0 00 5 g ' 0 0 o o im i4 a iffiffl' i' i ,; n I mi,. I , If ' ,l. . Na:::-;-;;.' W " Mill i ii nl I trtfittiifir ir -fr" -'r - i-,"! fin L i u I P lf HWiPIHP ITCMf HPIKff w ' . f . . J- . i j 11. lit Jt -.ii H ; f WW - ii'-" ' j j Se LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1958 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 NATIONAL DENTAL HEALTH WEEK was observed in Roseburg with the sponsoring of a smile contest among children in the first six grades to select the most pleasing smile of a boy and girl. The purpose of the contest was to focus attention on dental health of children at a critical stage of dental development when they are likely to neglect their mouth health. Local dentists, their wives and PTA heads and their committees assisted in making the contest interesting as well os educational. KEY FIGURES in the contest (top left) included Arthur Judd, assistant superintendent of schools; Dr. R. L. McDonold, who headed Roseburg dentists, and Dr. Verner Anderson, president pf the Dental Association. Seated at the top right ore Mrs. Alfred N. Boyd, Dental Auxiliary worker; Mrs. Ralph Huestis, president of Benson PTA and auxiliary member; Mrs. Lee Lacey, vice president at Benson and auxiliary worker, and standing are Mrs. C. A. Powers, secretary at Wilbur-Winchester PTA, and Mrs. Jim Cooper, rep resentative from Eastwood School. PICTURED ot the center left ore Dr. Jeffery Currier, Junior past president of the Dental Association, ond Mrs. Verner Anderson and Mrs. James R. Finloy, auxiliary members. In the lower left, workers in the contest include: Mrs. R. t. McDonald, auxiliary mem-' ber; Mrs. Eugene Pasch ond Mrs. Arthur Crocker, who served as judges at Winchester and Mrs. Kefrh Bryant, auxiliary member, who was a judge at Benson. Seated in the lower right picture are Mrs. Robert L. Snider, president of Riverside PTA; Mrs. William Green, president of Rose PTA, and Mrs. Jack Cummins, president of Fullerton PTA. Standing Ore Mrs. Don Isakson president ot Melrose ond Mrs. Robert Benson, president at Green. "AH Vhuret On This Page By "ChriS Of Tht Pioo lab "i ii i m I 1 M,-i.j.yli,i,l il i... , .j , . i O B 0 i . ... . ...!.... . ,,,,,,, ,-v,s. vii. k i - !. --- ,., i . . .. . j