J. o o 0 o 0 0 OUT OUR WAY o o it n Notice is hereby given to lO' lil voters of chool district No 77 of Dousla. Coun y. State of Ore gon, that I SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held at Glendale Hifih School on the 5th day of March, 1958 at 8:00 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year begin ning July 1, 1958 and ending June 30, 1959, hereinafter set forth. M,t. i BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1958 - 15 Summary of Estimated Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Estimation of Tax Lava- (11 1. Total Estimated Expenditures DEDUCT: 2. Total Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances 3. Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget ADD: t. Estimated Amount of Taxes That Will Not Be Collected During the Fiscal Year for Which This Budget is Made, Including Estimated Re bate on Taxes 5. Total Estimated Tax Levies for Ensuing Fiscal Year 6. Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: (a) Amount Inside 6 per cent Limitation (b) Amount Outside 6 per cent Limitation (c) Not Affected by 6 per cent Limitation C. INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of Bonded in debtedness (Include all negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under OHS 328 205) $200,000.00 4. Total indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 1) J200.000.00 aaadala II Arlaal Itaeclpta Badol l.llmatad ITiral Taar Plaral Yaar Allcm.nra Jacalala Kndlna fcndlnt Warrant Ii,ra .,", v... Jaaa W, IMf Jana JO, l7 PI.e.l Yaar FUcal Year fl 1 M) 10. Rsvenue From Local Sources 16.794 93 18.287.95 12,500 00 11.2 District Tax Prior Years' Levy (net) 10,170.00 1425.64 1,210.04 750.00 19 9 Miscellaneous Interest on 11.2 610.00 20. Revenue From Intermediate Sources 12.017.16 11,181.84 9.780 00 21.1 County School Fund 8,760.00 64,901.05 51,273.01 20,200.00 29.9 Miscellaneous Land sales 78.097.77 852.32 82.581.35 908.65 78.260.00 830.00 2,197.92 13,172.41 2,160.00 13,500.00 S.716.98 40. Revenue Direct From Federal Sources 2,068.87 5,616.67 41.1 Public Law 874 Reforestation 8,165.20 14,326.36 9,780.00 49.9 Miscellaneous Forest Rentals 8.760 00 1,550.00 400.00 uO. Sale of Property 35,722.50 760.50 750.00 70. Transfers From Other Funds 225,01142 200,914,70 148,510.00 Total Receipts ' 130,610.00 Beginning Net Cash Balance Less Cash Working Fund 70,804.97 46,704.29 30,000.00 (or Deficit) 44,530.00 295,817.39 248,420.99 178,510.00 Total Budget Resources General Fund 177,140.00 GENERAL FUND Saaadala III ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Aelaal lipaadltaraa I Radial lallmaud Platal Taar Floral Tear Allowance Ixaandtlaras EadlnE Eadlnf Tarrant Itam anaalnf Jaaa H, IMd ana H, lfST Elaoal Taar Flacal laar (II (SI (SI (41 (tl t I. General Control 1. Personal Service: 6.0R3.34 7,666 66 7.550.00 (1) Superintendent T.700.00 1,680.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 2) Clerk 1.8(10.00 3,989.41 4,043.13 4,000.00 ( 3) Clerical Assistant! 3.800.00 1(10 (HI 150.00 150.00 ( 4) Census 150.00 163.68 ( 5) Other Services 562.48 1,002.83 1.000 00 2. Supplies 1.000.00 92.65 138.20 300 00 3. Elections and Publicity 500.00 858.10 745.75 1.000.00 4. Leual Service (Clerk's Bond, Audit, etc.) 1.000.00 680.29 1.877.71 1.000.00 5. Other Expense of General Control 1,000.00 141299.95 17,424.06 14,800.00 4. Total Exp.ni. of General Central i,S0.00 II. Instruction 1. Personal Service: 6.075 00 6.750 00 (I) Principals 12,850 00 142,870.35 148,742 94 156,270.00 ( 3) Teachers 159,500.00 1,819.00 964.00 800.00 ( 5) Substitutes 1.000.00 284 83 8M 56 300 (1(1 2. Library Supplies, Repairs 400.00 7.646 99 5.647.21 4.620.00 3. Teaching Supplies 4.620 00 9,700.00 1,699 99 3,250.(10 4. Textbooks 3,250.00 139.84 KiO Ofl 5. Graduation 100 00 2.928 54 4,213 80 3,000 00 6. Other Expense of Instruction 3.600.00 170,933.05 168,318.34 175,090.00 7. Total Expense of Instruction 185,320.00 III. Operation of Plant 1. Personal service: 12.854.41 15,704.73 18,000 00 (1) Janitors and Other Employees 18,200 00 (2) Sick leave 300 00 4.145.73 2.6.13 81 3.000 00 2. Supplies 3.000 00 2.74804 3.2(18 63 3,000.00 3. Fuel 3.600 00 190 no 2l(Kl 30(1 00 4. Water 200 00 4.7K8.59 5,707 36 5,000.00 5. l.itht and Power 5.000.00 934.63 527.65 400 00 6. Telephone 500 00 394.58 1.16 72 400 00 7. Other Expense of Operation 400.00 26,035.98 28,134.90 30,100.00 8. Total Expense of Operation 31,200.00 2.152 30 1.917 53 1.000 00 3,351 89 5,015 91 2,700 .00 8.623.98 1,400 36 l.lKKKH) 100.56 18.800(H) 14,278.73 8,133.80 23,500.00 293 50 76 23 276 00 48 05 11.448 70 3.925 94 12,500 00 37500 250 00 14.169 67 3.284.45 11.500 00 4,200.00 728 78 2.415 01 4.241 14 5.975 95 12.429.13 6. Too 00 14.400 00 2000 00 39,425.00 25,108.74 44,401.77 3,167 10 9,716.76 12,883.84 " 7,405 86 1.412 45 11,221 51 6.200.00 2,000.(8) 10.525 (H) 20,039.82 18,725.0 4 967 25 4.8 .97 16,083.11 3.10.35 "24,211.88 i.wa no 2.902 87 4.2C.7 35 7.2512 1 19.414.58 2.500 00 1,500 00 500 00 400 M o 500 0 500 " 2,000 00 188 25 Tu.2S 415 83 415.83 110,440.00 BOND 289.990.44 108.787.12 45.000 00 7,846 25 45,000 00 6,698 75 45.000 00 5.353.75 "S0.3S3.7J 52,922.50 51,498.75 LEGAL NOTICE fiF SCHOOL Mttimo Oanaral aad 358,146.81 305,520.00 49,326.25 2,853.97 180.440 56 177,140.00 177,706.25 128,380.00 49,326 25 12,439.44 190,145.6 28.850.77 28,850.77 111.968.67 111,968.67 49.326.25 Dated February 10, 1958 Signed: Vera L. Kemp District Clerk Leota Fisher District School Board Chairman GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 30. Revenue From or Through State Sources 31.2 Other Basic School Fund Receipts 33.1 Common (irreducible) School Fund 34 1 State Grants Education of handicapped 35.1 Driver Education 36 2 Federal Money Received Through State 399 Miscellaneous Lunch sales IV. Maintenance and Repairs 2. Repair, Maintenance end Replacement 11) Furniture and Equipment 12) Iltnliling Structure 3. Vpkeep of Grounds 4. Other Expense of Maintenance and Repairs 5. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs V. Auxiliary Ag.nci.s 1. Health Service (1) Personal Service (nurse, etc.) 12) Supplies and Other Expenses 2. Transportation of Pupils (1) Personal Service (2) Supplies and Repairs (31 Replacement o( Ruses 14) Insurance 3. Other Auxiliary Agenciee tl) School Lunch a. Personal Service b Supplies and Other Expenses (2) Other Auxiliary Services a. Personal Service b. Supplies and Other Expenses 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies VI. Fiiad Charg.s (Exclusive of Items Included under VI) 1. Insurance (Eire 4 Liability) 2. Student Insurance and S 1 A C 3. Retirement State and Federal S. Total Fixed Charas VII. Capital Outlays 3. Additions and Alterations to 4. Library Books 6. Furniture. Fixtures and Other 7. Assessment for Betternient . Other Capital Outlays Total Capital Outfiys VIII. Debt Service, Man-taaoaaal 1. Interest ofl Warraiu 3. Total Debt Service, -IX. Emergamy X, Total General Fund Experajutures (Items 16, 111-8. IV 3, V 4, VI-J, VII . VI11-3, IX) 105,520.00 INTEREST AND SINKINO FUND ESTISI STED EXrSSinlTl'RE. 1. Principal on Bonds (include negotiable interest-bearing warrants Ksitcd under OHS 328 260 ) 45 000 00 2. Interest on Bonds O 4,326 25 3. Total Expendltur.s o o o Balances, and Ta Levies Band Inlaraal aad alnalaf Baa Taarbarapa Slaking fand 646.59 2,653 97 646 59 8,986.60 3,452.84 137,3M.M 5i,77.0 49,326 25 Approved February 10, 1958 Signed: E. D. Combs Secretary, Budget Committee Louis Brady Chairman, Budget Committee Signed: Vert S. Kemp District Clerk 82,500.00 770.00 600.00 640.00 3,100.00 14,700.00 1,900 00 2.300 00 2,225 00 4,415.00 375 00 150 00 11.300 00 4.2(H) 00 7..VH1 00 13,000 00 300 00 2.000 00 38,825.00 5.200 00 2.200 (H) 12,100.00 19,500.00 . . Ruildinfe .Equnjirmt 2.000 00 3.300 00 S.3D0 08 l.OWN 49,124.25 o -Jiil ( k SO LOMd.AAA-l'LL Y7-T P i ( SO V '".', S I 'li BE AT OUR CAMP HkJ L LOWS l , "ill 1 WE GOT INI A VACANT V, A j1 , V '' . J! ;. ! H worry if 1 ain't rfl I -i A- - -- -1 jr-,-1-,-!-) V HOME FER. I ' 1 1 ; ?W "f - v -fr-' supper y s 1 1 1 ,V'-''Jb WHY MOTHERS 3ET ... T, '7 Vs (farm jrorest 0 acts There have been anumber of fa mous father and son combinations in business and in the professions, such as lawvers and doctors. But, nowhere is this combination of fa ther and son more famous than in agriculture. Many a farm or ranch enterprise has been carried on for generations by a team of father and son, and even grandson, working side by side to achieve a common goal. We don't have go go far in Douglas County to find a good ex ample of this combination. Just look over the ridge from Roseburg down into the valley of Looking- glass. Here we find the ranch of Don Ollivant nestled close to Looking glass Creek whose curvaceous course intercepts fertile fields and whose water reflects a backdrop of rolling pastures and wooded slopes. Four generations of OUi vants are living on or close to this ranch of several hundreds of acres. GRANDFATHER OLLIVANT'S farming days are over from the standpoint of physical labor, al though he is keenly aware ol what is going on about the ranch as well as the outside world. Son Don and grandson Upn form the father and son combination referred to in this story. The fourth generation. still so young, has nut come to re alize the seriousness of sheep rais ing except to pet her baby lambs. Both Dons are actively interest ed in forestry and serve on the county F'arm Forestry Committee. Both have contributed generously of time and ideas, which has help ed to make this group a success. Although older Don tends more to the business of raising sheep and younger Don more to the im provement of the farm woodland, both regard forestry as an im portant part of their farm enter prise. Among the things they have done to improve their woodland are pruning trees to improve log qual ity, pre-commercial thinning to stimulate growth, and release cut ting to free young fir and pines from poor qualitv hardwoods. Ihey have also cooperated with the Ex tension Service in the establish ment of experimental plots dem onstrating chemical poisoning of undesirable trees. THROUGH coordinating their ef forts, they are building a better more efficient farm enterprise by putting land to use according to its capabilities. Better areas are under irrigated pasture and crop production, while land not econom ically suited for short rotation crops are devoted to long rotation crops, such as trees. Trees not only grow well on steeper margin al or submarginal land, hut also serve to combat erosion and con serve the soil. Trees are a valuable crop and are not nearly as long ranged a proposition as many would hehve. They are the only crop whose har vest may be delayed onsiderahly to take advantage of a better mar ket without any significant ill ef fects. Trees are good insurance for income, both in the near and distant future. California Plywood Plant Plans Closure VKHH. C.l.f i A annVca mm (or the Durable Kir nd 1'ly wood Corp. says it. Calpella plant i. being closed because of a sud den drop in the wholesale price ol lumber. lie said 70 of the l."5 employes were dismiss,! at midnight Fri day niKht and the remainder wiil be dropped between now and next week Official said they hoped to re open the plant in March if ;he wholesale lumber price increases, explaining the price dropped froaV $Wt to UA per 1.0OO board feel. Tiie plant produced ifrce mil lion board foat of lumber a mon'S and had an S8O.0O0 monthly pay roll. FLIGHTS ANNOUNCEOo SKATTI.E, i BS2 jet bombera will make low leel test flishts along the coast from iects. Wash., to North Bend. OreJ for seyeral weeks. A) ftlag If ilay. Boeing Airplane, t o announced the flKhta so resident! will not think the aircraft are in trouble whrn tern ti lw altitude. 12 The News-Review, Roseburg, Classified Section LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising placed from within Rom burg trad area Minimum charge to: an out ad la 50c CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word - 5c 2 aoyj per word . 7c 3 days per word 9c 4 days per word 1 1 c 5 days per word 12c 6 doys per word . . 1 3c Line ad, per line o day 18c Line ad, repeat insertion, per day 9c Line od, per line, per month 2.35 DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per col. Inch $1.60 Repeat Insertion, per col. inch 80 I col. Inch per month $20 80 National Classified Advertising 25c per line, no repeat rate 5c per word, no repeat rate DEADLINE NEW AOS 11:00 A. M. diy previous to publication CANCELLATION I'P TO 1:30 A. M. ADJUSTMENTS If four adverllnienl appears Incorrect ly, notify ut Immediately We will not be responsible for more than one in correct Insertion. Such responsibility La limited to refund of price paid or cor rect Insertion of advertisement fttrUNI) filial, NOT hi: If eld IIORI tUAV M DATS Real Estate 1 Young's Best Buys HUCHEST: A very nice home on paved street. Big living room with fireplace. Dining area. Kiicnen. inree nice Da-1 rooms. Bath with shower. One car gar age Utility room. Storage space plus another bath with shower. Patio, tuawn, j Shrub. Flower. You should see this. Full price 916.500. FHA or Gl. NEAR US. Plywood paint. 1 bedrooms.1 Liv. rm.. dining rm. Kitchen. 2 baths. Party room with fireplace. Utility room. Forced air central heat. Air conditioner. 1 car garage. Paved itreet. Nearly 1 acre of land, fl 1.000 FHA or Gl. NEAR GARDEN VALLEY BOULE VARD. 3 bedroom home. Lot SO X 180 ft. Has nice living room, combined kitchen and dining area Bath. Utility. Nice lawn. Shrubs. Berries. Grapei. Garden area. Full prte $7500. Eligible for FHA or GI loan. TWO bedroom home. Living room, com bination kitchen and dining room. Bath with ihower over tub Utility. Carport. acre of land. Just S miVs from Roseburg. Full price MSOO. !W0 cah will handle or can secure veterans loan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY One or; Roeeburg'a best restauranta, long es tablished, in downtown area. Seating for 60 people. Has long record of profit able operation. Owner retiring from busmen account of health. Full price1 only $13,000. Shown by appointment : only. I Roy 0. Young &Son, Realtors Kenneth 3. Dresser. Salesman Office Ph. OR 3-fm - Kea. Ph. OR 7 7;U S E Case Avenu - Pacific Bid. UPPER OI.Al.LA 1 cS acres, larre mod ern 3-bedroom home with fireplace. 2 good barns, 1 spring Year round creek could irrigate Family orchard Mut sacrifice. $12,000. $5000 down. OS WEST SiOi: Jbedrwm, posible 4, electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet, elec tric dishwasher and garbage disposal: flagstone wall with firepla-.-e. lots of built-lns Firepl. and barbecue on ptio. $13,000 terms, OH or OR 2-lOHj Nlt-'K J bedroom hou. Gwage, patio, laundry room, hardwood floors, elec tric heat. On dead-cod street in gtKd neighborhood near V. S. Plvwood Kri-tde trees and shrubs. Good buy at l&'.to, $;.o down. OR2-J07S. FOR RALE OR TRADE, 3 room houe garage- foundation for new home Wa ter, lights, telephone. Approximately one acre Trade for camp trailer or? OR rimH ( EAST OF sYn.FRLIN. .1 bedroom hiHia with atttWhed garage on half acre F'rrplai'e in iiv.ng and dining room 9iWO Will t.e trailer houae ot pu'Hup in tra.e Ph 3.V. I too DOWN, larf mosVrn 1 hedrrtom horn Completely furri;hed -luding washer Attractive rro n shak ex terior $SM0 full price OS dTvft SLY fO PY0WGYAN6 SilKYO Premier thou Kn I ! of Red China and hi.i new replacement as foreign minister, Chen Yl. flew in to Pjroaj:yant! Friday for a goodwill nii lo North Korea. Pyongyang Kadio repVd that Chou said the main purpose of hi visit was to pro Ml'te "cooperation" with North Korea, at satellite of Pciping O . o o 0 Oc? w o By J. R. Williams Ore. Mon. Feb. 17, 1958 Real Estate 1 Quant Realty Jos. L (Joe) Quant, Reoltor OFFICE 1257 W. Harvard Ave. The Office With The Large Parking Lot. Ph. OR 2-3208. 4 Plex Close In ON PAVED street and sewer, all 4 apta. are furnished. This is a nice 4-1 plex. $23,000. For full details see ,us. Duplex j VERY NEAT AND CLEAN, each aide has 1 bedrooms, in a nice district, on paved street. 110,500. Easy down pay ment, 1.000. Nice Home or Income Property 2 BEDROOM HOME on paved street, and newer. Hardwood floors, plastered, fireplace, concrete foundation, Karaifu and carport. 811XIOO ft. lot, will be vacant this week. Good home or rental property. Only S6.900. With all assess ments paid. This is NOT an old home. Small Business WE HAVE a nice Roseburg Laundry set-up for sale. It ts a fine deal for a man and wife. For a complete list of equipment, see list In our office. Can be bought for less than W.500. Very well equipped. Evenings or Sundays Call: L B. Hicks Ph OR 3-724.1 Chas. F. Mumby Ph OR 3-7301. Wiley's For Real Estate SIX ACRES level garden valley land with 3 B R. home. 3 years old, fire place, 1400 square ft. In house. 2 car garage. alo good barn, chicken houe. Near Country Club. Ideal for family that wants horses or with children thiit want to raise 4-H stock. $15, 500. SOUTH OF TOWN, full basement, fire place 2 BR. One year old, 100x100 lot located on a knoll Wood heat A very good buy at $10,SOO with $10-p0 down and SfiS per month. 'Immediate possession. Fully Insulated. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors 428 S E. Main St. PH. ORohard U2 Jamtt Havana OR 3-69RS Roland Sprkncar OR 3-3U0J Valley Real Estate Home Of Togetherness V FT. EL it's hospitality. So fremdly' Now 2 -bed room, could be 4 Close in. Hot btvcuits with crcsmed chicken Abundance storage Warm furnace heat real folkxy. You'll love it Only $11. loo Tip Top High SFF. ROSFfll'RG in a twinkling, night light cluster Beautiful 2-edrom un finished houe with new roof $2 sv $26 Down $26 Mo TOTAL PRICE fl Almot the un- reaoonahleiit facimile But lis livable and cheap. Valley Real Estate 1117 5 E STEPHFXR PHONE ORchsrd 3 EVENINGS PHONE SALESMEN Poeook OR 3-H2W Salesman & Broker Sconce OR 3-jSt2 $200 DOWN Modem 1 bedroom p'atred home on 100x200 ft lot Carpon. fireplace. $m ed street frontage. X. Dirum for cash Dick ST.-enon OR S M. ev mnttj OR 3-674 M"UrKN 3 rwsJre,iemi-tHingal"W hiii"e on Freent.mt Street. Rrenurg Near new mill St-e Martin SuKwlorf at Cotta Court, UnAum. Oregon FOR SALE or tra-ie frr .-.rvie hum iron ei'i.ty tn r.e 1 Vjii-om home tR -0 Egt lPPED. irrigated Grarte A'dairv. f 17.000 c-"ivder h .rie to $10 000 Bo i4. C:s.uli. Wah COl'RT of 3 and 4-room places, be tween .1 and 4 acres or more. W insion. OS -51 10 Fi " SALE - MODFRN HOME,4J1 Hrfllf St 'for.tu. -- write Roy Shnner. 1421 Third Ave Wet. Seattle. NEW 3-bedro0 tt me Fireplace, plas- ard ' ViVW. terms. PR 3-.hi.iA WINSToT HOME en "l'f $.vu O -Vi.i3 TWO BEViRmuM modern tme 1 acre. 16.W eqi:7 for SAO OR 3-672 FOR SALE or trade equit in 4-room house tn Winston. OS Real Estate 1 DOGWOOD DRIVE? Do You Want To Live ON a paved street with sewer? Among good homes ana neignuun ou. h i.u.n. mnrt fltiwrrs. With a fire- place and oil furnace: In two large bedrooms: Where tile surrounds tub and shower: And the garage u ai trKi Th Lif. Riley wished for You can for only $2000 down and i (10.200 full price, 170 month. j . CITY ESTATE TRULY a small estate 244 feet of paved . Blvd and perfectly lanascapea ivr 2tt5 feet with just enough and not a j jungle. The manor sits well back from the road to allow a broad sweeping view of park like surroundings from living room, dining room, and break fast room. The tenant home is to the rear and is complete with furnishings. This 3-year-old is a contemporary beau ty, and is sure to win the Futurity and increase in value. Imagine 2 bed rooms of ltXl' and 12X14' siie. Can you imagine a whole wall of colored Oregon flagstone separating the large dining room with It's built in chwia display, and dun storage units, from the long, many-windowed living room with main entrance, and French doors both, and forming a wonderful effect for the fireplace. 1's baths of course and worlds of storage space. Large utility room, double carport on a cir cular dnvewav to effect a covered en tranceway. Telephone Jacks through out, and Just so many good features you will have to see it to realize. Per fect plan for a third bedroom too. The sewer is in. All for $22,500. WANTED ' A HARD-HEADED business person who demands proof of value and income. PURPOSE TO GIVE very close, a careful scrutiny with purchase in mind of these 10 NEW RENTAL UNITS CONTINUOUSLY FULL with a waiting list of exceptionally good clientele. Ex cellent location on paved street and sewer with large paved driveways and parking area. 8 units of 2 bedrooms each. 1, 3-bedroom and an owner unit of 1 bedroom All complete with cere mic tile, bath and shower, built in range and separate oven. New refrig erators, utility room complete with new automatic Westinghou&e washers and dryer with contract for free main tenance. 100 r insulated. Very good monthly income will prove the value. These are less than one year old and Will finance. Priced at $71,000 because the owner wants to sell. NO PHONE calls please. Can be shown at any reasonable time. WINTER REAL ESTATE 515 W Harvard ACROSS FROM HIGH SCHOOL Phone OR 3-7043 EVENINGS Charles Pratt OR 2-3127 Harry Winter OR 3-7043 "Mac" McGuire OS 9-3442 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE HFRE'S a home value you wouldn't dream possible today, located in an exclusive district. Truly a lovely 3 bdrm. ranch style home. Nice entrance hall, spacious living room, mahogany paneled fireplace wall, dining rm, Ige. beautiful kitchen with lots of cabinets, extra Ige, utility rm. and sewing rm. attached garage, fenced-in back yard, hdwd floors, plastered. Wall-to-wall carpeting and drapes included. PRIC ED RIGHT AT $15,700. Let us show you how to own your home. DON'T BE A RENT SLAVE. Here is a: 2 bdrm. ranch style nearly new. Mod-1 ern Kitchen has natural finished built in. Dining area, living rm. with fire place, Ige. picture window, carport, ' acre lot. Here is your chance to own a home at JUST $6400 with $950 dn.. bal. $65 a month. GIVE YOUR KIDDIES A CHANCE TO ROMP around on nearly an acre lot of their own. Well built 3-bdrm. ranch style, plastered, entrance. haU, fire place, dining area. Ige. bathrm., sgle. garaite and dbl garage, chicken hes. A REAL BUY FOR i2M with $1000 dn. See today. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS RARE BUY Close-in Ige 2 bdrm. home located on sewer. Cheerful living rm., convenient kitchen, inside utilitv. Selling below FHA appraisal at $HV. 2 dn. to a Federal GL Here's your chance. IF A BEAUTIFUL MODERN PLANNED HOME with spacious rooms and very reaonable price is appealing to you, please do not delay in seeing this home. 3 extra Ige bedrms., huge clonets and lots of storage space. Spacious open living area with beam ceilings, 2 fire places, family rm., convenient kitchen, carport. Ige. lot. FULL PRICE $13,000, Real EZ to buy. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME 10 acres Irrigable free soil. Large 4 bdrm. home with basement, chicken hse , barn. Those few words, above de scribes the best buy on the market trw4v ll ton I i a.ik trade' wn' mM.rW h -,..k.,- the DP. Come in, if you phone it I L0"" nom cookin Private room and may be too late. board 22. week or H3. month. Lots j of parking space. 4209 SW Cames WANTED We need a party with a good Road Grpn DtatrfctOR3-7947 clear 2 bdrm. home that would like to HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $13 to $33. f'v trade for income property with a po-1 erything furnished. Close in. 416 NL tential that far exceeds one s fnndeit . Jackson. ?m int'r,,ed cepttonal WE HAVE SEVERAL SMALL FARMS i and At. Kr.AOts nearly all will take our house in town as t-ade-m If you enjoy the soil the livestock and poultry that go with It. see us now. Pnees begin as low at S3500 for 3 acre with out buildings to $i3.ot0 mi pumpmeni, uuiiaing ana aii acres an could be irrigated. "We Can Always Use Another Good Listing" ORCHARD 3-5340 1 S E Washington between Jackon A Main) Eve at Sunday Martha Mir ton OR 2-1 079 Millard or Mnon Magness OR 3-3017 Roseburg Realty A LOOK AT THIS HOME -makes vour firt 1m predion lat Onlv 8 block from city center, the 2 bedroom houei has a ur,erb view frim the living room, dining room, kitchen and bright rorner dining nook It hm a ruitT I 24 x 17 building all In one room, bi enough for a dance floor nd thq. is what it ha been used fur. and; 24 x 24 gar Ate and sinraa Huge fr-.r trl. Consider; irauer ,ra- , A GOOD OPPORTUNITY if yo want lo live within vour means and ne. a 3 BH home H' have one with dou- ble carport, -.hop. fireplace. eer and paed street induaVM lor !, Low down pai ment to responsible ftuty . Come in and see us personally. Roseburg .Realty ct insurance UMPqt'A HOTEL LOBBY OR I-X144 OUB SERVICE DOESN'T COST B IT PAYS WANTED RAXCHr.l and acrar' of all 0"l' I and rivr proparty apmirt Raanv at In,uranc Co. L'mvua Holal. OK I J-J.1M. I - Modern Office Building 'POB AL ar W m .1T M Sl.pHana 1 ld.al ltr profai,mal man. aaa fur nara, av'ra plumblnf. Laffa parkinf area. 0fp-n- Real Estate V G Perm's Real Estate CLASSIC STYLING with magnificent vtw daylight party room, work shop in the baserOnt. mahogany kit. Chen wilh built-in range, oven, dish washer, attractive fireplacO up and down. Glenn St. Natural wood trim, so easy to keep neat and clean. 1900 sq ft. 3 brdrooms. Brand new. See today. $17.00. A TRIM home is always a delight Practicality and ehn at a modeat price. Warm cozinesa with wall-to-wall carpeting. Flagstn fireplace, ceram ic tiled bath and kitchen. Natural birch throughout. 2 bedrooms- $100 down to GI. FEDERAL GIs Let us show you this cozy, well-kept 3-bedroom home, with hardwood floors, fireplace, tile baih. and garage. Among nice homes on paved street, and sewer. For only $t950, S2O0 down. Don't delay. HAVE you outgrown your present home or trailer noux : wny not iraue it m on a new home that will really suit your family's needs. The last word in lux ury on an acre of ground. Call for further dcails. CLOAKES FERRY special thia cozy. 2-bed room Is Deautiiuiiy locatea on a large, fenced-in lot. You'll enjoy the warm carpeting tnd attractive fire place. Furnace heat; garage. All for the low price of $10,200, $200 down to Vet. Perm's Real Estate 526 N E. Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-336T Evenings and Sundays Bob and Betty Penn OR 3-840 Close In LARGE 2 -bed room modernized home. Eaay walk to town. Large living-dining room. Very nice kitchen, bath and shower. Utility, garage, large lot. $10, 000. EAST FURNISHED 2-bedroom home in city limits. Carpeted living room, attached garage, concrete foundation, large lot. $7. SOU. Terms. TRADE NEW wesUide home. 3-bedrooms. 1 li bath. Swedish modern fireplace. Birch kitchen, oil furnace for neat west side 2-bed mom home. WHY RENT? PAY S300 down, move right in th is com fortable 2-bedroom home, concrete foundation. fireplace. oil furnace. Sewer and water. $6,850. Fullerton Realty & Insurance 723 N E Stephens Dial OR 3-3171 Flash Extra QUANT REALTY NEEDS more listing! of homes. 1 to 10 acre setups. 10 to 10.000 acres, income property, duplex es, apt. houses, and going businesses. SEE QUANT REALTY, 1257 HARVARD AVE. the office with the largest park ing lot in Roseburg. Phone OR 2- 3208. EVENINGS OR SUNDAYS CALL: L B. Hicks Phone OR 3-7241 Charles F Mumby Phone OR 3-7308 Sutherlin 2 Down To Veteran LOVELY. 2-Bdrm. Ranch-Style home. Living rm features Ige picturesque Win dow, oak floor; convenient kitchen, tile bath, inside utility, attached garage, Hi acre lot. $200 dn to Veteran. Price $8,000. OR 3-W40. Magiaas Real Estate. Business Opportunity 2 Richfield Oil Corrl West Coast Exclusive Marketer of Boron Gasoline Has service station available In the Roseburg area. For information, call OR 3-H34. HAVE nice ranch type t unit motel plus 1 bedroom home for office. Will sell or accept good clear home or farm as part payment. Contact owner. Stage Coach Motel. Wolf Creek. Oregon FOR LEASE new. modern servic station on new Highway 99 imme diate poisesaion. Phone TEmple 13-9116, Drain, Oregon, or contact L. F. La key. Drain, Oregon. NICE business "for man and wife-on busy highway. Clean stock, long lease. Sacrifice for quick sale. Good reasons for selling. Tor Information, phone OR 2-l!).,2. OPENING for r e aTsWe- lesmanor woman. Experience preferred, but will train. Write or call Short Realty. 806 S E. Casa. OR 3-5534. Rooms Fcr Rent 3 IO ANN'S BOARDING HOME. IWhr. HOTEL ROSEBURgTTV. Cafe, parking" i Heasonabla rates. 513 S E. Lane. OR 2-S132. ROOM, close In. 866 SC. Pine. OR 3-8516. LAHGE front sleeping room, eloa in. ' OR n-6302or OR l isig. SLEEPING ROOMS.- Private eTitrance. OR 3-6154. FURNISHED Housekeeping room. N.EJackann SLEEPING ROOM. 712 S E. J ark ton. door to Penney 'j. OR 3-33211. ROOM AND BOAKD in private home. $75 month. OR 2-.ifiOY CLEAN, quiet sleeping rf.onis OR 3-3940 " Apts. For Rent 4 CLEAN. 2 or 3 room furnlhed or unfur nished apt. Close in. OR 3-8461 or OR -7016 COLORFVL Barhetf.raptverylirrva.ie. 2 blocks from City Kire Station. $. moOR 2-U.m or OR 3-4173 ONE ROOM furnihed ' a .art men t up slerping room. V deriding. Some Util- lt:- !t' s r- Mll Sl LARGE I'PSTAIHS 1-r-rrtroom furnthcd apart men 3 blocks from city center. OR 3-7023 ,nd U!nh Off-street parking )H :t niu ONE BEDROOM fumiahed "apartment, " ""gie r.r t-miple ,40 R":i S E Sheruiin. Apartment 4 OR 2-2S7U. . NICELY furnniir.l tr Irrw.m apt Lloxd Ant. h4 k of H'tir Tltf-aire. Inquire at Apt 1 PTHNlSIIFO I r-.ni i.t A trailer fur .n 1 21a furnished Mill Dl'IM.FX A PAH I Mt ST. vey heable. A flu t a .1 14 hi MODERN I iw.lro.. THKKE r-. t. tt Ja Mti af'f r 4 N E. 3 nxim fmn 1 tied t 7:tO Ha:i ri HMSIitrj 'or a.irt.r fl HM 10 I,, .. , , st Jsran ON lai CI. PAN a,.l AI., Wi..f"r,,-fi: p. ..I Ir ma M'.i s staph. na 111 m.mlh. 3 nT.iaa O t , r arhnnl and " flllirr 1 iih t ai PIMMMOl I . Ilia I3t. ( M I - . ' lo,. in. 1112 o ve 1 - bedroom NH 1 t.Y r ail Abulia ON J Ma o G3 0 o o o oo G o G p. 7) 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 .o , 0 0 O o 0 S fd .15) .9 8