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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1958)
o RADIO fini TELEVISION The following ro "a c I television programs art printed News-Review readers. All program listings art published as stations. The News-Review does not' accept responsibility schedules furnished this newspaper. KRNR I 1490 KC ! . i Remaining Hours Tonay 4 35 Godfrey Ford Show 5 00 Edward R Murrow Ntw CBS s.l.v-.Public Strvic Program 5 TfXiro -Sporia Finl--CBS 5 3 Frank Gnu News CBS 3 VV Weather Tomorrow 00 Muiic of the Weal IV Lowell Thomas CBS :w Sport aCBS 15 Amoi 'N Andy Munr Hall CBS T 00 Robert Trom Ntwi CBS T03 Eay Liitening 8 00 New CBS I 05 Easy Listening jO CBS News I S.V Timbertrail Newa 9 00 Easy LiUening Classical 9 AO Robert O Lewis CBS lfl po Richfielrf Reporter 10 l.V-Ruily Draper 10 40 Muie to Dream By 10 Si Newa Nittcap 11 00 Sign Off rRI DAY, FEB. 1, lg 00 Sign On Newa 6 OA nsvvn Patrol fl as Kws :io Dawn Patrol 7 00 Newa CBS 7 OV-Timber trail News 7 10 Pillowpounders Paradise 8 00 Musical Variety Show CBS 8.05 World News B 10 Time. Temperature and Tunea 8 25 Northwest Highlights 8 :t0 Frank Gm 8 .45 Harry Babbitt 9 00 Peter and Mary Show 9 15 Barkitage Wife CBS 9 :i0 Toast N Tunes 10 00 Man About Town 10.05 Man Named Ma gee 10:10 Sanders Show Time 10:15 Ma HerklnaCBS 10:10 Eaty Valley Weather Time 10 .T. News and Sports 10 40 Mid-Morning Melodies II 00 Wendy Warren and the Newg 1115 Second Mri Burton CBS It :M Young Dr. M alone CBS 11 -45 Road or Life CBS 12'rO World News 12:15 Meet The Artist 12 10 Helen Trent CBS 12 45 Our Gal Sunday 1 00 Arthur Godfrey CBS 2 TO Houseparty CBS 3.00 Foolin' Around With Records KOIN-TV Channel g PortlarvJ Remaining Houri Today 00 Mr. Weatherman 8 OS Sportscene 810 News Parade 8 15 Doug Edwards, News 8 to S ft Preston 7 00 Sheriff of Cochise 7:. TO Search for Adventure 8 00 Richard Diamond 8 .10 Climax 9 :tOPla house 90 1 1 .OO Cit v Dek 1105 News Wire 11.10 ' Sleeping Tiger" FRIDAF. FEB. T, lU 7 00 Captain Kangaroo 7:45 Grant Holcomb, News 8 00 Ladies Fair g ;;0 Cartoon Time 9 00 Hotel Coamopolitan 9 15 Iav of Life 9 30 Search for Tommorow 9 45 Guiding Light 10 00 Hi Neighbor 10.25 Walter Cronkltt News 10;tO As World Turns 11:00 Beat the Clock 11:30 House Party 12.00 The Big Payoff 1230 Verdict Is Youra 1:00 Brighter Dav 1:15 Secret Storm 1 30 KOIN Kitchen 2.00 Garry More Show 3.30 Arthur Godfrey Time 'Frtday-Garry Moor Show! 3:30 Edge of Night 4 '00 Dot to 4.10 Mr Moon 4 45 Red Dunning 5.00 Cartoon Time 5:30 Armchair Theatre . , The STARTLING FACTS about TAXES, GOVERNMENT, WORLD AFFAIRS, COMMUNISM, UNITED NATIONS, LABOR, nrf AMERICANISM BE INFORMED WATCH KPIC 4 Thun., 11:15 P.M. Saturday, 2:00 p.m. LISTEN KRXL Radia Sunday, 6:4S p.m. v i -A , f- Weekend Special CHICKEN POT PIE Enjoy this ntw lost treat today. A gentrous strv ing of delicious chick topped with a tend flaky crust. New Lunch Counter Inside For Your Added Convenience MARV'S ON Right KRXL 1240 KC Remaining Hours Today 4'00 Here's To Veterans 4 15 Frank Hemingway Newt MBS 4.J0 Tello Test MBS 4 45 Sam Haves News MRS 4 15 Bob Greene Newa MBS 5 00 Going My Wav 5 25 Heidelberg News 5.10 News Report MBS 5 45 Flying A Sports 5 5ft Music 00 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 15 Music 6 :0 Bob Grant Newt 45 Farm Bureau Exchange 8 50 Logger's Weather Report 8 55 Kraft Newa MBS T OO Gabriel Heatter MBS 7.05 Bill Brundig Sports MBS 7 15 Music Far Away Places 7 30 Secrets of Scotland Yard-MBS 7 ,5 Headline Edition MBS 8 00 This la Music 825 Citv Market News 8 10 News MBS 8 S5 Headline In Harmony ft 00 Nine O Clock News MRS 9 15 Don Lee Newsreel MBS 9: 10 Diskaphobia 10:00 Sign Off FRIDAY, FEB. 7, ItM 8:00 Dswnbusters 825 Flying A Sports 8 30 City Msrket News 8 35 County Agent 8 40 Alarm Clock Club 6 45 Alarm Clock Club 7 00 Frank Hemingway News MBS 7;1A Music 7 :i0 New MBS 7 3.1 Music 7 45 Local Newa 7 50 Take Ten 8 00 Cliff Engle News MBS 815 Melody Mill 8 :(0 News MBS 8 35 Music 9 00 Kraft News MRS 905 Farm Bureau Exchange 9 15 Fun With Music 9:. 10 News MBS 9 35 Town Crier 9 41 Are You Listening 10 00 Newspaper of the Air MBS 10 15 Tello Test MBS 10 ;t0 Gabriel Heatter MBS 10 15 House Party 11 05 Stork Club 11:10 Music 11:30 News MBS 11:35 Queen For A Day MBS 12 00 Mid Day News 12 n-FIing a Sports 12 20 Music 12 :t0 News- MBS 12 35 Greet Your Neighbor 12 50 Market Reports 1 00 News MBS 1 05 America's Top Tunes MBS 1 :M) News MBS 1:35 Kate Smith MBS 2 00 News MBS 2 01 Sunny Side Up 2 35 Take Ten 2 45 Answer Man MBS 3 no Gabriel Heatter MBS 3 05 The B.g Decision MBS 3 to Kraft News 3.35 Story Princess MBS KYES 950 KC KTES MOM. THROLGR I AT. 8 00 Sign On 8 03 Happy O Day Show 8 25 Newa 8:30 Happy O'Day Show g $ Weather Summary 7:00 News Highlights 7:03 Happy O'Day Show 7 25 News 7 30 Happy O'Day Show 8 00 News 8 03 Happy O Day Show 8:25 News g :iO Happy O'Day Show 9 00 News 9:02 Lucky Logan Show 9:23 Community Calendar 9 30 Lucky Logan Show 10:00 News 10 03 Lucky Logan Show 10.25 News Wed . Thura. and ?rt. Community Club Award newt. 10:30 Lucky Logan Show 11:00 News Highlights 11:0:1 Lucky Logan Show 11: JO Lucky Logan Show 12 00 News Highlights 12 0.1 Lucky Logan Show 12 25 News 12:30 Lucky Logan Show 100 News Highlights 1:0.1 Happy O'Day Show 1 25 Featurescope 1 30 Happy O'Day Show 2 00 News 2 03 Happy O'Day Show 2 25 Community Calendar 2 30 Happy O Day Show 3 00 News 3 25 News 3 30 Lucky Logcn Show 4 00 News Highlight 4 25 News 4 30 Luc a v Logan Show 5 00 News Highlights 502 Lucky Logan Show , 5 25 Sporta News 5 30 Luckv I.ogan Show 5 40 News Headlines it Weather 5 45- Sin orr 50 Weathervane 45 minutes paal the hour, every hour. Movie Showtime THI OAT. rtB. itsa INDIAN THEATRI Doort optn M n. , (h . Hiffrpnr Two com0in mrmi 43. a u. "Or.- "ey saiu mere is a nmerence aon Piiuir'' 7:11, io .n. "Timt of opinion within the port com Limit" i 840 only mission, but that a decision should rinT. rr.8. 1. ia be reached in about a year. ... i They said the present Portland INDIAN THEATRE Doors oon IS ,jrrl(lr riop nnl mpl tnHrH compin .bow. s .. 800. 4o Or.- airpori noes not meet standards on Pauir 8 37, 1007. Tim Urn- for jet transport landings because ii" 8:04. irao. i of surrounding mountains. Llhll'.iA'."!t::.::vw. '"" DRIVE-IN FEATURING DAIRY QUEEN . NORTH STEPHENS STREET Next to City Drive-In Market OPEN DAILY 10 am to 9 pm FRIDAY & SATURDAY l PROGRAMS at a tree public service for received from the respective for variation from original KBES-TV Channel S Medford Remaining Hours Today 4 00 Feminine Fancies 4 JO Devotions 4 35 Video Scope 4 45 Search For Tomorrow 3 00 Rid Tin Tin 8 JO Ore. -Cat Panorama 8 00 Your TV Weatherman 8 05 News 8 15 Doug Edwards and The News 8 Ml Gatew a 8 4.1 Sporuman's Club 7 00 Men of Annapolis 7 30 Playhouse 8 00 Richard Diamond 8 30 Climax 9 TO Sheriff of Cochise 10 00 Industrv On Parade 10 15 Video Scope . 10 :to News 10.:i5 This Is Your Life 11 05 Chicago Wrestling 11 05 S'in " FRIDAY, FEB. 1, 19 hi 11.50 Cartoon 11:54 News 12 00 Big Paoff 12.30 The Verdict Is Yours 1 00 Brighter Day 115 Secret Storm 130 Edge of Night 2 00 Homemakers Intermission 2 30 Garry Moore 3 30 Dotto 4 00 Feminine Fancies 4 30 Devotions 4 35 A Visit With The City Police 4:45 Search For Tomorrow 5 00 Wild Bill Hirkok 5 30 Cartoon Tune 8 00 Your TV Weatherman 8 05 New s 8 15 Doug Edwards The Mews 8 10 Video Scope 7 oo Cavalcade ol Sports 7.50 Pil) Box 7:55 Sports Roundup 8.00 Mr Adams St Eve 8 to Captain David Grief 9 00 The Lineup 9 30 Damon Runyon Theatre 10 00 Stones of the Century 10 .10 Newa 10 .15 Super 8 Theatre 12 00 Sign Off KPIC Channel 4 Rottburg Remaining Hours Today 4 45 Big Roundup 5 10 Rtn Tin Ttn 8 00 The Newa 8 05 Sports 8 10 Weather 8 15 NBC Newa NBC 8 io Harbor Command 7:00 Hawkee and the Left ef 1 Mohicans 7-30 Star Performance 8 00 You Bet Your Life NBC 8 30 Bob Hope 9 to Ford Show NBC 10 00 Lux Variety -NBO 10:.:0 Wymm NBC) 11:00 The News 11:1 5 Da n SmooT 11:30 Tonight NBC FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 19.18 1130 Kittv Foyle NBC 12 oo Matinee NBC 1:00 Queen For A Day NBC 1:43 Modern Romances NBC 2:00 Comedy Time NBC 3:30 Truth Or Conaequences NBC 3.00 Off To Market 3:15 Country Style Muaic 3:30 Variety Film Fair 4:43 Big Roundup 5:30 Col. Tim McCoy 5 45 The Newa 5:50 Sports 5 55 Weather 60076 Sporti Club ABC 6.30 Film Shorts 6:45 Film Shorts 700C.valcade of Sporta NBC 7:45 Sports Album 8:00 Highway Patrol 6:30 Life of Rilev NBC 9:00 Front Row Center 10:30 Heidelberg News 10 35 Thin Man NBC 11:05 Film Shorts 11:30 Tonight NBC Port Of Portland Proposes Building Huge New Airport SALEM Tentative plans of Ihe Port of Portland Commission to build a new airport near St. Paul in northern Alarion County were outlined this week to the state Board of Control. The board acceded to the port's request that the state retain title to 400 acres of farm land near St. Paul in case the port decides to go ahead with the airport. Frank M Warren and L. S White, representing the port com mission, said the airport would consist of about 2.500 acres and cost about 20 million dollars. It would accommodate all types of civilian aircraft, including jet- nrtu-prpH Irancnnrlt The board bought the 400-acre plot near St. Paul for use as a slate reformatory. Then the IT S, Air Korce announced it needed the property for its proposed Wood i burn Air Base, and the board decided to build the reformatory at Salem. Board members said there still is a possibility that the Air Fore might proceed with the air base, although chances are considered slim. Mirio banza Recovering From Tooth Infection ROME if Mario I.anra s wife Isaid this week that the American1 movie tenor is slowly recovering i from a severe tooth infection which interrupted his first Euro- j pean concert tour a week ago. Lanra left Germany for treat-' ! ment of a tooth which had spread j the infection throughout his body. I Lanza's wife said the doctors have not been able to estimate ! the length of the treatment neces-1 j sary. but her husband hopes to I resume his tour with a concert Feb 18 in London s Albert Hall I The postponed concerts will be ! added to the end of the tour, Mrs. i I Lan.a said CUT TV 1 RADIO REPAIR BILLS TUBE TESTER NO CHARGE NO OIUGTION Ttttt ad ttaedard Radio and TV tvaat na la ata. USI OUR SEL'-SERVICI TV DEPARTMENT 0n tram ta Earr D CITY DRIVE-IN MKT. Boeing Well Along With Bomark Missile SEATTLE uT The Boeing Airplane Co. annouMed this week work is "well along" on an im proved mofVl Bomarc supersonic interceptor missile and a research program has been started on an antiballistic missile. Lysle A. Wood, general mana ger of Boeing's pilotless-aircraft division, said the "antimissile mis sile'' weapons system is designed to detect, intercept and destroy enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles "so (ar above the earth that atomic fallout would not be a problem." "Our experience has convinced us that there is no sound reason why practical and effective de fensive missiles cannot be devel oped to counter any enemy offen sive missile threat." Wood said. The anti-ICBM weapon was de scribed only as a substantial re search project undertaken by Boe ing in conjunction with other firms long associated in the mis sile field. San Francisco Bay Tube Is Being Considered SAN FRANCISCO i A tube under San Francisco Bay is be ing considered. Mayor George Christopher said here. The mayor said such a tube could serve as a transit facility between San Francisco and the East Bay area and provide shelter in case of enemy attack. Christopher said the tube was suggested to the Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission by Dr. Ed ward Teller of the Vniversity of California, one of the developers of the hydrogen bomb. The tube would be part of a one billion. 545 million dollar area wide rapid transit system sow under study. WHY DO I go PubJuheH in the ititeiesi I 7 s r- M- IV-'JA . . a lS. -N . A- . IT. ..-Jv.vS A3 Klamath Indian Reservation Worth Is $123,725,01 8 KLAMATH TALIS uf The Department of the Interior re leased an appraisal report this week in Washington that luted the net worth of the Klamath Indian Reservation at $123,725,018.10. The appraisal figure was given by Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton at the first day of a three day hearing on the Indian problem being held by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. In releasing the figure. Secre tary Eaton commented.' "1 have a summary f the appraisal fig ures with me. They have not yet been accepted as final under the terms of the law because some of the supporting data has not been received and reviewed. We expect that data momentarily, and we do not expect that it will affect the summary figures except for 1958 transactions." However, management special ist Tom Walters, n releasing the report, stated that there will be some minor adjustments in that j figure because of late data. The appraisal report, broken down, lists: 9.1) timber units valued at $118,391,610; 22 grazing units at $468,990: two marsh units at $407, 056; three farm units $.131,720; four agency buildings $142. (XXI; economic units other than those listed, ten in all. $923. Net tribal assets other than economic units amounted to $3,982,719.10. The total appraised value is less some $2,081,100. which is listed as budgeted expenditures for fiscal 1957. leaving an amount for dis tribution, subject for sales and expenditures in fiscal 1958, of $121,643,918.10. Release of the appraisal figure has been long awaited. YOU READ THE NEWSPAPER? cowiaatw.iMuuMui'ura over the ads every Ask ten dilTcicnt people uhv tlicy read the ilaily ncuspaper and you'll proliably cl ten dillcrcni an swers. I hat's hciausc tlic ncuvpaper oflcn i vniili nniler one roof to intctCNt toplc Ik al and wot ld wide news, spoils, (omits, fashions, gaiilciiin. honic planning, business news, teen age (oluuins. human inicicM pii lines,. titici laintnent news, and a whole rfHiiulul more. Newspaper reading is a hxal liahit done on a na tional .ilc. And one li.ilnt inniiiinn to alinost all' newspaper tcadcu is iholnng ihc pacr. As ihc lady ..I more efleuise a(seitiing by Canadian Lumber Union Is Seeking Wages Increase VANCOIVKR. B.C. . Lead ers of British Columbia's biggest I union appear in favor of seeking a 10 per cent wage boost. Joe Morris, district president of the International Woodworkers of America (CI.C), told 200 delegales to the union's annual convention this week "not to surrender to pan ic reasoning" but to vigorously seek a wage increase. , Most 1V A locals are openly ad vocating a 10 per cent wage hike when the existing roast forest agreements expires June 14. The union has announced it has built up a strike fund of $1,585,000 to back up its demands. ! Morris said the 'unemployment situation is the most compelling reason for redoubled efforts at bargaining for the increase. 1 Three separate resolutions urg ing formation of a single big for estry industry union were before the convention. They ask consideration of talks . about merging with the Interna tional Brotherhood of Pulp. Sul- phite and Paper Mill Worners (C1.C1. Discussions on the subject held some time ago bogged don. The resolutions said the nted for a merger is greater now than ever because the two unions are dealing with practically the same management groups. CONTRACT FOR TIRES SALEM i Peck Brds.. Port land, was awarded a $350,000 annual contract this week to supply tires for state-owned vehicles. The company submitted the lowest of 10 bids Monday. I PILES FOR OFFICE j SALEM 11 Leo McClurg. I Albany Democrat, filed this week for state representative from Linn I County. 4 VnjnjTjxrvrwn rvn rr jtuvtui. jtjs Qj-e . day... it's part of reading the newspaper fjjij 30U)S'ltCVlCUJ Thurt. Feb. 6, 1958 Th Angered Youth Sets Fire MII.WAL'KIE ' A 19-year-old youth, angered when he failed to find money at the Milwaukie gam mar school, set fire to the build-1 ing, police said Wednesday. I The Tuesday night fire caused only $300 damage to a classroom and a supply room, firemen re ported. - Policeman Bob Hedensten said the youth, Carl Henderson Wag ner, admitted the blaze here and also setting fire last Friday night to an old building the South lia I " Employer Can't Call Employee 'Old Bag' SALEM i If an employer calls a woman employe an "old bag," he can expect her to quit and collect full unemployment compensation benefits. I This happened to a 50-year-old woman employed by a florist. The employer objected to her collecting benefits, saving he was only kidding. I An appeals referee of the Un employment Compensation Com mission ruled she can collect full benefits, holding that she had good reason to quit her job. She was employed as a switch board operator. Student Building Fee Increased At Colleges CORVALLIS iff An increase of $3 a term in the student building fee at Oregon State College and other schools in the state system of higher education was reported this week by E. B. Lemon, OSC dean of administration. When it becomes effective in the fall it will boost the building fee from the present $8 a term to $11. Lemon said it will result in an overall increase in Oregon State tuition from $213 to $222. ,r 'w .. of y' .CP''" I?STT I; in our illustration says, "It's part of reading the news paper." I hai is one of ihc reasons why an all time hih of almost 57,000,11(1(1 newspapers aie ca'ctly lx)tii;lit and lead every day. 'I he newspaper is a basic need in peoples' livrsand is nalutally a hmir. rllni tool for all kinds of adscr iImis, icional and lixal. Is it viiir h.isii adeitisiii) iiiediutn? fi fhir nf hnnthi tl ttf tnlritiftili limn ' Thr t'ttttt titttri nf , ru yfinffru fm I lint H rittlrii" , it iliifv i utitlut trd by S04 ial Hrsrauh, liu., i the rnlur iiru iorv tiulustty. Newi - Rtview, Roteburg, Or. 9 To Milwaukie School cific railroad had recently sold to be torn down. He was held under $2,000 bail on charges of arson and attempted larceny. Friday and Saturday "4 GIRLS IN TOWN" tlarrin, Gaarga Nadtr and Julia Adams, plus Alan Ladd, Irian Danlavy, William Baadis and Barry Fits. Strald in "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST" Taniahr "THE DESPERATE HOURS" nd "MOHAWK" NOW thru SATURDAY Open 6:30 Fri & Sat 6:15 ClMaMAStoPC-O" Double-Hit Program mm RICHARD tICHARD WIDMARK BASEHART ! T l Lfl it tt vie . 1 11 THi' i ,vV(!l5''t-.J 10 A.M. to 12 Midnite , - 1 0 o 0 o C ri7 ,0 e Co O 0 m r ffl r? fflm S . S ' 0 0 0 m G 4) 0U m