The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 15, 1958, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Th. N.w,-R.,i.,, r Or. j Fd 15, r , f1
L feife, ?3 jksatissa m&v&mzs-z tuidU i
THE PINKSTON FAMILY GROUP at the golden wedding
celebration Sunday ore pictured above from left to right
Gordon Holgate, Mrs. Homer Trusty, Joanne Wilson, Leone
House, Hornet Riggs, Homer Tnjstv, Juonita Holgote,
Richard Riggs, Mrs Richard Riggs, Mrs. Lloyd Holgate,
are pictured with the honored couple at the golden wedding
celebration Sunday at the Homer Trusty home in Oakland
left to right George Chenoweth, John Hunt, Mary Cheno-
Lloyd Pinkstons Honored On Golden Anniversary
Tfi coidm annifrary of Mr
nrt Mrs. l.lod I) PinkViOn mi
I'flebralcd lel 9. 19j8. t an open
houe in thpir hunor at the hume
01 ihnr Min-in-law and ilaueiiU'r.
Mr and Mr. Homrr Trusty in
Oakland. ith thp cuuplt 9 othrr
to dauiihirrs. Juamu lloUilr
and Naomi Kmtjv a to hulerv ,
Martha Lake Guest Of
Honor At Lovely Party
Marth l ake wa honored at a de
li&htjul birthday panr Thursday
evening at the home of Vr r A
Uatkini on Ixxikingulaii Koad The
(roup enioyed MMling and later
the hole-j served birthday rake
nd ice cream.
Knioying the occasion with Mrs
Watktns in honor of Martha Lake
were Lora MrCrorey. Kllen How
ard, Mary Moore. Ruth lwis Con
nie Warner t.race trawtord and
Charlotte Withers
A valentine chicken dinner was
ersed lo members of irr;on
chapter UKS anj their families
and friendi preceding the remiiar
nieeting Wednesday at the
Masonic temple in I 'an.onwlle
with Mrs. Anne Wotthinton Cas
ml v. .Mrj Krmel Bnsss, Miss
Be.s Clnuth and Mrs Raiph
Heaver, hostesses
Corsages were presented to the
o!ticer of the chapter bv the dm
ner committee dres.ed in valen
tine coslumes Later, the (,rand
March, led by Mil Clarence
llarlev, worthy matron, and Huron
Clough. worthy patron, took the
(roup into the dining room, where
the tables were decorated in the
valentine motif.
The business meeting that ful
lowed was devoted lo renewing the ,
obligations of the order in an itn-
f ressive candle lighting ceremony,
ionor guest of the eenmg was
lira. Frank Sullivan who was pre
sented a pin lor V) years of drsot
ed service to the orcangata,n.
Visitor included Mrs. l.userne
Von Schnltr, worthy matron of
Roscburg chapter, and Mr and
.Mra. Clarence Collins of Riddle,
worthy matron and patron of Mis
tletoe chapter.
1h pai-io:i livinc riom hi
artwioally drcoralt-d i'h r-
raiuemrnu of ftiow nowrrn. thr
ki(n it many (nrmiv and
hithhghied fiy a loely mantel
pur of larile brone and cold
c:in santhrmunn thr sill from
their dau:htrr The ering table
mt corred by a cut-work rm-
broidrred linen ciorh and wa cen
tered with a lare wedding cake
wtiich wan beautifully decorated
in accordance with the occasion
The cake i cut and served by
Mr. and Mnt Pinktton'9 daughter
Serving punch and coftee were
Mr Susie Corkeram. Mrs Mable
Allen. Mrs Mjry Chenoweth. Mrs.
Kontelle Schule. Mrs Maude Hunt
and Mrs Margaret McKay The
S'lesi book was in the care of
Miss Joanne w itson
Soit background music was play
ed by Miss Harriet Riggs. Mrs
R l Bridges and Mrs Arthur
Treman Special musical numbers
rendered at intervals during the
flrrnon were sn((s by .luatiita
H'il.;aie and Jnn Whipple of Pram:
liners by Airs l.eone House and
lor.tin HoU-Ve; and hv Mrs Sue
Bunch and Mrs I.ucretia Ross
Lloyd I'mkton, son of the late
Mr and Mrs K II Pinkston. and
Ma K Hunt, djuith'.er of the lite
Mr and Mrs James . Hunt, were
married Krh 3. !!, at the home
of the bride s parents east of Oak
land, and hae result d eon'm
uouslv m te communits Roth M
and Ir Pinksion. were from earls
tlregon pioneer families and hlse
spent their entire lives in the st
onily Besides their three daushti-rs
Mr and Mrs Pinkston hase lue
gnndchiMren l.losd Hoiga'.r
of tirants I'j.s. 1 onion HoUa'e
and I.esme Rii; Hoii.e of o-h-erhn.
Harriet Ki:s of Coci n'te :
and Joanne wi.son of Oak. and
Ther also hase two
children. I i-i Ann
great grand
House and
.Michael Holta'e
A sister. Mrs (,eore itli-i 1
Chenoweth of Oakland and a
brother. Jep I H int of Portland
and Virgil Smith of ilhur were
among those present whhad ali
attended the couple s marriage
fifty sears ago
f or the occasion Mrs Pinkston
ehos a plrr blue lace after
noon frock and wore a txslMiful
Vernon Holgate Seated are Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Pinkston,
the honored couple, ond Lloyd Holgate holdng Michcel
All of the family, with tne exception of James House ard
Lisa Ann House, were in attendance (Picture bv Warren
Studio, Sutherlin).
weth, Mrs Jep Hunt,
John Hunt ond Jeo
white and gold erch.d a it '.r-jm
her husbjnd
During tne at'rn-s.n k. j-i.-s r.i
ly two hundred ard f-'".s r.i'.-.e
and friends caileil to ev.rr,.l "e.r
good wishes to the h iccre-l ie.-s
on this yoyous osca.ioa The .e-t
list included
Oakland Mr and M: an ii
cheson. Mr liarrs smt'.i. V. : a-vl
Mrs Wavne R:ce Mr a-.i Mrs
Norman Nelson. Mrs Mars Thorn
as Schell. J R hells. .Mr and
.Mrs A O Bunch. Mr and Mrs
Halt Manning. Or and Mrs 1 ! e
Pratt. Mrs Mabel Bales Mrs
Mabel Ailen. Mr and Mrs O-me
Chenoweth. Miss Joanne Wii-on.
Lonnie Crawford. Miss Lorn Mc
Nabb. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ma
hjney. Mr and Mrs Carl Bros"o.
Mr and Mrs A'lert Konken. Mr
and Mrs H ard Cockeram. Mr and
Mrs. K I Se'lle. Kdward Settle.
Mrs Marie Rice Mrs Frances
Beguhl. Mr and Mrs Leo Sparks.
Mr and Mrs. S H Farly
Miss Karen Rue. Miss Kristy
Rice. Mr and Mrs 1 vie Stnwe.
Mr aid Mrs Alfred Hand. Mr
and Mrs Fdvtard I amoreauv.
Mr and Mrs l.sle llimelwnght.
Mr and Mrs Ceore H ilcov
Mr and Mrs K 1) Hride.. Mr
(eorge M. Hilcos Sr Mr and
Mrs Paul Schul.-e Mr Homer
Trusts Mrs Pearl Harses. Mr avf
Mrs Harry Barker. Mr ard Mrs
K.iy Tnntt Mr and M- f ra-k
Chruchill Mr and V
Creen. Mr and Mrs Irrts Ch.'rk
1 !. Mrs. Cladvs .x-l M- L. a
Hanson. Mr avl Ms F:wa
Stearns. Mrs. rekr s I w M"
and Mrs Harsev tVxkerarr C,
Sparks M-s t a-1 osjr M-s K.
Mis lime ..1 Vr aM V-s
Rov Ve.llev. Mrs Br".v vars
Mrs Fsthe' Pealer. Mr. Y. M
Dunn Mrs R s l . Mars
lee, Mr and Mrs c.arr R herson
Mr and Mrs C'ese Mii. Mr
and Mrs J c, ,ac,sn Mr and
Mrs A-rh-e M sore f a-d M-s
J M Fre-ins. Mr and Mrs F F
-'herlin Mr and Mrs M
Thompson. Richard R;cs. rn
Holgate. (lordon Holiate Mr
and Mrs Marvin S'eint-ach Mr
and M-s F. Barnes Mr and
Mrs Fra"k !-Chord Mrs leshe
McFarlan' and Janet. M;-s F"h
Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Pinkston. M.-j.
Hu"t (Pictures bv Warren Stud a,
' Mann.r.i Mr. ll.nn AHeene.
vlr Arrnur Treiran. Mr jn.l vtr
1- F Stearns. Mr. and Mr- Max
ii-r.t and Janice. .Mr and Mrs.
v. ir.enovseth Mr and Mrs
'' Thornton V r and Mr. ll.f.h
M...-T Mr and Mr- J C. lloii-e,
V..s N.iaron Housi. Mr and Mrs
ivn t.;irrs Mr and Mrs. i a
M...n-. 1, lies Hunt. .Mr. ernoo
Bj.-.v.n. Mr and Mrs Krl Hark.
Mrs Karen Beecroft and Tern
Mr and Mrs Howard Hahl. Res.
and Mrs. Jhn (, inter and "Perk.
Mr and Mrs C J Bielman
Ro-er.iri Mr and Mrs. J K
' ooer. h.,.s Hutchinson. Mr.
Mavrr.e Pu-kens. Mrs Vine Cotf
Mr and Mr. R R ( iarke. .Mr
and Mr.. Oliver John.on. Mrs Ma
bel Harne.s Mr and Mrs irtil
Smitn. Flnvd Smith Mr and Mr
Ralph Sand. Mr and M-s W Y.
hapman Judge and M-. T
Jackson. Mr and Mrs I-red n,.r.
mann. Mr and Mrs c,;.nn Chen
oweth Mr and Mrs ( Mtford
M. Mrs Andy Broaddus Mrs
Michelle Klanarv. Mr and Mr.
H I) McKav, Mr and Mrs J .rk-Tru-ty
Mrs Sarah
Mrs (,... Neal. Mr. e.utc.i
Fvani Mr and Mrs -anl.-v
l-ong sir ar.d Mrs Y. ti
M- irtfen
lunrjila Mrs Annie Kruse
Mrs L.J.ten K-u.e Mr and Mr.
Pail Rve. Mrs Delia Hi.e Mr
f red p.ves Mr and Mrs Ra
fael 'A.e Mrs Anna K.n.vrv,
Vr a-1 M-s Iie.rrer Record Mr
a:d M- La irl Ja nes Mr and
Vr rrd Lee Mr and Mrs
I y lin Mrs I ,m,.f Smder
Vrs J N S,-.ark. Mr and Mrs
If 1. Tvn:p.4.n. Mr and Mr. Fd
T.e- r ,n.j Mr, Kenneth
st j .e vir Ham!.! Tur
rp.n an I
Ka Mrs Tim Hal
iare Mr and
Mrs J.-o I.
Hint. Mr. and Mr
Mrs Vae
Coquille- Miss Hal
Timer Mrs Mao-te
diner. Mr an! M-.
Nvt. S;v-:n'.-: VI:
' orze R-re and
i .igene Mrs Y. A I
riett R.igs'.:
a-d Mr.
1 M.ce
ewts. f ..ton.
sir and Mrs 1 hars He4 le
Dram. Mr and Mrs James wh
pie. Mr and Mrs F 1. Whipple
and Mr and Mrs chever Rv 1ell
C.ran-s Pass. Mr and Mrs Uovd
HolgaisOand Vichae.
THE PINKSTONS are pictured at their golden wedding anniversary open-house in the
cbove photograph with their three daughters Mrs Richard (Naomi) Riggs, Mrs. Homer
(Tnelma! Trusty and Mrs. Vernon (Jucmta) Holgate. (Picture by Warren Studio,
MR. AND MRS. LLOYD PINKSTON, prominent resicents of Ockland, observed their gold
en wedding anniversary Sundav at a charmm g open-house affair at the home of their son-in-law
ond daughter, Mr. and Mrs Homer Trusty, in Oakland Mr and Mrs. Pinkston
cut the first piece of their golden wedding onmversory cake in the above picture. (Picture
bv Warren Studio, Sutherlin).
and Mrs John Wnhite an
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Jud rh Am, to
Jomes Coutfs, son of Mr end
M-s Wallace Cox cf Garden
Vollev The bridegroom-elect
is serving with ft U. S Navy
and is now home m a 12-dcv
leave No date has been set
for t-e wedJmg (P-cture bv
Cnns of Pnoto Lab
Mrs. Kent Hostess At
Lovely Dinner Party
Mrs A E Kent en'.erta.r.ed at
a very lovely dinner party Sun
day evening at her attractive home
on SE Jackon Street having as
guests. Mr and Mrs Henry le
backen. Mrs Cora tari.nn Mrs
Blanche Cacv and Ii Himheriv
All of the guests had either been
to Ariror.a or plan to go in the
near future
f ollowing the dinner ho-.r Mrs
Cacy showed pictures she had
taken during her reidence in the
Hawaiian Is lands
. O 2. Iwt
f i
r. end Mrs Anton Cer
retig of Bremmgton. Wash ,
annstjnet ft engagement of
their daughter., to
Morrl$ W C'ntj-chman. Son of
Mr and Mrs 0. V Church
man Sutherlin The bride-
elect attended Olympic Junior
College in B-emerton and
employed in S e a t f I e Mr
Churchman attended Linf.eld
College, where he is affil.of
ed with Theta Chi fraternity
end is presently emploved bv
Pugef Sound Power ond
Light Co in Seoftie April 19
is the da'e set for the wed (Pctu'e by . Hudson
Prenpier Hardtop Cpe.
TV 1 -! SW tr IS
S trS MM! trft Hill
MMi HW tt trt-
Sal. Prict 43295.
Si DilUrd Mor Co.
t sm 9 Tt H mi
nfUM m Im h
t- . ' .
Mrs Curt s Abbott of Rose-,
burg announce the engage
ment of their doughter, Max
me, to Ricnard G Dow, son
of Mr and Mrs Clvde Kmvon,
of Melrose The bride-elect is
a sen.or at Roseburg High
School Mr Dow is with the
U S Naw and at present is
stationed in Tacoma. Wash.
The has been plon
ned for June (Picture by
Allied Studio'
Thursdov and Fndav
Five competent stvli'ts
ready to serve you
1417 West Henertf 0kerw 1.1147
TO BE BRIDE Mrs. Jewell
Chosteen of Roseburg an
nounces the engagement of
her daughter, Joyce, to Ralph
, Deal, son of Mr. ond Mrs.
j Edward Deal of this city The
: bride-elect is attending Rose
burg Senior High School and
j the bridegroom-elect was
1 1 . . j a rs u ..
graauarea rrom rvojcourg
High School and is employed
by Roseburg Motor Co. A
June wedding has been plan
ned. (Picture by Chris of
Photo Lab).
i ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Verberes of Roseburg
announce the engagement of
j their doughter, Linda, to Stan-
ley (Dick) Sjogren, son of Mr.
land Mrs Stanley Sjogren,
Elgarose. The bride-elect is
a student at Roseburg High
School. The bridegroom-elect
I was graduated from Roseburg
High School and is employed
at City Drive In Market. No
j date has been set for the
Mr, and Mrs. Bowker
' Entertain Bridge Club
1 Mr and Mrs. M. C. Bowker en
tertained their bridge club Satur
: day eveoint; at their attractis
I home on SE Main Street. The val
: entitle motif was carried out in the
: decorations.
I Enjoying the eveniog with Mr
and Mrs Bowker were Mr. and
Mm V. C. Calhson. Mr. and Mrs.
: E. C. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. McGregor.
High scores for the evening were
won by Mr and Mrs. Calhson and
Mr. and Mrs. Bowker with Mr.
Bowker winning the grand slam
prize. Following the bridge play,
Mrs. Bowker served lovely re
- freshments.
The Soani..h group of Glide
Camp Fire liirls entertained at a
charming afternoon tea Wednesday
at the Junior High School. Mrs
W A. Sharp gave a talk on her
native Denmark where she visited
last summer.
The girls served refreshments to
their mothers. Mrs. Taylor Mc
Cord. Mrs. Vera Anderson. Mrs.
Everett Jones. .Mrs. Henry Reed.
Mrs Leamond Turner and Mrs
Charlie Sttffler Other guests
were Mrs Bert Allenbv. president
of Clide PTA; Mrs. Harris J. Nye.
president of the North Umpqtta
i.arc.en cum. and Mrs. Sam Ball.
general chairman of the North
mpqua Hhl .
The Mvrtle Creek FL Girls Club
elected and installed new members
at their meeting held Friday at
the home of Mrs. Kenneth Bond at
Elected were: Mrs. Robert I.vnn
of Canyorrville. president; Mrs
Bond, vice president: Mrs. Harold
Bay. secretary; and Mrs. Calvin
Clack, treasurer
Meetings will be held once a
month for the current year. The
next meeting will be March 7 at
the home of Mrs Robert McKin
nis of Mvrtle Creek on North Mvr
tle Road
The group voted to send its
adopted parents in the IOOF home
at Portland a gift for Valentine s
Better You Look
Better You Feel!
ORchard 3-5167
For Your Appointment
- - . - t
i w . .