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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1958)
O o 0 0 o 0 0 . O O o o 0 3 5 HERE ARE THE ONLY DEALERS SELLING lOOOclane GASOLINE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: ROSEBURGP" Bob Smith's Flying A Servic Virdtn Bouceck't Flying A Servic Browning t Viotelmcytr Flying A Service Ben & Wet Buzzard's Flying A Servic Wtiron Hurd'i Flying A (Formerly Radigon's) Kenneth Cook's Flying A Servic Carl Nicken'i Flying A Service Dal Blanck'at Adair's Flying A Orie Wallace & Son Flying A Service Bill & Don McLain't Flying A Argot Fisher's Flying A Service Pat Johnson's . Flying A Service WINSTON Erv Gubser's Flying A Service DILLARD Frank Ropp's Flying A Service MYRTLE CREEK Don Coon's Flying A Service Raynor Clack's Flying A Service John Westwong's Flying A Service RIDDLE Bob Young's Flying A Service DAYS CREEK Gene Brady's Flying A Service CAMAS VALLEY Fred Aihton't Flying A Service CANYONVILLE Homer Rodford't Flying A Service WILBUR Shannon & Christenten's Flyin.g A Servic SUTHERLIN George Enlow's Flying A Service Brown & Allen's Flying A Service OAKLAND Wm. Britlain's Flying A Service GLIDE Paul Amann's Flying A Service IDLEYLD PARK Leon Simpson Flying A Service CM. McDERMOTT, Tidewater Oil Co. Dist. Airport Road, Roteburg Phone OR 2-2681 WANT-ADS TOAG-HOME BACON 0 Tues. Feb. It, 19s-Th News-Review, Roteburjk OrA 0 O mm GASt in Jl only Flying A has it! PROVED THE MOST POWERFUL automotive gasoline you can buy. For get the claims and look at the facts. Octane is the yardstick of gasoline power. High octane means to a gasoline what high horsepower means to an engine. And without any ifs, ands or buts, new Flying A Super Extra is the highest-octane gasoline you can buy the only 100-octane gasoline in the West. It's the powerful motor fuel late model cars were designed to burn, made to unleash the full power of high horsepower. Whatever the age of your car, it will take off faster, rurt smoother and easier, have more reserve passing power and give you extra miles per gallon with new Flying A Super Extra. You'll actually notice the dif ference with' the very first tankful. PROVED NEVER TO KNOCK- in the latest automobiles, because new Flying A Super Extra is over 100 octane. Octane rating measures a fuel's resistance to knock. No gasoline of less THI HIOH COST Of KNOCK IIIOttiM Fltli A burnt smoothly, silently . . pusnes constantly against the piston. Absence qI knock meant fraattr powtr and extra mileage, a kinitf Mime tift tor your car. is Ifttr actsM laseltae can't burn com plt .ly Unburnad lutl explodes with noisy knock robbing piston of its "push.'' wasting fuel, reducing power and mileage... even shotted m life ot your name. than 100-octane can completely pro tect today's high-compression engines against damaging knock or ping. New Flying A, with over 100-octane, can and does give your car positive protec tion at all times, under all conditions. PROVED THE CLEANEST-BURNING gasoline you can buy. Most modem gasolines do not burn clean. They foul up carburetors, valves, spark plugs and rings... cause costly repairs . . . rob you of new-car power too soon. Hoping to solve this problem, some refiners resort to "gimmick" addi tives. But new Flying A Super Extra uses super-refining methods instead of power-robbing additives used for sales promotion purposes. As a result of re cent multi-million-dollar investments by Tidewater in refinery facilities, im purities are taken out in the refining processes so they never reach your car. Without qualification new Flying A is the cleanest-burning gasoline you can buy. It gives you more power now and for all your future miles as well. Q. What is octane? Octane rating is the accepted measurement of a gasoline's knock-free power. The higher the octane, the greater the power, performance and resistance to knock. Q. What is knock? Knock is the harsh, jarring noise you hear from the vihra tion of metal in your engine caused by low-octane gasoline that burns explosively, not smoothly. These violent explo sions are a danger signal to you. If your engine continues to knock, you can literally blow a hole in a piston. Q. Which cars need 100-octane gasoline? The later-model, higher-compression engines operate at peak performance with 100-octane gasoline. Lesser fuels simply aren't good enough to give full power and prevent all knock or ping. If you have a 1954 or older car, you will also be amazed to see what 100-octane will do for itl Q. What's the difference in power? As mentioned, the higher the octane, the greater the power ...but at an accelerated rate. Laboratory and road test using various types of engines have firmly established that 100-octane gives 11 to 43 greater power performance than ordinary gasolines. Q. Who sets the standard for measuring octane? The American Society of Testing Materials. These stand ards are recognized and used by the entire petroleum and automotive industries. Q. What about mileage? When gasoline burns smoothly there is a continuous push against the piston. But when unbumt fuel explodes with a knock, the piston stroke is robbed of impetus causing a ma jor waste of gasoline. Because it burns smoothly and completely, 100-octane assure by far the greatest mileage under all performance conditions. M IN FLYING A over 100-octane! TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY 3 4V i as d 9 f f .2 s 9 5 t a, m, V .