o o o o 12 Th Newt-Review. Roseburg, Oft. Thurt. Feb. 6, 19S8 Retired Gentleman' At 27, Wife Claims In Suit For Divorce Scottsburg MarrNamed To Corvallis ROTC Post LOCAL NEWS lEIkton HEU Sewing Class Begins Tuesday Morning LOS ANGELES i A witness ;in the divorce hearing of Mrs. Bv MRS C. W. HENDERER Church lal Sunday was District Athalie Joan Irvine Penniman, Iiaviri : Hanson ot Scotliuure, Superintendent Meridelh Groves 24, one of the nations wealthiest son ol Mr. ana Ait s, aieivin i aim mr. uiuww oi luscuc. llanson, was recently named bat- short business meeting was held tie group executive officer, one of following the church service, the top officer posts in the 1,145-i Mr. and .Mrs. I'hU Kyan and boys student army ROTC brigade at : of John Day were overnight guests Oregon Stale College. at the parental Delmer Wodell Hanson is senior majoring in home, mechanical engineering. He has Funeral services were held in also been initiated into the Oregon I Cottage Grove Feb. 1 at the Catho State College engineering honor I lie Church for Florence Ann Pe society, Ta Beta Pi. Membership 1 plot. 87, resident of Sutherlin for is limited to the top 20 per cent i the past 47 years. Mrs. Pepiot was scholasticallv in the various engi-j living at the home of her daiiRh nrcring departments. ,r, Mrs. Vida McCollum at Elk- ! ton at the time of her death. In In Hospital llerment was at the cemetery in Douglas Garrison, son of Mr. Sutherlin. and Mrs. Bovd Garrison, was taken 1 Kay Monner, who has been work to the Cottage Grove Hospital Sun-! ing with his brother near Port dav with congested lungs. I land, spent last weekend at his Donald Wilson of Coquillc spent home in button, last Wednesday visiting at the I The Snellstoms Sawmill closed home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 29 for an indefinite time. K. H. W ilson, en route to Portland. The Umpqua Soil Conservation Mrs. Lvdia Palmer of Campbell ; District meeting has set March 11 Itivcr, British Columbia, is visit-j for its annual meeting to be held ing this week in Elkton with at the Scottsburg grange hall, friends and relatives. Warren Baker drove a bus load John Abraham returned to his i of people to Eugene, Jan. 30 to home last week from the Cottage Grove Hospital where he under went major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Claude ilaincs ana family of Mesa, Wash, spent last, weekend in Elkton. Guest Speaker Guest speaker at the Melhodul Lookkingglass Couple Returns From Ashland By HAZEL S. MARSH Mr. nd Mrs. F'red Schulze re turned to Lookingglass Sunday from Ashland where they spent the weekend visiting their daughter. Donna, who is a student at South ern Oregon College of Education. They attended the basketball game between the Eastern Oregon College of LaGrande and SOCE, Donna is a member of the rally squad. The Schulzes also attended to business matters in Medlurd. In Portland Mrs. W. J. Meredith and son, Charles, drove to Portland over the last weedend to attend to business. K. J. Ollivant, who has been the Civic Music Concert with Goza Nada, pianist. About 20 people made the trip. women, said her husband '"was a 'retired gentleman' at the age of 27." Mrs. Penniman testified that Russell Sylvanus Penniman, 27, airplane broker, "refused to get a job when I asked him to and he stayed in bed until noon every day." Corroborating testimony about Penniman as a "retired gentle man" was given by Mrs. Penni mans stepfather, U.S. District Judge Thurmond Clark, who also said that Penniman "was always in bed." Mrs. Penniman. who inherited half of the 250-million-dollar real estate fortune of her late grand father, James Irvine Sr., was granted the divorce Monday on grounds of cruelty. She was given custody of their son, Russell Pen niman IV, S months, and. under a property settlement, $100 a month child support. Penniman, who had also filed for divorce, did not contest his wife's action. Married Oct. 22, 19.06, the couple separated last Nov. 24. Melrose School Slates Dental Survey Feb. 14 By NETTIE WOODRUFF Weekend guests at the Michael A dental survey will be conduct-1 Wooton home were her parents, ed in the Melrose School Feb. 14 Mr. and Mrs. George Santlii, of by the county dental society. Milwaukie. At the regular PTA meeting to be held Feb. 10, the dental society "om Computed will exnlain the survey and a film I Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Doerner and will be shown Attond Confertnco Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Young re recently attended an REA conlcr ence in Dallas, Tex. En route thuy visited her brother in Phoenix, Ariz. David Damon has returned to his college studies in Richmond, Calif., following a weekend visit here vilh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brooke. Hav Petnquin. who with nis family plan to move this week into Iheir recently completed new home. T. II. Pargeler attended the Dad's Weedend activities at OSC in Corvallis during the weekend and stayed with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Phillips. Myron's father, Grant Phillips, accompanied Pargcter to Corvallis. A large crowd patronized ihe Melrose Grange's annual tamuie dinner. Mrs. Earl Siples was gen- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Irvin of Oakwood, Okla., were recent vis-' iton here of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Greer and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kelley. There were en route home , after touring in California and Oregon. Mrs. Irvin is a niece of both Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Kelly. William Crowoll has returned home following a trip to Pomona, Calif., where he visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crowell. The former made the trip to be wah his father who '.elebrated his 9ist birthday and remained to attend the 65th wedding anniversary of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barney re turned home over the weekend fol lowing a trip to the Portland area where they were called by tlie death of the former's father, Charles Berney. During their stay, they were the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Hill, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Wimer will celebrate the occasion of their 23th wedding anniversary at an open house at their home at 3842 Carncs Road Sunday, Feb. 9, from 2 until 6 p.m. The couple's two daugh ters. Mrs. Mark Balfour of M.d ford and Mrs. Ralph Harris of Eu gene will he hostesses for the af fair. Friends, relatives and neigh bors are invited to call. Jamos Doyle? owner and man ager of KHNH radio station. :e lurned to hr home on SE Glenn Street Wednesday night, following a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he underwent throat sur gery. He is reported to be in a satisfactory condition and will spend the next several weeks con valescing before resuming his full schedule at the radio station. I Doyle's doctor in Salt Lake City j has been a close friend for many years. Oaklandthurch Sets Ordination Services By MRS. C. W. HENDERER The Klkton Home Extension Unit v.ill hold the first of a series of sewing classes Feb. 11 at the ludae hall at 9 a.m. Everyone is to bring a sack lunch. Instructions will be given for lay ing and cutting of material. Future class dates are Feb. 18. 25 and March 4. Project leaders are Sher ry Baker and Laura Adamo. Attend School Meeting Leo Crisman, superintendent of Yugoslavia Sentences Trio To Prison Terms BELGRADE. Yugoslavia i A district court sentenced three Yugoslavs to prison this week on charge! of attempting a forceful overthrow of the Communist re gime of President Tito. The three, sentenced to terms ranging from 4 to 8La years, claimed they were not revolution ists but Social Democrats who met , casually over cups of coffee. i The government charged that, two of the defendants a pre-war, labor union leader. Bogdan Kre kic, 65. and a former lawyer, I Aleksander Pavlocic. 74 were t forming a group to overthrow the government by force, the tniru i defendant. Prof. Milan Sujovic ofi Belgrade University, was accused1 of being an accomplice. Krekic was sentenced to 7 years; Pavlovic 81 a, and 58-year-; old Zujovic 4. j FUNDS FOR PLANNING SALEM 'i The federal Com munities Administration has given the state of Oregon S20.000 for planning the final phases of the state reformatory, now under con struction here. The granting of the money was announced by Rep. Norblad i K-Orei. Elkton schools, was in charge of the meeting of the Douglas County Administrators Jan. 30 at Roaring Camp. About 20 attended and en joyed a crab feed. The crabs were lurnished by lorn Huebncr, super-' intendent of Reedsport school. Bennie Knypstra was one of iev eral from Elkton who attended a bulb growers meeting last Thurs day in Brookings. The growers ; met with others from Portland'and Seattle. Following the meeting they i toured.some bulb fields and report ed the present price as good. The Valentine Eastern Star : Chapter of Myrtle Creek will have Friendship night Feb. 10 and have , invited the Klkton Eastern Scar Chapter to visit. Netson Levi of Wallace, Idaho, ' was an overnight guest at the Charles Randall home recently. Mrs. Randall drove Mr. Levi to, Portland to meet his flight sched- j ule Friday. : Work Day Sot The Three Links Club of the' Rebekah Lodge will meet Feb. 6, Thursday at the lodge hull for an other work day beginning at 10:30 a.m. with a potluck luncheon at noon. Mrs. Jim Mitchell and daughters moved to Gardiner last Thursday where Mrs. Mitchell will teach retarded children in the Gardiner school. A large group of Elkton ladies of the Home Extension Unit at tended the dressmaking meeting at the Scottsburg Grange. T he meeting provided instruction for the series of dressmaking classes to be held in each unit. The Elkton Christian Church held its monthly business meeting last Sunday following a potluck luncheon. Eighteen members and children were present. Rev. Don ald Gibbs had charge of devotions following the meeting. Oakland uin unity Presbyteri an Church will hold ordination and installation services of ruling eld ers and deacons this Sunday morn ing. The Harriet-Rosa Circle of the hurch will meet Friday at 2 o.m. with Mrs. Ruth Bunch for an after noon of sewing. The Calapooia Circle will also meet Friday with Mrs. Alfred Hand for a 12 noon luncheon. Mrs. Hand and Mrs. Glen Heaton will be hostesses. The pastor seeking committee met last Sunday and elected these officers: Lyle Stuwe. chairman: Jim Stearns, vice-chairman, and CHURCH POPULATION WASHINGTON ' A sampling by the Census Bureau indicates : that some 79 million adult Ameri cans regard themselves as Pro testants and 30.700.000 as Roman Catholics. Another 3,900.000 follow! Judaism, about 1,500.000 hold vari ous other beliefs and some 3.Xy 000 profess no religion. ' Mrs. Jesse Lee, secretary. This Sunday is Boy Scout ana Cub Scout Sunday throughout the I world and Scouts are invited to attend their regular church tor I morning services, reports corre spondent Edith Dunn. t Symptoms of Distress Arising from ! STOMACH ULCERS i duito EXCESS ACID I QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST -1 - Ovr fW million parkiiei of trw WILL Aft D TRtATMCMT uvr ba M lor r!iri oi (ymp4'miot 1 u muni it-m ttemch r..i OuUnal (Hr due t Kt cm Acta) Ftw OigntMM, tour or UMt SUmach. GamIimm. Heartburn, tlcap I IWM, .., Ji'f 19 Eimm Attid. Art loi 'WtMW Mwup" write lully esplaiu tn nome treil roeiu fr H. C. CHURCH t SON, DRUGS fULLIRTON REXALL DRUG PAY LESS DRUG WEST SIDE PHARMACY REOPENING! With A Complete Mew Stock of FULLER PAINTS FULLER LATEX In standard colon. Gal. 4.75 1229 S. E. Stephens St. , nnnf Ipin I l-fl 111 I lt llH til lf convalescing at the home of ms hospitalized in the Veteran s Ho-son-in-hiw and daughter. Mr. and , ,. ', in Phoenis. Am. wife and Mrs. Amy Seely was on i eral chairman of the affair. .Mrs Keith Conn drove to Albany to hnng home his wife and family. They had been visiting relatives fur several days during which Mrs. Conn was taken ill. She is now re covering satisfactorily. Mrs. Carless Hamlin and small son have returned from a visit with relatives in California. Mrs. Thbr Hanscy in Eugene, fol lowing major surgery performed at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eu gene, is now reported to be im proved in health. He hopes to re turn to his home in the valley the latter part of the week. His daugh ter, Mrs. Fred Schulze, plans to drive up fur him. Mrs. Fred Southwick, director of S 2LrV2SK I Yoncalla Livestock at the Pine Grove Church in which Dr. R. L. Dunn won the pearl medal. Dr. Dunn served as inter im pastor for several months at the local church and is now serv ing the Pine Grove Church. Fred Southwick is back at his desk in the Douglas Forest Protec- Pete Veenstra furnished piano din ner music during the afternoon. Pirssy willows and Valentine decor ations were used. Club Makes Halter By MRS. GEORGE EDES I Yoncalla 4-11 Livestock Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Russell in Scotts Valley. The club discussed points of live Assn. office fnlkiwini several 1 interest relating to the raising of weeks convaleseinii from mi Inr I livestock. Paul Mill showed how surgery performed shortly alter 10 make calf halter to use when the first of the year. ' training calves. Refreshments Chf Bolmg was released from ",re , . ,?y . Community Hospital alter having the close of the meeting. received several treatment. days Personalized Service "Tht Skinners" Bookkeeping AND Income Tax Service NOTARY PUBLIC 427 S. E. Moin OR 3-3010 Ive. by Appointment Phont OR 2-1943 Permanent Location 1 lUvra lr Ptrhlitr W PrMrntlnf Hsrhlnf Ttrkrl frm ASilr-i medical Mooting Announced I The Yoncalla Town and Country Club will meet with Mrs. Evcret Curtis Feb. 12 instead of with Mrs. Anderson as previously announced. The benefit dinner served by the Willing Workers Club of Scotts Valley netted Ihe club around SIX) which will be divided between the Polio Fund, Heart fund and Can cer fund. The club wishes to thank all those who donated pies and their time to make the dinner a success. Don Jackson, music director for Ihe school, directed several hand numbers by his students. Betty Baker was oyster cook and Carol Hyde decorated the tables. A large crowd attended Man With Cut Juglar Vein Restored To Life SAN FRANCISCO in A man believed dead from a severed jugular vein was alive this week and seemingly on his way to re covery because of the quick work of an ambulance attendant and a surgeon. Police said Velden Averett, 37, and Wynston V. Margrave, also .17, both of San Francisco, began fighting Sunday night in a tavern as they argued over sheep-shearing. 1'he two, according to inspector Milton Piro, struggled into a swinging door, shattering the glass. A fragment gashed Aver ett'i throat deeply. Joe Lanthier, an ambulance at tendant who arrived shortly, held Averett's jugular vein and admin istered oxygen as the ambulance raced to the hospital. Dr. Sanford A. Marcus. 36, whose name hit the front paces in 1955 when his baby son was kid naped from Mount Zion Hospital, took over at the hospital. Averett was given adrenelin. three pints of plasma, five pints of whole blood and one pint of chemical blood substitute. Averett regained consciousness within one hour, but his condition remained critical. The man was legally dead when I examined him," one hos pital surgeon said. (mktrt FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY CLOSE-OUTS LADIES SWEATERS Nylon pullovers, assorted styles and colors, Sites 36 to 40. LADIES CARDIGANS Nylon, assorted stylet and colon, Sues 36 to 40. $269 $369 J ottons, rayons, assorted styles and FAfl nsrf -2A-Your h ou o off MENS SWEAT SHIRTS $-29 I .!! .j: J I ... . . . ,,,vu,urTi anu lar.'jc, your cnoica ot colors, pullover style. ... ALL OTHER WINTER GOODS AT COST OR LESS Sifer's Department Store Douglas County's Lowest PricfJ Clothing Store 72 tt Cordon Vollty .. t llock ll M 014 H,.r oo Senators Seeking Funds For Road WASHINGTON If Seven Pa cific Northwest senators are seek ing an 8'i million dollar appro priation to complete the Lewis and Clark Highway between Missoula, Mont., and I.ewiston, Idaho. Sen. Church (DIriahot said this week legislation calling for the appropriation was being co-sponsored by himself and Sens. Mag nuon iD-Washl. Jackson t D Wash). Murray (D Monti. Ma.is field (D Montl, Morse tD-Ore) and Neulierger (D-Orei. The requested funds would tie used to complete the final 13-mile link of the highway following the mute the U-wis and Clark Ex pedition took in 1R0.V "The huge investment alrea.lv made in Ihe highway cannot yield returns until this remaining srmrt link is completed." Church said. "Interest cost to the taxpayer on this investment while uncompleted has been estimated at $.Ki0.0ii0 a year " FIRE: OR 2-2644 POLICE: ocf CALL OR 3 6668 MONEY: 664 S. E. Stephens, Roseburg .at 7 tits X 4DAYEVENT FRIDAY-SATURDAY MONDAY-TUESDAY ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Friday Wow! 2 HOURS ONLY 9 TO 11 A.M. MEN'S LEATHER WATCH BANDS IT SIX BEAUTIFUL DIAMONDS Exquisite 14k mountings. Purchase the en gagement ring, receive the three Oft r A diamond wedding ring FREE ... 07 Jv SILVER PLATE-HALF PRICE Coronation by Community Eternally Yours 1847 Rogers. Reg. Q p 100.50 for 52 pes., chest optional H 7.7 J PENS AND PENCILS W Sho.tf.r J Off WALL PLAQUES 7Qc Ingliiti trots, Rof. $1.09 " EXPANSION I. D. BRACELETS 099 Mn'i jnd Wowwi'i, Rtfj. 4.30 " EXPANSION I. D. BRACELETS AM Men't m4 WmiTi, Rf . 1.95 ' CALIF. DECORATED POTTERY 199 099 Aih trayi, rvlith diihit, mock tryft. I a R. J.00 t 4 00. ,w PLASTIC DISPENSER SETS 799 For kUcnt, pwdr, lotio, ttt. fttf. 10 93. .. " HAND MADE ITALIAN POTTERY 177 077 Voms. eli. koikttt. He. .. 3 00 to 4 00 I tO LEATHER COIN PURSES 77c 111 y St. TKom.t, Rto. 1 00 to I 50 ' 0 I CRAZY BARBECUE APRONS 083 Roulor J 50 SILVERPLATED CASSEROLE Q95 1 Wm. Rotors, Re. 14 tS DISHES, 55 PIECE SET 0495 Btutififl pjfry, twice for I NAXON DEEP FRYER 1C77 On. onh,, Roe.lor 17 tl J COSTUME JEWELRY LJc COSTUME JEWELRY n 167 lrrinft. pr4un btf1t, . O" tabl, yr chtxc .... I Saturday Wow! 2 HOURS ONLY 9 TO 11 A.M. Men't Stainless Steel EXPANSION WATCH BANDS M.47 Reg. 5.95 BIRTHSTONE RINGS Large assortment for men, women and children. Layaway now OftO ftt for graduation. AW0 UTT 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH Woodsman, guaranteed band and luminout dial thockproof, waterproof, fully With expansion Aft A 3-PIECE LUGGAGE SET 24" Pullman, 21" Weekend, Overnight case in pastel colon bound in Vinyl ft qq plastic, many to choose from. atO. 7 Monday Wow! 2 HOURS ONLY 9 TO 11 A.M. New Nylon Installed In Ladiet WATCH BANDS 13' G. E. ALARM CLOCK Color styled with OQ dependable Telechron motor. Htr G. E. CUPBOARD CLOCK 4.49 Stylet to fit any kitchen, Telechron motor Tuesday Wow! 2 HOURS ONLY 9 TO 11 A.M. KEYS DUPLICATED 33C Each OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. FREE! China Snack Set to first 25 cuitomert after 7 PM EXPANSION BAND TRADE-IN Your old watch band it worth 2.95 on any expansion band in stock. Choose from Spiedel, Kreitler, Flexlet, JB. 14k gold. MEN'S WEDDING BANDS . 9.99 14K gold. Regular 15.00. LADIES WEDDING BANDS 6.49 14K gold. Regular 14.95 "LUCENT" DINNERWARE 16 pc. starter set in guaranteed Malamine. Your choice ef pink, trqaoite, yellow or white, leguler 10 QC 11.95 Open itock. I -J.7 J JEWELERS j ON THE MACIC CORNER WASHfTNCTON AND JACKSON STREET o OPEN FRIDAY.BVENINC TIL 9f.M. ' 8 a "e