G 12 The Newi Revitw, Roieburg, Or. Fri. Feb. 14, 1958 Don't Drown In A o Mm Mm Sea of Laundry! w Let General - Electric Banish Your Wash-Day Worries 1 "I SO HIGH-SPEED CLOTHES DRYER .:- ... i Banish wash-day wtather worries. Nfw air-flow system, clothe aren't baked dry on hot surfaces. AajustaDie control to fabric re quirements. No special wiring necessary. G-E QUALITY, only I 138 Live Better Electrically With G-E ctunui iiictmc CARTER TIRE CO. 266 S. E. Stephens Ph. OR 2-2689 Winston-Dillard Kiwanis Club Has Clothinq For Disf ribution Talent Show Set By Wilbur Club By BRUNETTE WILSON The Winston - Dillard Kiwanis Club states it ' now has a large collection of clothing prepared and ready for distribution to any fam ily in the Winston-Dillard area who are in need of such items. They would like to net this cloth ing in circulation where needed, as more is continuing to come in. The distributions are being made from the old Doctor Flecher build ing, and any one desiring clothing may call OS 8-5561, or OS 9-5181. N.w Club To Meat The Winston Clutches, local hot roil club, will meet at the fire hall Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. for reorgani zation. New members will be wel comed. The Winston Baptist Church re cently held a meeting to elect church officers. Klelcted were, trustees; J. K. Masters, J. V. Keeder, and A. L. Hill: treasur er: L. L. Lindville; clerk, Louise Bratton; Sunday school superin tendent. Olin Bratton: teachers, J. V. fieeder, L. L. Lindville. Mrs. J. V. Reeder, and Louise Bratton. The west coast singers held their regular monthly sing at the church Sunday afternoon, and the an nouncement was made that an all day, old time singing, and dinner will be held some time in April. Fireman Plan Danca The Winston firemen have an nouced a firemans dance will be held March 15 at the community ball in Winston, proceeds to go toward the purchase of a resusita tor, which is on display at the mod el Market in Winston. Tickets may be obtained from firemen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tumlin have returned to their home in Winston after seeral months in Klamath Kalis where Tumlin was em ployed. Mike Neeley left Friday for Portland to visit is father, W. J. Spracher, who is confined to the Veterans Hospital there. Mrs. Clyde Conrad underwent surgery at Community Hospital Wednesday, and is reported to be doing fine. I The Winston - Dillard Kiwanis Club held ladies night in the form I of a dinner meeting. Larry Bisson ette was the honor student guest. i Also guests at the dinner were i coach, Russ Hawk, and Mrs. Hawk i Charlie Kash had charge of the i program. Russ Hawk spoke on the : highlights of the school athletics. I and showed films on athletic ac 1 tivities. . Church Painted ! The Womens Missionary Socic ty of the Winston Christian Church ; met recently for a work day. The I primary Sunday School room was i painted, and the floors cleaned and ! polished. Also clothing was made ready for emergency cases, or to i be given where needed, j The Winston - Dillard PTA ex i ecutive board met and made tenta tive plans for the founders day program, and other business to be brought before the regular meet t ing which is scheduled for Feb. 117 at 8 p m. The third grade moth ers will act on the serving com mittee. The Winston Christian Church will host the world day of prayer. Feb. 21 starting at 1 p.m. for all churches in the area. All denom ' inations are invited to participate. Theme for the praver day will be, "The Bread of Life." By MRS. LEWIS BINTLIFF Wilbur Community Club will hold a talent show and box social at the school auditorium Feb. 28. No charge will be made fur ad mittance and there will be a fixed maximum price on the boxes sold. Woman To Maot ' Mrs. Lilly Short and Mrs. Edith McKay will be hostesses for the February meeting of the Metho- , dist Women's Society, Feb. 19. An all day meeting is planned, begin ning at 10 a.m. The morning will 1 he spent tying a quilt, and the usual potluck dinner will be served at noon. In the afternoon a white ele phant sale will be held and each member is asked to contribute some tisuable item. ; The family potluck dinner which ! was to have been held last Thurs day evening at the Wilbur Church has been postponed indefinitely. i Also, alternoon meetings of the two younger MYF groups have been cancelled for this week according to Rev. John (.inter. Mrs. Roy La Roek and son. Doug las, recently accompanied friends who were driving from their home in Oakland, Calif., to Wilbur, for a , short visit with his parents, Mr. i and Mrs. Charle Holcomb and sis- i Reedsport Man Held i For Vagrancy Charge ( A man serving a 16-day sentence i was arrested today on a vagrancy I ! charge. i I Jim Davis, 41, Reedsport. was: I arrested on a warrant issued by i Reedsport Justice of the Peace I Robert Goodwin. Deputies who; , served the warrant said they did I not know the basis of the charge. j Davis was lodged in the county I ) jail Jan. 27 to serve a 60-day sen ! lence imposed for violating his pro bation. He had been convicted ofi j disorderly conduct and placed on j ' probation by Warren T. DeLaVerg-1 ne. Drain justice ot the peace. I ter, Velva. Sunday the family drove to Grants Pass to visit a brother, Vincent Holcomb and his family. The La Rocks returned to Califor nia by bus. New residents of Wilbur are Mr. and Mrs. E. Michaels Jr. formerly of Sutherlin. who are living in one of the Blondell rentals. He is em ployed by me Southern Pacific. Mrs. Otis Leggett. and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Leggett of Reedsport spent the early part of last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kingry on Coles Valley Road. Kingry is a son of Mrs. Otis Leggett. Duane Leggett has se cured employment with the new U.S. Plywood plant and plans to move to Roseburg this week. 1954 MERCURY 4-Door Sedan I it. fcfitir a Itfmttr. 4trniM traatMHttM. T tun alaa M4 rtita. Tlr Slt Cfltff. Fir a itPMitrittM aik far liil Laaia. Sale Price $995.00 Si Dillard Motor Co. S fit 'IKI ft Dl IUSIMII StflNm it OttftH .PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS CERAMIC TILE SALE! Per Square "Do It Yourself" Foot We will supply cutter. 65c An old fashioned whisky The mild taste tells the story TANK STOLEN A five-gallon butane tank was stolen from his trailer house while it was parked at the Old Rice Camp, C. C. Yarbrough, Box 316, Canyonvillc, reported to the sher iff's office Tuesday. He said the hasp had been pried off the trailer door. If yoii tithe 1 3? m'ikt cet dm r I MILES 33 I mSm tallied ia 0tftf.li. Cwatv's Oiij Oattaar Salttraaat Si Dillard Motor Co. S. E. Steahtat aatf Diaflat Sti. fMI ORcairl 14C1I II 1 y v 100PROBF , Mm) Mi BOURBON 1 , BOTTLED IN B030 5?5 O40 4 apt. P,, o 86 PROOF "4 ! ) Pint EXCLUSIVE! w m -m m. aaaBBi' I" LV NO OTHER 21 " CONSOLE TV with COMPLETE REMOTE CONTROL at no extra cost nirK.SAVER ' KEV 21' picture t TYLE" AU- 0NLY ,.s,n. , dial. me"- WORLD'S ONLY INDESTRUCTIBLE preformed Fiber Glass portable TV the PORTA-BELL . o ciVER Model 21DC-T .-and'1 OnW mc. (?5 sq viewable area TRUE HI-FI Plus AM-FM RADIO aT..ll.i-nnff6 ..Vertlor""----" ound srful aw P , , i has control tMfSIind sound ipiifi' ir .1. Krdwood chantuer ibinet and! OnW 179 95 Modal 10RP-; COMPLETE IEPAII SEIVICE For frmg an) cdkVrtMus acr Vic m Wl mallei ttvM -iot fai rcri avn, frjt aj mrrmty. EASY TERMS o OH APPROVED CREDIT SEE THEM NOW AT: KLUVER RADIO & TV OIMUJ o 0 lXWN. E. Srejtent ,3 OR 3 4123 ,9 'S.3 . 0 O C) O " W r.s 0 ,o u9