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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1958)
o 0 2 Tht Ntws-Reyiew. Roseourej,. Ort. Tue. Fb. 1. 1958 Vaey (SOline Rqpublicadi Leaders Agree Cut In Taxes To Stimulate Business Not Wise Move Dealers Vote To Stop Price War qVGENE Gasoline dealeri fruio Ut WiUarntUe Vaiiey ciUm ; od taert Mood ay Dig tit to take Egypt, Sudan Wage Word jWar Over Desert Frontier CAIRO r Kavot and Sudan Immediate conference with E 1 waYed la war of word. Tuesday tian foreign Minister Mahmoud over some 6.000 aquare miles of hawzi and Interior Minuter Za de.ert fronlierland claimed by karia ilohieddin. !: ; , o i The txyplian communique ei- Tuesdav but rains and V.. IM-.i... "2 urated Douglas County today has """,. Kantian Bovernment presaed hope the dispute would ilinf anow had Eaatern Oregon . iJi ieec T firm a pubhe letters "" outn ""o Northern Calif of chjrged lhat Sudanese troopa had be settled amicably It complained era brimful and running over. . wiu," P ". The report waa mad. today by -d the frontier and entered that the Sudanese had n the oo jW. Oregon Risers Drop, But Eastern Rivers Stay High if THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I Ikes' Note Not Expected To Stop iBulganin Letters i Br JOHN SCALI WASHINGTON f Diplomatic California To Get Threatening Rain; Water Still Falling The rata Urm which threat a i. i ..a 1 .mmiit- .tM n . nuw . uregoo river were lv tiwl Premier BulMnin will w . line once war to as end PrVTem EiaeXwer a ae can,- bsisinesa continues to Botb u.anv. Junction City and tonal- .The LmauUa waa up aharply. u ne 00, tneT ld, Elnhow. e Reburg auuon oflhe L. b. territory claimed by fcgyp he neaotiatiVna aecre' keep o.ce Tue.y that it the adrniniau-.tion and fjemocr,.- Ui .tded. her. to dis- M""'! erwoI have no choice but ,to , ... ,nolher ?nthe Red Sea l'T'Sin Ab-, be cut taxes .eaoe a J"", ' ' th. frrfWw. .tor. would raise river, quickly 'V1", .Je" "oos nisht ,n Khartoum that hi. gov fiK.nPvi lumuuni a i uiu w en -, , inanc3 uuiui m. ruiugnu, uissai-- , ., -. , , lime joilowing bre.uat coder- pear necesary. e- i thm White H"iue. Senate The DemocraU Rf-pubiK-aa tor uch a m,te if u Kuiu ao- dem 0re Gasoline Deal-:"1? flo m PrujUe area rc lull tnlri lh oneratora that an rcuiiru a "majority of the oil eompaniea uiau uic usual wujlci uuma ivnniitiuii up White H-use. senaie im imuti.L. a -majority ol tne ou eompaniea -- v-- . --- f. . leader knowlaod of worung on a package plan total- lod tir su'ooot are expected to ' u ' mn'r P " E'mer Theae California U.d reportera tne de- ing more ijan five billion dollar, co-operate" in aetUing cinow waa 01 course auDjecv m m review" befure Cocsreaa adxinu At the aame time adminiitra in ia:e Jji or eany August ton official are known to have tt riuftioo waa the auteet called in pnva.e eipena. and to of a -round Ui a.K-u-jn knowlaod a.d. aiocg wi'.h the question whe-Jier tne government anouid launcn a major p u o l works program to counter the re reasion. L , . k . . . . . I . : Portland. a ...n.nna aorvoil nullCC eminent, II u ui uicstiu vwiiu ci- w iou : a T con' thoroughly aoaked Ue county bring- , Egvpt pi.nd to aend elec- forta to lake over the trace in a. in; water, almort to flood ereau. JJ,ral lesalJ!I ;mo ,h. deputed area move to re-eaUblih Egypt U,,, niver. ana .treama oi uie couniy w residents could participate in auuuuriu uvumu.i . ui incut omciaij u:acuscfi uiia .. . .. . . o iciiutim i 1 . . at outlook in the wake of the atronelv toa!r r eu WIUUB theiroaniia. ... Leb, y plebiscite to approve parauci oi i.muut. war which haa resulted in easo- .,, ... . wwviea ciaemiower iriirr w dui- , ,: " " - . mc uuivu vi , . , . i i f JI2,iti5,. J ..f! i? rntt lilu.Wativ of what wa happen- .,nin which the White House ' the leather Bureau aaid. R- Poje. Detachment ' He aaid the area poaaibly con- I of up tx. 12 cenu jng fakn J,,(j1, un h ch the white Houae 5howed t'id the group would be ac tain, rich mineral deposit. Egypt per ga.l.oo. . ,;. the aituation in Central Oreenn oua at Roseburj at 12 feet and at . i h . fr, Dolice countered that there ta nothing of lnniraieo me r uruiii ..... " tic ....vj -t-i i.h)..b miiit ... - , T vwi-i. - . i . . i. - . . . have ta..ed among themselves, in ,.,. ... m, , murh a 50 ","r' "'""lure auy told Bulsanin further letter. ,c7 " detachment. ""I I efloru to work out tai formulas, . ,.. wllo iubsiduaUon " "f."1 ounaay ana x at- tnm on the subject wouid be " i ivri.u ... sudan'a roreign jnnisier ""r to meet vanows economic Condi- B -hoieaalera ! "vna- ror mIt -v ua welcome. Eisenhower suggeated "V- aon ",c ,"rl . . hamed Ahmed Mangoug amvru -hk"- "e congressKica. delegation. X ? " .r JT-CT.:' 'S3 JJ- Wednead. buVnVeonlinuoL.: .Ue of Egypt;, proposed v-.-j t v i, clearing pian wnicn ne ui anread iitii.tmn .t of th. f. i... . -m .1 heavr rm Aswan Dam 1. about 125 mne. Martin (R,. houae minority Portland atation, , "de- 't0 B,ltr "aving the genuinely want to improve rela- Another new development on the .r. hr..f.n on th .rn. rorai luumi. atate a low early Tuesdav at 29 .a . 7mm .. weather scene waa a warm front r kii 1 nea i r mill ijut i cu ux v. va decree Expect Upturn leaoer, gr briefing on th eco- ttvun inn iumjiiu. aiLiua, uuum vukiax uviu virtii ui .. .u . . - ...Aviaiinni iii lien and im minon: C.nresa mem- the Treasury Anfleraon. Secretary' . , ,.mnv.l of M?r R,ln 0o w, . ber. agreed, knowlaod aaid. that of Commerce Weeks and Secre-: J.,1' "' .Vwime pnee aigna and .M.ore r,'n, Jre 00 "!e nd unempiovment will .tart decbning lary of Labor Mitchell. f ,d,u', pimp pr.?e. U a normal "l'Z,ill"'"t,tUavVi'y m Warch and businesa will turn ',a U.LP" ,p.Jl..M nrire. come back to fresh crests. Fisher .aiu, u uie rains are neavr. ference up fairly soon thereafter without artificial stimuJua. But knowiand added: If the anticipated improve ment did not late place belore midyear when ton are s near ad journment, public worka would get sertoua convideratioo " Knowiand'. autement did not French, Tunisian Debate Expected To Be Suspended Th nledce reouirea the retailers to hold the adjusted prices for 8 hours to give the association time to contact 'stragslers " Spaceman Given Series Of Checks which followed the veering North ern California storm, aiond. new record for the airport with a reading of 70 degreea. This is the hignest rebmary tempera Minniej "."aVaet Given Suspension Grants Pass Youth Killed No Immediate Relief Seen From Heavy Storm (Conun-jed trom Page 1) At Coquiile. the Coquille River, which had closed two highways, was falling rapidlv Tuedav morn ing and both Highway 101 and Hirhway 42 were open to traffic Kisher cautioned that Southwest ern Oregon, where heavy rain, had put all nvera up over the week end, could again be a trouble spot if forecast raina are heavy An inch and a half was exDeeted there and Tuesday and a half inch Wednea day. However a! miHHav TumIiv Nurthern Indiana waa n.t last Coquille reported lessening ram night by a new blizzard mat and a favorable outlook. K n . . - lik . k 1 . L. (.- 1 ... . . .. -mi T.W 1 r mmM la mc .1- H'lh mmila pirl mn.h .r IK. Oranu rasa DOO urne ri.nvr ana in- ...... .- - - - - IT"'" .r ..,! l (.rinia Pass, died niaia accepted the Bnush-Ameri- reaay snow-pusu :.. coasiai area jionoay nitnt ana ilondav when the car in which he can offer, neither made a move to rairfd the total in South Bend to early Tuesday but no major dam- waa a passenger collided with a avert the Council meeting ached- 3- inches age was reported K . ,. . .... .. ; i .1,.. T - , 1 . lighten Till- Ind alreadY TV.. .... . t k. panel truca on uie neawooa niKn- i"mi rumpiainr-j 10 -. ............. .... K. . i u . 1 th I V .. ,1,. V- w - r-t,-. ri an estimated M mnvH Hnnmctr..m frnm m Al nia iirst meal way. la nines aouui 01 ucre. -- iuu wc ciiku incu a t m-T'ir nnr'vr irk 1 ture recorded in the five veara the 1 .. o.i, cti Rn.rrf vnolleH Sudan. The vast area ia import I Roseburg station haa been at the Minniejean Brown one of nine Ne-! ant to Egypt because the Nile airport At ita previou. location, trots admitted to Central High on which Egyptian economy de however, a hish of T was record- school last fall, for the remaind- pends flows through it. d ren. a,. istj. er of the achool term Monday The bureau reported that lower Dln temperatures are expected tonight. Supt irgU T. Blossom recom mended the action against the 16-year-old girl. He said it means that Minnieiean. already under a two-week suspension, cannot at-' SALEM T Gov. Robert D. tend a public school, white or Ne- Holmes said Tuesday he hope, to gro. in the Little Rock district un- announce this week the appoint Ul nert September. ment of a successor to Supreme A few hours earlier the super- court Justice nanaau a. neater. tions President. Nasser of Egypt and Kuwatly of Syria invited to join in their United Arab Republic. Nasser has been rebuffed in efforts jp The to extend Egyptian influence over UNITED NATIONS. N Y. jf The U S -British offer of -good of- 1 Tunisian rt,.nut nnwiiH in eluded Augusta. ia . 12 above. : bring a speedy suspension to U N. Cnarlea. S. C, 14 above. 'Security Council debate today on Savannah. Ca , l- above. ' the charges growing out of the ouiiera nira ino..n. t r rench bombing of a Tunisian vil la o Although both France and Tu- auued 20 more incnea to tne ai- SAN ANTONIO. Tex JT Physi ciana and scientists at the Air Force's School of Aviation Medi cine continued checks and tests on the world a first "space man" today. Airman Donald G. Farrell. 23. of the Bronx, during the seven davi in the compact space cabin, neither heard nor saw anything going on 00 earth. He was sub jected to most of the physical and Road Repair Moves Along After Storm Road crews were hurriedly get- HolmesTo Name New Justice psvchological eonditons ' scientists tog road, in Dougias County back intendent had announced that Kesler announced Monday he oeiieve man will experience in int0 near-normal operating condi- three white students two boys would resign March 1. to become uons. out some aixer-enecis 01 uie ano a giri were suspenuru aiu-r a vuuuci iw i-umu wuiv their unhurt ."d that the necessary 7 of 11 auiomoonea oui 01 .no- muu Mra. Thorn waa hoapitalued here Council membera then w-ould be tuund ch h,(- t-!to " with fractured collarbone and mustered to adjourn the debate, an overtime parking tic"L fare euta. ' giving the good officea a chance Tne coU- PU ,n hlnt0'-' u 1., waa 1 1 ui w w -J " i'lhe temperature dropped to five 'above in the district, which had a ' 14 inch snowfall Saturday Public I schools in the area were closed lor a second day. Government 1 workers had another houday. this time at Uncle Sam'a expense, j Those who ataved out Monday were docked a day a leave. Town Without Heat .Middlcboro, Ky.. not only had zero weather, Dul one-tnira 01 me coal mining town was without Virgil Thorn, A broken leg wa. auffered by to work. Steve Hyde. 15. who wa. a passen- ger in the Wallace car Howell's death wa. the 47th nf Overruled Examiner the year for Oregon, and the 16th $jy, H -ys.. Surorised thu month, according to the Asso-. " Jurpriseo riated Preia tabulation. he missed weekend rainstorm continued to racial incwenu at the i.uuu-pupii nauroau. He usually plague them .chool Mondav. The governor said he already At lean one new slide was re- W. B. Brown, father of the Ne- has received several applications utiH ih ported Mondav. That was on Yo- gro girl who claims she has be?n for the position, and that he wants , . h"r Tf the ? a oownsiream irom saiem attendanu placed a bie kum Road leading into Riddle, the mam target of sesregatiomst to make the appointment a. ".in, 7i,Uec,y Jd'- ,nc,ludul 5,hng '.tea li "rbnt him which was closed for several hours students during the five months quickly as possible. torm . the Salem-Independence route, re- """" .'eaa in irom 01 nim. v.,. h. ,nn.rt n. Ho mes eaves Saturday for hound Urn going to' be one." Far tumbling down the hillside. County tral. promptly labelled the action Colorado Springs. Colo , to at- roaa crews were suu ai worx ceiar- as verv umair. icu ..cicin ing awav debris in other parts of Mrs Brown said: "I shall con- Governors, lie .aid he intends to aviatinn miti-in. .rhnni h,.nnH the county, and it was expected suit my attorneys immediately announce the appointment before r..n . hhn., ,'.-. ik. to be a couple davs before oper- and be governed by their advice.' he leaves. simulated sriace fluht alion would be back to normal, ac- Mrs. L. C Bates. Arkansas pres- Mostly, he said. amoking cigarettes. ii.rhuan Citv. Ind . already Th , m ih, Wiii.m.n. ki .mokes a pack a da covered ifith an estimated 54 moved downstream from Salem Th. jnunhin. iyiuniv .herifra countercharge. inc office aaid a car driven by 1- However, diplomats both at the new alorm . the Salem-Independence route, re- vear-old Elmer Rov Wallace, also I'-.V and in London were confi- Ice on the upper Ohio River mained under water. - . . - ... i..u u . l,r..,.ohi u.t, traffic there 10 a Th. V.h.ll thm " v,ng to p.. a Uicto on the avoid a bitter' debate which the virtual at.ndstill. - river, were st.ll out of their banks. "H Juipped aj- G W. O ' L" F.L. . ... ..j .1. 1 rnmm..n,.i. ..,m The temoerature in New Jersey K,,t Fith., i.irf th.i I. a .t.nH.M Benson Jr.. commandant of the man wnpn me auiu anu uiv u.iivri .uiu. . . - - i . . , . truck met headon. These aourcea predicted each dropped to 10 above at Hign roini wintertime occurrence and Wallace and the pickup driver, nation wouia mae a restrained . "-- neavy uamage ia causea Rrnnkmei. escaoed aiaiement explaining lis cnareea. ",,u'c- " "' He said Tuesday he has no idea of the afternoon and then ate roast beef dinner. He lost four pound., he aaid, during the seven dar flicht. Farrell. who now wanta to make a real Hunt to the moon Oakland Truant Ordered To Return To School (Continued from Page II owned aubaidiary of National Air- linea. The award ia now being con tested in the courta "1 held that UkAT waa the best In a light day in juvenile court Jii'if?. "! f,uL, p"' ttat " Monday, one buy was ordered to Drinking Bartender Assessed Fine Of S25 A bartender who pleaded guilty . k.r. 1,1. h.. 1 '. 1 complete a acheduled 72 hours of S25 ,n municipal court. "d "bservauon. Gertrude LaVeme Woodcock. M. row' Grand Hotel, was assessed the fine after pleading to a charge brought bv city police She was accused of violating a city ordinance which prohibits bartender, from drinking wnue on duty. Police said she was Farrell ate the .teak slept most cording to County Road Engineer idem of the National Assn. for the as to whom he will appoint ' 1 II It... lij..nn.Riai.t nf f'nlnrul P.nn). ' Th. SI If-rPSKI F In RPStfT Al May. Advancement of Colored People. State road, were reported back declined comment, to pre-atorm normalcy bv Slate Diviion Engineer Frank Morgan The successor to Kester will serve until the November general election. He presumably would have to file before March 7, if he wished to he a candidate to suc ceed himself. Camas Valley Woman Passes In Phoenix Hichwav 25 was operating normal- Alcatrax Prisoner Hangs ly in the Elkton area again. Self With Bed Sheet A road in t-e Lookingglass area. tomor- near the Stebmger Sawmill, was SAN" FRANCISCO .r Harold reported to state police thi morn- Suann Jr.. a prisoner at Aica- Todav Closelv Watched ;ini to have given way. and road trar. hanged himself with abed crews were said to have oegun j;eet Monday night in his segre- MINNEAPOLIS Voters in Minnesota's Election work on it. LARCENY CHARGED Mrs Harvev C. (Noral Bovle observed well-known resident of Camas al- Sherjfs deputies breaking the law while working at lev. died Tuesday morning at a rested Woodrow W ,. . , uiraaina me law w mir wurxina al i,. uit-u iucwi niuiuiux at m ir'im " i-l . .- .. h-.t auaitinir emereencv suddi es .. . . . , .L v-i. n-.u c. attend achool regularly and two name 01 aen. dinauiers tu-' " ' " weoe a lavem, ivu sr. Mepnen. rnoenix. Ariz, nosoitai wnere sne ict uiu 01 nlh.r. .,. ,.!.. . en f,nm infnr. tl m "0 the Case mal probation. connection with the Wilson applf :sl healing gas A shortage of natural had been vacationing this winter Her body is to be brousnt to gaa cavl 1 ntK.r mnninn.1 mri Oakland has been arient it davi Wilson's estate c,oy ocorli'V, " K1 Ti pleaded innocent to a charge of menu, in care of Long and 2f. ,nshL :.r!!J1.n Smaihe . told a reporter Won- ?.tur" " r'.p0"rd ln ,he. North d.sorderiy eonduct and had his Mortuary, will be announced la W .chool or ace drastic action. ".t he ha. no active con-. ,rls of Virgin,, and Ten- ' for lulT V r-' The case of a l. ye.rKild from "1 "!? ?! ! ' Pf0! K S r.admgs. "'tf lJ. """'"S 'tJ'; gauon ceil. Warden Paul Madigan Minnesota's 1st District were announced. choosing a new congressman to- Swann. 31. was aervmg 18 veara day in an election viewed bv party for murder and assault. leaders as setting a possible pat- Snann. wnose home was at tern for the state's fall general Andover. Mass., was convicted by election. a of killing a Ko- Candidates, nominated in a pn- larcenv char.e. He is accused bv rean girl. He was sentenced to tnary a week ago, are State Sen. C Shadboude. 1760 NW Grove Ijne. e.yit years and drew another 10 Albert Quie, 34. a dairy farmer of selling Shabouoe two tires for attacking a fellow inmate in from Dennison, a Republican, and Orr which allegedly had been stolen the federal penitentiary at Terre Eugene roley, 29, t Wabasha at- ater. from Ok Rubber Welders. Haute, lna. lorney, Democrat. Monday Godon. ar- 40. petty Winston who had been charged a,u-. n, ...j . Tj Some other New England tem- with illegal possession of liquor "i.j . .1 ik. u..... peiatures all below rero' Mont- wa. reviewed and he waa released ...t, .,, . pelirr. t , 28: Portland. Me . 16; trom "formal prohation which had SnuUrer. ,old , rtporU.r Mon. been impoaed last rail. ,n mlorml conference of FCC Also released from auch proba- membera and ih. aenata -nm. tion was a 15-year-old Roseburg mere committee at which, he hoy who had been accused of ahop- said. Sen Magnuson iD Washi ei lifting in a Roseburg atore. pressed an op.nion that perhaps it wasn't wise for FCC to award Burlington, L, IS, Concord, N.H., 7. Biatnn 4. and Bradley Meld Conn., 5. Twenty-four families in Slam Fines of $25 were assessed arainM two young Roseburg men who pleaded guilty to contributing . to the delinouence of a minor. I Dwain Hayden Pace. 19. 74 W. Whorton St . paid his fine, but C fordonrwer. " .SelS , S XZ Lfw. the Stamford High School gym nasium after the heating systems Shoplifting Charged Against 2 Teen-agers allU ... . . . . . 1 tv .. ..-k. raiiea in iwo lenemeni nouei mey alo h.r! mta-rett. mmm. nrf occupied The temperature was .nniK., ri.,.i h.,,1.1... .n.. rem another Federal regulatory agen cy Smathera said no names of The Pennsvhan a Railroad can celled 2S trains One reason was Two young Ro.-eburg boss were smathera said no names of ap- h w,ndnv,n no-derrd snow hooked 'on charge, of pet,, lar- P . . were mentioned , , rJoTtZ. a numZr reny by Roaehurg police after f.'.'h" conference, held before the . ,i,ctr,r ,,,,. they were apprehended and taken KC made it. decision in the Mi- Vwenty two outbound and 24 in- to the police station by Jim knudt .on, Roseburg jeweler. Knudtson nabbed the pair. 13 and 14 years old. in another store after they had taken two Rove hui I hi k Jackson St. Both bova aign-d statements admitting the thrfta, said police Officers reported that the young- ami cae. Summoned from Florida to testi fy were Paul R. Scott and Robert H. Arrdersnn. now a circuit judge, whom Schwartz identified as ,rg High achool cl... ,. from ?l!"f ,'"m ,rtpT e .hop operated by Krudt.on. rh VI . C u'-! ?PP k': nudtaobs Jeweler.. iS SE Iiurni.n t Wh.te.ide who bound flights were cancenrd at New York's Laguardia Airport. Most of the cancellations were by short haul airlinea serving New tnsland and the Midwest 4A4. was jailed when he was unable to pay. Two 17-year-old girl, arrested w ith the two men pleaded guil'T J to curfew violation and paid SIS fines. Hospital News Dw9las Community Hospital Admitted Medical: Mra. r rank Husak ( Mrs Ronald Laurence. Mrs El mer Hitchman. Aaron Gibby, Mrs. port. ho Schwartz said wrote at least SJ s. in checks to FCC Commissioner Richard A Mark while the case waa pending and Pernne Palmer CaS Chamber Jr . described bv ScnwarU as a Ten tripa-mamly for Florida James Youlsey. Roseburg. Mr.. were cancelled at Idlewild Air- e uooareau. uuae Convicted Slayer Dies " m. " ' pr"D- leading Miami political figure and .... . ,.. ... .vrwlUa , ci0 acquaintance of Mack with a s.nular charge. SAN VI F.NTIN. Calif. If A who mutilated and Surgery: Larry Gilford. Jennie Ha.nes. Oakland Diacherted Laura Tempieton. Ywnralla: Juhn schooliieid. Daniel Bienm. Noble Burgfws. Kenneth Tissino. . Rosehurt: Willard Ott. Mvrtle Creek, Mra Robert Surgeon, Win-' SPECIAL DIET LUNCH SERVED DAILY AT Swedish Dining Room A CLEAN HEATING SYSTEM GIVES YOU A CLEANER HOME set slaver killed two San Francisco girls slnn with a knife was executed in the Merer Hesnital state gas cramber Friday after Admitted ! A. H Peteraon. of Industrial Sup- Pend.rg a aieeplesa night in his Medical: William White. Mrs. ply Co. 1910 Air Port Road, re- death row cell Margaret helton. Charles Heaiy.; ported to the ahenff'a officer Mon- James Reese 27. entered the Roseburg day that planer and grinder parts chamber al 10 01 am and was Surgery: Mra Jarne. Rote. Myr- had been atolen from the premisea pronounced dead 11 rmnutea later tie Creek nerse ronviciea ua muruenng uiacnargea F.lnatlh Simpson. 13. and .Mrs . Mrs Laurence Fmd and baby. Georgia Ann Barrett. 20. in 1956. DonaM Laurence; Mrs. W. T Daw 1 alternately read magatinca and son. Roseburg; Lawrence Norton.; talked lo prison guards and hi. Ysin-ton. Mrs Arthur Manchester; re.uious councelor. Father Ed- and haby, tieri Marion: Mrs Ches-; ward Dinfcherg. during the night, ter Cline and baby. Robert Earl. Sutherlin. Mrs Mvron Haines and baby, Mildred Naoma. Wmsion i PR0PiTY MISSING He aaid the theft occurred over the weekend. r . .fe- da; LET US "POWER VAC" YOUR FURNACE A aleeaaa1 U'.aca ekmiaatet air cats fwat a. J edwcea raaWnM .." Wa clam aat aaly tt.a tal tea kvf else all a es a.4 tlxta wrts a a . itk..t a.v aa.aa awthar ta r.a. A V.lkf ' ia ttet Mta-ala a yew, kwa. tne wanwa,, call ua tar Peer-Vai Semca ta.. OUR EQUIPMENT COMPLETELY CLEANS Cia.CUL4.TINS HIATUS HaleiACIS OllUJ Al CONDITIONING STSTIMS HOWit eiMS . t oycTJ CMIMMIYJ O ATTICS O IASIMINTS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL REStOENTIAL S&S FURNACE CLEANIN6 CO. Oman: lim Staedlar il St Ctri.a,: Dm H.,a 1741 S. I. HAMILTON ST. PM0NI: l.i OR l-0 Raa. 0 I 07J ICYCLI fOUND GRAND LARCENY CHARGED Hooked al tiie count v jail Mon- Rn.ebuig police were informed l .n.lav by Jack Cummins S..4 W Nrtio Si . lhat ins aon had found dav was ndi. Goodin. 21. Box 5. his hicyclr which was reported Mvrtle Cre. rharced with lar- siolen Feb 4 The bike was found ceny over $T5 He waa arrest'd by near the South Umpqua River, he Riddle police who brought him to said the jail SPECIAL PRICES Until Morch 1st on Cleaning and Reconditioning VENETIAN BLINDS FREE ESTIMATES NO 0BLICATI0N a Roseburg Venetians Custom Work on All Window Needs DRAPERIES RODS SHADES VENETIAN ILINDS ALUMINUM AWNINGS. ETC. 214 S. I. Jackson St. Phono OR 3-S491 America's lowest-priced, full-sized Wagon! The SCOTSMAN Station Wagon only 2055 equipped Thi low price include heater defroster, directional signals, spare tire and wheel, double wipers, mirror. Pay only local taxes, if any, and transportation from South Bend. Indiana. Itnaime'-a full-aiied atatioo wagon al a price thai aate 'ou kundreda of dollar over Bearcat competing anodels. And at this unbelievably low price, you get ciean. uncluttered atyhr.g. a'l tht apacious comlort of a f-paaser.ger sedan (aeatf I with optional Hideaway Seat , plua more than cubic leet of cargo spare with the reav ant down! Today, look al all Ike rara 1 Ike low-priced Seotaman aeneal And don t be led astray by pnro eiaima of the aell-named "low-priced threo." Compare pnew and ae lor youreeU' You'U find the Scotsman station wagon and aedan. art actually the lowest -priced, full-aijed cars you can buy. And they offer more real value, too! A drivt behind the wheel will ahow you why. There'g irir riding comfort on an exclusive-design sus pension system. rr ease of maneuvering with responsive anable-rat:o steering, near pear of mind with seil-centenng and self-energizing brakes! See America's lowest -priced, full-siied cars, tht Scotsman 2 -door. 6-pasaenger sedan at S1T95, and the Scotsman 4-door aedan at only $1874. Visit your Studebaker-Packard Dealer, today I Sn tht complitt lint tf Studsbiktr-PKkird sports cars, hardtops, stdans and station wagons. Studebaker-Packard CORPORATION RIVERSIDE MOTORS, 988 N. E. Stephens, Roseburr, Oregon as. N.rt.iav C. h.i q f uT"" aa-.aaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa aaa -a..M (9 i (a) 0 0 3 9 W0 rsi isi