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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1958)
0 o o o 3 0 o o 2 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Weeping Follows Murder Verdict Against Teenagers spokavf , Th. ie,nr, of a three-week trial snapped Sal- She wa bajn in Campbell Coun- unlay nicht as two teenagers were (y. S. D., on July 12, 1908 and was found guilty ul second degree mamed there to Dexter Glerup rL"1. lL0',n4Ti."lhH? " Oct. - She mowd 10 a nonbv snop owner. Then de- fondants, parents and even jurors Douglas County from Vencta. Ore., wore caught up in an emotional where she had resided for a short outbreak. tune. Mrs. Glerup was a member Nicholas Simchuk, U. broke into of the Lutheran Church, racking sobs. Joseph H. Weston, Surviving are the husband, Dex 15, his husky neighborhood pal, i,.r Glerup, Round Prairie; six clutched his chest and complained children, Donald, Bradley, S. D.; of pains. He was taken from . Robert. Veneta; Melvin, Rapid court on a stretcher and later was city, S.D : Granville and Edwin, reported resting well at a hospi- both 0f Glenham, S.D.; and .Mrs. tal. llartey I Amies i Rrockel. Selby, Siinchuk'a mother wept bitterly s D.; two brothers, Kmil Karslead, and couldn't be comforted by her sioux Falls, S.D., and Idar Far husband, who sobbed occasionally stead, Minot, N.D.; five bisters, himself. Wr-ston's mother was Mrs. Martina Border. Davenport, able to control her emotions. Iowa; .Mrs. Olive Vanmer, Wood All three women members of rode, S.D.; .Mrs. Jennie I'etrie, me jury cnen. glancing at me defendants and their families male juror wiped his eyes F.veryone. including spectators, :ll tne impact oi tne trial, inc young defendants, described as "good boys" by family and friends, lived in fine homes in a substantial suburb and apparently had no reason for their crimes. New Trial To Bt Asked They were convicted for t h e ley Martin, 63. They were charged with first dearee murder. The second desree conviction carries a minimum term of 10 j years in prison and the possible maximum of life. They were also , found cuilty on the lesser charee! oi secono ucpree nursiary, wnicn tied in wilh the murder count. I Judue Ralph E. Foley set no ' dale for sentencing. Lawyers for i both boys said they would file mo-1 tions for a new trial. 1 U' H hifh rh,inl f(Wt hull : ,..., n aver who saved his odd tob earnings in a fruit jar, admitted ... . . j... from the stand that he had tired one shot from a stolen 22 caliber . r . , .i. j n stnl at Marl n as Ihev were driv. ing away from the man's store. Rut he said he only "scare him." waniea to PURSE STOLEN Theft of his daughter's purse con' famine a wallet, identification na - pers and about $1 was reported to; Roseburg police Saturday by Spen-i rer W. Purcival. 140 NE Patterson! St. lie said It was taken while his daughter was attending a basket- hall game Friday. Speciol Trade-in Allowoncel on Rclrigerotort, Too On your old ra I 0r mke, ,' "9e ,e9rdle,, 0r . 1 1 : U ' If COUO.O I rtx I 7 - BERGH'S APPLIANCES .AUTHORIZED WHIRLPOOL DEALER Sojth Stephens at City Limits Ph. OR 3-8348 10, Mrs. Dexter Glvup Passes In Hospital Mrs. Dexter (Nikolena) (jlerup, ' 49, resident of Round Prauie, died Saturday at a local hoipital following a brief illness. .Minneapolis: Mrs. Alines .Nord strom, Glenham. S.D.; and .Mrs. lua Caldwell, Veneta, and three grandchildren The body has been removed to Long and Orr .Mortuary. Services i auu unci nielli will utuui 111 cu-1 gene. Ballots Mailed On Beef Commission Proposal Ballot forms for the State Beef Commission referendum, which ia being held until Feb. 24, were ! mailed last weekend to all Oregon i cattle producers who registered to vote. Douglas County Agent J. Roland I'arker reports that producers may either mail their ballots rfirerilv to the state DeDartment of Asri- culture at Salem, or denosit them m the ballot box in the exten-' sion office in the county courthouse. U I .1 -. .I.- uiMuru ji ic ,il(Mlra! nffir. will h. fnru,arrfrf f K,im ,,ilC uc luiwaiucu 10 oaieiii. he said. Any registered cattle producer . ...un nni i.;. k.u- unuui r..-m tK ika moil !froin Parker or from the Deoart" ment of Agriculture in Salem. Or. Mon. Feb. nanots postmarxea not later,"""')' ". . " than midnight, Feb. 24, will be counted. i SAILOR IN KANSAS Willi a mK. Woodward, airman ap - prentice, is serving at the Naval Air Station, Hutchinson, Kan. He ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Woodward, 755 W. Stanton St., I Roseburg. IMPERIAL MODEL 40" wide with twin 17 ovena tha range with all IT "moat wanted" 1957 features! REC. 549.95 Ltd Trode-in 150.00 now 399.95 CUSTOM MODEL 4 q u ir k - h 1 1 n (t unili doubl 17 Qvrns pi iii giant titpnml drnwpr! Z? REG. 459.95 Leu Trode-in 118.95 Now 34 1.00 SPECIAL MODELS 169?. .. . . JJ JtaMan-t- - .....,. .. J uawi I 'j v ' V- V ' A' 4 V OBEDIENCE TRIAL winner at Sunday's dog show in Rose burg was this parti-colored spaniel, Bondale's Good Scout, owned by Mrs. Marjorie Bond points (Photo-Lob photos). Vancouver-Owned Dog j Wins Top Show Award (Continued from Page 1) 'ure schnauzer. Chuck - A - Luck s Jotk. second open dog, owned by 1,rs Violet McCoy; Ch. Chuck-A- Luck's Ike. of breed, owned Dv Wilm Meske; Joe's Josephine of Douglas, second puppy bitches, owned by Gerald and Joyce Dav- enpon; jiausun s ! P u p p y bitches Mitzie. second Mrs. Nellie Madsen; Sandra von i Ruset, second puppy bitches, own - ed by A. F. Spiker. of J17S.656 55. Only one of the units I Lady Susan Edwards, second was sold for the appraised price, i Imnriun hrorl hilfhoc munH nV'Tumnilili,!. Ki.Knn k...U , V. II. Ruh. ldlcvld Rt.; St. Ber - --- , nards owned by Beatrice hnighl. : Drain, Sanctuary Woods wonder Whv tsl evhihitnr rinses: Sanrtu - , o-. irw IVmtrl. l.n ivpr- snrunH mien 'logs- Sanctuary Woods Begard- . lt orea oy exniuiior; sane- oaiii- American bred bitches; Sanctuary j Woods Gracious Me. 1st open uuciies anu uei ui uiuusu; Sanctuary Woods Orolino. bel of breed, open dog, Bruce Gillcy; ; Lnglc s Big Smoke, third open ! dug, owned by Leland f.ngle; Schinoerkes Bimbo, best of breed.1 owned bv Austin Brvant: Ba von V. lucson. secono American nrcu: north of lilide. Total price was Milmar Apache Maiden, second , $39,535.23. Qualifying but not bid puppy bitch, owned by Donna ding was Sun Studs, Inc. Aiauaii; iiiusiac i-rince i e e i e, W ip-1 third American bred, ownea Darlene Weiss; Schatzc, first pup py bitch and American bred, own-1 ed by Wallace and Shirley hrick- son. ssluii cocKer spaniel, lu.vuaiie Maior, four open dog. owned by i Edna McCue, Glide; Annahas,R. s. Denton. Qualifying but not rJ lu,l,.kin Iruynnhau sernnil nnen . Ki.l.l ,n ,nKn rt,..,ln. c..HiuCCn .,, ..,,. u. Inrry Hill: Gil- man's White Hope, best of breed; tinman s iNoisemaker iieugiu, nrsi i open bitches, owned by Richard : Gilman Jr.; Socrates Jage von L.olve lien, secono ninruvdii un-u. owned by Robert Eskelson; Sau renann's Ka-Ro. second open bitch es, owned by Wilina and Eugenia Meske. , fnurili novice Sue of ( ederlane A obedience owned by Edna Me-! rue- Raron V lucson. fourth obed-!ciui lence owned bv Donna Malfait. I All owners listed above are from ' become a director of the United "" however, probably will Roieburg unless otherwise indica-, Kuncl but also will speak for la-ip,v " m mllch cheaper construc ted. ' k '; .. tion costs. The survey will account Dental Survey Starts In Roseburg Schools The dental survey being conduct- ed in Roseburg elementary school, this week got under way this inorn - j .sioT.tTuZ'L'schoo 'n,00n sessions at (ulleiton School. The survey has been split into morning and afternoon sessions to facihlale the program in smaller schools. The schedule for the rest of the week : Tuesday, Riverside both morning and afternoon: Wednesday. Rose in the morning and Benson in the aft ernoon; Thursday. Hucrest and Huciest and Eastwood in the morninc and Wll- hur and Winchester in the after- jnoon; and Friday. Green in the ! morning and Melrose in the after- nOOn. I RUNAWAYS RETURNED Two young runaway boys were .laken into tow Saturday by Rose- hurg police and were returned to j their parents. The adventurers, both a years of age. one from Melrose and the .other from U inchcslcr. told police they had run away from their par-1 I ents at church. I They were captured after con I sideralile searching through brusii I biMieath the Dak Avenue bridge i where they had ducked alter seeing the pdice car TOO MUCH bf toid about n BAILEY INSURANCE AGENCY. 830 S E Rose St Rcnv fcwj'a, or cni ce afowt oyr inuiro'ict Any line BROTH of on Injh led would oTlire that f ntrgetic mi Wing K BAILEY service 0"d Ony bon rue Scotch lo,it Ou H the ttiv Mvi vou rtwnev loovleouoie msu'once LOvrrja SPOILS mjt y o rjrniU t p'an tor tt-t future tnjt that dcen t hog pen vtHajn ru rf inurfd bv tl't KEN BAILIY AGLNCY Ycj rci expect p;vd m of tt-t KtN PAiLEY AtitNCY n t?ud ttecF J QCVX1 d r COOK! AAsnzssszy. -tfps ? o c0..fl....d I ... tMa r9s. of Eugene. He scored 198 BLM Timber Sales Bring Competitive DJ Jc Lnra bfirln if UIU3 flCIC rilUUV ' Three Douglas Countv firms purchased a total of 6. 476.000 board (eel of Douglas Fir timber at an oral auction staged Friday bv the Bureau of Land Management at the ownea oy;(.ircle ii. ranch on North Lmpqua Road. 1 The timber sold for a total orice .vu,,,.,,..! uiuuimk uiuusiii uiSii. 1 cr Drices for the other tu.n .. The largest sale saw Round Prairie, Dillard, bid $29 90 for 3. - . IQ'l ihio hnUr,l rut l.,.uiuw thA ,., ,la, t ir,. U u oa-i r Thn ,. price came to $93.223 20 The tim- oer was aDDraiseo at vzh.m lor a ner was appraised at $28.50 for a iuii w Bidding against the winning bid- der was Berl Skeels Logging Co., vv incnesicr. inree omer tirms, l, & H Lumber Co., Sun Studs Inc and Douglas Veneer Co., qualified oui aio not dio. I f. 1 k,W t .n n n ......... .1 nn n H bid t ie annraisen nrir. of $27 70 to nurehis. 2 .TV! non ! board feel located on :,, Creek Berl Skeels Logmng Co. was high bidder for 929.000 board feet located east of Glide in the same area as the first unit. The win ning bid was $30 25 for a total of $2B,8!I8 10. The timber was apprais- ed at s5.50 and S2j.007.85. onnoninH Skeels was one bidder ..iiiiuiiiK ncir iniikin. t rurri , oviil studs. Round Prairie and Morgan Sand Engle. ., Union Labor Program To Aid Communities (Continued from Page 1) led on the Josephine program, also, i o, ,.,,, i, . ,ii, f,.m the Douglas County council to the ...;i.i ci ... i,i k.... ...;n The n chairman f,.r Modern Floor Covering, where he is a carpet and linoleum laver. He' is secretary of the Painters I'nion am vie. oresir ent of the Hns.hiu-a Bmhline and Construction Trades - "' ' ' . h Army, one a Central Junior:"' hugh the canyon but , . Faulkner said he believes the sur- K' ' . s,'y Th' "7. at 2778 NE Gordon Ave. 2 Teen Am Bnv, Steal Z I eert-Agc DOys Steal Cun And Shoot Out Lieht Two Roseburg boVS. 15 aud 16. reportedly snatched a BB gun from another vouth Sundav afternoon and hot nut a narkine lot liehl on NK Polk Street. ! were purchased from Copco for the The incident was .reported tolc,mB in l - ....... l... t.r . .j t.,. " e .. . nuM-Ullli; OOIHC UV C ll jaCKSOn.l 1128 NK (rrmont St.. who said the boys took the gun from another boy, alnuit 13 years old. They ran after breaking the light, he said. An investigating officer reported he had contacted the mother of one f nf, upcctcd hovs and informed her that a complaint may be filed t(.Rlnsl her son. ; ? JO r N ja) ; ' 9 "X I f fm I iiitjS 1 " '' 1 " i; 4 Teenagers Arrested In $20,000 Bant Holdup I MIAMI. Fla. n Three teen agers arrested for the $20,301 rob bery of a Connecticut bank go be fore a U. S. commissioner for a bearing today. FBI agents and detectives ar rested the trio in i predawn raid on a Miami Beach motel Sundav. Officers said they found $16,000 and two revolvers in the youths' room. Arresting agents identified the boys as John George Wallace, 19, maintenance worker; Merson F. Gule. 18, metal plater; and Mi chael A. Berardi, 18, a stock boy. They were arrested on a war rant charging they held up the East End branch of the Colonial Trust Co. in Waterbury, Conn., last Thursday. John J. Sullivan, 14, was arrest ed in Waterbury and admitted he helped rob the bank. Sullivan im plicated the others and said he wanted to back out but was afraid they would call him "chicken." The FBI said the three youths flew to Miami under assumed names last Friday, bought new clothes, used a new rental auto mobile and "were really living." North Umpqua Preferred Route Located By BPR (Continued from Page 1) short adverse grade is followed into the pumice area. That is only one of two adverse grades in the route which is being proposed. The survey line follows a pum ice bench through the Slide Creek : area. Fish Creek would be span- i ned by a high structure near its mouth. Tskttte Camp Bypassed The line passes about 200 feet ! .m.ik f .J tm .k... ti,.. tee Camn I raiifnrnia nMn Pnu.r Cn 1 Fish froeli non.inrt rntH h a structure Near that point the proposed grade is some 50 ' feet T , .. . ociow tne existing one. if... .1.. . a -j j. i rtiier me secono anverse erane. the line turns through a saddle , near Clearwater missing Coocoi : : .... ... .. 6 V installations mere, ii approacnes ... ,TK i River V t- ,k. 3 u. ' inet nn .,tk thA vn,k i-mn..u junction with the North Lmpqua. i Then it follow the south hank 0f the Clearwater to Briggj Camp, ; located near Stump Lake. Snow Plewino R.duc.d . . ' Norln Unr canvon. Faulkner kv bMnmo tin ruiia in tka w houi mii. nf im.e ..u, ' - v. .....vv. a..un . .. . ..... a.rca wl" De mmatea, reducing , lne .ncces.s,ly. 01 wmle.r P'omng Althouch the route from Rrio'ss Camn to the Cascade Lakes Hieh - way the easterly extension of the road to Diamond Lake hasn't ,t tSl .hl! ?Sl"eLyf 1 .1 sunry ,.f ,h.n in . vii, ii inc xji it iii lAn. That line basically follows the can yon of the Clearwater and re places the existing road Faulkner guessed that the costli est part of the road will have completed alter next sum- '" s..Kld"u"i f"."'?" "n.u 'raiera onage is aone In the pumice area, some rock for base and surface may have to be hauled from as far away as 20 miles. One rock source has been located near Boulder Creek, a pos sible source is near Slide Creek and some river run gravel is avail able at Clearwater Camp. Ssjrvey Compraha-nsive Faulkner commented that the survey work has been fairly expen sive. Extra study made in running 'or a very small proportion oi tneibv O. H. Havely. Myrtle Creek 1 10!"' PrJec; ...... 'ln"'a oui inai ine r o a a prubably can be designed with an I H" , i. had misg,vin8, ,hat i, ,voud be impossible to take the , Vey has proved it can be done I ''h. '' over,i "v of ' punuc money. I In preparation for anticipated ! extensmn of the improved road, h t , 'd Dudim, , ' camu at Slide Creek. It will serve . bureau employes working on all 1 pnmtrii-linn helueen Iarter Bridge and Bnggs Camp. V..... a..iui.. R...Hk r...Ai.. ...u k.,;t.i;nn. h ail L'n.r a cn aaill Ih. HPK .nni. ncers working on the survey have ! completed detailed contour maps n( hnih aldra of th. river between (h. bridge and Soda Springs. Actual road design will be made in Portland from the maps. If the road design is made from the survev data, all Cnpco instal- lations will be bvpassed. " JIM METZ 1310 Ridgcwoy Medford, Oregon Phone: SP 2-4294 ynr EaguItabU rapccsentaitlv ask: "HOW MUCH AM YOU PAYIMC YOUIIILf?" Your Equitable repreent!ir tm show you how to put aside rrt of your imon lor yourelt-veti thoi-gh you may now think it impossible. An Equitable iiv ings p'in is lompictelr Jiflcrent from ot.-r means of saving monev. It's the savings in that nt',!j utrkj.' It s helped thousands of other people, and it tan help you. Don't dclav anv longer, lo get ill the facts, ihct with your Equitable nun or till in and mail the coupon below. vK n' c REPORT TO GOVERNOR These three Boy Scouts represented the Douglas Fir District and Oregon Trail Council when scouts from over the state last Friday delivered their onnuol report to the governor in Salem. From left to right are: Wayne Schmidt, Camas Valley; Martin Hunter, Roseburg; Gov. Robert D. Holmes, and Bob Dorman, Oakland. Brothers Confess Albany Slaying; Find No Booty I neivv n ,m t-a mere hnnkert on first decree mur- rf.r Sundav nieht after nut Aitv rmirinev .Inhnt said ' they admitted a knife slaving with robbery as the motive. ' . ... ,. : Ana tnev aian i get a coiuin- :.i.: ik. DirKin" nicKei. jon is uuuieu wic Dair as saving. Andrews Wolfe 22 of Spring- .... .j , blj i eia. ure., ana nis uioinei. run - ' , : i tJ A?r Fore. R... ai Mose ! i l- w3..k arlm itH th. c avmo ! Lake. Wash., admitted the slaying of William Ca owav Howe . 57. ! Johns said, Johns sai id the men told him they folowed Ilowell to a U,ny area near ine vuiinuuim w ! mine pool. There. Johns , said, ; Phillio jumped on Howell, knock. mnerl nn Howell . . ". ' . :. . . j..,M l... Un..,ll rnnh( , " ":"'t""li."Yrv""T" back, pulled his knife, and in- 1 flicted two slashes on Andrew's, i oacK. Johns quoted Andrew as saying 'hat he then stabbed Howell sev - !eral times and cut his throat. me district attorney saio inei two men then took How'ell's wallet , devlse one with jUyor Robert t . ' a "wide open" citv. with wide- and finding it empty, threw it in iVagner and the Board of Educa-' spread gambling . ' a nearby pond. ton mavor was receptive to of prostitution at least one with They started to walk to Inde-(his o((er , jn shoulln5 distance i tuy n.u. pendence where relatives lived, i But Andrew was weakened by loss of blood from his wounds, and they slopped at a farm house where they told a tale of being attacked. The farmer drove them to a hos pital where police were called. Later Howell's bodv was found by some children playing near the swimming pool. After several hours of question ing the two men admitted the slaying, Johns said. Auction Barn Break-In Reported To Sheriff Burglary of an auction barn at the Riddle Junction was report ed to the sheriff's office Saturday I "e said the building had been ; entered by breaking a door some ; time Friday night or Sunday morn , ing. uisies as niisMnK are rhainsaw. portable sewing ma chine and electric heater. Havely said the items are valued at $105 ! Car Ouicklv Recovered ! Af.r R.nnrf.rl Stol.n r - . . . . . ,, ., . i.A.ho' m'nutes after Mary Ann Welker. 1810 Nfc. Commercial Ave.. ! reported her 1950 coupe missing, it was recovered by Roseburg police. She reported at 5:15 that the car had been taken from a parking place at SE Jackson and Vashing- ton Streets. The keys nad been ' lc" in 'V ,p0'ice.TrJ l?id' j proximately 6 0 clock, the vehicle , InmtmA am C1T ti-lran Ql " "K1 IICYCLI HELD '. Roseburg police are holding for the owner a lavender boy's bi- cycle w hich was found abandoned in an allev Saturdav. The unlicens- ed bike hat been stored in the city i garage. n ' .-v-" ronNB , oiiooh iikki rowt Fquii e a. 1 ' Sai 'Jl i '-sw -c f Winston Infant Dies Day Following Birth George Paul Abel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Abel, Win- ton, died Sunday at a local hospi - tal. H was born Saturdav. Survicine beside the oarents are three Brothers, Lee Joseph. i Timothy Anthony and Richard Bruce, all of Winston. Other sur- 1 vtvors are the paternal grand- I mother. Mrs. Clarice Abel. Reeds- nrl- ilia milapnl nr.mln.nnt. " , Mr. and Mrs. Dewev Cronee. Win - ;ston: and lne maternal great - . ..u. grandmother. Mrs. Lulu Harris Onrnntn Wis , '. , .,, , 1 Priiam liinocal cnrviAe tti ha I held at the chapel of Long and Orr flioiiuary ai t p.m. luesoay. ine Rev. Father Edmund Hyland of St. Joseph's Catholic Church will otltciatc. concluding services and Harriman Acts To Curb Trims In N. Y. Schools ! NhW YORK i.t" Gov. Averell , !Iarriman has called for a crash , program to cope with juvenile Ii-rime in the ritv's schools u -j k. .. .,Mir,n i ki lS $39.95 I j JCZ Value j mmmmmmi (B Go mm arorr Just ask us about SUPER PLENAMINS America's Largest Selling Multi - Vitamin Product Each tablet contains 11 vitamins and 12 minerals to supplement your daily diet. You'll be g ad to learn why Rexall S'jper Pienamins are preferred by millions! Just for the asking ydu may be a tUCKY WINNER! KXAU SUfH PLENAMINS -- u.r Get Your Free Entry Blank Toda) i Ker to 1 63S0f? Jock son St. V fir .',;'-.? rr Burglars Rob Six Safes In Manhattan Building NEW YORK - Three men robbed at least six cafes in a down- i ;own 3'an" Duuoing ear y ; louay allcr UP " "'g"' : watchmen. ' . ne three men spent more than four hours going through offices tne 28 slor.v building. ruiice saio it wouio taKe consin ! erable time to determine the i amount taken. The watman freed himself aft- , , , , , , , ,er lne men le(t "d he called .. ! fu"le TAMPA. Fla. upBurglars who jnrp nnn n( , Tamna k,lci IOI e open a sale at a Idltipa DUsr "s firm during the weekend must have been mighty keen on their work. They ignored the combination written on the door of the safe. Police said they got $225. 20-Year 'Vice Center' Offers Police No Proof L'TICA. X. Y. if Investigation of last November's nationwide un- rierwnrlri convention at Analarhin has pointed to this industrial cilv j the Mohawk Vallcv popula- tion 101.531 as a vice center. nri;;,i r,.r, i;.:.. JUNIO for childrtn -r 10, ! 1 2)i runs : ORchord 3-7415 I t 1 1 1 1 M l 1 1 '.' J fJavxaUj j I SUPER IPLEXAMLVS i HO V I T A M I M I" 1 grTjitini itiy h "11 'iWlMlUllH111 J f 36 mi (?) o m O O 63 OttvD 0 OP, o , o o o (!) 5 a? -1 f. ... () ;0 O O 0 O o '"' " ( jC"' O o o n v 0 0 n 0 1 I) n 0 rr