The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 17, 1958, Page 8, Image 8

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utherliiD Wirestleirs Wiri'iisiirirt Five Tide'
DISTRICT FIVE wrestling championships were taken by
13 grapplers from six of the 15 schools represented at the
meet in Roseburg Friday and Saturday. From left to right
in front row they were Jerry Perez, 115, Sutherlin; Felix
Raddatz, 106, Roseburg; Durrell Gigear, 123, Sutherlin;
Roy Denney, 130, South Eugene; Bruce Glenn, 136, South
Eugene; Scott Gibson, 141, Springfield; Gordon Avery, 6,
Sutherlin. In back from left are Tom Jenkins, 178, Marsh
field; Tom Gilman, 157, Sutherlin; C. B. Simons, heavy
weight, Roseburg; Miles Stout, 194, Springfield; Dan
Guthrie, 148, South Eugene; Ed Cearley, 168, Myrtle
Creek. (Paul Jenkins).
Indians Lose To Springfield
S. Eugene
North Bend
Ctge. Grove
W L Pet.
'a second place lie with the South ! several occasions when the need to bad pases or steps railed,
pe pa Kuaene Axemen, both with 4-3 rec-' arose. Springfield came up with 1 These 14 faults led to eight Mil
8"7 346 294 orf-s' I ne Da" after missed free throws ler bakets or 16 poinU that might
571 320 313' Koseburg raced off to a 13-8 in the last half, with 6 6 Wally , not have been scored.
571 354 2D6!f'rl quarter advantage, but here'Knecht and 6-3 Dick Manilla nab- Jackson with 13 points topped
500 298 285 tne Millers took charge and held j bing the lions' share from the In- all scorers, with Barrong chipping
500 278 2H7 ne Indians to only four points in j dians. j in with eight and the usually high-
000 272 409'tlie second quarter to take a 2217 j Big 6 5 Tom Barrow: of the In-, scoring Larry Sloan only seven.
Ihalftime bulge. i dians scored six of the Roseburg , Herman was high for the Millers
Springfield widened its lead in Second Period Dm. trout nine points in the third quarter. ; with 12, followed by Manilla with
District S-A-l baketball action ' It was this sharp second period ""l "mm als" Ior s' 10r j mne
Niws-Rtvitw Sports Writer
The Sutherlin Bulldogs, winning
four district championships and
two second places, finished on top
of the District five wrestling tour
nament held in the Roseburg gym
Friday and Saturday with a total
of 108 points, just ahead of second
place South Eugene, which finished
with an even 1U0 markers.
Placing third in the 15-team meet
were the Roseburg Indians with 90
points, followed by Springfield
with 85, Marshfield 64, North Bend
36, Willamette 29. Myrtle Creek 26,
Douglas 18. St. Francis 14, Reeds
port 13. Myrtle Point 11, Glide
eight and Gold Beach one. Trian
gle Lake failed to gather a point
in the two-day meet.
The Bulldogs also topped all
teams in the number of qualifiers
for the state meet that will be held
in Corvallis next weekend, placing
six boys, while Roseburg, Spring
field and South Eugene each plac
ed five. The Marshfield Pirates
will have three boys in the state
meet and Willamette and Myrtle
Creek each one.
South Eugene in nabbing second
place gained three individual
champs, while Roseburg and de
fending champion Springfield nab
bed two each. The Myrtle Creek
Vikings and Marshfield each grab
bed off a single first place.
Four Bulldogs Win
Gordon Avery at 98 pounds, Jer
ry Perei at 115. Durrell Gigear at
123 and Tom Gilman at 157 were
the Sutherlin individual champs,
while Alan Barnes at 115 and Lay
ton Ferguson at 136 took second
places to qualify for the state meet.
Qualifying from Roseburg were
Felix Raddatz at 106 pounds and
C. B. Simons in the heavyweight
class, both first place winners,
while Frank Walters at 106. Russ
Pinard at 157 and Don Green in
the heavyweight division nabbed
second places.
Individual champions for South
Eugene were Ray Denny at 130
pounds, Bruce Glenn at 136 and
Dan Guthrie at 148. Tom Bryant in
the 168-pound class and Steve W'il
hite in the 194-pound weight also
gained a trip to the state meet by
taking second places in their
Scott Gjiison at 141 pounds and
Miles Stout at 194 were individual
champs from Springfield, But Lar
ry Neet in the 123-pound class,
Leroy Williams at 130 and John
Vance at 178 nabbed second places.
The only Marshfield winner of
the meet was Tom Jenkins in the
178-pound class, but Roy Sinclair
at 141 pounds and Dave Wood at
148 pounds gained second place
and a trip to the state tourney.
Ed Cearley of Myrtle Creek, tops
in the 168-pound class and Sam
Ware of Willamette, second in the
98-pound weight, were the only
other boys nabbing trips to the
state meet.
Although only the top two boys
in each weight were eligible for the
slate finals, several .weights were
nip and tuck in the double elimina
tion tourney and several qualifiers
were decided by a close margin.
North Bend, which failed to land
a man in the top two, placed three
wrestlers in third place, while
Douglas and South Eugene placed
two men just out of the money.
Sutherlin, Roseburg. Reedsport,
Springfield, Myrtle Point and Wil
lamette each had a single third
place finisher.
Marshfield. Reedsport, Sutherlin
and Springfield each had two
fourth places, while Roseburg.
South Eugene. St. Francis and
Glide each nailed down one.
Seven Qualify Men
Only seven of the 15 schools
landed men in the slate tourney.
Glide, Douglas, Myrtle Point,
North Bend, St. Francis, Reeds
port. Gold Beach and Triangle
Lake were the teams left out.
A total of 288 matches were run
off during the two-day affair, with
some of the wrestlers having as
many as six bouts. The champi
ons won four straight matches on
their wa to titles but those who
were forced to come back through
the consolation bracket, had half
again as many.
The winner of the consolation fi
nals wrestled the loser in the cham
pionship finals for second place in
uie luurucy .,. i" V"- 1M pound.: Soiuh U dc T.sia
j match being placed third. The los- i
' cr of tne consolation finals placed, m pound.: BarnM a am. Danny
fourth in the meet 'Sm"p?ud.: And.rwo .si, d. a-
Team scoring for the meet gave ihl ,sp,
a first place finisher 10 points, sec- uo pound.: wnu.m. ,pi pinned
Ltd place seven points third Place Br-n .hirdund
Ifour points and fourth place two'(G, 4.0
I points. Additional point were also 1 Ul poundi: Fredrick ion tlUcfli dec.
! ,'"Jf 1? dv,n;-emenl 0r f0r lia Pu'nd"D.w.o. ,N8, . Union
! fall, default or forleit. ; ,s.
All first place winners of the i 157 pound.: Pinard 1111 de. wain
S tourney received gold medals for j-j
their efforts, while second place indi 1-0.
I winners were awarded silver med- ns pound.: vane sp pmnad .n.
I als. The awards were given by the n.nitonM. i:i toird round .
Roseburg High School Athletic De- L'rM,!5,,un1d57 'riund"-
partment. Heavyweight: Green R Bee. Fowler
riael resaJU: Sulherin IQC. Soutlt Eu- M l-O.
'fene 100. Roteburg 90. Springfield 9i. FINALS CHAMPIONSHIP KOI SD
;Mnhfeld M. North Bend M. WilUm-t ... r-M
ett 29. Myrtle Creek 2. Oougla IB. Avery '
St. Franei. 14. Reedaport u. Myrtle Jr.rJ ?f.. r,iT" nM... .R. a
... M4 ,nd.- J.rrv Pr .S) n.nn4
HEM -FINAL COKOLAT U. ' . - . . ' . . w . .
98 pound: Sam Ware .W- pinned ' ""u ""Jf ;ra,
Jerry Thomu iLBi 1:12 second round:
Jim McGhehey R dec. Al Schrader
NBi 1JJ firrt round "
123 pounds: Durrell Gigear t5 dee.
I Larry Neel 'Sp' 7-4.
i l.K) pounds: Rav Denny (SB dee.
,na j.. l ar ,e. j UlTVin nilCOOU W i-a.
Mlck.yMcCI.ndon .MC, 4-J: Jun Smuh ' Pound.: Bruc. ,SE. H
. Pin.d Boo J.ckK.n .... :M ,h,rd , ?. VuScSfoibin (Sp, d. I,.,
15 Dounds: Allen Dennv SE- Dinned ! Sin?!air M'. ..
Wallace Robbim NB 158 fir.1t round; ' ' g?" w.u",
Alan Barnes iS dec. Dave Haae Wi
l 2-0
123 pound: Charles Abthlre fSpi dec.
John Anttonen R 7-3: Bill Anderson
iS dec. Stan Keefer Mi -2
130 pound.: Leroy William 'Spl dee. iww" uCai f ,
n u,-i, ,n. a, i o . .ce-' Marlon Elder lW 3-2.
dec. Bill Wennerbera'.R. 7-3. ' 194 Pjundi: Milei Stout -Sp
1 i: pounds: La v ton FerguMn (St dec. ; ve
; tan !cnricKer Harold Galor
Dave Wood M
157 pounds: Tom Gilman "St dee.
Flovd White D 8-0
188 pounds: Ed Cearley iMC) dee.
Tom Brant SW 1-4.
17B pounds: rom Jen Kins imi dee.
Heavvweisht: C.
rian scnricner 'a iiaroia (i ior .
Gt pinned Keith Barnes Spt 1:06 first Andy Kriekia 5pt 7-2
B. Simons
141 pounds: Bob Erne -Sp dec. Claris
Hughes 'MC' 5-0: Gene Fredrickson 1 'S' 30 first round
pound: Ware tWi pinned Strong
Reed' dec. Ken Enaliind
148 pounds: Larry Diw-on NB dec.
Berry Serafin R 3-0: Ron Linton S
pinned Jim rlonan 'Sp
loft pounds: Walter R dec. Smith
SE- 3-0
IIS pounds: Barnes "Si dec. Radford
44 third round. UNB' 7-3.
123 pounds: neet '5p dec. Anderson
SE 7-3.
130 pounds: Williams Spi dec. Nich
ols D 7-8.
138 pounds: Ferguson 'Si dee. Sand-
pouads: Russ Pinard R' dec.
Dan Cooper NB 2-1: Bob Willis 'Spi
dec Dick Morse W 8-3 i
I 188 pounds: Francis Tre-iler 'Reedi
dec. Steohan John R 2-0 in overtime:
! Doug Frisbie R dec. Bill Partridce rs NB 5-1.
; 'Spi 7-4. . 141 pound: Sinclair -Mt
17S pounds: Sieve Pennington M dec. rirkson tReedt 11-2
Tom Robinson 'SE' 8-1: John Vance 148 oounds: Wood Mi dec. Dawson
I 'Spt pinned Dan Danielxon 'SB' 1:15 NB 3-2
' third round. 1 i 137 pounds: Pinard iRt dec. While
i 14 pounds: Dick Stitt 'MP' dec Mar-' D 3-1.
. vin Coe 'Si 4-1; Mike Weidner SF pin- 168 pounds: Bryant SE dec. Frinbie
ned Carl Hagen 'MPi 148 .econd round. fR' 3-2.
Heavyweight: Don Green Rt dec. t 178 pounds: Elder W dec. Vance
(Cecil Parker iM 2-0: Lyle Fowler 'M' Sp 3-2.
! pinned Gene Brodky tSFi 1:41 first; 194 pounds: Wiihite SEi dec. Stilt
i round. j iMP' 4-3
FINAL! CONSOLATION! I Heavyweight: Green iRi dec Kne-
I 98 pounds: Ware Wi dec. McGhehey ' ku iSpt 3-2.
dec Fred-
Saturday mxht UkinK it sixth
win igainst one Ions by downing
the Roseburg Indians 42-38 at Rose
by the Millers that spelled the dif
fere nee in the end as Roseburg
was never able to come any closer
than six points for the rest of the
The loss dropped the Indians! came, except for a final basket
down into a tie for second place I by Gary Cnpps just before the
n ill innrlinna with Kniith Ku. final hn7fr
Bene, which took the meajure of The Indiana, behind by a 35-261 ? "cure in lhe final period
winless tottaga l.rove 71-48 at Lot- tally at ine ena 01 inree qiiancru, - . """ ., ,.
the Millers as they padded their Koseburg will be idle until next
halttime bulge. It was all Jackson ( Friday, when they w ill be at home
in the final period for Koseburg to last place Cottage (,rove.
though, as his eight points were I Springfield 42: Manilla 9. Knecht
more than the entire Miller team I 4. Kelso 4, Herman 12, Bogart 8,
was able to score. Bob Steele and ! McCutcheon, Kdwards 2, Juhnson,
Cnpps were the only oilier Indians
taee Grove
Only three more games are
scheduled in league play, with
Koseburg playing the bottom three
in the Handings to give them an
edge in the battle for the runner
staged a great come-back rally in
the final quarter, but the Millers
were just loo far out of reach.
Wcg Jackson potted eight big
points in the final period rally for
the Indians, hut Springfield, hit
up spot in league and a trip toiling a sharp .W3 average from the
lhe state tourney in Eugene next floor made its shots count. Three I
Roseburg 38: Sloan 7, Jackson
1H. Barrong 8. Steele 4. Lripps 6,
Another fault that added to the i Hoenisch. Bradley. Klury
Indian woes was the fact thai Halttime: Springfield 22. Rose.
Koseburg gave the ball to the Mil-iburg 17.
lers on 14 different occasions duel Officials: Langley and Rockey.
Ntws-Reviaw Sports Writer
A hot shooting and ball-hawk-
straight baskets by Jackson pulled
the Indians to within 38-32 mid-way:
Roseburg Jayvecs Nail Win
The Koseburg javvee basketball just out of reach to nab the close
in the oeriod. but two baskets hv i team nabbed a close 49-46 deci-lwin.
Rick Herman of the Millers put sion over the Springfield juniors I Lorenzen with It points led both
tliem out of reach. i n a game played on the Koseburg I teams in the scoring column, while
Both clubs were sharp from the floor Saturday. j Scoggins and Herman were tops
Ine band of Snnnufield Millers, field, with Rnseburi; h i 1 1 i n v n WinufielH took 17 in first i for the Millers with 11 each.
look lha measure of tha Roseburg i even .500 average, but lhe ability quarter lead, but the Indians I Springfield 4: Karp 4, Scogginj
Indians, 42-38, Ul I District 5-A-l j lo come up with clean shots over broke loose for 17 points in the " Dlxon 7. Hugen. Herman 11,
basketball tilt played on the! the sharp defense of lhe Millers second period to leave lhe floor j McMahon 5, Cargill 7, Clark 2,
Koseburg floor Saturday nighl to helped spell the difference. From j at halftune with a 29-21 advantage. I Ki"e-
seriously put a crimp in the title; the free throw line Koseburg col- j F.d l-orenzen with 10 points in the I Rowburg 4: Roberts 6, Peter
hopei of the Indians. Reeled on 10 out of 16 tries, while i first half led the Roseburg attack. ; '" Mmtlt 5. Baxter . t.oren-
The Millers made it two in a j Springfield hit on only eight out I A Miller rallv in the third pe- l'cn 19, Davis, Endicott, Withnell,
row over the Indians as they kept! of 19. , riod cut the Koseburg margin to! Montgomery.
Iheir first place spot in the league Rebounds also told a sad tale I 36-34 at the end of the third quar-1 Half-time: Roseburg 29. Spring
play with a 6 1 mark. The loss j for the Indians as they were iin-.ler, bill the Indians, w ith I.oren-1 i'"M 21.
for Roseburg drops them down into I able to come up with the ball on ! len providing the spark, itayed I Officials: Snvder and Hall.
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
DICK MANILLA of the Springfield Millers gets away a
successful shot at the basket in action Saturday night in
the Roseburg gym. Wes Jockson (22), Larry Sloan (4(5) and
Tom Barrong (behind Jackson) look on, while Ron Kelso
(31) of Springfield watches from the background. (Poul
Ducks Dump Huskies, 87-83;
Bears Take Over PCC Lead
8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon. Feb. 17, 19S8
Glendale 4th In Mat Meet
The Glendale Pirates finished
fourth in a nine-team District Six
wrestling tournament held in
Grants Pass over the weekend
with a total of 47 points and qual
ified one wrestler for the state
tourney that will be held in Corval
lis next weekend.
Grants Pass dethroned the
Klamath Falls squad for district
honors by piling up a total of 214
points against 177 for Klamath
Falls. Medford finished third with
88. followed bv Crater with 48,
Glendale with 47, 1VHS 32. Henley
17, Brookings IS and Ashland and
Eagle Point with eight each.
Dan Densley of Glendale finish
ed second in tha 115-pound class
to reach the state finals.
Tuesday 10 A.M.
Wednesday 10 A.M.
Feb. 1819
Mr. Herb McBreen end wife will
give initruction with movies n4
personal instruction following
m w r. ' vvv u .-: . i ;-( . J . it .
Oregon Stale
So. Calif.
Wash. State
Pet. Pts.
.778 506
.700 655
.7110 6.S6
.545 692
.545 762
.455 699
.4110 565
.31X1 559
.100 541
California's Bears pulled into
sole command of the Pacific Coast i
Conference basketball standings:
over lhe weekend with a healthy I
lift from lhe I niversity of Idaho.
Pete Newell"! defense-minded
Rears knocked off Southern Cali
fornia 80-62 while Gary Simmons
and his Idaho teammates belled
former co-leader CC1.A 73-67 at
Moscow. !
Oregon ruling with Charlie
Franklin's 36 points scored an
overtime 87-83 virtory over Wash-i
ington in the only other Saturday
night tilt.
Cal crosses the bay Monday to
meet traditional - rival Stanford
while VCLA's Bruins battle Wash
ington at Seattle '
The Bears' triumph Saturday
was a team effort with the scor-.
ing spread among Don Mcintosh
with 17, Boh Dalton with 14. Karl
Robinson with 13 and Jack Grout
with 10. Jim White marie 14 of
15 free tosses and three field goals
for 20 to lead the Trojans.
Idaho's Vandals took charge
after the second half started and
kept I CI.A off balance from then
on. The Bruins rallied in the clos
ing minutes but couldn't get closer
than five points.
Simmons hit 37 points and set
a single season scoring record at
Idaho. He came into the game
needing only 19 points lo break
the old mark of 414 set by Hart
ley Kruger.
The 5-food-ll senior pumped in
22 of his points in the first half
to keep lhe Vandals in the game.
Then as lhe second half started
Gary McKwen hit a pair of hook
shots. Whaylon Coleman sank a
free toss and Jim Branom pushed
through a lump shot to push the
Vandals mlo a, lead they never
again relinquished.
In the Oreuon-W'ashington game
Franklin whirled and tossed a
short jump shot through the hoop
to tie the thing at 79-79 as regu
lation play ended.
In the overtime session Bud
Kuykendail sank a long shot and
Franklin poured in another. Wash
ington's George Grant hit but Ore
gon's Chuck Rask drove in for
two to keep the W'ebfoot four
points ahead. Grant connected
again with a minute left, b u t
Franklin laved in another field
goal as the game ended.
Shock Absorber
The great bourbon of the Old WestQ
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You never knew what .is around the net bend in the Old Wesl-but yu
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not Sunny Brook1 Its rare quality hat made it more popular than ever1
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Nothing To Buy No Obligations
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Contest Closes June 30, 1958
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