miles to town. Now running 200 wes and 10 head of cattle Heal thy range. Price no stock i $23, W0. One half down. EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 412 5. E. Main St. Ph. OR 3-2628 Jim Be vans Ph. OR Roland Springer OR 3-JSW3 DOUCLASCOUNTY REALTY i CRAIG L SHORT REALTOR TRAILER HOUSE TRADE Owner may consider trailer nouse equity as down pament on this 3 bedroom home with hdw. floors, attached garage, paved street frontage, etc 5 miles south of town Total price $8050 with i00 down I on contract, I $2O0 DOWN Two houses on one large lot Live in one and rent the other. Very reasonably priced at $4200. You can't go wrong on U.e.. $50 per month inc. interest on balance. 13 DAY SPECIAL- large lots on the ' ,hOT,h l'm.5u."H'vrr - irt .Jaw.- .1- k. ia '. $.150 down and balance at $30 per month. Country Club Area. Ilia SE. S,ph.n. Phon. OR J-40M ..-.n """" . , Craia I. Short OH Flash Extra Ql'ANT REALTY WEEDS more liftings of home. 1 to 10 acre setups. 10 to ' CUSTOM built three bedroom home with Superior appointments, located choice district. Approximately 1 000 uii ik i. rvii' wu j i nexi aoor to renney t. un ft. of luxury living. Dishwasher. NEAR V S plywood mill, older but nice ; j rrpWrt"o.ai a Mft.hi-It-tn oven, surface unit, m.xer 1-bedroom home with fireplace Part : 3 ii7 Mosner. ider. tnierom system, birch kitch- basement acre of land $5,730, $750 - and adjoining family room. Lawn,! down, owner carries paper. . ROOM AND BOA Tap tn private t mhs and sprinkling system All the1 features you d expect to Itnd in a home of distinction. $. 1.500. approximate Iv $10 000 down. Will accept trade. CaM owner and builder OR 3-3407. 1 K8T. 5IDI f-brlroom. poasllsa, 4. latrio hvat. wall-lo-wall earpt, irtc ai,na,nar ana garrag dispoaa) risiitona wll with ftrplf. lol, of buill'ln, Fireplaca anj barbveu on patio tlS.ow uriai OK S-aaJ4 or OH Mwa NICE bfdmora hou-a Garaaa. patio. laundry roont. Hard stood ll.wra. tttr- trie heal On dead-end street in food neiahporhm near l. S Plywood naue srees and annina. t.nod nuy at ' S4T.X). awno down, on I-J07S Quant Realty Jos. L. (Joe) Quant Realtor 1097 West Harvard Avenue THE OFFICE WITH THE LARGE PARKING LOT Ph. OR 2-3208o 5 Miles East 3 BEDROOM home, lovely living room with fireplace. Wall-to-wall carpeting and drapes. Kitchen, and separate dining room. Hardwood floors, and electric heat. Large garage. Lot 80x268 ft. All river bottom soil on creek Wonderful garden spot. NO FLOODING. Paved road. Price $12,500. Will carry good loan. Taxes $46 per year. 70 Acres 8 Miles West S ROOM older home, barn, wood shed, tool house, and other buildings. Over 350 apple trees, and targe prune or chard. Good well, plenty of water. All level land, on paved road. $16,500. 5 Acres Garden Valley ALL CHOICE river bottom soil. Good well with plenty of water for irriga tion. Lots of young nursery stock, walnut trees, and young peach orchard Over $2,500 in peaches from this young orchard last year. Good building site for home. EVENINGS OR SUNDAYS CALL. CHAS. T MUMBY OR 3-7308 L B HICKS . OR 3-7243 $1000 Down IN THIS two bedroom home, I believe the most outstanding feature to be space. Truly I. have not seen a home with as much storage and useaoie space for it's iize. Ample living and dining area, bright complete bath and three storage closets in the hallways. A atepsaver kitchen with windows to front and side of home, separate util ity room and again an all plastered 4x5 area between the attached gar age, and utility for more storage or deep freer. This is in a good district on the sewer and paved street. Only $8500 T P. $1000 down. $70 mO. 1190 Sq. Ft. FAMILY room or 3rd bedroom. This insulated home on sewer and pave ment has a panoramic view from it's elevated lot, and yet no hills to climb to get there. This district is above average, and your cnuaren win en joy. it. Tiled bath. Natural finUh on living and dining rooms, uu furnace. All for $10,500, $2000 down, $69 mo. Where can you rent for that amount, and have 130 ft. of lot for garden? 3 Bedroom 100x400 FEET to the river. House sits high and dry on upper end of lot. If you want to garden or shoot pheasant or fish or swim and live In the Char ter Oaks area, with a wonderful pic ture window view, you will want this dandy at only $13,900. 20T down on FHA. APPROXIMATELY 100 acres of river frontage with railroad across one end only 'i mile off the freeway on vary good county road. No flood, isee it nowi 90 acres now in alfalfa. Level river loam, and some implements in cluded. Can be purchased with or with out a good big home and more land. This Is a very good farm. The Best WE HAVE one of the best hay and stock ranches in tins area, complete with stock, all equipment, buildings and growing crops, plus a inch flood system, and also a large sprinkler system, and water to use them with. $125,000. 29". down. This will stand Inspection. WINTER REAL ESTATE 539 W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIGH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 EVENINGS t -n"ri r-ran OR 2-3127 OR 3-7043 OS 9-8442 Harry Winter "Mac" McGuire Valley Real Estate Sweeping Ranch Value QUITE a livestock spread indeed. 505 acres. Priced right at $19,800. Deep buekxhot clay loam dirt that holds moisture and produces abundant clov ers and grasses. Equipped with trac tor, etc. Irrigation system. Like new ' natural finish modern home in a "song i bird" setting. 17 R;,- rAAl-.M A.-o I z Big rreedom Acres FLOWING stream. Spread-out. new. un- rinianed ranch type suburbanite home with a symphony of planned features. Buy it. Work it. And you and yours won't he "overloaded" no more. $5. 000, $2,000 dn. $30 per month. 4 Acres $500 Down ONLY $6,750. Dandy acreage out about 3l miles on Diamond Lake Blvd. Mod ern home. Needs a bit o" fix in. Dandv place for kiddies and their pets. Fer tile garden soil. Stream. Post Script WE SURE could sell some good prop erties, includin yours, if we k no wed you wanted to sell. Dial OR 3-4055. Valley Real Estate 1117 SE STEPHENS PHONE ORchard 3-405$ EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN: Pococli OR 3-825B Salesman & Broke? Sconce OR 3-3862 Wia'ow Must Sell 45 ACRE river bottom ranch, irrigated, alfalfa, berries, etc Large modern home, a kt of good out bldgs Good terms, or will consider good home as part. Ton -AL, or r-.rnh W..i. sioe, one bdrm home. Fireplace, dou ble garage, nice yard. TW0 LOTS and large 3 bedroom home ' fireplace, oak floors Garage, shop. nice yard, shade. $500 down. Choice nesiatde location. 10 ACRES, on Urn rrl G.rl,n .oil. ' " "un Kw. nn horn,. f,r.- ! l'"' '"' .""" .Only 300. $2500 down. 30 ACRES tn Garden Valley Mori home, family fruit Some real good on a creea. io.3OT, Good terms. See Lloyd A.Wilson REALTOR 166T SI Stephana Ph. OR 3-6578 Williamson Real Estate And Insurance NEWER 3-hdroom home with fire- j place; garage with guest quarters, i Beautiful front and back yard On 1 ewer. All this for $10,500. terms. T1 nwnth.OR a'Irt05 .. r L.1-Y equipped ohicken place With moaern s-neoroom nome 1 acre OI 1 land on paved road 1800 chickens. annul TOO laymf Close In. Only 10, 000. WIU Uk, trada on houw. 1157 HI STTTPHINS OR j-4.ua WANTED RAVCHtS and icToan ol all alraa. na. "v"' propo'ty Howburi Raaity tniuranr Co. Vmpqua Hotel. OH -3.!4 ' FOR SAt.t )nUERN HOMI. 54 Ballf St Information - writV Roy 9hnner. lOl Third Ava West, eMattt CROWDED? WE HAVE a nice selection of 3 bed room homes. Weatside, Hucreat and north. Consider taking In neat 3 bed room homes. Let us show you. Take Trailer ON NEAT 3 bedroom home. 1 acre. Ir rigation. Berries and barn. Or aell tti&Ou, $1000 down. $300 Down WHY RENT? Move right In and pay off line rent, fireplace, i urn see. concrete foundation. Sewer, water and streets. Only 36U50. Hucrest 3 BEDROOM and den. Nice living room, Handy kitchen-nook-utility. Tub and shower. Plastered. Hardwood iioors. Patio. Attached garage. A neat home in a nice district. $9250, ay term. $5500 1.1 ACRE, cozy 2 bedroom home. Handy kitchen, tub and shower. Garage. Good welL Close in. Siwu down, Fullerton Realty Cr Insurance 723 N t Stephen, Dial OR 3-317 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE HERE YOU could be Independent for life with fruit, hens and garden. Cloae i to REAL FISHING. 10 acres of free oil. Lge. 4 bdrm. home with base ment, chicken hse, barn. Can you af ford to pass this by at $11,500? Owner will consider a car as part down payment. . , . .. . . . water and garbage service turnisnea. ANOTHER opportun.ty 3 bedrm ranch c , , . OR' 3-4305 after P H. atyl. Plaater. oak floort, all lie, inouira 1658 CobO law rooma. maide utility, attch gar-i or '.nSu' L-2- age. 1 lot a bargain at (11.950. NEWLY DECORATED, large, 1-bedroom Let'a talk terma. "P1 t""'5 picture window, garden ground, play space for children. Dil- HEF1E It ie! 300 down on contract with I lard. JJregon; 14 OS 9-8825. 5 per month with 6 Intereat in-: THREE PARTLY furnished 1-bedroom eluded, will buy this real close in lge. i apartments, newly painted. Some util 3 bdrm. view home, fireplace, base- Hies paid. $35 and 155. OR 3-7384 or ment, plaster, city sewer, paved St. OR 3-7983. I.".?? ? 'J." " oppor" tunity for the ambitious one. FULLERTON School District, nearly new and sparkling with personality, elegant wall to wall carpeting in large living rm. and separate dining rm. Lovely fireplace with mahogany pan eling. Spacious kitchen with eating space, oversized utility, 3 bedrooms. Attached garage. This is truly an op portunity at only $15,700. FHA terms. NICE to move into. Extra clean 3 bdrm. home. You will appreciate the attrac tive appearance both inside and out Hdwd. floors, extra lge Jot, on sewer and paved st. PRICED RIGHT $10, 500. $500 dn. to Federal GI. NEW with a view, overlooking river, 3 bedrooms, family room, entrance hall, sunken living room, dining rm. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces Many advantages not listed. $18,800. "We Can Always Use . Another Good Listing" ORCHARD 3-5340 916 S. E. Washington (between Jackvon & Main) Eve. St Sundays Martha Minton OR 2-1979 Millard or Marion Magnets OR 3-5017 Quant Realty Jos. L. (Joe) Quant, Reoltor OFFICE 1257 W. Harvard Ave. SELL OR TRADE Owner Will Take tn Small Home 10 ACRES 5's MILES OUT, plus a very fine 4 B R. home with 2340 sq. ft, 16X28 ft, L. R ... arde D R hoth with wall to wall rugs, fireplace, large picture windows overlooking the Ump - qua river. 23 ft. kitchen with loads of bltins.. brkft. nook. l' baths, lflx 20 ft. play room, two bedrooms are 12x16 ft. with 10 ft. mahogany closets, master BR. 13x18 ft. 12 ft. closets, makeup room, H W. floors, interior finished with plaster and mahogany, brick planters, small barn, price cut for quick sale from $30,000 to $24. 900. Owner will take In a smaller home. Let us show you this nice home. Evenings or Sundays Call: u b. h ph or 3-723 i Ch- Mumby Ph OR 3-730B $200 DOWN Modem 2. bedroom plastered home on 100x200 ft lot. Carport, fireplace, pav ed street frontage. $450 Discount for cah. Dick Stevenson. OR 3-4020; eve nings OR3-8744. EQUIPPED, irrigated Grade A datrv. $17,000 consider home to $10,000 Box 404. Chehalis. Wash Business Opportunity 2 Richfield Oil Corp. West Coast Exclusive Marketer of Boron Gasoline Has service station available In the Roseburg area. For information, call OR 3-8344. HONESTY, integrity, loyalty and char acter ar rare and expensive ele ments in the man of today. We are willing to pay the price. If you have these qualifications and want to enter a career training with one of the finest companies In the V S. today, write to P O. Bx M3, Winston. Oregon, giv ing full personal information. Must be over 31 FOR LEASE new. modern service station on new Highway 99 imme diate possession. Phone TEmple 6-0116, Drain, Oregon, or contact L. F. Lakey, Dram. Oregon. NICE business for man and wife on busy highway. Clean stock, long teaje Sacrifice for quick sale. Good reasons for selling. For Information, phone OR 2-1952 Rooms For Rent 3 ' JO ANN'S BOARDING HOME lelic- ; ous home cook ma Private room and board S22. Week or $S5. month. Lots of parkmg space. 4209 SW Cirnti! Road Green DitrlctOR3-7947 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $13 to $.VFv erything furnished. Close in. 416 N E. j Jackson I HOTEL ROSEBURG. TV. Cafe, parking i Reasonably rates. 91$ S K. Lane. OR 1-9 192. j ROOM, clow in. 866 S E. Pine. OR 3-6516 large" SLEEPING ROOMS. Private entrance. ! OR 3-6154. 1 SLEEPING ROOM. 732 St Jackson. next door to Penney . OR 3-3328. 1 OR home. CLEAN, quiet sleeping rooms OR 3-340 a a a at arm. tar kit a ai DOWNTOWN t roon ment Private luth riirmhed apart-; LU(lle er),' :! 9. laraee. t t Refrigerator, gas alovi and garbage service paid, fk-0 month ilia twaninton MODERN. S-hedroom. rrii-hed apt., 4A Looki SBl a )R 3-78Xl fHRFE room'. furnhM apt "74$ $ JarkAon alter 4 o Ssk k. OR S ! Dl'PLFX APAPFNf Ttry UvabaaV t Jvdultt Call Cfi J-4165. CHOICE APARTMENTS OakhiU - Vista Homes Winchester Court Westvue Court Terrace Apts. rURNlSHEO and unfurnuhd. soma hava heat, hot water provided. AU have water, garbage and yard aerv lee furniihed Rent, (rom 60 up. Muit be ieen to appreciate. CaU OH 3-t'U0. OR J-5631 or OR 2-1303. Kohlhagen Apts. LANE V JACKSON STS. MODERN. REASONABLE RENT ADULTS OR M3 "A GOOD PLACE TO UVE" FURNISHED, attractive, 1-bedroom, newly decorated duplex apt Lovely bath, walk-in closet, carport, washing facilities. Reduced winter rates. Adults only. 1 mile south. Highway 89. OR 2-1438or OR 3-4173. . FAIRHAVEN APARTMENTS, 1645 W. Harvard. Desirable newly furnjUfOed and unfurniihed apartments, on city bus lines, close to all shopping and post office. Electric appliances fur nished OR 3-6022. ONE BEDROOM. unfurnished apart ment. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished No children or pets. Next to Kohlhagen Apts. Call OR 3-8244; ; MOTEL UNITS All electric. With kitchens. $16 and $22 week. Linens, utilities furnished. Winchester Motel (Old Highway 99 N. at Winchester Bridget. FULLY FURNISHED, large, modern I room apt Heat and hot water fur nished. Tub and shower. Large yard. $43. 3004 N.E. Douglas Ave. Ph. OR 2-1577. BROCKWAY APARTMENTS 3ROCKWAY APARTMENTS Clear, modem and close in. Single and dou ble apartments at $23 and up. 846 SB Brockway. Phone OR 2-3536 - OH J- 4-117 NICE, large. 1-bedroom duplex, close in range, refrigerator, and heater; THREE roomfuTnishedapt Water and garbage paid. Heat very economical. Garden Valley Blvd. at 1433 NW Fair mont. CLEAN. 2 or 3 room furnished or unfur nished apt. Close In. OR 3-Q461 or OR 3-7016. COLORFUL Bachelor apt., very private. 2 blocks from City Fire Stati'-n, $j0 mo. OR 2-14J8 or OR 3-4173. ONE ROOM furnished apartment or sleeping room. No bedding. Some utU- lties.J)27S.EMillSt. . LARGE UPSTAIRS 1-bedroom furnished apartment. 3 blocks from city center. OH 3-7028. LA HGE 2-bedroom apartment. Water and garbaue service paid. Off-street parking. OR 3-jl410. ON E BEURO OM fur nished a p a r tme n t . Clean. To single or couple S40. 85:i S E. Sheridan.Apartment 4OR 2-2H70. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom apt. Llojd Apts. back of Star Theatre, Inquire at Apt. JL THREE BEDROOM furnished apt. wa ter and heat furnished; Dillard. OS 9-H678. 1 ONE BEDROOM apartment partly fur nished. Heat, water and garbage dis posal furnished. 732 SE Pine. NEW, large 1 bedroom apt. Electric stove, and refrigerator. OR 3-8445 or OR JJ-6130. HEATED, furnished '"apartments! Small and large. Attractive. Adults. 1332 S E.Douglas Avenue. TWO BEDROOM "unfurnished apart ment. Eastside. Call OR 2-3042 after FURNISHED or unfurnished centrally located OH 3-4597 or OR 3-3844. FURNISHED bachelor apt. $40. 748 S E. Jackson. OR 3-4361. CLEAN apt. Aiiltsr'WiTiterateUfiU pities paid. Inquire 1252 S E. Stephens. THREE ROOM apt., near school" and store. OR 3-3092. FURNISHED. MODERN 3 room furnished apartment 1.VI3 S. E. Douglas. CLEAN 3 room furnished apt. near pY-ovwust, i .. A, rr. - FURNISHED 2-room apt. Also furnished trailer for one. 12-"6 S E. Mill. NICE, 2-room, fun , St i wwaavMw .shed apt. 730 Ball! Houses For Rent 5 NEWLY remodeled 2-bedroom, modern house, beautifully located on Rock Creek Just across Rock Creek Bridge. OR 3-4151. 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes. Income limits. Families, also single elderly 6 or over accepted. DOS W Stanton St. OR 3-6348 MODERN. 1-bedroom duplex! range, refrigerator, water and garbage in cluded Hardwood floors, $30 mo. OK 2-1'KH , TWO BEDlWOM homeiTpaved-! itrret near U.S. Plywood in Green. Inquire at 2156 SW. Austin Road between 6 and 8 PM. DUPLEX, 1 2-bedroom unit, furnished. $55, 1 unfurnished 2-bedroom. wired for washer and dryer, $tH). Both extia large .OR 3-8519. OLDER 3-bedroom modern house with electric range and hot water heater. Wilbur area. Reasonable. Call OR 3-.1701 after 5 pm $31 MONTH, - I-bedroom modern house south of town on Landers Lane. Gar bage paid, stoves if desired, 1 child permitted. OR 3-4714. TWO bedroom house, $55 One bedroom apt. $50. In Winston. OS 0-8906 alter 4 pm. ONE BEDRdOMfurni9fdh(use1 locat ed in No. Roseburg. $40 month. OR 3-8166 ONE B ED R60Mhousallrnrdern Lo cated in Ho. Roseburg. $35 month. OK 3-8166. ONE bedroom modern cottage with car port. UnfurnUhed excent electric range. $30 month OR 3-4.102 TWO BEDROOM Oan ' modernun"furnl Ished hnne. $15. Near rrw US. Pl wood.HoweSt.OR 3-3133 TWO room furnished cottage. "cTeans.tS single, $40 double. 524 S. E. Mosher. OR 2-2870 FURNISHED 2 or 3 rooma part me nisi. All utilitie paid. $10 to 15 per week. Ph. OS 9-B19. Baker Motel. ONE bedroom unfurnished house on Rus sell Street. Oil 'ietrr furnuhed. On city bus line. OR 3-4H67 TWO bedroom house. Walking-distance from town. $60. Inquire 11B6 NE Klam ath UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplexElrc tnc heat, wired for wuher and dryer. OR 2-34)0 FURNISHED 1-bedroom mnrfem ;tn,i.. INest and clean Coma out and look. K.11 N siepften FOUR BEDROOM older houe373" Rast St $5l Suitable for large family. Pn. OR 2-1HA6 after 3 SMALL CLEAN 2 -""bedroom,-wi-edfnr range and dryer. Adult. No dogs. $40. OR 2-174H TWO BEDROOM "unfurnished- houe 3 blocks (rom Court House, $40 month Call OR 3-5449 TWO" BEDROOM hou"irGarageracr" $73 Ort 3-60 VI THREE BEDROOM $. 2310 Fleer Street. OR 2-3444 FOt'R bedroom furnnhed "iuse, $5. nun st laiw Pn OS $U ONE 3-hedr,oom snd 1 2-bedroom houW. j 2 miles east af town OR 1-312 ' ONE bedroom unfumnhH dimi f GreenDitnct. -tSOR 2-U ; SMALL 2 bedroom house NE Ro buJ OS e-M2.i. , nEDROt house. Close OR 'F.'iTSlDfc. bedroom duplex. Ofy CLFAN 4 room furrmd SE Step., CH 1-32711 ue" V,u ! flRNlSH F CAlW.s 0. week" $10 and ui)o;d 3 miles n art it Pacific Motel. TWO bedroom, clean; modern, invulat j ed. $W OR 9k764A INSTON sTce 1-hedroom rioueon I Carey Klectrie hrat OH J run 6.NE BFi-aVaOM lirn5al hou- OR J-5f" O ton Oayity, Ont. 1 Kxpense. r . 0-("' a,' 8 s) G 0 0 & 0 P it) i . I .i 0 0 0 0J o V n ai C w a. O e 6 in