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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1958)
o o o Bible Sfodj Griup Planned By Glendale Olivet Church Sutherlin Economics Club Planning Future Activities 00 tO Ctfort (lilt Yites To Accept Juniors By MRS. GERALD B. FOX lend the grand session which will The Glendale Olivet Presbvter- held in Medford in April. They ian Church ha scheduled six' dif- re Janet Nicholson. Candice Cox. ferenl Bible study eroims in the and Linda Humphreys who is a cnurm. meeting at various hours pax. Aiier me meeting me. i,hr railed the business meet-, u ar session. and in various paru of the area served refreshments. jn , order 4nd lskml members Also at the meeting, served by the church. me sew ana in .iuo, a urst- , m ,fc Batlon,i Grange sew- nv was appointed R. S T . . ....II . -. I 1 . cm. J.N t u 1. 1 n a lih was nrmn. . ... . . . . ' . . - t . 1 tic giuups win mm mm 101- " ' ...... - - - ....,-. lows: Kirst and third Monday eve- ed recently. Meetings are held nings in the homes of members in e'h Tuesday afternoon after the Azalea and Cow Creek area; schoof at the home of the leader, First and third Tuesday afternoons, ; Mrs. Floyd Bufkin. 1:30 p.m. at the church in Olen-i Officers elected were president. The Douglas Cmerf Club lAl At this permanent meeting site voted to accept tumor member the regular business meetings jU photographers to the organization. 1 start at 7;39 D m. each first Moo- By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK ! The well-child clinic, which has1 At the last meeting, the club et day of (he month. Social meetisis A host of future activities were been sponsored by the Sutherlin annual dues which will give the will be at the same timet each approved bv the Sutherlin Home Rebekah Lodse, will be held in junior photographers full member- third Monday. Kconomics Club at iu last meet- the lOOF Hall on the third Wed- ( ship. . t The program at the last meeting tng. nesdaysof the month, tt an-j Inother action the members de- , , M , 4mk hunting Alter we potsurit ainner, tveiyn nuuncea ai me i ncurnu pJrjv on a lake near Fairbanks, ";-,""nn'"V? ' Alaska, rresident Uean Kauisos Alice Bon- meMiag place. The club met there . , - , , , . and Sadme for the first time at this meetaw. i lhfa hefd n co!or M ing contest. It is open to both Stearns L. S. of We cnapiaui ana im ue a locaiea ai ami c j, w Cranee and non-Grange members. Juanita liolgate was appointed son. i Refreshments were served. ana siaeeie rrancis If the entrant i not a member. L. . and Maeeie h mtui hit m miinpd card from of ihe nast noble grand. t Orange member. Olga Bielman presented the jun- It was voted by tne cluo to oruer ior past nouie granu, r.urc ju dale, and the first and third Wed-! Joan Bufkin: vice president. Bar-. (l g rdj , rjjse money or ning, a past noble grands reglaia Borne. . Hams; song leader, Jennifer liar- Sawing CUcsct Start th fhih it w tm?0P5f?d that nn h?ha f of Iter officers ana a f I ' -Mt., nrj .n. nnhU oranrt't nifl (riiat th , ' them to the Roseburg Veterans od4e. ham: news reporter, Martha dar- ,:,., ..j , ii, ij nvlnn Rofrbment Home F.xtension L'nit who signed Jennire Burgoyne is also a mem up at Roseburg for sewing class-; her of the club. The girls are now es will meet at tne Atalea Grange worxmg on malting laoieciotns. hall Mnnrlaw al Q m fnc Ik, lil class period. These classes are S"wr Hrt Attack available only to those who have) Cliff Johnson of the Quines Creek alreadv registered. Each member Cafe was rushed to the Forest is lo bring her own sack lunch. G'en Hospital at Canyonville aft The regular meeting of the HF.U er he suffered a heart attack Feb. is being discontinued in favor of th. during the night. It was re- the above classes. Glendale Bethel of Job's Daugh ters has named delegates to at- were served. The and men's clothing to be sent to "Greens won in tne memoersnip Medford's Camp While. count. The club also approved a contri- i Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Geider re hution to the Spence Memorial port they have received a letter Fund and the making of scrap- from Tony Kovach stating he was books for the children's hospital. being shipped from New York to It was announced that a baked Germany. He formerly lived with food auction would be held at the the Geidcrs. nest Grange meeting. i Mrs. Mary Lange left recently After the meeting, the members for Pueblo, Colo., to attend the worked on a quilt to be given some wedding of her brother. She will needv family. I visit other relatives and friends Clinic Dates Sat 'before returning home. BREAKFAST Served 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. Doily Except Sunday Swedish Dining Room Personalized Service "The Skinners" Bookkeeping AND Income Tax Service NOTARY PUBLIC 427 S. (. Main OR 2 U1 Ive. by Appointment Pko. OR 2-1 f 43 Permanent Lacstion t Hra I'rr Parking tr rrtsrnliiif Pirkinf Tlcfcri trm A4lr"s !.t ported that a second attack fol lowed at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaedecke of Azalea have purchased a home near the Rod Smith place up Cow! Creek and are moving m this week. Howard Johnson Jr. mashed two finqers of his right hand recently, while he was taking the chuck off a lathe at the Dollar Plywood By VIRGINIA proctor 1 opens next fall for an orientation P'?.m' .... ' Th ranvniivilie Vnlimieer Fire ocnod. according to John Hakan- .uouKias uark. 15. required tnree n(,nartm(,n; vnlpd . lake cha. . hih !choo principal. The eVebw'recei durlne a w Z e CanyonviUe Centenmal p.- teachers also i discussed the tling session at the high school. Canyonville Fire Dept. iPlans Centennial Parade FROM N1NI TO FIVE ly Js Fischer DADS CLUB ELECTS 1 rade. according to H. A. Johnson, 1 assistant fire chief. The department's annual crab 1 feed followed the business meeting bilitv of reserving one afternoon : each month for a teacher workshop. Til be with you in o minute, Mr. Wump 1 find the T, os soon as El'GENE TJr, Murray which was devoted almost entire Burns of Portland is the new presi-i ly to discussing various details of dent of the University of Oregon' the Centennial parade. John Ham Dads Club. j lin prepared the crab feed for the The club Saturday also elected j 21 members present. j Otto Frohmaver of Medford its . . , . j new vice president. Named to an-.s'c,,, other term as secretary was Members of the official board Robert Finlavson of Eugene. of the Canyonville Methodist (Jreer Drew of Klamath Falls Church made plans for a special Dr. W. L. Lidbeck and Reynolds evening. service to be held Cenlen- Al en. both of Salem, were named mal Sunday, Aug. 10, at wnicn executive committee members. SHOP FOR COMPLETE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE VAC SB ar. LAUNDRY EQUIPMfNT Duomotic Combinotion Tan Laading. -Front Ltnf 1 PHILCO ELECTRIC RANGES PHILCO ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS PHILCO TELEVISION MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE REFRIGERATION SERVICE FREEZERS FOOD PLAN DISHWASHERS 1RONRITE IRONERS WATER HEATERS SMALL APPLIANCES ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECTRIC SUPPLIES SUILT-INS Ranaet Refrigerators Freezers Your Exclusive Philco-Bendix Deoler VannT . . . t. ' M.t... tia 424 S I. JkMn Si 0clr4 1JSII time the city of Canyonville will hold its Centennial celebration. The First Methodist pastor was sent to Canyonville in 18S8. it was Fish, Game Units Proposed Merger To Be Talked Here A proposal to unite the state game and fish commissions into one body, with separate divisions1 for commercial fisheries, and game and sports fisheries H ex-i peeled to' come in for pro and : con comment March 11 in Rose-! pointed out, and the church here burg. has been served by a succession ; That is the day the Legislative ; of Methodist ministers ever since, fish and Game Interim Commit- In other business, the board re- tee. headed by Rep. W. O. Kelsay j viewed its activities to jne new ol Koseburg. will conduct a hear- pastor. The Rev. Cyril Dorsett and ing here. The time is 8 p.m., but I heard his recommendations and plans for the future activity of the church. Mrs. R. A. Doak presided as pres ident in the absence of Mrs. Ted Ross at the regular dinner meet ing of the South I'mpqua Business and Professional Woman's Club of Canyonville, The club accepted Mrs. Joseph Bitter's invitation to hold the next meeting at her home near Milo. The business meeting will be pre ceded by a buffet supper March t. Canyonville teachers have agrccn the site hasn't been announced. The committee was set up to work on problems in fish and game management. The proposal to join the two commissions is un der specific study, and received much criticism in earlier hearings in Eastern Oreson. Boseburg is the second city in Western Oregon scheduled for a hearing. The ret of the schedule: Medford. Ism. March 11; Co- quille, 1 p m. March 12; Coos Bay 8 p.m. March 12; Newport, 8 p m. to assemble two days before school ( March 13. Tillamook. 1 p.m. March (14 and Astoria, 8 p.m. March 14. Other members of the commit, tee are Sens, Andres J. Naterlin of Newport and Walter C. Leth of ! Salem and Reps. Robert L. Elf I strom of Salem and Ole W. Grubb of Bend. Sutherlin Altar Group Selects New Officers Helen Brown has been elected new president of the Sutherlin Catholic Altar Society. Other new officers are Margaret Hunt, vice president: hitly Mur ohv. secretary: Freda Pfaender, treasurer: and Hattie Groleau, pub licity chairman. At the same meeting in the Suth erlin Community Building, it was voted to hold a bake sale Saturday, Feb. 22. at the Sutherlin Hotel. Committees were appointed. Father Lmdhan gave a talk. -t- S : Hs'I:'-f' Si America's lowest priced sports car-family-sized, only 2219 The 1958 SILVER HAWK mi Talk about value Take a look at theenciting new Silver Hawk! Then look at the price tag. It s hard to believe but true. Thia aleek, sporta atyled car actually coata lea than many of the ao-calied low-pnced cart. Vet, though it costa leas, the Sliver Hawk offers more driving fun, more distinction, more handsome styling for your money! And it offers lots more, too? From ita port-ityled instrumentation to it expensively styled interior, it 'a a beauty! And it perlorms like a thoroughbred! Today, there s a whole new world of pleasure await ing you and tht vholt fami'y) be hind the wheel of a Silver Hawk! And at a price that makes sense! See your Studebaker-Packard dealer for a gueet-drive today! For laaary sports-car driving. e the Golden Hawk! With variable speed built-in cen trifugal Jet-Stream supercharger, it delivers flashing acceleration when you need it at no sacrifice of Studebaker'a economy mileage. Transportation from South Bend an., local taiea tra. Also available with v-8 engine, automatic transmission or Overdrive. tut sat Die tameia Sfttteeaw Scetsaiaa 2-eMt sseaa-aaty JW5 aais ttaasaartatisa ane tana 'IP) Studebaker-Packard ami if. I Boy Scouts Feted By Sutherlin JCs By MRS, BRITTAIN SLACK The Sutherhs Junior Chamber of Commerce recognized Boy Scout fteek last week by sponsoring a dinner for Scout Troop 31 and families. About 63 scout and fam ily member!! attended the dinner st the Sutherlm Scout Hall. A court of honor was held after ward under the direction of Scout master Wallace Jacolw. A candle- hght investiture was presented by the troop. New scouts m the troop received neckerchiefs made by mothers of scouts. They also received tender foot badges. Tacit Quilts Members of the Fair Oaks In dustrial t'lub tak?d quilts at their last meeting. Preceding a short business meettne. the club held a noon potluck. Twenty-two mem bers and four children attended. At the nest meeting, the wom en will piec blocks for another quilt, Kenneth D. Meiser of Twin Falls. Idaho, paid a surprise visit recent ly to his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. H V. Church, in Sulheriin. Mrs. Glen l-anjj has been called to Seattle, Wash 4 by the serious illness of her stepfather. COMPLETES TRAINING Army Pvt. Herbert T, !add, ott I of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Udd. j 1210 Jumper Ave., Itecd.pfrt, re- ! cently completed a four-week air-! borne course at the Infantry Sch'w! Ft. Benmng, ta. lie entered the 1 Army lat Au&u! aftT gradua-, tion from Beedsport Ihsh School. ; SAILOR ON TRANSPORT Robert O. Iowell. seaman, son of Mrs. Goidic IawcII of fiosehurc. i serving on the attack transport VSS Benviiie i San l, CALL flHI. rlKBa OR 2-2644 POLIO; C.A,,. RIVERSIDE MOTORS, 88 N. E. Stephens, Roseburg, Oregon M S. f. Stephens, Ksieburaj Call OR SUtt Tuet. M, 11. Ig Th Nswi-Rir, KaMburf , Or. $ Polio RejirsHer Antwar ta rairisua Pult O I Peli riehr, S!f Tmtif.H ts u ss a m Aystraija H G - ff n susAh II Ei f Gltit acid M On tK i5Piy ajiw li EoSii I Mima JOfetorlm M BjbhraJ ptemmm -SH&rsan da! MSJrtth U Hnvfrllj bodies Stuff ioU 51 Hih cird , 52 Msvt'i truck 53 Wrisj tooi 34 Dro M 3 D:ir.cujnbr 3a Sow LaiifMtr S0usd 45 Golfers' itrm MLair Vaassa- ciiy 48 Awakes SI Briij 54 SnuSi it SMain ladolhat sSlcsais 3 Maaculina rNnam 4 !eaini brood dia1 fnak t Drmfoddcta s T Rybwr tr RiSOM fabric $ Dmnrr courses orrhou J! Pru SSOraans t:fht 11 UamB brom. 51 Sh ta bmh country (ISil-!) htm KMi f' a'a' IkHif 1g'6ri ' t i. wMm Ell BPKltc t HV OR KFauMt rtaplca 39Coneluda 3Es' IS Pronoun 3?Giv 3i Mineral rprtnfi i Menu 41 Peiter t u n 43 Cuu Interybar 44 Rivr n 4 t 45 Puip; (raft aw mm oi India Nol. m $1 B armtM ol tprsta ITT n "TTT1 r "Trr rrr r" r -s rrrr " r "a j rrr-fi ry tjt 3 ri rrr 5 3 c B ' Mill LU t ! fM) mM jf11 wtemvgz? siifipil m Ma mm mm WM i w?d& W Jr ! I ! naaaaal ggfH is KltEO ui!sa -w I 'V TW ft V i 1 ' 's t"1 ' " ' "5 2 j f HB&n hsj i tiawi vu tsfst-xmr I ' i p.-vt rsy i ,t -: t ivt -sKii '? lv-, - i j leweMW pot up nv Hint w; j" ll " y FWt OOURLE -DA re TbN)ir? youu. Jl LOVE WT KSEN.' Ui&NX GOODNESS.' MAVBE WlW AM fur he wof r MAKS i3 issue our c OtTONO MH TO Sir TRA ClOiE To urn r - , . .m. r ; wOUJMTcsi?. I OU, vf4 f rSfi 7mb Teams- jSMur DELIVER TMETj TO MISS PANTlfijsiHAM'S SCHOCX.FO' ; gals.'. DELIVER TMETy??-THO!F Rl&HT "-ITSTH' V TMEV IS AT THAR kOST fZsrZS J9 TO MISS 1 SmicreSTGaLS'STMOOLl f RUSftEO STAGE f oimVS 3u.x - PANTihjijHAis W-WAU. JMALLOSATWNffTMtM I IfJU",".' THINGS IS SO 'Oi SCHOO.FO' X)Ni)I?) -sOUNCj IAWES D04T Bt& FVEJ AH OJLDrT j A j 1P OJVS SffN MtE Hff ',Ba! I sews ,oocx iWj m7 i tw. cna iiXt M3 TtijS C Jr4f3PklCJS mmmm f 40PF-J.J Cn .tT My two s oh tus H faa,fajMS, mjt vuts i Mf5 BSk v'i iV fa.SM J ; 4 3?1 i 'A X.! WOJCf BUT i f iCA?BfO JT ftps j Ui -f J a a . 3 ra s o G 9 0 S3 o s e & " m 0 0 Ob S3 S3 ,0 asia $ O 0 G