0 0 o o ! ! I 0 o o 10 Tti News-Revie, feiebusj, Threat Of So?itP Military Lead Over U. S. Seeft CHICAGO (if A keynote of warning that Russia may win a commanding military lead over tha United Stale i ethin 10 yeari opened a strategy conference of top busineis. !yvernment and military apeciali.ua Monday. ben. Jackson (u-wasni urgea five-point drive, inclining a de fense budget increase of "between a de- 1 itweenj four and five billion dollar;" to i keen the U S ahead of a soviet military ana economic upsuiac. In a prepared addvss at the opening session of the Fourth Na tional Military-Industrial Confer ence a three-day meeting of 65 leaders in the armed forces, com .merce and industry, science and engineering, education, labor and government he said: "If eventa proceed on their present course we will become a second class military and political power, while the Soviets become the dominant nation of the world A projection of the present trends shows our defense expendi tures. relative to those of the So viet Union, becoming imaller and mailer each year." Jackson is a member of the Sen ate Armed Services Committee. He said the 1958 budget now before Congress, called "the first apace age budget," provides an increase of only 900 million dol lar linM th Knnlnik lltinrhinff. and calls for military procurement; curtailment offsetting increased ! expenditure for the missile pro gram. "Shoulds" Suggested Jackson's program for the U.S. race with Russia had these other proposals: "We should make it a goal of national policy to Increase sub stantially the rate of our indus trial growth and technological de velopment. "We should initiate a vast new domestic program to educate more and better trained talent to fit the mounting number of cri tical jobs. "We should promptly establish a national new projects labora tory under civilian direction and responsible to the office of the President. Jackson laid the 1939 budget, taking into account salary and price increases "actually means a reduction both in armed strength and procurement." Missing Skiers Found Alive, OK CHEWELAH, Wash. OB Two lS-year-old skiers missing almost two days on 5,470-foot Mt. Chewe lah were found alive and apparent ly in good condition Monday. The youths, Gale Wueslhoff and John May, were last seen Satur day evening after they helned lo cale a 14-year-old Boy Scout who became lost in dense fog on an outing. The Boy Scout, Alan Andrist, apent the night with two of hia reacuera and came in safely Sun- aay aiternoon. May and Wutethoff struck out earlier on their own to tell other aearchera and failed to show up. A large scale search was launched Monday. Searchers reported early Mon day afternoon that May and Wuesl hoff were found suffering from mild exposure but otherwise in good condition. They were brought to the ski lodge here tired and "very hun gry". LUNCHES Served 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. Doily Swedish Dining Room CUT TV & RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGI NO 01U0ATI0N Tilt, all tteaa'ara' mi ni TV tuhel new In wia. USI OUR SELF siavicc TV DEPARTMf NT Open Iran. 9 f 9 Ifry Day CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. LOWEST PRICE IY mi Modal DDSI Small Down Payment Small Monthly Payments Or. TiQ M 14 Wl FkfitiJCMfet MED FORD i A one-armed man identified aa Verlia emes Barrett, 30, a fugitive from the Washington State Penitentiary, was captured after a chase here Thursday night. Patrolman Keith VanHorn fi nal aubdued Barrett after the onetime wrestler broke away irnm nun uimc. VanHorn was ctlled to a south- '" r - : . . Z said a mail was walking back and forth along one of the streets. The man who turned out to be Barrett ran as the policeman approached. VanHorn caught up with him several times but each time Bar ett broke away and fled again. Finally, the officer collared the fugitive and took him to a house where residents called the police station for help. Barrett mad a final break for freedom, but was caught a fpw yards away. He is held in the Jackson county jH 'or Washington authorities Barrett was serving three con secutive 30-year terms for bur glary. He lost an arm in a previ ous attempt to escape. Halt On Dropping Of Reservists rrfaA Rv Aeen wljjsju vy "Jill. WASHINGTON ufi Congresa was urged Monday to erect safe guarda against "a recurrence of the unexpected discharge of thou sands of reservistr" from active duty during a reduction in mili tary manpower last year. The Reserve Officers Assn. said such a move is necessary "if the officer corps is to retain its mo rale and its proficiency." Col. John T. Carlton. ROA's ex ecutive director, expressed this view in testimony prepared for a House Armed Services subcom mittee considering a reserve offi cer term retention plan. Carlton aaid the armed services have gone through repeated man power reduction programs since World War 11 and, he said, have released reservists without proper advance notice. He said unexpected discharge of reservists has hrought "hard ships, injustices, and betrayal of real or implied commitments for service." Bonus For Top Math Exam Cradet Proposed WASHINGTON l Brush ud on your math, kids there may be i sold in them thar equations and ' theorem!). .Several Congress members have Proposed $'00 cash awards to any iRh school graduate who can pass a standard examination in math ematics. Hep. Price (Dili), one sponsor of the legmlitinn, Mid "everyone l l l ,i who has uraiu in ifiia fiupuaai like it Dr. Alan Waterman, chief of the National Science Foundation, said the proposal has "much to recom mend it" as a means of helping increase the nation's future supply of scientists. Oregon Cattla's Valua Shows Boost Ovar 1957 PORTLAND I The Federal 1 Crop Reporting Board aaid Mon-1 day that the value of rattle and ' calves on Oregon farms Jan. 1 j was up sharply over the value on lh? same date a rear ago. The Jin. 1. 19.S8. value was lilted at Slfi.1.792.000, compared wilh S120.228.U00 a year before. The number of animals was up j irom i.:w.uuv to Miz.uoo. Also higher in value were hoss and piss. J.V1.12.0O0 to M. 1711.000, despite a decline in the number. Horses and mules dropped in number from 47,000 In 44.000. hut value went up to $4,224,000 from $.1,619,000. WANT COMMUNITY COLLICI NORTH BEND ( Petitions will be submitted to the Oregon Board of Education urging the """" oi communuy college in Southwestern Oregon. a request from the staff to divide School Superintendent Henry I the stipend. The company, rather Hartley said he will suhmit the ' than make two smaller awards, petitions to the board March 15. 1 increased the fund to make two Hartley said the petitions were $M acholarships. The San Fran galhered in the Reedsport area ciscn office of the corporation an and from all Coos County school I nnunced its decision to continue '"'"d!1- 'that plan for this vear. SIDAIIKE 1958 FABRIC-MASTER DRYER With Scnsotionol N0W.$ ONLY klUuaaMaVaUmi Th felUwint ri nJ faUvisioa programi mrm printed t it public Mrvic if Nwt-Rviw Mdrt. All pfjfm littfris r publfthtet NCivJ frm tnm rtictiva t tions. Th Ntwt-Mvitw 4 acc wpmmtihtUty it variation tram rifiasl tchadulaa furtmhadj this KOIN-TV Caajinal ft ParfUrtf Remaining Hours Today oO Mr Wcatharmaa 05 SporUr-fn a 10 Newi farad a IS Doug Kdwardi, Nawi a :,0 Nam That Tun 7:00 Mr. Adamg Eva 7 10 Eva Arden Show a 00 To T11 Tba Truth 8 10 Red 8kIton 9 00 IWitlOOO Q vi Ml ton 9. to If You Had A Million 10 00 filar Performance , 10 :to City De-It 10 XV New Wire 10. 40 'Conspirator wriNEDAV, rrn. if, it.va 7 00 Captain Kamaroe 7 Grant Holcomb, Nwi 00 Ladies Talr I. .10 Cartoon Tim 9 00 Hotel Co mo po Ulan 9:15 Lov of Life B :K Search for Tommorow 9.45 Guiding Light 10 00 Hi Neighbor 10:25 Walter CronktH NWt 10 .10 Aa Wnrtd Turni 110O Bt lh Clock 11.(0 Houa Party 1 2:00 Th Big Payoff 12 10 Verdict la Yours 1:00 Brighter Day 1:15 Secret Storm 130 KOIN Kitrrten 2 flO Garry Mor Show 3 30 Arthur Godfrey Tim Friday-Garry Moor Shawl 310 Edge of Nignt 4 00 Dot to 4 JO Mr Moon 4 4.5 Red Dunning 8 OO Cartoon Tim fl 30 Armchair Thcatr KRNR 1490 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:1.1 Arthur Godfrey Road Show CBS 9.00 Edward R. Murrow CBS 5. 15 Pub. Srv. 5.10 Texaco S porta Final - CBS S 45 Frank Con New CBS 5 55 Weather Tomorrow a 00 Munc of lh Wet a 15 liwell Thnmai CBI a SO Strange But True a .'t.V Amo N Andy - CBI 7 00 Robert Trout Nwa CBS 7:05 Sports Tim 7:10 Eaav Listening 8 00 Newt - CBS 8:05 Eaay Listening 815 Teenage Tunes 8 50 New- 855 Timber! rail News 9:00 Easy Listening 9::i0 Rnhert Q. Lewi 10.00 Richfield Reporter 10:15 Eaav Listening 10:10 Hsve-n Of Beat 11:00 Sign Off wenNKaoAY, rrn. i, nu 8 00 Sign On New - a 05 Dawn Patrol a 23 News '30 Dawn Patrol 7 00 News CBS 7 05 Timbertrail News 7:10 Pillowpounders Paradia 7 to News 7 :t3 Pillow Pounder Paradia 8 00 Mimical Variety CBS 8 05 World News 8.10 Time, Temperature and Tun 8 25 Northweat Highlights B:;tO Frank (inn News 8 45 Harry Babbitt BOO Peter and Mary Show 9:15 Harkalag Wife CBS A :i0 Tnaat n Tunea 10 00 Men About Town 10 05-Man Named Mage ! ? !-.Vndor Sho I'm , 0:I5 Ma Hemma -t.B! o to Eaay Valley Weather ! 10.15 New and Sport a 10 40 Midmormng Melodies 11:O0 Wendv Warren and lh New 1115 Second Mrs Burton CBS 11 lO-Y.Ming Or Matone 11:4-5 Road of Lif CBS 12 00 World Newa 12 15 Meet Th Artist 12 10 Helen Trent CBS 12 45 Our Gal Sundav CBS 1 no Arthur Godfrey CBS 1 tO Hnuaepartv CBS 3 00 Foolln' Around With Records Crown-Zellerbich Offers Two $500 Scholarships Two $500 scholarships are of fered, for the second consecutive year, to students in the univer sity's journalism school by the Crown Zellerbach Corp. Announcement of the awards was made by Charles E. Mine, secretary of Crown Zellerbach. The scholarship winners will be selected by the school of journal ism staff from members of the junior and senior classes in the school. Primary consideration (or selection will be service and per formance in the field of journal- j ism. When the company first set up the award last year, the original j intention was to present a single ; l.MM auarri MiffKMillv in rhrwi.int? ; between two candidates brought. Wrinkles -Avay Cycle 5995 Wrinklei-Awoy Feotur practically ends ironing of man-mad labrict! COM PARE, YOU CAN'T GET THIS WORK SAVING FEATURE AT ANYWHERE NEAR OUR PRICE! KOSIIURO 6t S. I. RosaDial OJtckard J JS74 KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today 4:00 Fulton Lewis MRS 4:15 Frank Hemingway MBS 4:30 Gabriel Heattcr MBS 4 3 LoU of Music MBS A 00 News MBS 5 05 Going My Way 5.25 Hidlbrg News 5:30 News MBS 5:35 Going My War 5:35 rl log A Sport 00 Bob Grant News 15 Music 6.10-Bill Stern MBS 8 :t5 Army Hour MBS 7 OO News MBS 7 05 Farm Bureau Exrhanga 710 Rhythm At Random 7.25 City Market News 7 iO News MBS 7 -35 Squad Room MBS 8 00 News MBS 8 05 Music 8 .10 Newa MBS 8:35 Music BOO News MBS 8:05 Barry Gray Show MBS 0:.1O News MBS 9. IS Barry Gray Show MBS 10-0O- Tomorrows Head Unas 10:05 Sign Off HEDKEftDAT, FEB. 18, lM 8 00 Dawnbuitera 8 20 City Market Newt 8:25 Flying A Sport a 30 News MBS a .15 County Agent 8 40 Alarm Clock Club 7 00 Frank Hemingway MBS 7:15 Music 7:30 News MBS 7:45 Local News 7:50 Take Ten 800 Cliff Engl MBS 8:15 Melody Mill 8:30 News MBS 8:35 Music 8 00 News MBS 9:05 Farm Bureau Exchange IV Fun With Music 9:30 News MBS 8:35 Town Crir 9 45 Arc You Listening 10 OO Newspaper of th Air MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 Gabriel Hatr MBS 10:35 House party 11.05 Stork Club 11:10 Muaic 11 JO News MBS 1135 Queen For a Day MBS 12:00 Mid Day News 12 15 Flying A Sport 12 20-Music 12:30 Newa MRS 123j--Greet Your Neighbor 12 5ft Market Reporta 1. -00 News MBS 1:0.5 Today in Wall Street 1:15 America's Top Tunea 1:30 News- MBS 135 Kat Smith Sings MBS 2 00 News MRS 205 Sunny Side Up 2 .10 Newa- MBS 2 35 Take Ten 2 45 Answer Man MBS 3 00 Gabriel Heater MRS 3 05 America's Top Tune 3 30 News MBS 3:35 Story Princaas MBS KYES 950 KC KYRS MON. THROUGH SAT. ff OO Sign On n;t Happy O'Day Show A. 25 Niwi 6 .Q Happy O'Day Show 6 55 Weather Summary 7 00 News Mia-hliihts 7 -03 Happy O'Day .Show 7 25 New 7 to Happy O'Day Show S 00 News 10:1 Happy O Day Show 8 25 New fl TO Happy O'Day Show 9 OO New 0O2 Lucky Igan Show tt 2.5 Community Calendar to Lucky Logan Show 10 00 News in 0:1 Lucky Logan Show 10.25 News Wed . Thurs. nd trl. Community Cluh Award news. 10 M Lucky Ixigan Show 11 00 News Highlights 11 03 Luck Logan Show 11 LurkV lisan Show 12 1)0 News Highlights 12 0:1 Lucky Logan Show 12 2.1 News 12 10 Lucky Itgan Show 1 00 News Highlights 1:0,1 Happy O'Day Show 1 2.5 Faturttnn 1 10 Happy O'Day Show 2 00 New 2 0l Happv O'Day Show 2 25 Community Calendar 2 TO Happy O Day Show 3 00 News 3 25 News 3 to Lucky lgan Show 4 OO News Highlight 4 25 News 4 10 Luck r Logan Shew 5 HO News Highlights 5t2-Luckv Logan Show , 3 25 Sports News 5 .10 Luckv logan Show 3 40 News Headline Weather 5 45 Sign Off ISO Wcalhervan 41 mlnutM t tha hour, vry hour. Movie Showtime ti rxDAT, rrn it, its INDIAN THFATHK -- Door, open IS Twn rompl?i thowi ai 4ft. I 15 'Sumoi' KM, .I2 "Old Yll-' 1.44. 10 M HIDNIMIAT, ri.. It, ltt INDIAN THEATRE Door opn 30. CwnpleM hrtw t 4VR S ' Htll in Korea" T JO 10 JO 'Redan' t 47 only. FAR! KBESTV Ch.nnl 5 Mtdfor. Remimins Hours Tod 17 4:00 Fern mine Fancl 4 TO Devotions 435 World Day of Prayer 4 45 Search f or Tomorrow 5:00 76 Sports Roundup 5-10 Unci Bill's Cartoon Tim 6 00 Your TV Weatherman 05 Newa 15 Doug Edwards At Th Nwg 30 Nime That Tun 7 00 Mr. Adams Is Ev 7 jo Whirl? buds B OO To Tell Th Truth I )0 Bed Skelinn tt.00-M4.000 Questloa t.:;0 Track down Ifl OO I Spy 10 (O News 10:35 Championship Bowline. 11:35 Sim Off Wt.nNtMIAT, FEB. ins 11:50 Cartoon 11 55 News 12:00 Bif Pavoff 12 .10 The Verdict Is Your 1.00 Brighter Day 1:15 Secret Slorm l:;tO Edi of .Wight 2.00 Garry Moore 2 to Arthur Godfrey 3 :to Dotlo 4.00 feminine Fancies 4. '50 Devotions 4 45 Search Fnr Tomorrow 5.00 Woodv Woodpecker 5 ;t0 Tim McCoy 5 45 'Jncl Bill's Cartoon Tim 00 Your TV Weatherman 0.5 News 15 Doug Edwards and Th New TO Life With EIiEibeth 700 Boots and Saddles 7 no The Bin Story SOO Victor Broe Show It. .to I v Got A Secret 00 Circle Theatre 10 00 The Goldbergs H):: Newi 10:.15 liwrenre We Ik 11:35 Sign Off KPIC Channtl 4 Rottburg Remaimne Hours Today 4 45 Big Roundup 3 M Cartoon Feitlval 5 00 The News . 6.03 Soort , 0 Weather 15 NBC News V 'to Star Performance 7 00 Men of Annapolis 7:30 Silent Servic g OO Jerry lwi NBC )Spcil BOO Meet McGraw NBC a .'IO Bob Cummlngs NBC 1000 The Californians NBC 10 .10 Heidelberg News Desk 10.15 Lawrence Welk 11:35 Jack Parr Show NBC W E l N V. H U 4 Y. FEB. 1 fl.lfl IL.'IO Kittv Fovle NBC 12:00 NBC Matinee NBC 1 00 Queen for a Day tNBCt 145 Modern Bomances 'NBCl 2 01 Comedy Time tNBCi 2: Truth or Consequence NBC 3:00 Guest Book 3.10 Variety Film Fair 4 45 Big Roundup 5:t0 Wild Bill 00 Th News 8 03 Snorts 10 Weather .15 NBC Newa NBC .10 Telephon Tim ABC 7.00 Impact 7:30 Shirlev Temple Fairy Tale NBC g :iO Sea Hunt 00 Kraft TV Theatre NBC 10 00 This i Your Lif iNBCi lO.'tO Th Newn 10.45 Star Performance 11:15 Yeslerdsvs Newreel 11:30 Jack Parr Show UMPQUA DAIRY COTTAGE CHEESE YV Cottage Cheese )J At Your KEEP YOUR FAMILY HAPPY SATISFIED AND HEALTHY WITH TASTY COTTAGE CHEESE DISHES FOR BETTER FAMILY HEALTH BUY UMPQUA DAIRY PRODUCTS WANTS TO GET MARRIED AGAIN Movie actress Lauren Bacall .is pictured in her Boston hotel room where she told newsmen she wonts to get married again. Miss BocoH's husband, Humphrey Bogart, died more than a year ago. She said "I don't believe a woman should live alone" but would not say whether Frank Sinatra is her choice. (AP Wirephoto) Princeton Seeks Private Clubs PRINCETON, N. J. iffl Prince ton University will press for the development of alternate facilities to its private eating duos. Dut al legations of club racial discrimin ation are contrary to the facts, Says Princeton's president. Dr. Robert F. Coheen met Wed nesday night with 22 sophomores who remain outside the univer sity s 17 exclusive eating clubs They received bids from only one -Monday, raindrops beating a ca chib. ;dcnce for marching. The bid was from a cooperative eating club, Prospect. It was ori ginally rejected by 23 sophomores who participated in the traditional "bicker" or mid term invitalion period. One student, disregarding the lead of some of the 23 who said they were being "railroaded into Prospect club, accepted the bid. Some of the 22 said they were beins discriminated against on religious grounds. In a statement louowing me meei.ng wim i. e sophomores who remain outside clubs, (johcen said: "Such charges obscure the plain facts that there are today mem bers of the three major faiths in "The 'university he's no,' released 'the names of Ihc 22 who remain Grocers r fj unaffiliated, but a spokesman said about a dozen of them are .iewh. The sophomore class of 770 has about 90 members of the Jewish faith, he said. Denied Job Because Not High School Craduate BAKER, Ore. i Melvin Neva, 21, set out on his job-hunting hike His wile waiKea at nis sine io the edge of town, and then he went lone His announced purpose is to find i job. He said he will hike all ,the way to Seattle if need be. Mondav night he expected to be in North Powder, 17, miles away. Neva was let out at Brownlee Dam when construction got to a point that his work as a driller's helper was no longer needed. He said soon after ne Iirst announced he would start a hike , k f k R ff d ' :' ...: .,, ,i, job in a service station, then the offer was withdrawn when it was learned he is not a high school graduate. He and his wife have two '"". "1 P" oiner IN THE NEW PLASTIC RE-USABLE CONTAINERS & LIDS Thesa artractive ond practical containers not only guarantee the freshness of tha cottoga cheese to you but can b used at refrigerator and freeier container!. Buy a complete set durina tha lenten season at your favorite grocers, 6 COLORFUL PASTEL SHADES No Advance In Price Educators To Sitcuss Space-Age Tching WASHINGTON un Educators from throughout the nation will meet in Seattle March 2- to de termine what and how American schools should teach to meet the challenge of the space age. The meeting, announced I a a I week by the National Education Assn., will be the 13lh annual con ference of the Assn for Supervi sion and Curriculum Develop ment, an NEA subsidiary. The NEA said the conference will discuss current problems ranging from an evaluation of mathematics and science pro grams and education of gifted stu dents to when schools should begin teaching foreign languages. Benjamin A. Cohen, a United Nations undersecretary, will be a principal speaker. Approximately 3.000 educators are expected to attend the conference. Pttsitivtly Indi Tontfjkt "OLD YELLER" Wed! thru Sat! A SKY-HORROR 200 MILLION YEARS OLD 1. w. .' .' ' t' ti 3rO - r I mm Hut W W CtM till fnr Utmt if tbukmH RODAN! THE FLYING MONSTER fist ..TECHNICOLOR ... Twin Thrills , . . fat ' mtm fee (Matt liwri STEPHEN I0T0 , V1CT0 MaDMN Mom, Lent cin mean delightful delic ious and nutritious "taste treats" for your family when you use wholesome, fresh, easy-ro-prepare dairy foods. r S3 9) 4? t