0 0 O0 Men. Feb. 17, 1951 The Nowt-Roviow, Rouburg, On. 7 6 o . . . the LARGEST purchaser pf Oregon agricultural products . announces a tremendous SPUD-0:RAMA! (MP fl i O r, 1 ) f .''' ' . V ALUMINUM li...... ... vteAj-k-.--r potato NAiufJVJ '""" "" Sove 1 5c on NuMade ' ' "" M kill til tin With Hi Purchat 1-lb. Carton Sunnybank Margarine 1. 27 TWO MILLION POUNDS! Yes, but only a fraction of the total amount of Oregon potatoes we purchase each year for shipment to Safe-vay stores stretching from Astoria to New York City. In 1956, for example, Safeway potato purchases from Central Oregon, Eastern Oregon and the Klamath Basin amounted to 46,305,325 pounds . . . the equiv alent of a train of freight cars 4Vi miles long! Carloads of Oregon potatoes are now enroute to Safeway stores throughout the nation. And YOUR neighborhood Safeway store has a complete selection of Oregon potatoes . the quality you want, priced to give you the greatest value! Salad Dressing S 45' Delicate as homemade salad dressing. AVCTCDC Sea Troder UIjICKj Whole Pacific SARDINES bS!!1 29c TUNA FISH meat, grated - con 5 For 1.00 TUNA FISH cfst6;.6 12 29c TUNA FISH meat, chunk style tin 4 For 1.00 Tasty Seafood Suggestions for Lenten Meals 10-oz. mc- tin 45c ft ADM" TIIM A Avlon, fancy 35c 79c MINCED CLAIMS S"- 41.00 RED SALMON SSJL No. Vi tin No. 1 tin MINCED CLAMS 7K2-oz. tin Snow's Lenten favorite Mrs.f Wright's Bread CLAM CHOWDER Lucerne 3.8 Milk 15-oz. tin 31c 29c White or Whole wheat. Always fresh '9- OO loaf A better milk A better buy .c?n.24c gho,,f 47c Oregon Russet Potatoes From Oregon's foremost growing areas come these first-quality beauties! Smooth-skinned, unblemished, with a delicious, delicate flavor. Selected for favorite sizes. They're all perfect an exceptional vgjue at these prices. U. S. No. 1 grade Russets in the 10 lb. paper bog it 10-lbs. t& U 25-lb. U U US No. 1 Oregon Russet Potatoes Potatoes kl WL 69c Potatoes SyU 10,bs 59c Potatoes 10,bs69c $3.49 $1.89 c U. S. No. 2 grade po to text, irrtgular sites and shapes 50-lb. U JJ No. 2 Potatoes 25 lb CQC bog J POtatOeS V00 Kg8 VIHIWW YAMS or Sweet Potatoes 2 29' 50-lb. bag . Rancho Tomato Soup Rich, tomato soup. Your luncheon favorite . 22-oz. tin 239c First -of -the -week Meat Specials' at Safeway 411 UK lit f4 F0LGERS COFFEE Rich hlenH of finett coffe ... ' 1-lb. QQ 2-lb. rf77 ..9rrfa tin O t tin JJ I iiLm i tear ni w w mm Richer blend Aways at a savings tin O C tin 4) NOB HILL COFFEE I VMIPJI Th coffee that tastes os i i . . . good os it smells 1-lb. Q 2-lb. T163 bag OefaC bag 4 I 0 AIRWAY COFFEE The coffee with the mild mellow flavor UK mm. 7 th t7 . ' iw. mm mm' ''' bog C bag UPTON'S ORANGE PEKOE TEA For a brisk flavor-lift. Half. lb. QC 48 lea gf pkg OJC bogs 0C HAWAIIAN PUNCH 39c WOObBURY SOAP iU. 36c WRISLEY SOAP 63c DOG-E-STU PC 17c DOG CANDY i ; 19c Prices in this advertisement ore effective through Februory 19 ot Sofeway in Roseburg. O O OVEN-READY U. S. inspected and graded! Plump with tender sweet meat. Ready for stuffing. These turkeys are from the nation's choicest flocks . . . immaculotely cleaned, then vacuum wrapped in protective film and quick frozen. The result: turkeys so fine we guarantee them to please or your full purchase price refunded! Grade 'A' U to 18-lbs TURKEYS lb, 39c 19 to 24 Pounds Pound From Oregon Potatoes Blue Bell Potato Chips Fresh packed and double wrapped to insure freshness try 3'j-oz. Blue Bell Pototo chips today! pkg.ZDC Potato Chipper Crax $2c0l 35c Soda Crackers SS,. 55c Shredded Hash Browns ZT:.!225c Save 10c en 3 both siie With the flovor of Spring . . . fresh From lean, tender chunks of beef 0 4 Bockwurst Sausage ib. 63c Ground Beef . 49c Lenten Food Values 39c $1 39c 59c Crab Meat e ,b 98c Fillet of Cod SK1!! S Shrimp Meat $1.98 Fish Sticks cCho!c;ns ft: 3 Breaded ShrimpST..'S;- 69c Whiting Fish cttl 5?g Halibut Steaks X 59c Oysters PALM0LIVE SOAP TDCMh Dry di,hwohiBt llCllU detergent. 33 ei. . LIQUID TREND FELS NAPTHA WHITE KING Special offer 212-oe. cant . Instant action 33-01. pk. Granulated soap 40-OI. pkf . 40-oi. pkg. Powder starch 34c 49c 59c 69c 59c 59c QUICK ELASTIC ZZ- 39c INSTANT STARCH K"' 39c Rinso Blue Fluffy All Unit Starch Blues os 54-oz. q For reolly 3-lb. reody in 12-oz. it woshes pkg. O 7C cleon clothes pkg JC a minute - pkg. I OC Liquid bleach Half gal. PUREX TOILET TISSUE 33c Powder room. ww Ati't 4-roll pack jC REYNOLDS WRAP K;m33c Calo brand No. 1 tin CAT FOOD All Cl'fCCT D,liciou moBjarina ALL J H EC I Mb. pk, CHOPPED BEEF Wilson brand 12-ai. catfu- 229c 29c 43c O 00 o o o o o o u G3 9 ffl 0 0 J ti? s 0